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La agente especial del FBI, Grace Miller, esperaba en el pasillo. Detestaba pasar tanto rato en la morgue. Pasillos blancos, as?pticos. Comentarios entre murmullos. Gente movi?ndose de un lado a otro, con prisa. Caras tristes y caras indiferentes, eso era lo peor, la mezcla entre la desesperaci?n de familiares y el intento de poner cierta distancia emocional por parte del equipo forense. Ella misma intentaba aplicar esa distancia cuando trabajaba en un caso. Ser?a imposible hacerlo de otro modo. Lo malo era tener que esperar, convirti?ndose en testigo de todo el proceso para otros agentes. Sin embargo all? estaba, la agente m?s joven de la divisi?n, con solo treinta a?os.

Desde luego Grace pod?a presumir en cuanto a su apariencia f?sica. Med?a casi un metro setenta y cinco. Ten?a complexi?n entre atl?tica y esbelta, con noventa tanto de pecho como de cadera, aunque le sobraba un poco de abdomen para completar el paquete con vientre plano. Pelirroja natural, de tono anaranjado oscuro,  llevaba la melena larga, suelta. Pod?a considerarse lisa, pero ten?a bastante volumen. Ca?a tanto por la espalda, hasta debajo de los omoplatos, como por delante, hasta la altura de los pechos. La raya estaba a la derecha, y por ese lado pod?a verse la oreja, de peque?o tama?o, con un sencillo aro dorado. Por la izquierda un mech?n del flequillo cubr?a media mejilla. Solo intentaba apartarlo cuando se mov?a en direcci?n al ojo, interrumpiendo la vista.

El rostro la hac?a parecer a?n m?s joven. Ten?a los ojos color miel, ligeramente hundidos, con los p?rpados m?s poblados por los lados exteriores. Utilizaba muy poca sombra por encima, casi inapreciable bajo cejas de ?ngulo suave. Sus labios, pintados de rosa claro, ten?an forma de coraz?n sin ser demasiado alargados. El inferior era m?s carnoso que el superior. Por lo dem?s, apenas usaba algo de colorete en las mejillas.

La chaqueta, formal, de color gris muy oscura, iba abierta sobre una camisa gris m?s clara que dejaba ver hasta justo encima de donde empezaban los pechos. Dejaba ver as? algo de piel, ni p?lida ni bronceada. Pantalones y zapatos, sin apenas tac?n, iban a juego con la chaqueta. Como siempre, en aquella ocasi?n llevaba un colgante con un peque?o coraz?n. Nada vistoso. 

Esperaba porque requer?a ayuda extra. Su unidad deb?a encargarse de asesinos en serie. Este resultaba ser demasiado activo. Llevaba a?os haciendo lo mismo en distintas ciudades. Aparec?a, mataba a cinco mujeres, y despu?s se iba sin dejar rastro. Ya hab?a matado a tres. Si nadie le deten?a, habr?a dos v?ctimas m?s. Era un cabr?n realmente dif?cil de rastrear. Nunca se sab?a en qu? ciudad iba a aparecer. Cuando lo hac?a, solo segu?a un patr?n con las v?ctimas. Eran mujeres muy atractivas. En ocasiones adolescentes, otras veces rondando los cincuenta a?os. Morenas, rubias, o pelirrojas. Ricas o pobres. Blancas, negras, asi?ticas. Simplemente daba igual. Tampoco dejaba muchas m?s pistas. Alg?n rastro de ADN, por lo que sab?an que era blanco. Ocasionalmente, como era el caso, utilizaba una pistola. Dicha arma la hab?a robado del padre de la primera v?ctima. Eso era todo. La investigaci?n jam?s avanzaba.

Los compa?eros de Grace estaban haciendo perfiles como locos. Registraban v?deos de seguridad, testimonios. O se mov?an o acabar?an con una v?ctima m?s la pr?xima noche.

Grace hab?a decidido utilizar un recurso menos de manual. Ya hab?a recurrido a "ella" en el pasado, antes de entrar a formar parte de la unidad. Sus compa?eros y sus jefes tan solo aceptaban esa clase de recursos a rega?adientes, aunque una vez comprobada su eficacia, muchos incluso hab?an animado a Grace a hacer la llamada.

La agente escuch? pasos a la izquierda, desde la entrada. Puntual, como siempre.

-Buenas noches Joyce.

La joven de treinta y pocos sonri?, nerviosa, y salud? con la mano mientras se acercaba. Joyce Callahan era medio hispana. La mezcla de rasgos hab?a resultado especialmente favorecedora en su caso, pues se trataba de una aut?ntica belleza de esas que la gente solo esperaba encontrar en revistas. Med?a metro setenta. Su tez era el primer distintivo de la herencia latina. Bronceada pero de tono suave. No le sobraba un solo kilo en el cuerpo. Ten?a la figura de una modelo, con hombros estrechos, cuello largo ni demasiado fino ni demasiado grueso, y bien proporcionada tanto de piernas como de brazos. Desde luego su cuerpo distaba mucho del de una persona deportista porque, aunque se cuidaba mucho, no era en absoluto musculosa. Ten?a la gran fortuna de poseer un cuerpo hermoso sin necesidad de matarse en el gimnasio. Tan solo corr?a de vez en cuando. Los pechos eran firmes, redondos, ligeramente m?s grande de una talla ochenta y cinco, pero como sus hombros no eran anchos y ella era esbelta, resaltaban poderosamente en su figura. Las caderas y gl?teos eran otros de esos rasgos heredados de su parte hispana. Casi noventa de cadera, con el trasero firme, prieto, redondeado. Una aut?ntica delicia desde cualquier ?ngulo.

Vest?a de forma que realzase su espl?ndida figura sin resultar vulgar. Llevaba camiseta blanca de tirantes, con escote en forma de U que acababa justo cuando iba a empezar el canalillo. Llevaba algunas flores bordadas, tambi?n en blanco descendiendo en la l?nea del estern?n. Debajo, para evitar posibles transparencias comprometedoras, usaba un sencillo sujetador del mismo color que el resto del atuendo.

En la parte inferior vest?a falda, casi hasta las rodillas, de color gris oscuro, con bastante vuelo. No llevaba medias ni pantis porque desde luego no hac?a fr?o, y no estaba sujeta a ning?n c?digo de vestimenta, a diferencia de su amiga Grace. Calzaba sandalias de tac?n color azul muy oscuro, dejando ver la mayor parte del pie.

Si Joyce ten?a cuerpo explosivo, la cara no lo desmerec?a en absoluto. El pelo llegaba justo al mismo punto que el escote, por delante y por detr?s. Ca?a formando un tri?ngulo invertido en la frente, que pasaba por el exterior de ambas cejas para abrirse dejando ver el resto del rostro. Era muy ondulado, casi rizado por abajo. Lo llevaba te?ido de casta?o claro. Daba la sensaci?n de ser su color natural, pues no desentonaba lo m?s m?nimo. Ten?a las cejas casi rectas y muy finas, inclinadas un poco resultando en un aspecto sugerente y tierno al mismo tiempo. Ten?a los ojos almendrados, de color marr?n oscuro, con las pesta?as largas y bien marcadas. Los labios, gruesos y carnosos, estaban pintados de color rojo, pero no de forma llamativa, m?s bien elegante.

Joyce se guard? la acreditaci?n de asesora antes de acercarse hasta su amiga. Segu?a nerviosa. Por desgracia no era el primer caso de asesinato, aunque s? el primero con un asesino en serie. Desventajas de ver ascender a su amiga. Normalmente trabajaba en la florister?a heredada de su madre, pero desde luego no la llamaban por sus conocimientos bot?nicos. La llamaban por cierta habilidad, tambi?n heredada (aunque de su padre), que ella habr?a preferido no tener.

-?D?nde est??? , ya sabes, el cuerpo.

Grace sonr?o para intentar tranquilizarla. Rode? con el brazo derecho los hombros de su amiga, y la gui? fraternalmente por el pasillo. Para Joyce, ese gesto fraternal, casi de hermana, resultaba tranquilizador. Grace lo sab?a y, cuando se trataba de casos desagradables, siempre intentaba calmarla un poco. Adem?s, la agente era lesbiana, y caminar de ese modo era agradable. Por supuesto, sab?a que su amiga no ten?a sus mismas inclinaciones, as? que nunca intentar?a nada con ella, pero admirar semejante belleza era casi inevitable. Desgraciadamente era un asunto serio, muy desagradable. Habr?a preferido ahorrarle esto a su vieja amiga.

-No sabes cu?nto te agradezco que hayas venido. No te lo pedir?a, pero tenemos que cazarlo esta misma noche.

Joyce asinti?. Los federales siempre pagaban bien. Ese era el incentivo que cualquiera habr?a entendido. Ella, sobre todo, quer?a ayudar.

-?Has pedido que no haya nadie con nosotras?

Grace asinti?.

-?Y que apaguen las c?maras?

Grace volvi? a asentir, aunque a?adi? algunas palabras.

-Me ha costado trabajo. La mitad del personal quiere sacarte fotos.

Joyce sonri? p?caramente. Era consciente de su propia belleza.

-Puedes decirles que, si atrap?is a ese cerdo, nos vamos a celebrarlo todos este viernes.

Ambas estaban paradas frente al cuerpo de la ?ltima v?ctima. Grace se asegur? de cerrar bien la puerta y de despejar la zona de objetos peligrosos. Esta no era la primera sesi?n. Sab?a que las cosas pod?an llegar a descontrolarse.

Mientras tanto Joyce respiraba hondo. Detestaba hacer esto. Hab?a le?do el expediente antes. No le esperaba un rato agradable. Todo lo contrario. Un infierno.

-Ya sabes que no podr? responderte a ninguna pregunta hasta que acabe.

Grace lo sab?a. Esper? sin dejar de mirar a su amiga. Parec?a indecisa. Tal vez estaba pidi?ndole demasiado.

-Si necesitas m?s tiempo?

Joyce respir? hondo mientras negaba con la cabeza. Sab?a que cuanto m?s se lo pensase, m?s probable era que cambiase de opini?n. Se acerc? al cad?ver. Coloc? ambas manos en el rostro, con las yemas de los dedos en la frente. Entonces empez?.

Joyce ya no ve?a por sus propios ojos, ni escuchaba por sus propios o?dos. Se encontraba sumida en un profundo trance que anulaba todos sus sentidos. En lugar de eso, experimentaba las ?ltimas horas de Erica, la ?ltima v?ctima, c?mo si fuese ella. Sus pensamientos, sus sentidos, sus recuerdos recientes. Todo. Era como ver una pel?cula desde el punto de vista de otra persona. No hab?a ninguna comunicaci?n entre ambas. Joyce pod?a rememorar a la perfecci?n los hechos, pero no pod?a modificarlos. No pod?a hacer preguntas o hablar.

Estaba mir?ndose en el espejo de los servicios del banco donde trabajaba. Era una mujer guapa, de la edad de Joyce. Ten?a el pelo de color casta?o rojizo, oscuro. Se peinaba con el flequillo cubriendo la frente y la raya a la izquierda, con lo cual dejaba despejado un peque?o espacio por encima del ojo izquierdo. La melena empezaba cayendo lisa, justo por debajo de los hombros, pero los mechones de cabello que iban por delante acababan en sensuales rizos. La cara era m?s alargada que ancha, angulosa, con un peque?o hoyuelo en la barbilla. Los labios finos, pintados de rosa oscuro. Iba maquillada pero no de forma festiva si no profesional, con un poco de color en las mejillas y con sombra de ojos. Precisamente sus ojos eran una de sus grandes virtudes. Saltones, grandes, de color verde muy oscuro.

Al mirar en el espejo, Joyce ve?a ciertas similitudes con Grace. Erica deb?a medir m?s o menos lo mismo, cent?metro arriba o abajo. La piel de Erica estaba m?s bronceada y sin duda estaba un poco menos en forma. Los pechos eran un poco m?s ca?dos y algunos pocos cent?metros m?s peque?os. Sin embargo el trasero era muy parecido, y Erica s? ten?a el vientre casi completamente plano.

Tambi?n vest?an de forma similar. Era comprensible, despu?s de todo Erica trabajaba en un banco. Llevaba una chaqueta gris muy oscuro, aunque con finas rayas verticales, muy separadas entre s?, de color gris m?s claro. La chaqueta ten?a escote en V que acababa en la zona inferior del estern?n en una especie de lazo peque?o. Por debajo volv?a a abrirse en un tri?ngulo poco pronunciado. Bajo la chaqueta llevaba una camiseta azul claro que aportaba cierta vitalidad al conjunto. Llevaba una falda de tubo, formal, del mismo color que la chaqueta, hasta la altura de la rodilla, un poco m?s abajo. No le permit?a mucha movilidad en las piernas, pero era id?nea para el trabajo y tampoco ten?a intenci?n de correr. Los pantis oscuros y los zapatos negros, de tac?n, encajaban perfectamente.

Tan solo se estaba arreglando un poco el peinado antes de salir. Hab?a sido un buen d?a de trabajo. Quiz?s hab?a concedido unos pocos cr?ditos m?s de los que sus jefes quisieran, pero eso la hac?a sentirse bien consigo misma. Ahora, algo cansada, solo ten?a ganas de volver a casa.

Su coche no hab?a arrancado por la ma?ana. Volver?a en taxi. No le gustaban el metro o el autob?s. Ese fue uno de los momentos en los que Joyce quisiera haber podido hablar. Le habr?a dicho que pidiese transporte a alg?n compa?ero, o que usase el metro. Nada. Cuanto percib?a era simplemente el pasado.

Encontr? un taxi sorprendentemente r?pido. No pod?a imaginar que era un taxi robado, que hab?a estado esperando cerca hasta verla salir. Mucho menos pod?a imaginar que el ladr?n, su futuro asesino, era quien hab?a saboteado el coche para obligarla a pedir un taxi.

Joyce no era polic?a, pero todo aquello le parec?a demasiado al azar. Erica podr?a haber tomado otras decisiones que la habr?an mantenido con vida. No sab?a que el asesino llevaba semanas estudiando a la futura v?ctima.

Erica tard? un buen rato en notar que algo iba mal. Hab?a estado hablando por tel?fono durante los primeros minutos del viaje. Cuando colg?, se hab?an saltado la salida hacia su barrio.

-Eh? creo que se ha equivocado - dijo mientras guardaba el m?vil en el bolso. - Era esa salida.

No hab?a ninguna rabia ni enfado en la joven. Un simple error. No le dio m?s vueltas. El taxista, que empezaba a resultarle familiar, tom? la siguiente salida. Cuando lo hizo no dio la vuelta si no que tom? un desv?o hacia las afueras.

-No. Tiene usted que dar la vuelta por esa otra calle y?

El taxista par? a un lado. Erica no lo entend?a. Cuando el hombre se gir? en el asiento, apunt?ndola con una pistola a la cara, se qued? helada. Joyce pudo sentir el p?nico de la joven. Sin pensar mucho, Erica intent? abrir la puerta, pero no funcion?. Escuch? un sonido con el que no estaba familiarizada. Joyce si supo que se trataba del arma amartill?ndose, pero solo porque alguna vez lo hab?a escuchado en pel?culas. En cualquier caso, Erica volvi? a mirar el arma. Ya no iba a intentar nada. Escuch? la voz, grave y cruel, del falso taxista.

-El bolso. - Se?al? con el arma. - D?melo.

Erica comprendi? que se quedaba sin nada. Ni espray de pimienta, ni m?vil. A?n as?, el arma estaba al mando. Lo tiro hacia delante, al asiento del pasajero.

-No hables. Asiente si me entiendes. Ahora vamos a dar una vuelta. Si te portas bien, no te har? da?o. Si gritas, si llamas la atenci?n, o si intentas cualquier cosa, te pego dos tiros. ?Comprendido?

Erica asinti?. La iba a violar. Lo sab?a. No pod?a aceptarlo, de ning?n modo. A?n as? asinti?. Ten?a miedo. Acab? reconociendo al hombre.

-T?? te conozco.

-?He dicho que no hables!

Erica asinti? de nuevo. Hab?a visto a ese hombre. Un tal se?or Thompson. Le hab?a concedido un cr?dito ese mismo Lunes.

Desde fuera, Grace ve?a a Joyce sentada en una silla contigua. Parec?a aterrorizada y comenzaba a llorar. Sab?a que ocurrir?a algo as?. Joyce sufr?a reaccionas similares a las de las v?ctimas cuando utilizaba su "don". Le acarici? la mejilla confiando en ayudarla a sentirse mejor. Ojala pensase que iba a funcionar.

Llegaron a una zona industrial. Por la noche estaba desierta. Thompson par? el coche en el callej?n entre dos recintos. No hab?a c?maras de seguridad. Baj?. Mientras abr?a la puerta, Erica intent? salir por el otro lado. La puerta tambi?n estaba cerrada. Escuch? la suya abrirse.

-No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

Sigui? repitiendo mientras el hombre le agarr? por la mu?eca y la hizo salir del coche.

-?De rodillas!

Erica obedeci? r?pido. El suelo estaba lleno de piedrecitas, y se clav? algunas, pero no se quej?. El hombre ya hab?a abierto la bragueta del pantal?n y mostraba su erecci?n.

-Ya sabes lo que debes hacer.

Ella neg? con la cabeza. Primero recibi? un par de bofetones. Despu?s sinti? el ca??n del arma en la sien.

-Y hazlo bien. Como a ese novio tuyo.

Erica se pregunt?, fugazmente, c?mo sab?a que ten?a novio. Joyce s? que at? cabos. En cualquier caso, daba igual. Agarr? suavemente con la mano el tronco del falo. Empez? a masturbarlo despacio mientras acercaba la boca. Primero lami? un poco el glande. Luego fue introduci?ndose el miembro poco a poco en la boca. Sinti? asco, arcadas, a cada instante.

Grace contemplaba a Joyce de rodillas. Ten?a la boca abierta en forma de O. Al igual que Erica, no dejaba de llorar. Mov?a la mano derecha como si masturbase un pene invisible. Con la izquierda acariciaba esos hipot?ticos test?culos. Mov?a la cabeza de adelante atr?s, girando un poco de lado a lado. Era como verla haci?ndole una mamada a un fantasma.

La pelirroja no pudo evitar encontrarlo un tanto er?tico. Incluso se sonroj? ligeramente. Ver a su amiga as?, acelerando cada vez m?s el ritmo, le hac?a imaginarse que era ella quien estaba delante, con la suave lengua de su amiga lamiendo tiernamente sus labios vaginales y el cl?toris. Se sinti? culpable de inmediato, apartando los pensamientos de su mente.

De pronto, Joyce ech? la cabeza hacia atr?s, como si la hubiesen empujado. Tosi? un par de veces. Incluso hizo el amago de vomitar.

Erica quiso vomitar, pero no se atrevi?. Aquel hombre no se hab?a corrido. Tan solo quer?a ponerse a tono para el evento principal de la noche. La oblig? a levantarse tirando del pelo. La llev? contra el cap? del coche y la hizo doblarse sobre encima, dejando el trasero al aire. Trato de ignorar que el motor a?n estaba caliente.

Not? al hombre levant?ndole la falda. Intent? evitarlo con una mano. La pistola en la nuca la hico relajarse. No se resisti? mientras le separaba las piernas, ni mientras le rajaba los pantis o le apartaba las bragas. Cerr? los ojos, apret? los dientes. Se mantuvo as? mientras la penetr?. Grit? y gru?? dolorida. Dio varios golpes al cap? del coche. No pod?a creer que la estuviesen tomando como a un animal.

Grace ahora ve?a a Joyce reclinada contra la camilla de al lado. Mov?a las caderas de adelante atr?s como si la estuviesen penetrando. De nuevo se imagino estar tras ella, apretar sus nalgas firmes mientras acariciaba los pechos con la otra mano. Besarle el cuello, soplarle al o?do, y oler su perfume en el cabello. Llegar al ?xtasis ambas juntas. Cuando vio la mueca de horror que mostraba su amiga, record? que no le estaban haciendo el amor. Estaba viviendo los recuerdos de una mujer violada. Volvi? a sentirse culpable. Agarr? las manos de su amiga, apretando con fuerza.

-Vamos, ya queda poco cielo.

Erica y Joyce, como si fuesen una sola, notaron la eyaculaci?n de su violador. Thompson dio un par de pasos torpes hacia atr?s. Casi cay? de culo al suelo, pero mantuvo el equilibrio. Erica, sin reincorporarse, baj? la falda tanto como pudo. Esperaba que todo hubiese acabado. Pasaron minutos as?. Luego escuch? aquella asquerosa voz a su espalda.

-En pie.

Con los pantis rasgados, pero el resto de la ropa relativamente intacto, la hizo caminar hacia la pared hasta apoyarse de espaldas. Thompson volvi? a tomar un metro de distancia.

-Ahora te voy a dejar ir. Has sido una buena chica. ?Le vas a contar esto a alguien?

Erica neg? con la cabeza. Segu?a llorando, pero todo hab?a acabado.

-?No voy a tener que preocuparme de si hablas?

-No. Por favor. Solo quiero ir a casa. No dir? nada. Te lo prometo. No dir? nada. Solo? d?jame ir.

Thompson asinti?. Luego alz? el arma y dispar? dos veces en el vientre. Erica no entend?a lo ocurrido. Solo not? algo empuj?ndola dos veces contra la pared. Despu?s lleg? un dolor atroz. Se toc? el abdomen. Al mirar las manos las vio llenas de sangre. Mir? incr?dula a su agresor. Las fuerzas le fallaron. Se desliz? por la pared hasta sentarse en el suelo. Intentaba hacer presi?n sobre las heridas. Grit? pidiendo auxilio. Vio a Thompson alzar la pistola de nuevo.

-?Por? qu??

Pregunt? entre l?grimas e intensos dolores.

-No lo s?. - Respondi? ?l. - Pero necesito matarte.

La mirada y la voz carec?an de compasi?n o la m?s m?nima empat?a.

-Por? favor. No me mates. No me mates. - Vio el dedo llegar al gatillo de nuevo. - ?No!

Dos tiros m?s, uno en cada seno, pero evitando el coraz?n. Erica vibr? con cada disparo, tosiendo sangre inmediatamente despu?s. Thompson levant? el arma un poco m?s, apuntando justo entre los ojos.


Joyce despert? del trance. Estaba sentada en el suelo, con la espalda apoyada en la pared. Lloraba y sudaba. Se sent?a humillada, dolorida. Aterrada. Grace la abraz?. Joyce intent? soltarse al principio, sin saber quien estaba toc?ndola. A?n ten?a entremezclados los recuerdos de Erica. Cuando desaparecieron, se dio cuenta de estar llorando.


-Estoy aqu?. Vamos, estoy aqu?.

Se abrazaron un rato m?s antes de que Joyce pudiese volver a levantarse.

Un nombre falso, Thompson, y datos bancarios falsos para el cr?dito, fueron suficientes para Grace. Revisaron las grabaciones de aquel d?a. Buscaron el taxi, milagrosamente devuelto al garaje de donde sali?. Encontraron huellas dactilares. Todo era demasiado poco, pero trabajaron contrarreloj. Al final lo encontraron justo unos minutos antes de consumar su siguiente violaci?n. Hab?an detenido a otro bastardo.

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LISTA DE PRACTICAS BDSM / Whipmaster'sPlaylist 2 Por Whipmaster [email protected] En otro lugar he expresado mi opinión personal acerca de los contratosde sumisión y de su valor más que relativo como elementos reguladoresde una relación BDSM plena y satisfactoria. A mi juicio resultan mucho más útiles e interesantes las "listasde prácticas" (en inglés, Playlist )algo que es relativamente frecuente encontrar en webs en inglés sobreBDSM y que sin embargo escaseaba en versión española....

2 years ago
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Historia de Corinne Spanish

Sitúo mi relato en el Otoño de 1.993. Era una fría y lluviosa tarde del mes de Octubre, había terminadode cenar. Me había aseado y puesto un camisón de color naranja.Me senté en el sofá para ver el noticiario de las 9 de la noche. En la casa hacía bastante calor. El suficiente para permitirme elpermanecer en camisón por toda la casa. Pero, antes de entrar en mi relato, os diré que mi nombre es Corinney que vivo sola. Mis señas personales son bastantes buenas. Mido 1.70 m. y peso 57kg.,...

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My Friend Ed

I was in physics, sitting next to a good friend of mine, Ed. He was one of the smarter boys in the class, not your classical alpha male. It was actually confusing for many of my other friends as to why I got on so well with him. I myself had no idea. The physics teacher was the hopeless one of the two we had, and so nobody was paying much attention. I was talking to Ed: “I am really starting to get fed up of these lessons. I don’t mind a lesson where we learn something, but I am really...

5 years ago
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Vibration Platform Fitness Machine Product Review

A few months ago my husband and I looked at all different brands of the vibration platform physical fitness machines displayed at a Zoomer Show. After testing all of the exercise positions shown on the visual guide (particularly the sitting ones), I decided that the Turbovibe Light suited my personal requirements the best. I particularly liked the dual motors concept and the flexibility of the electronic remote programming features. All of the other machines at the show had a complex...

3 years ago
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A Great Day At The Office

Pulling into a parking spot, Lucy checked her make up in the visor mirror. She wanted to be certain everything was perfect when she surprised John at his desk. Especially the deep crimson on her luscious lips. Pleased with her appearance, she stepped out of the car, letting the cool Autumn air rush over her for a moment. Getting into the office building and making her way to John’s cubicle was simple enough. Dressed as she was, she fit right in, almost. A tight, white short sleeve blouse,...

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SweetheartVideo Sovereign Syre Kendra Spade Pound It Out

Curvy, brunette Sovereign Syre is convinced that her gorgeous girlfriend, Kendra Spade, is cheating on her. When Kendra tells Sovereign that they need to expand their horizons, Sovereign takes matters into her own hands, deciding her girlfriend needs to be reminded of how hot their sex life can be… Sovereign begins making out with Kendra and it quickly turns into hot pussy eating action. Both ladies are wet and horny, and Kendra is primed for some hardcore strap-on sex. Sovereign goes to...

4 years ago
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Rekha And Maya 8211 Part 1 Wedding Anniversary Party

It was Vinod and Rekha’s 17th wedding anniversary. Vinod was throwing a party that evening. He had invited some neighbors and office friends. Vinod and Rekha stayed with Vinod’s younger brother’s wife, Maya. Maya was a widow whose husband died in an unfortunate accident 2 years ago. From then on, Vinod took the responsibility of the complete family. As the day went by, at around 3 in the afternoon, someone visited their house. Rekha opened the door, and 2 guys barged in and asked for Vinod....

4 years ago
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My new girlfriends mom

Started dating a new girl about three months ago. She is very pretty black haired eclectic pagan like myself. Very sweet, sincere and sexy. After meeting her family first impressions were that her mother was a very cantankerous old woman, constantly complaining, seemingly never satistfied about anything and i did not think she liked me. That is very unusual for me as every mother of every girl i have ever dated has always liked me.She has a younger sister whom is very lovely and has my kind of...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends little Sister part five

Early the next morning, I got up quietly and let the girls sleep. It had been an eventful night to be sure. Downstairs, I brewed a pot of coffee and was busy making blueberry muffins when Jennifer appeared. I hoped she wasn't sore about all that had happened this weekend. I hoped she wasn't sore but, if she was, well I figured I could live with her moods in the long run. Or not.Jennie fixed herself a cup of coffee and waited patiently for the stove timer to signal the muffins time to be...

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Camping with the Boys

Camping with the boysOn one of our summer camping trips, Rebecca and I set up camp in a remote spot in Black Range State park. The camp ground was empty except for one other campsite.As we went about our business throughout the day we noticed that there were three young guys camped in the other occupied site. We had a chat with them and they told us that they were there for the week, just escaping the rat race like we were.They were nice fellas all in their early 20's, fit and good looking...

3 years ago
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Fucked and Satisfied Keralite Lady In Delhi 8211 Part 2

Hi, all! This is Shankar age 28, single, having a hairy chest with an average body, back with the second part of the story. I was a little busy and so unable to upload my experiences. After reading about my experiences, I got many emails. Most of them were from males and very few from females. Coming to the continuation of my previous experience. Let me introduce her, she is Aarti Nair (a lady from Keralite), 28 years old, living in Delhi. She is a married lady but staying alone in Delhi. Her...

2 years ago
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Accidental Swingers

Introduction: A married couple gets more than the bargained for at a couples night Funny enough, it all started in a gay bar. My wife and I had been in New York for a few months. We were adjusting to our new jobs and (sort of) to our new lives, but friends hadnt quite made it into the equation yet. So we were quite excited when one of our friends finally cajoled us into going out and meeting with a few of his friends. He was of the flamboyantly gay variety, so we met up at a packed gay bar in...

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DevilsFilm Dakota Skye Fucking The Neighbors 03

Dakota and her husband Brad get visited by the neighborhood wine snob who just got back from Napa and is treating them to his latest favorite bottle. But Dakota would like to treat her pussy to some new cock and when a neighbor visits she lures him to her bedroom where here and her swinger husband have all their fun. At first Mike is a little apprehensive when the wife tries to seduce him with her hubby in the other room but once hubby says it’s ok he is on that pussy like a hobo on a...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 33

“So, are you two ... an item, then?” I teased Mayor Theodore Lansing of the Free City of Charlottesville. “Well, lately yes, but I naturally wonder if a Prophetess with an angelic father will have any time for a mere mortal like me,” Lansing answered with a self-deprecating joke that poorly concealed his real insecurity. “Oh, hush, you! I wear the pants in our relationship and you know it! I always have! Why on Earth would I want to give that up, sugar? At least with you, I get to boss...

3 years ago
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Meeting with a former classmate

The internet has put many of us back in touch with people we knew knew long ago who disappeared from our lives and we never expected to see again. A few years ago I got a from a boy I knew in high school. He always showed interest in me when in class or the rare times we were alone during the course of school. I liked him but knew he would never try to go further because he was a jock, and I was a punker girl. As silly as that sounds now, that was a hard and fast way of life in high school. In...

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Celebrity Trainers Megan Fox

Title:  Celebrity Trainers – Megan Fox (Part 1)Synopsis: Michael Bay, having been referred by Robert Pattison, tries to solve his problem and get a measure of revenge from Megan Fox. This is a story of kidnapping, bondage, brainwashing and rape.Author Name : SadoRuskiEmail: [email protected]:  MF, nc, rape, Mdom,  mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women.This is part 1...

4 years ago
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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 2 Back in Time

My name is Samuel Walker but everyone calls me Sam. I was born in North Carolina, and lived there until I graduated from high school. I immediately joined the Marine Corps, and soon found myself serving a tour in Iraq. After completing that tour, I took 30 days’ vacation and returned to North Carolina. With Boot Camp, Advanced Infantry Training, and the tour of Iraq, I had been gone for nearly two years. My only break was a quick two-week leave before flying to Iraq. Now I was back and...

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Bing dominated at the gym

This is my first story. Any comments would be greatly appreciated."I'm going to tell you about the time I went to the gym and I havent been the same since.It was a Thursday back in Februrary. It was a cold day out so I put on my gym shorts and threw my jeans on over them. Grabbed my coat and car keys and was out the door. I arrived at the gym a little earlier than I planned so I went to the locker room to put my stuff away. I took my jeans off and realized I didnt have any underwear under my...

4 years ago
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My neighbor took advantage of my wife without her

I am 35, my wife is 26. We'd been married for about 3 years. It was my second marriage and my wife was a very horny girl.After we were married about a year, Rena told me all of her fantasies. Her biggest one was to be tied to the bed, blindfolded, ear plugs a hood over her head, total sensory deprivation. She didn't want to see, hear, or be able to move. And she wanted me to do this early in the morning and come in every hour or two and do anything I wanted to with her.She also said that she...

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ElenaChapter 8

“Thanks for helping us pack everyone. It’s much appreciated. We couldn’t have done it without you.” I said. Constance then grabbed me in a tight bear hug, “Aww cuz it was the least we could do. Especially since you hired me on at the theater when I was fired for getting my new haircut. It let me meet my new girlfriend.” “New girlfriend? I guess that’s why you were able to get along with Christopher and Susan while helping us move. And who is the lucky girl anyways?” I asked. Constance had...

2 years ago
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Times are Changing Part Five

The van had arrived at their new house a few days ago, and the friends and family Nathan had asked for help had set everything up for their arrival. He was a good dad, but also an appreciated friend. He was well liked and kept in touch with many of the people he’d met while at college, and during his time in various workplaces. He was a giver, so everyone who had helped with the move wanted to give the selfless (now) single father all the help they could. It was heart-warming to find the place...

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Kings and Powers

It's your eighteenth birthday and you finally get to feel the freedom. You live with your Aunt Reagan as your parents both died in the war against the Sacreds. You belong to the Kingdom of Bose which is powered by the elementium which is only found in this region and the Rolas region. There are rumoured to be more than two but no one has figured where they are. The kingdom is ruled by Queen Alexandra, a stunning beautiful maiden with a fierce glare and power around her when it comes to battle....

3 years ago
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The Teardrop

The TeardropMaking a hasty escape from the law and his band of creditors along with his semi aristocratic family , James Smith found passage on the Cutty Sark on its return voyage to India and Ceylon.In truth the family were happy to see the back of him as he was worthless and without morals of any kind and a Libertine of the worst kind.How many illegitimate c***dren he had left behind and how many ruined young maidens no one knew and that he had sold or taken with him almost half of the...

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Yearly Vacation

During this trip I was only 14 years old. I had grown, in every way shape or form, tremendousley since the last time my family saw me. Puberty had finally ended. No more squeaky voice, a full bush, and my face was actually starting to clear up. I was only a month away from turning 15 and its like my hormones knew it. Since my last visit up my dick had grown from approximatley 5 1/2 to a full 7 inches when erect. When I came, It was no longer just a dribble of jizz, it was spurt after...

3 years ago
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Sex At Home With My Sexy Angel Shona

Hi everyone, I’m going to discuss about my sex with my colleague. I always had a kind of sexual feeling for her during work. I used to look at her tight breast. Always felt like fondling and playing with it. She was too young to me and very childish. I proposed her and slowly brought her attention towards me. And she slowly started being close to me. Some day she was returning from her hometown. I had called her to my house as my family was going out. She agreed and came. She was too hot that...

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The Ladies Man

It was Wednesday night and Josh and Bill were listening to their hero Dan tell them about his latest conquest. All three men were in their early forties. None of them were married. As Dan always said. "Hell, why bother? There's plenty of women out there that want this." He would grab his crotch and grin. The other two always laughed and agreed. Not that they were that successful with women themselves. But somehow Dan always was. There didn't seem to be any woman the 6 foot, rakishly...

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Problem Solved

Judy sat across from her mother at the table, eating her breakfast. Her mom sipped her coffee while watching her daughter. It was easy to see something was bothering her.“What’s up? You look upset about something,” Betty said.Judy shrugged her shoulders as she stared into her bowl of cereal. Betty waited a moment and said, “Well, you’re clearly upset.”“My life sucks!” Judy said.“What happened now?”Betty had listened to her daughter complaining about things for the past few years. She knew Judy...

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The Awakening

The boat drifted down the coast just offshore and found what looked like the inlet of a major river. This seemed as good a place as any to complete the task they set out to do over a year ago. They left Scandinavia with 12 strong men, at this point there were 8 men of sorts, 3 women and whatever Bjorn has become. The men worked tirelessly to complete the task, digging the hole they would use to rid themselves of the ultimate evil. When the lust overtook them they eagerly used the women,...

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Gym Wali Pyari Bhabhi Ki Mast Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi, me aapke liye ek aur story leke aya hu jo real story based hai aur karib 5 months pehle ki hai… Mai ab sidhe story par ata hu…Jaise aapko pata hai mai job ki talash me hu aur 6 pehle maine gym joint kia tha.Mai har roj 6-8 gym jata.Us din ki baat hai jab me exercise kar raha tha aur wk lady ayi jisne green top aur tight jeans pehni hui thi aur wo kya sexy lag rahi thi yaar….Uske bade bade boobs bahar ane ke liye taras rahe ho…Mera lund to wahi khada ho gaya..Man karta tha sali ko abhi...

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The Selection Part Four

Chapter Four A Normal Course A Novel By: S. Stevenson This is the story of just how a slave was selected as her Master’s full time slave. As you can see by the title this is the fourth part of this work. While it should be able to stand alone it might help the reader to read the previous three chapters. I encourage you to rate this story and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S. When that last night ended things...

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Neeta My Love 8211 Part II

Read this and send me feed back or mail me ta raaaza or now read net part Nita realized her robe had fallen open, and Bob was treating himself to yet another free show of her feminine charms. She also noticed he was getting a hard on. Words continued to fall out of her in bits. ‘Uhhh, uhmm, So you can’t leave until…?’ He finished the sentence for her. ‘Until your husband fucks you silly! I’m here to make sure that happens. You clicked, he dicks! What’s so hard to understand?’ Her eyes moved...

2 years ago
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Memoirs of Aadheena

  Hey guys. This is my first try at a sex story. Please refrain from going further into this series if you are not into pee play, scat, submission. Thank you. Feedback at I woke up, looked around rubbing my eyes. It was 5:30 in the morning, and there I was on my bed in a small shacky home we moved into last week. I turned around to see my husband Aadesh staring at me angrily for disturbing him and soon went back to sleep without saying a word. It would have been a usual day if not for one....

3 years ago
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Pahle Milan Ki Pyas Aur Wo Ahsas

hello guys, i m pranay rao. mai aap ko 1 story batane ja raha hoo. hope u’ll like it and enjoy a lot. to story tab ki hai jab mai 12th standard me padhta tha. mere papa ki transfer ki wajhase hme new town shift hona padha tha aur naye sahar me mai first time junier college jane wala tha. pahle din hi college ka mahol dekh k mai bahut khush ho gaya. khas karke itne sare mal mal ladke aur ladkiya. (i m bisexual so i like both). lekin mai waha kisi jo janta nhi tha to sidha class me gaya aur piche...

4 years ago
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Had a sex with 18year old teen

It was fantastic game i have ever done.. and its is quikest sex i ever had.. she was at the train and im on my way to home at the train..she was wearing all black t-shirt and skirt.. which is really short.. she looked at me all the time while traveling and i send an eye wink once she smiled..I ask her to come near me as there were no more ppl arround. even i didn't expect she came near me and talking nicely .. i tell her that you have a nice legs.. she just smiled and said you only like it ?...

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Window Watching

My new condo came with an unexpected bonus. I live on the ninth floor of a ten story building. There is a building next door that had been a six-story manufacturing plant but had been converted to expensive loft apartments. With its taller ceilings, the two buildings are fairly close to the same height. What I discovered one night when I came in from work late was when the lights were on in the sixth-floor apartment across from mine, I could see right in with just a slight downward angle. I had...

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Spizoo Anna Bell Peaks Alix Lynx AnnaBell Alix Blowjob POV Virtual

So as you saw in the past episode I went to the stripper experience and I invited Alix Lynx And Anna Bell Peaks Back to my house for some late night fun. OMG they looked so good in those stripper outfits and my cock was so hard. Money can buy you anything so I asked them to suck my cock before bed and they went for it. Imagine two of your favorite pornstars looking up at you when they are sucking you off, well that’s was my amazing experience and I bust a fat load on those two sexy...

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Aztec EarringsChapter 5 Beauty and the Beast

I sat back down, pulled my knees up to my chest with ease, and began to think. I was sure that my dream and my discovery of the cave had something to do with my transformation, but what did it all mean? Did the cult of the Aztec tribe still have an influence over visitors to their long drowned island? Was this the "gift" of their female sun god? While I would admit to having wondered what it would be like to be a woman from time to time, to be forcibly transformed into one for the rest of...

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MommysGirl Mercedes Carrera Alina Lopez Christie Stevens Green Card Mom

Alina Lopez is on her bed texting. When her mom, Mercedes Carrera, knocks on the door, she tells her to come in. Mercedes introduces her friend, Christie Stevens, to her daughter and sits on the bed. Mercedes has some trouble speaking, so Alina raises her voice, rudely asking her what she wants. Mercedes blurts out that she married Christie and that she’ll be staying with them temporarily. Shocked, Alina asks her mother if she’s a lesbian. She explains that she did it to help...

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Retribution Part 5

  Zoe continued to be quite the disciplinarian whilst my wife Susie was away, and I was spanked regularly together with Jeff, and now also 21-year-old Hannah. We would each have to go bare bottomed across my daughter’s lap to be spanked by her very firm hand and then with the strap, and occasionally with the dreaded cane. It was something to hear three adults gasping and crying as my daughter Zoe soundly spanked each of us in turn, the other two watching, either glad our own punishment was...

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The story of bobs torture

Chapter 1 Bob had just recently turned 18 and his parents were sick of his freeloading, so they forced him to get a job. Bob applied for different "easy" positions around town and eventually got a job at a local supermarket where his ex girlfriend Abby worked. To say they weren't particularly happy to see each other was an understatement. They hated each other and Abby who was his manager wanted to make his life a living hell. Bob was a lazy worker and didn't want anything to do with Abby but...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E02 Fatima Katirgoglou 28 from Birmingham

We start this week’s show with some establishing shots of suburban Birmingham. Graffiti covered brick walls, small shops and cafes - we’re travelling along a grey street, under a train bridge, and coming up infront of another brick wall, this one marked with a sign that reads “MIDLANDS PLANTERS” ... And beyond the wall, we’re moving through a small market garden - collection of plants, small bushes, plant pots, etc. We turn a corner and come face to face with our host – ex pornstar and...

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Homeless Shelter

"Who was that on the phone James?""It was Rev. Jones at the shelter. The guy that was supposed to show tonight didn't, so Rev. Jones asked me to fill in. They have a capacity crowd tonight because of the cold weather and he's afraid that if all the homeless men don't get their cocks sucked before they go to bed tonight, there might be some trouble because they'll be restless and won't sleep well. The weather is terrible, but I feel I must go in.""Yes, the snow storm is bad, but dear I have...

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My Dream Lover

Thanks to frenziedmaiden for her editing skills and friendship I dreamt of her today. It was during my nap and it dragged up a memory that had long been forgotten, suppressed. I could not bury those memories again. They were out now, plaguing my thoughts, distracting me to no end. I had to revisit these events in order to find peace. I was eighteen when I first saw her, eighteen without a clue. I was still a virgin, but had lots of knowledge, book learning. I thought I was mature; I had...

3 years ago
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Summer Camp On The LakeChapter 9 Evening Sail

The sailing had become more popular as the days passed. They wanted to believe it was solely down to the fun to be had in a boat, but Marie and Clive both knew that the preponderance of younger girls coming along was because several had developed serious crushes on him. Clive was okay with that, he didn’t do anything about it, but he found these young thirteen year olds smiling at him rather nice. They would bend over from the waist, showing their tight little bottoms to their best effect....

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Walk in the woods

I was taking a walk one spring evening in the hills behind my house. When I rounded a bend, a strange sight suddenly confronted me: a man in bright colored clothing was coming towards me. When he saw me, he made an exaggerated stop and promptly walked up to me and pulled a flower from behind my ear. He gave it to me with an elaborate bow, then beckoned me to follow him. By now, this strange clown had caught my interest, so I was more than willing to follow him. I have been fascinated by clowns...

2 years ago
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Sibling Love

I have a brother that I have always been especially close to. There is only a year and a month between our ages, so we were pretty much inseperable. Even as late as when I was 12 and he was 11, we showered together and sometimes slept in the same bed. We had the same friends, had the same hangout, had about the same homework. One night, as we were sleeping in the same bed, I was just lying therehalf dozing, half thinking of my boyfriend at the time. My brother was facing away from me breathing...

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Joanie and Johnnaked in SchoolChapter 6

SATURDAY Joanie God, what a night! I don't know how many times we fucked, but my pussy walls felt like someone ran sandpaper through me. We woke up around nine, and Mickey and Sherry were already up, fixing breakfast in the nude. Watch the bacon grease, Sherry! We sat down, ate, and discussed our respective night's activities. Mickey laughed and said, "What'd you guys do, soak the sheets? I heard you rummaging around in the linen closet." I said that John needed to jack off more often...

2 years ago
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Teenage Sex Club pt1

It was late August and I was excited about the next school year, my hopes were high and expectations great...then I ran into Daniel and Bruce. At first they seemed friendly, asking how I've been and how great the last session we all had. Daniel began to speak 'Bruce thought that we should ask you if would come alone before I get violent. I told him I would ask you, but you would have no choice. Either you accept what we say or we force you, it's still your choice.' I looked at the two of them...

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Faculty Cast Party

Following the opening of THE Faculty, 7 of the teenage stars from the movie decided to have a party up in Josh Hartnet's hotel rooms. Usher, the talented musician was there, along with the lovely Jordana Brewster. Clea Duvall, who played the brainy loner in the movie was also there along with Elijah Wood. The last two that arrived were Laura Harris, who played the alien in the movie and Shawn Hatosy, who played the high school quarterback. They were all relaxing, drinking beer and listening to...

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Jasper Duquesne The Bolide

Jasper Duquesne - The Bolide By Victoria Copyright (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved. You may copy and distribute this story in any fashion, as long as you make no changes. Chapter One - Jasper Duquesne and Richard Banks were in their tent near the archeological site in Sudan. It was hot. It was always hot here, day, night, it hardly made a difference, the heat was stifling. Jasper watched Richard across the tent as he examined a tray of artifacts gathered from today's efforts...

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Unfaithful FianceChapter 10

Dan knew he had set himself up for this one. And he must have intended it all along. It was no accident he had just happened to call up the girl he had bad the biggest crush on in high school, when he heard she was still in town working as a city planner-and not married. Lola had been one of the few girls in school who had not thrown themselves at Dan. For that reason, she had captivated him. She was the unattainable. And she was beautiful, with her high Indian cheekbones and her flashing...

3 years ago
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Alison Goes to London chapter 2 A Brief History of Fucking

Before the Great Enlightenment of the 2020s, European society had a dysfunctional, nay, schizophrenic attitude to fucking. On the one hand, both men and women favoured what society called “sexual liberation”, i.e. the right of anyone to fuck whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted, without any attendant responsibilities or obligations. On the other hand, society claimed to value what was called “the family”: men and women who fucked each other and conceived children by that act were expected...

1 year ago
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Her Comforting Twin 2 At It Again

Note : This story is completely fictional! A few days had passed since that life-altering afternoon, when Cora and Natalie had "crossed the line". They hadn't spoken to one another much in their free time, little as they had. Natalie was quite busy with assignments from her online college classes, while Cora spent much of her time out with her gothic friends. However, even when the twins did have time in the house together, Natalie seemed to make a point to spending it separately. As it was,...

4 years ago
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The Consul and Her House Help

Irene shook the can and pressed the nuzzle. She covered my abs with whipped cream as Khadija put chocolate on my ass with a knife. “Let’s switch positions,” Irene said as she stood up from the ground. Khadija came to the front and started licking the whipped cream as she courses down my body. Irene licked my left cheek and when I turned I saw her smiling with chocolate on her teeth. “You’re tasty. Isn’t he”? She asked Khadija who had travelled her way through my stomach and now had my dick in...


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