- 4 years ago
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Charlie was struggling to get free from a swarm of opponents when he heard the referee’s whistle and the siren indicating the game was over. His team had been defending hard for the last few minutes protecting a three point lead in their first Northern district Rugby League final.
Now as reality set in they knew that they had achieved what was deemed impossible by the critics. Against all odds their small country town had broken the games longest running drought by defeating the highly fancied city side.
Charlie had just scrambled to his feet when he was swamped by his team mates who hoisted him high on their shoulders. They were intent on acknowledging his solo intercept try that had made the difference between winning and loosing. Charlie was embarrassed by their actions he didn’t want credit or to be treated differently, he was just happy to be part of the winning team.
For a while he struggled to get down then gave in hoping they would soon leave him alone. But it was not to be. Coach Davies called for quiet. ‘Listen lad,’ he said to Charlie as his team mates gathered around. ‘Stop carrying on like a bloody idiot, we all know that it was only through your personal brilliance that we even reached the finals and today you did it again. Without your uncanny way of reading the game we would have been done like a dinner so stop winging and lets us say thanks in what ever way we can.’ He turned as a TV van pulled up beside them. ‘Put him down boys he knows how we feel and so does every one who was here today.’
His team mates whistled and cheered as a big breasted TV reporter accosted him. ‘Hi, I’m Michelle I’m a feature reporter with channel 7. They tell me you’re the one I should talk to.’ She looked him up and down and smiled, ‘you’re the new local hero.’ Looking to see if her camera man was ready, she shoved her microphone in front of his face. ‘How does it feel to be the man who won the match for a small town team that has never won a premiership before?’
‘Aw hell,’ he mumbled ‘it wasn’t me it was the team and our coach no man wins on his own.’ When she started to ask another question he shook his head, ‘Please no more. I just want to have a beer with my mates and celebrate.’ Michelle sighed and indicated she wouldn’t give in. ‘I don’t think you realize just how big a story your teams victory will be when it hits the big city media.’
‘It was a true David and Goliath contest. No one expected you to win. You were true underdogs when you arrived here this afternoon, now you are part of a fairy tale come true.’ When he went to walk away she took him by the arm hauling him around until her large soft breasts were pushing against his arm.
‘Please give me a break this is a lovely human interest story at a time when news is short. People love stories about country boys beating the smarties from the big smoke. I can get my face and yours on TV all over the nation when I send your story to the big TV stations down south. It might lead to something big for both of us.’
When Charlie’s body language indicated his opposition to such an idea she didn’t give him time to respond. She turned to his team mates, ‘where are you holding your celebrations? I would like to join you.’
Before Charlie could reply his best mate Nat chimed in, ‘we are going on a pub crawl after a club dinner at the casino.’ He slipped his arm around her waist and took her aside making sure his mates saw he was looking down the front of her blouse at her gorgeous tits. ‘Charlie is a loner he doesn’t like talking but you can talk to me and my mates any time. We would love to have a sexy lady like you join us.’ He looked around at his team mates and winked, ‘We’ll all look after you.’
There were very few women from their town at the victory celebration dinner, those that were were quickly surrounded by horny players or officials. Nat and the coach cornered Michelle agreeing to long stand up interviews before trying to ply her with grog. Charlie smiled when he saw that their efforts were wasted. She downed their drinks and moved on talking to anyone who had anything to say, her camera man always handy.
After circling the room she sidled up to sit beside Charlie. ‘Nat tells me you are an orphan. He says that you lost your mother and father in a horrific motor accident when you were young. He says you live with your aunt and she is a bitch that treats you like shit.’ Her eyes were big and soft as she waited for Charlie to respond.
‘Nat talks too much,’ Charlie said quietly. They sat together for a few minutes neither speaking then Michelle leant over and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I know how you feel but there is little you or I can do. You are news and will be news for the next few days. The fact that you are an orphan living on your aunt’s remote farm makes you even more news worthy.’
She smiled at his unhappy face, ‘Sorry Charlie but that’s the way it is. You are what those in the business call a current item of interest. I want to interview you because it will help me improve my reputation in this cut throat business. I promise I will not do or say anything to hurt you.’
She licked her lips, ‘in fact I’m sure I can make you happy.’ She stood with her hands on her hips in a way that displayed the magnificent breasts that towered over her smaller waist larger hips and long brown legs. ‘I’ll do anything you want.’
What’s the use of fighting Charlie thought as he studied her luscious big body? ‘Ok,’ he growled, ‘I’ll do it but none of that hero stuff.’ As soon as he agreed her team flew into action. They quickly set Michelle and Charlie up in one of the casinos hotel private suites so they could have some privacy and reduce the noise during the interview. Studying Charlie’s shiny brown face and listening to his quiet voice they brought in a sound guy and a local make up artist for the protesting Charlie.
Cindy the tall thin make up girl warmed to Charlie. She liked younger men and eighteen year old Charlie with his broad shoulders and bronze tan from working in the sun was the type of shy young lad she enjoyed seducing. ‘Be careful what you say,’ she whispered as she applied make up. ‘Michelle is ok, but TV lives on controversy and new faces, and you have the type of face and physique that will look good on TV.’
She turned his head towards the mirror. With her head down beside his she looked at him in the mirror. Then licking her lips theatrically, she grinned, ‘You look good enough to eat.’ When Charlie didn’t respond she took her time as she brushed him down, her hands lingering over his tight round butt. When he thanked her she whispered, ‘I’d like to see more of you. Slip back after the show and I’ll remove your make up and anything else that tickles your fancy.’
Michelle handled the interview perfectly drawing out the story of Charlie’s life on his aunt’s farm. She was an expert interviewer relaxing Charlie until he forgot the cameras and started to talk. Her questions helped him to tell the story of small town life especially the daily grind of farm work milking the cows before school and working picking mangoes or tomatoes after school.
Michelle sat and talked with Charlie as the crew packed up and left telling Michelle they would have to leave straight after they transmitted the tapes back to the TV station. ‘Do you mind if I smoke?’ she asked as she offered him a cigarette. Charlie watched her blow a stream of smoke over her lips as he waved the offered cigarettes away. For the first time he felt a sexual stirring as he watched her suck on her smoke.
‘I don’t smoke I never have and don’t think I ever will. But I sure like to watch a woman smoke.’ He growled. Michelle had removed her jacket and sat down opposite him crossing her legs as she relaxed after the interview. Her skirt with its split side now showed much more of her thigh.
Charlie had seen a movie where a married woman seduced a young college boy and remembered a scene where the woman
sat smoking just like Michelle was sitting and smoking now. He felt his cock growing in his pants as he studied Michelle more closely. She looked over and noticed his scrutiny, ‘what’s up?’ she asked.
‘Nothing,’ he stammered. ‘We don’t have a TV out on my aunt’s property so I have never seen you before today. You know all about me and I don’t know anything about you. Can I ask you some personal questions?’
‘What would you like to know,’ she sighed as she blew a stream of smoke into his face. ‘How old are you, are you married, do you have a boyfriend, where do you live. You know the sort of questions my aunt will ask when I tell her about you.’
‘Well I’m thirty, divorced with no regular boyfriend and live in a condo on the beach. I came up here from down south after my divorce and worked for the local radio station. I have just been given my own regular slot on the local TV scene and will do anything to get a TV job down in the big smoke.’
She stubbed out her cigarette, ‘that’s why I wanted to interview you. It is the type of country boy story that will get an airing down south.’ She stood up and moved over to Charlie. Pulling him to his feet she kissed him, ‘thanks kid’ she whispered, ‘You have been great.’ When he licked his lips she kissed him again her hands pulling his body close.
This time Charlie held her tight pushing his throbbing cock hard against her body. He took his time and kissed her back forcing his tongue into her mouth. ‘I might be eighteen but I don’t like being called a kid,’ he grunted as he ran his hand over her rear and ground his cock against her body.
Michelle was surprised and delighted at Charlie’s response. Since starting to work on the local TV circuit she had had to fight off the advances of the old fogies who were major advertisers or the industry people who made decisions that could and would affect her future. She had speculated that there wasn’t a good fuck amongst the lot of them.
Charlie’s young hard body and his enthusiastic amateurish kisses sent a tingle through her body. ‘Sorry honey,’ she whispered when he broke their kiss. ‘I didn’t mean to insult you.’ she rubbed her hands down over his long hard cock, ‘but I’m glad I did.’
Charlie was a virgin he had kissed a few girls but never had the time or the money to date a girl regularly. He was good looking having been fortunate enough to inherit his father’s handsome features. He was fit from farm work and football, his face and body glowing with good health.
His aunt was an old maid. She had taken him in when both his parents were killed. she was a strict church goer with a sadistic streak. She knew Charlie did not like being called a kid but she persisted knowing that she was his only surviving relative and he had to stay with her or face life in an orphanage.
Charlie would have never kissed Michelle like he was kissing her now nor would he have let his hands run so roughly over her body but this woman calling him a kid was like a red rag to a bull. Her reaction to his passionate kisses surprised him. Now her hand on his pants was rubbing and massaging his cock creating better feelings than those he experienced while masturbating.
Michelle whistled as she opened his fly. A smile lit up her face, ‘my god,’ she laughed, ‘that may prove to be a real mouthful.’ She dropped down on her knees and ran her tongue up the shaft of his already throbbing cock. ‘It’s a beauty, it will be a pleasure to really thank you for agreeing to an interview.’ she whispered as she looked up at Charlie.
Before he could respond she ran her hands down over his balls and ever so lightly kissed his cocks head, ‘it’s lovely, I love a big thick cock,’ Charlie was stunned. He just stood and watched as her red lips closed over the head of his cock and he felt her tongue working.
Her eyes never left his face she was waiting and watching for his reaction. ‘Is this what you want?’ she asked as she pulled her head away so she could show him his cock’s very wet head. Charlie had heard his mates talk of blowjobs but no woman or girl had ever touched his cock let alone kissed it. ‘Oh hell yes, that’s fantastic,’ he groaned.
He stopped talking and moaned out loud when she poked out her tongue and again licked from his balls up the shaft to run her tongue around his cockhead. She kept her eyes on Charlie face reading his reactions before extravagantly sucking the head in between her red lips.
Hearing his groans she withdrew it and swirled her tongue around teasingly trying to penetrate his hole. ‘Oh my god that’s good,’ Charlie moaned as he felt his cock growing harder and his legs weaker. To steady himself he held her head and ran his fingers though her hair. Looking down he saw she was still watching him and whispered, ‘You’ll make me come if you’re not careful.’ ‘That’s the whole idea big boy,’ she said with a grin.
Michelle dribbled some more saliva over the head of his cock and looked up at him. ‘You have a beautiful cock you will make many women happy if you use it right.’ Charlie didn’t know what to say so he just stood and watched as she bobbed her head up and down swallowing only the tip of the head of his cock at first then using her lips gradually taking more and more of his now over excited cock deep into her mouth.
He groaned when he felt her fingers wrap around the bottom of his shaft then commence jerking up and down in time with her bobbing head. What will she do next he thought when her other hand moved to hold the cheeks of his arse and commenced squeezing and stroking them lightly.
It wasn’t long before Michelle felt Charlie start to struggle. His hips started to move, his breathing grew loud, he started to whine, ‘I’m coming,’ at the same time trying to pull back out of her mouth.
Charlie was worried about coming in her mouth. He didn’t think that she would want to swallow his come until her fingernails dug into to his rear and one finger played around his anus. She doesn’t seem to be worrying he thought as he felt his cock start to pulse. Anticipating the surge of his come he stood on his toes and bucked his cock forward willfully letting his juices explode and burst into her mouth.
Even though he had read her signals as wanting his come he was still worried at what he was doing. Then he looked down to see Michelle’s eyes wide open staring at him as his raging cock distorted the shape of her mouth and cheeks.
His fears disappeared when she winked and pulled his body hard ramming his cock deeper into her throat. She was gasping for breath when he saw a trickle of come leak out of the side of her mouth. ‘Oh shit,’ he moaned, ‘that’s fantastic, oh shit I’m done, I’ve bloody had it,’ as his knees grew weak and his body shuddered and shook.
To his amazement Michelle didn’t stop sucking. She swallowed the last drops of his come, still using her fingers and mouth to urge him on. Even when his cock was wilting and soft she spent some time licking the head clean, her eyes smiling as she stroked it lovingly. ‘You’re bloody marvelous,’ he groaned. ‘I’ll never forget you.’
‘Was that your first?’ she whispered. Charlie looked down on this thirty year old TV presenter on her knees with his come leaking from her lips. ‘Yes, oh my god yes, I have never had anything like that before.’
Michelle had just gasped, ‘I’m glad,’ when they were startled by a loud knock on the door and a call from the cameraman. ‘Cindy has to remove Charlie’s make up. I’ll send her up, and then we are ready to leave when you are.’
Michelle called she would be out in a minute. She stood up quickly changing from a lover to a business woman. She tucked his deflated cock back in his pants and kissed him ‘can you taste yourself?’ she asked with a smile as she headed for the door.
At the door she slipped him a card. ‘Give me a ring if you come up here again. I would like to finish off what we started,’ then she pulled the door closed and left. Charlie stood in the empty r
oom staring at the door. No one would believe that minutes ago he was given his first blow job from a woman whose face people saw on TV every night.
The camera man frustrated Cindy’s plans to seduce young Charlie by hovering around while she removed Charlie’s make up. Nevertheless she took the opportunity to slip him her phone number and undo a couple of buttons so he could look down her shirt at her small hard breasts. ‘Give me a ring,’ she whispered. ‘I’ll guarantee you won’t be disappointed.’ Charlie smiled to himself as went down to join Nat and the gang. His first blow job and two phone numbers with tons of promise from both was not a bad evening’s work.
Nat was in charge as they left to visit a few pubs where local supporters had arranged drinks. ‘Don’t get too drunk,’ he called as they hit the street. ‘There is a legal brothel down the road we’ll hit it later and celebrate by getting laid.’
It was nearly mid night when they arrived at the brothel. Some of the boys had picked up girls and disappeared but most of the team had stayed the distance eventually lending each other enough money to pay for a woman.
Charlie had paced himself restricting his liquor intake and it was lucky that he had. For as soon as they were in the door Harry who was an angry drunk started throwing his arms around swearing and cursing. ‘I’m not paying money to fuck an ugly faced old yellow bitch like her.’
The place was in an uproar until Charlie took him aside and settled him down. He called over a pretty young blonde prostitute, ‘take him away,’ he whispered, ‘If he gives any trouble call me.’ When the noise subsided and his mates started selecting partners Charlie went over to the desk to apologise to the woman with the battered face. ‘Hi, my names Charlie, I am sorry for my friend’s insults, don’t take any notice of him he’s drunk.’
He studied her closely as she shook his hand. ‘I’m called Hanako, there is no need to apologise many men need to get drunk before they have enough courage to visit us. Her face twisted in what he presumed was a smile as she whispered softly,’ thank you for helping.’ She spoke with a slight accent he decided she was Asian probably Japanese.
Her face was so badly disfigured that it was hard to look into her eyes so he let his eyes run over her body. To his surprise she was very tall maybe over six feet. He had always thought that most Asian women were small, but she was at least his height, her slim body hidden in a long outfit with large loose folds and long silk trousers.
Charlie stood beside Hanako watching his mates pair off and head to various rooms. Most of the women in the brothel were very good looking. They wore tiny dresses and tops that drew attention to their best features highlighting the best parts of their shapely bodies.
He didn’t really want sex with a prostitute and quickly realized that he should have dropped out earlier in the evening before they reached the brothel. It was not meanness or an inability to pay he had always dreamed that his first time would be with a woman who wanted him, not some one paid to accept his advances.
When his team mates had talked of going to a brothel he had agreed because he didn’t think he would have found a woman outside of a brothel who would want him. After his session with Michelle and Cindy’s promises he now knew an opportunity would soon arise.
The more he studied the available women the more he realized he was in trouble. If I go to a room with one of these very sexy women and she takes her clothes off there is no way that I won’t end up fucking her, he thought as he tried to hide the fact that he had not made a choice. But his mates were drunk and becoming demanding. ‘Where’s your bird Charlie?’ Nat called from across the room. ‘Yeah where’s your bird?’ Jimmy joined in.
Charlie turned to the tall woman with the battered face. ‘I don’t want sex,’ he whispered. ‘Help me please.’ Hanako knew from experience that many young men arrived on their doorstep straight from their buck’s night. Most of them were at a brothel because of pressure from their mates. Many couldn’t get it up when faced with a willing working girl. She looked at Charlie deciding he was a well mannered young man who probably wanted to save himself for his bride.
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The sun is setting...They walked from daylight into darkness. The heavy outer door had opened into a small hallway. Another pair of doors stood about 10' away. There was a small booth to their left but it was empty."Breath. Smell." he says.She does."Smoke. Sweat. Female hormones. Booze. Perfume. It is a unique combination. Nothing else quite like it." he says.She grins."You have never been to one of these places before have you?""No.""This should be fun."They go inside. It is a nice sized...
My name is Kaylynn. I’m 28 years old and am currently cleaning houses for a living. I have many clients and some rotate in and out while others are regulars. Something happened last week that is a bit unusual for me. I started cleaning Don’s house a few months ago and he is probably one of my favorite customers. First of all, he’s gorgeous. He’s quite a bit older than me (in his late thirties or early forties, I believe) but he’s aged well. The second I met him I wanted to rip off his clothes...
VoyeurThe room was spinning for the plump, young schoolgirl, Tanya Fagan. It was as if the colors and the objects were like the fireplace, flickering and changing colours, a kaleidoscope of patterns which were dizzying and satisfying both. But what were Mr. Newman and Ms. Tyler doing? Where were they? She tried to concentrate on the two people. They were ... there on the blanket! Right beside her. And, and it looked as though he was naked too. Tanya shook her head again unable to believe what she...
Hi, Sex life is to enjoy don’t waste it if age passes everything will be missed. If we die nothing happens all will be lost so enjoy it with conscious and till u can………I feel free to have sex with all who r willing…..ok lets come to d story. This happened when I was in Mumbai and my boss a Punjabi female. I was about 29 yrs of age, tall and masculine. Chetna was 35 yrs and a bomb. She used to dress up extremely well and had a reputation of having brought up the standard of dressing within her...
I was 18 years old, and I was extremely nervous all day because I knew I was going to force myself to try it…a gloryhole. There was a place a few miles out of town called the XXX store that was opened 24/7. Me and my friends had gone in there a few times, and one time when I went to use the bathroom I saw a strange hall with many doors on either side. All had lights above them, some were lit and others weren’t. It wasn’t until later that I heard what a gloryhole was and how it was used in Adult...
GayDiane, Brenda, and Cathy stood, holding their posters. They hollered and cheered for Brad and Jake. Abby’s poster read #27 Brad Hayward I’m your #1 fan. Men in the rows behind them appreciated the short hemmed, low-cut dresses that all the women were wearing. The public address announcer began. “Welcome to tonight’s game between the Kingston Frontenacs and your Belleville Falcons!” “The starting lineups for tonight’s game are for Kingston, starting in goal, number 30, Chris Manning,...
Paul Christian searched frantically for his missing covers when he was rudely awakened by his mother, Carol, “at the crack of dawn” — his term — but 0930 by the military-time digital clock by his bed. His awakening took the form of Carol yanking the covers off him and dropping them completely out of his reach on the floor. The reason for his rude awakening was the need for him to drive to the C-store and meet Henry Hall and Penny Watts who were due to be at the store at 10:00. Paul stumbled...
This is my first blog and this story about having sex with my neighborhood girl in water when we had gone for a family trip. Myself Sam age 23 this happened to me this June She is my neighbor girl and she got married recently, I did sex with her when she came home for my sister’s marriage. I obviously masturbated by thinking about her in my younger days. She is really hot with cute lips I always stare at and 36 size boobs and great navel point which I see through her saree. I longed for this...
UNINTENTIONAL CONSEQUENCES by CutePatti (2/2018) As I walked into the bathroom to take my evening shower I noticed that my daughter's cute pink mary jane shoes and a pair of her white frilly anklet socks were laying on the small dressing bench. The socks had each been separately placed just inside each shoe's opening with great care, certainly not the usual way she would have normally removed and discarded them by flipping the shoes off in 2 different directions and then pulling off...
A Shocking Wait Picture by Bishop She stood, balanced, though just barely. By f***e of will, the naked girl tried to remain absolutely motionless. But to do that was almost impossible. It was the point of her bondage, of course. She stood erect, her legs spread wide by a metal bar strapped between her ankles forcing them apart. Her arms were pulled behind her back, strapped together at her elbows and wrists, forcing her breast forward. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her bound arms all the...
Relax.... It's Just A Fuck"No Drew! Stop Right now... Or I'm gonna...""Do what?... Craig... your wife is out there going to third base with our big dicked coworker.... what the hell are you gonna do about that?" Silence...... "Kick his ass... thats right I'm gonna fuckin' beat his...."(Background sound - "Oh my God... Its so big!... I cant believe Im taking it all!")Silence.... "Good girl! Take that big ass dick!""Shut the fuck up! I gotta stop this!" "Oh hell no, stop it!""Drew let go of me...
It was August of 1998 and I was at my twentieth high school reunion. I had been dancing with my wife, Kelly, and her group of friends when Lori tapped me on the shoulder. I hadn’t seen her since high school and we started dancing.Lori was my second pussy. In between the time we had decided to go on a date and the day of the date, I met Kelly and that changed my life forever. But all through high school, and again that night, there was a spark between Lori and I. I think we both always wondered...
IncestLast night had been the greatest night of my life when I got to and neighbor Tracy who I’d had a crush on my whole entire life. If you haven’t read part one she’d just broken up with her boyfriend who was cheating on her and stayed the night at my house and I had lost my virginity to her that night. When I woke up I found Tracy lying next to me and I tell you there is nothing like waking up to a beautiful women who you love. She wasn’t awake yet and I just sat and watched her chest rise and...
EroticI met Lori in college. We met through a mutual freind and we hit it off right away. We both loved to fuck and we couldnt get enough of each other. We married after a couple years and continued to have great sex. Knowing how Lori loved to fuck, I figuered she had alot of guys before me. She is good looking and loves to flirt. I would ask Lori about her previous guys during sex and she told me about some wild times she had. She said a freind told her once that she would never be married because...
This group is From new bird Having plans sounds like a good idea until you have to put on clothes and leave the house. ✧ ✧ ✧ It’s weird being the same age as old people. ✧ ✧ ✧ When I was a kid I wanted to be older ... this is not what I expected. ✧ ✧ ✧ Life is like a helicopter. I don’t know how to operate a helicopter. ✧ ✧ ✧ Chocolate is God’s way of telling us he likes us a little bit chubby. ✧ ✧ ✧ It’s probably my age that tricks people into thinking I’m an adult. ✧ ✧...
"Why...why did you kiss my feet?" "I am parachi, you are karaiyar. For centuries my people have prostrated themselves before you." "No! I don't believe in the caste system. We are equals." "I was only teasing." She grinned. "Your parents were telling me how the community here thinks of caste. I did not tell them, but actually they are stuck in the eighties. In Sri Lanka we have moved on. The rebels did not believe in caste, and did a lot to stamp it out." "Really?" "The...
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. I would like to thank Dv8foto for allowing me to use the photos for the “Wife” character in this fictional story. Their profile can be found on Xhamster if you copy and paste their username. Thanks and enjoy! CHAPTER 1: Fertility She could have told me that...
Skylar Snow and Jay Tee are enjoying a nice hike together, and Jay asks Skylar out on a date. Skylar reminds him that she’s married to Draven Navarro, so Jay quickly apologizes. But then Skylar says that she’s fine with fucking Jay, because she and her husband have an open relationship. This makes Jay very happy and he kisses her, but then Skylar says that there’s one condition: if Jay wants to have sex with her, then he has to have sex with Draven as well! Jay is surprised at...
xmoviesforyouHello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Apke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar padh rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle. Jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id . PART 13: Jism Ki Bhook Ne Karwat Badli Narrated by Amit Payal ke bye bolkar gayi. Shradha apni tang se darwaze ko dhakka...
Professor Horowitz was all smiles as Mark entered his office late in the afternoon. “Good, good, I’m glad you could make it, Mark,” the old professor said with a friendly chuckle. “Yes, Professor, is there something wrong with my project? Mark inquired, for he was puzzled by the urgency of the professor’s request to appear in his office as soon as possible. “Mark I have the results of the competition you entered, I believe it was for...” he paused to adjust his bi-focals then continued,...
SEX WITH A TEEN Jayanthi completed 18 years of her age. She was studying Inter II year and her exams were in the month of March. On her birthday myself, and my wife along with my children went to Jayanthi’s house and spent whole day there. In the evening, there was cake cutting by Jayanthi. Her lot of friends present there. I organized the entire birthday party for her. She cut the cake and took the piece of cake and put it in my mouth first. I was surprised. Because her parents were...
IncestIntroduction: Reposted by poipular demad and numerous e-mails Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1 Hello readers and fans. I know it has been quite a while since my last post and I am sorry, but in my own defense I have been around the world a few times and Ive been very busy. I will report that I did get to see my brother-in-law Hirito while on a return trip to Japan. He is still a little pissed at me, but our seeing each other was at least cordial. He is now a father of 11 year old twin girls. His girls...
"Right Ernie. I'm taking you back to ya room, and me and you are gonna have a wee chat. Ok" McPeevie was in a bit of a spin and had some loose ends to tidy up before his visitors arrived. His day had so many ups and downs he had very nearly lost track. The inspection had gone reasonably well and his session with Lesley nearly a total success until the very last minute. First he had to deal with Ernie Hedley. "Ok Ernie here you are. Back in your room""I'm not ducking blind""Never said you...
It is part based on a true story and other parts are just my dark imagination. Chapter one. Let me begin with telling you a little bit about myself. I’m a young girl (19 years old) and I live in a small town called Pikes. I don’t have many friends but that’s okay I like being alone. I I’m someone that likes to run in de mornings and reads in the evenings. It’s not that I’m not pretty I think I look stunning I just prefer to be alone. I have long dark blonde hair, about 178 cm high my boobs...
All week, her thoughts were of her brother having fucked her. Other guys had fucked her before, but never like the way her brother had last Thursday. It was something special. It was more than just sex. It was pure desire between siblings. So, it was definitely safe to say she was happy it was Thursday again. It had been a long week. A long week filled with emotions that she had never had, emotions that her brother had given her. She never knew that having sex with her brother would have filled...
IncestAuthors note: This is the story of a high school senior that takes a part-time job for Halloween, and finds himself. I started writing this story a few years ago, and then my muse went away. I don't know if she's back or not, but I just felt that I needed to finish it. Enjoy. ---------- Jessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or ... by Teddie S. Hello. My name is Russell Madison. My friends call me Russ. But,...
Masseuse Lily Adams is helping her newest trainee Bailey Brooke settle in. Bailey’s been doing great work so far and is getting excellent feedback from their clients, and Lily sees her as fast on track to becoming her next star employee. But if there’s one thing Bailey needs more practice in, it’s to be less shy – especially with showing off her beautiful body and perky breasts! Lily decides that the best thing for Bailey to do is to shadow Lily with one of her clients,...
xmoviesforyouBetween all the help Elaine had her stuff was quickly moved in. John and Cindy left earlier with Susan and Mike staying until the end. Elaine was glad that Susan had stayed unfortunately so had her boyfriend Mike. The desire to have Susan was becoming nearly irresistible. She couldn’t stop watching her every move. She hadn’t realized how much she loved and missed her until now. All she wanted to do was grab her in her arms and make love to her. Make her forget all about Mike and everyone...
The sun stood an hour above the ridge before any of the plane-wreck castaways were awake. Joan stirred in Jim's arms, sleepily; she stretched and opened her eyes to the sunbeams filtering through the branches overhead. She winced. Her head ached, slightly, from the effects of the whiskey she had consumed. Ruefully, she told herself that, in the future, she would have to ration consumption of alcohol. Last night had been a little too much for her. She arose, stirred up the fire and put the...
Introduction: Ashley becomes late for math class, and is punished by her teacher! (Essentially what I would wish to happen if I was late for class) ​As she opened her locker that Friday morning, Ashley had no idea that her life was about to change. She picked up her books, and quickly closed her locker. There was plenty of time before class, and she decided that she may as well go to the washroom for a quick examination of her outfit. As she was washing her hands, she looked in the mirror...
Hi friends. My name is John and this experience happened with my sister in law couple of years back. Now about my SIL and she were 19 years at the time of the incident and was doing here college living near a hostel where I and my wife used to stay. She used to visit us everyday. She was just 5 feet but was really beautiful means not sex bomb. She was the kind of typically traditional and natural beauty girl and had boobs just 36 normal weight and ass too but she was very fair with long hair...