Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 297
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While our business partnership was growing at a slow, steady pace, our personal relationship had become a wild, impetuous sexual growth with no boundaries. We loved each other and both of us sought to bring pleasure to the other.
While I was no longer a virgin, my sexual experience and knowledge was at a beginning point. Charlie was a considerate and vocal lover who pushed me to experiment and seek higher and higher levels of sexual fulfillment for both of us.
She insisted that we talk to each other during and after each sexual encounter. I was learning the sensitive areas of her body that turned a cold, logical computer wizard to a screaming, wailing sex addict who lost herself in the joys of physical pleasures.
No areas were off limits. One night she announced that it was time that I tried anal to see if I liked it. That night, as she knelt with her head on the bed, she opened herself to me. My cock, liberally soaked with lubricant and her own moisture, pushed its way slowly into her ass as she encouraged me with words and gasps of small pain and pleasure. When I had sunk my entire cock into her, we paused. She told me how it felt to have my cock in her ass, and she insisted I tell her what I felt and thought.
I started a gentle in and out motion that quickly grew more aggressive. Knowing I was about to come, my fingers found her clit and quickly brought her to the edge. We came together, quite violently.
After I cleaned up, I lay next to her and talked. Much to my surprise, I wasn't disgusted at what we had just done. I told Charlie that, although it wasn't my favorite thing, I had enjoyed it.
What was near the top of my favorite activities was eating Charlie. It was a combination of factors, but leading all was that I knew she loved it. For me it was a sensory feast of delights. Charlie would lay on the bed, submissive, as I spread her legs. Sometimes her legs were flat and at other times I put pillows under her ass, giving me even more access to her vagina.
Her musky smell was an aphrodisiac to me when I started to tease her with my fingers and tongue. When aroused the moisture flowed freely from her (I sometimes remembered to put a towel under her, saving us from changing sopping-wet sheets). I loved her taste on my tongue as I licked her wetness. My fingers touched her everywhere; the touch was soft, to create arousal, but not to cause climax. When we realized how much we both loved this act of love, Charlie trimmed her pubic hairs so that only a small tuft of hair remained above her vagina; the rest of her mound was incredible smooth to my touching and licking. If I penetrated her with my fingers, it was shallow and gently.
The sense of sound was very significant in this act of love, as Charlie would go from giggles to moans. Early on she would tease me that, of course, I wouldn't sexually torture her; although she knew full well it was exactly what was coming. Later, her sounds would escalate to groans and gasping wails as I refused to give her final release. Occasionally, when things were going right, the wails turned into begging screams, pleading with me to let her come.
I eventually learned the little physical signs that told me that she was about to come, and I learned how to alter my teasing to prevent her orgasm. It was a loving game that lasted thirty or more minutes, and when I sensed she was at the apex of sexual excitement, I penetrated her with two fingers and curled them up, exerting pressure on her wall as my tongue assaulted her clit.
She would scream my name and her hips would go through repeated violent spasms that I often thought would never end.
If it were a particularly good night, when the screaming was over and the spasms had subsided, she lay there motionless. At times it appeared as if she passed out, but minutes later she would open her eyes and give me a smile that spoke of her intense love for me. That smile was my reward and I treasured it.
We would cuddle then, often not speaking as we enjoyed the touching of our naked bodies. Later she might turn on her back and I would slide my cock into her and gain my release; usually she would be able to have another orgasm. Often though, she would turn on her side so that her back was pressed against my chest. I would change my position and adjust her legs so that I could enter her from behind. I would slowly move in and out until I knew I was ready, and then I would reach over her hip and finger her clit with the right amount of pressure. I would feel her vagina muscles gently clutch my cock and we would come together. Many times I would fall asleep with my cock still in her with my hand resting on her breast.
In those months, with Charlie's help, I learned to love Charlie's body. At the same time, ignoring the sex, it was obvious that I fallen deeply in love with this female who was my lover and my best friend.
Our business continued to grow; then one day the phone rang and Charlie answered it, "C & C Computer."
"Yes sir, we did a project for Mr. Olsen and we think he was very pleased with the result."
In fact we absolutely knew Olsen was happy. Charlie would call him at least once a month to check if there were any problems. There never was, but keeping our company in front of him might get us his referral some day. In addition, it was obvious that he was very fond and proud of Charlie; almost as if she were the daughter he never had.
My thoughts were interrupted when Charlie said, "If the project is acceptable, we could start right away."
There was a pause and then Charlie answered, "I'm sorry. I used a poor choice of words. Obviously, money is important, but what I meant is that if we don't think we can do the job you expect, we will turn you down."
Another pause, "We can be at your office in two hours."
She hung up the phone and faced me. There was excitement on her face as she blurted, "They want us to bid on a huge project Clyde. I can tell it's big money. Olsen sent them to us."
We were escorted into a large conference room where two people waited for us. They introduced themselves as Bob Jacobs and Sam Fisher. Neither said what their titles were.
"You're kind of young," said Jacobs.
Charlie smiled sweetly, "So that means were not contaminated with the theory that the old way is the only way."
Fisher started talking. "Our company is a specialty mail order house. We are in seventy-five percent of the United States. This new region will complete our nationwide coverage. In two months we are supposed to be open for business. We'll take orders over the phone or through the Internet. Originally we plan to have thirty people covering the phones. Eventually, if we're like the other regions, the telephone staff will increase to one hundred.
"We've already prepared a marketing blitz for two months from now. We'll have radio, television and some celebrities endorsing our products.
"We went out to bid on a system that could handle our anticipated volume. Telephone orders and Internet purchases are not leading edge applications. There is plenty of software out there that can be bought and tied together. We have a great many products so the database access has to work quickly.
"We didn't want it to be fancy; we wanted it to work."
I asked, "Why not duplicate what the other three regions have?"
Jacobs answered, "Because they've bastardized the system for fifteen years and it's falling apart. There's lousy or no documentation and the staff is average at best. We thought it would be cheaper and better to get a new system up. We were told it could be done on time and within budget."
Charlie interrupted, "It sounds as if you already hired a company. Why are we here?"
"We booked a company and gave them an advance. They came back and said they needed at least eighty percent of the contract paid up front. We refused. We got a call yesterday; they filed for bankruptcy."
Fisher interrupted, "We called three large companies yesterday trying to get them to bid. They all turned us down even though we said we would pay a premium price. They told us they have committed their teams to other projects and could not come close to completing it on time."
I asked, "What about the hardware?"
"That's part of the bid. We really want a turnkey operation where you do everything."
Charlie glanced at me and said, "We're not sure we want to bid on this. Interfacing multiple software products into a seamless database with large volumes using both the phone and the Internet is not leading edge, but it is a major project.
"Before we even talk money we want to see all the specifications of the project, what the first company has done, and we want access to your processing staff in the other regions to find out the quirks that come out of your business.
"When we get all information, we'll tell you yes or no."
Fisher said, "We'll pay good money."
"Doesn't matter," Charlie said. "If we can't honestly feel we could do it, we'll pass, no matter what the money is."
Both of them looked surprised, almost shocked. Promising big money should have gotten an immediate yes.
"Screw them," I thought.
For the next two days Charlie and I pored over the specs, spent hours talking to the staff at the other regions, and studied what the first company had planned to do.
Charlie and I agreed on most things: The concept to buy outside software that was proven was logical, and the concept of simplicity also was solid. The problem was that five major software programs were going to be interfaced with a unique database, and that was the rub. Some systems expected a particular database and others expected a different one. The management reports were designed as generic reports, and our company already wanted to tweak them. Finally, there was a hardware implication; the hardware we bought had to handle the software packages, the database, and have the speed to handle large and growing volumes.
Finally we recognized that two months was really pushing it. You can go into crash mode for maybe a week, but two months was impossible. For hardware, we would bring in some of the geeks I knew; we didn't have time to do it alone.
We were back in the conference room, facing Jacobs and Fisher. Charlie said, "We can do the project if the price is right, but the time constraint is going to really push us. We'll have to bring it outside people."
"What's the price?"
Charlie answered, "$250,000. We want ten percent up front. The hardware is in the quote, but when we buy the hardware, you pay for it."
Jacobs said, "That's not acceptable. You buy the hardware. If it works, we'll pay you."
Charlie answered, "That's a deal breaker. We're not a bank and we won't finance your hardware purchase. If that's not acceptable, we pass."
We had already talked this out. We couldn't afford to take the risk of borrowing money to buy hardware for this company.
I had mixed emotions about the project. The concept was simple and I was confident we could do it. We wouldn't be in crash mode, but it would be an intense two months out of our lives. I suspected that sex would take a temporary back seat to the project.
Jacobs and Fisher looked at each other and then Fisher said, "We really don't have a choice. We agree. I'll have a contract drawn up today and cut you a check for your ten percent.
We went back to the apartment both elated and scared. This was a big deal.
We talked late into the night. I told Charlie I had to bring in a hardware geek. I was good, but this guy was an expert. I knew the hardware was in the $60,000 to $80,000 range, but that was it. I warned Charlie that when I brought in Skinny, it would be ugly.
"Why?" asked Charlie.
"Geeks want to buy the leading-edge products. If it's announced today, they want to buy it. We don't want to take that kind of chance; we want good, tested hardware. Skinny will fight for the leading-edge stuff."
When Skinny came over Charlie was shocked. He was six-foot and weighed over three hundred pounds.
He went over the specs and suggested the hardware we needed. It was brutal; Skinny and I fought over each piece of hardware. Finally we were done. The hardware was going to cost about seventy-five thousand dollars.
After Skinny left Charlie asked me, "How can you be so tough and aggressive when talking about computers, and then be such a pushover in day to day confrontations?"
I shrugged. I didn't have an answer.
It was tough. Charlie and I worked ten hours a day seven days a week. After three weeks I saw Charlie was as burned out as I. That afternoon we agreed that we would have a night of sex and then take the whole next day off doing nothing. Finally, we would have dinner at a nice restaurant and then more sex.
We woke two mornings later feeling refreshed and went back to the project.
Charlie brought up the problem that we had to document every aspect of the system and we also needed an operator's manual for employees taking telephone orders—when a purchase call came in, the operator would have to know what to do. We realized that someone had to teach them. Neither Charlie nor I had the time to document and teach.
I suggested we call Amy and see if she had any friends who might be qualified. I dialed the number and Amy's cheerful voice said, "Wilson Accounting."
I explained the problem to her and asked if she knew anyone. "How much are you paying?" she asked.
I thought for a second and said, "For someone really good, $25 an hour."
"I got just the person for you."
Amy giggled, "Me. It's kind of slow right now and Bill can take care of the office and answer his own phone if I'm not here. I think I can do a good job for you."
Hiring Amy was a serendipitous stroke of genius. She was perfect in bringing together all the documentation so that there was a ready reference for any of the software packages that we were using. When we tweaked one of the programs, we told Amy how to write it up so that all changes were in writing.
For the operator's manual Amy suggested that we show her the various screens and teach her what she should do if she were an operator taking an order. When she ran into a problem or the answer was unclear, she made sure the operator's manual explained what to do.
The documentation was over 300 pages that Amy had copied or typed, and the operator's manual was an additional 50 pages. Charlie and I would never have had the time to accomplish what Amy completed.
We quickly agreed that Amy would stay with us until the project was completed. Amy never complained about the long hours. She liked to work, and always was laughing or teasing to keep the atmosphere in the apartment loose. Bill complained good-naturedly that we had stolen his best employee.
"Your only employee," Amy corrected.
We were running out of time. There were two weeks to go and there was a tremendous amount still to accomplish.
Skinny called me from the company's office. The hardware had arrived and he was going to install it. He had pulled up the raised floor and saw the pre-installed cables for the first time. He said simply, "They're a piece of shit. They went with the cheapest cables—they might work for a year or so before there's a problem. I can't install hardware knowing the cables are bullshit."
I sighed and told him to buy the right cables and get it done. I told Charlie that night that we just spent an extra $5,000 on cables and installation that wasn't anticipated. She just nodded and went back to her programming.
With eight days to go we were ready for testing. Skinny had all the hardware hooked up and we installed the programs. I had created a simulated telephone and on-line ordering volume program along with the actual database. We were ready for testing. The simulated ordering was set at a very low volume for testing. When low volume came out clean, we had the ability to have the simulations kick in to three and four times the volumes anticipated. It was the high volume aspect where we expected to find problems.
On the first day of testing we lasted ten minutes and the system crashed. At first, I was sure that it was a problem with Knucklehead's database manipulations, but many hours later I discovered it was an error in my database conversion program.
A day later we tried it again. This time we lasted three hours and it crashed again. We found the problems and started again. Twelve hours later it crashed again.
I wasn't in panic mode, but we needed this system tested really well and we were running out of time. We decided to go to twelve-hour shifts. Charlie bought an air mattress and some sheets and took over an office in the company's building. She lived there twelve hours and then I took over for the next twelve hours. For the next three days we never made it though a shift without a problem. Usually that meant the one who was home had to come in. We were now in crash mode.
Finally we made it through twenty-four hours without a hitch. The system seemed to work. We set the simulation program to four times the anticipated highest volume expected. With a big sigh of relief from both of us, the high-speed test went fine. For the rest of the test period the system never had a problem.
The company had hired the people who were going to take telephone orders and they had read the manual Amy had created. During the last two days when we were testing, Amy used the simulated system to train the telephone order people on what they were going to see. She created problems and tested their ability to find the answer in the operator's manual. She was an excellent teacher.
After the system settled down, the top manager of the department requested a meeting. He knew the testing was going well, but he pointed out that Charlie and I weren't always going to be available and he thought he should have a two-person staff to monitor the hardware and the programs. He asked if we could recommend anyone.
I immediately thought of the people who were taking our home requests. I thought two of them would be perfect for the job. I called them and asked if they were interested. They jumped at the chance to be interviewed by the company and I arranged the interviews.
On the day before we went live the testing was going fine. I suggested to Charlie that we have a celebration dinner and invite everyone who had been involved in the project. She thought it was a great idea and quickly found a nice restaurant with a private room. We invited Skinny and his gang of three, the two people who we recommended to the company for staff, and Bill and Amy. It was a great party with lots of jokes and kidding about all the goofy things that happened during development. Skinny kept teasing me about the cheap cables that he found installed. The party broke up at eleven and Charlie and I went home happy, but exhausted.
The company went live and for three days Charlie and I kept to our twelve hour shifts. Amy was there during the day shift to help the telephone operators. It became a joke that we were sleeping on the floor, waiting for a problem.
On the fourth day, we met with Jacobs and Fisher. Charlie said, "I think we're clean. We're going to stay in close contact with the two people you just hired for problems, but things seem to be going well."
Fisher said, "You guys performed. It was a great job and I have to admit that I was skeptical when we first met you. We have a check for $150,000."
Charlie calculated quickly and said, "That's too much. You gave us $25,000 up front and the hardware and cable was $80,000. You only owe us $145,000."
Fisher grinned, "The cables were the first contractor's fault, not yours. We'll eat that expense."
Charlie and I walked out of the building and looked at each other. Charlie said, "Clyde, we have a check for $150,000 in my pocket. That's a huge amount of money for us, even after we settle up with Skinny and Amy."
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Chapter 33 Nathan sat on Charlie’s bed with his head in his hands. How could this girl not understand what just happened? Did she not feel anything about the way he touched her? What the fuck? He let go of his head and looked towards the bathroom door. For a brief moment, he smiled when the sound of the door lock engaged. With a small huff, he moved to the bathroom door and put his hand in the middle of it. Though the door stood between them, he could feel a larger chasm building. It was time....
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Chapter 29 Nathan stood in a bit of shock. Those weren’t the words he was expecting to hear from Charlie. Yes, they were what he wanted to hear, but definitely not expecting them. Her hands on his back were making it difficult for him to think. The only thing that kept crossing in his mind was how close she was standing to his erection. The soft feeling of her lips brushing against his was not helping either. A voice in his head kept telling him to grab her and rush her up the stairs to his...
Chapter 21 It was about five o’clock that same afternoon, when Charlie’s phone beeped. She was laying on her bed, half dozing and half reading a book. Nathan: Need movie night Charlie: I’m okay. Nathan: I need one! Charlie: Okie dokie She rolled onto her back, wondering what weird movie Nathan would play this evening. It even made her smile that he would need a movie night, and that it wasn’t just about her lack of sleep. Sometimes, everyone needs a ‘Chinese comfy movie’ night. It was a...
Chapter 1 Charlie stood on the balcony, watching the rain fall from the darkened sky. It made a soft cascading noise that felt vaguely comforting. She inhaled another puff from her cigarette and exhaled it just as easily. Charlie took a moment to think back on some of her past experiences. Sure, there were men that had stirred some feelings within her. There were others that satisfied a few primal needs and urges. However, none in particular stood out in her mind, there just hadn’t been the...
He woke up the next afternoon not remembering what had happened the night before. He stumbled to the telephone and quickly dialed his boss in a heated rush as he wouldn’t be showing up for work that day, and judging by the crumpled crème-colored card that he found in the palm of his hand, he also had an appointment with Artie Tedesco that he hoped to avoid, considering how nauseous he felt. He swore that he would never go to the bar to drink again, regardless if this Artie Tedesco brokered...
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Chapter 5 Charlie’s eyes felt like they had been glued shut. It took a herculean effort to open them. There was a steady stream of fuzz on the television screen. Nathan’s legs were propped up on the coffee table. The pillow and her head were now completely in his lap. As the rest of her body gained a bit of consciousness, she realized that one of his hands was wrapped in her hair. The other one rested on the side of her body. She shifted her head slightly to look up at him. His head had lolled...
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We walked into Olsen's office on Monday morning. He escorted us to the conference table and we all sat down. "What progress have you made? Is it too much for you?" he asked. "No, Mr. Olsen," said Charlie. "We're done and everything seems to work." "Bullshit." "No, sir." We gave him the new program and left. We met the next morning. "It works," he said. Charlie just grinned. "I'll have a check cut before you leave." Charlie and I had talked about the fee. In our own...
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When he finally went to bed, he fell into a dream that hovered just beyond the thin cover of wakefulness. He could have sworn that he had been transported to yet another garden of sorts, where pinkish blossoms hung limply on the branches of a bush. He saw cherubs frolicking behind this bush along an emerald expanse of lawn that was both brightly-lit and endless. But the sunlight that doused this field in the brightness had a certain dullness to it that didn’t make the look of the scene all...
Charlie, episode 1 It began in the late fifties when my wife Dot was still a teenager. Back in those days, Dot, along with the rest of her family, was much too busy with basic survival in post-war Germany to consider that any activity outside of that could be fun or even pleasurable. So social amenities for young teenagers were a luxury and non-existent. Life for this mischievous girl-woman, was nonetheless exciting and new every day. She was always the most outgoing and...
Charlie Andrew Macintyre was born in to this world on night of Friday the thirteenth seven minutes before the clock struck midnight on that October in 1933. The president was FDR and the flag had forty-eight stars on it. It was the height of the great depression, none of these things mattered to the new infant though. The Macintyre family was a large one like many farm families of the time. Little Charlie as he would later be known was the ninth child of the family, and the fifth son. The...
Karen remained completely naked for the next two days. When Gilly saw the marks left on Karen's body she said, "I wish you'd woken me up, I would have liked to see you being whipped." "These are the marks of a cane," Karen said, wincing as she sat at her computer. "The only whip that would leave marks like these is one of those long bull-whips but it needs great skill to handle one of those properly." Helen called on Friday afternoon, Charlie answered the phone and passed it to...
The conditions of one’s own entrapment varies by degrees, and what may seem like entrapment for one man is freedom to another. Take the man who suffers from his inability to rise above the vices of the street or the ghetto. Charlie had seen some of these people, both white and black, stumbling home drunk, sometimes from his apartment window. They were fierce when he passed them. They liked to own the public streets. They were loud. They cursed openly. They played loud music from their...
Chapter 17 They reached the edge of the lake and hauled the gear down to the edge. Charlie was already digging out the PowerBait, and Nathan had finished setting up both of their lines. She handed him the container of his favorite color to use, neon green, and he handed a pole to her. She occupied herself with attached a chunk of her rainbow bait to the hook. They casted their lines and stood watching the water. After a few minutes, she laid down her pole and grabbed a thermos. She filled the...
Jim’s day hadn’t started well. He’d forgotten to set the alarm for an early start - and so had almost missed the train. His relief was short lived. Half an hour into the journey the train had stopped. A major points failure, was the explanation. After another half an hour standing still he’d realised he was never going to make the meeting. He phoned to let his boss know - and eventually he managed to get back to his home station. At around 10.30 he was unlocking the door to the home he’d left...
BisexualIt began in the late fifties when my wife Dot was still a 16 year old teenager. Back in those days, Dot, along with the rest of her family, was much too busy with basic survival in post-war Germany to consider that any activity outside of that could be fun or even pleasurable. So social amenities for young teenagers were a luxury and non-existent. Life for this mischievous girl-woman, was nonetheless exciting and new every day. She was always the most outgoing and sometimes outrageous one in...
IncestThe thought of killing someone due to his own frustrations did follow him down the sidewalk that morning, as a woman’s stare was merely a fleeting announcement that he was at least handsome in some imperceptible way, but by no means a thoroughbred who could ensure her survival. As much as he wanted this pipe dream out of life—the ability to support someone like the girl he had seen, and perhaps a child who would have been the result of their union, just weren’t possible anymore. He had been...
Charlie was one man who really lived up to his name sake. He personified both "good luck Charlie and "hard luck Charlie" in his life. However, what he lived the most was the song Good Time Charlie's got the Blues. It wasn't always like that though. At first, it seemed like he had it made right from birth. Charlie was born to a wealthy investor and a woman who not only had a successful modeling career, but was often sought after to perform in various commercials. Even though most of them...
They were woken the following morning by the sounds of the young couple at it again. Alan left just after lunch and Gilly decided to go exploring by herself. "Naked is okay anywhere in the house," said Charlie when Gilly said she wasn't going to wear clothes all day. "But if you go out into the grounds stay away from the guards lodge unless you're fully dressed." He repeated the request that he'd made of Karen and Gilly agreed. "I'll take a tee-shirt when I go out but I'm not...
Chapter 13 Nathan did not realize he had fallen asleep. It took a moment to register that he was still on Charlie’s bed since it was almost pitch black in the room. The closed curtains were keeping out the sun. There were a few rays escaping through the bottom and sides of the curtain, however, they had dimmed since it was early evening light. He was completely stretched out on the bed, pillow under his head, and he couldn’t move his left arm. As he did a slight tug, he heard a moan. Shit!...
It’s dusk and it’s raining, the sky is dark and brooding. We climb out of our taxi and head towards the upmarket restaurant. I’m wearing a long black coat, hot pink heels, black stockings and under my coat is my pvc corset and short, black pencil skirt with suspenders. I am wearing my collar. This is not a romantic dinner. My hair is pink and down, my makeup dark and heavy, my lips dark too. You are wearing your deadliest black suit with a hot pink tie that draws the eye up your body to your...
It’s dusk and it’s raining, the sky is dark and brooding. We climb out of our taxi and head towards the upmarket restaurant. I’m wearing a long black coat, hot pink heels, black stockings and under my coat is my pvc corset and short, black pencil skirt with suspenders. I am wearing my collar. This is not a romantic dinner. My hair is pink and down, my makeup dark and heavy, my lips dark too. You are wearing your deadliest black suit with a hot pink tie that draws the eye up your body to your...
CuckoldKaren was going for a shower when the doorbell rang so Charlie answered it, it was Gilly. "Hi Charlie," she said brightly, "Karen said I could pop over whenever I liked, that's alright isn't it?" "Sure, come in. Karen's just gone for a shower, she won't be long." They hugged and went into the lounge, "We had some fun here last night," she said, looking around, "I don't think I said thank you to you both properly. Thank you, it was great." "What do you remember about last...
When all else fails, there should at least be the possibility of having sex—any sex at all. It can be the quick sex that satisfies a tight schedule, or the slow and sultry kind of sex when nothing else is taking place that day, especially when the two people involved are unemployed and have nothing else to do but engage in sex. Or how about the type of rough and angry sex that follows a caustic argument or drawn-out fight that seems to last for days until the sex itself serves as a final...
One of the real joys of the holiday season is how the kink community comes together to celebrate Charlie and the Chocolate Factory One of the real joys of the holiday season is how the kink community comes together to celebrate.? It seems that everyone is allowed to let their hair down that much more, to party like pagans, and to lose him or herself to pure hedonistic pleasure.? This holiday season, the Houston kink community was coming together not only to celebrate in grand style, to...
It was a drought of Biblical proportion and the curse of no rain stretched the full length of several valleys and extended almost to the far-away Coastline and up into the mountain range that still had tantalizing snow at the upper elevations. Charlie was content with a harem of four dedicated bitches that catered to his every dark and evil desire. The first pair was the twisted Russian girl Natalia and the dizzy waitress Daisy who seemed more interested in Natalia's pretty shaved pussy...
"Who's that," I said, as we walked down the hall. "Her? You can't afford her," said Marissa. "Besides you've got a date with a switch. So, let's try to focus shall we?" she said. "Yes, yes of course ma'am," I said. For the price of $100 an hour, once a month for the past year, I had had the extreme pleasure of having my hide tanned real good by Marissa. Indeed, during that time, Marissa had been my exclusive date at The Chateau where she worked as a dominatrix. Nevertheless,...
The urge to kill Artie Tedesco had been mollified by his remembrance of the man who had come to visit him in his apartment with the package of brown sugar. He could still feel the man’s blunt index finger sticking him in the chest as he said, “don’t contact us. We’ll contact you.” He wasn’t so afraid about the threat. The man was intimidating, as he could have easily killed him with his bare hands if Artie ordered him to do so. But what concerned him more was what the man represented...
Charlie felt really exhausted now so decided to cautiously head for his home cave acknowledging Old Tom the wisened old centaur who was part of the team of four who watched over the small hidden settlement deep in the thickest remotest part of Hailey,s Forest. Any sign that men were near would send a guard centaur to tell everyone and all would disappear into the background till the danger was over. Men had once used dogs, but learned fast when the wolf people drove the dogs off. The wolf...
Holly Levine was hooked on Charlie,s Norse, cock as she savoured the hot fresh taste of his sperm rolling it round her tongue prior to gulping it down loudly so Charlie could hear as well as see her pay tribute to his prick. As she swalllwed she suddenly felt an intense surge of senses course through her body like a jolt of electricity and realise for a rare occasion she,d had an orgasm with just a cock in her mouth. She sometimes came with her titties being sucked and obviously tofingers, but...
Of course this is fictitious tale yet some legends started somewhere. Charlie the Centaur looked at his reflection in the calm water of the lake that ran past the thick forest he lived in. He knew his enemy rarely ventured into this forest so felt fairly safe as his breed were very endangered. As usual what mankind Didn,t understand they wanted to destroy. After all he,d listened to his mother Helena describe the death of his beloved father Henry ten years before when he was on,y eight. His...
I've heard about sites you can go to on the Internet and read about cheating wives. Who would want to write about the pain it causes to the husband? I suppose there are stories about cheating husbands too, but not so many. Maybe because of the double standard. Who knows? There must be equally as much pain brought on by either the wife or the husband cheating. Some wives make a mistake and some go out deliberately to cheat. I'm not sure which category my wife fell into but I know the pain...
Charlie tried not to mix business with pleasure. The combination never seemed to pan out for him in his short 26 years. Tonight was an exception. He had an hour to kill before the pick-up so why not indulge? Especially when the results were this good. Maria was working her magic and Carla was relaxed on the couch with glazed eyes and a mindless smile. Charlie grabbed Maria's neck to show he was enjoying her hard work. A blow job was still a job, after all. This was nothing new...
Charlie woke up the next morning badly having to pee. He hurried across the hallway and closed the bathroom door before relieving himself. When he finished, he washed his hands, opened the door, and was going to go to his bedroom, when he smelled breakfast cooking. "Mmmm, smells great," he said to his mother, as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "It'll be ready in a few minutes. Did you sleep well?" she asked him, hoping she didn't sound as nervous to him as she did to...
* A/N: This is a story I wrote a while ago. I've made some editing and proofing changes. And for those that read on Lit as well. Yes I am Kushiel. Please bare in mind when reading this I was trying to write from a seventeen year old's perspective. Hope you enjoy! * This is a story about me and my Uncle Joe. He was kind of the black sheep of the family; the no hoper entrepreneur that never really made it you know? There’s always one in any family. But that didn’t make him a loser. Well at...
IncestThat the nights that followed were long and lonely, as there was little he could do to avoid being alone, and while it had proved to be a tough challenge when he had drunk himself silly and had the luxury of the prostitutes beside him—that same challenge that he thought he could work his way around without forces higher than himself getting involved in what he originally thought to be very common and innocuous crimes, this challenge of loneliness now seemed less threatening, since he was no...