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His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, the young Emir of Kobekistan had been on the throne in the Golden Palace, centre piece of the Triple Palace, Ruby, Gold and Emerald, for almost ten years now; his faithful courtiers decided that the tenth anniversary of his succession should be celebrated in some style. Many ideas were mooted, and finally a plan was passed to the Emir for his approval.
Originally he had inherited the country unexpectedly, due to a series of odd events. When his Uncle and Grandfather were killed in an accident he was dragged, somewhat unwillingly, from his peaceful life as David Ransome, a Ph.D. student mathematician at Oxford, into a rôle for which he was totally untrained, in a country he had not seen since he was brought to England by his English mother at four years old. He took to it like a duck takes to water. He revelled in the harem system, and he soon learned how enjoyable absolute power can be.
The country, too, had taken to him. It indulged his little fancies, like having his mother in his harem, then selling her, then buying her back after her new Master had impregnated her. He had, after all, given the country what it wanted. He had now four principal sons, the Crown Prince, who was nine, his half-brother, Ali, four years younger, but who had been declared by the Emir third in line, and two other young Princes plus, he really didn't know how many, other sons and daughters. He had even kept up the tradition started by his grandfather of hunting in a specially built artificial chase, where female slaves were hunted using Irish Wolfhounds, and then used and abused by all the hunters at what was called the 'kill'. He could seem cruel and kind by turns to the Western eye, but to the Kobekistani he was their beloved Master who could do no wrong.
The Emirate of Kobekistan is one of those wonderful places where a visitor (of whom there are very few) feels that he has stepped back into a more leisurely, more dignified era of history, but without sacrificing any of the more useful gadgets of modern civilisation. Air-conditioning protects the inhabitants from the rigours of a sub-tropical climate. Motor cars whisk them from one building to another. Desalination provides ample water. The most modern medical advances are practised in the hospitals. Television shows umpteen channels. Education utilises the most modern computer-aided systems. Moderation in all things is the watchword. Toleration extends to allowing alcohol to be sold to foreign workers in the country, though only within their company compounds. Women are taught to read and write, at least in some harems.
Of course, these facilities are not all available to all of the population, but for all those who matter, the better families, they are taken for granted. A field slave might not benefit from all of them, but the medical services ensure that a slave no longer has to be put down if an over-enthusiastic owner damages it somewhat while administering discipline.
The disadvantages of civilisation as it is understood in the West are nevertheless kept at bay. Advertising is negligible. Tourists are not permitted to enter the country. Women are not allowed to show their faces on the streets. Marriages are arranged by parents, who are wiser in their choices than the impulses of youth would be. There is none of the political brouhaha which besets the more 'advanced' nations, since the country is ruled by the Emir whom Allah has appointed. His word is law, literally; were he to say "Off with his head," the miscreant would be executed in public within the hour.
All of this is made possible by the oil on which the Emirate rests. When all the oil reserves have been extracted, in some centuries time, the level of the land will have been lowered by an average of ten feet. The oil is a 'heavy crude' which is dug out of the ground in lumps looking for all the world like treacle toffee. There is none of the messy liquid to process and no unsightly wells.

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