Charlie Ch. 17-20 free porn video

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Chapter 17

They reached the edge of the lake and hauled the gear down to the edge. Charlie was already digging out the PowerBait, and Nathan had finished setting up both of their lines. She handed him the container of his favorite color to use, neon green, and he handed a pole to her. She occupied herself with attached a chunk of her rainbow bait to the hook. They casted their lines and stood watching the water. After a few minutes, she laid down her pole and grabbed a thermos. She filled the lid/cup with coffee for her and handed the actual thermos to him.

Time rolled by quietly. Neither of them talking, just standing with their poles and consuming liquid warmth. Finally, there was a tug on her line. She set down the thermos lid. Charlie reeled it in and dragged a rainbow trout out of the water. Without having to say anything, she swung the line over to Nathan. He propped his own pole between his legs, holding it with his knees. He snagged the swaying fish and began to unhook it. Yes, Charlie would go fishing. She would bait her own her line, PowerBait or worms, but she had a thing about touching an actual fish. She would make a gagging sound and give an icky dance if she put her hands on one. Nathan finished with the fish and tossed it back into the water. She pulled her line back and proceeded to bait it again.

After a couple hours of catch and release, Charlie announced it was time to eat. She left Nathan by the water and grabbed the picnic basket. She sat down on a large rock that was only a few feet away. As she rummaged through the basket, he heard some snickering and turned to see what she was doing. A beam of light had caught her dirty blonde hair, making it look golden. Her face was lit up by the sun and her smile. Nathan blinked hard for a moment, admiring just how awesome she looked in a large sweater shirt and jeans covered with rainbow colors of fishing bait. Charlie was holding up two baggies. One with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and another with a gaggle of jelly beans.

‘Yes, it is strawberry jelly,’ Nathan said as he recasted his line. Charlie opened the baggie and snatched the sandwich from inside. She crossed her legs on the rock and began to eat. She watched Nathan carefully for a few moments and then cleared her throat.

‘What do you want now?’ he asked playfully.

Charlie picked at the crusts he left on the sandwich, depositing small bits of them in her mouth.

‘Why don’t you have a girlfriend?’

Nathan’s head snapped around to look at her. Nothing in her posture or demeanor told him that she was being manipulative or crafty. She merely sat on a rock, eating a sandwich. The look on her face was more inquisitive than anything.

‘What did you say?’

‘Why don’t you have a girlfriend?’

‘Don’t need one,’ he replied as he slowly reeled in the line. It was a good thing that his back was to her. She couldn’t see the constipated look that had come across his face. His brows were scrunched together. He wasn’t really interested in having this conversation with her, but if he got defensive, then there was the possibility that he would give his feelings about her away.

‘Come on, Nathan. I’ve seen the line of women at your door. Pick one already.’

Nathan shook his head, ‘Not interested in them.’

‘You are interested enough to screw them. At some point in time, the whole male whore thing will start to look bad when you enter your forties.’

Nathan snorted and replied, ‘Men age gracefully. I figure I can pull off the student playboy thing for at least a couple more years. By then, I will have my doctorate and will be teaching at a college. Then, I can chase the young girls around my classroom.’

‘Helluva plan. Better than the one I have.’ Charlie took a full bite of her sandwich and scrambled off of the rock. She put her hand on Nathan’s back and leaned down to grab the thermos of coffee. She could feel him tense up as soon as she touched him.

‘Jumpy much? You need to lay off the coffee, bud,’ she stated as she patted him on the back and then moved back to the rock.

‘So, what’s your plan then?’ Nathan continued to watch the water. Something in the back of his mind desperately hoped that his name would come out of her mouth as she explained her future.

‘I plan on writing a few more smut books. Then, I am going to jump into a full blown American novel. It will be the toast of the New York Times best reading list. I’ll go on a book tour, have intense but brief affairs with men named Armando and Billy Bob. Then, I will retire to a villa with three cats and wear funky purple hats while I garden.’

Nathan turned to look at her. The serious, but comical, expression on Charlie’s face was too much. He sputtered and then began laughing. She watched his shoulders shake as he tried to hold onto the pole. She too chuckled and kept eating.

Once Nathan caught his breath, he responded, ‘Cats and gardening? What about me?’ He inhaled and small breath, waiting to hear how he might fit into her plans.

‘You? Ohhhh, you! Well, based on the solid life strategy you developed and just shared, we will continue to live as neighbors in side-by-side villas. I will have you over for dinner in order to help you grade student papers. We’ll talk on the phone when I am flying back and forth from London and Paris promoting my novel.’

‘Will we still have Chinese comfy movie nights?’

‘Definitely. The only difference is that I will organize your Viagra pills while you make me a glass of Metamucil.’


Chapter 18

Charlie finished her sandwich and moved back to the water front. This time, she had the bag of jelly beans in tow. She resumed the proper fishing position right next to Nathan. She dug into the bag and popping the tasty candies into her mouth. Whenever she got to a black one, Nathan leaned over, and she fed it to him. He knew how much she despised the black ones. The truth was that he wasn’t that fond of them either, but it meant that she was feeding him. Yes, it drove him crazy to feel her hands brush his face or lips when she put the candy to his mouth, but it was these little things that kept him going.

Another fish on her line! She popped the red bean in her mouth and started to pull in her new treasure. This fish was a bit of a fighter, causing her to strain with the line. She let loose some of the line in order to keep it from breaking. Only when the fish zigged or zagged did she begin reeling. After five minutes of a pushing and pulling dance, the trout came to the surface. It was a big mother. Nathan set his pole on the ground and captured her fishing line in his hands. Drawing the fish out of the water, he was impressed. It has to be at least a five pounder. He looked back over his shoulder at the amazing grin that had spread across Charlie’s face. Mission accomplished. That smile was the whole goal for this fishing trip.

It took an extra minute to get the fish off of the hook. Its constant wiggling and weight made it a bit more difficult than usual. Just as he was about to throw the fish back into the water, a pain seared through his hand. Charlie had started to reel in the excess line, not knowing the hook was so close to his hand. As the hook jerked forward, it embedded itself in the flesh on the side of his palm.

‘Fuck!’ Nathan yelled as he jerked his hand back.

‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Charlie dropped her pole and rushed over to Nathan. He stood up, showing her the hook that was now buried into his flesh. Charlie bit her lip and turned his hand backwards and forwards, trying to see how deeply embedded the hook might be.

‘Don’t you even think about it. You are not pulling that son of a bitch out,’ he growled under his breath. ‘Leave it where it is.’

Charlie gazed up to his face. No, he wasn’t angry with her. That would be a different expression on his face. This expression was one of more frustration.

‘Okay, Grizzlie Adams. What do you want to do now?’ she inquired as she put her hands on her hips.

‘Let’s get to the urgent care just outside town.’ Charlie felt like crap. There was Nathan, hooked and bleeding. Knowing that Nathan always carried a pocket knife, she started to reach into the front pocket of his jeans. He jumped back like he had been zapped with electricity. Charlie stepped forward again for his pocket. He quickly reached into his own pocket and pulled out the knife. He handed it to her. She popped it open and cut the line away from the actual hook. Just as quickly, she popped the knife closed, and Nathan held his pocket open. She dropped into the empty space.

‘Okay, go get in the jeep.’ She scrambled around the area, gathering their supplies. Nathan made a slow walk over to the jeep and climbed into the passenger seat. Critical life and death situation, this was not, but no one could tell that by the way Charlie was moving. Charlie loaded the boxes and poles into the back of the jeep in record time. She hopped into the driver’s seat, gunned the engine, grinded a gear and peeled out. The jeep slammed into a bump, jostling Nathan.

‘Slow down, speed demon!’

Charlie focused on the back road, driving as carefully as possible even though she wanted to floor it. Once she was back on paved ground, she slammed the jeep into fifth gear and pushed it up to 85 miles per hour.

‘You aren’t going to like the ticket you are going to get. Slow down!’

She ignored his pleas for less speed only to change lanes to get around a slow driver. One hand on the steering wheel and the other on the shifter, Nathan had the distinct impression that she would use a sixth and seventh gears if they were available. As she reached the outskirts of town, she spotted the entrance to the urgent care facility. She was still going too fast when she made the left turn in to the parking lot. With a bit of a steep incline, the jeep gave a jump, and Nathan’s ass actually left his seat. He grabbed on jeep’s railing as she made a wider turn and screeching halt in front of the facility’s front door.

‘I’ll park. You get inside.’ Charlie was breathing heavily. Her eyebrows squashed together in concern. Nathan wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay. A fishing hook in the hand was not life threatening, but based on her driving, he knew that she felt bad enough for what had happened. He climbed out of the jeep and walked through the sliding doors. Charlie cursed under breath as she jammed the shifter back into first. She whipped out of the driveway and into a parking spot near by. She laid her head on the steering wheel and took a deep breath. You can’t cry yet!

Chapter 19

By the time she made her way into the clinic, she noticed that Nathan was already being taken into the back exam room area. As she moved to take a seat in the one of the always uncomfortable waiting room chairs, she heard a low whistle. Looking up, Nathan was motioning for her to come along. She jumped up and followed him and the nurse through the door. She stood by as he was weighed and measured. He smiled at her as the nurse stuck the thermometer gadget into his ear. All was well so far, they progressed down the hall into one of the small exam rooms.

Nathan leapt onto the exam table, resting his hand palm up on his knee. Charlie moved to the far corner and wrapped her arms around herself. She looked at the fishing hook that jutted out of his skin and cringed.

‘Hey kiddo,’ he said. Her eyes lifted and met his. By now, his look of frustration was gone. It was his regular set of smiling Nathan eyes. He patted the empty area on the exam table next to him. Charlie stepped across the room and climbed up on the table next to him. He leaned against her in a show of solidarity. She leaned back and put her head on his shoulder.

‘I’m sorry’ she whispered. Nathan put his hand on her thigh and nodded. They waited in silence for the doctor to arrive. It seemed like another hour before there was a small knock on the door, and the doctor entered. He carried a small file and was flipping through the pages as he entered.

‘Nathan Devereaux?’

‘That’s me.’ Charlie sat up and shifted a couple inches to her left, giving the doctor more space to deal with Nathan. The doctor began his preliminary questions, and Nathan held up his hand to show him the hook. Charlie started to zone out the conversation, dropping her head to stare at her shoes. She still felt horrible for Nathan having to be where he was.

‘Doc, she tried to kill me. She figured a slow round of tetanus from a fishing hook would be enough to do me in.’ Charlie snapped back to attention. Her eyes hugely wide. Her mouth dropped open as she turned to look at Nathan.

A smirk was playing on his lips as the doctor was probing the flesh around the hook. Charlie mouthed the word, ‘fucker.’ Nathan nodded and kept smiling. The doctor chuckled for a moment and told the pair he would be right back with the needed supplies. He left the room, closing the door after him.

Charlie reached out and punched Nathan in the arm.

‘Owww! Wounded, dying man here!’ He rubbed the spot where the punch has landed. Charlie jumped down off of the table and started for the door. Using his good hand, Nathan pulled her back to him. She ended up standing between his legs facing him. He held her chin.

‘Where are you going?’

‘I . . . I’m sorry,’ she breathed as some tears started to well up in her eyes. Before she could blink them away, a few of them escaped and ran down her cheeks.

‘I was only kidding, you ninny. I am going to be fine,’ Nathan used the pad of his thumb to blot away the fallen tears.

‘I feel like shit,’ she returned to dropping her head. Nathan kissed her on the forehead and pulled her back to the seat next to him on the exam table. Without much thought, she slid her hand into his free one. When she didn’t feel well, a hug was necessary, but holding someone’s hand was even better. She squeezed gently, and he squeezed back. She leaned back to him and put her head back on his shoulder.

Soon enough, the doctor returned with a nurse and tray of cutting instruments. Charlie cringed, but Nathan held onto her hand, putting pressure as a way to say it was okay.

‘Did I ever tell you about the time I have five stitches in my cheek,’ Nathan watched the doctor in a sort of detached way. It was like watching a surgery episode on TLC. Some snips of the skin, blood welling up, clink of metal hitting a metal. Charlie focused on Nathan’s story about a time he, Jared, and Shelley were fighting. He was on the top of a bunk bed. Shelley pushed him over the top railing. He landed face first on the floor. He didn’t really think anything was wrong until Jared shouted for their mom. When their mom entered the room, she started screaming. Nathan had one of those really large metal jacks sticking through his cheek. He continued with the tale of the doctor pulling it out and stitching him up, about how badly Shelley felt for weeks after that she gave him her dessert every night at dinner. By the time Nathan was done with his story, the current doctor had already finished the couple small stitches and was wrapping a dressing around the hand.

‘Mr. Devereaux, I need to give you a tetanus shot too. Assume the position.’

Nathan nodded and slid off the exam table. He pulled his t-shirt out of his jeans and gingerly began to unzip them. Charlie looked down and blushed. For a brief moment, she caught a glimpse of his groin. Nathan goes commando! Her head jerked back up, and she looked towards the wall. That was when she felt his hand trying to hold hers again. She looked back at him as he bent over the table. The doctor was filling a syringe. She laced her fingers with his and smiled. With much warning, the doctor jabbed the needled into his butt cheek. Nathan winced and gave a bit of a jump. Charlie stopped breathing for a moment as she watched t
he doctor push on the plunger.

Nathan laid his head on the exam table and let out a sigh. ‘So, you still want to help with the shed at Thanksgiving?’

Chapter 20

They drove home without talking. The radio continued to belt out its songs. Considering she had just maimed Nathan, Charlie didn’t really feel like talking. She had sat back in the passenger seat, climbing into some memories that she thought she had locked out of her mind. She remembered the time that she had gotten stitches. No one was there to hold her hand. The nurse and doctor simply went about their medical business. Instead, it was all very clinical and very quiet.

He was seated on my dorm bed, watching football. He had been there all day long, drinking beer and eating a bag of potato chips. I tried to drown out the sound of the television as I focused on a reading assignment for a poetry class I was taking. Whenever there was a touch down, the bed would shake as he bounced up and down to root for his team. Every time there was a fumble or turn over, he yelled some obscenities and downed some more beer.

When the game was over, David decided that it was time for me to take a break too. He pushed my books onto the floor and pulled me further onto the bed with him. When I tried to protest, he only gripped my wrist tighter, pulling me harder. I tried to move away from him, but he wasn’t having that. Next thing I knew, I was pinned under him and his mouth was pressed to mine. I tried to turn my head away to tell him to get off of me. That was when the pain exploded in my right cheek and eye socket. My vision blurred.

I remember using my hands to try and push David away, but soon there was a loud popping noise. My left arm didn’t want to work. My brain could not keep up with the events that were happening or understanding the why behind them. More pain exploded across my face. I heard the sound of him unbuckling his belt. The sound of a zipper running on its tracks. I kicked my legs, and he wretched them apart. Something in my body seemed to break. Then, there was quiet. I couldn’t even here the ‘No!’ I was whispering over and over. David was pushing between my legs. A piercing pain in my thigh and an odd heavy weight in my shoulder kept me pinned to the bed. Maybe if I don’t move, he will stop. Maybe if I don’t move, the pain will go away. That is when I couldn’t breathe, and everything went dark.

When I woke up, I pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a sweat jacket. My right thigh was singing with pain. The left arm was useless, it hung limply by my side. I couldn’t see out of her right eye either. Some how, I made it across the campus to the student clinic.

At the clinic on campus, they must have seen their fair share of date rape injuries. I gave over all of my clothing, I even gave a name of my attacker. David. The nurse combed my hair and scraped under my finger nails. The doctor tried to be as gentle as possible during the rest of my pelvic exam. Even on a good day, there was nothing comfortable about having your legs in stirrups. I broke again, and the world went quiet for the second time.

I remembered wincing at the brightness the flashing light of the camera. They focused on the finger marks on my neck. The flash recorded the swelling on my face and bruising around my wrists and arms. I winced at the bright light each time it flashed. Over and over again. The doctor told me that my arm was dislocated. Once they dealt with the leg wound, they would sedate me, so they could pop the shoulder back into place. I was then told to move my leg to the side please.

The needle helped numb the area of my inner thigh. The doctor then went about adding sixteen stitches to my leg. I closed my eyes and heard the doctor ask the nurse what she thought could have done this. ‘Belt buckle’ is all I could mutter. The nurse made a note of it in the file. Lights out. Again, it was all very clinical and very quiet.

After my version of Humpty Dumpty was put back together, I put on a pair of extra clothes the clinic kept. I sat in a small room, talking to a police detective. I explained everything that happened. It was quite frustrating on a number of levels. The swelling in my face and mouth kept me from speaking correctly. I kept repeating myself, so the detective could understand what I said. Over and over again. When the interview was finished, I stood at the nurses’ station and if I could use the phone. I didn’t want to walk back to my dorm room alone. I didn’t want to explain to anyone else what had happened. The only number I could remember was Nathan’s.

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Getting ready for school the next morning, Abby walked to the bathroom without bothering to put on any clothes. She just did not see the point. It’s not like she was in public where someone could get upset, or there were laws. She was in her house, and everyone had seen her at one time or another. Besides, she was seriously considering asking her mother to take her to that Red White and Blue beach she had heard about. Everyone seemed to be ok with being naked there, and it was not one of...

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A Night with Penelope

A Night with Penelope by Tanya H. Hazel, my boss, was comfortably open minded about me sleeping with hotel guests. The first time, I'd only been working there a couple of weeks, was a middle aged business consultant - a little overweight, with a gorgeous smile and a thing about being on top. Fine by me. Next morning, while I was tidying up after breakfast, Hazel sidled up with a knowing look and asked how Mrs Jenkins had been. She'd enjoyed the way I'd blushed, I think, and when...

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A fun weekend with teen sluts part 3

And even stranger, my dick felt like it was submerged in a tub of hot water..... Coming to my senses, I remembered last night and managed to deduce where I was and with whom: Lisa, having awoken before me, was now 69'ing me, with my limp dick in her mouth, ready for me to release my morning piss inside her mouth. When I got the picture, I let my warm, dark piss flow freely from my dick and Lisa urgently sucked it all down. She also let go of her girlie pee, but I was ready for it,...

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Immature Sex With Cousin Priya 8211 Part 2 Shy Cousin Banged Hard

Please read part one  if you have not already. As Priya caught me red-handed, I was very horrified. I didn’t know what to say. I was expressionless and didn’t know what to do. Her hand was still wrapped around my dick. Then I saw a little smile on her face, I smiled too. Suddenly, her hand started moving around my dick without any help from my side. Oh. I just whispered, “Thank you!”, she smiled more and increased her speed of stroking. Wow, Priya! It was Priya doing it herself. I could not...

3 years ago
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Period of AdjustmentChapter 14 Hard to Get it Right

When we went back to work on Monday, I returned to the retail company's distribution warehouse. Lee was working in the front office while I was in the warehouse, posing as an employee doing inventory. I had a clipboard, wore safety shoes, a safety vest, and a hard hat, as per the regulations. My role was to see if I could find anything out of the ordinary in my rounds through the big building. I had already noticed one employee who was watching me carefully, although he was trying not to...

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Mrs Dexters Magic

What Hailey was doing was stupid. Not only a school night, but Mom and Dad were still awake. So was Angie, she imagined, and maybe even Katie, her siblings, ages seventeen and eleven. Hailey was 14 years old. It was Thursday, October 23rd. She glanced at the bedside clock: 11:21 p.m. Her “twin”, Henry was embarrassingly small for a boy. Angie had him by four inches and sixteen pounds. He was not a whole lot bigger than his 11-old sister, in fact. Blonde like Katie, Henry wore his hair buzzed...

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stroke buddy

one day me and a buddy were playing some video games together, something we did together a lot. after awhile he perked up and mentioned that he had seen this really good porn the other day, and wondered if id like to watch it. I said yeah, cause id showed him some porn id enjoyed before so I wasn't shy about watching porn together. we linked the computer to the tv and he pulled up the site then found the video. it was like most porn except it had goth women in it, something he loves. we sat...

1 year ago
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Being owned Part 4

He had not been here either. My period had started one day before the rain. Since then I had been on my own. With a sigh I moved away from the window. The panties were uncomfortable, too. No wonder, dogs had a different anatomy. If I had to stay here another day without distraction I felt I would go crazy. The books and the TV only annoyed me at the moment. My gaze fell on the trapdoor. I had never been down there on my own. So far I had only seen three of the many rooms down there. The two...

3 years ago
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A Woman with Mongrel Ch 03

SO FAR: A still grieving widow Carson Robertson hospitalizes in a vehicle accident the author of the bumbling detective book series that is growing in popularity, Guilty at injuring the creator of the fabulous character Jessie Chicago, Carson takes Harry Truscott into her home to help in his rehabilitation. Harry has a broken shoulder that is encased in a gunslinger brace. Carson reads back copies of the series and finds she is beginning to share the persona of Jessie Chicago and is influenced...

2 years ago
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Pratusha8217s Polygamy Village 8211 Part II

(We thank Miss Pratusha for sharing her fantasy and valuable inputs. Please send your comments and suggestions to or ) …… My jaw fell open as if unhinged and it took me a long time to recover. During that time Sushma’s kids came freshened, hugged and kissed her and left to play. They did not seem bothered by Mom’s nudity. When I recovered I asked her “You mean all three are your husbands?” Sushma smiled “Not three, Four. Arjun went to fields, he will be returning soon” I still could not...

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The Society of Sex Education Part 1

"Hey are you okay?" asked the boy in front of me. I nodded. The headache seemed to be wearing down. I glanced around as my vision returned at the white cell we seemed to be in. White walls, white floor, white closed door with no handle on this side. I shook the last of the glare from my eyes and with the boy's help, pulling myself to my feet. "What's your name?" he asked. "I'm Ryan." "Lia," I replied. "Where are we?" "No idea, I only woke up a minute or two before you." Just...

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Arousing LeighaChapter 2 Leighas Loft

Yes, it would take time. Lots of time. The day after Marty visited the doctor he got a phone call. Leigha was close enough to hear and, after listening to a little of the conversation and watching Marty as he spoke, she was sure something was wrong. When he hung up, he just looked at her. "We've been invited out to Doctor Ryan's ranch. They want to talk to both of us." "Who are 'they'?" "Doctor Ryan and that guy you met in his office. Rusty." "Dusty." "Yeah, Dusty. Did you...

4 years ago
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The Taming

On the drive back from the cruise terminal at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Fred Stallings had a lot of time to think. He had just dropped his mother and her sister off for a seven day cruise. His mother who was a widow had moved down to Fort Myers to live with her divorced sister. He tried to visit his mother three to four times a year which also enabled him to escape the cold weather from up north for a little while. Fred hoped that his mother and her sister would have a good time on the cruise...

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How the Women Got Plastered and Patrick Got BustedChapter 2

I found out later that my mother intended on dragging me, kicking and screaming back to the table. Randi stopped her. While I was hiding under my covers, upstairs in my bedroom, Randi told Mom to calm down, and dragged everything out of her that I’d said. This was one of those times in your life that people talk about when they’re twenty years down the road ... the ones where you laugh like crazy about it then - twenty years down the road - but it was just mortifying when it actually...

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It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

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Union RebellingChapter 7

Pan left the following morning, shipping out before lunch and while Kat was in class. Before breakfast, they had barged into Minerva's office and announced their plans to marry. Minerva did not look particularly pleased about the development but didn't try and forbid them. The Agency did not have any rules about co-workers marrying, though it did frown on fraternization between Agents and trainees. Kat, for her part, spent the day in a funk. She had opened up to someone and had found a...

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BrattySis Haley Reed Vina Sky Step Sis Finds A Pot Of Gold And Her Brothers Dick

What better way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day than a lingerie party and candy hunt? Haley Reed knows that her mom can’t be there for this tradition, so she invites her friend Vina Sky to take part. Haley’s stepbrother, AJ, can’t help but peep on the girls as they get ready. They give AJ some lip, but Vina is secretly super into it. Her words may be rude, but her body language is all yes. Later, when the girls are decked out in their festive green lingerie, they go into...

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Your ApartmentPart 2

Your Apartment...Part 2I’m sitting on the couch feeling the cum beginning to dry on my face and body, while you lay on the floor dozing. Suddenly she announces, “It’s been fun, but I’d better go.” She stands and starts to take the 7in strap on off when I make a split second decision, “why don’t you stay and we’ll grab a shower” I tell her. “Sure, why not” she says and we both get up and start to walk to the bathroom. You stay put for a minute, watching her big juicy ass as she follows me into...

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Badge of Dishonor Ch 10

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter ten Lise had been working for the sheriff’s department for almost a month now, and she had really grown to love her job. Not only was she getting the hang of the job, she was making friends, too. She had just finished her work for the day and was about to stand up when her phone rang. She picked it up. ‘This is Lise,’ she said. ‘It’s your husband, on line two,’ the dispatcher told her. Lise punched one of the buttons on the...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 34 A Friend For The Holiday

December 30th was a recovery day, and man did I need it. By the time I was cleaned up and moving, it was after noon. There was a nice breakfast made for me and an awful lot of kisses and hugs from very quiet children and wives. Lynn was out, but Erin and Blossom and Dara made sure that I was allowed to recover. They kept pouring water and OJ down my neck and I peed like a racehorse for most of the day. Finally, around seven that evening I was feeling human again. Lynn was still not home. As...

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The New Freshman3

Matt wasn’t the most enthusiastic about gym class; in fact he was only taking it because he had too. He needed one more year of gym to graduate high school, and he wanted to get it out of the way during this year, his junior year. The gym class was a mixed bag when it came to the ages of the students; all four years were mixed up into one big group. Matt had been sitting on the bottom bleacher, waiting for the rest of the students to show up and class to start. He had been sitting with...

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Fun In Englewood

GEORGE For most of our marriage, my sexy wife, Hazel, and I had been involved in the MFM threesome side of the swing scene, entertaining over twenty different single men. This amazing part of our sex life continued until my wife hit seventy and I was diagnosed with emphysema then it came to a sudden halt. My wife lost all confidence in her sexiness and my condition meant I couldn't perform as well as I used to. Our personal sex life was still good but I missed seeing her having sex with...

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Sloppy seconds from my cumslut Sarah

You might want to read some of my previous stories for a bit of context here.Let's set the scene. It was Friday night, I had come home a day early from a work trip to London because the Friday drinks had been cancelled. I decided not to let Sarah, my girlfriend know, as I thought it would be a nice surprise for her. Little did I know... That I would end up being the one surprised.I got back around midnight, and as I drove up to our house, I noticed a car in the driveway, her ex's car... And the...

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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 20 Rikirsquos Submission Is Contagious

Gwen’s cunt was dripping as she lay in her bed still holding the book over her face. Laying like that, door open, she knew that anyone could walk by, even Alex, and her mind had continuously worked herself up into a tizzy. When her mother had popped in, she thought she would cum just from the excitement, and it was all she could do to say hello back, all the while keeping her face hidden, increasing her arousal. Ever since Abby had practically forced her to expose herself at breakfast, she...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 201 Giving Away Big Checks

Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) I said, "Poor Chloe," as we watched her mother drag the Jezebel into the taxi, and be driven off. Robert left us to do his own stuff. Julia and I wandered upstairs to her room, talking. Right at the top of my list of things to talk about was: "I am VERY sorry I ruined your plan for helping Chloe. It's just that..." "Stop, Mark! What you did was WONDERFUL! I am very, very happy that you showed the strength of character to stand up for yourself despite...

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Fucked My Aunt Kavitha In Chennai

Hi all, Let me describe about me i am Ramesh from Chennai. 6 feet tall and average body with fair color and aged at 29. And about Aunt Kavitha height about 5.8″ and really good figure. Aged around 31. This aunt was a wife of an top most official and she also use to work in some sector. I used to watch this aunty whenever she crosses our house and she always use to wear saree. the way she use to wear the saree will show exactly all the parts and the back clearly. She looks homely and fair in...

2 years ago
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Key West

His butt was getting numb. Squirming around for relief had become an impossible endeavor. It had been hours since he left Miami in the bed of that rickety, vibrating pick-up truck. Brad’s legs ached and he desperately needed to stretch and walk around. Twisting around to look forward through the cab windows only frustrated him more. “Shit! I can’t even see the next island.” In despair, Brad drooped his shoulders and tugged on the edges of the white sailor’s cap, pulling it tighter on his head....

Love Stories
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Disciples of Meridiana Excerpt 1

-- this is an excerpt taken from a way-too-long piece I wrote up trying to document and explore further a particularly vivid fantasy I recently had during a long, solo car ride. There's tons more, it may be turning into a novella or something, but I guess I just wanted to see if anyone were interested in reading any more of this before I uploaded the whole thing (it's past 8K words and still not done, lol). Yes, it's unrealistic, but that's why they created a word for it-- "Fantasy". ...

1 year ago
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Woody in the Woods

Introduction: This is my first story. Its partially true, and my boyfriend today is the famous Colin, only we changed our names. Enjoy. Hell write part two, btw. The pool party was still raging on as the afternoon settled into an unforgivable fit of heat. Slip n Slides were strewn out here and there down the hill, the pool, although heavily used, was being fed gallon after gallon of water through a hose that hadnt been turned off at all for the last three hours. The ages spanned from infant to...

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Third Times the CharmChapter 9

We'll take care of it, the Deputy Marshal thought he heard somebody speak out loud. He turned to the crowd, "You people stay out of it. This is our case." We got it ... they're on their way. "Damn it all! Who said that?" "Said what?" in various forms and from various people. "That the Washington people are on their way." He did look a little confused. "One of you jokers should be on Ed Sullivan. Come on ... who's the ventriloquist?" Grace looked at the cats. Piper stuck out...

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The Girl in the Boat

It was bitterly cold as I left the concert hall, the still air was heavy with the frost that was just beginning to form. I walked along through the quiet streets and around me the pubs and the clubs were still full of people celebrating Christmas early. It would not be long before the revellers were slowly but forcibly disgorged into the night to make their merry way home. I hate the city at night and I wanted nothing more than to reach my parked car and head out of town for home. I wanted to...

3 years ago
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White Road to a White Wedding

An exercise in The Writer’s Chest Facebook Group was to start and finish a story using the opening and closing lines from a classic book. “Not a soul was visible on the hedgeless highway, or on either side of it, and the white road seemed to ascend and diminish till it joined the sky.” [from Thomas Hardy “Jude the Obscure”, Book 1, opening chapter 3] The white cement dust rose in clouds behind the classic MG sports car as Lizzy headed homewards. This was her first visit in three years and she...

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Queens RegulationsChapter 6

Flight Lieutenant Sue Miles was dragged along the corridor of the prisoner holding centre. Her pussy still ached with it's recent fucking. The butt plug the major had secured in her ass, made her feel as if he were still in her. They reached a secure door, Sgt Bishop unlocked it and they ushered her inside. The room was cold and clinical, brick walls white washed, hard tan linoleum covered the floor. There was a plastic chair an unscreened shower cubicle. A low bare bed and a sink. light...

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BigTitCreamPie Roxie Sinner A Zombie Swalloween

Roxie Sinner is going around town trick or treating on Halloween night, but little does she know, she’s in for a real spook. She knocks on a door and out comes a zombie. She thinks it’s just a costume, until she realizes….he’s real! But the Zombie doesn’t want to eat her, he just wants her tits. She runs away and the zombie chases after her, until his pants get caught, revealing his giant zombie dick. Once Roxie sees the size of his cock, she can’t hold back....

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FantasyMassage Elena Koshka Art Of Massage

Elena Koshka is in the shower running her hands over her tight teenage body. She lathers her body with soap making sure not to miss an inch. When she dries herself off, she walks to the massage room and is greeted by Seth Gamble, the one massaging her today. She lies down and makes sure she’s comfortable as Seth pours oil all over her back and ass. He moves his hands slowly up and down her body as he massages her back, legs and ass. Elena’s eyes open and close indicating that...


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