- 3 years ago
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Oliver stood at the eastern end of the clearing as John Carter went through the ritual of sanctifying it as a grove for the Gods and Goddesses. He had been shocked as the meteors buried themselves in the corners of the glade. While others may have seen a dust and debris flying around the glade, he had seen a blinding white light. When the lightening had struck John Carter, he had seen to the other side as John joined his loved ones that had passed before.
When everything was finished, Oliver stood there numbly. Slowly coming to his senses, he looked around the clearing seeing other faces that were just as stunned as his. As one, the faces all turned to look at him. He swallowed in nervousness at being the center of attention. The Druids walked into the clearing, forming groups according to those they served. They all faced north waiting for him.
He walked across the clearing to the northern end, his mind on auto-pilot, letting his feet carry him to his destination. The only thought that ran through his mind was the doubt that any mere mortal could live up to the standard established by John Carter. He faced the groups as they formally greeted him as the Grand Druid. His mind returned to a minimum level of functionality as the Druids made their way individually to greet him.
When he greeted Ed, he was surprised to see that the man glowed brighter than ever. There were no dark spots over his heart. He asked Ed to stay at the college and was disappointed to learn that he would be leaving in nine months. There was so much for him to learn about running the College now that it was his. The absence of Ed would make his life that much tougher.
After everyone broke up into individual groups and started to head towards the college, he was faced with the reporter that had covered the ceremony. The reporter immediately shoved a microphone in his face asking, "Would you please tell our viewers how you feel about the events that took place today, Mr. Brown?"
Oliver's mind snapped into focus. A very serious expression came on his face as he replied, "Today, the world has lost a great man. John Carter has transformed the world more than any other man in history. His discovery of a cold fusion process was as significant as the original discovery of fire. He brought the community of Druids out from hiding and into the light. He saved thousands of lives through his efforts. He changed the economy of the world to one that is significantly more stable than ever in history."
The reporter asked, "So how does it feel to be the new Grand Druid?"
"I serve the Gods and Goddesses to the best of my ability. That they have chosen me for this role is a great honor and a huge responsibility. I shall contribute as I can, but I am just one man among many."
"You are very humble."
"Humble? No, I wouldn't say humble. I am realistic about my abilities." Oliver nodded as he answered. He added, "I know my worth as a human being is no greater than anyone else."
The reporter glanced over at the students returning to the college. He said, "So tell me about the Druid College."
Oliver said, "The Druid College is one of the greatest legacies of John Carter. Most of these students will contribute to the world more than you can imagine. The young adults that shall be graduating this year are among the brightest and most driven people that I have ever met. These young people have studied a vast variety of subjects and are experts in their specialty areas. They have insights that you wouldn't believe."
The reporter said, "It sounds like you are really impressed."
Oliver said, "Those of us who became Druids in the past shall be considered slow and stupid in comparison to those who become Druids in the future."
The reporter looked surprised at that assessment. He said, "The existing Druids are considered some of the most valued advisors available for businesses and government."
"We will pale in comparison to the new crop of Druids." Oliver looked at the reporter for a second. He added, "I am lucky to have inherited from John Carter this great place of learning. I will be credited with training them, but what I do in the future shall be due to the foresight of one man, John Carter."
The reporter asked, "So what about the current crop of students?"
Oliver answered, "We are establishing monthly sessions where government agencies and businesses may come and interview our graduating classes starting next month. I invite all of those who are interested to call and schedule a session here."
"Do you expect them all to get jobs?"
Oliver laughed before he replied, "I would be surprised if they didn't get a hundred job offers each."
The reporter asked, "So you expect them to get jobs with good salaries?"
Oliver looked at the reporter as though he had just asked a very stupid question. He answered, "I expect each of them to find a job that satisfies them. The money is unimportant. I'm sure that some will accept jobs that pay as little as twenty thousand a year even though they may have been offered jobs that pay ten times that much."
The reporter asked, "So are you saying that even small companies could hire them?"
Oliver replied, "They shall go to the place that needs them most. I can not predict where that will be. Now, if you would be so kind, I have other duties that require my attention."
The reporter watched as Oliver turned away and left without further word. He turned to the camera man and asked, "Did you get all of that?"
The man smiled and answered, "Sure did."
Oliver headed to the college, feeling that it was necessary to visit the instructors as a whole and then each year of students. He didn't know what effect the recent events would have on people, but he had to defuse any possible repercussions. It was the first of his duties to those he led.
Still in a state of shock, he entered the administration building to find Catherine waiting for him. She hugged him tightly to lend him some of her strength. He relaxed into her embrace for a moment. She then said, "The instructors are in the conference room waiting for you. The sixth year students are watching over the other students."
There were times when he didn't know what he had done to deserve such a woman in his life. This was one of those times. He said, "Thank you. Do you want to go with me or is there something else that you feel you should do?"
She answered, "Well, I feel like I should jump your bones, but instead I'll visit the students and see if I can help."
Laughing at her preferred action, he watched her leave before heading into the conference room. With as much dignity as he could muster, he moved down the isle and positioned himself behind the podium. He looked across the people gathered there, amazed at the brightness of their glow. He said, "I would like to thank you for coming here. No one could have experienced greater shock at the events of today than I. For now, I want everyone to know that there will be no changes in daily operations here at the college. Unlike most organizations, this one will not undergo any changes because a new person has been put in charge. When we are finished, please go forth and reassure the students. Are there any questions?"
He stood in front of the room and waited for a question. One of the Druids stood and asked, "Shall we hold classes according to schedule?"
Oliver was about to answer, thought better of it, and then asked, "What would you suggest?"
The Druid said, "Classes were not held today because it is Midwinter's day. I suggest that we use the rest of they day to deal with the emotional consequences of today's events. We hold classes tomorrow like normal."
Oliver looked around the room noticing the large number of people nodding their agreement. A few disagreed. He asked, "Any statement from those who disagree?"
One Druid whose job was deeply involved with the first years, stood and said, "It will take more than one day for the earlier years to come to grips with the events. John Carter was a daily part of their lives. I suggest that upper levels resume their schedule, but we give the lower two levels an extra day."
He replied, "That is a very good point and an excellent suggestion."
Another Druid stood up and said, "Let the final year of students help us with the first years."
Oliver nodded and stated, "It is proposed that classes be held tomorrow for all years except for the first two and the last. The last shall help with the first years in dealing with their grief."
He looked across the auditorium observing the number of people that were nodding their heads. None were shaking them in disagreement. He said, "So be it. Are there any other questions or suggestions?"
Kelly stood up and said, "May I join you in addressing the students? I have first hand experience with dying and they will find what I have to say reassuring."
Oliver was amazed at the selflessness of Kelly. She should be with her family sharing in their grief, but she was here to help. He asked, "Would you not be better helping your family? You have children that need comforting."
She answered, "The children have talked to the Gods and Goddesses about this day for a long time. It came as no surprise to them and they suffer very little grief. Ed and Ling are helping Leroy and Linda. I can serve better this way."
He said, "I accept your kind offer. Anything else?"
Everyone shook their heads no. He waited for a moment and then stated, "Please gather the first years and bring them here."
The crowd dissipated in their normal chaotic fashion, but in a manner that did not involve any pushing or problems. Kelly made her way to the front of the room and stood beside him. He glanced at her, realizing that she didn't feel like talking at the moment. Rather than say a word, he put an arm around her and hugged her tightly. The kitchen staff came into the room with pots of coffee, soft drinks, and cookies. One of them noticed him watching them and explained, "We thought it might help, sir."
It reminded him that he would also have to talk to the staff. He answered, "That is very thoughtful of you and your efforts are appreciated. Thank you very much."
The first years entered the room. All of them had turned in their robes and were once again naked. Nudity had become normal for them and they would find that the second year where they wore robes most of the time would be tough, almost confining. He watched with pleasure as he saw that all continued to glow and no new black spots had appeared as a result of the loss of John.
He waited for everyone to enter and find a seat. Most stopped by the snacks and grabbed either a coffee or a soda. Very few of them picked up something to eat. He glanced over at Kelly and asked, "Do you want to talk first or should I?"
She answered, "I think you should talk first."
He turned to the students and looked across the room. It took a few minutes for the room to quiet down as students talked to each other. He finally said, "Hello. I'm Oliver Brown. Today I have been given charge of the Druid College under circumstances that are not of my choosing. We lost a great man today and one that I know each of you knew personally. I grieve for his passing just as strongly as you."
Kelly stepped forward and interrupted, "I am Kelly Carter. I was a wife of John Carter. I want to tell you a few things about him that may help you in dealing with his death. John died twice before today. He did not fear death, knowing it for what it really is - a step from this world to the other. I have died and do not fear death. Let me say this, do not feel sorry for the dead. Let us be honest with ourselves and recognize our feelings for what they are. I grieve today because I know that I will never again feel his arms around me or hear him whisper in my ear words of love. I feel sad for myself and my loss. That is natural, but knowing the source of your grief shall allow you to deal with it much easier."
She stepped back and looked at Oliver. He stepped forward and said, "When you leave here, your instructors shall be available for you to talk with if you have any problems dealing with the events. Please talk to them, even if you don't have any problems. The sixth year students shall be around in the first year dorm as well. I'm sure you'll recognize them, they'll be wearing clothes."
His comment brought nervous laughter from the students and eased a little of the tension in the room. He said, "We want you to come to grips with your feelings. Towards this end, there will be no classes for you tomorrow. Please feel free to relax and talk amongst yourselves. Talk to the instructors and sixth year students. If you feel a need to be alone, take a walk in the woods."
He paused for a moment and then said, "I want all of you to understand something before you leave. John Carter was a rare man. It is my belief that he was rewarded by the Gods and Goddesses with a rare opportunity. Each of us was truly blessed with the honor of observing it."
Hoping to see the effect of his words, he stopped to look at the students. He asked, "Are there any questions?"
A young man stood nervously licking his lips. He asked, "If the Gods or Goddesses choose us, will we have to sacrifice our lives?"
Oliver looked at the student for a minute and then over at Kelly. At a loss on how to answer that question, he thought about it for several minutes as the students shuffled nervously. Finally, he said, "I don't know if your service will require that. I do know that most of us live long and healthy lives."
Kelly answered, "John choose to act today knowing full well the consequences of his actions. He was prepared and spent last night saying goodbye to us. If your service requests that from you, I believe that you will be given a choice. The Gods and Goddesses are not cruel or capricious. They ask nothing of us that we are not capable of doing or are unwilling to do."
The student, with a visible look of relief, sat down. He and the other students were satisfied with the answers they had given. Another student started to stand and then sat down again. Oliver asked, "Did you have a question?"
The student shook her head as she said, "I'm sorry, but it was off topic."
He was going to skip the question, but thought better of it. He said, "Please ask your question anyway."
The student stood and looked nervously around the room. She asked, "You talk with such reverence of your service to the Gods and Goddess. Is it really that great?"
Oliver smiled as he glanced at the smile spreading across Kelly's face. He answered, "Yes, it is that great. I have enjoyed every minute of my service, even the scary times were good."
Kelly added, "I envy you your first service. I'll remember mine for the rest of my life."
Catherine woke up in bed next to Oliver and snuggled against him, happy that she didn't have to go to work. This was the first time ever that she didn't want to go. Last night, she had dreamed of the God and she had to talk to Oliver today about her dream. She studied his features as he slept. His rugged features and tanned skin gave him such a masculine appearance. Although he always looked like he had shaved, she had never seen him do it. Somehow, never having the opportunity to watch him...
The sixth year student sat down at the table across from Oliver right after he had taken a bite of his sandwich. Oliver chewed and swallowed, chasing it down with some milk. He looked up at the student and asked, "What can I do for you?" "I was curious about something." Oliver examined the young lady carefully. She had a very nice glow and almost no black spots over her heart. He said, "Ask away. I'll answer if I can." She looked around as several other students joined her....
Since my liaison with Oliver I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him. Each time I imagined his mouth on me or his thick, cock sliding into me, I’d get wet and my small, pink nipples would harden. It wouldn't matter where I was. I could be at sixth form, home, a friend’s house or the pub. Suddenly, he’d pop into my head and I’d be horny beyond belief. Taking care of myself was nowhere near as satisfying as the real thing and I counted down the days until they returned from their...
Straight Sex"Hey Ols." It was our mother. "Your father and I have to stay a few more days. Our boss was unhappy with some of the plans." his mother sighed softly. "I hope you're not driving your sister crazy." she added. "No, Mom. We're fine." he chuckled. "Okay, I'll see you in a few days, hun. I left enough money in the jar for food, and everything else." she told him. "'Kay, don't worry. Have fun," he grinned, then pressed the off button on the phone. Meanwhile, Miracle...
I plopped on the couch, trying to figure out what just happened. Why had she gotten so mad She pretty much willingly stripped for me. But when I kissed her, she got pissed at me I shook my head. Pulling my legs onto the sofa, I finished the movie and tried to forget about Miracle and her mixed signals. Hours later, I heard footsteps. By now, it was pretty late; around one in the morning. Miracle walked in the room, and sat down by me. I glanced at her. She was staring at the television....
"For godssakes stop the silly crying, Oliver, and be a man. So Billy screwed me. So what? It isn't like it means a damn thing," said Emilie. "It made me feel good and didn't hurt you or us one little bit." "I'm not crying. I've just got something in my eye. But, as for the rest of it, it means plenty to me, and in case you actually give a damn it did hurt me. And also in case you actually give a damn there is the indisputable fact that this marriage is over," I said. "Oh, pooh,"...
Miracle laughed. “Calm down, Oliver. Nothing’s off yet.” I huffed. “Easy for you to say.” With that, she got back to her task. Miracle slid her shirt off of her head and tossed it on the floor beside her. We never bathed together when we were younger; or anything like that. Occasionally, I got a few peeks. However, I have never seen her topless before. Her breasts weren’t very large. She was a B, or so. But, I liked it that way. Miracle turned around and shook her butt a little...
Before you read this, know this didnt actually happen. the first part of the story is true, but after we arrived to our hotel the story then becomes Olivers fantasy. He wrote this for me one night at work and I just had to share. It turned me on so much I knew it would turn others on too! Hope you love it as much as I did.It had been a long time since Briley and I had been able to get a weekend away. We had planned 3 nights away in a town about 7 hours away. Booking a hot tub suite in a hotel …...
Since my liaison with Oliver I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. Each time I imagined his mouth on me or his thick, cock sliding into me, I’d get wet and my small, pink nipples would harden. It wouldn’t matter where I was. I could be at sixth form, home, a friend’s house or the pub. Suddenly, he’d pop into my head and I’d be horny beyond belief. Taking care of myself was nowhere near as satisfying as the real thing and I counted down the days until they returned from their...
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I would like to dance in a club wearing a slim dark halter dress that's sleeveless, has a long v-neck and upper thigh length. An open back with a string to tie the top part around the back of my neck. With that a nice high heel sandals And no need for bar or panties, I want to be daring.With that on I dance with some guys that horny and trying to get lucky like always. I like the feeling of a guy getting so hard as I grind on him. The feeling of his hard muscular body against my soft smooth...
It was eight-ten pm on Wednesday, the Second of May, 1990, and we were headed to Wanda's house in West Pontiac. "I've never been across this bridge before," Shirley said as we crossed the Pontiac River. "Have you considered coming over to this side of the river for your masters?" She shook her head, grinning, probably thinking the same as me; staying at the graduate school would give us three more years together instead of one. We stopped in front of the house and I took a deep...
Sherri shrugged, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" "Then come on, let's go to the party." Sherri chuckled humorlessly, "No way. You can go, if you want," she said and started leaving."Sher, wait. Why not? You said it yourself earlier; you never go out. You've finally got out of the house to have some fun and instead of doing just that, you'll what? Run back home with your tail between your legs? So what if she was rude? Who cares? Do you know how many hot guys are at these kinds of parties?" Her smile...
My first time.I just went through a nasty break up. I really thought that she was the one. We had been together for a few years and really did some exploring in our sexuality. A work buddy of mine that I had been working with for a few months knew what had happened. We had never hung out outside of work. But he was a pretty cool guy to talk to at work. Anyway. He was trying to take me out to help me get my mind off of her. I turned him down for about a week. One day I finally gave in and told...
Ed returned from school exhausted. His boss, Nevada, pressured him into taking the promotion that he had been offered. Working full time, and going to school part-time, was about to kill him. He wished that John was home, but he was off in Austin doing something that he was keeping very secret. He had an early class Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and two late classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. After wandering into the kitchen, he realized that he didn’t have anything in the house ready to...
© 2003 Kenny N Gamera She couldn't have stood closer to me if she were an Italian businessman. The top of her blonde head came to my nose, her sky blue eyes to my chin. I had to bend my head quite a bit to really see her face. Perfect white teeth framed by sexy pink lips smiled up at me. I smiled back. "Hi," her voice was not the high pitched parody of a voice that many girls effect. It was natural, rich, and... sexy for lack of a better word. I was confused. Granted, there was more than...
Chapter 1The June sunshine fell warmly through the French window of the blue bedroom onto the half-naked torso of the naked full breasted young blonde. In her simultaneous yawning and stretching, she made her full, melon-shaped breasts rise and fall as she breathed in the fresh morning air, her long blonde hair cascading sensuously over the satin pillow slip.Ann Dexter stretched her lithe body as she awoke, blinking slightly as the cool morning air, mingling with the soft sunshine, gently...
I’ve always had this thing for younger black men. I grew up near an air force base in Michigan where there plenty of black airmen running about and driving me wild. I will always regret when I was walking down a road one day on my daily walk when a hunky, cute black airman asked if I wanted a ride. I froze and shook my head no. What can I say? I was young and not too bright. Through the years, I’ve traveled throughout the world and encountered plenty of young black men. I just love the...
Tales of a Hustler---Toy Soldiers, Pt 2As I casually walked into the bookstore, I explained to Kurt, the cashier, that we were going to be filming. I explained it might get loud, and he said kewl.As I walked through the black curtains, to the back, I see that Dustin and Hunter are there, still leaning in their favorite corners. About three others were in the back, but no one seemed interested in anyone else there, unless Hunter or Dustin had already talked them up and quoted too high. It was...
For the past few months, I had been fantasizing of that particular individual. I felt very excited and refreshing each time the lusty and naughty ideas came to my head. This is from one of my fantasy, and here I give it a shot. I had always dreamed of that man as my brother,father or even uncle. Having that naughty intimate relationship is wrong, but it is something difficult to control as we had very strong lust for each other.He used to teach me how to play all ranges of guitar instrument in...
True Story! and he did mom's lez lover too! Presented by Oediplex 8==3~ The following is a narrative shared from a real mom - until just after the shower scene - then my OediPal, KiwiSailor, helped me edit and complete the narrative based on the true facts of her confessions. Just like Tom_Hathaway and Tuballcain, Julie is an actual person that I can vouch for, who experienced a positive sexual relationship with her son. Oediplex 8==3~ I have one child (Robert) and I have been...
I was furious, ashamed and a little aroused too, the emotions I thought one can never feel simultaneously. I was standing in front of my friend Jawad with our dicks out and his dick almost double the size of mine both in girth and length. I was red with embarrassment and he had a smirk on his face. I tried to button up my pant then he stopped me “Yaar dikhane wali cheeze dikhai nahin tunay” “Kya matlab”? I asked “Yaar teri lulli kon dekhna chahta he, teri gaand dekhne ke laike he” he...
Gay MaleFor too long, I've been supressing my urge to explore my sexual side with another man. I'm in my mid-40's, married, great wife, great sex life, three kids, conservative lifestyle, and by all accounts a pretty content guy. My health is excellent and I'm in great shape. I work out several times a week, play basketball in the fall and winter, cycle and play softball in the spring and summer. I stand 6'0" and weigh 210 lbs. Mine has been a storybook life; until I turned the big 4-0. That's when my...
BisexualThe Beast Within A hidden appendage to his loins, it lies reposed, hanging limply against my thigh; dormant and flaccid, innocuous and benign, it poses no threat, offers no succour and satisfies no desire. A beast, a sleeping beast, hidden beneath Calvin Kleins or Homs or Diesels or other underwear but, just as a dog sleeps with one eye open,the Beast is alert and ever watchful, and is easily stirred by circumstance and events; real, perceived, imagined or encouraged by deed or word; spoken or...
Straight SexCarla is sitting on a park bench in Garfield Park, watching her two year old twins, Emily and Amber, playing in the sandbox when she sees Toby walking towards her pushing a stroller. She inhales sharply at seeing him as she remembers the last time they were together and the major fight they had. She notices the stroller and wonders why he is pushing it. Toby notices Carla sitting on the bench and stops in his tracks. He thinks about the argument they had the last night they were together then...
It was 1998 I turned 16 and my world was opening up for me. I felt excited about the future and in love with life. I was always known to be cute but this year I was really changing...my breast were getting bigger (36B), my hips seemed curvier, my legs longer (I was 5”4”), my body becoming firmer since I started cheerleading and running after school every day and boys were lining up to ask me out on a date even the older boys were starting to notice me. I felt good. Alive! Every day...
I spend the better part of a day winding my way across the broken land. The white, icy belly of the glacier lies behind me, rays of sun scorching my watery eyes as she reflects the light towards her abandoner. The rugged, contoured and grey body of the mountain, her never-ending lover, seems to dislike my presence. Perhaps my bond with his love is too demanding. He places fast flowing creeks and steep crevasses in my way, forcing me to retrace my steps time and time again. This is unknown...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy, a student, living in Mangalore and Bangalore, Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS. Thank you guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> Rithika woke up and sighed. Last...
IncestI was and still am very much into kayaking, both white water and touring boats. Saint Louis has a fairly active paddling group and I became friends with a divorced, early-fifties woman who was an avid touring paddler. Due to her profession and the fact we are still friends I will simply call her “R.” R held a high level professional job downtown and a masters degree. She has a very thin build with not a single curve to her body, and long thin legs. She was built with a thin boyish figure and...
First TimeI first discovered masturbation at the tender age of 11. I grew up on a farm so sex was something my brothers and I saw on a regular basis, not between people, but between the animals on the farm, so I knew what I had a penis for. At age 11 I had my first wet dream, and soon discovered that I could experience that feeling anytime I wanted, and lost no time in finding spots around our house and grandma's farm to jack off. At 12 I started getting hair around my cock and balls as well as a little...