My Charlie free porn video

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His name was Charlie and I’d known him forever, or so it seemed. We were kids when we first laid eyes on each other; only just entering adolescence and for about ten years or so, we remained very much in love. I can’t begin to describe the closeness and affection that grew alongside us all those years ago, and I can only put to words the affirmation of this and hope dearly that you’ll understand what it means to truly love someone, as I did Charlie.

We were in love, yes, I’ll say it again and again and I’ll even put emphasis on the word we, because I know he loved me too and nothing or no one can ever convince me otherwise. But we grew apart, you see, like all childhood friendships do in the end and this devastated me to the core. He went away one day and though he assured me that he’d never forget to write, he forgot me altogether. The last time I’d heard of him was seven years ago; he’d come back to his old town to visit his old folks and guess who he ran into? His old friend and lover. He looked too gorgeous for words and I doubt very much my description will do him justice. When we were growing up, he’d suffered from bad acne and he was scrawny and small for his age and even so, I loved him and saw no flaw in his appearance, but when I’d encountered him years and years after he left me, I saw right away the change of air did him some good. He’d grown taller and gained a few pounds which, I could see clearly through his tight jacket, were transformed to muscle. He still wore glasses, but they were fashionable and went well with his stylish clothing. He still had that eye of mystery about him, but it was tinged with a haughtiness I could not comprehend, until I spoke to him. His entire persona was changed and disappointment gripped my heart. We spoke nothing of the beautiful past we’d shared, just the present and strangely enough, I wasn’t interested in what he had to say about it. We didn’t see each other for a very long time after that chance encounter and when we did, once again his character was altered, but this time, for the better.

I saw Charlie once again, seven years after the encounter I described, and like before, I was wonderfully confounded by his beauty. We were both in our mid thirties now and my appearance was worsening with age and stress, whereas Charlie’s was enhanced with striking maturity. His hair was combed straight back and partly curling, especially at the ends, and his sideburns were long and streaked with a little grey. As always, he wore glasses, and his bright blue eyes glared intensely behind these, lit with the fire of fine life and happiness. I felt embarrassed to meet with him after so long, a little resentful too, but once I saw him, I couldn’t stay mad at him. He looked incredible, better than he did those seven years ago; fresh faced and young. He was a man now, and how I wished, how I yearned to call him my man.

He was back in town for a short while, but the real reason behind his visit was a mystery to me. His parents had long been deceased and he had no other reason to come back.

“I came here to see you,” he simply said, squeezing my shoulder. “Only you.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I said, shrugging his hand away. I was offended, of course I was, also a little scared of what he might say. “The last time we saw each other--”

“I was a total prick, I’m sorry, Joe.”

“You never wrote.”

“I wanted to forget you.”

“Why?” Charlie bit into his lip, looking thoughtful and nervous. “Well?” I urged.

“I don’t know,” he answered, shifting his look to the ground for a moment. “I was scared, I suppose.”

“Of me?”

“Of everything, Joe, of us, and everything else.”

“You wanted to escape from your past, is that it?”

“I tried to for a long time.”

“So why’d you come back, huh?”

Behind his glasses, his eyes glimmered strangely, out of anger or hurt, I don’t know, but they grew intense and he stared at me the way he used to before he went away. “To see you, to talk to you.”

“About what?”

He shifted in his seat tensely before saying, “I’m getting married.”

There was a silence between us. I simply stared, unable to voice my confusion.

“Joe,” he said, squeezing my shoulder again. “What are you thinking?”

“Who is he?” I could only manage these words.

“Her name is Annie.”

I could not hold back the laughter. Charlie’s eyes flashed.

“What's so funny?”

“Since when have you liked women?”

“I’ve always liked women,” he quickly answered. “Only I never told you.”


I could only laugh and laugh and he didn’t utter a single word until I was silent and sombre again.

“I’m getting married,” he repeated firmly. “Hopefully, to a woman and I realize that it upsets you.”


“I haven’t proposed yet.”

“A ha!” I said, pointing a finger at him. “You’re scared! You can’t spend the rest of your life with a woman and that scares you, doesn’t it?”

“She makes me happy, Joe.”

“Happy like a sister, Charlie?”

“God, no!” he said, an expression of deepest revulsion coming alive on his face. “We’re in love and we want to get married as soon as possible.”

“Oh, how romantic, did you fuck her yet?”

“Why are you acting like a kid, Joe?”

His patience, which had always been steady and unexcitable, was slowly tiring out with my behaviour.

“I’m not acting like a kid, I’m just asking a simple question, what’s wrong with that?”

Charlie stared at me, considering me for a moment, then answered, “A few times.”

“How is it?” I asked, genuinely curious.


“Is she better than me?”

“Jesus Christ!” said Charlie, starting up. “What is it with you?”

“Sorry, sorry, it was only a question.”

Subsequently, we sat there for many minutes without a word to say. Charlie turned to the window to do some heavy meditating and I seized this opportunity to get a proper glance at him. One thing I hadn’t noticed before was a small scar just above his left eyebrow. I noticed it then due to our proximity and this proximity I could not easily ignore. We were seated at a small table in a café not far from my house and though I hadn’t mentioned the location before, I do now, just so you’d get a better imagery of our position. Our knees were touching and when Charlie broke free of his meditation to ask a waitress in passing for a glass of ice cold water, he drew it closer until it was no longer knee against knee, but thigh against knee. I dared not to move, not even a little, lest he should shift his knee away. He didn’t. The water came and the waitress, a young blonde with an eye for rugged blue eyed men with specs, asked if we needed anything else, furtively adjusting her cleavage. Irritated, I ushered her away with a wave of my hand.

“That was rude,” said Charlie, glancing over my shoulder in concern. “Why’d you do that?”

“What? I don’t know what you mean.”

Charlie eyed me doubtfully a few seconds, then picked the glass up. I watched him. He gulped it all down and set the glass noisily down on the table. I simply watched him.

“There’s another reason why I’ve come, Joe,” he said, after debating a few minutes.

“Oh? Then tell me, I’d love to know.”

“The reason I haven’t proposed to Annie--”

“Yes?” I said, eager, leaning forwards just an inch.

“—well, I haven’t got any money.”


“I’m officially broke.”

“You were doing just fine when I last saw you,” I said. “How long have you known this Annie? Has she spent all your hard earned money?”

“No!” he said. “No, she met me when I had nothing and I want to change that before we start a new life together.”

“I don’t understand, Charlie.”

“I need a loan.”

“From me?”

“Why not?”

“It’s out of the question.”

“You’ve got some, don’t you, Joe? Please say you do,” I could see pure desperation in his eyes. “How about your folks? Can they loan me some money until I get back on my feet?”

“I should’ve known you came here to squeeze me,” I said, making to rise, but he grabbed my arm and sat me back down.

“Joe, please, I came here to see you, I told you that.”

“You came here to see my money, not me.”

“Joe,” he lowered his voice drastically, still gripping my arm. “I came to you because I have no one else, don’t you see? I’m desperate.”

“You don’t mean to say that you picked some girl off the street and decided to marry her? Surely she must have some cash lying around?”

“I’m the man, Joe, I have to provide for the woman I love.”

I hated the sickly sweet look in his eye when he said that, but I didn’t hate him; I could never, not even after this brutal revelation. I was still madly in love with him and in love with everything about him; even the tiny scar above his eyebrow meant something to me, though I had never seen it before. I felt the pressure on my arm and decided it was too much strain, not physically, but emotionally, for it reminded me of old times, of happier times when his touch was all I had. I pulled away from his grip and stood up, but again, he sat me down and pleaded with me.

How could I say no? How could I deny him the same happiness he had given me all those years ago? So I accepted. I told him I’d not lend him the money, but give it to him, on one condition and one alone: I could have my way with him one time. For one hour, he was mine and I was free to do as I pleased with him. He accepted, though a little hesitant at first. It hurt, I won’t lie, when I saw that hesitance, that cruel grimace, but when he agreed, the hurt went away and my heart was elevated, it swelled with pure bliss. I could’ve cried I was so happy.

Charlie said he had to get back that same day to the city, so we concurred that the most appropriate time would be then. We went straight back to mine; we walked a good fifteen minutes and the afternoon was hot. As soon as we stepped through the door, I offered to wash his shirt, as it was dripping with sweat.

“Oh, thanks,” he said casually, pulling it over his head.

His body was still in form, though he was a little heavier than before, and only a shadow of his former stomach muscles lingered there now. In short, my Charlie was still that strapping man of long ago, but not as thin and muscular, but I preferred this Charlie, plagued with maturity and heterosexuality, than I did the Charlie of seven years before. I even loved him more than the Charlie of my youth.

“Can I get you something to drink?” I asked pleasantly, as he handed me his shirt.

“What do you have?”

“How about a beer?”


I went into the kitchen and humming a tune, I was engaged in sniffing his shirt for such a while that Charlie called out to me from the living room. As though awakened from a stupor, I called back lazily and seized a beer from the fridge. His shirt I left on the kitchen counter.

“What took you so long?” asked Charlie, already making himself at home.

His jeans, shoes and socks were lying in a heap on the floor. I could not react. Without knowing it, I was gripping the beer in my hand so tightly that my clenched fingers turned white and I could not release them, not until Charlie walked right up to me and prized it from my hand.

“I have to get back soon,” said Charlie, taking a swig of beer. “Shouldn’t we..?”

“Yes, yes, we'd better.”

I was quick and confident to reply, but my movements were sluggish and nervousness got a hold of me. I hadn’t been prepared for it. It was all, this entire situation, too good to be true. How many nights (and days) had I fantasised about him, about touching his body, feeling his hard, quivering cock in my hand?

“Do you want to back out, Joe?” he asked, eyeing me dubiously.

“Of course not,” I replied, terrified that he would back out. “Let’s get on with it.”

I got undressed hastily and every garment was tossed aside, including the boxers which were much too tight since arriving from the kitchen. Charlie looked down, an even expression on his face, but in a second I saw his mouth twitch. I took his hand and guided it down to my cock already pulsing, the tip already glistening with pre-cum.

“You’re over excited, aren’t you?” said Charlie and he smiled.

His smile triggered something in me and I felt my cock give a tiny shudder in his grip. My hand travelled down towards his own Little Charlie (or should I say Big Charlie) and I fondled it for a few seconds over his boxer shorts, until I slipped a hand inside and felt it properly. It was hot, pulsing like my own, and rock hard. I went a little lower and cupped his balls, gently lifting them, massaging them as I did so. Charlie suppressed a groan and instead let out a throaty sound that sounded very beast-like, very masculine, very arousing. I kissed him with a thirst I never knew existed in me, and he kissed me back, our tongues entwining with longing and spit, both fondling and jerking each other’s cock. I parted from him, my lips wet and sore after minutes of heavy kissing, kneeled whilst grabbing each buttock in my hands and filled my mouth with his cock. I began to suck slowly first and at once, I gagged horribly and my eyes watered so that I could hardly see in front of me, but I didn’t stop and soon tears were streaming down my face as I sped up. Charlie grabbed my hair and pulled me back and as his cock sprang out of my mouth, so did a cascade of spit, which dribbled down my chin.

“Are you okay?” asked Charlie, my sweet and considerate Charlie. I nodded, unable to find my voice just yet. “Stand up, it’s my turn.”

I rose and he kneeled. He looked up at me, his eyes bright with exhilaration and I took his glasses and set them on the coffee table not two feet away. He licked the tip first, then slid his tongue down to the very base. He did this repeatedly, before putting it in his mouth fully. He sucked smoothly, effortlessly, taking a break once in a while from my cock and moved on to my balls and jerked me as his efforts were focused on these alone. Then I asked him kindly to lie on the couch while I slipped upstairs for some lube and condoms. I wasn’t sure if he’d go so far as to let me penetrate him; I remember that even in the old days he had trouble adjusting; he was always eager to fuck me, but he grew anxious when I suggested we try it the other way round. We actually did try it a few times, but the experience for him was generally unpleasant, lube or not. I was fiercely determined to ask him if he’d make an exception this time alone. I was, after all, giving him thousands of dollars, practically my life savings. I returned, condoms and lube in hand, and as though he had read my mind, Charlie was kneeling on the couch, head down, ass in the air, ready for me.

“Slowly, Joe, that’s all I ask.” he said, gripping a cushion against his chest.

“I promise.”

I rolled the condom on, slapped some lube on my cock, and dabbed a little on my middle finger. I kneeled behind Charlie, my cock throbbing against his leg, and introduced my finger. He uttered a pained moan.

“Is it in?” he said, gritting his teeth.

“It’s my finger,” I said, pulling it out with care. “Let’s try with two.”

“No, no, just do it already.”

I obliged. As soon as the tip entered, his entire body tensed as opposed to mine, which quivered as though I’d just touched the stars. I penetrated him entirely, slowly, as I’d promised, but deeply and I felt an insatiable rush travel throughout my body with each gentle thrust; I was soon out of breath and sweating from head to toe. Charlie then suggested another position, one which seemed far more comfortable, and I agreed, keen to kiss him again. He lay on his back and lifted his legs onto my shoulders. Again, I penetrated him, again he grimaced and groaned with soreness and inexperience and I reached down and kissed him and did my best to comfort him. He seemed to like that, so I sped up just a tad, glad that my kisses distracted him a little from the pain and I came quickly and collapsed on top of him, tonguing the inside of his mouth.

“You can have a turn now,” I said against his lips. “If you want.”

“Get on top,” he answered breathlessly.

I jerked him a little while until he was hard again, then rolled on the condom and dabbed only the tip with lube; I disliked using too much lube. I kneeled on top and together we guided his cock into my ass. It felt like heaven, like a thousand bells ringing jubilantly from afar, and while I bounced and rocked on his cock, all I could do was look into his brilliantly blue eyes scorching me from below, inviting eyes, the eyes of the Charlie I once knew and loved with my soul. We kissed with a passion like fire and seconds away from filling me with his own ecstasy, I whispered three words, three wonderful words:

“I love you.”

He closed his eyes as he came and reopened them again when I stooped down to kiss him. We looked nowhere else but into each other’s eyes.

“I never stopped thinking about you, Joe,” he said, hoarse and exhausted. “Not once.”

“Why didn’t you write?” I said, resting my head on his chest.

“I’m an idiot, that’s why.”


“Hmm?” he seemed to be dozing off.

“Will you visit me sometime?” in a tone of repressed expectation, I added, “After your wedding, of course, I’m still giving you the money.”

“I’ll try to visit you whenever I can.”

“Can I come to your wedding, Charlie?”

“What!” he raised his head an inch. “No, that’s completely out of the question.”

“Why not?”

“Annie knows about—about my former life, she might suspect something’s going on.”

“Oh, you told her about us?”

“Not about us, but she understands the general idea.”

“Oh, fine, I won’t go,” I said, planting a dry kiss on his chest. “Just promise me you’ll come back and visit from time to time.”

“I promised you, didn’t I?”

“I love you, Charlie.”


“Come on, say it back.”


“Because I need to hear it. You used to say it.”

“All right, all right, I love you and if you make me say it again, I won’t come back ever.”

I raised my head and my eyes met with his face. He was smiling. There he was, there was my Charlie, his lost youth suddenly recouped and alive in his dancing eyes, smiling and dreaming his worries away and for a moment, it seemed we were only sixteen, learning each other’s bodies by heart and proclaiming true love for one another. Yes, we were young and naïve, but when I think about me and Charlie, how we grew together and did all that we did, I have come to the conclusion that boys too can love.

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A Night That Never Happend

I had been working with David, in the office for several years. Over that time, I had developed a secret ‘crush’ on him. It was at that time of year again when the festivals come to an end with a display of fireworks. David invited me to come along with a few of his friends. My only thoughts were; did he know of my secret crush on him? He gave me a time and place to meet him, after I accepted his invite.I arrived at the prearranged meeting, from which we went to meet up with his mates. After...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Economics of Gay Sex

Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a cop. I know it may sound strange, but it’s true. And, it’s not cause my dad was a cop and my granddad was a cop or any shit like that. I was just always drawn to it. Occasionally, friends and family would discourage me from becoming “the man” or give me strange looks, but I persisted. The one person that never tried to change my mind was my mom.I did alright in school. Grade point average was a B-minus. I played some ball and ran track. I wasn’t some...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Makes Me An Ass Slave 8211 Part 4

This is Part 4 in the ongoing series of my story where I share how my girlfriend turned me into her ass slave. The feedback so far has been truly tremendous. The positive feedback has encouraged me to contribute further. Your comments are valuable. Please keep them coming. Before I plunge into the story, I have to give you some background on “her” – my mistress. My girlfriend isn’t what you would call a fitness freak. But that doesn’t prevent her from doing some yoga and aerobic exercises every...

2 years ago
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My Neighbors Sex Slave My Wife

I'm an average looking guy, about 5'10", 200 pounds, a little thin on top and, while not in great shape, I can walk up a flight of stairs without wheezing. I guess I'm what most people would consider a "regular guy", with a fairly conservative, suburban, mow-the-lawn on Saturday, see-a-movie-on-Saturday-night life.At one time I thought of myself as sexually adventurous, but in reality I consider eating my wife's pussy living on the edge. In a nutshell I'm the kind of guy you'd probably want for...

4 years ago
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Love Me til Dawn Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Love me.Alice awoke slowly and contentedly from her dream. It was the kind of dream that no one ever wants to relinquish. Subconsciously she slid her hand along the mattress, searching for the warm flesh she thought should be there, but the other side of the bed was empty and cold.She had been dreaming of her holiday in San Monique and her chance meeting with Lorraine. She tried to rewind her dream-clock back to the critical moment and force the dream forward again. If it had been...

3 years ago
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Daddys Baby Girl 2

------ Sarah awoke the next morning to Mandy whimpering and whining. Sarah jumped out of bed and threw an Elmo t-shirt on and quickly looked at Mandy. "What's wong puppy?" She asked. Mandy just continued to whimper and whine. Sarah was freaking out at this point, and still in 'baby girl' mentality, so she called out to Mark, knowing he would be in the guest room. Mark rushed into the room, fearing Sarah was hurt, or had a nightmare or something. When he saw Mandy whimpering and...

2 years ago
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Plug Tails

Plug Tails: Chapter 1 Mistress Lara took special pleasure in making her sissy maids keep butt plugs installed for long periods of time. She was well aware of the discomfort these wonderful simple devices caused her pansy little sissy maids. She also knew the humiliation of having to wear such a thing up their little butts was a source she could use when humiliating one of these pathetic creatures in front of her guests. One of her past inventions was the ball end plug. It...

2 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 29

As I pull into the lot I see Pete's SUV in the back of the lot. I walk in and see Pete standing near the door. He gives me a nod and motions five with his hand. I assume that meant five minutes. I run to the truck I see Amber tied in the back. "Damn it!" he used t he leather cuffs on her this time. She is hogtied again. Her feet are pulled up close to hear wrists. She is struggling. Her feet are whipping around wildly. I look over my shoulder and see Pete heading across the parking lot. I...

2 years ago
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Mike Laura

I hesitate moving and Karen repeats the order with the addition that if I don’t wear everything she will tell her brother and he will just call off the wedding. I move to the rack and start with the cuffs she hooks them up so my arms are over my head and I feel her move under the gown fastening the leg cuffs she works the racket mechanism and I am stretched tight again. I beg her not to tighten the corset any more the leather and steel it is closed with screws instead of laces and is...

3 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 20 The Game Goes On

Wendy was pretty excited for the next few days. She had been kissed by Einstein, liked it, and knew there was no jealousy on my part. She was actually looking forward to her next kiss from him! Her self confidence was growing in leaps and bounds, even to calling the shots on the Volleyball court, and together we were working hell out of the basketball. Our lovemaking grew more intense as well, and as the semester progressed she just worked all the harder at her classes. Wendy was determined...

2 years ago
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With a low moan, her mind slowly cleared. All was black and she couldn’t move. She felt the blindfold on her eyes, the gag on her mouth. She moaned again. She tried to get up, but now realized her hands were handcuffed behind her back and she was somehow tied to a chair. She remembered vaguely saying that she had had enough to drink and was feeling very sleepy. She leaned back, and wondered if this time their little game was going to outdo all the other ones. She hoped it would. She smiled,...

3 years ago
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Celebrity Mind Control Revenge

Your name is Roy, and you are fed up with your life. “Your a manger of one of the sexiest celebrity’s on the plant, and that’s not the bad part. The bad part was them always saying you weren’t good enough, and you could never negotiate good enough to get her enough money. She even called you names like loser, and she said that if you didn’t improve as a manager she’d fire you. You finally have had enough, and you had set up a television in your office that had a hypnosis spiral going, and you...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Pool HustledChapter 1

David Tomorrow will be my 80th birthday. I'm in my pole barn outside of my farmhouse, looking at my collection of classic cars. I am standing by my first car, a 1964 Pontiac Tempest. I remember dealing the owner of the car. The junkyard was 20 miles north of Gladwin. It reminded me of the TV show, Sanford and Son. The car was in bad shape, one step from a car crusher. The guy wanted 1200 dollars for the car. I think he thought he found a sucker. "I will give you five hundred for it," I...

1 year ago
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Recovery of a HeroChapter 12 The Heros new Family

This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. It turned out to be a week before Uncle Dar could go home. We all stayed until he was better, including Shelly and Sandra. They'd gotten permission from their parents for that somehow. I think the fact that Megan was there helped a bit. She had even cancelled practice while Dar was in the hospital, and then would go get the whole team and bring them in to see him. He loved the...

1 year ago
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My first storyFantasy

It was Ric,s friday night playing cards with his boys again Sara unpacked the shopping and left the food out that she brought every third friday for the boys.Sara heard her mobile and dug through her bag to find it cursing as she did.."Hello"..she said. "You serious...well ok talk soon hun"..She said and hung the turn her head when she heard the front door open.."Babe where you at?"..Ric called "In the kitchen"..sara called back Ric made his way to the kitchen and grabbed...

2 years ago
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Jock TalesThe Beginning PT 4 Countdown

Jock Tales—The Beginning PT 4 CountdownThe forth week of pre-season training had now begun. All the coaches and staff were now present, and this week we would began learning and running plays, and more section training. Of course there was an important item to take care of right off the bat. I called a meeting just before practice on Monday.“Maurice ---your cut---I think you know why”. “Yes sir” was all he said. OH—in other news, If you want war paint for Friday night, then be at the locker...

3 years ago
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My Fireman

Friday evening and as usual Brad and I were in our local pub, drinking and talking about how we were going to change the world and make our fortunes. We also talked about girls, obviously; ones we knew and ones we never really knew, but would've loved to have known - the usual boy’s pub nonsense. Brad was my best mate; we had grown up together from school days. We told each other about our triumphs with any girl, and some of the let downs. We had no secrets from each other. We had been at the...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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My Cum and Pain Loving Sluts Story

This is a story written by my slave for me. I thought I should share it with everyone.I want you to tie my wrists to the bed. leaving my ankles untied so you can move them easily to where you want them. putting my pussy juice soaked panties into my mouth with duct tape over my mouth as well. having you walk up to me and put your hand firmly on my neck and give me a kiss on my forehead. you strip down and pull your belt off your pants and tell me to spread my legs as far as i can, i do as you...

1 year ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 34

Our first three days in the Islands were dreamlike. We spent two days at St. Bart's in a gorgeous little beachfront hotel, sunning and swimming a little, but mostly just touring the little island's shops and taking in the slower, more pleasant pace of life there. Tess and Kim were both cheerfully topless on the beach there, and their beauty -- and Tess' bounty -- attracted some attention, but the beach was quiet and its denizens were mostly European, and blasé to a fault. On the evening...

2 years ago
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Pehli Var Ladke K Sath

Hi, mera naam nikhil h.yeh story 3 saal pehle ki hai tab meri age 18 saal thi.. Hmari gali se agli gali mein 26-27 saal ka ldka rehta tha jiska naam sahil tha. Woh modeling vgaira krta tha aur gym lgaya krta tha jis ki wjah se uski body kafi achi thi jis se m kafi impress tha.hmari mulakat football khelte waqt hui thi aur hum kafi ache friends bn gye the. M uske ghar pe chla jata tha. Hum dono ek dusre ko almost 2 months se jante the. M uske ghar chla jata tha.. M aksar us se ldkio vgaria k...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Betsys Creampie 2 rewritten

Jeff and Lisa were at the lake with Betsy and me again last weekend. A few weeks ago, Jeff had turned Betsy’s cunt into a large, sexy cream pie. Now they were back and I wondered what excitement was in store for her and us. It was rainy and very warm this past weekend. We spent most of the time on the covered back porch. Jeff had a beer while the girls drank their wine. No one actually spoke of last weekend. It was almost as if it never happened. Lisa never let on that her husband fucked my...

4 years ago
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Mares Tales 6

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 6. When the rest of the pupils met us again after returning from classes they wanted to know everything about my operation and what fate awaited Veronica. Rumours had been flying thick and fast around the whole school and Veronica had to use all her wiles to stop the others pestering me. They all particularly wanted to know why I was wearing a striped pink and blue ribbon in my hair. Eventually, to settle the hubbub, Veronica explained...

1 year ago
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Skiing Holiday

I took one last run before calling it a day. I enjoyed the sound my skis made cutting through the crust of undisturbed snow along the back trail I always saved for the last run of the day. As I emerged from the trees the sight of the lodge beckoned me. It had been an enjoyable day but it was time to go warm up. When the sun goes down in the high Rockies the air returns to its winter chill. Montana has some nice ski areas and this was one of them. The lodge where we were staying was fairly...

3 years ago
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The Breakfast Table Part 2

I awoke in a pool of sunlight and looked over at the clock. It was only seven in the morning but the birds outside were singing so loudly that there was no chance in hell I was getting back to sleep. My eyes started to saunter down to my morning wood, which was forming a perfect shadow on my bedroom wall. I couldn’t help but begin to roll it around in my hand for a few moments. It had been a few days since I had blown a load, it just so happened to be inside my stepmom’s mouth and I knew...

3 years ago
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Why I Say Kay is the Best Cock Sucker EVER

I have always wanted to share with everyone the incredible experience of receiving a blow job from my little sister, Kay. To my way of thinking, there is no one else who comes close to being as good a cock sucker as she is! She says that I taught her a lot of it, but to be honest, she did it on her own!I was, once again asking if she would at least let me photograph her sucking my cock this past weekend and was told no. But then she turned and looked at me and said, “No, but I will let you...

2 years ago
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Bonding Love

5:55 PM 16/12/04 She's sitting in a crowded coffee shop, waiting for her latte to arrive. With her journal open and a pen in hand she begins to write her imaginative thoughts on paper. While taking a walk that day her mind floated to this building with a flapping flag post way up on the roof, and thought of how nice it would be to make love up there... Her mind working overtime with such desires, she begins to write her tale of two lovers enjoying an afternoon love session in his...

2 years ago
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First Time with my MotherInLaw

I had been craving my mother-in-law for years. My wife and I have an excellent sex life, but there was always something about her mom. I loved going swimming at my in-laws' house, trying to see as much as I could of her pillowy cleavage. I waited for her to wade in, to watch the mini-skirt of her swimsuit float, revealing her luscious thighs and driving me wild with my cravings. My wife used to notice that I would always fuck her harder when we got back from swimming. I told her it was the...

3 years ago
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Wine Fire or was it just Lust

My wife and I ran into an old friend the other evening. We had known each other for many years and had not seen him for over ten years now. He had got divorced, moved away, and changed his life. Jeremy invited us over to see his new place and since we were not doing anything else we went. After his divorce, Jeremy became serious about his workouts and managed to get himself into excellent physical shape. He told us how he loved working out and had started as a way of relieving stress but now...

2 years ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 24

Camulus' smile is the same as his sister's, friendly and warm. "The names we picked are all gods of war," He warms to his subject. "I am Celtic, Gun is African and Seth is Egyptian. He was going to with a more Asian god but I think the god of war for the Hindi is a woman. Seth say it was" "And you three just knew that you were going to be grouped together?" I throw my head back and laugh. The gods of war how sophomoric but then all the names were like that. A great deal of thought,...

4 years ago
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I like It

Love is what I thought I had. I had a great husband of 5 years. I was still young, but I never thought I would be this foolish and let something like this happen. I’m 25, brunette, slender but curvy, and have an amazing ass. I got a new job recently. I am just an intern, but have hopes of going far.  My boss….his name is Joseph. He is tan, tall, handsome, and muscular. I always get a little wet just thinking about him. About a week ago, I saw his eyes fixed on my ass. Although most women would...

1 year ago
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Guilty Pleasures Chapter One

Dear Diary,  I was so nervous to be doing this. Hi, my name is Raven and I am quite successful but there is a part of me that wants to take control, that wants to feel alive. Its very sad when no one knows about my secret. Im waiting for her to come out of the bathroom now. Im so nervous and excited. I just can’t stand it. I wonder how many people will watch live this time. I am a Christian Psychologist by day and a lesbian webcam model by night. I met this particular girl online. I met her on...

3 years ago
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Wife Tales Lush Susan

It was finally 4 P.M. I thought the open house would never end. Crying kids, complaining old people and snotty young couples seemed to always find my open houses. I would make a quick trip to the ladies room and then I’ll lock the door and take down the sign.As I walked back into the foyer from the ladies room, I noticed the door was opening. I was too damn late I thought to myself. Another pain in the ass is coming to see the house.The door opened and a tall African American man entered. He...

3 years ago
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Veronica Verified 3 Precious Petra Video P

We finished fine, preceding part: With a love-lecture why ass-spanking is as attractive, addictive & arousing. We erotically ended: With a enjoyable & exciting self-spanking video of a bell-bottom blonde beauty's bums.We love it so much, we'll watch again: wordlessly warmed up four fine yummy young wonderful women so much: Most undressed, self-caressed!We wordlessly warmed up those foxy four with appetizing...

2 years ago
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A Cats FancyChapter 7

Over the next few days, Missy keeps Brock at bay despite her appetite for his cock. The boy has waited patiently for her to change, finding any chance to be alone with her. But Missy decided to make him wait because it is her that is ultimately in charge of thing. But when his parents slip out for the night in the middle of the week, not even Missy can hold out. Once his parents are out the door, Missy comes down the stairs in all her naked glory and right into Brock’s arms. Their lips...

2 years ago
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Converting Private Jack

In my last year of high school, I was athletic. I went out for football, basketball, track, you name it. I loved the locker rooms. I loved staring at other boys' cocks when they changed into their uniforms or when they showered. Sometimes, I would have my way with them. I was never called by gay slurs- with one exception. One unlucky punk decided to try calling me that. He got his ass kicked...and then some.   It happened in sixth period English class my senior year. Mrs. Nelson was having us...


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