Oliver BrownChapter 4 free porn video

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The sixth year student sat down at the table across from Oliver right after he had taken a bite of his sandwich. Oliver chewed and swallowed, chasing it down with some milk. He looked up at the student and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"I was curious about something."

Oliver examined the young lady carefully. She had a very nice glow and almost no black spots over her heart. He said, "Ask away. I'll answer if I can."

She looked around as several other students joined her. Comforted by her classmates, she finally asked, "Why is it that most of the faculty spend their meal times in the first year dining room?"

Oliver looked at her for a moment considering how to answer. Instead of answering, he asked, "What do you think motivates the faculty to do that?"

Blushing she said, "Because they like to look at all of the young students running around naked."

Looking as though he took her answer very seriously, Oliver nodded. He asked, "How many times did you need to be counseled this year?"

Eyebrows drawn down, she frowned as she said, "None. Why?"

"How many times did you need to be counseled last year?"

Looking at the other students first, she answered, "Twice."

"Ah, now the telling question," said Oliver. He asked, "How many times did you need it the first year here?"

"Thousands, I think."

Oliver nodded at the honesty of the answer. He asked, "Let me ask one final question. What do you think motivates the faculty to spend as much time as possible with the first years?"

A minor black spot started disappearing over her heart as she answered, "They need you more than we do."

"Very good," replied Oliver. The black spot vanished as she fully understood the reason.

One of the other students asked, "So why are you here today?"

Oliver laughed at the assumption that they were no longer needed. He answered, "I could say that it is because there are still times when you need us, but that might not be the whole truth. Perhaps in my case, I should say that there are times when I need you."

Taken aback by his answer, the woman asked, "You need us?"

Oliver looked around the room before he answered, "With the first years, it is mostly us giving to them. We spend our time helping and directing them. It is easy to get discouraged when you see the same argument a hundred times. Then we come up here and it is nice to deal with equals. You have balance, you give and you receive. You don't demand, but request. We can provide or not based on our ability, rather than be subject to the demand to do something that helps even when others would be better."

The entire group was staring at him in amazement. He asked, "Do you feel that I am flattering you unjustly in considering you equals?"

The young man answered, "Well, you have a brown robe. How can you consider us equals?"

Oliver stood up and removed his robe. He sat down on the chair naked. He looked at them and said, "The robe reflects my service to the Gods and Goddesses. It is not a measure of me as a person."

The young woman looked at his large cock and then teased, "We haven't had a naked instructor around us for three years. Aren't you afraid that we'll take advantage of you?"

"We're equals here. I know that means that you won't take advantage of me," replied Oliver with a smile.

The crowd of young men and women started to disperse. The woman said, "Thank you for taking the time to talk to us. I think we needed to hear what you said."

Oliver was silent for a moment and then asked, "Would you or your fellow classmates like to visit the first year dining room during lunch or dinner?"

"I don't know. Is there a reason you are asking?"

Oliver smiled at how she treated his question. Rather than answering without knowing all of the conditions and ramifications of the question, she chose to get more information first. This was going to be a very successful group of students. He answered, "Well, you will be leaving here one day to go forth in the world. You will meet all kinds of people. I was wondering if dealing with the first years and helping them come to understand the lessons that you have learned so well would help you in the world outside."

She nodded as she thought about it. She answered, "It sounds good to me, but I would have to talk to my classmates."

Oliver said, "Good. Come to me when you have had a chance to discuss it amongst yourselves and I shall make the necessary arrangements."

"Thank you again."

Oliver said, "It is I that should be thanking you."

She left the table and rejoined another two students at a table. Looking over his sunglasses at them, he was amazed at how brightly they shined. They would go far when they left here. He looked up at the sky and said, "Thank you, for giving me this opportunity."

Finished with his meal, he picked up his plates and cleared his own table. He would have washed the dishes, but the kitchen staff chased him out. They had learned a few key phrases that were successful in keeping the Druids out of their domain. The one that had been used on him this time was a request to allow them to serve in their way. He smiled at the thought of how the staff had undergone changes in just the four months they had been working here.

He continued his trip around the campus. Every week, he set aside one day to tour every part of the College. This included the parts of the campus that were seldom visited by the students. The janitorial staff, the mechanics, and the groundskeepers were all of interest to him. Every person on the campus was important to him. He enjoyed the tour tremendously.

He slipped into a classroom to listen to the lecture. His entry was quiet, but the students and the instructor noticed, none the less. He smiled and gestured for them to continue. He listened fascinated as the instructor covered the history of war. The lecture resonated with his service to the God. It was a very different presentation of war than typically covered in a college class. It wasn't about the politics of war or the morality of it. No, this was about the art of war and the role that a thinking man held in determining the outcome. The politics, morality, and historical aspects of war were covered in other courses.

The instructor led the students through an exercise based on actual battles of the American Civil War. The exercise went extremely well, with the students identifying options that, to his knowledge, had never been discussed in any historical paper on the subject. They had even kept themselves limited to the rules of warfare that were followed at the time. Several of the students had demonstrated absolute brilliance in the area. He left before the class was over.

He glanced at his watch realizing he was late and hurried to the administration building. It was on the opposite end of the campus from the classroom he had been visiting. His excitement must have been apparent to everyone, as no one moved to delay him in his trip. He cut through the library and the first year dorm. People held doors open for him as he moved through the hallways.

He reached the front doors of the administration building in record time. Looking through the door, he hoped to see a new car pull up in the driveway. There wasn't one there and disappointment washed over his body. He started when Ling said, "She hasn't come yet. Her plane ran a little late."

He turned and looked at the woman. She had the bright shine that was common amongst the Carter Family, but there was a lot of black over her heart. It was time for him to address that. He said, "John says you are a consummate professional as a body guard."

She nodded her head and looked at him with curiosity. He continued, "You live in one of the most loving families I have ever seen."

She nodded wondering what point he was going to make. He added, "Yet, you have more hate in you than all of the rest of them put together."

She glared at him and spat out, "No, I don't."

He looked out the door for a moment, hoping that the car would pull into the parking lot. He countered, "You hate everyone and everything that you perceive as a threat to your family."

She replied, "That's normal."

He turned and looked at her with the kind of directness that made most people nervous. Ling stood there defiantly. He said, "Not for a bodyguard. That kind of hate makes you totally ineffective as their protector."

"No it doesn't."

Looking at her for a minute, he said, "You haven't been able to protect them since you married into the family. I would say that makes you a lousy bodyguard."

She was silent for a long time. Her emotions fluctuated between anger and frustration. She was angry with him for his perception into something she thought she had kept secret. She was angry with herself because it was true. She was frustrated because she didn't know what to do about it. He watched her struggle with her feelings. Emotions that she had been attempting to lock away burst out in a single flood. She broke down in tears as she finally said, "I know."

He stepped up to her and held her while she cried. She cried long and hard. Throughout, he rocked her in his arms, whispering little words of encouragement to her. Finally she calmed down, stepped back wiping her eyes and asked, "How did you know?"

He answered, "I listen to what people say. John always says that you are one of the best security persons in the business, but every time your actions are discussed they sound more like a she-bear defending her cubs."

Pain ripped through her as she recognized the truth of his words. He continued, "You stopped being a security consultant. Why?"

She answered, "All of the jobs I was offered required me to leave the family for too long. Most of those jobs are for six months or a year. I couldn't stay away that long."

He nodded and said, "So you became a cop instead."

"Yes, I did."

"And it wasn't anywhere near as satisfying, was it?"

She sighed as she acknowledged the truth to herself. In fact, she wasn't even that good of a police officer. She answered, "No it wasn't."

He looked at her for a long time and then asked, "Have you thought about teaching self-defense here?"

She smiled and nodded. She had dreamed about teaching self- defense for a long time. If she couldn't act directly, maybe she could act indirectly by making sure they could save themselves. She said, "I have, but I don't think it would be right for me to teach here. I'm not a Druid."

He reached out and took her hands in his. Raising them to his lips, he kissed them. He said, "I think you would be perfect. Now go and make John or Ed happy."

He watched her leave. There was a significant decrease in the darkness around her heart. He laughed as he wondered how long it would take her to remove those last few spots of black. He turned and looked out the door, waiting for the car to arrive.

Kelly stepped out from behind a post. Misty eyed, she looked at him and said, "Thank you."

"For what?"

She looked at him with tenderness and love as she said, "You have helped Ling more in that single conversation than I've been able to accomplish in ten years."

He watched as she walked over to a bench near the door and sat down. He wondered what she had to say, but bided his time. She would say it when she was ready. She asked, "You are waiting for Catherine?"

Laughing, he jokingly asked, "You mean that all of my talk about her arrival today was wasted?"

She shook her head in the negative. In an introspective tone of voice, she said, "I remember when I was putting together the family. I wanted a wife and two husbands more than anything else in the world. I demanded that everyone have sex with everyone else. I was so possessive of the marriage in the beginning. It was my marriage and nobody was going to mess with my vision for it. John rather forcefully reminded me that it was our marriage, not my marriage."

Oliver refrained himself from asking how that occurred despite his curiosity. He asked, "So what happened?"

"I discovered that my vision of a group marriage paled beside the real thing. Our home is like a castle. Yet that is nothing to how I feel when I'm surrounded by the family. I am a princess when they are around. You might not believe this, but every desire that I ever had about my life was fulfilled. I need or want nothing more than what I already have."

Oliver asked, "Has that changed?"

She answered, "Not at all. There are times when I feel that I might not be a very interesting person any more. I always wanted to help people heal. I serve the Goddess and she gave me that gift. I can have sex with a person that has been battered beyond belief and heal them. It is a dream come true for me. However, it's an interesting topic for five minutes, but then it pales."

Confused, he asked, "Are you happy?"

"Happy?" she asked. She laughed aloud for a minute and then answered, "I'm deliriously happy. I can't imagine being happier."

He asked, "So what's the problem?"

She understood the source of his confusion. She smiled and said, "I don't have one. I am totally satisfied with my life. Some people might consider me dull because I don't have any great conflicts in my life. They won't write any stories about my life. How do you have a book that starts with, she lived happily ever after?"

"So why are you telling me this?"

She came over to him and held his hand. She answered, "I only wanted to let you know how rewarding marriage could be. There is nothing greater or more pleasurable than being married to the people you love. I wanted to wish you and Catherine the same happiness that I've had. I can't imagine anyone having a better life than me, but I hope that you have a chance to have one at least as good."

Oliver was touched. A simple silver thread extended from her to him. She truly cared about his happiness. Lowering the sunglasses despite the bright glow, he looked at her so that she could see his eyes and know what he felt. He answered, "Thank you very much. I really appreciate that."

She could see that her words had been taken in the spirit in which they had been meant. She said, "Well, I'll let you wait for your young lady. You won't need me around when she arrives."

Oliver laughed as he said, "I doubt we'll notice if you are."

She chuckled as she went off in pursuit of Ling. It was time to remind Ling how much she meant to her. She stopped and looked back at Oliver as he looked out the door for his girlfriend. It brought a smile to her as she remembered the story of John waiting for Beth. She went after her wife, seeking a nice relaxing time in her arms and to love her wife. There is never an occasion when it is not a good time for love.

Oliver went out to the parking lot to wait for Catherine. She finally showed up about the time that he had worn a path in the grass from pacing back and forth. Racing over to the car, he flung open the door as soon as she powered off the car. In seconds, they were in each other's arms, laughing, kissing, and crying of happiness. In the nature of true lovers, they were totally unaware of their surroundings.

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Mindcontrol Panties 10 Cuties Hot Ass

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure was running off the high of its last mind-control outing. It still enjoyed the buzz from the last girl who wore one of its panties. She’d been transformed. So had been all those around the girl. The effect had rippled out, touching the lives of everyone who came near her. That wasn’t uncommon with one of its pairs of panties, but this effect was delicious. It had enjoyed watching the transformation. But now it was interested in a new...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 41 Bachelor Party

I made only one request of my good friend, Dr. Mitchell Harris, when he let it be known I was going to have a bachelor party whether I wanted one or not. “No Vegas,” I said sternly. “Too many special things happened there to cheapen it with a weekend of meaningless sex.” Mitch jokingly said that left only Reno, but it turned out he had more imagination than I thought. The fucker rented an island, a whole, green, largely uninhabited island. “You’re fucking kidding,” I said, incredulous....

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 16

Summer – 2082 a.d. The Last Day Béla awoke in her quarters. She wasn't sure how she got there, but Beth wasn't there and that side of the bed was cold. Béla was starving from regenerating after yesterday's grueling games, so she got up and staggered unsteadily over to the cooler. As she picked out several pieces of fruit and noticed there were no meat packs (Damn! Beth must have eaten the last one), she remembered the fun she and her sister had throwing hatchets and knives at each...

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My story on anal play pt 2

Fast Forward -------> Now I'm 20 years old, I've been in the army for the last 2 years and I'm stationed overseas. Since high school, I've had probably another 20-25 sexual partners, but none of them really interested in anal play. Sure, some were kinkier than the others, but none as kinky as Jenny when it came to anal. I did have my first proposition from a gay guy, but it never went anywhere. I wasn't attracted to him and I definitely enjoyed pussy and breasts too much. Breasts...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 5

“Dr. Goldman, why did you and Ms. Clarke enrol my son in the Naked In School program? Honestly, why? It’s against every principle and precept of our Christian family! My husband is an ordained Baptist minister and preacher of the Gospel. This is very much the opposite of what we believe!” Mom glared at Dr. Goldman, who simply shrugged before he spoke, while Becky blushed and squirmed for some reason, trying not to stare at me. “Because his name was drawn randomly out of the lottery system...

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Bondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...

Fetish Porn Sites
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BrattySis Whitney Wright The Big Bad Wolf

Whitney Wright is really into Halloween, especially when it comes to getting dressed up to party. She chats with her boyfriend on the phone about the party they’re going to tonight. As Whitney is telling her boyfriend that his costume came in and that she’ll just wait for him, her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, listens in. Whitney tells Nathan he can’t join her at the party, then shuts the door in his face. Nathan gets back at her later when he puts on Whitney’s...

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My wife Snehal

My wife’s name is Snehal. She is 26 and we are married since 3 years. I had always fantasized sharing her with a stranger, Watching her, being taken by someone. I convinced her for almost a year as she was reluctant ( a typical Indian wife). At the end she agreed hesitantly. We chose a farmhouse in woods, isolated and away. I chose the stranger. His name was Veer (a professional male escort). There were just three of us in that farmhouse, far away from city. We stayed there for 8 days and this...

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Love For Public Sex

Hi I am Swathi. 28 years old . With good assets 36-34-38. I’m a fat and short girl about 5’2″. I am horny most of the time. And love to read public sex stories. This s a real story which happened during my college days. hope you will b cumming at the end. :P I and my boyfriend were travelling in a AC bus to Madurai from our college. So we got into the bus and we were chatting. As soon as the lights were off I was sleepy and turned to the window side. My bf woke me up as he was not sleeping. We...

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Dangerous Paths Ch 02

Part 2 Chapter 5 Mark picked up the ringing phone,’ Rutherford.’ ‘Santiago just left Holloway’s house. He was in there for a good long time.’ The cop laughed. ‘Just don’t let him out of your sight. And Peters?’ ‘Yeah?’ ‘Be careful. This man is extremely dangerous. DO NOT let him know you’re on his tail.’ ‘Don’t worry he wont have a clue.’ Mark sat up in bed,’ Shit, Trinity, I thought you’d be smarter than this.’ He made his way inside the bathroom and began splashing water on his...

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Cum on my face daddy

It had all started in her stepfather's bed. Pretty little 18-year-old Jenny had begun to kiss her way down her stepfather Mitch's hairy chest, slowly, inch by hairy inch, adoring the taut skin and musky smell rising from his groin. Mitch lay motionless as his ultimate fantasy grew nearer and nearer, his heart pounding and his huge penis straining ever harder and stiffer in mad excitement. He was beginning to realize that what was about to happen, what had to happen when Jenny's heavenly mouth...

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BBC Seduction

I have a friend I met on Xhamster who's name is Kathy. Kathy is a very hot redhead with light complexion that has the most wonderful fantacy she told me about. Her fantacy begins with her stoping after work for a drink at a local bar to unwind after a stressful day at work. She is sitting at the bar sipping her drink when she noticed someone beside her ordering a drink. As she looked his way out of curiousity, her eyes met his and then she immediately noticed his warm smile. He said Hi to Kathy...

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Fathers Seduction

“Ohhh! Faster,” my mother screamed. I’d been listening to her moan for ten minutes, as I peered in at her and my dad through a crack in the door. She was on the bed on all fours and he was behind her, thrusting his cock into her butt hole. I knew it was wrong that this intrigued me so much, but I couldn’t help it. I loved watching my parents have sex. His long, rock-hard dick, moving in and out, I couldn’t help but wish every time that it was my butt he was pounding, but for a year that’s all I...

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First Time I Lost My Virginity

A few years ago I met up with some friends in Vegas for a weekend. On the second night my friends had turned in early, in Vegas no less, and I was buzzing and horny. Married but having had some experiences sucking cock and being sucked I got a wild idea to visit a bathhouse. I'd never been to a bathhouse before and had no idea what to expect. As I entered the bathhouse I saw guys cruising around and sitting on the benches with just their towels wrapped around them so I got the idea quickly on...

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Neighbours 8211 Part 2 Sneaky Sex

Raj went back home thinking about how he can get rid of Vijay for good. “Patience Raj, he will come again, but now the ball is in your court”, he said to himself. He visited his neighbour’s mom Rashmi from time to time trying to create a stronger bond with her so that she can be more comfortable around him while he waited for Vijay to visit her again, which he did. By then, Raj had already figured out exactly which day of the week he visited Rashmi. Raj was on his balcony when he spotted...

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Amandas Story

Amanda, a dear friend of mine, dropped around for lunch. She is very fit and her twin brother is even fitter. They have just turned 17 but still share a bedroom; given that I know that they both sleep in the nude, I have often wondered how they could both keep their hands off each other. Amanda was in a very excited mood and given the fact she was wearing a very short skirt and no knickers it was easy for me to see that she was very wet. She would like to tell her story in her own words. Last...

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My Old School Teacher

Hello I am big fan of ISS and I am a member of this site since long time. So here I am re-posting my story. I am Jockey (name changed) I am 25. I completed my engineering and I was planning to take coaching for GRE and TOFLE for my higher studies in abroad. So for this I have been told to join the institution for coaching. My parents had also requested to one of our neighbor who is lecturer to help me. She used to teach us English when I was in higher secondary school. Let me tell her about...

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One Little White Lie

“Is anyone sitting here?” a soft, but very pleasant female voice asked. I swiveled in my stool, as I responded, “No, the seat is yours if you want it.” My first thought was, “The kids will be basketball players for sure.” Why was that my initial thought when I met this female for the first time? Well part of the reason had to be physical—she was at least six feet tall, and was wearing a modest halter-top that showed a very flat stomach working up her slim figure to very nice breasts. She...

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Sharing My Japanese Wife

Some years ago when I was a single guy in my late twenties living and working in Japan for a few years I met a twenty-two-year-old Japanese woman named Keiko who I fell in love with, and for three months we had a passionate romantic relationship, then, as planned, she left for Sydney, Australia to study English and I was to meet up with her there later in the year after I tied up loose ends. Keiko was sexually experienced but only with one man and had just come off a long-term relationship with...

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Superman HaChapter 8

I wanted to hit that camp with the captives as soon a possible, before they could be shipped to a slave auction somewhere or somewhen; it was logical to assume that the auction would be held on a different time line. Our job was to mount the rescue before the auction could take place. Working on the assumption that the larger the attacking force, the more likely was the attack to succeed, we loaded our entire little army into our trucks and headed for the Bustol camp. We used the same...

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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Reeves 03092021

Kenzie has just gone on her first date with a very nice young man she met online, Jack. In fact things go so well she goes back to his place and the two settle into a make out session watching tv. That’s when big brother Jax shows up and joins them. Immediately he starts hitting on little Kenzie when Jack goes to get her a soda. She’s not ready for a threesome yet as she has just met Jack but later when she is kissing Jack, his brother Jax starts finger fucking her. What’s a...

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Vixen Kimberly Moss My Boyfriend Dared Me To Get Adventurous With His Friend

Kimberly has been dating a really adventurous guy for a couple of months. She was pretty reserved until then, but he has really opened her eyes. The last few days his best friend has been staying with them from out of town, and she has found out a few things about when they hung out together. He dares her to get naked and go into his friend’s bed and give him a rude awakening. This really turns her on, and she agrees pretty quickly. When Xander wakes up, he’s shocked at first, but when he...

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Der Haussklave 3 gedemuumltigt und benutzt

Heute kam Herrin Elisabeths Freundin Jean zu Besuch. Nicht ohne Grund. Sie fand die Idee eines Sklaven sehr aufregend und wollte sich ein Bild davon machen. Als die beiden sich an den Esstisch gesetzt hatten, kam Sklavenjunge Alex auch schon mit dem Abendessen. Lasagne und Rotwein. Liz machte die beiden miteinander bekannt, dann befahl sie dem Diener, sich auszuziehen. Gesagt, getan, stand er splitternakt da. "Wow, der macht ja alles", sagte Jean erstaunt. Liz lachte und antwortete: "warte ab,...

2 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 10

Bryant hung up from his call to Emerald Cove and explained the situation to the rest of the group. "So we have a Gallia County deputy interested in Shrekengost's whereabouts," Garvin summed up. "And Shrekengost and his mother are in the wind." "Sounds about right," Bryant agreed. "That's a hard thing to do without a lot of help," Andrews put forth from where he stood by the second vehicle the group would take south. "Think about it. You essentially have to have someone in your...

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Shaking Things Up

©2017 MojaveJoe420 (Author's note: Hiya strokers! Kind of a short one for ya. I know, I know, very little character development, it seems like it's mostly just sex! Try and suffer through it. I'm using Italic paragraphs to indicate the woman's internal dialogue. I don't know if the literary police will like it, but I do! Thanks for checking this out.) “Oh my God that’s so fucking hot!” Sherry whispered as she and her husband watched the porno on their bedroom big screen. 60...

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Best Summer

I could not believe how this summer started. I tried to a big jump on my bicycle the first week out of school and crashed. I broke both my wrist and had cast on from hands to my elbows. I could not do anything, not even hold my dick to pee. Mom took off time from work to help me. After a few days the pain wore off but the cast keep me from doing much. Mom had to help me do everything. It took some getting used to. The second week mom thought I should have a bath as I was starting to stink....

1 year ago
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Sylvia teases Bruce in the library

"Bruce was hangin' on every word. I loved it............just loved it. I kept talking to him about doing another boy. Whey does that get boys so excited?'' I 'm going back to what I said to him at that table in the library": '' Bruce look at me while I tell you this, please? I put my hand on his boner, just like I'm doing now..............and squeeze and stroke him in his pants................and then I like to...............unzip him and.....................slide my hand in...

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Desert Interlude

Desert Fun.    Norm deals with an associates wife's indiscretions firmly but gently.She swept into the Casino like an old time film star, a vision in white and cream, immaculate grooming her blond hair cascading over her shoulders. Conversation diminished as men turned to stare and women scowl with jealousy. I stood and she changed direction to glide towards me, "Mr McGuire" I kissed her gloved hand."Ah Mrs Stephens, you came". "Was it not, as they say, an offer I could not refuse."...

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