Charlie free porn video

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Charlie was struggling to get free from a swarm of opponents when he heard the referee’s whistle and the siren indicating the game was over. His team had been defending hard for the last few minutes protecting a three point lead in their first Northern district Rugby League final.

Now as reality set in they knew that they had achieved what was deemed impossible by the critics. Against all odds their small country town had broken the games longest running drought by defeating the highly fancied city side.

Charlie had just scrambled to his feet when he was swamped by his team mates who hoisted him high on their shoulders. They were intent on acknowledging his solo intercept try that had made the difference between winning and loosing. Charlie was embarrassed by their actions he didn’t want credit or to be treated differently, he was just happy to be part of the winning team.

For a while he struggled to get down then gave in hoping they would soon leave him alone. But it was not to be. Coach Davies called for quiet. ‘Listen lad,’ he said to Charlie as his team mates gathered around. ‘Stop carrying on like a bloody idiot, we all know that it was only through your personal brilliance that we even reached the finals and today you did it again. Without your uncanny way of reading the game we would have been done like a dinner so stop winging and lets us say thanks in what ever way we can.’ He turned as a TV van pulled up beside them. ‘Put him down boys he knows how we feel and so does every one who was here today.’

His team mates whistled and cheered as a big breasted TV reporter accosted him. ‘Hi, I’m Michelle I’m a feature reporter with channel 7. They tell me you’re the one I should talk to.’ She looked him up and down and smiled, ‘you’re the new local hero.’ Looking to see if her camera man was ready, she shoved her microphone in front of his face. ‘How does it feel to be the man who won the match for a small town team that has never won a premiership before?’

‘Aw hell,’ he mumbled ‘it wasn’t me it was the team and our coach no man wins on his own.’ When she started to ask another question he shook his head, ‘Please no more. I just want to have a beer with my mates and celebrate.’ Michelle sighed and indicated she wouldn’t give in. ‘I don’t think you realize just how big a story your teams victory will be when it hits the big city media.’

‘It was a true David and Goliath contest. No one expected you to win. You were true underdogs when you arrived here this afternoon, now you are part of a fairy tale come true.’ When he went to walk away she took him by the arm hauling him around until her large soft breasts were pushing against his arm.

‘Please give me a break this is a lovely human interest story at a time when news is short. People love stories about country boys beating the smarties from the big smoke. I can get my face and yours on TV all over the nation when I send your story to the big TV stations down south. It might lead to something big for both of us.’

When Charlie’s body language indicated his opposition to such an idea she didn’t give him time to respond. She turned to his team mates, ‘where are you holding your celebrations? I would like to join you.’

Before Charlie could reply his best mate Nat chimed in, ‘we are going on a pub crawl after a club dinner at the casino.’ He slipped his arm around her waist and took her aside making sure his mates saw he was looking down the front of her blouse at her gorgeous tits. ‘Charlie is a loner he doesn’t like talking but you can talk to me and my mates any time. We would love to have a sexy lady like you join us.’ He looked around at his team mates and winked, ‘We’ll all look after you.’

There were very few women from their town at the victory celebration dinner, those that were were quickly surrounded by horny players or officials. Nat and the coach cornered Michelle agreeing to long stand up interviews before trying to ply her with grog. Charlie smiled when he saw that their efforts were wasted. She downed their drinks and moved on talking to anyone who had anything to say, her camera man always handy.

After circling the room she sidled up to sit beside Charlie. ‘Nat tells me you are an orphan. He says that you lost your mother and father in a horrific motor accident when you were young. He says you live with your aunt and she is a bitch that treats you like shit.’ Her eyes were big and soft as she waited for Charlie to respond.

‘Nat talks too much,’ Charlie said quietly. They sat together for a few minutes neither speaking then Michelle leant over and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I know how you feel but there is little you or I can do. You are news and will be news for the next few days. The fact that you are an orphan living on your aunt’s remote farm makes you even more news worthy.’

She smiled at his unhappy face, ‘Sorry Charlie but that’s the way it is. You are what those in the business call a current item of interest. I want to interview you because it will help me improve my reputation in this cut throat business. I promise I will not do or say anything to hurt you.’

She licked her lips, ‘in fact I’m sure I can make you happy.’ She stood with her hands on her hips in a way that displayed the magnificent breasts that towered over her smaller waist larger hips and long brown legs. ‘I’ll do anything you want.’

What’s the use of fighting Charlie thought as he studied her luscious big body? ‘Ok,’ he growled, ‘I’ll do it but none of that hero stuff.’ As soon as he agreed her team flew into action. They quickly set Michelle and Charlie up in one of the casinos hotel private suites so they could have some privacy and reduce the noise during the interview. Studying Charlie’s shiny brown face and listening to his quiet voice they brought in a sound guy and a local make up artist for the protesting Charlie.

Cindy the tall thin make up girl warmed to Charlie. She liked younger men and eighteen year old Charlie with his broad shoulders and bronze tan from working in the sun was the type of shy young lad she enjoyed seducing. ‘Be careful what you say,’ she whispered as she applied make up. ‘Michelle is ok, but TV lives on controversy and new faces, and you have the type of face and physique that will look good on TV.’

She turned his head towards the mirror. With her head down beside his she looked at him in the mirror. Then licking her lips theatrically, she grinned, ‘You look good enough to eat.’ When Charlie didn’t respond she took her time as she brushed him down, her hands lingering over his tight round butt. When he thanked her she whispered, ‘I’d like to see more of you. Slip back after the show and I’ll remove your make up and anything else that tickles your fancy.’

Michelle handled the interview perfectly drawing out the story of Charlie’s life on his aunt’s farm. She was an expert interviewer relaxing Charlie until he forgot the cameras and started to talk. Her questions helped him to tell the story of small town life especially the daily grind of farm work milking the cows before school and working picking mangoes or tomatoes after school.

Michelle sat and talked with Charlie as the crew packed up and left telling Michelle they would have to leave straight after they transmitted the tapes back to the TV station. ‘Do you mind if I smoke?’ she asked as she offered him a cigarette. Charlie watched her blow a stream of smoke over her lips as he waved the offered cigarettes away. For the first time he felt a sexual stirring as he watched her suck on her smoke.

‘I don’t smoke I never have and don’t think I ever will. But I sure like to watch a woman smoke.’ He growled. Michelle had removed her jacket and sat down opposite him crossing her legs as she relaxed after the interview. Her skirt with its split side now showed much more of her thigh.

Charlie had seen a movie where a married woman seduced a young college boy and remembered a scene where the woman
sat smoking just like Michelle was sitting and smoking now. He felt his cock growing in his pants as he studied Michelle more closely. She looked over and noticed his scrutiny, ‘what’s up?’ she asked.

‘Nothing,’ he stammered. ‘We don’t have a TV out on my aunt’s property so I have never seen you before today. You know all about me and I don’t know anything about you. Can I ask you some personal questions?’

‘What would you like to know,’ she sighed as she blew a stream of smoke into his face. ‘How old are you, are you married, do you have a boyfriend, where do you live. You know the sort of questions my aunt will ask when I tell her about you.’

‘Well I’m thirty, divorced with no regular boyfriend and live in a condo on the beach. I came up here from down south after my divorce and worked for the local radio station. I have just been given my own regular slot on the local TV scene and will do anything to get a TV job down in the big smoke.’

She stubbed out her cigarette, ‘that’s why I wanted to interview you. It is the type of country boy story that will get an airing down south.’ She stood up and moved over to Charlie. Pulling him to his feet she kissed him, ‘thanks kid’ she whispered, ‘You have been great.’ When he licked his lips she kissed him again her hands pulling his body close.

This time Charlie held her tight pushing his throbbing cock hard against her body. He took his time and kissed her back forcing his tongue into her mouth. ‘I might be eighteen but I don’t like being called a kid,’ he grunted as he ran his hand over her rear and ground his cock against her body.

Michelle was surprised and delighted at Charlie’s response. Since starting to work on the local TV circuit she had had to fight off the advances of the old fogies who were major advertisers or the industry people who made decisions that could and would affect her future. She had speculated that there wasn’t a good fuck amongst the lot of them.

Charlie’s young hard body and his enthusiastic amateurish kisses sent a tingle through her body. ‘Sorry honey,’ she whispered when he broke their kiss. ‘I didn’t mean to insult you.’ she rubbed her hands down over his long hard cock, ‘but I’m glad I did.’

Charlie was a virgin he had kissed a few girls but never had the time or the money to date a girl regularly. He was good looking having been fortunate enough to inherit his father’s handsome features. He was fit from farm work and football, his face and body glowing with good health.

His aunt was an old maid. She had taken him in when both his parents were killed. she was a strict church goer with a sadistic streak. She knew Charlie did not like being called a kid but she persisted knowing that she was his only surviving relative and he had to stay with her or face life in an orphanage.

Charlie would have never kissed Michelle like he was kissing her now nor would he have let his hands run so roughly over her body but this woman calling him a kid was like a red rag to a bull. Her reaction to his passionate kisses surprised him. Now her hand on his pants was rubbing and massaging his cock creating better feelings than those he experienced while masturbating.

Michelle whistled as she opened his fly. A smile lit up her face, ‘my god,’ she laughed, ‘that may prove to be a real mouthful.’ She dropped down on her knees and ran her tongue up the shaft of his already throbbing cock. ‘It’s a beauty, it will be a pleasure to really thank you for agreeing to an interview.’ she whispered as she looked up at Charlie.

Before he could respond she ran her hands down over his balls and ever so lightly kissed his cocks head, ‘it’s lovely, I love a big thick cock,’ Charlie was stunned. He just stood and watched as her red lips closed over the head of his cock and he felt her tongue working.

Her eyes never left his face she was waiting and watching for his reaction. ‘Is this what you want?’ she asked as she pulled her head away so she could show him his cock’s very wet head. Charlie had heard his mates talk of blowjobs but no woman or girl had ever touched his cock let alone kissed it. ‘Oh hell yes, that’s fantastic,’ he groaned.

He stopped talking and moaned out loud when she poked out her tongue and again licked from his balls up the shaft to run her tongue around his cockhead. She kept her eyes on Charlie face reading his reactions before extravagantly sucking the head in between her red lips.

Hearing his groans she withdrew it and swirled her tongue around teasingly trying to penetrate his hole. ‘Oh my god that’s good,’ Charlie moaned as he felt his cock growing harder and his legs weaker. To steady himself he held her head and ran his fingers though her hair. Looking down he saw she was still watching him and whispered, ‘You’ll make me come if you’re not careful.’ ‘That’s the whole idea big boy,’ she said with a grin.

Michelle dribbled some more saliva over the head of his cock and looked up at him. ‘You have a beautiful cock you will make many women happy if you use it right.’ Charlie didn’t know what to say so he just stood and watched as she bobbed her head up and down swallowing only the tip of the head of his cock at first then using her lips gradually taking more and more of his now over excited cock deep into her mouth.

He groaned when he felt her fingers wrap around the bottom of his shaft then commence jerking up and down in time with her bobbing head. What will she do next he thought when her other hand moved to hold the cheeks of his arse and commenced squeezing and stroking them lightly.

It wasn’t long before Michelle felt Charlie start to struggle. His hips started to move, his breathing grew loud, he started to whine, ‘I’m coming,’ at the same time trying to pull back out of her mouth.

Charlie was worried about coming in her mouth. He didn’t think that she would want to swallow his come until her fingernails dug into to his rear and one finger played around his anus. She doesn’t seem to be worrying he thought as he felt his cock start to pulse. Anticipating the surge of his come he stood on his toes and bucked his cock forward willfully letting his juices explode and burst into her mouth.

Even though he had read her signals as wanting his come he was still worried at what he was doing. Then he looked down to see Michelle’s eyes wide open staring at him as his raging cock distorted the shape of her mouth and cheeks.

His fears disappeared when she winked and pulled his body hard ramming his cock deeper into her throat. She was gasping for breath when he saw a trickle of come leak out of the side of her mouth. ‘Oh shit,’ he moaned, ‘that’s fantastic, oh shit I’m done, I’ve bloody had it,’ as his knees grew weak and his body shuddered and shook.

To his amazement Michelle didn’t stop sucking. She swallowed the last drops of his come, still using her fingers and mouth to urge him on. Even when his cock was wilting and soft she spent some time licking the head clean, her eyes smiling as she stroked it lovingly. ‘You’re bloody marvelous,’ he groaned. ‘I’ll never forget you.’

‘Was that your first?’ she whispered. Charlie looked down on this thirty year old TV presenter on her knees with his come leaking from her lips. ‘Yes, oh my god yes, I have never had anything like that before.’

Michelle had just gasped, ‘I’m glad,’ when they were startled by a loud knock on the door and a call from the cameraman. ‘Cindy has to remove Charlie’s make up. I’ll send her up, and then we are ready to leave when you are.’

Michelle called she would be out in a minute. She stood up quickly changing from a lover to a business woman. She tucked his deflated cock back in his pants and kissed him ‘can you taste yourself?’ she asked with a smile as she headed for the door.

At the door she slipped him a card. ‘Give me a ring if you come up here again. I would like to finish off what we started,’ then she pulled the door closed and left. Charlie stood in the empty r
oom staring at the door. No one would believe that minutes ago he was given his first blow job from a woman whose face people saw on TV every night.

The camera man frustrated Cindy’s plans to seduce young Charlie by hovering around while she removed Charlie’s make up. Nevertheless she took the opportunity to slip him her phone number and undo a couple of buttons so he could look down her shirt at her small hard breasts. ‘Give me a ring,’ she whispered. ‘I’ll guarantee you won’t be disappointed.’ Charlie smiled to himself as went down to join Nat and the gang. His first blow job and two phone numbers with tons of promise from both was not a bad evening’s work.

Nat was in charge as they left to visit a few pubs where local supporters had arranged drinks. ‘Don’t get too drunk,’ he called as they hit the street. ‘There is a legal brothel down the road we’ll hit it later and celebrate by getting laid.’

It was nearly mid night when they arrived at the brothel. Some of the boys had picked up girls and disappeared but most of the team had stayed the distance eventually lending each other enough money to pay for a woman.

Charlie had paced himself restricting his liquor intake and it was lucky that he had. For as soon as they were in the door Harry who was an angry drunk started throwing his arms around swearing and cursing. ‘I’m not paying money to fuck an ugly faced old yellow bitch like her.’

The place was in an uproar until Charlie took him aside and settled him down. He called over a pretty young blonde prostitute, ‘take him away,’ he whispered, ‘If he gives any trouble call me.’ When the noise subsided and his mates started selecting partners Charlie went over to the desk to apologise to the woman with the battered face. ‘Hi, my names Charlie, I am sorry for my friend’s insults, don’t take any notice of him he’s drunk.’

He studied her closely as she shook his hand. ‘I’m called Hanako, there is no need to apologise many men need to get drunk before they have enough courage to visit us. Her face twisted in what he presumed was a smile as she whispered softly,’ thank you for helping.’ She spoke with a slight accent he decided she was Asian probably Japanese.

Her face was so badly disfigured that it was hard to look into her eyes so he let his eyes run over her body. To his surprise she was very tall maybe over six feet. He had always thought that most Asian women were small, but she was at least his height, her slim body hidden in a long outfit with large loose folds and long silk trousers.

Charlie stood beside Hanako watching his mates pair off and head to various rooms. Most of the women in the brothel were very good looking. They wore tiny dresses and tops that drew attention to their best features highlighting the best parts of their shapely bodies.

He didn’t really want sex with a prostitute and quickly realized that he should have dropped out earlier in the evening before they reached the brothel. It was not meanness or an inability to pay he had always dreamed that his first time would be with a woman who wanted him, not some one paid to accept his advances.

When his team mates had talked of going to a brothel he had agreed because he didn’t think he would have found a woman outside of a brothel who would want him. After his session with Michelle and Cindy’s promises he now knew an opportunity would soon arise.

The more he studied the available women the more he realized he was in trouble. If I go to a room with one of these very sexy women and she takes her clothes off there is no way that I won’t end up fucking her, he thought as he tried to hide the fact that he had not made a choice. But his mates were drunk and becoming demanding. ‘Where’s your bird Charlie?’ Nat called from across the room. ‘Yeah where’s your bird?’ Jimmy joined in.

Charlie turned to the tall woman with the battered face. ‘I don’t want sex,’ he whispered. ‘Help me please.’ Hanako knew from experience that many young men arrived on their doorstep straight from their buck’s night. Most of them were at a brothel because of pressure from their mates. Many couldn’t get it up when faced with a willing working girl. She looked at Charlie deciding he was a well mannered young man who probably wanted to save himself for his bride.

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I didn't know what happened, but I was probably gonna wind up in a hole ... or digging a hole, and I wouldn't know which until it was too late to do anything about it. If there was any good news at all it was that maybe Bert and the Don were coming to their senses. "Problems?" Jimmy had caught the look on my face. "I don't know," I shrugged. "You guys take care of my fiancé get him drunk, get him laid." Jimmy nodded. "And make sure he wears a rubber!" "Sure, Rache." Jimmy...

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Nice Road Nice Sucking And Fun8230

Want to share my experience when I was coming back to Bangalore in evening after long day of drive. I usually take NICE road to avoid city traffic. I am in my late thirty with average built and interested in guys and gals who like my 7.5 inch dick and never miss a chance if I get with a guy as well. I am with full energy and lookout for my chance. On that day when I was yet to go to toll on NICE road, a guy mostly in late twenty asked for lift. It was getting dark and I stopped the car ahead....

Gay Male
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Utopian RefugeeChapter 6

Jack said, “In my timeline, the United States destroyed its nuclear armament because our leaders felt that we weren’t responsible enough to own them.” “They were right. In my timeline, we nuked Iran,” Jane said. Attacking Iran with nuclear weapons almost brought the world to a global war. The only thing that actually prevented that from happening was the fact that President Taylor, in no uncertain terms, said that he would use them again if the United States was attacked. On the floor of...

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Hadrians WallChapter 6

Summer snuck up on me before I knew it, and when school ended, I found myself at loose ends. I was seventeen! I wanted to be out there. I wanted to go to parties, to go play baseball, go to the beach and scope out hot girls in bikinis. What I didn’t want was to do those things alone. We did fly out to attend Uncle Marty and Christy’s wedding. It was a small family affair, no pun intended, and we only stayed two days before flying back. Mom had a big case coming up. I didn’t get to do more...

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Aadi Piss Lover

Hi, my name is Aadi.When I was in college, I lived in college hostel, my friends and roommates always offered me to cigarettes and drinking but I did not it.My room was near washroom of hostel and RO system installed also there.Once I locked in my room by my roommates mistakenly, I felt piss but door was closed, so I searched something in my room, there was only coka cola bottle which was half empty, so I pissed in it.Nobody in hostel, after sometime I felt thirsty, water bottles emptied...

4 years ago
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Lady Janice of Sterling Part I

Lady Janice of Sterling by RH Music ---------------------------------------------- May be copied by anyone for any purpose whatsoever. PART I: The Mind Control Drug ---------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Introduction With considerable show, Jack removed the vial from his jacket pocket and carefully placed it on the table. "What's that?" I asked. "Your birthday present. Happy 40th!" he grinned at me, obviously pleased with himself. I picked up the...

1 year ago
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Under The Table

The Bear on the Hill is one of my regular drinking establishments on a Friday evening. I seemed to have reserved this place in the corner consisting of a couple of chairs, a table that’s just high enough to sit under and a wonderful view of the bar. It’s slightly set down by a small step, and it’s where I go to be me.My name’s Carol. My other name is Carl, but when I go out to The Bear, I always dress as Carol. The clientele has only ever known me as Carol and I’m more than happy with that. I’m...

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Donnies story part 1

When I was fourteen, I had plenty of friends but sometimes none of them would be around, so there was this kid named Kyle, about 12 years old, who lived two buildings down the street from me, and if he was around, I'd sit on his steps and talk to him. I didn't really think of him as my friend, but he didn't seem to have any friends, and he was rather slow. We were sitting on his steps one day just talking, and I noticed that I could see the tip of his penis sticking out of the bottom of...

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My Landlord pt 3

pt. 3 When the main floor was totally spic-and-span, I decided to go back upstairs and see how Bob was making out. As I'd been cleaning, I heard lots of shuffling around upstairs. He must have been moving a lot of stuff around. Climbing up the stairs in my new high-heels was challenging, but not nearly as nerve-wracking as going down them had been. When I reached the top, I could hear that Bob was in the spare room with the boxes of his daughter's clothes. I went down the hall and pushed open...

3 years ago
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My Partners Sister

Jane and I have been together now for quite some time. Occasionally her sister comes to stay and we all get on quite well. Roz is two years younger than Jane and a businesswoman up in the city in some large banking organisation and always working even when here with us. She’s a delightful piece of eye candy at 5'2' in her business attire and when we go out for a Sunday lunch at the local, she’s in jeans and tight-fitting white blouse with matching shoes. Roz prefers her hair short and mousy...

1 year ago
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House in the Woods Amy

Copyright© 2004 "Damnit girl! Watch what you're doing!" I wasn't normally this harsh with waitresses, but then, I didn't normally get hot coffee poured in my lap! "Oh! I'm sorry, Sir!" the auburn-haired young lady cried. Something in the way she said it... or maybe it was her posture... Whatever triggered it, I was beginning to get a feeling about this young lady. 'Let's just see... !' I told myself. There weren't many people in the cafe, and none nearby, so I quickly...

2 years ago
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My Cousin and Her Stallion Boyfriend

My lack of interest in boys became more and more obvious with the years, and when I was 18 and still didn’t have a boyfriend, it became a problem. The other girls were making fun of me behind my back, and so I was left with very few friends. I stuck to the girls who were, for some reason or another, also not in a relationship yet, either because they weren’t very pretty, or dorky, or weird. One of them at the time was my cousin Caroline, who was my age, and actually went to the same school as I...

4 years ago
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Almost Out of Africa

The beat-up Jeep bounced along the deeply rutted dirt road, raising a cloud of dust behind it. After miles of empty country, passing only the occasional isolated village or solitary hut, the vehicle was entering the ramshackle outskirts of Kemo City, capitol of Mabuto. Passing a crowded roadside market, the truck drew stares from many of the locals, who rarely saw Westerners pass through the streets of their backwards nation. Mabuto was an African country in decline; its' traditional poverty...

2 years ago
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Sexy Gemmas sex life

Ever since Gemma had started fucking her boyfriend Kieran's uncle Roger she had felt wonderful. She was getting so much sexual pleasure she was in heaven. Roger called her his little cum slut and she loved it. She loved being used and abused. She loved it when he wanked and cum over her face and hair, in fact she enjoyed everything he did to her. He had just showed the pleasure she could get from being fucked in the arse. Only yesterday, he got her on all fours and trickled some baby oil into...

2 years ago
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Spied On By The Kids Next Door

 One sweltering summer day as my wife Joni swam her laps, I sat on the edge of the pool and watched as I thought about our discussion from a couple of days ago. We had talked about having sex in the backyard during the day, and she reminded me that our eight foot high fence would keep any prying eyes from seeing us.When she had finished, she swam to the shallow end where I was sitting. My legs dangled in the water as Joni stood and waded over. The water cascaded down her body and I watched as...

3 years ago
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The new me The beginning Part 1

The new me. The beginning Part 1.... By Jessica Kingston At the local golf club which Jane and Gary regular visited and played golf, as well as playing golf the social life became part of their lives as they were down at the golf club most weekends. Over the years Gary and Jane became really good friends with a couple called John and Janet, John played golf regularly with Gary, and Janet was a non-golfer but was always part of the social life, John and Janet had a daughter called...

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Prodigal SonChapter 7

While the prisoners were being placed in their cells, Sheriff Quigley’s problem with the Wilkins lady’s society was continuing. Mrs. Macvley and her gaggle of squawking geese, joined by the newly reformed Clinton Elsworth. The self-styled religious leader of Wilkins. Had burst into the Sheriff’s office and were loudly demanding that Sheriff Quigley agree to their demands. Mostly those demands were spur of the moment offenses to the sensibilities of the ladies. Mainly that the prisoners had...

1 year ago
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Freshman year

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was good at hiding my feelings. Everyone loved me. All of my friends felt comfortable with me. People who weren’t friends with me wanted to be friends with me. The entire high school knew my name. I was a popular girl going into school, the star athlete who would hopefully bring a winning season to the struggling soccer team. I was really grown for my age. Not maturity wise, but I was tall and muscular. I never went through the lanky stage. Coming...

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Mom sleep over last night

Hi All . Again, thanks for checking out my stories all my post are real situations I and or friends of mine have been in. This one happened last night when mom spent the night. So, ENJOY and please comment if you like I will answer all of them. If you do not know anything about me and the special relationship I have with my mom I will give a brief outline. When I was around eight years old and my fem side took charge of my mind and body and it was diagnosed that in all reality I should have...

3 years ago
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An Elizabethen AdventureChapter 3

Anne- Marie During the first few weeks we were busy with estate matters. Emily was staggered at the amount of my wealth, She was so concerned, that she pointed out that with my fathers estate, the number of foreclosures and debts to be recovered, she would need some help. We agreed that she could look for a new Estate Manager and also some clerical help with the financial side. We agreed that we certainly needed to turn some of our cash into profitable investments. I would spend most of my...

4 years ago
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My GangBang Fantasy

The following is just a fantasy but everyone who is willing to make it happen should talk to me about it!!I am a total bottom! I've tried fucking guys several times but it just doesn't feel right for me. Also I never had group sex or a gang bang but it is something i find very attractive and this is how i picture it for my first time:I don't want just any men - I want real Daddies. For me a real Daddy is a big muscular man with lots of bodyhair, a beard and a big cock. I really don't get why so...

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Michelles Story Part 2

That afternoon Michelle went home and showered and she passed by her full-length mirror again. She stopped and took off her robe and dropped it to the ground and looked at herself again. She did look good, she knew that. She worked on her body everyday and took care of herself and was blessed with her mother’s beautiful face and dark brown hair. But she had never tried to really look sexy, to intentionally lure men. She had dedicated her life to being a mother so that she had given up much...

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A Ride in My New Car

“It’s all yours,” the car salesman smiled as he flipped him the keys. Leaning into the window the salesman watched Bo grinning in the driver’s seat, ready to roll off the lot, straight over to the one person with whom he wanted to share the realization of his dream: Arielle. “You’re not going to believe it,” Bo practically yelled into his phone. “It’s exactly the car I wanted, down to the colors, options – everything!” Arielle knew how much he’d wanted that car. She was genuinely happy for...

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Travel Adventure 2

The elevator ride is short, as the hotel is far from a high-rise. On the way up she is all over me, hand gripping my balls while she stands on her toes to kiss me, pressing her breasts into my chest. When her tongue is not forcing its way into my mouth, she is firmly biting my lip, not enough to hurt, but close…The door opens at my floor. She lets me off the back wall of the elevator and we step out. “Concierge level. Not unexpected given Mel’s familiarity.” The floor is abandoned on Friday...

1 year ago
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Moving Blues

Ellen was an attractive professional businesswoman in her mid-40's, divorced, and worked during the day which meant that since I work nights, I could sleep in on my days off without worrying about being woken up. We agreed upon rent and living arrangements, which gave me full access to the house so I was happy. It wasn't long thereafter that I began to move my belongings into the place. It took a couple weeks to get everything set the way I wanted it and get accustomed to my new residence,...

4 years ago
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Adult CinemaChapter 2

It was about a month after our first visit to Charlie Browns; Karen had been bending my ear about us having another adventure, so I agreed to us visiting the cinema once more. This time we went on a Saturday night as last time it had been a Friday; it turned out to be a good choice. When we entered the auditorium; the lights were still up and it was about half full; I would say there was about twenty-five single males and about five females with their partners. The couples seemed to be well...

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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 30

It wasn’t the dockage fees that got the bartender fired. Nope ... it was the books. They were so well cooked I could have had them breakfast. With corruption rife in government, I wasn’t surprised that Trickle Down only works in politics. Big corruption at the top and little corruption at the bottom. Our bartender was a crony of a member of the board and cronyism is part of the broad base of corruption. Political corruption includes bribery, cronyism. kleptocracy. The economics of...

1 year ago
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A Gay Outdoor Dirty Muddy Pissy Ball Busting Fat P

The man who turned me into a pig. A gay, outdoor, dirty, muddy, pissy, ball busting, fat pig fantasy story.I met this older man online at this gay personal ad site. He looked like a gentle kind old man with a cardigan sweater, slacks and loafers. I was 21. I really hadn't had that much sex yet. I had sucked a couple cocks but that was it. I wasn't sure how gay I was. I did like sucking cock but I was really wasn't interested in more than just trading blowjobs and maybe I've let him fuck me I...

2 years ago
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Body Massage Karvate Aunty Chudai

Hi, dosto mera naam sachin hai main ek ache engineering college se padha hu abhi gurgaon main job kr rha hu waise punjab patiala se hu and part time therapist hu meri kuch special clients hai jinko service deta hu and mere liye privacy is must. Yeh meri iss par pehli chudai story hai par main iss ka 5 saal se fan hu maine lag bhag iski sare storis padhi hai. Agar apko meri story achi lgi toh please coment kre yeh meri email id hai. Toh dosto jayada time na waste krta hua main sidha story pe...

1 year ago
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A Game of Truth or Dare with My Wife Her bro

I will describe my wife Kacie who is 5'8" tall, 117 lbs, size 3/4 waist, with shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, with 34B tits. We were home alone watching my wife’s parents house and her siblings while her parents where out of town at a business seminar. My wife’s little sister Joanne was sleeping over her girlfriend’s house, so we were home alone watching some TV and started fooling around on the couch and didn’t bother to go to our room. Right as things started getting pretty hot...

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The Love of O

Her one weakness was her love of oral. She was expert in giving and she delighted in receiving. Her most extreme orgasms had always been the result of oral stimulation and she would offer herself for hours to receive such feelings. He knew this and shared her love of oral but he particularly loved to give her the pleasures she desired. They posessed a Burgundy red leather upright chair with deep padding and punched buttons and this was her throne. In the evenings she would sit there,...

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Best Sales Job In The World 10

Cliff woke up early Friday morning and called Robin on her home phone. ‘I hope didn’t wake you up,’ he apologized. ‘No you didn’t. I just got back from my run. What’s up?’ Cliff smiled to himself as he stroked his morning erection. He thought, I’ll tell you what’s up. ‘I was thinking about stopping in Denver on the way back to Chicago. Do you have any specific plans Friday?’ ‘No I planned to work out of my home as we agreed. I was just going to make some phone calls and work on product...

2 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 13 Starting to Learn

Collette, Fara, Daphne, and Anna had spent a restful night in the dormitory that had been set up for them on the top floor of the Sunrise Tea Parlour. “Not very comfortable,” Tsai Linn had said as she had shown them the small room, with its four simple beds ranged along one wall, “but you will be too busy to worry.” Certainly, the accommodation was simple but the beds were comfortable enough and, given how hard they were working, the girls found it easy to get a good night’s sleep. Next day,...

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The Courtesans Journal Ch 5

At the end of the term, Eleanor and I left the school to start my new business. My grandmother’s London townhouse became our new home and we bedecked the place as befitting a rich member of London’s Elite. An entire wing of the upstairs was for my work as a courtesan. But unlike nearly every other courtesan we had ever heard of, I catered exclusively to women. Some were students from school, namely the very rich women I had deflowered who had since married old rich men who could not pleasure...

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