Little SisterChapter 5: Little Sister – Charlie, For Now free porn video

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Elena finished school. She lettered in basketball and was voted MVP her senior year. She was named to the all-conference, all-district, and all-state teams based on the input from all the coaches involved. They made it through the sweet sixteen, great eight, and final four, winding up third in state, but with all those accolades for her as a player. She was looking at two invites to two different schools, but told Vanessa and me, and of course Amy, since it was at the dinner table at the time, that she wanted to fly then maybe go to school part time if I wanted her to. She let us know, in no uncertain terms, that she wanted to be my wife, well, concubine and lover, the mother of my children, at least one of them, and my pilot, in that order. Anything else was just not necessary. She had no reason to go to school other than to be the best she could be at those three things, and wife college and mother university were mostly in the school of hard knocks. She called it something else, but it translated roughly the same.

“Carl, love, you have teacher to teach your people. You have manager to manage your business. I will never think of idea to be changing the world. But, I love the maths, and I want to fly for you. Do you understand?”

“I do. You’ll be my flying housewife? How wonderful. Vanessa, darling, this is your house, your family, you have a lot of say in this.”

“Personally, I think it is wonderful. We can really use that, especially at times when we have things to do but you need to be somewhere, or we’re all busy and you need to send a couple people somewhere. Elena, would you mind flying someone else somewhere for Carl if he needed your help?”

“No, Vanessa. I am not nutty child. I want to be his pilot and fly for him, but he does not have to be in plane for me to go somewhere. I am not baby. Maybe. We will see on first trip when I am away how many tissue I use.” The girls all got a kick out of the humorous nature of the comment.

Then it was decided. Starting now, summer was here, she would begin training to fly full time. She had soloed and was working toward her instrument training. We took the Caravan back from the company for a couple months, and she flew it most all summer. Early August she was checked out in that and mastered her instrument test. In August, we hired a Pilatus instructor to come out and spend two weeks with her. She was a natural, learning it quickly, and with a different instructor helping her out over the next two months, in early November, she was checked out to fly alone in the jet. Just turned nineteen years old, she was our go to pilot, with one of us always available for a long flight, or if she wanted help.

The company hired her, and in her off time, which there was a lot of, she started taking courses in self-defense, firearms, hand held weapons, just all kinds of things. She had become our family’s protection service by the time she turned twenty. Amy asked her if there were any degrees or licenses for what she was learning and doing, so she started looking into it, and there were. Including the ability to carry her grease gun if she wanted. She did. She earned an NFA waiver and with a little help from our project office was helped to qualify for a federal carry permit and learned a bit more about her trade at every stop. When we flew, we were protected by the weapon I carried, her nine-millimeter Walther with Cor-Bon Glaser Blue rounds in it, and her machine gun in a little case, usually very close to her.

We were probably the best armed and best protected civilian contractor team in history, but, with me running all over, not always in the best of places, her being young and taking care of the planes, cars, classified information we were carrying and all that, it made sense. To us.

Then there were the times that Vanessa or Amy had to go with Dad to Washington when I was off lollygagging around at 1200 miles an hour ‘dropping nuts on squirrels’ and making sure ‘crows don’t poop on our picnic’. A week, or two at a time, every couple of months was becoming the norm. We had more going on in Southeast Europe and Southwest Asia than you could shake a stick at. We took turns, as reserve and air guard units, but there were a lot of turns to take, and a couple times I was called out to help in an F-22 squadron due to a shortage of pilots and my familiarity with the vehicle. That was fun. A bit faster. Different. Fun.

When I wasn’t around, they could all fly; Vanessa, Amy, Elena, and Dad, yet, with appointments, work, preparation, and just plain being busy, Elena flew, and the others would second for her when needed. She did all the planning, preparation, all that, which left them time to prepare for meeting and the like.

Amy had taken over as our primary briefer as well. It was her manner, presence, and stature, as short as it was, that we think may have won a couple lucrative contracts. One of them, the Army was waffling on, but the Marines thought it would be nice to have, and when Amy went back through it again, she expounded on the parts the Army was hesitant about, and very carefully, without them knowing it, shoved it down their throats. It was a good thing, too. The Marines wanted it but could not have afforded the entire project on their own. Bottom line was her showing us that she could teach, learn, project, read, and provide a convincing argument. She usually knew what she was talking about, as well. She said she didn’t need to know, not all of it, just the fine points and the parts she had to extol to the intended audience. It worked. A couple times that we could identify, but probably more. Plus, she was saving money and making a difference at the plant with her education and training program.

Vanessa was a wonder. She’d gotten each of the departments talking to each other better, communications and staff meetings were streamlined and scheduled for when they were the most beneficial and she ran the place from behind Dad and me. It was working. She was going to be a great Chief Operating Officer when Dad moved on and I took his place. In her first year, full time as the Information Systems Manager, with a little side duty as the bosses’ daughter and wife, she made strides in changing a couple areas, but flow of management and financial information stood out. She was big on making sure there were no kings. If someone knew something that would benefit another area she made sure it was shared. She knew what to watch out for in that arena, a lot of it being in attitudes and appearances. She had two junior managers removed after catching them sitting on information to feather their nests, if you will. A project was held up because of a change needed and in researching the ‘saviors’ records she found they’d been sitting on the problem and a solution for two weeks just to make sure the stoppage occurred, as they thought it would, and they were there to save the day, AFTER the panic started, so they’d get the kudos. Sounds trivial to some, but that is the way politics in business is played. One hopes they don’t get caught. When two get caught together it’s worse. In every case, they get a very bad review, a bad name, and sign enough paperwork on the way out the door that if they share anything but their birthdays, they go to jail.

Then Elena proved her mettle. She proved a lot more than that, actually. She had just turned 21. It was early fall, and still warm at home. She flew us into the east side of the San Diego area. They had a little airport, Gillespie field, very close to a facility we needed to visit. There was an army electronics contractor that was integrating one of our packages into a defense system for a new generation armored vehicle with an automatic cannon. We arrived, parked on the apron where we were led, and shut down. The field manager had our schedule, tentatively. A three hour stopover was all we planned and might return and depart earlier than that. As we disembarked, and Elena helped us with briefcases and a couple of project boxes, our rental vehicle pulled over from the airfield’s offices. It was Enterprise, but she had her own ride, as we didn’t need that headache and they knew it. Elena looked over the car, signed the paperwork and then looked over toward a nearby hangar. A couple of times. Looking back, it should have gotten my attention, too, but I was thinking of tanks and guns and radar and all sorts of things. Certainly not a far off, unknown threat that was already one step past where it should have been. Nope, I didn’t catch it.

We went to our meetings where the models were handed over for design and integration. Testing parameters were traded, and we’d be able to help from our shops back home over a comm link that would be provided by the Army. It was a great day, and I’d look forward to working with them any time. They were just good people to work with.

Back at the airport, I saw what she was looking at. There were three people by the side of the hangar earlier. Now there were two. Different, but not earthshattering. It didn’t raise any alarms. The rental agent arrived to pick up the car, right on time, in more ways than one. She got Elena’s signature and drove off behind her partner. Elena asked Amy and me if we needed either of the briefcases we were carrying. We didn’t, so she unlocked the luggage area and put the briefcases back there, placing a little strap over them and tying them down. Ever the perfectionist. She closed it, locked it, and started the preflight. Once all three of us were on board, she raised the stairs and climbed into the pilot’s seat next to me.

That’s when she heard the scream, and looked back into the barrel of a gun. A man was holding Amy by the neck.

“Start the plane and get ready to leave. You fly us to Sinaloa. Do what I say or the little one here will die. Questions?”

Elena reached for her checklists, the plastic covered paper ones, stalling for time, then started her power up and engine start routines, leaning forward for a switch a little over toward my side, smiling at me, she was pulling her nine millimeter pistol out of its seat holster and as soon as she looked up and saw him looking back and away, shot him in the knee. Before he stopped reacting to that, she reached up and at point blank, shot him in the heart. Looking back to make sure he was alone, she told us, “Go. He said ‘us’. He is dead, but he is not alone. Someone is coming. Drag to back of plane out of way and lay down.” I started to speak. “No, Carl, I know what to do. Go. She looked out the windshield and saw the car leave the tower toward us. “Gillespie control, we have an emergency. Calling authorities.”

“Yes, we do. They are on the way. Are you people all right?”

“Affirmative. Hijacker is dead. Calling police.” She used her cell phone and called 911. She knew the satellite phone may not have worked for that. “Yes, this is Elena Martin, Pilot of Pilatus aircraft at Gillespie Field. Hijacker has been killed onboard and more are on the way toward the plane. Please contact Gillespie tower.” She didn’t hang up, but set the phone on the galley cabinet. Then watching from the first seat window, saw three men pull up in a big sedan. Two got out and approached the plane with guns at their sides, pointed down toward the ground. She opened the stairs a little.

“Rodrigo, prisa, rapido. Necesitamos poner a Don Marco en el avión.” (Rodrigo, hurry, quickly. We need to get Don Marco into the plane.) That was all my precious little Elena needed. She dropped the stairs and as soon as the field of fire was clear took them both out with two short bursts from her PPS-43 Tokarev sub-machine gun. She stood there, aiming at the car, just hoping Don Marco got out, but he didn’t. We waited for the police. In about eight really, really long minutes, they arrived, finding her sitting on the stairs, pointing a machine gun at the drug lord, with me holding and rubbing her neck and shoulders. Amy sat behind me and talked to her. Just soothing sounds telling her everything would be OK, and we could go home tomorrow. Vanessa would be fine at home with Mom and Dad.

During the eight-minute wait, Amy had called Vanessa and in four or five minutes told her enough to get Dad on the horn with our lawyers and get lawyers out here working. Good God knows we’d need them. Then she came up and talked to Elena for the last couple minutes. As the police closed in, they met the good don, weapons drawn, and took him into custody. They approached the plane telling Elena to lower her weapon. She did and laid it on the steps of the plane, gently. EMS personnel came out of the woodwork.

“May I open cargo hatch for you. Hijacker number one is in there, dead already. That is number two and number three you have there.” One of the policemen nodded then asked Amy and me to come down slowly while they watched us carefully. Two officers came for us and walked us over by two cruisers. I looked around at what must have been at least ten police cruisers and new Explorers. It was crowded, and it was an apron at an airport. Empty concrete as far as you could see ... Wall to wall black and whites.

“OK, I need to know who is in charge and who owns this plane,” a brusque voice said, and a big burly officer with his gun out walked over to me.

“It’s my plane and she’s the captain. She protected us at gunpoint. We’re done talking until the lawyers are here to tell you we’ve done nothing wrong. Elena!”

She nodded and made the motion to zip her lips. That’s one of the first things they told her in classes on using firearms as civilians. Declare there was a threat on your life and you were acting to protect yourself, then wait for legal assistance. That’s not word for word, naturally, but that’s the gist of it.

“Well, fuck me. Said they didn’t do anything wrong, then lawyered up. Cuff ‘em and confiscate that weapon.”

“Sir, may I speak?”

“What? You already lawyered up, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but why are you putting us in cuffs when you know who they were and we were protecting ourselves. We aren’t the bad guys.”

“You said you wanted a lawyer. To us that makes you the bad guys until I learn different.”

“But, you already know different, you’re just being a jerk about it.”

“You little shit. One more word out of you and I’ll slap the shit...” He looked like he was pulling his hand back to strike me. Good way to get shot, I thought. Self defense while being arrested. Ewww. Nightmare material.

“Sergeant, calm down. No cuffs. I heard most of that, Sergeant, and you might want to go over there for a bit.” The captain pointed over to a couple of cars by the front of the plane.

“Yes, ma’am, but if they try anything...”

“I doubt they will, Baxter. Please go.” She turned to me. “The tower operator is in bad shape. They held him hostage while you were away from the plane, then threatened him and his family if he said anything when they left. When he saw them both shot and go down, he said he breathed a sigh of relief. Are you Mr. Martin?” I nodded. “And you are Elena, the pilot?” Elena nodded. “And, who is that?”

“Amy Martin, my Director of Education and Training,” I told her.

“Same last name all of you?”

I nodded. “Long story, Captain Torres.” I got that from the bars and the name tag.

“I have all afternoon. It’s a nice day. Not too hot on the parking area. Tell me, Elena, why does a little girl run around with a machine gun?”

“Ma’am, while I’m sure you have our best interests at your heart, I would rather wait until I am represented to speak to the authorities. As Mr. Carl has said, already, we were hijacked at gunpoint. I stopped him. Those two,” She pointed at the two on the concrete, “came to put him,” she pointed to the don, “on my plane, and make us fly to a place called Sinaloa. I know where it is and do not want to go there or let them take my people there. They were threatened by their life and I protected them.”

The captain’s phone went off. She answered it and said yes and OK a lot. Then she pushed the screen and put it in her pocket. “There will be some help in a minute. Are you all going to be okay without handcuffs on?” Elena and I both nodded. Amy shrugged. She didn’t even really know how to process the question.

A Mercedes pulled up as close as they could and approached us, and the Captain. “Maria Torres. How nice to see you. I’m glad we are graced with El Cajon’s finest on this glorious afternoon.”

“Can it, George. I said next weekend. I’m busy with my family Saturday and Sunday. Do your job and quit flirting with the one person out here you’re afraid of.” The three of them laughed. Two lawyers and a lady cop, in the middle of a damned crisis. The only thing on my mind was ... Why were they in such good moods?

“Mr. Martin, I’m George Alejandro. This is Tom Manners, and we’re here to make sure you go home tomorrow. It won’t be tonight, I’m afraid, because the DC bureau that controls that thing,” he pointed to Elena’s Tokarev, “won’t be open until five a.m. our time in the morning. It’s six back there now, and it’s not a twenty-four-hour shop. You won’t be in jail, though. I’ll put you up in the Marriott across the street. Maria, she does have a permit, and a license to carry it, but we can’t prove that until morning, so ... If I can get you to ask Roger to ROR these three until morning, we’ll get this all cleared up. I’d appreciate your help.

“By the way, Mr. Martin, Elena, you just caused the capture of the most wanted man in the southern United States. His airplane was confiscated last week and he’s been running and hiding since. Elena, you have a reward coming, whether you ask for it or not now, but I know for a fact that I heard on the radio that one of them is worth twenty grand, dead or alive.” Elena frowned. “What’s wrong, miss?”

“I do not need the money. I have all the money I want. I just did not want them to hurt my Carl and my Amy.” Tears fell. Amy went to her and held her.

“I’d say you did pretty well. You won. They lost. All four of them. Here’s Roger now. Carl Martin, Roger Delton, City Attorney, or DA, if you will. Roger, I haven’t gotten it down on paper yet, but the eye witness, according to the police, said it was a pure and simple attempted hijacking to get Marco Esquella out of the country. That little girl thwarted the whole thing using weapons she’s authorized to carry and training she’s worked really hard getting through. I’m asking for ROR and a night in the big house across from Maria’s until I can prove Elena Martin was within her rights to use it, then they go home. Tomorrow. It is her weapon, it is legal, she used it legally, and it needs to go home with her. Obviously.”



“That man in the car over there is far more important than harassing a little girl for killing his men, all three of whom were armed and dangerous. I see thirty-five thousand dollars laying on the pavement. Did that one bleed in your airplane, miss?”

Elena shook her head. “I shoot him in leg to scare him then in heart to stop him so not shoot, and no blood, too. Indoor bullets.” Roger nodded thoughtfully. “Mr. Carl pull to back of plane on back, so no blood on floor. If there is, I do not care, I will buy new carpet.”

“You have your permit and such with you, Miss Martin?” She nodded and pointed to the plane. “Go get them. It’s OK.” George nodded to her. She went to get them.

“Mr. Delton, may I ask why...”

“No. Actually, I’d rather you didn’t, Mr. Martin. Let me say this, though. You are in one of the last bastions of reason in this state. On this coast would be more like it. I’m tired of harassing the good guys. This is a ‘sanctuary county’. If you don’t get out much, that means that even people like him can walk if things get into the wrong hands. By the way, he’s not staying here. He’s on the way to a federal facility in Phoenix. He doesn’t know it yet. See the smile?” I looked over at the cartel leader. The guy was smiling. I nodded. “He thinks his lawyers are planning his getaway now. Plead not guilty to a crooked judge, post an exorbitant bail. Not happening. I’m stalling, here, with you, and Maria, her people and your lawyers, and all this, because, sir, he will be out of here before you are.” Maria smiled. He looked at his phone. “Ten minutes and fifteen minutes. So, where was I. Oh, thank you, Miss ... Elena.”

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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 9 Everybodys Crazy

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 9 EVERYBODY'S CRAZY "What are we going to do now?" Charlie yelled over the loud rush of passing cars. "I don't know!" cried Rachel, tears streaming down her face. "Well we can't just hang around the streets all night!" shouted Charlie. Rachel didn't say anything back. She continued to walk briskly ahead of Charlie as if she knew where she was going. Dusk was rapidly descending into night and the skyline of the distant city buildings was...

3 years ago
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Charlie WorkAthens

"You should know better, Charlie. We keep it on the level." "You didn't have me make the three hour drive here, pay for my hotel, and pay for my dinner just so we could catch up." Tiffany took a sip from her wine glass and brushed her jet-black locks out of her eyes. Her emerald eyes glowed like the edge of a knife. The candles lighting the Italian restaurant were barely enough to light each booth, but it worked well in giving each patron a sense of privacy. She scooted around...

2 years ago
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My Stepsister 01ndash How it all started

My Step-sister 01– How it all started!I had just gone up the stairs as my step-sister appears from the bathroom. She turns my way. For the very first time I stood still and look. WOW! She is backlit from the window. Her long T-shirt allows the light though showing her silhouette. WOW! WOW!!.Her short raven black hair is wet. She has a reddish sexy glow from a hot shower. Her skin has a light film of moisture allowing her T-shirt to cling to the skin over the tops of her breasts, with just the...

1 year ago
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A Charlie Brown Christmas story

Introduction: A Charlie Brown Christmas story that would never make it on to TV. *Disclaimer: I do not own this story, just figured I would share* Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some...

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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 11 Under His Thumb

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 11 UNDER HIS THUMB Prue watched him get into the car from the top of the steps. Dave, who was still standing outside of his car, stared at Prue maliciously. She returned the gesture, glaring intently with apprehension before watching him swing into the car. Dave was quieter than usual as he settled himself at the wheel. He looked unnerved, doubtful, and even a little irritated. He turned the key in the ignition and the engine revved up like a vicious...

4 years ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 5

"Hello darling, I've missed you," Karen said when she picked up the phone and heard Charlie's voice. "Me too. Good news, I'll be back on Thursday afternoon. Have you got any plans?" "Only for your cock. I need it so bad." "Okay, can you meet me at Alfie's shop? He called me and asked us if we would go around." "Yes, I'd love to." "Don't get the wrong idea. You're not putting on another show, at least not on Thursday." "Oh, okay. I'll see you there then, what...

3 years ago
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Girl Named CharlieChapter 2

"Well, what do you think? Like what you see?" "God, Charlie, you're absolutely stunning. You're the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my entire life." "That's just the outside--wait'll you unwrap the present. Now, carry me across the threshold." I picked Charlie up in my arms, pulling her tight against me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her mouth up to mine, her lips seeking mine. We kissed, our mouths hungry for each other's lips and tongues. Finally, we...

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Charlie Ch 3841

Chapter 38 At St. Matthew’s Parish, they pulled into the gas station to fill up the tank for the remainder of the trip. Nathan took a moment to call the house, letting his mom know they were only 30 minutes from home. After the call and while Charlie packed up her computer, he sent that quick warning message to his sister. He could only hope his hard-headed sibling would actually listen for once in her life. As they got closer and closer to his parents’ house, Charlie began to fidget more...

2 years ago
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Ms Charlie and Angela

CHARLIE AND ANGELA Charlie pushed back from the table and gave a self-satisfied belch. ?Your niece is a wonderful cook,? she said. ?Thank you,? Aunt Mildred said, ?I taught her myself.? ?You did a fine job,? Charlie said. ?There was just the right amount of tartness in the apple pie.? ?I told Angela, you didn?t like your pies as sweet as we do,? Aunt Sophia said. ?Mildred is partial to a sweet pie.? Sophia reached out, took Mildred?s right hand and gave it a squeeze....

1 year ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 8 Family and Nightmares

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 8 FAMILY AND NIGHTMARES His eyes opened quickly. The first thing that came into view was his bedroom door. His heart slowed down as he exhaled into his pillow. It was just a dream. He thought. Well of course it was! His eye's swirled about in their sockets like a startled animals as he rolled over onto his back and licked the inside of his mouth. That usual morning taste was in his mouth and he couldn't wait to get his hands on his toothbrush. He...

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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 3 Relinquishment

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 3 RELINQUISHMENT Charlie stared at the door as if it were a wave of fire rapidly heading toward him. His eyes watered and his hands trembled with shock. His could hear his mother's heels clicking against the shiny wooden floor getting louder and louder as she approached her bedroom door. Then, something electric shocked Charlie's brain which broke him free from his frozen state as adrenaline pumped through his body. He jumped to his feet and turned for...

3 years ago
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Charlie Miley Ch 02

Haley stared at a painting on the waiting room wall. It was a rural farm scene in pastel colors and she found herself wondering what farmer would paint his barn powder pink. The artwork was terrible and she was curious if the depicted objects were blurry on purpose. Why did all waiting room artwork have to be so terrible? Haley forced her eyes away from it, her head starting to hurt. Jack was sitting next to her, bent forward as he looked down at his lap. One of his knees was bouncing with...

2 years ago
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Charlie and Daniel abused me at will

It was between my sophomore and junior years of college, I would come home for summer break and Charlie and Daniel resumed their sexual abused of the timidly afraid young man. It was doing my return from college after my first year that Daniel and Charlie rekindled their contact with me. Reminding me that they would not hesitate to let my folks know that their baby boy was their sex pet. On numerous occasions they two of them would take turns sneaking into my room at night to have sex with me...

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Charlie Ch 2528

Chapter 25 Day 1 gave her ‘I wanted to.’ Day 2 was simply quiet. Day 3 welcomed her with a ‘Good morning, sunshine’ and nothing else. Day 4 pissed her off when he told her to get some sleep. Day 5 dragged because her insomnia was riding her full force, and all Nathan had to say was ‘LOL.’ Day 6 came with a ‘Be home tomorrow. Shelley says hi.’ The morning of Day 7 meant Nathan would be home soon. Sometime, that day he would be home. Charlie couldn’t focus on her work. After re-opening her...

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Charlie Ch 0912

Chapter 9 The bouncer moved the rope out of her way, and Charlie entered the club. Music assaulted her ears. The smell of smoke, alcohol, and bodies filled her nostrils. It was just the distraction she was looking for. She pressed her body between different people to get to the tables in the back corner. Melanie always had a table for entertaining. Periodically, Charlie would have to rub against the back of some random male. One guy actually turned to say something about being rubbed with a...

3 years ago
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Charlie Daniel and I

Charlie and Daniel, the two brothers of the three brutal bullies of our school, managed to cut me off on my way to school and took me to the empty apartment that they had commandeered and turned in to their fuck room. It was up on the third floor of a condemned building where they had cut a hole from one apartments closet to another so they would not be caught easily. In one of the rooms was a couples of ratty mattress that was stacked on top of each other. Numerous amounts of discarded...

1 year ago
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I think Charlie is cheating on me again

I think Charlie is cheating on me again. The first time occurred just six months after we were married. He had a torrid affair with my mom’s sister, Bessie. Aunt Bessie was a notorious whore who would fuck anything on two legs.Aunt Bessie was a voluptuous teen when he was seduced by a male teacher in high school. The teacher taught her the fine arts of pleasing a man. She became an accomplished cocksucker with the ability to deep throat. Bessie was a willing and eager student who became...

3 years ago
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Charlie and Clyde

Chapter 1 The tech chat room was busy when it suddenly appeared, ‘DB ex crash cash end. Charlie.’ Now to many people that ad meant absolutely nothing, but to me it was pretty clear that Charlie was desperate for a database geek who would work on a crash project for no money until the job was done. I didn’t like the cash at the end, since I was broke. In fact, I had been evicted from my studio apartment a few days earlier and had been freeloading on a friend’s couch. However, database...

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Charlie I

Personally I found her gorgeous. Her hair was a hybrid of blonde and brunette and she had incredibly thin legs which were accompanied by knee socks or the standard type of tights and a miniskirt which generally left very little to the, or in this case my imagination. Her breasts were just the right size, not too big and not too small either. I had talked with her on several occasions and it seemed to me that she, in personality terms was just as nice as her body. Her personality...

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Charlie Ch 3337

Chapter 33 Nathan sat on Charlie’s bed with his head in his hands. How could this girl not understand what just happened? Did she not feel anything about the way he touched her? What the fuck? He let go of his head and looked towards the bathroom door. For a brief moment, he smiled when the sound of the door lock engaged. With a small huff, he moved to the bathroom door and put his hand in the middle of it. Though the door stood between them, he could feel a larger chasm building. It was time....

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Charlie was struggling to get free from a swarm of opponents when he heard the referee’s whistle and the siren indicating the game was over. His team had been defending hard for the last few minutes protecting a three point lead in their first Northern district Rugby League final. Now as reality set in they knew that they had achieved what was deemed impossible by the critics. Against all odds their small country town had broken the games longest running drought by defeating the highly...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 7

Charlie called into his own home on Friday afternoon and found Diane waiting for him in her car. "What do you want?" he asked in a cold tone. "Just to talk," she said softly. "Can I come in?" He didn't think it would do any good but, being a polite person, he agreed and even offered her a cup of coffee. He knew just how much of a mistake that had been when he came out of the kitchen with two steaming cups. "This isn't easy for me," she said when he came into the living...

4 years ago
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Looking After Charlie

It was the phone call that every parent dreads, the one from casualty."Hello, Ms Williams, this is Nurse Ratched from the Royal Infirmary. We have your son Charles with us at the moment." At this point I died a little. "It's not too serious, he's got a broken arm and some cuts and bruises but he's basically fine. Would you like to come and collect him?""Five minutes, give me five minutes," I said as my heart pounded."As I said, Ms Williams, he's basically fine. There's no great rush."There's no...

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Charlie Ch 2932

Chapter 29 Nathan stood in a bit of shock. Those weren’t the words he was expecting to hear from Charlie. Yes, they were what he wanted to hear, but definitely not expecting them. Her hands on his back were making it difficult for him to think. The only thing that kept crossing in his mind was how close she was standing to his erection. The soft feeling of her lips brushing against his was not helping either. A voice in his head kept telling him to grab her and rush her up the stairs to his...

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Charlie Ch 2124

Chapter 21 It was about five o’clock that same afternoon, when Charlie’s phone beeped. She was laying on her bed, half dozing and half reading a book. Nathan: Need movie night Charlie: I’m okay. Nathan: I need one! Charlie: Okie dokie She rolled onto her back, wondering what weird movie Nathan would play this evening. It even made her smile that he would need a movie night, and that it wasn’t just about her lack of sleep. Sometimes, everyone needs a ‘Chinese comfy movie’ night. It was a...

4 years ago
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Charlie Ch 0104

Chapter 1 Charlie stood on the balcony, watching the rain fall from the darkened sky. It made a soft cascading noise that felt vaguely comforting. She inhaled another puff from her cigarette and exhaled it just as easily. Charlie took a moment to think back on some of her past experiences. Sure, there were men that had stirred some feelings within her. There were others that satisfied a few primal needs and urges. However, none in particular stood out in her mind, there just hadn’t been the...

3 years ago
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Finding Charlie

After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...

2 years ago
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Finding Charlie

After sixteen hours on the bus, I arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma just before noon on a hot July day determined to find Charlie, actually Charlotte, but that’s not what I called her. I flew into Chicago and then took the long bus ride to Tulsa, wanting to experience Route 66. After almost two years of meeting Charlie, my cyber lover, I wanted to surprise her, just show up, a daring act in itself as fear of what a disaster this might be swept over me. What would she think when she realized who I...

Straight Sex
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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 3

He woke up the next afternoon not remembering what had happened the night before. He stumbled to the telephone and quickly dialed his boss in a heated rush as he wouldn’t be showing up for work that day, and judging by the crumpled crème-colored card that he found in the palm of his hand, he also had an appointment with Artie Tedesco that he hoped to avoid, considering how nauseous he felt. He swore that he would never go to the bar to drink again, regardless if this Artie Tedesco brokered...

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Charlie Avoids Being Fired bimale MMF DP

My name is Sam and I manage a small company offering leisure services. There is a small team of staff and the nature of the business means that some weeks we just see each other at team meetings and work independently the rest of the time.Four weeks ago I was working on my own at a computer in the office. I needed to research something on the internet and opened the browser to look for the information that I needed. When I started typing something into the address bar the autofill came up with...

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Charlie Miley Ch 05

‘I was afraid to admit that I even had a problem. After my first week here I almost snuck out in the middle of the night. I had a bag packed and everything, but then my boyfriend called. Well, my ex-boyfriend, I guess. He told me how proud of me he was and that he loved me. It reminded me that I still had hopes for our future, you know? I want us to be together, but I realized it would never work if all I did was drink every night at a frat house until I blacked out in some strange guy’s bed.’...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 2

Karen was ready and waiting when Charlie arrived a few minutes before eight. She was dressed in an almost transparent white blouse through which a bra would have been visible if she had been wearing one. It barely covered her nipples which were standing out invitingly through the thin fabric. Her black skirt was the shortest she had and didn't quite cover the lace trimmed tops of her hold-up stockings. She had never gone out in it a few times but never with stockings and always with shorts....

1 year ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 8

They found the door unlocked when they got back to Karen's. Gilly was sitting in the lounge with one of Karen's videos playing. She obviously had something on her mind as she was hardly taking any notice of what was happening on the screen. "I guess things didn't go too well at home," Karen said, sitting beside Gilly and hugging her. "Come on, tell us what happened." "Mum had talked to him but it made no difference. We tried to make him see reason and relax his rules but he...

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Charlie and ClydeChapter 3

While our business partnership was growing at a slow, steady pace, our personal relationship had become a wild, impetuous sexual growth with no boundaries. We loved each other and both of us sought to bring pleasure to the other. While I was no longer a virgin, my sexual experience and knowledge was at a beginning point. Charlie was a considerate and vocal lover who pushed me to experiment and seek higher and higher levels of sexual fulfillment for both of us. She insisted that we talk to...

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Namita ndash My sister And My Girlfriend

Namita – My sister And My GirlfriendThis happened when I was 20. My sister, Namita, was 18 and has passed her 12th and taken admission in college. Our parents gifted us with a computer. My dad was a bank employee and 45 yr old and my mom was 41, a housewife. We had a younger sister, Neha who was in 4th std. We lived in a small 1bhk flat in suburbs of Mumbai.Namita and I were quite hooked on to our computer and often had fights over it. As usual when everyone slept, I would visit the sex sites...

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Charlie Ch 0508

Chapter 5 Charlie’s eyes felt like they had been glued shut. It took a herculean effort to open them. There was a steady stream of fuzz on the television screen. Nathan’s legs were propped up on the coffee table. The pillow and her head were now completely in his lap. As the rest of her body gained a bit of consciousness, she realized that one of his hands was wrapped in her hair. The other one rested on the side of her body. She shifted her head slightly to look up at him. His head had lolled...

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My Charlie

His name was Charlie and I’d known him forever, or so it seemed. We were kids when we first laid eyes on each other; only just entering adolescence and for about ten years or so, we remained very much in love. I can’t begin to describe the closeness and affection that grew alongside us all those years ago, and I can only put to words the affirmation of this and hope dearly that you’ll understand what it means to truly love someone, as I did Charlie. We were in love, yes, I’ll say it again and...

Gay Male

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