How Do You Say Kinky In Spanish
- 4 years ago
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La agente especial del FBI, Grace Miller, esperaba en el pasillo. Detestaba pasar tanto rato en la morgue. Pasillos blancos, as?pticos. Comentarios entre murmullos. Gente movi?ndose de un lado a otro, con prisa. Caras tristes y caras indiferentes, eso era lo peor, la mezcla entre la desesperaci?n de familiares y el intento de poner cierta distancia emocional por parte del equipo forense. Ella misma intentaba aplicar esa distancia cuando trabajaba en un caso. Ser?a imposible hacerlo de otro modo. Lo malo era tener que esperar, convirti?ndose en testigo de todo el proceso para otros agentes. Sin embargo all? estaba, la agente m?s joven de la divisi?n, con solo treinta a?os.
Desde luego Grace pod?a presumir en cuanto a su apariencia f?sica. Med?a casi un metro setenta y cinco. Ten?a complexi?n entre atl?tica y esbelta, con noventa tanto de pecho como de cadera, aunque le sobraba un poco de abdomen para completar el paquete con vientre plano. Pelirroja natural, de tono anaranjado oscuro, llevaba la melena larga, suelta. Pod?a considerarse lisa, pero ten?a bastante volumen. Ca?a tanto por la espalda, hasta debajo de los omoplatos, como por delante, hasta la altura de los pechos. La raya estaba a la derecha, y por ese lado pod?a verse la oreja, de peque?o tama?o, con un sencillo aro dorado. Por la izquierda un mech?n del flequillo cubr?a media mejilla. Solo intentaba apartarlo cuando se mov?a en direcci?n al ojo, interrumpiendo la vista.
El rostro la hac?a parecer a?n m?s joven. Ten?a los ojos color miel, ligeramente hundidos, con los p?rpados m?s poblados por los lados exteriores. Utilizaba muy poca sombra por encima, casi inapreciable bajo cejas de ?ngulo suave. Sus labios, pintados de rosa claro, ten?an forma de coraz?n sin ser demasiado alargados. El inferior era m?s carnoso que el superior. Por lo dem?s, apenas usaba algo de colorete en las mejillas.
La chaqueta, formal, de color gris muy oscura, iba abierta sobre una camisa gris m?s clara que dejaba ver hasta justo encima de donde empezaban los pechos. Dejaba ver as? algo de piel, ni p?lida ni bronceada. Pantalones y zapatos, sin apenas tac?n, iban a juego con la chaqueta. Como siempre, en aquella ocasi?n llevaba un colgante con un peque?o coraz?n. Nada vistoso.
Esperaba porque requer?a ayuda extra. Su unidad deb?a encargarse de asesinos en serie. Este resultaba ser demasiado activo. Llevaba a?os haciendo lo mismo en distintas ciudades. Aparec?a, mataba a cinco mujeres, y despu?s se iba sin dejar rastro. Ya hab?a matado a tres. Si nadie le deten?a, habr?a dos v?ctimas m?s. Era un cabr?n realmente dif?cil de rastrear. Nunca se sab?a en qu? ciudad iba a aparecer. Cuando lo hac?a, solo segu?a un patr?n con las v?ctimas. Eran mujeres muy atractivas. En ocasiones adolescentes, otras veces rondando los cincuenta a?os. Morenas, rubias, o pelirrojas. Ricas o pobres. Blancas, negras, asi?ticas. Simplemente daba igual. Tampoco dejaba muchas m?s pistas. Alg?n rastro de ADN, por lo que sab?an que era blanco. Ocasionalmente, como era el caso, utilizaba una pistola. Dicha arma la hab?a robado del padre de la primera v?ctima. Eso era todo. La investigaci?n jam?s avanzaba.
Los compa?eros de Grace estaban haciendo perfiles como locos. Registraban v?deos de seguridad, testimonios. O se mov?an o acabar?an con una v?ctima m?s la pr?xima noche.
Grace hab?a decidido utilizar un recurso menos de manual. Ya hab?a recurrido a "ella" en el pasado, antes de entrar a formar parte de la unidad. Sus compa?eros y sus jefes tan solo aceptaban esa clase de recursos a rega?adientes, aunque una vez comprobada su eficacia, muchos incluso hab?an animado a Grace a hacer la llamada.
La agente escuch? pasos a la izquierda, desde la entrada. Puntual, como siempre.
-Buenas noches Joyce.
La joven de treinta y pocos sonri?, nerviosa, y salud? con la mano mientras se acercaba. Joyce Callahan era medio hispana. La mezcla de rasgos hab?a resultado especialmente favorecedora en su caso, pues se trataba de una aut?ntica belleza de esas que la gente solo esperaba encontrar en revistas. Med?a metro setenta. Su tez era el primer distintivo de la herencia latina. Bronceada pero de tono suave. No le sobraba un solo kilo en el cuerpo. Ten?a la figura de una modelo, con hombros estrechos, cuello largo ni demasiado fino ni demasiado grueso, y bien proporcionada tanto de piernas como de brazos. Desde luego su cuerpo distaba mucho del de una persona deportista porque, aunque se cuidaba mucho, no era en absoluto musculosa. Ten?a la gran fortuna de poseer un cuerpo hermoso sin necesidad de matarse en el gimnasio. Tan solo corr?a de vez en cuando. Los pechos eran firmes, redondos, ligeramente m?s grande de una talla ochenta y cinco, pero como sus hombros no eran anchos y ella era esbelta, resaltaban poderosamente en su figura. Las caderas y gl?teos eran otros de esos rasgos heredados de su parte hispana. Casi noventa de cadera, con el trasero firme, prieto, redondeado. Una aut?ntica delicia desde cualquier ?ngulo.
Vest?a de forma que realzase su espl?ndida figura sin resultar vulgar. Llevaba camiseta blanca de tirantes, con escote en forma de U que acababa justo cuando iba a empezar el canalillo. Llevaba algunas flores bordadas, tambi?n en blanco descendiendo en la l?nea del estern?n. Debajo, para evitar posibles transparencias comprometedoras, usaba un sencillo sujetador del mismo color que el resto del atuendo.
En la parte inferior vest?a falda, casi hasta las rodillas, de color gris oscuro, con bastante vuelo. No llevaba medias ni pantis porque desde luego no hac?a fr?o, y no estaba sujeta a ning?n c?digo de vestimenta, a diferencia de su amiga Grace. Calzaba sandalias de tac?n color azul muy oscuro, dejando ver la mayor parte del pie.
Si Joyce ten?a cuerpo explosivo, la cara no lo desmerec?a en absoluto. El pelo llegaba justo al mismo punto que el escote, por delante y por detr?s. Ca?a formando un tri?ngulo invertido en la frente, que pasaba por el exterior de ambas cejas para abrirse dejando ver el resto del rostro. Era muy ondulado, casi rizado por abajo. Lo llevaba te?ido de casta?o claro. Daba la sensaci?n de ser su color natural, pues no desentonaba lo m?s m?nimo. Ten?a las cejas casi rectas y muy finas, inclinadas un poco resultando en un aspecto sugerente y tierno al mismo tiempo. Ten?a los ojos almendrados, de color marr?n oscuro, con las pesta?as largas y bien marcadas. Los labios, gruesos y carnosos, estaban pintados de color rojo, pero no de forma llamativa, m?s bien elegante.
Joyce se guard? la acreditaci?n de asesora antes de acercarse hasta su amiga. Segu?a nerviosa. Por desgracia no era el primer caso de asesinato, aunque s? el primero con un asesino en serie. Desventajas de ver ascender a su amiga. Normalmente trabajaba en la florister?a heredada de su madre, pero desde luego no la llamaban por sus conocimientos bot?nicos. La llamaban por cierta habilidad, tambi?n heredada (aunque de su padre), que ella habr?a preferido no tener.
-?D?nde est??? , ya sabes, el cuerpo.
Grace sonr?o para intentar tranquilizarla. Rode? con el brazo derecho los hombros de su amiga, y la gui? fraternalmente por el pasillo. Para Joyce, ese gesto fraternal, casi de hermana, resultaba tranquilizador. Grace lo sab?a y, cuando se trataba de casos desagradables, siempre intentaba calmarla un poco. Adem?s, la agente era lesbiana, y caminar de ese modo era agradable. Por supuesto, sab?a que su amiga no ten?a sus mismas inclinaciones, as? que nunca intentar?a nada con ella, pero admirar semejante belleza era casi inevitable. Desgraciadamente era un asunto serio, muy desagradable. Habr?a preferido ahorrarle esto a su vieja amiga.
-No sabes cu?nto te agradezco que hayas venido. No te lo pedir?a, pero tenemos que cazarlo esta misma noche.
Joyce asinti?. Los federales siempre pagaban bien. Ese era el incentivo que cualquiera habr?a entendido. Ella, sobre todo, quer?a ayudar.
-?Has pedido que no haya nadie con nosotras?
Grace asinti?.
-?Y que apaguen las c?maras?
Grace volvi? a asentir, aunque a?adi? algunas palabras.
-Me ha costado trabajo. La mitad del personal quiere sacarte fotos.
Joyce sonri? p?caramente. Era consciente de su propia belleza.
-Puedes decirles que, si atrap?is a ese cerdo, nos vamos a celebrarlo todos este viernes.
Ambas estaban paradas frente al cuerpo de la ?ltima v?ctima. Grace se asegur? de cerrar bien la puerta y de despejar la zona de objetos peligrosos. Esta no era la primera sesi?n. Sab?a que las cosas pod?an llegar a descontrolarse.
Mientras tanto Joyce respiraba hondo. Detestaba hacer esto. Hab?a le?do el expediente antes. No le esperaba un rato agradable. Todo lo contrario. Un infierno.
-Ya sabes que no podr? responderte a ninguna pregunta hasta que acabe.
Grace lo sab?a. Esper? sin dejar de mirar a su amiga. Parec?a indecisa. Tal vez estaba pidi?ndole demasiado.
-Si necesitas m?s tiempo?
Joyce respir? hondo mientras negaba con la cabeza. Sab?a que cuanto m?s se lo pensase, m?s probable era que cambiase de opini?n. Se acerc? al cad?ver. Coloc? ambas manos en el rostro, con las yemas de los dedos en la frente. Entonces empez?.
Joyce ya no ve?a por sus propios ojos, ni escuchaba por sus propios o?dos. Se encontraba sumida en un profundo trance que anulaba todos sus sentidos. En lugar de eso, experimentaba las ?ltimas horas de Erica, la ?ltima v?ctima, c?mo si fuese ella. Sus pensamientos, sus sentidos, sus recuerdos recientes. Todo. Era como ver una pel?cula desde el punto de vista de otra persona. No hab?a ninguna comunicaci?n entre ambas. Joyce pod?a rememorar a la perfecci?n los hechos, pero no pod?a modificarlos. No pod?a hacer preguntas o hablar.
Estaba mir?ndose en el espejo de los servicios del banco donde trabajaba. Era una mujer guapa, de la edad de Joyce. Ten?a el pelo de color casta?o rojizo, oscuro. Se peinaba con el flequillo cubriendo la frente y la raya a la izquierda, con lo cual dejaba despejado un peque?o espacio por encima del ojo izquierdo. La melena empezaba cayendo lisa, justo por debajo de los hombros, pero los mechones de cabello que iban por delante acababan en sensuales rizos. La cara era m?s alargada que ancha, angulosa, con un peque?o hoyuelo en la barbilla. Los labios finos, pintados de rosa oscuro. Iba maquillada pero no de forma festiva si no profesional, con un poco de color en las mejillas y con sombra de ojos. Precisamente sus ojos eran una de sus grandes virtudes. Saltones, grandes, de color verde muy oscuro.
Al mirar en el espejo, Joyce ve?a ciertas similitudes con Grace. Erica deb?a medir m?s o menos lo mismo, cent?metro arriba o abajo. La piel de Erica estaba m?s bronceada y sin duda estaba un poco menos en forma. Los pechos eran un poco m?s ca?dos y algunos pocos cent?metros m?s peque?os. Sin embargo el trasero era muy parecido, y Erica s? ten?a el vientre casi completamente plano.
Tambi?n vest?an de forma similar. Era comprensible, despu?s de todo Erica trabajaba en un banco. Llevaba una chaqueta gris muy oscuro, aunque con finas rayas verticales, muy separadas entre s?, de color gris m?s claro. La chaqueta ten?a escote en V que acababa en la zona inferior del estern?n en una especie de lazo peque?o. Por debajo volv?a a abrirse en un tri?ngulo poco pronunciado. Bajo la chaqueta llevaba una camiseta azul claro que aportaba cierta vitalidad al conjunto. Llevaba una falda de tubo, formal, del mismo color que la chaqueta, hasta la altura de la rodilla, un poco m?s abajo. No le permit?a mucha movilidad en las piernas, pero era id?nea para el trabajo y tampoco ten?a intenci?n de correr. Los pantis oscuros y los zapatos negros, de tac?n, encajaban perfectamente.
Tan solo se estaba arreglando un poco el peinado antes de salir. Hab?a sido un buen d?a de trabajo. Quiz?s hab?a concedido unos pocos cr?ditos m?s de los que sus jefes quisieran, pero eso la hac?a sentirse bien consigo misma. Ahora, algo cansada, solo ten?a ganas de volver a casa.
Su coche no hab?a arrancado por la ma?ana. Volver?a en taxi. No le gustaban el metro o el autob?s. Ese fue uno de los momentos en los que Joyce quisiera haber podido hablar. Le habr?a dicho que pidiese transporte a alg?n compa?ero, o que usase el metro. Nada. Cuanto percib?a era simplemente el pasado.
Encontr? un taxi sorprendentemente r?pido. No pod?a imaginar que era un taxi robado, que hab?a estado esperando cerca hasta verla salir. Mucho menos pod?a imaginar que el ladr?n, su futuro asesino, era quien hab?a saboteado el coche para obligarla a pedir un taxi.
Joyce no era polic?a, pero todo aquello le parec?a demasiado al azar. Erica podr?a haber tomado otras decisiones que la habr?an mantenido con vida. No sab?a que el asesino llevaba semanas estudiando a la futura v?ctima.
Erica tard? un buen rato en notar que algo iba mal. Hab?a estado hablando por tel?fono durante los primeros minutos del viaje. Cuando colg?, se hab?an saltado la salida hacia su barrio.
-Eh? creo que se ha equivocado - dijo mientras guardaba el m?vil en el bolso. - Era esa salida.
No hab?a ninguna rabia ni enfado en la joven. Un simple error. No le dio m?s vueltas. El taxista, que empezaba a resultarle familiar, tom? la siguiente salida. Cuando lo hizo no dio la vuelta si no que tom? un desv?o hacia las afueras.
-No. Tiene usted que dar la vuelta por esa otra calle y?
El taxista par? a un lado. Erica no lo entend?a. Cuando el hombre se gir? en el asiento, apunt?ndola con una pistola a la cara, se qued? helada. Joyce pudo sentir el p?nico de la joven. Sin pensar mucho, Erica intent? abrir la puerta, pero no funcion?. Escuch? un sonido con el que no estaba familiarizada. Joyce si supo que se trataba del arma amartill?ndose, pero solo porque alguna vez lo hab?a escuchado en pel?culas. En cualquier caso, Erica volvi? a mirar el arma. Ya no iba a intentar nada. Escuch? la voz, grave y cruel, del falso taxista.
-El bolso. - Se?al? con el arma. - D?melo.
Erica comprendi? que se quedaba sin nada. Ni espray de pimienta, ni m?vil. A?n as?, el arma estaba al mando. Lo tiro hacia delante, al asiento del pasajero.
-No hables. Asiente si me entiendes. Ahora vamos a dar una vuelta. Si te portas bien, no te har? da?o. Si gritas, si llamas la atenci?n, o si intentas cualquier cosa, te pego dos tiros. ?Comprendido?
Erica asinti?. La iba a violar. Lo sab?a. No pod?a aceptarlo, de ning?n modo. A?n as? asinti?. Ten?a miedo. Acab? reconociendo al hombre.
-T?? te conozco.
-?He dicho que no hables!
Erica asinti? de nuevo. Hab?a visto a ese hombre. Un tal se?or Thompson. Le hab?a concedido un cr?dito ese mismo Lunes.
Desde fuera, Grace ve?a a Joyce sentada en una silla contigua. Parec?a aterrorizada y comenzaba a llorar. Sab?a que ocurrir?a algo as?. Joyce sufr?a reaccionas similares a las de las v?ctimas cuando utilizaba su "don". Le acarici? la mejilla confiando en ayudarla a sentirse mejor. Ojala pensase que iba a funcionar.
Llegaron a una zona industrial. Por la noche estaba desierta. Thompson par? el coche en el callej?n entre dos recintos. No hab?a c?maras de seguridad. Baj?. Mientras abr?a la puerta, Erica intent? salir por el otro lado. La puerta tambi?n estaba cerrada. Escuch? la suya abrirse.
-No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Sigui? repitiendo mientras el hombre le agarr? por la mu?eca y la hizo salir del coche.
-?De rodillas!
Erica obedeci? r?pido. El suelo estaba lleno de piedrecitas, y se clav? algunas, pero no se quej?. El hombre ya hab?a abierto la bragueta del pantal?n y mostraba su erecci?n.
-Ya sabes lo que debes hacer.
Ella neg? con la cabeza. Primero recibi? un par de bofetones. Despu?s sinti? el ca??n del arma en la sien.
-Y hazlo bien. Como a ese novio tuyo.
Erica se pregunt?, fugazmente, c?mo sab?a que ten?a novio. Joyce s? que at? cabos. En cualquier caso, daba igual. Agarr? suavemente con la mano el tronco del falo. Empez? a masturbarlo despacio mientras acercaba la boca. Primero lami? un poco el glande. Luego fue introduci?ndose el miembro poco a poco en la boca. Sinti? asco, arcadas, a cada instante.
Grace contemplaba a Joyce de rodillas. Ten?a la boca abierta en forma de O. Al igual que Erica, no dejaba de llorar. Mov?a la mano derecha como si masturbase un pene invisible. Con la izquierda acariciaba esos hipot?ticos test?culos. Mov?a la cabeza de adelante atr?s, girando un poco de lado a lado. Era como verla haci?ndole una mamada a un fantasma.
La pelirroja no pudo evitar encontrarlo un tanto er?tico. Incluso se sonroj? ligeramente. Ver a su amiga as?, acelerando cada vez m?s el ritmo, le hac?a imaginarse que era ella quien estaba delante, con la suave lengua de su amiga lamiendo tiernamente sus labios vaginales y el cl?toris. Se sinti? culpable de inmediato, apartando los pensamientos de su mente.
De pronto, Joyce ech? la cabeza hacia atr?s, como si la hubiesen empujado. Tosi? un par de veces. Incluso hizo el amago de vomitar.
Erica quiso vomitar, pero no se atrevi?. Aquel hombre no se hab?a corrido. Tan solo quer?a ponerse a tono para el evento principal de la noche. La oblig? a levantarse tirando del pelo. La llev? contra el cap? del coche y la hizo doblarse sobre encima, dejando el trasero al aire. Trato de ignorar que el motor a?n estaba caliente.
Not? al hombre levant?ndole la falda. Intent? evitarlo con una mano. La pistola en la nuca la hico relajarse. No se resisti? mientras le separaba las piernas, ni mientras le rajaba los pantis o le apartaba las bragas. Cerr? los ojos, apret? los dientes. Se mantuvo as? mientras la penetr?. Grit? y gru?? dolorida. Dio varios golpes al cap? del coche. No pod?a creer que la estuviesen tomando como a un animal.
Grace ahora ve?a a Joyce reclinada contra la camilla de al lado. Mov?a las caderas de adelante atr?s como si la estuviesen penetrando. De nuevo se imagino estar tras ella, apretar sus nalgas firmes mientras acariciaba los pechos con la otra mano. Besarle el cuello, soplarle al o?do, y oler su perfume en el cabello. Llegar al ?xtasis ambas juntas. Cuando vio la mueca de horror que mostraba su amiga, record? que no le estaban haciendo el amor. Estaba viviendo los recuerdos de una mujer violada. Volvi? a sentirse culpable. Agarr? las manos de su amiga, apretando con fuerza.
-Vamos, ya queda poco cielo.
Erica y Joyce, como si fuesen una sola, notaron la eyaculaci?n de su violador. Thompson dio un par de pasos torpes hacia atr?s. Casi cay? de culo al suelo, pero mantuvo el equilibrio. Erica, sin reincorporarse, baj? la falda tanto como pudo. Esperaba que todo hubiese acabado. Pasaron minutos as?. Luego escuch? aquella asquerosa voz a su espalda.
-En pie.
Con los pantis rasgados, pero el resto de la ropa relativamente intacto, la hizo caminar hacia la pared hasta apoyarse de espaldas. Thompson volvi? a tomar un metro de distancia.
-Ahora te voy a dejar ir. Has sido una buena chica. ?Le vas a contar esto a alguien?
Erica neg? con la cabeza. Segu?a llorando, pero todo hab?a acabado.
-?No voy a tener que preocuparme de si hablas?
-No. Por favor. Solo quiero ir a casa. No dir? nada. Te lo prometo. No dir? nada. Solo? d?jame ir.
Thompson asinti?. Luego alz? el arma y dispar? dos veces en el vientre. Erica no entend?a lo ocurrido. Solo not? algo empuj?ndola dos veces contra la pared. Despu?s lleg? un dolor atroz. Se toc? el abdomen. Al mirar las manos las vio llenas de sangre. Mir? incr?dula a su agresor. Las fuerzas le fallaron. Se desliz? por la pared hasta sentarse en el suelo. Intentaba hacer presi?n sobre las heridas. Grit? pidiendo auxilio. Vio a Thompson alzar la pistola de nuevo.
-?Por? qu??
Pregunt? entre l?grimas e intensos dolores.
-No lo s?. - Respondi? ?l. - Pero necesito matarte.
La mirada y la voz carec?an de compasi?n o la m?s m?nima empat?a.
-Por? favor. No me mates. No me mates. - Vio el dedo llegar al gatillo de nuevo. - ?No!
Dos tiros m?s, uno en cada seno, pero evitando el coraz?n. Erica vibr? con cada disparo, tosiendo sangre inmediatamente despu?s. Thompson levant? el arma un poco m?s, apuntando justo entre los ojos.
Joyce despert? del trance. Estaba sentada en el suelo, con la espalda apoyada en la pared. Lloraba y sudaba. Se sent?a humillada, dolorida. Aterrada. Grace la abraz?. Joyce intent? soltarse al principio, sin saber quien estaba toc?ndola. A?n ten?a entremezclados los recuerdos de Erica. Cuando desaparecieron, se dio cuenta de estar llorando.
-Estoy aqu?. Vamos, estoy aqu?.
Se abrazaron un rato m?s antes de que Joyce pudiese volver a levantarse.
Un nombre falso, Thompson, y datos bancarios falsos para el cr?dito, fueron suficientes para Grace. Revisaron las grabaciones de aquel d?a. Buscaron el taxi, milagrosamente devuelto al garaje de donde sali?. Encontraron huellas dactilares. Todo era demasiado poco, pero trabajaron contrarreloj. Al final lo encontraron justo unos minutos antes de consumar su siguiente violaci?n. Hab?an detenido a otro bastardo.
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Carmela Transcurria el ano de 1776. Las trece colonias Britanicasen la America del Norte habian declarado su independencia, y la guerra contrala corona Britanica estaba en su momento cumbre. Mas al sur, Espana fortaleciatodo su imperio. Mayormente en su apreciada isla: Cuba. La trata de esclavos era un gran negocios para los colonos,tanto como en la isla, como en los de las trece colonias, que habian en laAmerica continental. Las grandes plantaciones de cana de azucar necesitabanesclavos...
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Sitúo mi relato en el Otoño de 1.993. Era una fría y lluviosa tarde del mes de Octubre, había terminadode cenar. Me había aseado y puesto un camisón de color naranja.Me senté en el sofá para ver el noticiario de las 9 de la noche. En la casa hacía bastante calor. El suficiente para permitirme elpermanecer en camisón por toda la casa. Pero, antes de entrar en mi relato, os diré que mi nombre es Corinney que vivo sola. Mis señas personales son bastantes buenas. Mido 1.70 m. y peso 57kg.,...
The foursome made quite a sight walking along the several streets that led to Main. Dan held hands with Holly and Tracy, with Wendy alternating with the girls. Club Rouge wasn’t open as late on Sunday, so they quickly wanted to enjoy their fun. Dan bought two couples packages consisting of their bottle of champagne, a red rose, a photo, and free access to the male and female strippers. They were escorted to the main dance room and a reserved booth. The girls adjusted the opening to their...
Day 76: Saturday, November 30 Chapter 1 (Saturday, Nov. 30) Suzanne stood in the middle of the living room. She stretched her body this way and that, as if she were limbering up for her daily exercises. Alan had just left, but she was still smiling from what they had done together. God, what a night! So much sex! So much love! It's exactly what I hoped for and expected. If her screaming was any indication, I gather he rocked Angel's world just as hard as he rocked mine. I just hope he has...
So it was Thursday night and I was in work late, the wife had asked me NOT to come home early cos she was hosting an Ann Summers party for some of her girlfriends and she didnt want me there while they where trying out all the vibraters and such. I stayed away till after mid night, assuming that they'd b done by then, so I walked into the house at about 12:30am, petty sure that by then they'd all b gone. As soon as I walked in I noticed that there was still several coats hanging up so I decided...
Now, one part of my life isn't exactly the happiest, and it tends to relate to my younger brother, who is a year younger than I. He and I have what I would like to call an IWB, which stands for i****t With Benefits, and it has happened ever since I was twelve and he was eleven, but I digress, that is a story for another time. This story is about our most recent beneficial moment, and it happened two months ago.It was the middle of the day, a chilly day at that, and my father and us were to go...
I barely could stand one more class. I was too anxious. Tonight will be my night. The night when I will finally lose my virginity. Sadly it won’t be with my boyfriend as I don’t have one but with a complete stranger. It sucks a bit, to lose it cheaply like a whore but I decided to do it. I’ve waited too long and I really I’m becoming desperate. “Hi.” Said Laura as she sat down next to me. “Finally! It’s almost the end of the day.” “Sorry. I was…busy.” “Again…” “Sorry.” She was acting a...
Mature‘Ohhh!’, sighed Karen.The water was hot on her skin and the last lingering waves of her climax were easing away. She smoothed her hands over her breasts and felt the tight hard nubs of her erect nipples under her palms.Karen had been divorced for over two years and had not made love with a man since. Two years was a long time but after sixteen years with John the idea of being with another guy didn’t appeal anymore. It wasn’t that he was mean or abusive or a bad lover and ruining her for life...
Hello, friends, I’m Sritha and my age is 24years, fair, with a good height of 5.7”, black medium eyes and medium hair just below my shoulders. My sizes are 34-28-26 and I maintain my figure by regular work out and die. I’m also a regular visitor of Kerala Erotic & Indian Sex Stories (ISS). Well, today I’m going to tell you a real incident which happened to me in my real life, which happened 2 years back. I’m a married to a rich man and my husband’s name is Rajesh. He’s is the Managing...
IncestI was asked by my company to visit a clothes trade show at the N.E.C. at Birmingham, we were looking for some new items to logo and become our corporate wear, we would need suits and casual wear for men and blouses skirts and casual wear for the ladies. I was staying overnight as the show was huge. I arrived at the NEC and started to look around I had been there for a couple of hours wondering around talking to sellers when all of a sudden I spotted a familiar face! Oh my god, it was Sarah, the...
I got up a little after eight and shared a shower with Mom the next morning. I peeked into Lisbeth's room and saw her still fast asleep. I took my coffee and breakfast — a bagel — into the kitchen and sat down. It was time to finish things up. I had to check Charli's accounts and see what was there, and sign some sort of papers for Lisbeth's custody. I also had to think — really think, deep inside myself — about how I felt about Donny. His offer was legitimate and sincere; I had to give...
Amy 36: Amy's Christmas Carol Copyright 2016 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We Don't Share the Same Rung with You So I had been wrong about Ms. Green all along. Which came as no surprise, or shouldn't have. I was wrong about a lot of thing. I liked to say stuff and then when...
I am Sahil Singh 26 year’s unmarried man with 5 feet 10 inch height and look normal, living in Delhi. Some thing about Sonia, She is 24 years old girl, lives near by my house. Her color is wheatish, sexy figure 38 28 38, her height is around 5 feet and 5 inch, her boobs were tight and always pointed, very round ass. We are working in some company. This start on when I join a new company in Gurgoan. It is a MNC company. It provides bus service to all staff. But I go office with my own bike....
Cindy and I had been going out together for about a month and things were going pretty smoothly between us, except for the fact that we had not slept together yet, which bothered me more than it did her, but I really liked her so I was prepared to wait until she was ready.The first time I saw Cindy I was truly amazed by her beauty and I knew that I had to ask her out straight away and was a little surprised when she said yes. She definitely has the model look about her, tall, slim and very...
Late night bus.I will start this off with the usual introduction about myself.My name is Mrs Tina Jones, I am 51, married with son’s age 18 and 21.My husband is the only man I have known intimately.I am a big lady, size 18 to 20 with large and now saggy breasts.I am not all that highly sexed, never have been, once a month was good enough for me.A few months ago my husband had a mild stroke, so even that once a month thing stopped and I must admit that I did masturbate a couple of times in the...
I am sitting at home minding my own business when there is a knock at my door. As I open it I see a short, blonde, delivery woman holding a package. This is no normal delivery girl, her long blonde hair cascades down past her shoulders in loose, platinum blonde curls. She has huge blue eyes and a perfectly shaped face. She is slightly biting her plump lips and smiling at me. I barely notice any of that because right below her face are her enormous tits. They are huge and perky and probably fake...
Mind ControlMaster In Training by Murry Davis Chapter Four The other guys are standing around the table watching us. They stroke their hardening cocks with one hand as they hold their beer cans with the other. ‘Way to go!’ ‘Fuck that ass!’ ‘Hey, that’s my underwear,’ Bob exclaims. Pulling away from her spread legs, I say, ‘I guess you guys are ready for some more.’ ‘Hell yes.’ ‘Let’s get it on.’ ‘What are we going to do with her?’ ‘I got a idea. We got any ice in the freezer?’
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Connie The Junior Maid By Monica Graz PART 3 - Connie falls in love Was I in love with Miss Emily? This is how it feels when boy, even one in skirts, meets girl? I had never felt like this before. All day long I was daydreaming thinking of Emily, her bright eyes and her clever and cunning smile. Miss Marina, our ex Filipino housekeeper and now formal companion and occasional lover of Mrs. Allen had noticed it and confronted me as I was in the middle of mopping the floors in the...
tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill’s dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now...
It was my first flight alone without my parents, a long flight over the Atlantic to my grandparents in The USA but I thought I would enjoy it. Mom and Dad bought me an economy class ticket and gave me a hug at the gate. The flight attendant told my mom that she would watch me and so I climbed into the big Jumbo jet. After the take off, the Flight Attendant asked me if I would like to join the first class section; there I could play my Nintendo game. Of course I said yes. She guided me...
I'll like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to mail me with their nice comments about my ex wife stories and I hope you all enjoyed her pictures. Writing about her has opened lots of new memories about our time together. Her business suits I have mentioned before but now I think I should go into a little more details. When she started with the Airline she was a lowly typist but over a very short few years she raised herself into a managerial position in the...
“Hey Jen, we’re gonna miss our reservation if we don’t…” Jen and I had driven to our beach house earlier in the day in time to get some rays on the beach, but were running late for our dinner reservation. Just then she emerged from her dressing room looking gorgeous in her freshly tuned up tan, a strappy little black dress that plunged provocatively between her perky 34B’s and ended mid-thigh showing off her lean tanned thighs and long, slender legs, a pair of open-toed four-inch heels, and her...
Cheating(FRIDAY, MORNING.) Mr. West had called and asked to meet with the parents concerning our testing out of school. So we had my Dad come to represent the parents that were not present along with Mika also, Dad arrived just before the bell rang for first hour. “While I understand that you have a family issue of some kind concerning Teddy, I was asked why Cathy, Sharon, Sasha, Snowdove, can’t please stay in town as they are vital to the softball teams success. They have all but locked up the...
(Ed Note. The Immersive Text starts by clicking on Follow Courtney, then Follow YOU. Thank you,) Courtney Jones stood nude and wet from a shower in front of the mirror in her bed room smiling. Her long strawberry blond hair was pulled into two long pigtails that made her look younger than her eighteen years. Her C-cup breasts stood proudly from her otherwise lithe frame. Her mother and father always claimed she had a smile of an angel, and she had enough compliments that it was probably true....
Hi friends this is my first story and I will be eager to get your responses. I’m from Kolkata let’s come to the story it was 1st January and we were playing cricket in the ground of our residential campus being a medical student and I have a good reputation in the locality and there are 26 families in our complex suddenly and I hit a ball for a six and the ball landed in the balcony of the 2nd floor of type c quarters in that particular quarter resides. A lady called Jyoti a 26 years old beauty...
I once took a lady friend to a local wildlife refuge for a picnic on a sunny fall afternoon. Though we'd known each other for some time, and done things together and sorta' made tongue in cheek comments about sex, we'd never really "been together". Well, after finding a nice, shady, secluded area, and spreading the blanket out, having a nice meal (that I prepared, by the way), I couldn't help noticing that when she moved just a certain way, I could see into the top of her sundress, and could...
ExhibitionismCopyright ©2005 When Dot moved I was heartbroken, gone was my good fuck, not only Dot but Betty her daughter and Susie. I had happy memories from Dot's or as my wife called her Mrs Smallwood. If she ever knew what I was going to get up to she would never have sent me over to help Dot. But now she has moved it leaves only Sue. We have a great sex life but I have had variety and it is hard to change back to a one-course meal. In fact I had gained the liking for older women. I just loved...
My ex and I have recently reconnected and realized the things we have in of them being that we love porn. I had the profile first and invited him to share and what you see in our favorites accurately reflects what turns each of us on. Unfortunately, we don't live in the same state (we're working on rectifying that) and he has a roommate He's bi-curious, which is sexy as hell to me and the following is what he texted me about last night. Up until last night, there hadn't been...
There was only the need.We spawned beneath the surface of the water, spreading out unseen through the oceans. Our thoughts melded into one incessant murmur, muted and toneless when the needs of our flesh dominated the hive mind.I needed to ejaculate.There was nothing else until I did. Our bodies were these slippery appendages, a mass of tentacles and a small, bulbous head. Not much more than we needed.Once our kind had spread enough, we would change again, creating flesh suited for any world we...
Monster SexI never dreamed I would be able to write about the fulfilment of a fantasy of mine. For years I, that is James, have secretly wanted my wife to have sex with another man. Erica my wife is 36 years old. She has an attractive figure with firm stiff breasts, with large nipples that she loves having sucked and tweaked. She has always been able to keep herself in good shape, as when I met her she was a cheerleader in school and college, she still visits the gym most days.Although she now works as a...
Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... "This thing," said George, tapping the iron door,...
‘How long have we been married?’ ‘Christ! Have I forgotten our anniversary again?’ ‘No, nothing like that… not yet anyway… you’ve got another six weeks. How long have we been married?’ ‘What brought this on?’ ‘Answer… the… question!’ ‘Don’t poke your fingernail in my ribs like that! Ummmm… ahhhh… twenty-two… twenty-three years? Twenty-three years in six weeks!’ ‘I’m glad you had to think about it.’ ‘What does that mean?’ ‘Oh, I dunno… I asked Morrie the same question the other day.’ ...
"Do not tell a friend anything you would conceal from an enemy."-Arab Proverb*"There is, of course, the tale of the man who built a horse of ebony that flew through the air with its rider—" "We've heard that one already. What about the tale of the three Sufi Qalandars who were each the sons of kings and also each blind in one eye?" "That one was as old as a dried date when my father was a boy. If you want to hear a truly wondrous story, listen to me recount the tale of the rich man who bought...
Group SexAinsleigh was an unremarkable-looking guy. He stood five-foot-eight-inches tall and was lithe and actually, if one was perfectly honest, he bordered on skinny. He wasn’t ugly and had a rather pleasant face. Fully clothed, he never caught the eye of the butch tops that he had a predilection for.Ainsleigh, however, had a magic weapon in his arsenal. He was gifted with one of the most magnificent dicks one would ever see. It was thick and ten-and-three-quarter inches long. Impishly, he often...
Gay MaleWe discussed how excited it had made us, with her wearing the football jersey and no bra underneath it. She had been unaware that part of her nipple poked out from time to time. Hearing that seemed to excite her even more and I could tell that that she had really enjoyed letting him see her tits. Throughout the week, when we had sex, I would bring up different things from our game nights with my friend. It never failed to excite her, and made her even more aroused than she already was. “He...
Karen I knew, when I was at breakfast, all those weeks ago, at the Silver Spur, that I had changed. That I was attractive, to men at least. Now, I knew that I had been dressing wisely, because these were boys my age, young men, ready, willing and hunting for it. My nether parts spritzed ... just a little. A sign to me that maybe, just maybe, my body was ready, willing and looking to be found. My brain said NO, my body said YES. If we were playing Hide and Seek they could have found me at...
I can’t believe I’m doing this... She knocked the brown wood door and waited... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 months earlier. Matt walked around the apartment displaying all the mod-cons he installed almost smugly, mentioning how much they retailed for. If he wasn’t so attractive I so would have opted out of the guided tour thought Jo.Jo and Matt met at the orientation meeting for graduate students a few hours ago through mutual friends and there was an instant...
Straight SexEven though Sean’s staying with his buddy and his buddy’s girlfriend Jaye Summers, he figured he’d still have some privacy to flog the dolphin in his bathroom, right? Apparently not. While jerkin’ it to porn, he doesn’t realize that his phone’s audio is hooked up to a speaker…in the living room, where Jaye’s watching TV! The moans and groans spewing from the speaker next to her lead her to Sean’s room, where she bursts in on him choking his chicken! He’s embarrassed, but when Jaye sees how big...
xmoviesforyouHi all, I am Rohan, I am 27, over 6 ft tall and have a strong athletic body. This is a sex story about my encounter with a big Spanish woman (or as we call BBW, Big Beautiful Woman), while I was working in Houston, I am currently situated in India. This is my 1st sex story so pardon me for any flaws. This happened almost a year ago, while I was working in Houston, I had a 8 to 4 job, but I had nothing to do after work and was getting bored. So I decided to check some online dating sites, I...
You kneel shivering, but it is not from cold it is from the thrill of what is to come, the almost unbearable anticipation. Your marvel at how far you have come, from rubber doll to sissy slave...and physically from another continent to be here in this hotel in England! You are quite naked save for the chastity cage which has become second nature to you now. When you were first commanded to put it on you wondered if you would last a week. Within a month you had become accustomed to it and...
Kathy met Jack at the garage. He had a "closed" sign hanging in a grimy window, but the door was open and she walked into the dim interior. "Jack?" she called. "Here, Kathy," he replied, standing up on the other side of her car. Kathy ran to him and wrapped her arms about his lean, strong body hungrily. She kissed him with a thrusting tongue, rubbing her crotch against him. "That's the way I like to be greeted," Jack grinned, grabbing the ass of her tight jeans. Kathy squirmed....
Hello, I am Arpita, 31-year-old, cute and innocent. I am married at 25 and it’s arranged love marriage. My husband is a professor and earning so well. I am financially independent and has one 4-year-old child. As I am a doctor and general physician, I have to treat a lot of patients every day. One noon I was getting late for lunch. I had planned to meet my husband as it was our wedding anniversary. The celebration was actually in the evening but he wanted to have a lunch date with me. But one...
Note: None of the names of the pesrons in this story are real and if you happen to have the same name as one of the characters in my story then Im sorry.Me and my girlfriend Johanna had come up with a fun game that went like this. All of the players roll a dice and the one with the lowest number gets to pick up a card. That player shall then be tied acording to the specifications on the card.Right now I rolled a 5 and my girlfriend rolled a 2 so when she picked up her card it said:Cleave...
“Alright sweethearts, one bedtime story, then it’s bedibyes time,” their grandmother insisted, as she tucked the youngest girls in immediately after supper, “and be quiet, darlings, your Mummy’s sleeping.” “Oh, Naaaan, I’m missing —” Grandmother tut-tutted, the eldest Arthur was always the loudest to protest, but usually the first to fold, “Now, Art, I don’t want any arguments,” she whispered, “tomorrow you can stay up, watch whatever you wanted to watch on ... whatever that thingabob’s...
I stood in front of my flat screen TV, my eyes glued to sights before me. I saw a family of four, sitting down and eating dinner. A mother and her three children, enjoying the company of each other before going their separate ways. The mother was of Irish and Japanese descent; her long blood red hair, beautiful almond eyes, creamy smooth pale skin, and heart shaped face was a wonder to see. She walked with a knowingly sultry gait and a smirk on her red lush lips. She washed dishes and...
Hello friends sabse pahle thanks ki aap sab ne meri story ka 15th part padha ab mai is part me aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa rahu. Aap sab ne meri pichli kahani me padha ki kaise meri mummy ko us ghar me dubeyji ne choda agle din meri mummy lagbagh 11 baje ghar aayi maine jab gate khola toh dekha meri mummy ki aankhe lal ho chuki mujhe aisa lag raha tha jaise meri mummy rat me soyi hi nahi hai, ho sakta tha dubeyji ko chodte hue maine dekha tha ho sakta hai unhone rat bhar meri mummy ke...
My mother forced me to leave my beloved NYC to move to a small town in Ireland where she originally grew up and lived until she was 18. She loves the place, but I have my doubts. How will I cope? Going from all the traffic, noise and pollution to Trees and fresh air and so much quiet? The new house we moved into is my mother's childhood home. It's a two-story with plenty of room and no neighbors for a mile or so. I loved our cramped little apartment. And I know it sounds strange but I also...
FantasyLarry was 30 years old, divorced, and fortunately didn't have to worry about paying alimony or child support because his marriage had only lasted a couple of weeks. His wife had discovered that Larry was unable to maintain an erection long enough to make love to her, so she promptly dumped him and went on to live her life elsewhere. Larry really wasn't heartbroken about this because he knew the reason he couldn't make love with his wife. He didn't need her. He had his sheep to care...
It happened quite early on. We had only been married for around a year when we moved from Montana to Oregon. We had only been living there for about six months when a male acquaintance of Laurie’s got moved to the same city in Oregon by the company they both worked for. He needed a place to stay for a few nights until he could find an apartment of his own, so we invited him to stay with us. Laurie and I have always talked to each other about our own personal fantasies. One of mine that I had...
Hi iss readers, am goin to reveal you my incest relation with my younger sister, pinky(pooja). My name is nikhil and this happened when i was around 19 yrs and my sis pinky was around 17 yrs. I was very much normal until the time when she reached puberty. But after she was matured at 16yrs of age her body structure changed and i started seeing her as fully matured girl. She had a great body with tight tits and lean waist. She was fair and had long hair. She had strong thighs as she was an...
IncestOn my return I was just about to go into the tent when a loud "Hello!" stopped me. I turned and saw a slightly older lady in her mid-forties, small, slim and with a massive pair of glasses coupled with what appeared to be a massive case of the frizzies in her hair. "Hello," I replied. "I wonder if you can help us," she said. "We've just arrived today and can't seem to get our stove to work." "I'll be glad to have a look," I said and followed her to the tent next door and a...
It feels like I’ve been alone too long, With no girls around my mind Was wondering. Thinking of some way, to release it. I looked in the kitchen, Saw some Crisco Oil, And that’s when my bl**d started to boil, Ooooooh yeah. Ow, Ow, Ow! (Uh oh!) Ow, ow, ow! (Oh God! What did I just do?) No one wanted to be with me, Had to make my dream come true, I wanted to hump something, I didn’t know what to do. It seemed like a good idea, And no one else was around, I stuck my weenie in a bottle, And now...
Be patient! This is not a gang bang…. but its good, reeeeaaallly good because its true. I guess I should start by saying that I was never one of those girls who let a guy do whatever he wanted with her. I was definitely not prude, but I also tried to have class. I was always told that I was beautiful in an unconventional way (by my mom mostly). Just for the sake of the picture in your head… I’m 23 years old, 5’3, petite but full figured at the same time. My hair is cut into a short bob that...