After 25 free porn video

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Trista woke up on the day of her twenty fifth birthday. She turned off the alarm and looked over at her sleeping boyfriend, Roy, lying on the bed beside her. He slowly began to wake and looked up her.

With a quick kiss Roy said, ‘Happy birthday.’


‘How about I give you a little birthday present?’

‘Can’t I gotta work.’

‘You can’t go to work on your birthday. I took the day off to be with you and now you’re gonna abandon me. Come on call them and say that you woke up and had a terrible head ache. And the thing that would be the best about the whole thing is I could be eating you out while you tell them.’

‘Yeah I got the head joke. But its only been not even a month since the accident-‘

‘So what,you can’t enjoy yourself and a little oral.’

‘No I just can’t take another day off after I just back from a two week medical leave. Look I will be back later and we can play then.’ Trista gave Roy a quick kiss but before she could walk away she was pulled back to the bed. Roy forced a long kiss on her. He held the back of her head while they kissed and he slowly worked his tongue into her mouth. She sat back down on the bed and leaned back while Roy kissed her and reached up under the tee shirt she was wearing. He stuck his hand into her panties and slipped his middle and pointer fingers into her pussy.

Trista moaned then remembered what she had to do. She forced herself away from Roy and walked to the dresser. She went to the shower and climbed inside.

While she was in the middle of washing her body Roy walked into the room and knocked on the shower door. He wasn’t wearing anything and Trista causally poked her head out. ‘Can I help you sir?’

‘Yeah I have a bit of a problem. It’s kind of hard to figure out.’

‘Aren’t you the king of puns today?’ Trista said still attempting to sound not even the slightest bit interested or tempted. She couldn’t however pry her eyes away from one of the worst cases of morning wood she had seen Roy with in over a year. She moved aside and Roy jumped into the shower excitedly. He pushed her up against the wall and kissed her neck while the water ran over them removing the remaining soap suds from Trista’s body. He kissed over her neck stopping every so often to lightly nibble on it. He could feel as Trista began to quiver and how every attempt to push him away had stopped. He replaced his fingers back inside her now soaking wet pussy.

‘You like that?’ Roy asked as he kissed Trista’s neck. He put his other hand on his hard cock and started moving it up and down. Trista looked down and pushed his hands away and grabbed her husband’s throbbing member. She pulled Roy’s hand away from her pussy and got on her knees where she placed her mouth on the head of the dick. She forgot all about her time limit as she teased Roy by sucking on only the head, refusing to go down any further. Roy could feel himself being more and more aroused before pushing Trista’s head down. She bobbed her head up and down and placed her hand around the base of the shaft. She could feel Roy’s cock tense up and she pulled her mouth away just in time for a large load to be shot onto her face. It landed right on her nose and a couple other drops had landed on her chest and chin.

Trista took her finger and wiped up one of the droplets off her chest. She sucked it off her finger then stood up to rinse the rest of the cum off her. Roy stood behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist.

‘Did you like that?’

‘Yes, did you?’ Trista smiled as she washed the rest off and turned around, making sure not to break away from Roy’s grip.

‘Oh you know it baby.’

Trista put her arms up on Roy’s shoulders and cupped her hands behind his head. She was about to kiss him before she remembered her schedule. She jumped out of the shower and quickly dried up. She raced to get dressed then walked out the door, not even bothering to stop and make a cup of coffee or get anything to eat.

As she walked into the building of her job Trista looked down and noticed that he breast were bouncing around freely in her shirt. She turned red with embarrassment the crossed her arms as she made her way inside.

Trista was making herself a cup of coffee when she was approached by one of her male coworkers and friends, Thomas. ‘Someone’s a little excited to be coming to work this morning.’ Thomas pointed to a pair of rock hard nips sticking from Trista’s shirt. She turned away from him in embarrassment.

‘Sorry my husband jumped in the shower with me and I got a little distracted and was in a rush when I got out. Let’s just say I hope I don’t get excited when I go to that budget meeting today.’

‘Well just think, you would have a lot more attention on you. Happy birthday by the way. So I’m assuming that you were getting a little present from Roy and that’s why you were so distracted.’

‘More like I was the one giving the present.’

‘Damn I would love to be your boyfriend. Even on your birthday you’re the one giving head. My girl friend used to demand I eat her out on her birthday, Christmas and Thanksgiving. Any other holiday was mine but if I asked for something special on any of those other holidays she would ask me what was so important about those days.’

‘Well you have to remember also that she was blowing her trainer, boss, and neighbor so her mouth was tired by the time she got to you.’

‘Don’t you have a presentation to prepare for.’

‘Oh yeah. And look I’m sorry for bringing that up to you. I’ll make up for it. How about you and I go out for birthday shots after work. Or maybe we could go out this weekend when none of us have work and party it up then. You could probably find a better girl than that whore of an ex of yours.’

‘I appreciate it. ‘

Trista quickly went to her office and looked over all the stuff for the meeting. She looked down and let out a sigh of relief when she saw that her nips had gone down. She grabbed her laptop and walked to the meeting room. A couple of the staff members were already there and Trista had only a few minutes to get ready before the meeting started. She signed in and while her computer was loading up she took a couple large gulps from her coffee. She paid no mind to the fire hot liquid and just downed two thirds of the cup in less than two minutes.

During the meeting Trista couldn’t find it in herself to concentrate. She kept drifting back into thoughts about the morning and what awaited her at home. By the time she had finished presenting her nipples were fully erect and she could feel her pussy soaking in her thongs. She could see all the men looking at her breasts but just ended her presentation. She sat back down at her seat and watched as a couple other people voiced their ideas and opinions.

Thomas leaned over and whispered to Trista, ‘What did I tell you? You had all of their attention and I don’t think any of them stopped staring for a minute.’

‘Shut up, I know the girls are hard you don’t have to remind me.’

‘Don’t forget huge and perky. I think that’s what had my attention the entire time.’

‘Please just shut up. I am already embarrassed enough.’

At the end of the day Trista was relieved to be in her car. She drove home and couldn’t wait to be with Roy so that he could take care of what she had been thinking about all day long. She pulled in the driveway and all hopes of anything flew out the window. She looked at the two extra cars parked by Roy’s Chevy Silverado.

Trista walked inside and saw the three men sitting in the living room. Each one had on a head set and was holding an X Box controller. They were wrapped up in a game and Trista slammed the door. They all jumped and turned to look.

‘Oh Trista you’re home already?’

‘What are you talking about? It’s almost six thirty.’

‘Really its that late already?’

‘How long have you guys been playing

‘Well Rashaad and Darren got her around one thirty I think.’

‘Okay well enjoy your game I’m just gonna go in the room.’

Trista walked into the bedroom and threw off her shirt. She grabbed another shirt and put on a pair of light blue jeans. She put on a black see through bra then put on a plain white tee shirt before walking back out the door. She didn’t feel like she needed to say where she was going since she didn’t believe that the guys had even noticed she left.

Trista sat in the front seat of her car and pulled out her phone. She dialed a number and held the phone up to her ear. She tapped her hand against the steering wheel while she waited for an answer on the other end.


‘Tom get your drinking clothes on because we’re going out and I know that you don’t like me going out on my own.’

‘You’re stressed aren’t you?’

‘I just need to go out and drink.’

‘Are we gonna talk about it when we get to the bar.’

‘Just meet me there.’

Trista drove to the bar and waited outside for Tom’s car to pull up. She waited impatiently for a couple minutes before going inside. She sat down and ordered herself a beer. The bartender looked at her with a smile as he handed over the drink. She grabbed it and threw her head back to downed a huge gulp.

‘Something bothering you?’

‘No just celebrating. Twenty five fucken years old and my husband spends the day with his friends. Whatever it don’t mean anything to me. I’m just another year older and another day closer to dying. What are you gonna do.’

‘Should I prepare the taxi now?’ the bartender asked.

‘You might just want to alert them that I’m here.’ Trista said with a smile. ‘Can I get another while I’m just sitting here?’

‘Coming right up.’

Trista threw her head back again and took in another large percentage of the remaining liquid. She watched from the corner of her eye as a man approached her. He was holding a Bud which matched the beer in Trista’s hand. He held the bottle up and pointed at the label.

‘You know a good beer when you see it huh?’

‘Just need something to drink.’ Trista kept her eyes looking forward. She had no interest in this man. He was about five six making him just about half an inch taller than her. He had greying black hair with a semi large bald spot forming on the top. He had scruffy looking facial hair and was wearing a blue plaid shirt with a stained white tank top under it to match the stained and faded pair of jeans.

‘Oh it’s one of those type of days?’

‘Yeah. I went to work with no bra on and now I’m here drinking. Men are nothing but gross scum that I guess women only find themselves good for a fuck and a blow job.’

‘Hey I take offense to that.’

Thomas walked up behind the guy and tapped him on the shoulder. ‘Hey buddy why don’t you stop wasting your time and go sit down with your drink.’

‘And who are you?’ The man snapped. Trista looked over and walked to Thomas. She slung her arm across his back and rested her head on his shoulder. The man looked at Thomas then at Trista.

‘This is my husband.’

‘Whatever.’ the guy said as he walked away. ‘Nothing but an ugly nasty whore anyway.’ the man mumbled. He must have thought that he said it light enough not to be heard but Thomas was quick to turn around and jump in front of the guy.

‘Excuse me. Would you mind repeating that for me. I didn’t quite catch what you said after ugly, nasty whore.’

‘Fuck you man.’

Trista was too determined to stay and drink. She knew that she couldn’t let Thomas get into a fight. If that was to happen the only way it would end was him being thrown out and she would be forced to leave. Thomas didn’t like her being in places like this by herself because of exact men like this. Trista knew however that she could handle herself if it came down to someone placing their hands on her but the fact that someone was so concerned with her safety, made her feel special. She jumped in between the two men and pushed Thomas back. He stepped backward staring at the other guy who was walking away rather proud of himself.

‘No man should talk about a woman like that.’

‘Well I want to drink and I can’t do that if we’re being thrown out.’

‘At least I would have known that I stuck up for you.’

‘I already know that you can stand up for me.’

‘Just so you know, you’re far from an ugly, nasty whore.’


‘You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Thinking about you was how I got through some of the nights with my ex.’

‘You’re being bluntly honest right now and haven’t had anything to drink. Should I be feeding you alcohol because I don’t know what else you would be telling me.’

‘Come on lets just get some drinks.’

Trista and Thomas walked over to the bar and sat down. They ordered drink after drink until they were both pretty buzzed and had spent a considerable amount of money. The bartender called for a taxi. Trista and Thomas walked outside and waited only a few minutes before it arrived.

Thomas got in the seat first and Trista fell in. She turned her back to Thomas and leaned back until she was resting across his lap. Trista was staring up at the ceiling while Thomas had his head back against the seat and was stroking her hair.

‘All I wanted was just a little head. That’s all I asked for.’ Trista slurred to say.

‘If it was me, I would do a lot more than that to you.’

‘No you wouldn’t.’

‘Yes I would. I would kiss down your entire body and kiss the inside of your thighs while I slipped my fingers inside you and licked your clit. Then I would replace my fingers with my tongue and slip my cock inside you and push it all the way in making you scream my name.’

‘Wow.’ Trista sighed.


‘That’s hot.’

Trista let out another sigh and started to fall asleep. The two were dropped off at Thomas’ house and walked inside. They flung themselves onto the couch where Trista took a little nap. By the time she woke up she couldn’t believe the time. She looked at the clock, her vision still a little fuzzy. It was almost midnight and Trista still had to make it home and get up at seven fifteen in the morning. She got up and grabbed her cell phone from her pocket. There was a missed call and a voice mail that Trista feared to listen to. She did however and to no surprise it was Roy.

‘Hey Tris its just me. Its about ten thirty and I called the bar.They said that you left about ten minutes ago. The bartender said you were with some guy and that you two left together. I’m really hoping the guy he was talking about was Thomas. If not then… you know what I guess we’ll just talk when you get home. Sorry by the way about earlier. That wasn’t the best birthday surprise for you but I feel like I need to make it up to you. Look call me back whenever you get this. I need to know that you’re at least alright.’

Trista closed the phone. She reopened it and dialed Roy’s number. There was a few rings before the voice mail picked up. Trista didn’t want to leave a message so she hung up the phone. She got a call back not even a second after she hung up.


‘Trista where the fuck are you?’

‘I was at the bar and the bartender called a cab that only dropped me and Thomas off at his house. My car’s still at the bar. Don’t worry though I’m with Thomas and he actually saved my ass when it came to this jack ass at the bar.’

‘Do you need me to come pick you up?’

‘I think I’m gonna just stay here tonight.’

‘Alright well I’ll see you tomorrow I guess.’

Later that morning Trista was woken up by Thomas. He was standing over her putting on his tie. He was still showing signs of morning wood through his work pants and his half hard dick was right clear in Trista’s view point. She smiled then sat up. She could feel a bit of a head ache and lo
oked up at Thomas.

‘Do you have an ibuprofen?’

‘Uh yeah its right in that kitchen cabinet above the sink. It should be next to the first aid kit.’

‘Thanks.’ Trista got up and walked to the kitchen. She opened up the cabinet and spotted the first aid kit. She grabbed the box right next to it and took out the small bottle of pills. After popping two into her mouth she went to put the ibuprofen back and saw a box of ribbed condoms. Trista moved more stuff aside and saw another box of lubricated condoms and next to them was a box of Fire and Ice. She smirked a little bit then closed the door.

Trista had spent drunken nights at Thomas’s house and had left work uniforms behind so she didn’t have to get back to her house before work. She got ready and as they left the house, Thomas asked, ‘Got everything?’


‘Got everything from last night?’


‘Do you have a bra on?’ he joked.

‘Very funny. Can we just go?’

‘Hold on I have to check this.’Thomas pushed Trista’s arms to the side and looked at her breasts. He smiled. ‘Yep you have one on. So how bout we get going.’

Trista and Thomas walked out of the house. They rode a little ways in silence before Trista spoke up. She looked at Thomas who seemed to notice an uncalled for smile creeping across her face.

‘What’s your problem.’

‘Nothing I was just thinking about when I went to go get the ibuprofen. Do you have enough condoms in there? Either that or you just have a lot of sex in your kitchen.’

‘Well you might not believe this but I am quite a catch. I mean you can never be too prepared plus every girl has her own preference about what kind she likes inside of her. I have a larger selection in my room. When ever I get about ten free dollars I just buy a different type to sample.’

‘I don’t doubt that you’re quite a catch I mean after the sweet talking you were saying last night I seriously don’t doubt a thing. But I’m sure that you just say the same things to every girl you want to eat out right.’

‘Wait what did I say?’


‘Look if I offended you then I am really sorry. I was drinking and didn’t notice what I was saying. I only remember telling you that you were beautiful. I don’t remember saying anything about wanting to eat you out.’

‘Well would you like to?’


‘If you ever got the chance would you eat me out. You know if I wasn’t married and you weren’t a smooth little player.’

‘Eating you out is only one of many things I would do to you if i ever got the opportunity. If you were single and you and I had gone home together I would tear you apart. I would use every toy in my collection on you then I would ram you so hard that you wouldn’t walk for three days after the deed. I would make use of every hole on your body and you would have so much cum on you and in you that you could make a sperm bank out of your body.’

‘Wow. I would stop before I start to get wet and wanting you.’

Trista kept her eyes forward until she realized the large tent in Thomas’s pants. She couldn’t stop herself from imagining what Thomas had just said. She could feel the intensity in his voice and could sense the seriousness of what he said. Thomas stared forward as if he didn’t even realize the rager in his pants.

The two ignored each other the entire work day until the end when Trista needed a ride to the bar to get her car. She waited by Thomas’s car for him to get out. He was obviously running late and when he saw Trista he had a tired and flustered look on his face. He unlocked the doors of the car and put his laptop case into the back seat. He got in the driver’s seat and Trista got in on the passengers side. She looked at Thomas curiously as he started up the car without saying a word.

‘Hard day?’ Trista asked.

‘Harder than you think.’

‘What happened?’

‘Last night. I shouldn’t have said that. And I shouldn’t have told you all that stuff this morning. All I wanted to do all day was bend you over your desk. If you don’t mind I don’t want to talk to you for a few days after I drop you off.’

‘Look I know you’re confused but maybe all you need is a girlfriend.’

‘Are you available?’

‘You know the answer to that.’

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Trying to create a fun membership experience taking requests and such It was a a day unlike any other. Every person on the planet remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing. One third of the earth’s population simply disappeared. Good people from all over the world, from every religion simply vanished. Some claimed it was alien abduction, others some secret government plot. Theories abounded until they appeared. Demons crawled out from...

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Twincest Home Alone

By anon y mouse The front door opened and eleven year old Lisa Thomas walked into the hall and slipped off her shiny black shoes and dumped school bag on the floor, her twin sister Katie, not one step behind her. "Mum, we're home!" Lisa called out as her sister relieved herself of her own shoes and bag. The two girls could have been the poster-children for identical twins. Both had the shoulder length chestnut coloured hair of their mother, and twinkling green eyes of their...

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Jennifer Teil 43 kurze Version aber in der Oumlffentl

Teil 43Wir rauchten eine Zigarette zusammen. „Beim nächsten Mal will ich, dass du mich auch in den Arsch fickst,“ hauchte Diana mit glasig verklärten Augen der Erregung. Ich grinste, griff ihr fest an den Arsch und knetete ihn. „Mit Vergnügen.“ antwortete ich, dann sprang Diana auf, sie müsse unbedingt sofort nach Hause, sonst gäbe es Ärger und so zog sie sich an, nicht ohne Jennifers Versprechen, dass sie jederzeit vorbeikommen könne, wenn sie sich geil stylen wollte, oder auch sonst einfach...

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The Temptation

Malini is so tempted during the workout in the gym. Laid her eyes on a prey. Her sexual desires met her peaks. Sanjay dropped every bit until it dripped from Malini's heavenly caves. "The same regular day, my lousy husband and his limitless business meetings!"Malini's thought filled her mind with disappointments."I basically hate this limp dick, but still it's him who pays for all this lifestyle. All I ask is for my womanly desires to be satisfied"She steps out of her Mercedes and picks up her...

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How I met her

On my 35th birthday I was going to a buddies wedding at niagara falls. While there we had a few things scheduled. I was part of the wedding party we went to a club had a VIP section, hookah set up and bottles at our table. I met a beautiful female who was not skinny but chubby and voluptuous as she approached me with a drink saying "you are very handsome man, enjoy" "Thank you, how do I know you didn't slip a mickey in my drink and want to take me to your room" I laughed as I said that....

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Duke Pt 07

Half and hour later seated at the sSs BBQ Barns Steakhouse with Duke, their knees touching, Lisa said she was so excited. ‘The house is much bigger than I expected and better. You have negotiated a great buy. I think that fourth bedroom at the back looking out to the pool should be converted into a recreation room with a bar and sliding glass doors installed giving direct access to the deck and a great outlook to the pool.’ Duke looked at her with interest. ‘That was my thinking. It would...

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South Carolina for the Summer pt 3

Pam and Ethan's Sexploits continue... Chapter 26Todd came out of the shed and locked the door, finally glad to be done with that annoying chore. The peacefulness of the yard without the noise of the lawnmower was pleasing. He looked around at the job he had done and he was satisfied. He noticed that Pam was no longer on the patio or in the pool. He recalled how hot she looked in that bikini, especially when she was bent over, showing him her ass and the cleft of her bikini covered pussy between...

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Moote gaand

Hello readers kasay hain ap?mera nam fahad khan hai aur mein pehlay b 1storysend kar chuka hoin aur aj phr 1 story apko suna raha hoin.mujhy gay sex bht pasand hi.yeh kahani b aik larkay ke hi. Yeh un days ke bat hai jab mein apnay first year k exams say farag ho kar pindi apnay bhai k pass gaya thamere bhai un dino masters kar rahay thay yahnmein batata chalo mein basically multan ka rahnay wala tha.bhai k pass 2 larkay tution parhany atay thay.un mein say aik 10th mein tha aur 2nd abhi prap...

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Mom Karens Panties Cum My Way

Chatting with a female friend the other day, there were some really crazy scenarios that came up in our chat. I knew they were getting me hard… hard enough to risk losing my job!!! But then she admitted to cumming and squirting!!! Any time a story line has that kind power… I am going to write about it!!!Unfortunately the CENSORS on this forum have declined posting this story three times without comment. I guess they don't like female offspring, so I have changed that term. Sorry for the...

2 years ago
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The ParalegalsChapter 4 Disjunctive Allegations

Have you ever heard the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, if that's true, then a demonstration has to be worth a million. Marty had been a little too argumentative the night before and I decided it would take more than just argument to convince him who was right. So I thought to myself, 'What better way than a live demonstration?' If he wanted proof, I was going to give it to him. Once his eyes now adjusted to the light, Marty could see me. You should have seen...

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EvilAngel Vanessa Sky Oily Anal Reaming

Horny Vanessa Sky reveals her plump booty and slips a finger into her asshole. She sticks her tongue out to give Spanish stud Ramon Nomar a spit-soaked blowjob. Vanessa mounts him and gyrates her hips, enjoying the way his cock stretches her pussy lips. She fingers her cunt while he plows her eager bunghole! Vanessa sucks his dick ass-to-mouth. Anal reaming stretches her tight sphincter, and Vanessa begs for more of Ramon’s prick. She masturbates as his meat strokes inside bunghole. He...

1 year ago
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Time as his play thing IV

Laying against David looking at the pictures of men, he said to kiss his dick. What, why I asked surprised. Give the head a kiss,you might like it. Reluctantly it leaned over and kissed it. The bitter taste of his pre cum still on my lips. He asked what do you think, it's bitter and salty. Try it again,and lick the tip this time. I leaned back down and licked the tip of his dick. He put his arm across my shoulders holding me down, why don't you let it go in your mouth. I froze for a minute,...

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Master PCPart 4

I. Wendy stood outside Heather's house trying to catch her breath and calm down the bouncing movements of her newly enlarged boobs. The jog had been relatively short, but she had sprinted most of the way and now she was paying for it. "Can I help you?" a woman asked from the doorway. She assumed it was Heather's mother. "Is Heather home?" Wendy blushed when the woman's eyes left her face and moved down to look at her 'tee shirt'. "Is this a joke?" the woman asked. With...

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One Night Thing

As we all left work for the evening we always walked to the garage together to play it safe. My name is Sharon and living alone in today’s world as a thirty seven year old working mom is tough but it has its moments and I guess this story is one of them. I climb into my old 1983 dodge and had a bit of trouble starting it. Gary one of the people that I work with came over and asked if all was well but I just looked at him and said that I had no way home that my piece of junk finally died. He...

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My Wonderful Sister In Law

This is a true account of my experience with my sister in law – she is 9 years older than me and should have known better!! When I left the Navy and returned to my home town I realized I still had a thing for my sister-in-law. I used to go to the beach with her and my nieces and nephews on the off chance I would get a look at her tits and I found when she laid down, her bikini bottoms stretched across her hip bones and I could see her mound. To a horny young guy that was special! As I needed...

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On the first wet afternoon we had a bath together as foreplay for the lesbian sex we had tacitly agreed to. We have similar bodies, size 12, good legs, though Jan’s thighs are better than mine and are a real attention getter from men when she wears a short skirt and sits cross-legged in a bar. We regularly wax each other’s pubic hair and as she waxed mine I told Jan exactly what I wanted, “Nothing on the sides of my cunt lips, but a thin, long tuft above.” “I keep telling you have far too...

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Cassandra demtigen und gedemtigt werden

Prolog Männer sind jämmerlich. Sie sind so einfach zu durchschauen und zu manipulieren. Denn sie denken nur ans Ficken und wenn Du weißt, wie Du als Frau das ausnutzen kannst, hast Du gewonnen. Aber auch die meisten Frauen sind jämmerlich. Sie denken, dass sie sich von einem Mann ficken lassen müssen, um an das zu kommen, was sie wollen. Manche Frauen wollen sogar nur eines, den Mann selbst. Oder – noch schlimmer – sie wollen nur einen bestimmten Mann und keinen anderen. Eines schlägt dem Fass...

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Squirted Angel Youngs 18YearOld Squirting Angel

Angel Youngs is excited to be here at Squirted today, and we’re just as excited to have her, because she’s an 18-year-old squirter. Tony Ribas pulls her big, pierced, double-D tits out of her red lacy bodysuit, and Angel plays with and jiggles them, then turns around to show you her booty. Tony plays with her pussy, then tells her to lie back and make herself squirt, and this blonde babe quickly does! Angel sucks Toni’s cock, then gets on all fours to get fucked doggystyle...

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The Valentine Virginity 8211 Part 3

Hello, Horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back again. Thank you, readers and my dear fans, who contacted me and appreciated my previous story. Re-introduction about me. Arjun from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. 26 years old, 6 foot tall, fair and a regular gym guy with an athletic fit body and a 7.5-inch dick. Megha, my sex partner. 24 years old, 5.6 foot tall and stats of 36-30-36. She looks like Shraddha Kapoor. Read the previous parts for the flow in understanding. Hearing my cute...

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ReGenesis Inc

ReGenesis, Inc. (revised) Author's Notes by Bill Hart After some discussions about story universes on TSA-TALK a couple of weeks or so ago, I decided to revisit this story, which was originally posted to TSA_TALK in September 1997. As a result, I expanded it, rewrote parts of it, and added new parts to it. The original was around 36K in length and this revision is around 75K in length. I'm also about a third of the way through a prequel to this story and I've started...

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My Black Master delivers me to his friends

Victor had flown away in another boring business trip, which would take at least a full entire week. After two days I felt my cunt aching for cock; so I called my Black Master, hoping he could help me to get some relief.Jerome was glad to hear my voice in the phone; he had not fucked me in two months. He asked me if I was in the mood for standing a black gangbang with some of his friends.I told him that I always was ready for monster black cocks…Jerome laughed on the phone, saying one of his...

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The Surgeons Lodger Part 10

Sam saw Michelle sitting at the kitchen table her head down looking upset. Fiona was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She was dressed as she always did throughout their marriage, dowdy. She was wearing jeans a baggy sweater and minimal makeup. "What do want Fiona?" "Is that any way to greet you wife Sammy?" "You're not my wife for much longer, what have you come for?" "I came to get you to sign the divorce papers, no fault as we agreed when you let me have the flat. I'm not sure...

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Mistis Adventures Part 97

The big day was here for Sue, and the rest of her family and friends. She had anticipated this day for the last 13 years, and it had finally arrived.She had not had to go to school, and spent the day in a Beauty Shop, getting herself ready for tonight. She had been given a permanent, a facial, manicure, and pedicure, and had had her hair styled. She looked in the mirror at each stage, to see what progress had been made. She had gone to buy a dress, and, unknown to her, Pete had taken money from...

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Its My PartyChapter 96

Time: Friday, August 8, 2019 9:21 PM GHT The last of the evening twilight had faded from the sky by the time Emily, Aggie, and Mark came to the Green Mall lounge, almost two hours after the meeting was supposed to start. After a quick link with Fatima, Mark waved his arm to make sure he had everyone’s attention. “We have a slide presentation,” he said simply. “Would you all please join us in the multimedia room?” A few minutes later, the entire crowd was gathered at the first-floor...

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Virtual Reality Part 1

VIRTUAL REALITY PART 1 BY JANE ASTIN Andy had always crossed dressed. He didnt know why but he loved female clothes. From a young age. He wasnt gay, he loved women as much as the next guy but he loved dressing up as a girl and playing out his fantasies. Never in public, always at home, alone. I guess it began when he was 12 or 13, and he found some old female clothes in a trunk. He just felt compelled to try them on. His fantasies revolved mainly about him being a little boy and...

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Met Through a Swing Club II

Met Through a Swing Club II irishmik60 Come the following Friday work at home delayed my start to Mary’s by a couple hours. Mary, having no phone, I was worried she’d think I stood her up. It was almost 5:30, not 3 when I finally arrived at her place. She was out the door even before I had gotten out of the car. Apologizing for my tardiness she assured me it wasn’t a problem. getting her night bag we got things into the car, hugged and kissed, and were off on our first trip to the club...

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my asian friend

I have this asian friend that I met from my sister as she was learning to cut hair and she was in her class. So she didn't have any family in the area my sister has a cook out. Me and my wife went and we told to her, she was ok. In time she moved in with my mom and dad they had the room and she didn't have a family so mom and dad took her in. She was about 25 at the time. ( in 1999), 5'11 or 6'0, about 150 or 160, nice tits, witha ok ass. My wife and I was into swinging at the time and my wife...

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I Spy with My Two Eyes

John, your best friend from high school, has invited you to his place for a get together. You've both kept in touch for a while, on and off, through college and some work experiences. You've also met each other a couple of times at each other's places. While not necessarily the best of friends, your relationship has maintained rather well over the last seven years, and you are happy to visit him one more time. You arrive at John's rather expansive home on the beach (John inherited quite a bit...

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First Night With Neighbour Aunty

Hello to all the ISS readers.This is my first story on iss platform and my first ever sex experience.Myself I stand 5.10 tall with a 6.5inch tool,I’m not too built but have a stamina to last long which I discovered in recent times.I’m from Hyderabad currently residing in Bangalore.I’m 19 year old. Without wasting much time let me start with the story all the boys get ready to shag and all the woman in the house keep your fingers ready. This incident took place in January of this year.Since...

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Aunt Jesse

When I was a young child, my mother passed away through complications with an illness. I was too young to understand and took it very hard. My father also took it badly and for years he didn’t seem to get out of the rut of the loss. That was until he met Mia. Mia was a gorgeous Latin woman who worked with my father in the diamond district. They seemed to hit it off and started courting. After a year’s romance, they got married. It was a small affair and I could never remember my father looking...

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Fucking My Virgin Cousin

This happened about 2 years back. I was alone at home and everyone had gone out for a wedding. It was evening. I was watching a porn movie on my PC. Suddenly, the door-bell rang and I went to check who had come. I left the PC running in a hurry. It was my cousin Anita. “Hi, Anita! How are you?” I inquired. “I am fine Bhaiyya. How are you doing?” She asked and straight away walked into the home. “Where is everyone gone? You seem to be alone, Bhaiyya,” said Anita. “Yes. Everyone is gone for a...

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Donkey Dong

It took a long time before Doug understood why his mom sometimes referred to him as “donkey dong”. It was mostly in private or when she was talking to a girlfriend. Mom was an odd one, not much like the mothers of school friends. She’d had him when she was fifteen and her parents had helped her get through school and get a job. They’d raised him as much as she had. He’d heard her talking on the phone to a girlfriend once. “My little boy has got a donkey’s dong.” They were farm people and...

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The Stepmother part I

Amelia had to call her mother, but she really wasn’t. Her widowed father Magnus had married Penelope not so much out of love, it was more a desire for his daughter to have a mother. He was away all the time and it would be such a shame to leave the poor girl with only servants to talk to. It all began a lovely autumn afternoon in 1855. Every corner of the estate was being cleaned out because the master was bringing home his new wife today. Sixteen year old Amelia was given a new dress just...

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Summertime Maid

It was all in place for Leo Munby. He had sold the company that he had built from the ground up for over 100 million dollars. He had given 20 years to creating that company and now he was going to enjoy the middle years of his life. The deal was signed. He had bid goodbye to all of his employees and returned home from the office for the last time. He exited the building through the servant's entrance as he often did. The feeling of walking under that sign always gave him a thrill. Of...

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Last of Their KindChapter 7

One evening when Zach was off doing business in some other place on the planet, Karissa heard a soft knock on the door. Britney. “Are you awake?” she asked quietly. “I am.” “I miss you.” “I miss you too.” “Shower?” Karissa chuckled and got up. They made love in the shower like they used to do. After a particularly strong climax, Britney sobbed. “What is it?” Karissa asked, turning off the shower and leading her to sit with her in the bath, Karissa behind her, cuddling her. “I’m...

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