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La agente especial del FBI, Grace Miller, esperaba en el pasillo. Detestaba pasar tanto rato en la morgue. Pasillos blancos, as?pticos. Comentarios entre murmullos. Gente movi?ndose de un lado a otro, con prisa. Caras tristes y caras indiferentes, eso era lo peor, la mezcla entre la desesperaci?n de familiares y el intento de poner cierta distancia emocional por parte del equipo forense. Ella misma intentaba aplicar esa distancia cuando trabajaba en un caso. Ser?a imposible hacerlo de otro modo. Lo malo era tener que esperar, convirti?ndose en testigo de todo el proceso para otros agentes. Sin embargo all? estaba, la agente m?s joven de la divisi?n, con solo treinta a?os.

Desde luego Grace pod?a presumir en cuanto a su apariencia f?sica. Med?a casi un metro setenta y cinco. Ten?a complexi?n entre atl?tica y esbelta, con noventa tanto de pecho como de cadera, aunque le sobraba un poco de abdomen para completar el paquete con vientre plano. Pelirroja natural, de tono anaranjado oscuro,  llevaba la melena larga, suelta. Pod?a considerarse lisa, pero ten?a bastante volumen. Ca?a tanto por la espalda, hasta debajo de los omoplatos, como por delante, hasta la altura de los pechos. La raya estaba a la derecha, y por ese lado pod?a verse la oreja, de peque?o tama?o, con un sencillo aro dorado. Por la izquierda un mech?n del flequillo cubr?a media mejilla. Solo intentaba apartarlo cuando se mov?a en direcci?n al ojo, interrumpiendo la vista.

El rostro la hac?a parecer a?n m?s joven. Ten?a los ojos color miel, ligeramente hundidos, con los p?rpados m?s poblados por los lados exteriores. Utilizaba muy poca sombra por encima, casi inapreciable bajo cejas de ?ngulo suave. Sus labios, pintados de rosa claro, ten?an forma de coraz?n sin ser demasiado alargados. El inferior era m?s carnoso que el superior. Por lo dem?s, apenas usaba algo de colorete en las mejillas.

La chaqueta, formal, de color gris muy oscura, iba abierta sobre una camisa gris m?s clara que dejaba ver hasta justo encima de donde empezaban los pechos. Dejaba ver as? algo de piel, ni p?lida ni bronceada. Pantalones y zapatos, sin apenas tac?n, iban a juego con la chaqueta. Como siempre, en aquella ocasi?n llevaba un colgante con un peque?o coraz?n. Nada vistoso. 

Esperaba porque requer?a ayuda extra. Su unidad deb?a encargarse de asesinos en serie. Este resultaba ser demasiado activo. Llevaba a?os haciendo lo mismo en distintas ciudades. Aparec?a, mataba a cinco mujeres, y despu?s se iba sin dejar rastro. Ya hab?a matado a tres. Si nadie le deten?a, habr?a dos v?ctimas m?s. Era un cabr?n realmente dif?cil de rastrear. Nunca se sab?a en qu? ciudad iba a aparecer. Cuando lo hac?a, solo segu?a un patr?n con las v?ctimas. Eran mujeres muy atractivas. En ocasiones adolescentes, otras veces rondando los cincuenta a?os. Morenas, rubias, o pelirrojas. Ricas o pobres. Blancas, negras, asi?ticas. Simplemente daba igual. Tampoco dejaba muchas m?s pistas. Alg?n rastro de ADN, por lo que sab?an que era blanco. Ocasionalmente, como era el caso, utilizaba una pistola. Dicha arma la hab?a robado del padre de la primera v?ctima. Eso era todo. La investigaci?n jam?s avanzaba.

Los compa?eros de Grace estaban haciendo perfiles como locos. Registraban v?deos de seguridad, testimonios. O se mov?an o acabar?an con una v?ctima m?s la pr?xima noche.

Grace hab?a decidido utilizar un recurso menos de manual. Ya hab?a recurrido a "ella" en el pasado, antes de entrar a formar parte de la unidad. Sus compa?eros y sus jefes tan solo aceptaban esa clase de recursos a rega?adientes, aunque una vez comprobada su eficacia, muchos incluso hab?an animado a Grace a hacer la llamada.

La agente escuch? pasos a la izquierda, desde la entrada. Puntual, como siempre.

-Buenas noches Joyce.

La joven de treinta y pocos sonri?, nerviosa, y salud? con la mano mientras se acercaba. Joyce Callahan era medio hispana. La mezcla de rasgos hab?a resultado especialmente favorecedora en su caso, pues se trataba de una aut?ntica belleza de esas que la gente solo esperaba encontrar en revistas. Med?a metro setenta. Su tez era el primer distintivo de la herencia latina. Bronceada pero de tono suave. No le sobraba un solo kilo en el cuerpo. Ten?a la figura de una modelo, con hombros estrechos, cuello largo ni demasiado fino ni demasiado grueso, y bien proporcionada tanto de piernas como de brazos. Desde luego su cuerpo distaba mucho del de una persona deportista porque, aunque se cuidaba mucho, no era en absoluto musculosa. Ten?a la gran fortuna de poseer un cuerpo hermoso sin necesidad de matarse en el gimnasio. Tan solo corr?a de vez en cuando. Los pechos eran firmes, redondos, ligeramente m?s grande de una talla ochenta y cinco, pero como sus hombros no eran anchos y ella era esbelta, resaltaban poderosamente en su figura. Las caderas y gl?teos eran otros de esos rasgos heredados de su parte hispana. Casi noventa de cadera, con el trasero firme, prieto, redondeado. Una aut?ntica delicia desde cualquier ?ngulo.

Vest?a de forma que realzase su espl?ndida figura sin resultar vulgar. Llevaba camiseta blanca de tirantes, con escote en forma de U que acababa justo cuando iba a empezar el canalillo. Llevaba algunas flores bordadas, tambi?n en blanco descendiendo en la l?nea del estern?n. Debajo, para evitar posibles transparencias comprometedoras, usaba un sencillo sujetador del mismo color que el resto del atuendo.

En la parte inferior vest?a falda, casi hasta las rodillas, de color gris oscuro, con bastante vuelo. No llevaba medias ni pantis porque desde luego no hac?a fr?o, y no estaba sujeta a ning?n c?digo de vestimenta, a diferencia de su amiga Grace. Calzaba sandalias de tac?n color azul muy oscuro, dejando ver la mayor parte del pie.

Si Joyce ten?a cuerpo explosivo, la cara no lo desmerec?a en absoluto. El pelo llegaba justo al mismo punto que el escote, por delante y por detr?s. Ca?a formando un tri?ngulo invertido en la frente, que pasaba por el exterior de ambas cejas para abrirse dejando ver el resto del rostro. Era muy ondulado, casi rizado por abajo. Lo llevaba te?ido de casta?o claro. Daba la sensaci?n de ser su color natural, pues no desentonaba lo m?s m?nimo. Ten?a las cejas casi rectas y muy finas, inclinadas un poco resultando en un aspecto sugerente y tierno al mismo tiempo. Ten?a los ojos almendrados, de color marr?n oscuro, con las pesta?as largas y bien marcadas. Los labios, gruesos y carnosos, estaban pintados de color rojo, pero no de forma llamativa, m?s bien elegante.

Joyce se guard? la acreditaci?n de asesora antes de acercarse hasta su amiga. Segu?a nerviosa. Por desgracia no era el primer caso de asesinato, aunque s? el primero con un asesino en serie. Desventajas de ver ascender a su amiga. Normalmente trabajaba en la florister?a heredada de su madre, pero desde luego no la llamaban por sus conocimientos bot?nicos. La llamaban por cierta habilidad, tambi?n heredada (aunque de su padre), que ella habr?a preferido no tener.

-?D?nde est??? , ya sabes, el cuerpo.

Grace sonr?o para intentar tranquilizarla. Rode? con el brazo derecho los hombros de su amiga, y la gui? fraternalmente por el pasillo. Para Joyce, ese gesto fraternal, casi de hermana, resultaba tranquilizador. Grace lo sab?a y, cuando se trataba de casos desagradables, siempre intentaba calmarla un poco. Adem?s, la agente era lesbiana, y caminar de ese modo era agradable. Por supuesto, sab?a que su amiga no ten?a sus mismas inclinaciones, as? que nunca intentar?a nada con ella, pero admirar semejante belleza era casi inevitable. Desgraciadamente era un asunto serio, muy desagradable. Habr?a preferido ahorrarle esto a su vieja amiga.

-No sabes cu?nto te agradezco que hayas venido. No te lo pedir?a, pero tenemos que cazarlo esta misma noche.

Joyce asinti?. Los federales siempre pagaban bien. Ese era el incentivo que cualquiera habr?a entendido. Ella, sobre todo, quer?a ayudar.

-?Has pedido que no haya nadie con nosotras?

Grace asinti?.

-?Y que apaguen las c?maras?

Grace volvi? a asentir, aunque a?adi? algunas palabras.

-Me ha costado trabajo. La mitad del personal quiere sacarte fotos.

Joyce sonri? p?caramente. Era consciente de su propia belleza.

-Puedes decirles que, si atrap?is a ese cerdo, nos vamos a celebrarlo todos este viernes.

Ambas estaban paradas frente al cuerpo de la ?ltima v?ctima. Grace se asegur? de cerrar bien la puerta y de despejar la zona de objetos peligrosos. Esta no era la primera sesi?n. Sab?a que las cosas pod?an llegar a descontrolarse.

Mientras tanto Joyce respiraba hondo. Detestaba hacer esto. Hab?a le?do el expediente antes. No le esperaba un rato agradable. Todo lo contrario. Un infierno.

-Ya sabes que no podr? responderte a ninguna pregunta hasta que acabe.

Grace lo sab?a. Esper? sin dejar de mirar a su amiga. Parec?a indecisa. Tal vez estaba pidi?ndole demasiado.

-Si necesitas m?s tiempo?

Joyce respir? hondo mientras negaba con la cabeza. Sab?a que cuanto m?s se lo pensase, m?s probable era que cambiase de opini?n. Se acerc? al cad?ver. Coloc? ambas manos en el rostro, con las yemas de los dedos en la frente. Entonces empez?.

Joyce ya no ve?a por sus propios ojos, ni escuchaba por sus propios o?dos. Se encontraba sumida en un profundo trance que anulaba todos sus sentidos. En lugar de eso, experimentaba las ?ltimas horas de Erica, la ?ltima v?ctima, c?mo si fuese ella. Sus pensamientos, sus sentidos, sus recuerdos recientes. Todo. Era como ver una pel?cula desde el punto de vista de otra persona. No hab?a ninguna comunicaci?n entre ambas. Joyce pod?a rememorar a la perfecci?n los hechos, pero no pod?a modificarlos. No pod?a hacer preguntas o hablar.

Estaba mir?ndose en el espejo de los servicios del banco donde trabajaba. Era una mujer guapa, de la edad de Joyce. Ten?a el pelo de color casta?o rojizo, oscuro. Se peinaba con el flequillo cubriendo la frente y la raya a la izquierda, con lo cual dejaba despejado un peque?o espacio por encima del ojo izquierdo. La melena empezaba cayendo lisa, justo por debajo de los hombros, pero los mechones de cabello que iban por delante acababan en sensuales rizos. La cara era m?s alargada que ancha, angulosa, con un peque?o hoyuelo en la barbilla. Los labios finos, pintados de rosa oscuro. Iba maquillada pero no de forma festiva si no profesional, con un poco de color en las mejillas y con sombra de ojos. Precisamente sus ojos eran una de sus grandes virtudes. Saltones, grandes, de color verde muy oscuro.

Al mirar en el espejo, Joyce ve?a ciertas similitudes con Grace. Erica deb?a medir m?s o menos lo mismo, cent?metro arriba o abajo. La piel de Erica estaba m?s bronceada y sin duda estaba un poco menos en forma. Los pechos eran un poco m?s ca?dos y algunos pocos cent?metros m?s peque?os. Sin embargo el trasero era muy parecido, y Erica s? ten?a el vientre casi completamente plano.

Tambi?n vest?an de forma similar. Era comprensible, despu?s de todo Erica trabajaba en un banco. Llevaba una chaqueta gris muy oscuro, aunque con finas rayas verticales, muy separadas entre s?, de color gris m?s claro. La chaqueta ten?a escote en V que acababa en la zona inferior del estern?n en una especie de lazo peque?o. Por debajo volv?a a abrirse en un tri?ngulo poco pronunciado. Bajo la chaqueta llevaba una camiseta azul claro que aportaba cierta vitalidad al conjunto. Llevaba una falda de tubo, formal, del mismo color que la chaqueta, hasta la altura de la rodilla, un poco m?s abajo. No le permit?a mucha movilidad en las piernas, pero era id?nea para el trabajo y tampoco ten?a intenci?n de correr. Los pantis oscuros y los zapatos negros, de tac?n, encajaban perfectamente.

Tan solo se estaba arreglando un poco el peinado antes de salir. Hab?a sido un buen d?a de trabajo. Quiz?s hab?a concedido unos pocos cr?ditos m?s de los que sus jefes quisieran, pero eso la hac?a sentirse bien consigo misma. Ahora, algo cansada, solo ten?a ganas de volver a casa.

Su coche no hab?a arrancado por la ma?ana. Volver?a en taxi. No le gustaban el metro o el autob?s. Ese fue uno de los momentos en los que Joyce quisiera haber podido hablar. Le habr?a dicho que pidiese transporte a alg?n compa?ero, o que usase el metro. Nada. Cuanto percib?a era simplemente el pasado.

Encontr? un taxi sorprendentemente r?pido. No pod?a imaginar que era un taxi robado, que hab?a estado esperando cerca hasta verla salir. Mucho menos pod?a imaginar que el ladr?n, su futuro asesino, era quien hab?a saboteado el coche para obligarla a pedir un taxi.

Joyce no era polic?a, pero todo aquello le parec?a demasiado al azar. Erica podr?a haber tomado otras decisiones que la habr?an mantenido con vida. No sab?a que el asesino llevaba semanas estudiando a la futura v?ctima.

Erica tard? un buen rato en notar que algo iba mal. Hab?a estado hablando por tel?fono durante los primeros minutos del viaje. Cuando colg?, se hab?an saltado la salida hacia su barrio.

-Eh? creo que se ha equivocado - dijo mientras guardaba el m?vil en el bolso. - Era esa salida.

No hab?a ninguna rabia ni enfado en la joven. Un simple error. No le dio m?s vueltas. El taxista, que empezaba a resultarle familiar, tom? la siguiente salida. Cuando lo hizo no dio la vuelta si no que tom? un desv?o hacia las afueras.

-No. Tiene usted que dar la vuelta por esa otra calle y?

El taxista par? a un lado. Erica no lo entend?a. Cuando el hombre se gir? en el asiento, apunt?ndola con una pistola a la cara, se qued? helada. Joyce pudo sentir el p?nico de la joven. Sin pensar mucho, Erica intent? abrir la puerta, pero no funcion?. Escuch? un sonido con el que no estaba familiarizada. Joyce si supo que se trataba del arma amartill?ndose, pero solo porque alguna vez lo hab?a escuchado en pel?culas. En cualquier caso, Erica volvi? a mirar el arma. Ya no iba a intentar nada. Escuch? la voz, grave y cruel, del falso taxista.

-El bolso. - Se?al? con el arma. - D?melo.

Erica comprendi? que se quedaba sin nada. Ni espray de pimienta, ni m?vil. A?n as?, el arma estaba al mando. Lo tiro hacia delante, al asiento del pasajero.

-No hables. Asiente si me entiendes. Ahora vamos a dar una vuelta. Si te portas bien, no te har? da?o. Si gritas, si llamas la atenci?n, o si intentas cualquier cosa, te pego dos tiros. ?Comprendido?

Erica asinti?. La iba a violar. Lo sab?a. No pod?a aceptarlo, de ning?n modo. A?n as? asinti?. Ten?a miedo. Acab? reconociendo al hombre.

-T?? te conozco.

-?He dicho que no hables!

Erica asinti? de nuevo. Hab?a visto a ese hombre. Un tal se?or Thompson. Le hab?a concedido un cr?dito ese mismo Lunes.

Desde fuera, Grace ve?a a Joyce sentada en una silla contigua. Parec?a aterrorizada y comenzaba a llorar. Sab?a que ocurrir?a algo as?. Joyce sufr?a reaccionas similares a las de las v?ctimas cuando utilizaba su "don". Le acarici? la mejilla confiando en ayudarla a sentirse mejor. Ojala pensase que iba a funcionar.

Llegaron a una zona industrial. Por la noche estaba desierta. Thompson par? el coche en el callej?n entre dos recintos. No hab?a c?maras de seguridad. Baj?. Mientras abr?a la puerta, Erica intent? salir por el otro lado. La puerta tambi?n estaba cerrada. Escuch? la suya abrirse.

-No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

Sigui? repitiendo mientras el hombre le agarr? por la mu?eca y la hizo salir del coche.

-?De rodillas!

Erica obedeci? r?pido. El suelo estaba lleno de piedrecitas, y se clav? algunas, pero no se quej?. El hombre ya hab?a abierto la bragueta del pantal?n y mostraba su erecci?n.

-Ya sabes lo que debes hacer.

Ella neg? con la cabeza. Primero recibi? un par de bofetones. Despu?s sinti? el ca??n del arma en la sien.

-Y hazlo bien. Como a ese novio tuyo.

Erica se pregunt?, fugazmente, c?mo sab?a que ten?a novio. Joyce s? que at? cabos. En cualquier caso, daba igual. Agarr? suavemente con la mano el tronco del falo. Empez? a masturbarlo despacio mientras acercaba la boca. Primero lami? un poco el glande. Luego fue introduci?ndose el miembro poco a poco en la boca. Sinti? asco, arcadas, a cada instante.

Grace contemplaba a Joyce de rodillas. Ten?a la boca abierta en forma de O. Al igual que Erica, no dejaba de llorar. Mov?a la mano derecha como si masturbase un pene invisible. Con la izquierda acariciaba esos hipot?ticos test?culos. Mov?a la cabeza de adelante atr?s, girando un poco de lado a lado. Era como verla haci?ndole una mamada a un fantasma.

La pelirroja no pudo evitar encontrarlo un tanto er?tico. Incluso se sonroj? ligeramente. Ver a su amiga as?, acelerando cada vez m?s el ritmo, le hac?a imaginarse que era ella quien estaba delante, con la suave lengua de su amiga lamiendo tiernamente sus labios vaginales y el cl?toris. Se sinti? culpable de inmediato, apartando los pensamientos de su mente.

De pronto, Joyce ech? la cabeza hacia atr?s, como si la hubiesen empujado. Tosi? un par de veces. Incluso hizo el amago de vomitar.

Erica quiso vomitar, pero no se atrevi?. Aquel hombre no se hab?a corrido. Tan solo quer?a ponerse a tono para el evento principal de la noche. La oblig? a levantarse tirando del pelo. La llev? contra el cap? del coche y la hizo doblarse sobre encima, dejando el trasero al aire. Trato de ignorar que el motor a?n estaba caliente.

Not? al hombre levant?ndole la falda. Intent? evitarlo con una mano. La pistola en la nuca la hico relajarse. No se resisti? mientras le separaba las piernas, ni mientras le rajaba los pantis o le apartaba las bragas. Cerr? los ojos, apret? los dientes. Se mantuvo as? mientras la penetr?. Grit? y gru?? dolorida. Dio varios golpes al cap? del coche. No pod?a creer que la estuviesen tomando como a un animal.

Grace ahora ve?a a Joyce reclinada contra la camilla de al lado. Mov?a las caderas de adelante atr?s como si la estuviesen penetrando. De nuevo se imagino estar tras ella, apretar sus nalgas firmes mientras acariciaba los pechos con la otra mano. Besarle el cuello, soplarle al o?do, y oler su perfume en el cabello. Llegar al ?xtasis ambas juntas. Cuando vio la mueca de horror que mostraba su amiga, record? que no le estaban haciendo el amor. Estaba viviendo los recuerdos de una mujer violada. Volvi? a sentirse culpable. Agarr? las manos de su amiga, apretando con fuerza.

-Vamos, ya queda poco cielo.

Erica y Joyce, como si fuesen una sola, notaron la eyaculaci?n de su violador. Thompson dio un par de pasos torpes hacia atr?s. Casi cay? de culo al suelo, pero mantuvo el equilibrio. Erica, sin reincorporarse, baj? la falda tanto como pudo. Esperaba que todo hubiese acabado. Pasaron minutos as?. Luego escuch? aquella asquerosa voz a su espalda.

-En pie.

Con los pantis rasgados, pero el resto de la ropa relativamente intacto, la hizo caminar hacia la pared hasta apoyarse de espaldas. Thompson volvi? a tomar un metro de distancia.

-Ahora te voy a dejar ir. Has sido una buena chica. ?Le vas a contar esto a alguien?

Erica neg? con la cabeza. Segu?a llorando, pero todo hab?a acabado.

-?No voy a tener que preocuparme de si hablas?

-No. Por favor. Solo quiero ir a casa. No dir? nada. Te lo prometo. No dir? nada. Solo? d?jame ir.

Thompson asinti?. Luego alz? el arma y dispar? dos veces en el vientre. Erica no entend?a lo ocurrido. Solo not? algo empuj?ndola dos veces contra la pared. Despu?s lleg? un dolor atroz. Se toc? el abdomen. Al mirar las manos las vio llenas de sangre. Mir? incr?dula a su agresor. Las fuerzas le fallaron. Se desliz? por la pared hasta sentarse en el suelo. Intentaba hacer presi?n sobre las heridas. Grit? pidiendo auxilio. Vio a Thompson alzar la pistola de nuevo.

-?Por? qu??

Pregunt? entre l?grimas e intensos dolores.

-No lo s?. - Respondi? ?l. - Pero necesito matarte.

La mirada y la voz carec?an de compasi?n o la m?s m?nima empat?a.

-Por? favor. No me mates. No me mates. - Vio el dedo llegar al gatillo de nuevo. - ?No!

Dos tiros m?s, uno en cada seno, pero evitando el coraz?n. Erica vibr? con cada disparo, tosiendo sangre inmediatamente despu?s. Thompson levant? el arma un poco m?s, apuntando justo entre los ojos.


Joyce despert? del trance. Estaba sentada en el suelo, con la espalda apoyada en la pared. Lloraba y sudaba. Se sent?a humillada, dolorida. Aterrada. Grace la abraz?. Joyce intent? soltarse al principio, sin saber quien estaba toc?ndola. A?n ten?a entremezclados los recuerdos de Erica. Cuando desaparecieron, se dio cuenta de estar llorando.


-Estoy aqu?. Vamos, estoy aqu?.

Se abrazaron un rato m?s antes de que Joyce pudiese volver a levantarse.

Un nombre falso, Thompson, y datos bancarios falsos para el cr?dito, fueron suficientes para Grace. Revisaron las grabaciones de aquel d?a. Buscaron el taxi, milagrosamente devuelto al garaje de donde sali?. Encontraron huellas dactilares. Todo era demasiado poco, pero trabajaron contrarreloj. Al final lo encontraron justo unos minutos antes de consumar su siguiente violaci?n. Hab?an detenido a otro bastardo.

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BDSM Playlist Spanish

LISTA DE PRACTICAS BDSM / Whipmaster'sPlaylist 2 Por Whipmaster [email protected] En otro lugar he expresado mi opinión personal acerca de los contratosde sumisión y de su valor más que relativo como elementos reguladoresde una relación BDSM plena y satisfactoria. A mi juicio resultan mucho más útiles e interesantes las "listasde prácticas" (en inglés, Playlist )algo que es relativamente frecuente encontrar en webs en inglés sobreBDSM y que sin embargo escaseaba en versión española....

2 years ago
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Historia de Corinne Spanish

Sitúo mi relato en el Otoño de 1.993. Era una fría y lluviosa tarde del mes de Octubre, había terminadode cenar. Me había aseado y puesto un camisón de color naranja.Me senté en el sofá para ver el noticiario de las 9 de la noche. En la casa hacía bastante calor. El suficiente para permitirme elpermanecer en camisón por toda la casa. Pero, antes de entrar en mi relato, os diré que mi nombre es Corinney que vivo sola. Mis señas personales son bastantes buenas. Mido 1.70 m. y peso 57kg.,...

4 years ago
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My Life Changing Fortune 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers. I have been reading ISS stories for last few years. This is my first story on ISS. First let me tell you all something about me. My name is Virat but everyone calls me Andy(nikname). I live in Delhi and doing MBA 2nd year. Basically I am from Surat. I live with my long distance cousin bhaiya(Rahul) in his 3 storage house. I stand 5’11” tall with a fair skin. I am a football player. So i have a great physic. My tool is about 7.5 inch tall with a thickness of 2 inch in...

3 years ago
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Mood Ring

Grey I’m glad my husband’s BMW6 series has darkened windows in the back.I take a deep breath, ring the doorbell, hurry to the backseat and gaze at your front door. Finally it opens. You take two steps look around and shrug. I can’t breathe. I see how resilient you walk, your youthful appearance and the intensity in your eyes.My face starts glowing and I feel shivers covering my body and wavelets running through my abdomen. My sensual pearl tingles. Involuntarily, I tilt my pelvis and spread my...

Love Stories
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“Take your pick, Janice,” Anabelle said playing with her own breasts. Jen was still asleep, so my mother silently stripped herself naked and, after getting him hard enough, lowered herself on Peter’s peter. “Oh, God,” he said, causing her to wake up and said, “Hello Janice?” From atop her stepson, she waved at Jen, and asked, “Do you have anything left for me, Sonny Boy?” He got his hands on her breasts and said, “You can help yourself to whatever I have, Mom?” That was very hot to...

2 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 12 And So it Begins

Keep reading and rating and drop me a line if you love it. I love to talk to my fans, some have become good friends... HEY WRISTY, hope the wrists have been sexy... That's said, I might even give you a shout out here and that reminds me, I do take suggestions as well for ideas. Allow me to make your fantasy into Silk's reality... LOL... Ok on to the story. Thanks for reading... Faith...

2 years ago
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Drain You

Corey looked down at his cell phone, and felt a shock of adrenaline wash through his body when he saw who the call was from. It was just a game, Corey reminded himself. Just because she convinced him to put her in his contact list as ‘Demonic Temptress Desiderata’ didn’t really mean that she was some kind of succubus or something. It was just her nickname, or persona or whatever you wanted to call it, just something she pretended to be in her blog posts and her chats. For fun. As a fantasy, to...

3 years ago
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Living The Dream Ch08

Fay came and sat next to me on the sofa and took my hand in anticipation. Lotti approached Sofi, footsteps silenced by the thick carpet. Sofi nearly jumped out of her skin when Lotti lightly touched the nape of her neck with her crop. Sofi now knew that there was a fourth person in the room but didn’t dare look round. I could see her body tense waiting for the next touch.Lotti’s blood-red kimono had gone revealing what she wore beneath. She looked stunning and scary in a corset, the...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Requests 04

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

4 years ago
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American love to our Canadian guy

I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Cancun, the land of sin, sex and getting wasted. College years and 4 of us girls decided to go have a wild time in Mexico. All of us are pretty girls and we knew we will have no problem getting hot guys to fuck. And we were all open to having fun of all kinds, together or individually. We rented 2 rooms facing the pool with balconies that connected. We all had...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Meena 8211 The Hottest

Hi this is Sunny and this is my story on this site and m going to share my sex experience with Meena. So without wasting any time I will move on with encounter. I am sunny and I am 27 years old and this story was at that time when I was 18years old. Meena staying near to my place, she was 26 years old at that time. She already married. Her husband is in merchant navy. We have very good family relation with them. Aur mere man bhi aisa kuch nahi tha meena ke baare mai but. Pehle mina ke sath uske...

4 years ago
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My first timean unexpected pleasure

I spent the summer of 1983 in New York with my dad and stepmom. I was 18 and was in between my freshman and sophomore year of college. I had a cool job as a bank messenger on Wall Street and plenty of time on my hands. I used that time to hang out in Times Square which, at that time, was porn heaven. Many hours were spent looking at all kinds of loops in the peep booths. Everything from guy/girl, lesbians licking and sucking sweet pussies to shemales and crossdressers. I had seen my first...

2 years ago
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Ange gets munted with friends

Now I got left here with these randoms not knowing fuck all but it didn't take long for my natural instincts of a man to kick in and start to sus out what's happenin, now I had been drinking all night and had a few pincers so I was in a great mood, fucks me what anyone else had been doin but as far as I could see they were just smoking the glassy. Ange shouted me a few more drinks so I pulled out my bag of pills and offered them all one each, Maddy was first to grab one and quickly swallow...

4 years ago
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Days in the life of a landscape gardener

| by Gretchen |Once upon a time in France there was a landscape gardener. We could call him Al but I'll stick to Federico for now, I guess. Federico lived back in the days when black dots on ladies’ cheeks, powdered wigs complete with bugs as well as bad teeth indeed as they we’re looked after with chalk, mercury or what have you from the crazy ailment department down the corner shop pharmacist… these aesthetic standards were simply the shizzle among the nobility in the years before the...

3 years ago
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A ruined friendship part 2

So many feelings were surging through me as I stood in the doorway to my bathroom, staring open mouthed at my best friend Chloe. I was horny beyond a doubt, still a little tipsy from the drinks I’d had in the club, and concerned I’d just lost my best friend. As I re-ran her words my brain I couldn’t help but blush, she had said that it was my turn. Excitement bubbled low down inside me, making the thin knickers I was wearing so damp that they felt stuck to me. Seeing the colour rise in my face,...

1 year ago
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Edwards Laboratory

========== (Author's Note: I've always wanted to redo my original "Edward's Laboratory" story, and I feel like this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Not only will the story be rebuilt from the ground up, but I'm also throwing in several unreleased "Gadget" stories I've toyed with in the past. Feel free to add your own chapters/branches/gadgets, and write the thing however you prefer. My only rules for this story are the general rules of the site itself, so go nuts!) (Second Note:...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 10

Jake stepped forward from the image that Daphne had created to transport him, Geoffrey and Sibilius to Frank and Tanya's quarters. He stared around at the charred remnants of the dwelling where his friends had been staying. "Looks like there's been a fire," Jeff muttered as the little group gradually became worried that Frank and Tanya might not be okay. "No shit, Sherlock," Jake growled, stepping forward and hoping he didn't find any unrecognizable, or rather, recognizable as once...

3 years ago
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Dipali Didi Ki New Job

Hello friends Kaise ho aap. Apne meri pehali pehli kamukta kahani ” dipali didi ki group nai chudai” ye kahani to padhi hogi. Aaj usi dipali didi ko maine kaise anjan logo se chudwaya wo batane ja raha hu. Mere papa ki transfer pune se solapur mai hui thi to mere waha ke saare dost bichad gaye they aur didi ka pune ka bf ravi bhi job ke silsile mai banglore shift hua tha . Aur hum yaha solapur mai shift hue they papa ke company ne hume rehne ke liye ek banglow bhade par lekar diya tha. Us...

3 years ago
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I Should Have Taken the TrainChapter 4

I almost screamed and shut the door again! Standing back out of the way, waiting for me to vacate the restroom, was one of the two teenage boys who are sitting together half way down the aisle. The kid’s eyes were huge. I froze in place when I saw him. I have one leg half way out of the room and he’s staring at my pussy. I felt a wave of excitement wash over me as I imagined what he must be thinking. I think my entire body was blushing as I finally stepped out of there. I smiled at him...

3 years ago
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My Bossrsquos PA

I was 33 years old; even if I say it myself, God had been kind to me! I was not fat - I had a good firm body, without having to go to a gym! I probably looked about 25! I know - you hate me already! I had been in and out of relationships with various girls since school; I had a tendency to get bored quickly.I know what you’re thinking, but before you judge me, think back to yourself and the way you were when you were that age? So, it was probably fair to say it was probably me, rather than...

4 years ago
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Finally Fucked My Highschool Dream Girl Part 2

Once again comments would be most appreciated. I'm thinking about writing part 3 and 4 with Kim's mom. And sorry it seems so short I'm still new to writing stories. I roughly grabbed her by the legs and bent her over the bed but first decided to tease her a bit by rubbing my cock on her pussy. She cooed and begged. “Ohhh please, master, stop teasing me and give it to me already please.” I smiled mischievously. “Are you ready to get the fuck of your life?” She looked back at me over her shoulder...

Straight Sex
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From an Outie to an InnieChapter 16

The rest of February was nothing special. Terry and I went out each Friday and/or Saturday; the dream keeps coming back leaving me feeling anxious; soccer practice is in full swing, even if indoors for now. Indoor soccer practice means a lot of footwork and ball handling drills, which we all take part in. It’s an excellent way to ensure you’re keeping your skills up to standard. Don’t get me wrong; we’ve been doing these all year long, but not at this level. It’s like going from first gear...

4 years ago
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Frenemies The Conclusion

I was speechless. Didn’t know the exact reason why. Probably because my best friend just kissed me or because I didn’t stop her or because I think I liked it. All I was certain about was my underwear were definitely wet but not 100% due to the rain. ‘Why did… uh… you do that?’ I struggled to speech. ‘Because you need to relax. You’ve had a bad day. Let me make you feel better, because that’s what friends do,’ Crystal said. Before I could protest, she slid her hand over my damp panties, up and...

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Doc Ch 09

I awoke the next morning to find myself being caressed and kissed by my two new wives. I could quickly become happily addicted to that kind of treatment as a morning wakeup call. Kissing them both back, I said, ‘We need to get up and get ready to go home.’ As we left the wedding lodge, we heard quiet snickers and hushed comments about the noise coming from our lodge the previous night, accompanied by other remarks about lack of sleep. I blushed about three shades of red, while the twins acted...

3 years ago
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298 Part 2The last atonement

298 Part 2.The last atonement. Sitting on the old leather sofa, wearing just my hold up stockings and shoes I felt somehow relieved. I’d reached this far with little more than a few slaps and a couple of painful punches to my still tender stomach. That poor girl sitting next to me however was in a very different place. Her once wild eyes and her defiance were now reduced to the self-pity and some realisation of what lay in store for her and I watched this poor wretch sobbing uncontrollably...

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Me and Jeremy In Sin

As a 16 year old boy I was interested in two things, being a soldier and sex. Luckily I would have both in one night. It was a warm July night, my friends and I had gotten together to play some airsoft. We had spent all day preparing for the night, charging the batteries to our guns, getting BBs, and got dress in our black clothes to blend into the night. As my three friends and I were gearing up to play, two kids form down the street ran up to us with there guns wanting to join us. The two...

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Healers TouchChapter 12

Elena watched passively as her new husband closed the door behind him. Once they had successfully left Earth, the captain had announced that they were free to move about. As soon as the announcement had come, Aric had opened his eyes and smiled at her wickedly before unbuckling his safety belt. "Come on, let's go," he ordered as he reached over and unfastened her. "Where are we going?" she asked as they floated towards the back of the cabin. He paused before a door. He opened it and...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 7 Learning

Tuesday, May 14th, 1996, Sanford Maine “Wake up, Baby,” I heard as something shook my shoulder. “Muah, muah, muah,” my face was suddenly wet from slobbery kisses. My demon tormentor had returned from the Hell that she had been banished to. I struggled to open my eyes before I suffered any more tortures upon my person, but my eyes wouldn’t co-operate. So I tried to communicate that I was awake. “Murls, wuken cafite trouts. Hundtry boofeggs!” I vainly tried to speak in the Demon’s native...

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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

Mind Control
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My Wife 8211 Part 8 The Game Stripper

Whatever happened, happened. (I wasn’t expecting the game stripper poker.) Now that Reddy was gone and probably never coming back in our life again. I wanted to start all over again with Kavita as this all had happened because of my stupid fantasy. I placed my hand on Kavita’s waist and pulled her close as I walked with my loving wife. And as I told you earlier, I don’t get shocked anymore, but my wife somehow manages to shock me. Reddy was lying on my bed. “I sneaked him in when everyone was...

4 years ago
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Inspiration Ch 07

Rosangela woke to discover the sun peeking through the drawn blinds just behind the large bed. Her eyes were aimed upward, focused on the cracks of morning sunlight. Her eyes shifted down, caught glimpse of the infamous pulley bolted to the ceiling, a grin perked over her lips. Her eyes shifted to her right, no Victor Hardway. Her eyes frowned then her nose wrinkled, caught whiff of food. Slowly she sat up, her eyes scanned the dim morning light lit room. She slightly grinned, she woke up in...

2 years ago
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We Need To Talk

"We need to talk...!" By Maria Ski Valentines Day was approaching fast. And as usual I was having difficulty in finding a gift for my girlfriend. For this year I wanted the gift to be special, unique and memorable. But above all it had to be affordable. Because I knew Lisa would love the gift, and then complain about the expense. I sat there and put some serious thought into what to get her. And before you ask dear reader. I have asked my siblings for advice. But all they could offer...

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Cuckold lifestyle

Cuckold lifestyle My wife and I got married two weeks after she graduated high school. L is a real cutie, 5 foot 4 and 100 pounds, she has 34 B tits and the best legs I have seen on a woman. I'm a leg man and thats what first attracted me to her. She is also blue eyed and blonde. Any way we got married in 1977 , back then there wasn't any video cameras , at best we had 8mm movies. I bought a few "porno" films and we would catch a buzz and watch them together. I...

3 years ago
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The New Arrangement

THE NEW ARRANGEMENT • (or, ?An au pair thing.?) ?Daniel, sweetheart? Daphne said to me one afternoon as we shared the Sunday ?Times?. ?Yes,dear?? I asked, ?Do you want some more Irish coffee?? Daph smiled and lookedat me affectionately. ?No, I wanted to talk to you, honey?I have some interestingnews?it's about taking things in our relationship a little further. Do youremember you were telling me that?? I was confused for a moment ?Further?? We'dbeen married nineteen years??Oh, that.? I...

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Season of Firsts Ch 01

It looked like it would be an absolutely terrible Holiday Break for me. As an orphan, having been abandoned by my mother just days after birth and having never known my father, I had no family to go home to, for I had never been adopted. Even though there were some 3,000 students at my college, it had just happened that all my friends were either from the southern or western states, and I could not afford the airfare and spending money to go with them for the Holiday Break to spend the time...

4 years ago
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Tennis Anyone

Copyright© It really was just a chance encounter. I could have done so many other things. Sometimes I just can't explain why I do the things I do. Looking for amusement, I stopped at a local park and was watching a men's softball game, whilesitting in my car. This was not a particularly high-class game but it was interesting. At least it was until a family came from the parking lot onto the nearby tennis court. That changed things. I didn't pay much attention to the family at first. I...

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Homelands Pt 1 Ch 03

I went back to the suite, feeling like steam should be billowing out of my ears. Naturally, I realized I had no right to be upset. Neither about the fact that the three of them were so cavalier about fucking their family members, against the most basic moral instinct, nor about the fact that Dom had sex with Mom before I did. How could I be appalled that they were proud of what they'd done? I'd done the same. As for my brother fucking Mom before I had the chance to, how depraved did I have to...

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Love has no Boundaries

FIRST NAME: Your name LAST NAME: Your sister's name. You finally reach the door of your house. It has been a long day and you are tired. It was bad enough going through yet another boring day of school, but when you got to track practice the coach decided to make everyone do extra laps. "Slave-driving asshole." You think to yourself. As you enter the house you set down your overloaded backpack and your track bag. You look around and the house seems to be empty, then you here the sound of a...

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Teddys WorldChapter 23 I Said Im On Vacation Hold All Calls

(FRIDAY, EARLY MORNING HOURS.) Travis and crew were taken out to the attached garage after dark and loaded into two ordinary cargo vans. When we got to the site, it was just before dawn, at first light Kronis and his bunch were let out of the RV their hands were un-cuffed. They were shown knives on the ground, and were told to do what they had to do after they got Travis and all his crews out of the vans. The vans were stolen so we had Kronis’ crew prepare them to burn them after they were...

3 years ago
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Thanks a lot for your response and your scraps in connection with my story “shopping with sis 2”, I have received really good feedbacks and special thanks to all girl who commented on the last story n did something more which I didn’t expect so early from them, but I am really happy with that… So now let’s continue with my experience with sonal (my elder sis)……. After a fucking sonal’s ass I was not able to sleep in the night and wanted to fuck her pussy and make her loose her virginity….. so...

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Last Wives Club 4 Unenthusiastic Sex

I should have fallen asleep easily after the wonderful fucking I had received from Kyra and her strapon, but for a long time, sleep eluded me. My mind was racing with implications of the things I had learned about her, particularly about how those things could relate to the ennui that existed in my relationship with my husband, both before and after his infidelity. She could still see my husband without the baggage of living with him for years. Her own husband was no longer as appealing to her....

4 years ago
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15 August 2008Chapter 6

Abby continued her recollection of her driving lessons with Craig, “After my first lesson he suggested my appointments should be his last one for the day. That way it didn’t matter if we went past the allotted hour and a half.” “We’d start each lesson with me giving him a nice blow job. He praised me for being such a good cock sucker for my age and I told him I practised on you a lot and other boys and men.” “We’d end each lesson with him fucking me and eating my pussy clean. Craig was a...

2 years ago
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Everyones Mine

I woke up one morning, in my bedroom, with a pounding in my head - the likes of which I had never experienced before. As quickly as it came, it mysteriously dissapeared. Spooked, I got out of bed, and proceeded to walk down the stairs. What I saw suprised me beyond belief. My MILF mom was in the kitchen, with nothing but a bra and panties on. She seemed to think that her attire was normal, as she didn't seem a bit uneasy. "Hi, son. I need to give something to you," she said. She gave me a...

Mind Control
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Never work late

It was late in Singapore, the darkness overtaking the city. You have me bound to the huge desk in the main room, my knees bent far back. I still cannot believe I am in this situation. Ropes tie my arms up high over my head, my breasts thrust out, unprotected. My legs are securely circled with the heavy, rough rope and you drew my knees up until my legs are spread obscenely. Another rope slipped under the desk and tied to my knees kept them permanently spread.  Only the sound of my heavy...

4 years ago
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Sexy Aunty At Halwasia Market

Hello dear randi bhabhiyo, chuddaakkad auntiyo aur chinaal bahno……Happy new year to all of u fucking lusty “chudasi haseenao”…..Jaisa ki aap sab jante hai ki mai lucknow shaher ka rehne wala hu aur lucknow tehzeeb aur nawabo ka shaher hai…To mai chudai ki khaniya(aap-beeti) dhamakedaar likhunga lekin tehzeeb k sath……To lund ki pyasi haseenao kaisa rha nya saal…Agar tagde lund ki kami mehsoosh ho rahi ho to email me my mail id : kasam shikayat ka mauka nahi dunga gaand faad ke gadar macha...

3 years ago
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An Erotic Tale of a SchoolmarmChapter 6

Ed had just finished reading an erotic passage about a milkmaid that seduced the governor’s young son he set the novel aside. I was lying on my side with my leg over his and my head propped up on my hand. Slowly rubbing my pussy on his thigh. When Ed finished reading about the milkmaid, he was again erect and ready for more sex. he suggested we role-play. All of which would involve me having sex with young boys. “Let’s do something a little different tonight, Pat. I want you to close your...

4 years ago
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Dominant Black Woman with Strapon

The weird things that some of my boyfriends ask me to do to them never cease to amaze me. Seriously. The name is Mika Adewale. A six-foot-tall, athletic and muscular, short-haired and dark-skinned Nigerian woman living in the city of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I have a thing for sexually submissive Black men. And I don't really hide it. It's put me at odds with some of my friends and colleagues at the University of Ottawa, where I teach business administration but I don't care. Not really. I...

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PANTYHOSE PRINCESS – PART 4I hit the shower then jumped into bed. I was working the next couple of days in order to have off New Year’s Eve Day. I had yet to ask Karen what she wanted to do or if she had plans. We couldn’t go night clubbing since she wasn’t yet of legal age to drink. My parent’s had said something about brunch on New Year’s Day so I kept that in the back of my mind as well. I woke-up at 7:30, ate a bowl of cereal, brushed my teeth, threw on sweats and grabbed a banana as I...

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Swetha me a new adventure

I and Swetha had been co-workers for several years now in an software company.. Swetha was head of accounting, while I was head of operations. We were friends who had lunch occasionally and could joke around with each other. On more than one occasion we had been know to play practical jokes on each other just to keep their spirits up. Thus was our relationship, comfortable but still very formal at the office.I was stuck. The report he had been working on all week was due by 5 and I just...

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part One

I knocked on the door. I was so looking forward to the next six weeks. I was staying with my Aunt and my cousins over the summer break from University. My cousin Holly opened the door, smiled, and held her finger to her lips. I said nothing.   “Hi Emma” she said loudly.   She looked gorgeous. Her black hair flowing down her shoulders, her black sleeveless t-shirt showing her bare midriff, black bra straps showing, and her red mini skirt. It took my breath away. We were both the same age,...

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SullyChapter 26 Back at Velvets

Believe it or not, after that Velvet, Erin and I fell asleep without any further fooling around. The next morning I awoke to find Erin cupping my balls and nibbling on the head of my dick. "Ummm, good morning to you sweetlips." "Thought I give you my favorite wake up call." Her voice was husky and I assumed she'd awakened just before I did. "It's mine too," I said wryly and shuddered as her delightful tongue wedged itself in my slit. "Lick it, Erin. Make it as wet as your...

2 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 30

After much discussion they had a small plan on the matter. It was decided that Kailynn and Sam would try to get closer to Jessica and in turn try to keep her away from the girl who was obviously the middle man or woman in this case. They agreed that sooner than they wanted to they would have to deal with this imposter Caliph, although they hoped that by that time, Arrian had returned. Arrian... oh how they missed him; Helen more than the others. He had taken to rubbing his hands on her womb...

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Pressure Relief

Juan had been hired to be a personal assistant for George. It was in the middle of negotiations of the contract and the older man had not been sleeping well. He was in a state of constant exhaustion and the board thought it would be a good idea to get him a driver, who would also act as a go for if the occasion were to arise.After a few weeks of watching the aged man come and go from meetings and seeing him becoming more and more stressed out, Juan decided he would help destress his new...

Gay Male
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Here Kitty Kitty

I came home from a long day to find my kittykat curled up on the couch waiting for me to come Here Kitty Kitty ? SFCityDom ? 2006 Coming home from a long day, I find my kitty-cat curled up on the couch waiting for me. As I walk to the couch, she raises up.? I stroke her on the head and scratch under her chin and she grinds her head into the palm of my hand. I kneel down in front of the couch and she moves closer to me and I give my kitty a kiss on the nose. She is a very spoiled...

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