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The Drug Mule


The world’s busiest origin and destination airport, it was built in a mid-century modern architectural style in 1928. It wasn’t the prettiest of airports, but that didn’t matter to me. I’d studied this airport, had pocketed all its secrets and had learned how to get around without being spotted by airport security. In the early days, I’d traveled by the private terminal, my organization paying over two thousand per flight, and an annual membership fee of four thousand just so I could go from car door to plane without a care in the world. The staff there had learned to turn the other way when elite customers smuggled in alcohol or some drugs, but it had all ended when security started bringing out the dogs. I opted out of VIP status, gave up first-class for economy, and blended in.

All so I could smuggle a backpack lined with dope behind the seams, a delivery to the cartel straight from Pakistan. I was an international mule in the drug world, one of the best, specializing in assignments from Thailand and Pakistan. I could move supply, and I could move it fast. In those days, a three-day turnaround had only been achieved by two people: El Chapo—and myself. He used tunnels to smuggle; me? I used my pretty face. Big cornflower blue eyes, gold-spun blonde hair, and a dazzling white smile; I looked like a kid on her way back from a cultural trip in the east, like someone who’d grown up in a nice house with a white picket fence, who had rich parents that paid for my college education and supported me in traveling the world before starting my first job in the fall.

My real life was nothing like that. I had dead parents, a dead older brother, and three young mouths to feed—Ashley, Danny, and Sophie. They were 13, 8, and 5. We lived in my parents’ retired meth house in a scary part of LA, an old two-bedroom with one bathroom—tiny, but it was home. The detached garage had been the meth lab, but that had blown up in a freak accident, killing both my parents. Sophie had only been a couple of months old.

12:25 PM

In three minutes I would walk into the crowd, drop the backpack and walk away. I knew someone would be there to pick it up just seconds after I dropped it, but I wouldn’t look. Everything in my world was need-to-know, and I didn’t need to know who was picking up the drugs. My job was just to deliver them.

12:26 PM

I started to walk toward the trash to throw away the paper plate I’d been eating a pizza from. I’d bought it to kill time and satiate my hunger. Plane food isn’t very filling, but a slice of warm, cheesy pizza always did the trick. The sounds of feet pattering, people talking, planes landing and announcements over the PA system filled my ears. I checked my watch again.

12:27 PM

A minute to go. I blended into the crowd, pulling my baseball cap down and keeping my head low. My sunglasses would’ve looked silly since I was wearing them inside the terminal, but it was a necessary precaution. I knew where the cameras were, knew how to obscure myself so that I was difficult to make out. There were multiple eyes from the cartel in this airport, each waiting to back me up. They were there to distract security and pick up my supply.

At exactly 12:28 PM, I made the drop.

The LA heat beat down on my bare shoulders. It had taken three different buses, traveling through LA like the local I was, taking public transportation because my beater car was parked at my house on the street. When I got to the house, I found myself smiling, my heart thumping at the thought of seeing my kids. The house was small with peeling white paint and needed a new roof, but it was home. The curtains were shut and the front and iron screen door were locked, just as I’d instructed. I dug in my pocket for my keys, jingling them. Just as I was about to stick them into the lock, the door burst open.

“Mommy!” yelled a small voice, little hands reaching to undo the lock on the metal screen door. It was Sophie, sporting a smile with two front missing teeth. Her blonde hair was curly, but neatly brushed, and her big blue eyes had gone wide from the sight of me. I was filled with warmth from looking at my baby sister, the five-year-old that was the heart of this family.

“She is not Mommy. That’s Sissy,” Ashley hissed, rushing to the door. Almost as tall as me, with straight golden hair, Ashley was the person I trusted to look after Sophie and Danny. She was only thirteen, but she was a lot like me, resilient and responsible. Ashley was smarter than me, did better in school than I ever had, and was focused on making a better life for herself than the one I could provide.

She gave me an apologetic look as she picked up Sophie, putting her on her hip. She undid the lock and stepped back.

“She really shouldn’t be—”

“Answering the door,” Ashley finished for me. “I know. She’s just so ... fast.”

I cracked a smile, giving her a one-armed hug. “You used to be pretty fast yourself,” I said, remembering when she had been Sophie’s age.

“Yeah, well, I couldn’t have been this bad,” she grumbled.

“You’re right,” I said, walking into the small kitchen and picking up an apple off the counter. “You were worse.”

“Who’s bad?” Sophie asked, looking mildly upset.

“Not you, baby,” I said, motioning her over. Ashley lowered her to the ground and she ran to me, jumping up and down as I cut a slice of apple with a pocket-knife I found in a drawer. She happily ate the apple slice I handed her as Ashley filled me in on their week. Danny had gotten an A on his spelling test. Ashley had outgrown her uniform and needed a new one. Sophie had been taken to the park every day except Sunday—”Church,” Sophie said, mouth full—and I raised an eyebrow. We weren’t particularly religious.

Ashely shrugged. “She wanted to go. Her friends from kindergarten were there.”

I cut the last of the apple and handed Ashley the slices to give to Sophie.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” I said, and went to the back of the house, sliding open the glass door to the backyard. I went to the shed and found a locked box on a high shelf. I dusted it off, unlocked it and found some of my personal stash of weed. It was the good stuff: purple OG kush. I needed a release, any release, and this was going to have to do. I rolled up a joint and lit up.

“Fuck,” I said, taking in the scent of the weed; it smelled enticing. Next door I could hear the Juarezes, an old couple, screaming at each other, their TV blaring to muffle the sounds, but who were they kidding? They were loud as hell. On the other side, Mr. Patterson was grilling, sausage by the smell of it. Cop sirens blared nearby.

This was my neighborhood. A little drama, a little danger, and a lot of demons that resided in the people. They struggled every day to overcome them, but all weren’t successful. Most of my neighbors were crackheads and tweakers. The innocent ones smoked weed like me, usually the teenagers, but in reality, they were nothing like me.

I was dangerous.

High as a kite, I went inside and helped myself to the mac n cheese with hotdogs that Ashley had made for dinner. It was gooey and cheesy and salty from the hotdogs and just about the best thing I’d ever tasted. I had two bowls of it, filling up my third from the stove when the front door banged open. I turned around, immediately reaching for the gun under the sink.

“Ellie? Is Ellie home?”

I grinned and drew my hand away from the sink. Danny. He walked in carrying a baseball mitt and a Slurpee from 7Eleven. His skin was tanned, and his blonde hair was bleached white from the sun. Out of all us siblings, he was the only one that got brown eyes. They were deep and rich, like melted chocolate on a hot summer day.

“Ellie!” He ran over, throwing his arms around me. At eight years old, he somehow managed to be the smartest one in the family, the brainiac that always said that one day he’d go to college and then he’d take care of all of us. He never acted tougher than he was, never bragged about anything—but he was a goody-two-shoes. There was no rule-breaking around him.

“Ashley had a boy over,” he said almost immediately.

“Snitches get stitches,” Ashley yelled from the other room. She stomped over and made a motion of gutting him with her pinky. Sometimes I forgot that Ashley was a kid, too.

“We’ll talk about this later,” I said, giving them both a look. “Right now, I need a shower and then I’ll head to work.” When I said work, I meant that I was going to drop by Distribution and pick up my next job. Ashley and Danny knew what it meant.

“Can I come?” Sophie asked, trailing in after Ashley. She had a baby doll in her arms.

Everyone turned to her and answered at the same time.


My older brother Pete and I were my dad’s bastards. We were born to different mothers, and our mothers died right around the same time from drug overdoses. We were paired up in the foster care system and sent from home to home until Dad got out of jail for drug possession, a sentence he’d been serving since before our moms had died. He’d taken one look at us, skinny and miserable, and decided to take us in. Sure, there were rules—”Don’t touch anything, you little shits”—but it was home, somewhere permanent.

Then Dad met Janet. She was the best thing that ever happened to us. Suddenly there was someone doing laundry, making meals, helping with homework. She was smart, and she was young and pretty. She called Pete and me her kids, and for the first time in our lives, we had a family. Dad married Janet, had Ashley and Danny, and we were all happy. Everything was going great until Dad lost his job. He’d cleaned up good for Janet, but now he had a lot of mouths to feed, and he started reverting to his old ways to put food on the table. Janet got pregnant and desperate. She was starving, Dad was starving, and even though we kids got most of the food that came from the food bank, we were starving, too.

First came love, then came marriage, then came a meth lab in a baby carriage. Literally. After Sophie was born, Janet would go shopping and pick up pseudoephedrine, which was used to make crystal meth. It was an over-the-counter drug, a nasal decongestant found in many OTC cold medicines. She’d steal it, ripping it out of the package and putting it in Sophie’s carriage, and then she’d walk right out with a smile on her face. I’d been eighteen, buying cigarettes instead of stealing them, and it hurt my heart to see Janet have to do that. She was a good person. She shouldn’t have to steal drugs to survive.

But that was the path they chose. The woman who had become my mom was cooking meth in our garage, helping my dad who had plenty of experience in that department. He’d cooked meth before, and he was good at it. People paid good money for my parents’ crystal, and before long, we were okay again. They paid off the house, got us the good stuff at the stores—no more off-brand Oreos and cheap plastic toys. We got real Oreos, real cereal, real chips, real toys. This was a time before cellphones, but my brother and I were really happy with our Walkmans and cassette tape collection. We were happy in general—until we weren’t.

The garage blew up. Dad and Janet were in it. Thankfully, Sophie and Danny had been at daycare and Ashley at school. Pete had been at work, and I’d been fucking around with my friends downtown, smoking cigarettes and shopping for the highest, tightest jeans I could find. Boys had mattered back then. I’d wanted to impress them, wanted to be wanted, to be desired. I was just a dumb eighteen-year-old wasting her time instead of going to college. Not that I’d get the chance anyway.

The cops found the bodies, but they found the meth lab first. The place was closed off, and everything was seized and destroyed. Pete had been living with roommates in a small apartment in WeHo and I’d been couch surfing with friends, so there was no way we could be pinned for the drugs. CPS took the kids away, but Pete and I fought for them, and in a couple months, a judge ordered them into our care. We started raising them by ourselves, even though I was still a teenager and Pete had barely turned twenty. We got a lot of visits from CPS at first, but things cooled down after our first evaluation. Pete had a stable job thanks to his mechanic apprenticeship, and I was taking care of the house and kids.

Our futures had looked bleak at the time. We’d sit on the front porch steps after the kids were put to bed, looking up at the smog of LA, sharing cigarettes and discussing life. We’d laugh, we’d cry, and we’d hold each other, wondering how the fuck we were gonna raise those kids right. We didn’t want them to be fucked up like we were. Struggling to make ends meet, living in a tiny house, barely having enough money to put food on the table.

And then Sergio came into our lives.

Pete and I had been saving up every spare dime and penny for weeks. We were gonna do Danny’s fourth birthday at Chuck E Cheese. We couldn’t afford a party, and we didn’t have anyone to invite anyway, but we could at least pay for a pizza for the kids and some tokens for the games. It was their first time at a Chuck E Cheese so it kind of blew their minds. Sophie would be too young to remember, but Danny and Ashley had the time of their fucking lives.

“Look at them,” Pete said, flipping his baseball cap back. He always did that when he came inside of a building, except the kids had kept him so busy that he hadn’t gotten the chance until after they’d finished eating. With newfound energy, they’d gone off on their own, but still within eyesight. Sophie was asleep in a stroller next to us.

“I know,” I said, smiling. “We’re not doing so bad, are we?” We’d had the kids for a couple of months now, and even though we were struggling (and I mean struggling), we still managed to make them happy. Pete was just about to answer me when a man sat down across from us. The first thing I noticed were his neck tattoos, snaking up to his jaw, and traveling down to his arms, even his knuckles. Piercing green eyes, a handsome face, dark hair, and medium skin; he was the very definition of a bad boy—and I loved bad boys.

“Not here,” Pete said immediately, getting to his feet. He seemed to know the guy.

“Relax, sit,” the stranger said. “I’m out with my kid. See that one at the Whack-a-Mole? That’s mine.”

“This isn’t a good time—” Pete began, but he was cut off.

“The hell it isn’t.”

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“You must be Ellie. I’m Sergio.” His voice was rough yet smooth, like honey washing over river rocks. He put his hand out for a handshake, and I almost shook it.

“Don’t talk to her,” Pete hissed, lowering his voice to a whisper. “I’ll get you the money. I swear to fucking god that I’ll get it to you. I just—I need some time.”

“You been sayin’ that for months,” Sergio said calmly. He folded his hands on the table and looked into my eyes, giving me a small smile. I blushed.

“But I mean it,” Pete said. “I’ve got a second job lined up. I start next week. I—”

“You didn’t mean it before?” Sergio asked in a dark voice, flicking his eyes to Pete. My brother looked terrified. I’d never seen anyone but our dad spook Pete before.

“How much to square up?” I asked, swallowing down my nerves.

“Nothing to worry your pretty little head with,” Sergio said, giving me a wink. “This is between me and him.”

“You deal with him, you deal with me,” I said stiffly. This guy was bullying my brother. I didn’t give a fuck that he was hot; nobody messes with my family.

“I like your sister, Pete,” Sergio said, cracking a smile. “Tell you what, I’ll let this one go.”

“What’s the catch?” Pete asked. He’d paled considerably. I had a feeling that Pete knew exactly what the catch was.

Sergio leaned forward, grinning.

“I got a job for you.”

The Hitman

I remember her.

It was early morning, right before sunrise, and I was praying Fajr, the first prayer of my day. I started each morning facing Mecca, worshipping the God in my sky, and afterward, I’d have a conversation with Him. I prayed for my son, the little troublemaker that was proving to be a lot like me, and then I prayed for her.

“Don’t hurt me.”

I closed my eyes and begged God to forgive me.

Hand-to-hand combat, Jiu-Jitsu, Gun-Fu (martial arts with guns), and Muay Thai. I trained every morning after prayer, my body burning from the strain on my muscles, practicing the skills that would save my life and end another’s. I had a heightened sense of proprioception, which was a fancy word for an enhanced sense of where every body part is. I’d taken anatomy classes, memorizing the human body from head to toe, but specializing in joints, main arteries, and the throat. I knew how to take a man down, but I also knew how to kill him immediately if I needed to. Most often, my job was to do the latter.

This morning I trained in multi-step exercises after my workout. It was an efficient way to work several muscles and body parts together. It was a dangerous combination, making me both sure-footed and deathly silent. I could cut through a room without making any sound, almost always getting the advantage on my targets. To do this, I had to train, and I had to train hard.

I put my body through the wringer every single day, save for Fridays. Fridays were reserved for Jummah prayer, which was the Muslim equivalent of a Sunday church sermon. I’d be gentle with my body on those days, icing my sore muscles and drinking enough water to satisfy a horse. I ate clean, even though it could’ve been a cheat day, but there were no cheat days for people like me.

Hitmen don’t cheat.

The streets smelled of betel leaf and ittar, a combination of the paan that most men chewed, and the musky cologne they wore. Dirt roads with open bazaars, donkeys pulling carts and beat-up Asian-made cars weren’t an unusual sight. My boots crunched against the dirt and rocks as shopkeepers jumped at the sight of me walking past their stalls. Only one dared speak to me, greeting me warmly, inviting me in for a cup of chai. I raised a hand in thanks and shook my head. I had business to attend to today.

“Come, brother. Just one cup,” said Bilal, the young owner of a small convenience store. He’d spoken in Urdu, which I was fluent in. I liked Bilal, liked that he was fresh-faced and untouched by the difficulties of life in the east. He came from a privileged background and instead of going to college, he’d stolen the funds to open up his humble store. His father had wanted him to become an engineer, but Bilal hated numbers. He’d left Islamabad, a six to seven-hour drive north, to hide away in the streets of Old Lahore.

We were in Pakistan, the world’s sixth-most populous country. The people here were hospitable and friendly, especially if they got the feeling that you weren’t from around here. I looked like a foreigner with my western clothes and American accent, but I was originally from Old Lahore. I’d been born here twenty-eight years ago. Where I’d spent the time in between—that was a story I would never tell.

“I will find you after completing my business,” I said in rapid Urdu, clasping a hand on Bilal’s shoulder. I gave him a firm shake and he grinned.

“Muscle Guy,” he said in English, and I released him and went on my way.

I caught a bicycle-pulled rickshaw down the road, not even bothering to haggle with the rickshaw wala—or the rickshaw driver. Most people haggled around here and the shopkeepers and rickshaw walas often inflated prices in advance. A couple of rupees was nothing to me, but everything to them. Most had hungry mouths to feed, and I wasn’t about to deny a child their next meal. I tipped well, which was not custom, but the rickshaw walas were grateful.

I traveled through Old Lahore by rickshaw, passing the Mughal era mosque, the Badshahi Masjid. It was an impressive piece of Indo-Islamic architecture. Located within walking distance was the ancient Lahore Fort, which was a large palace, one I used to sneak into as a child to earn rupees and dollars from tourists. I would relay facts about the fort, how it had been built in 1566, how the Kings would ride upon elephants and pass through the iconic Alamigiri Gates to battle, how the architect Nawab Zain Yar Jang Bhahadur had also been a powerful religious preacher and had founded the branches of Khaksars in Hyderabad, India. I’d been seven years old, spitting facts and laying the charisma on thickly. I was paid well by most tourists.

But that was a long time ago.

The rickshaw wala pedaled us out of the outskirts of the Ancient Walled City and entered the Red Light District, an odd place for prostitutes to gather beside such a holy symbol. Some time ago, a prostitute’s son had opened up a popular rooftop restaurant called Haveli, which overlooked the Badshahi Masjid. Here I would stop for kebobs—and my next assignment. A courier was waiting for me, holding a briefcase with the case files. I already had the code and small key to unlock it. My lunch was delayed by traffic, but I wasn’t worried. This was normal here, and I knew the courier had been instructed to wait as long as it took for me to arrive. I was certain that I could arrive a week from now and still find him there.

The rickshaw wala was a decent man, speaking proudly of his daughter who had gotten high marks in school. He said he worked day and night to earn enough money to pay her school fees. His wife worked as a maid in a rich neighborhood in Gulberg, and he only saw her once a month. Their daughter’s name was Afreen, meaning beautiful and brave in Arabic. As most Pakistanis were Muslim, many were given Persian, or more importantly, Arabic names, the same language that the Holy Qur’an was written in. Hearing about his smart, rambunctious daughter made me smile—something I rarely did.

“For your daughter,” I said, handing the rickshaw wala two one-thousand rupee notes. It wasn’t much, about ten dollars USD if converted, but considering that the fare was only fifteen rupees, it was generous as hell. The rickshaw wala began to cry and I made a swift exit. I found the entrance to Haveli Restaurant, making my way inside. A dwarf wearing a colorful, exquisite Punjabi tamba and kurta greeted me politely. He led me to the elevator, something very uncommon in Old Lahore to this day, and up to a host who seated me at a rooftop table overlooking the mosque.

I hadn’t yet opened the menu when a man with a briefcase approached me. He wore a traditional kurta, off-set by a pair of reflective aviators. He lifted the sunglasses, looking me in the eye. He needed to identify me.

“Naeem has sending me,” he said quietly in broken English. The briefcase was handcuffed to him, and only I held the key. I gently picked it out of the breast pocket of my blazer.

“It’s all there?”

“I did not opening it, Sahib.” Sahib meant “sir” in Punjabi. Lahore had a large population of Punjabi Muslims.

“Would you like me to release you?” I asked in Punjabi. He looked relieved to hear his mother tongue.

“Yes, Sahib.”

I had him lay the briefcase on the table, and put one hand on the Glock at my hip, ready to protect the briefcase if I had to. With my free hand, I uncuffed him with the key. Within seconds, I had the handcuff snapped on my own wrist. Just then, the waiter arrived. The courier bowed, said one last “Sahib” and took his leave. I ordered two plates of Behari kebobs, no naan because I didn’t want the carbs. My hand rested on my Glock as I waited for my meal.

One of the benefits of being in Pakistan was having easy access to my choice of weapons. The gunsmiths of Darra Adam Khel produced hundreds of guns a day in addition to their grenades and other weaponry. Painstaking copies of AK’s, Desert Eagles and any other weapon were readily available and cheap. Because I had the money and because I was accustomed to it, I’d paid for a Glock 17, one actually manufactured by Glock USA. It was dependable and ubiquitous. I’d picked it up within half an hour of my plane landing in Lahore from Los Angeles.

I knew where everyone on the roof was, knew what they were doing, and guessed what their next moves would be. It was a game I played to keep my mind sharp and keep track of my surroundings. I ate in silence when the food arrived, then quietly paid my bill and left.

The handcuff weighed heavily on my wrist as the elevator took me back to the ground floor. I was about to step back out into the world, but I’d be handcuffed to this briefcase, a prisoner to this life.

The Drug Mule

Have you heard the expression ‘turtles all the way down’? That’s the trade I’m in. Drug dealers all the way down; from the multinational pharmaceutical corporations that turn a blind eye to what else their suppliers are doing, to the para-military government-sanctioned warlords running poppy fields in Afghanistan, to the kid slinging crack on a street corner.

If you’ve ever wondered where drug dealers get their supply, I’m here to tell you that the answer is quite simple: other drug dealers. Drug dealing is a hierarchical operation. Street dealers get their supply from low-level suppliers, who in turn get theirs from upper-level suppliers. Upper-level suppliers get their supply directly from distributors who are the head of transport and distribution in the entire country. Each person in this pyramid usually only knows the person directly above them, which is both a security measure and prevents dealers from cutting out the middle-man.

Where was my role in all of this? I was transportation. I moved drugs, and I was on high-level operations, trusted with international smuggling. I get top-grade heroin from Thailand or Pakistan, making it in and out of there within days, delivering a supply of uncut, pure drugs that wasn’t easy to acquire. The drugs I brought went directly to Sergio, and he used them to secure business deals and entertain the elite. He wasn’t low-level or even upper-level. You had to be deep in drug culture to know who a guy like Sergio was in the drug world. His family was distribution level. They bought drugs directly from the Diamante Cartel, the hella pure shards, brought them by the bulk into this country, and then moved it almost flawlessly across state lines. You don’t meet a guy like Sergio by asking a street-level dealer who their boss is. You meet him by being something special.

At least, that’s what he always said to me.

I was headed to Distribution today, a location that wasn’t really a location because it was always changing. I knew this day’s address because I’d been briefed in Pakistan by Distribution there. It was all connected, and yet it wasn’t. You couldn’t pin this kind of shit on any one person, not in one lifetime, anyway. Sergio was high up there, but he wasn’t the top. Whoever was perched up there was powerful—and he or she could be anyone.

It was 11 PM and I still hadn’t gotten any sleep, except for the few hours I was able to catch on the flight from Pakistan, which hadn’t even been a direct flight. There had been a stop in Istanbul, Turkey and from there it was a 14-hour flight to Los Angeles. I was jet-lagged and grumpy, but I put aside all attitude as I reached the warehouse. This one was in Seal Beach, which is located in the westernmost corner of Orange County. The smell of the salty ocean filled my nostrils, along with the smell of diesel from the warehouses. The streetlights were dead out here, so it was dark as hell and eerily quiet in the area. Enforcers were waiting in the shadows, and one of them started shadowing me. I stopped to state my business.

“I got a meeting with Sergio,” I said. A figure walked up to me, face half-hidden by a hood. He was large, buff and mean-looking.

“There ain’t no one here by that name.”

“Sergio is expecting me. I’m Ellie.”

“I don’t give a fuck who you are. Run along, kid.”

I lifted my sleeve and showed him the tattoo on my forearm.

“Oh,” the enforcer said. “You’re one of those girls.”

I was used to this. Sergio had had me branded a year ago, marking me as one of his girls. As long as I showed this tattoo, I couldn’t be touched. It was an intricate tattoo and could probably be replicated by a talented tattooist, but it wasn’t worth the risk. That kind of shit gets you killed.

The enforcer looked at me like he expected me to die tonight. I didn’t really look like one of Sergio’s girls. Those women were sultry and sexy and I was—well, cute and white. Affecting a calm I didn’t possess, I had my head held high and inspected my nails as the enforcer made a call. He confirmed what I’d told him.

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Garmi Ka Mosam Or Pehli Barish

Me or mare didi apne dur ke chacha ke gav gaye the hamari garmi ke chute me. Gav me chacha ka ghar bohat bada tha usme bohat sare kamre the me or didi roz subh jaldi uth jate or terrace par subh naha dhow kar kapde sukhane jate or fir Dadu ke radio on kar ke gane sunte the. Fir Sone jiski umar 15 sal mujse 1 sal bada or Monu 24 sal ka didi se 5 sal bada jab subh hum gana sunte tow wo dono upar chat par Terrace par akar exercise karte Monu ke seena choda or mote mote mussels the jab monu bhaiya...

4 years ago
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Me And My Lovely Teacher Rubina

Hi everyone, this is Charan from Hyderabad in this story I would like to share my experience with my teacher named Rubina (name changed).Any unsatisfied female from Hyderabad, Chennai can contact me. Please give your feedback to Coming to the sex story, this happened 6 years back when I was in my twelfth class she is 5’4″ had a fair complexion with perfect assets. She was my Hindi teacher in school , she is very hot and very strict. Being our family friend, I’m very close to her. I used to go...

2 years ago
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my first time cross dresser

It all started when 13.when I on a chat room talking to this really nice guy and he sounded hot so I added him on msn. He went on cam and he was stunning he was clean shaven thoses jaw droping abs and huge 8 and half inch cock I woz dribbling just looking at him. I told him that I loved wearing girls cloths he love it too he told me he love young boys cross dressing so I got dressed up in my sister slutty outfit that was black lasce g string thong matching bra grater and fish net stocking...

1 year ago
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Lost FoundChapter 71

After Penny and my family left, I headed down to the Mix to pick up soup, a sandwich and the Sunday newspaper. Lunch went in the refrigerator. I settled down on the couch to catch up on the rest of the world outside Happy Valley. Most of the top teams avoided an upset yesterday. Texas barely managed to beat Kansas State, 43-40. They needed Mike Johanson's interception to stop KSU's go ahead drive in the last two minutes of the score-fest. Nebraska throttled Missouri's normally high flying...

3 years ago
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The Body Guard Book 3Chapter 5

It took him several months of intense therapy and personal training to be almost completely healed. He was almost as good as new. Kay was on his mind every day. She gave him the strength and energy he needed. He was ready to go see her. He wanted her. He knew she was the only one for him. He was ignorant when he left. He thought he wouldn’t be able to keep her happy. That she wouldn’t be able to trust him. He was wrong, so wrong. She would give him everything. Love him unconditionally. He...

2 years ago
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A hot night

I press you against the wall, lost within the passion of our kiss, tongues dancing around each others. My hands begin their exploration of your hot young body, gently rubbing and squeezing your breasts through your top and bra, before quickly taking your top off over your head and slowly beginning to lick down your neck. I run the tip of my tongue across the top of your bra-covered breasts as I reach around behind you and unclasp it, then let it fall off your shoulders and to the floor. I move...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Stanley Cup Playoffs Part 2

Game 4 Monday is never a good day for me but I knew in advance that there would be at least games four and five ahead. That was good because I faced reduced adventure opportunities in the summer and I hoped I wouldn't still be sore. But I was. I felt like I needed a vacation or something nice. Anyway, I got a text saying that he would be driving to the game early and I replied, Going to the gym then calling it a night. That was likely to be true as I really hadn’t found anything or anyone I...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Anikka Albrite Youre Not Going Anywhere

When Anikka Albrite wins the chance the meet her obsession, celebrity cock star Mick Blue on set, she’s disappointed that she only gets a handshake because he’s too busy fucking his co-star. In fact she’s in such misery, that she tampers with Mick’s brakes to orchestrate a car accident, just so she can cum to his rescue. When Mick wakes up with two broken legs, in a strange bed, and begins to freak out, the pretty blond fangirl from the set says she’s taking real...

3 years ago
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Messaging Skyler the escort

It reached the end of March and after coaching cricket at the school as well as Krystal's brother on a Saturday and occasional Sunday, I had managed to save away some decent money for a student. With the pocket money my parents still gave me I had just over R7500 in my bank account. The first semester of 2nd year was going well although still being single I wasn't getting as much sex as last year, although I had slept with both Caitlyn and Cassi a few times as well as once with Krystal and...

2 years ago
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halloween party

im a freshman in college at its about to be halloween weekend. im off of swim practice this weekend so I decided to see what my buddy Tyrell from back home is doing. Tyrell goes away for college too and he was coming home this weekend too. he is going out to a few parties and invited me to come. he told me to meet him at his uncles cuz he didnt tell his parents he was coming home cuz he wants to party all weekend. so I leave school and head to his uncle D's house. I get there D greets me and...

2 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 4

Aimee's Makeovers Part Four By Jena Corso As the waiter returned to our table Aimee ordered for both of us. "We'll have a bottle of your finest red wine and two house salads for starters. For his entree I'll have the porterhouse steak - very rare please and his friend will have petite fillet - children's portion please - well done - she's on a bit of a diet," said Aimee forcefully. "Thank you." "Wow, I'm on a diet too!" "Damn right you are!" said Aimee smiling. "Pretty ladies...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter A Captive Love

It was Christmas holidays, and most of the students had gone home. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, however, were away on vacation, leaving their high-spirited red-heads at Hogwarts. The Grangers sent a letter to their gifted daughter sending all their love, but informing her that they had both contracted a nasty flu and that she’d be better off staying where she was for the break. Hermione and Ginny were practically alone in the girl’s dorm of the Gryffindor tower. So much so that they each had...

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Super Hot SisterInLaw Divya 8211 Part 2 Taking Her Virginity

Hello Reader, Sanjay here. This story is a continuation of ‘Super Hot Sister-In-Law Divya – Part 1.’ Please read the previous story to better relate to the story’s characters. It was Divya’s Birthday, and she unexpectedly invited me to the party. Looking at the seductive body of my Sister-in-law, I couldn’t control myself and started touching her inappropriately. Divya got upset and walked out of the party. Divya and I walked out of the party immediately. My heart was beating faster than ever,...

3 years ago
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fucking my little sister

hai friends my name is prasanth… now i am 23yrs.. this took place when i was 17rs.. let me introduce me .i am 5’8″.fair but never had any interactions with only friend was my little sister.we do all things togeather like swimming,playing, was my +2 time i was very much crazy about sex as my friends tells their own story with their girlfriend and aunties.i was just carving 4 sex during that time. my sister praveena used to wear her old school uniform in house as it is a...

2 years ago
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Lunch with Ms Reebek

The meeting was dull and routine. I glanced around the conference room table and my eyes were drawn to Olivia. The forty-five year old mother of two looked more like thirty. Her red-rimmed glasses and bright ruby lipstick contrasted nicely with her dark ebony skin. Her bush of curly black hair swayed each time she moved her head even slightly. Her slender fingers, adorned with expensive jewlery that included a large wedding ring, stroked the pen she held pursed between her thick, pouty ruby...

Office Sex
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My First Day in Mexico

Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself…   My name is Ziomara, 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha…   I’ve always been labeled the “black sheep” of the family, mainly because I’m a...

1 year ago
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Boyfriend Ne Meri Virginity Todi

Hi friends, my name is niharika, i m from patna, ye story meri aur mere boyfriemd ki hai, meri age 20 hai mai study karti hu. Mera figure 34-28-32 hai. Mai dekhne me khubsurat hu, mano ki koi bollywood ki actress ho, mai jyada tar jeans and shirt ya t-shrt pahanti hu.Mai jab college jati hu to sab ladke muje dekh kar na jane kya kya karte hai. Mera 1 boyfriend hai jis ka name raj hai. Vo dekhne me handsome hai aur vo mujse 1 year bada hai. Vo roj subah saam gym jata hai so uski body attrective...

1 year ago
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Boy Cream

What I had wanted from Tony was a commitment. I waslooking for a relationship based on trust and love. I wassearching for stability and thought I had found it. Then,after nearly two years together, Tony packed his things andmoved out. His decision came without warning, withoutreason. It was just... .over.I needed to get away. Away from the city. Away fromthe surroundings that were a constant reminder of myheartache. As a boy I had adored our family outings to thecountry. The quiet of nature had...

2 years ago
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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 7

Hello readers, I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 7th part of the story series SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal...

4 years ago
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A brother and sister

At first I didn’t know it was her. Just a brilliant spill of bright blonde hair and a small slim body in a pink blouse and snug faded blue jeans, standing in line at the coffee shop. I was behind her and I looked her over, admiring her lovely hair and her cute little ass. But then I heard her order a tall mocha and recognized her voice. “Make it two,” I said, sliding a ten dollar bill over the counter to the barista. For a fraction of a moment the beautiful little...

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I’m a divorced guy. My wife used to be really inexperienced in sex and lacked initiative. I was trying my best to introduce some new forms of sex to her. We tried oral and anal sex, but she didn’t like it, she said I was a pervert and that she preferred classical positions and no light, please. By the way, we had sex about once a month. Can you imagine that?I’d been always drawn to older women. After having sex with my mother-in-law (she was 30 years older than me) I realized I really liked...

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Maa ka balidan

Hi, this is lady fucker again with the story of a lady whom i fucked in series ek aurat ki kahani.Us din rat ko do bar chodne ki bajah se dono thake hue the. Hum dono ek dusre se lipat kar chumma chati kar rahe the. Mera murzaya lund abhi bhi unki chut me tha. Tabhi maine unko puchh liya ki aisa kya hua jo aapko apne bete se chudwana pada. To unho ne kaha ki ye lumbi kahani hai. Jab meri saadi hone wali thi tab sasural walo ne 50000 rs dahej me mange the. Jise mere ghar wale dene me asamrth...

1 year ago
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My Crazy But Arousing Boss

"Fuck, I just want to pull my hair out, I'm so sick of filling this shit out." I glanced at the clock. "Two more hours, shit." "Two more wonderful hours you mean, right?" she asked, strolling towards my desk. My eyes moved to her six foot figure and a smile appeared on my face. I looked right at the crack located only a few inches south of her chin as her white button up blouse failed to leave anything to my imagination. Some of her long and straight blonde hair came down onto her tits, but I...

Office Sex
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Honeymoon Gone Wrong 8211 Part 3 Gangbang inside outside the hotel

It was the third day of them leaving us on our own. Chaitali and I decided to roam in a garden a few kilometres from the hotel. We decided to take some photographs too. She wore a beautiful blue-coloured semi-transparent sari. She wore a sleeveless low-cut blouse which didn’t have buttons. Instead, it was tied from both ends. The blouse displayed her 70% midriff, and she looked quite sexy. She didn’t wear a bra as it was hard to cover it with blouse material. Petticoat was also thin enough, and...

3 years ago
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The Overlords GambitChapter 26

"Lady Janna K'garon, representative of Lord Duric K'garon of the Keyas Province!" Silence fell upon the chamber so suddenly upon this proclamation that Janna hesitated an awkward moment after she rose from her chair. Surely they were not intent upon riveting their attention to her as they had Tarras? No one after Tarras had been given such an honor. Oh, they had paid more attention to the Lords that immediately followed him, largely out of guilt, she guessed. But once the next day came,...

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Bicycle Mechanic 1

Saturday afternoon is a lazy day for me, but a day at the mall for my daughter, Cindy and her mom. Cindy is 18 and my wife is now 39. They are both the loves of my life. Cindy, a long legged blonde, is in her senior year at high school and is planning to go to a prestigious college up north in the fall. That is the reason why she and her mom were at the mall. Cindy was getting a clothing overhaul. She had nice clothes but my wife wanted her to be ready for school and a Saturday while school was...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 186 The Virgin Club

"Isn't it exciting, Brian?" Addison asked me on the phone. "What is, Addie?" "That I'm coming to visit you!" "You are?" "Doesn't your family tell you anything?" "Well, usually, but Mom just got home yesterday and we haven't had much time to talk yet. It's all about the baby," I said. "So is this. Betts is bringing the baby to Indiana in three weeks. Since Allen has to work, I volunteered to accompany Betts and help her as a kind of sort of nanny. If she ever lets go of...

2 years ago
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Suzanne Peeing in the MDs Office

Suzanne had stripped naked, the office building all locked up for the weekend. She could make her escape via a fire exit once she had finished her fun, the evidence of her upcoming exploits safely dried away by the following Monday.Her bladder was fit to bursting and she was desperate to start. Opening the Managing Director's office she slipped inside, her nipples hardened on her small pert breasts as she ran on bare feet towards the imposing chair situated behind the long conference table and...

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Joanna or Louise Ch 02

Well another weekend with Joanne was nigh, and I was well ready for her particular kind of fraternisation. Older than me but still with loads of zip I benefited from her abundant experience of sexual know-how, and did Joanne know how! You bet she did and no holds barred. She was a natural and she simply loved to spoil me to death as she chatted on about nothing, taking breaks to do to me what she knows I adore and what she says she is always hungry for. Just driving to Joanne’s place on a...

1 year ago
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Off The Deep EndChapter 13

Autumn rapidly gave way to winter. We didn’t get snow, but we did get the freezing cold temperatures and gusty winds. Two weeks after my episode of ‘Meet The Parents’, Nao had came to dinner at our house and charmed both my mother and father. “Now I understand what all the fuss was about,” said my dad, leaning in conspiratorially and giving me a ‘thumbs-up’ when Nao had excused herself for the bathroom. My mum offered Nao a ride home afterwards. Apparently Nao got the ‘concerned mother’...

2 years ago
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Her island holiday Chapter 2

Sandra continued to refuse to get out of the water. Naked, she stood neck deep hoping her antagonist would just walk away. Some hope. He undid his pants and dropped them and then his underwear. Sandra gasped as she saw his erect penis pointing straight at her. “What’s the matter miss” he said laughing “you never a big black cock before”. Sandra shook her head but her eyes zeroed in on the man’s impressive equipment. He walked into the water and pressed his body to hers. She could feel his cock...

3 years ago
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jyoti ki chudai part one

(dusra part hajir hai )I then withdrew my cock from Jyoti’s cunt. Jyoti tried to pacify him. She said:”Bhaiya ghussa na karo,mere kahane par hi yeh mujhe chod rahe the. Aisa karo ki badle mein tumVijai(my name) ki gaand maar lo.” I then said to him:”theek hai tum meri gaand maar lo magar ya to apne lund aur meri gaand mein achchhi tarah thook laga ke ya achchhi tarah tel laga ke.” I gave him a bottle of oil and he then became completely naked and applied oil liberally on his cock and then with...

1 year ago
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ChessChapter 10

Susan Demoine’s report that the evening had been a roaring success made the others keener to take their place in the queue. Jerry even got new glasses for the experience. They still had quite thick lenses, but the frames looked less like goggles and she felt herself to be more attractive. Woody was beginning to get the hang of this stuff. His parents went off for a couple of days and the game was set. He decided they would try something different. When she arrived promptly at 6pm on the...

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Miyukichan In Land

NOTICE - This is based on the anime and manga series 'Miyuki-chan in...' by CLAMP. It is recommended that you read or watch it before posting a thread. Also, linking to previously created threads is perfectly fine, as long as there is no closed-off 'Easy Exit (where Miyuki-chan doesn't end up in a relationship)' thread in a route. There are no limits to the source material for a thread, as long as the start thread follows the '(name) Land' naming convention. ============= START...

2 years ago
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Meri Chudi Ki Dastaan 8211 Part VIII 8211 Kamsin Ladke Ka Lund

Main apni jindgi me chudai ke maze me poora vishwas rakhti hun aur ek achchi chudai ke liye tayyar rahti hun. Bahut se padhne wale sochten hai ki main bahut chudakkad hun aur koi bhi mujhe chod sakta hai. Mostly readers mujhko chodna chahte hai, ye unki mail se pata chalta hai. Haan………. main bahut sexy hun, par sab ko pata hona chahiye ki main apne chacha aur apne premi se chudwa kar poori tarah santust hun. Jab bhi mera chudai ka man hota hai, chacha aur premi tayyar hai, aur jab unke lund...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 5

“Five Floors” A group of girlfriends is on vacation when they see a 5-story hotel with a sign that reads: “For Women Only.” Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands, they decide to go in. The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains to them how it works. “We have 5 floors. Go up floor by floor, and once you find what you are looking for, you can stay there. It’s easy to decide since each floor has a sign telling you what’s inside.” So they start going up and on the first floor...

4 years ago
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Fucking and Fireworks Part 1

He ran out to get some things from the store early, getting ready for the party later that night. We wanted to make sure everything was just perfect. We’ve been going to swing parties for years, and the group we regularly play with now has known us for a few of those. They think we’re married, not related (; and we wanted to invite them over to our house for some fun now that it was party-spec!Of course, while he was obsessing over details, me and Deb were getting so very very excited. We...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Tanya Tate Kylie Page Not In That Dress

When teen Kylie Page gets dolled up for a party, her step mother Tanya Tate has a big issue with her step daughter looking like a slut. She angrily points out that her tits are pouring out of her outfit and tells her flatly not to leave the house in that dress. Kylie doesn’t know what her problem is, it’s just a dress. But she obediently goes back to her room to change. She decides to look through Tanya’s clothes in case she can borrow a top that’s less revealing. Kylie...

3 years ago
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Goes Without SayingChapter 6

As far as Gwen was concerned, David did give her the full body workout, starting at the feet and working his way upwards. There were sighs and groans, the occasional ‘Ah!’ and ‘Oh!’ and even a muted ‘Yes!’ as her body moved languidly under his touch trying to direct his fingers, but to no avail. Gradually, as his hands moved closer and closer to her breasts and vulva, she began to twist herself more vigorously onto his fingers, while he would move just far enough away to keep up the...

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The Mediterranean Guesthouse Chapter 2

The Mediterranean Guesthouse – chapter 2As I wake up some hours later, it is still dark, but I can already feel it is close to dawn. I slept again with the windows open, and the sounds of the warm night are already gone and I can hear the odd cry of a rooster from the valley. I look to the window and I can already make out the outline of the sky against the hills. In half an hour it will be sunrise. I still cannot really believe what happened last night. It all seems like a dream. Did I really...

3 years ago
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Coke Whore the Next ChapterChapter 4

Dave cried with her, praying for strength and guidance. "What can I do to help her?" He thought, "She is broken, can I fix her? Can I help her become whole again?" He started to panic when a thought delicately whispered in his head, "now you love her like you loved me." Instead of being startled Dave set his jaw with new determination, grasping Nancy's face in his hands, and looked into those eyes. "Nancy Allen, I love you with all my heart, with all my soul. When you first told me...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Mami

Hi people! This is Abhi. I m from Hyderabad . I have been reading iss for a long time and now I want to share my experience. Any comments or similar incidents can be discussed through   Meri mami bahut hot hai looks mein. Unki height 5.3feet hai taqreeban and jab wo chalti hai to bahut mast lagti hai.Mami ka figure 36-30-38 hai.Aur mami ki age 30 hai. Mami ka rang gora hai bahut and hatho mein veins b nazar aati hai.Mami ka koi bacha nahe hai q k wo maa nahe bn sakti.   Baat 3 saal pehele ki...

4 years ago
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Natural Beauty

“Woo hoo! I’ve got a date! Finally a real, proper date!” Ellen dropped her phone onto the table and punched the air, “You little beauty!!” Her fleeting reverie was interrupted by a tinny, laughing voice from the table, “Ellen? Ellen! I’m still here.” “Bob? Is that you?” Ellen looked around, confused, until she noticed that the screen of her iPhone was still lit up. “Oh shit, fuck!” she cursed, bringing it back to her ear, she’d never been much good with technology, “Bob?” “Well,” he laughed...

2 years ago
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For all the wifes our special time

Breakfast is over. Your husband is off to work and the k**s have left for school. You sit quietly at the kitchen table finishing the last cup from the coffee pot, daydreaming about nothing in particular... getting ready to start another weekday.The doorbell rings once, startling you from your morning musings. You rise slowly from the table, wondering who it might be. As you walk from the kitchen to the front door you think "what a sight I am, hair all mussed, in an old robe and worn slippers......

4 years ago
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Pandemoniums WakeChapter 7

Ferro absently scratched the day old skin melt on the left side of his ribs as he bent over the drawing board. The digital board was huge, at least as large as the span of both his arms and half as high. He had a writing pad for notes running in one corner and an on-time series of engineering schematics running down the entire right side of the board. When he made a change on the design in the middle, the schematics on the side automatically recalculated whatever items he designated from...

2 years ago
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After The Party Ch 1

GOD. I LOVED my new job as an agent. My client, Nicole Kidman, and I were sitting at the bar drinking after the World Premiere of her latest film. ‘So what did you think of the movie?’ ‘That was your best role yet, hun.’ I have a thing about calling every lovely celebrity hun. None of them seem to mind. ‘I really was that good.’ she interrogated, leaning over the bar, giving me a glance at the top of her breasts. They aren’t as big as I wished, but I can’t complain TOO much. After all, this...

3 years ago
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Alice Does ItalyChapter 3

While Alice was taking care of the men, I was doing the women. Even though they were functionally naked, all of them were still timid. They were all "high class" women, so they had a fairly sheltered upbringing. They were all fairly comfortable with nudity in sort of an abstract sense, since clothes were mostly decoration in this era, so the lower classes usually stripped for any work that might damage their clothes. They had even seen various sex acts both among people and among animals,...

1 year ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 2

Sultry: Another country heard from; 2 If you think the bank vault room was crowded ... you'd be right. The Seven were in their parts when then they appeared in the vault. What was even more confusing? They all had boxes. But, wait, there's more. Seven stuck her finger in the hole, eight boxes appeared. Eight? Yes. One of the eight was for Sultry. Sultry stuck her finger in the hole and HER box materialized. It was empty except for a note: Past Due. Charges for ten years:33...

1 year ago
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Ellas troubles

Chapter 1 Ella was walking down the street towards Club Dom. It was a special club, her brother owned it. Even though she was only 18 she was the clubs main attraction on many nights. She loved dancing in the hanging cages.  She walked around the back to the workers entrance and knocked on the door. Her cousin Wolf looked out through the little slat in the door. " it's not your scheduled day Ella, what are you doing here?"  She poked out her lower lip so subtly that he only...

2 years ago
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MILF Teacher Becoming a Present

Introduction: A widowed white straight teacher is dommed by a black teenager. MILF TEACHER: BECOMING A PRESENT SUMMARY: A widowed white straight teacher is dommed by a black teenager. Note 1: A thanks to the legendary Estragon who edits all my work. MILF TEACHER: BECOMING A PRESENT For me, growing up in the south in the eighties, racism wasnt as rampant and blatant as it was in the past, but the undercurrent was there. I grew up in a very racist upper class family where my father believed...

3 years ago
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secret rendevous

I reached the end of the trail that intersected the road I was supposed to meet him on. Looking up and down the road for headlights I checked the time. 10:30 I thought. I hope he hasn't forgotten or maybe something happened. Just then headlights pierced the dark road and I slipped back into the trail. The car slowed and I saw it was his! Thank God I thought as I opened the door and saw my glorious lover smiling hello and looking as sexy as can be. The door closed, the interior light went...

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