Mistis Adventures Part 152
- 3 years ago
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Day 76: Saturday, November 30
Chapter 1 (Saturday, Nov. 30)Suzanne stood in the middle of the living room. She stretched her body this way and that, as if she were limbering up for her daily exercises. Alan had just left, but she was still smiling from what they had done together. God, what a night! So much sex! So much love! It's exactly what I hoped for and expected. If her screaming was any indication, I gather he rocked Angel's world just as hard as he rocked mine. I just hope he has enough cum and energy left for my Honey Pie and Mommy Susan.
She kept on stretching, which was making her feel better after going through a very vigorous fuck session. Aaaah! I love the post-orgasmic feeling I get with him. Sore, but in a good way, and glowing! And total sexual satiation and emotional satisfaction! The question is, what to do now? According to the rules he laid out, there's nothing stopping Angel and me from talking, now that we've both been royally fucked. I can't wait to compare notes with her! Plus, I should probably get cleaned up. Actually, considering how vigorous we were, a full shower is in order.
But there's one thing I need to do first: call Glory. It was unfortunate I had to be so short with her on the phone earlier, but her timing was bad. She's probably stressing out quite a lot, sitting all alone in her sad apartment. I've gotta put a stop to that. Sure, I'm naked, cummy, and sweaty, but why not call her now? I feel good like this. I want to revel in my abandon. And besides, it's not as if she can see or smell me in my freshly fucked glory, so that'll just be my little secret from her.
She found the nearest phone extension and brought it to the sofa where most of her sex play with Alan had just taken place. She took a couple of minutes to compose her thoughts, knowing that she'd have to be diplomatic and smart for this crucial call.
Then, while lying lazily stretched out on the sofa, she dialed Glory's number. "Hello, Glory?"
"Suzanne!" Glory had picked up her phone after one ring. That she was anxiously awaiting Suzanne's call was an understatement. She was lying in her bed in a sexy nightie, trying to read a history book to keep her mind occupied, but failing miserably.
"That's me. Sorry I was in such a rush earlier, but I'm good now. I've got plenty of time to talk, so let's talk. Please tell me what's on your mind."
"Oh, Suzanne! Thank God you called me back. I've been climbing the walls here! It's like I've been living in a glorious dream, ever since I got back together with Alan. I'm so in love with him! I have that puppy love feeling, that head-over-heels feeling. I've been walking on air! When he put his collar around my neck yesterday, I actually..." She paused nervously, and then quietly admitted, " ... Let's just say I liked it."
Her tone abruptly switched from ecstatic to distressed. "But then, this afternoon and evening, I had too many undistracted hours by myself. I got to thinking, and I don't know what happened exactly, but it's like the fog lifted and my head cleared and now I can't stop thinking: what the hell am I doing? What have I done?! I'm still deeply in love with him, I have no doubt about that, but I've agreed to be one of his sex slaves?! Pardon my language, but what the FUCK?! Seriously, what the fuck have I done?!"
Suzanne responded, "That's about what I figured you'd say. Believe you me, that's totally understandable. You know I'm in the same boat, only I'm further along, and I've had that exact same sort of thought many times over these past few weeks, especially in recent days as my own sex-slave status sort of solidified. I hear you, definitely!"
Glory griped, "Well, you have to make it better somehow! I feel like I'm stuck. It's like that U2 song, 'With or Without You.' I can't live without him, but I can't live happily with him either if that means being enslaved to him, which it does! My fear is I'm going to continue on with him, but in a sort of state of endless agony, humiliation, and frustration over the whole submissive enslavement issue. It's a classic no-win situation!"
"Glory, like I said, I hear you, and I totally sympathize. But it's not as bad as you think. In fact, I'm 100 percent certain that you're going to learn to LOVE being his sex slave! And yes, this is the voice of experience here."
"Are you kidding me?!"
"Absolutely not!" Suzanne stretched out languidly on the sofa. I wish I could tell you how wonderfully FUCKED I feel right now! It's the best feeling in the world! The sex alone makes it totally worth it, but there are plenty of other great benefits besides.
However, she kept those thoughts to herself, and said with a more restrained approach, "Consider me. I'm a successful, smart, beautiful, and wealthy woman. I'm not driven by some submissive compulsion. I can have my choice of almost any man, and you know that's not idle boasting on my part."
"No, it's not," Glory was quick to agree. Like virtually everyone else who knew Suzanne, she was in awe of Suzanne's beauty and charm.
"Yet here I am, in the middle of a harem of women just as attractive and well-endowed as me, and not only am I sexually enslaved to the cock, balls, and oh-so-tasty cum of a man half my age, but I'm also loving it more than anything else I've ever experienced in my life! And it's not just me. All of us feel the exact same way. Are we all collectively insane?"
Glory growled, "Actually, that's a very real possibility!"
Suzanne chuckled politely. "I'll grant you that; maybe we are. But I doubt it. I'm going to convince you that I'm entirely sane and rational, and I'm going to put you at ease. But first, there's an important 'late-breaking development' that you need to know about. This news may well shock and disturb you, as well as hurt you to think about, at least at first. In fact, I'm almost certain that it will. But please don't hang up. Let me explain everything first, because when I get finished explaining I sincerely believe you'll feel much better about your situation."
Glory sighed heavily. She was on a handset, which she was tempted to throw across the room. "Oh, great. What now? I've already agreed to be his sex slave. How could it get even worse than that?! Is he going to parade me around naked on a leash in front of the entire school? Knowing him, I wouldn't be surprised!"
Suzanne just waited silently for Glory to calm down and brace herself.
Glory sighed heavily again. "Okay, I'm sitting down." (Actually, she was still sitting up in her bed, with her back against the headboard.) "Hit me with this latest sucker punch."
Suzanne knew she had to tread extra carefully. "Before I explain what he did to Susan, Katherine, Amy, and me tonight, it's important for you to know that he wants to do the exact same thing with you. If he had his way, what happened with the four of us tonight would have happened with five, meaning including you. But he's holding back out of concern that you're not ready for this next step yet."
Glory cut in, "Oh God, tell me already! I've got this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that my life is going to turn into some utter hell, and that I won't be able to resist because my stupid love for him is so damn strong!"
Suzanne responded, "It's not a bad thing, trust me. It's just that I'm giving you that preamble so you won't feel like he's forgetting you or leaving you behind in any way."
"Just tell me already!"
"Okay. As you know, the four of us, we're his sex slaves too."
"I know that already!" Glory cried out in impatient frustration.
""But tonight," Suzanne continued calmly, as if she hadn't been interrupted, "since I spoke to you earlier, he PROPOSED to us."
Glory was stunned utterly speechless. It was a good thing she was sitting on her bed, because she very nearly fainted.
"All four of us. Marriage! He wants us to not just be his slaves, but his slave-WIVES!"
Glory gasped loudly. That was such a shocker that she didn't know what to think. Her heart was in her throat.
"Of course, we all immediately cried 'YES!' and gang-tackled him. He gave us our rings in a touching way that had all of us crying tears of joy. But our actual wedding ceremony won't be until sometime this coming summer. One reason for the wait is that he's hoping that you'll want to join us, so he can marry all five of us at once, including you."
Glory gasped again. It seemed to her like the room was spinning. She imagined herself standing at an altar in a white wedding dress with Alan in a black tuxedo, and that was a rush of delight, but she also pictured the other four women in their white wedding dresses too. That was discombobulating, to say the least, particularly since there was nowhere in the U.S. where a man could legally marry five women.
Suzanne continued, "But he feels like he can't propose to you just yet, because you two just agreed that you'd have a six-month trial period to see how things go. He's trying to be respectful and patient with that, to give you the space you feel you need. But, whenever you're ready to commit, he's eager to propose to you too."
There was a long pause as Glory tried to digest all that. It was such a stunning development that she didn't know what to think. She was suddenly so worked up that she felt like her heart was going to thump right out of her chest.
After nearly a minute, Suzanne gently asked, "Glory? How are you taking all that?"
"My ... oh my GOD!"
Suzanne chuckled at that. "Indeed! And by the way, I know this isn't the best way for you to hear the news. It almost sounds like I'm proposing to you on his behalf, which isn't fair to either of you. He doesn't know that I'm telling you this. But I figure you needed to know what's happening ASAP. You're going to find out soon anyway, and hearing this now could help you a lot with your current worry about your sex slave status. Doesn't 'slave-wife' sound a lot better than just 'sex slave?' all by itself?"
Glory had to take a deep breath and steady her nerves. "Well, yes, of course! But ... my God! Suzanne! This is just ... I don't know what!" She stared at the ring Alan had given her, then reached up to the collar around her neck. "How is that even possible?! Aren't there laws against polygamy?"
"Of course there are." Suzanne was feeling relieved, since Glory hadn't hung up or had a total freak-out. She also idly stroked her collar with a finger. "But there are laws against slavery too. Clearly both parts, the slave and the wife, have to be merely symbolic and not legally binding. But that's okay. What matters is that it has meaning for all of US, and that we take it to heart. Strangers won't know, but we'll wear his ring and his collar, and we'll know what we are to him, and what he is to us."
Glory's heart thumped even harder and faster. GOD! I could be his WIFE! Even if it's "slave-wife." I never thought that was possible! She thought back to the fantasy she'd had at the time he'd first put his collar around her neck, how she'd imagined deep throating him while wearing a white wedding dress in a church. Holy shit! That could actually happen! Knowing him, it would be something kinky like that!
She tried to stay calm and force those highly arousing thoughts out of her mind. She asked, "But then who will he marry, in the eyes of the law?"
"Probably nobody, I imagine. He doesn't want to play favorites. If he does marry one of us, it'll just be for legal purposes only, such as tax law, or as part of maintaining a veneer of normality for the outside world. That legal wife won't have any special status. He's determined to treat us all equally. If he plays favorites, that'll create all kinds of trouble."
There was another long pause while Glory tried to digest all that. She continued to finger and stroke her collar as if it were a powerful magical talisman.
Suzanne was dying of curiosity, since Glory hadn't really indicated how she felt yet. "So? What do you think?!"
Glory exhaled heavily. "Phew! I don't know! I just don't know! I mean, I'm glad for you ... congratulations, I guess..." She thought, God, how fucked up and weird is that?! Congratulating her for marrying the man I love!
"Thank you!"
"But is that the life for me?! I don't know! I just don't know! You're right that in a way this is actually a big improvement. Obviously, it would be easier to live with being called a slave-wife than just a slave. But a slave-wife is still a slave! And in some ways, it's even WORSE! With the sex-slave talk, at least I can pretend that it's just talk, just a temporary thing, like some crazy phase I would be going through for the next few months until he left for college. But with a proposal, with a marriage, it makes it much, much more serious! There's no getting around it: this is a lifetime commitment!"
Suzanne replied calmly, "No, there's not. But remember that's a two-way street. You'll be committing to him for life, but he'll be committing to YOU for life too. And note that you said you can 'PRETEND that it's just talk.' You already know in your heart of hearts that it's not! You wear his slave collar and you don't want to have it taken away from you. What if I came over there right now and snatched your collar from your neck?"
Glory replied with surprising venom. "I'd be fucking PISSED! Don't you DARE!"
Suzanne chuckled knowingly. "You see? He IS your master! Your duty is to serve and obey him with everything you are and all the love that you possess!"
Glory gritted her teeth in frustration while trying to calm herself. Shit! She's right! She remembered when Alan and Suzanne had visited her apartment and she'd tried to take her collar off, but found herself unable to do so. God dammit! This thing isn't just a strip of cloth; it really is a slave collar, forever binding me to him, to his ownership! That made her want to rip her collar off, but instead she just kept on stroking it.
The wily redhead continued, "This whole evening, he's kept bringing up your name, mentioning how much he wishes you were a part of everything. In fact, you know what he said to me just a while ago? And this is a direct quote, because I made a mental note to remember it."
"What?" Glory asked urgently.
"He said to me, regarding you, 'I love her just as much I love you, which is as much as one person can love another. My love for you doesn't lessen my love for her, or vice versa. In fact, it only makes it stronger, because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.' That's what he really said, word for word. And he didn't say it to impress you or convince you of anything, because he didn't think you'd ever hear it. He really loves you! He wants to spend the rest of his life with you!"
Glory's heart pounded wildly. She was overwhelmed to hear that, but she tried to keep her perspective. She spoke sourly. "Yeah, why wouldn't he? Getting to keep his favorite teacher as one of his many sex slaves! That's a pretty damn good deal for him!"
"True. But we also know that he has a very special sexual talent, a very special charm. He could easily say to himself, 'I'll seduce and fuck Glory for the rest of the school year. Then, when I'm off to college, I'll drop her like a hot potato and seduce and fuck the many new busty and sexy women I'll meet in college.' You know that's what would normally happen, and you'd still go along with it, because sharing him for the rest of the school year is better than not having any of him at all. But that's not what he wants to do! He wants you in his life FOREVER! Not just as a slave, but as a slave-WIFE!"
Glory was floored as those words sunk in. "My GOD!" He loves me! I could be married to him for the rest of my life! He could be "the one," the man of my dreams! Of course, that'll mean I'll have to be enslaved to him for the rest of my life too, but is that really so bad? I've already been seriously contemplating doing that without the marriage part. Certainly this is a much, much better deal, isn't it?
Chapter 2Suzanne could tell she was having the desired effect on Glory. But she was just getting warmed up. "Think about that for a while. Don't make any decisions now. Hell, you don't have to decide anything for six months. That'll give you plenty of time to see that the harem life is far superior to normal married life. Pretend like I never told you this. I won't tell him either, so you can act surprised when he tells you the news tomorrow. Since you already know what he's going to say, you can have some fun making him squirm and sweat a little bit."
Glory snickered mischievously at that.
Suzanne felt a twinge of guilt. Hrm. I've vowed to be more honest with him, but here I am, saying I'll keep some information from him. But then again, it's for his own good, to help bring Glory into our harem. But I don't want to lie to Glory either. Maybe I'll give him a very big hint or two tomorrow, so he'll be more or less ready for what she tells him, while also leaving an element of fun surprise. Yes, I think that's best.
With that decided, she added, "But that's not the only news."
"There's MORE?!" Glory had been resting against some pillows and the headboard of her bed, but she sat up stiffly.
"There is. Since you're testing to see if you want to be a part of our harem, I think it's only fair to let you know everything, including how we live behind closed doors, so you'll be able to make an informed decision about what you want to do with your life when the time comes. You see, Alan gave us the rings shortly after you called earlier, and it's been pretty much non-stop sex since then."
"OH!" Glory's heart raced even faster. "Oh boy! You definitely don't have to tell me about that!"
"I know, but it's important that I do, because ... well, you'll see."
Suzanne proceeded to give a very detailed account about what she'd experienced since Alan proposed. But she was very clever about what she said and what she didn't say. Her goal was to greatly arouse Glory, so Glory would be far too horny to spend the rest of the evening fretting. To that end, she made sure to quickly skip over Alan's actual proposal and the events that followed while the whole group was together, because she didn't want to remind Glory of the fact that Alan had so many other slave-wives-to-be. Instead, she quickly hurried to when she and Alan were alone in the living room, and tried to present that in such a way that Glory would visualize herself, Glory, as the one who had been with Alan the whole time.
Of course, while Alan and Suzanne had been together, hardly a minute had gone by when something sexual wasn't happening - it was basically non-stop fucking, sucking, or stroking. Suzanne explained it all in great detail. She spoke in a just-the-facts style, knowing that the truth would be so arousing that she wouldn't have to hype it at all. That also allowed her to maintain the pretense that she was merely attempting to inform Glory fully, instead of her real intention of making Glory wildly aroused.
The result was pretty much inevitable. Suzanne had lots of recent experience telling highly arousing stories to Susan, sometimes over the phone, and she was a master storyteller in general. Furthermore, although Glory was feeling distressed about her new sex-slave role, she was deeply in love with Alan, and just as deeply in lust with him. It wasn't long before she was so hot and bothered that she forgot to even question why Suzanne was getting so very sexually explicit, or even giving such a prolonged account in the first place.
Additionally, Glory had a massive crush on Suzanne herself, so just hearing Suzanne's scratchy, sultry voice speak of sexual matters was a big turn-on for her. Normally, thinking of Alan with another woman would have made her madly jealous, but thinking of Suzanne naked and sucking his cock or getting fucked was like throwing more fuel on her personal fire.
It was such a perfect storm of lusty storytelling that it wasn't long before Glory had her nightie off and was quietly masturbating. Although she tried to avoid tell-tale squishy noises and heavy panting, she got so carried away that she didn't try to hide the enthusiasm in her voice. She often asked questions, especially about how Suzanne had felt or what she'd thought during key sexual peaks.
All the while, even though Suzanne pretended to play the part of the neutral reporter, she was subtly, and not-so-subtly, relating things that were intended to remind Glory of just how great sex with Alan could get. She didn't need to exaggerate one iota as she explained how Alan had made her cum countless times while she continuously cried tears of joy. Her sheer enthusiasm for those events that were so fresh in her mind came through loud and clear.
At one point, Glory remembered to ask, "Why are you telling me all this?! You said something at the beginning about how you needed all this background to explain some important things?"
Suzanne lied, "Yes, I'm still getting to that." She added, "But also, I'm trying to reassure you that you're making the right decision in enslaving yourself to my master. OUR master. I swear to God I'm not lying or exaggerating about any of this! How many men of any age or background could make any woman cum almost continuously like that?"
By this point, Glory was wildly aroused and enthusiastic. "Nobody! Only him!" She was steadily fingering herself, and the only reason she hadn't climaxed yet was because she didn't want to give her game away by screaming out loud.
"How many men could make a woman feel that way even as she can't stop crying due to his heartfelt declarations of love?"
"Again, only him!"
"That's right! He's special! But you don't know the half of it yet! Let me get to the part where he fucked me so good that I literally left footprints halfway up the wall!"
"No!" Glory was flying so high in her imagination that it was very nearly as good as actually getting fucked by Alan at that very moment. She had to repeatedly remind herself to take it easy with her masturbation, lest Suzanne catch on to what she was doing. (Not surprisingly, she wasn't nearly as quiet as she'd realized, and Suzanne had realized what she was doing almost immediately.)
Suzanne proceeded to tell much more of her story, paying particular attention to how Alan fucked her on every piece of furniture, including the footprints on the wall incident. Up to that point, Suzanne hadn't masturbated at all during the call, since she wanted her wits sharp and her mind clear. Once Glory was so firmly engrossed and enraptured, Suzanne decided she could play with her clit and finger her slit while talking, and started doing so. Like Glory, she was on a handset and not a speakerphone, so she only had one free hand.
Suzanne seemingly stopped her story just after recounting how Alan had finally climaxed in her and then fallen asleep on her as she fell asleep too.
Glory was fingering her own G-spot as she exclaimed, "Wow! Just ... wow! Suzanne, that's incredible! I'm so envious. I've had some truly mind-blowing times with him, but I must admit, I think that tops them all!"
"Maybe it does," Suzanne responded, "But that's only because it's still early days with you. Remember, I've been intimate with him longer, so we're getting to know each other's bodies much better. Each time we fuck, it truly is better than the last. Not surprisingly, his marriage proposal elevated everything to a much higher level. That'll happen to you too when you decide to commit to him fully. When the time comes for you to tell him that you're ready to be his fifth slave-wife, I guarantee that you'll have an experience just as good as that. Nay, better!"
Glory was practically swooning as she teetered on the edge of orgasm with her fingerbanging. She had to hold the phone away from her mouth when she wasn't speaking to hide her heavy breathing. "Better?! How is that even humanly possible?!"
Suzanne chuckled. "Oh, it is! Remember, I'm getting just one-fourth of his sexual energy tonight, because he's also fucking Susan, Katherine, AND Amy into sweet oblivion tonight too! What if he were to spend an entire evening focusing just on you? What's more, today was an epic sexual day for him. Why, considering just the cocksucking alone, I wouldn't be surprised if he enjoyed well over a dozen blowjobs today! It's amazing that he has the energy left to take each of us four to heaven after all that."
Glory complained, "Why do you have to say those hurtful words? I was having such a great time up to now, but telling me that is like you just stabbed my heart with a jealousy knife." She was genuinely upset, especially since hearing that reminded her of the incest. But she wasn't upset enough to stop masturbating.
Suzanne wasn't fazed, and kept on fingering herself as well. "I'm pointing that out to remind you that, yes, he has many lovers, but he has the sexual energy and skill to keep ALL of us VERY sexually satisfied! It's truly extraordinary. He's like the Energizer Bunny of sex! I know you fret about sharing him, but really, could you handle all his needs all by yourself?"
There was a significant pause before Glory quietly admitted, "I suppose not."
"You 'suppose'?"
Glory growled huffily, "Okay, I know I couldn't. Fuck! That's insane!" Gaawwwd! If I spent twenty-four hours with just him, I'd be so fucked out that I'd need a wheelchair to get around! My mouth would be sore for a week! And my face and breasts would smell like cum for even longer! Damn, that actually sounds good, maybe every once in a while, but I couldn't handle it day after day, every day!
Suzanne spoke with increasing enthusiasm, not trying that hard to hide her own heavy breathing anymore. "Oh, but I'm not done! We rested for a while, but then when we woke up we went right back to it, starting with a sixty-nine!"
"SHUT UP! You're lying! You big fat liar!" Glory was fingering herself faster and deeper.
Suzanne laughed, knowing Glory didn't really mean that. "It's true. When he woke up, he-"
Glory interrupted. "Sorry! Can you hold that thought? I've got to, uh ... go to the bathroom."
"Sure. I'll be here."
Glory dropped the receiver and rushed to the bathroom. But she didn't have to pee; she had to cum. She simply couldn't hold back any longer. With two closed doors between her and the phone, she let herself make a little noise as she climaxed, but not too much. She clenched her teeth and even bit down on her hand as her orgasm went on and on. It was a really big one, since it had been building for such a long time.
The whole point of her bathroom ruse was so that Suzanne wouldn't know that she'd been masturbating and even cumming, but of course Suzanne saw right through that ruse. Hee hee! This is so great! Like taking candy from a baby ... or should I say it's like GIVING candy to a babe? But it's for her own good.
Chapter 3Suzanne resumed her story after Glory's return. She recounted the sixty-nine and all the cock stroking, licking, sucking, and even deep throating that followed. Still feeling a bit envious about the way Alan had touted Glory's deep-throating talent, she made a particular point of touting her own talent in that area.
Glory's orgasm in the bathroom had satiated her sexually, but only for about a minute. It wasn't long before she was back to being very hot and bothered, which got her masturbating again.
Suzanne had never stopped playing with herself, but she was just keeping it to a light erotic buzz, rather than going for a big climax.
By that point, Glory was so far gone that she found herself delighted to be having a brief discussion with Suzanne where they compared their deep-throating techniques. Both of them engaged in some subtle boasting, but in general they each ended up impressed with the other's oral skills, in the way one star athlete might appreciate the talent of a true peer.
Things were going so swimmingly for Suzanne that she cheekily suggested, "You know, one of these days, we should have a ... well, not a contest, since this isn't a competition, but let's say ... a side-by-side demonstration. With the two of us kneeling naked between his legs, you could deep throat him for a full minute, and then I'd take my minute, and so on. Between the two of us, he'd have one nose or another tickling his pubic hair nearly non-stop!"
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Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) I took over, "Chloe, I'm very shortly going to tell you what Julia calls, 'The Secret'; what I was waiting for you to work out for yourself. Once you know it, you'll be able to start changing yourself immediately. Knowing Julia, she'll be helping you as much as she can, because that's the sort of person she is. And, to save Julia the trouble of saying it, I'll add that I'll help you too. Julia would no doubt point out that's the sort of person I...
I had bacon, eggs, sausage, toast and juice on the table as the North six made their way from the lower guest rooms at 6:45. I had heard them moving around and talking at 6:15. They had just enough time to eat and make it to the gym at their normal start time. I asked if everyone was good with last night's fun in the basement. There were nods and smiles from all of them and only one question. "Can we come and stay and do it again next Friday night?" one of them asked. "Are all of you...
Later, after all the women had tried a little belly dancing to the accompaniment of much laughter and cat calls, they put the leftover food away, and soon had the dishwashers doing their thing. "We'll leave the rest of the cleanup until tomorrow," Diana said, looking around to make sure they hadn't missed anything that needed doing now. "You're going to stay the night like we talked about?" Diana questioned Sheriff Tate's wife, Virginia. "Yes," Virginia replied with a smile, "we...
Laura received a phone call from Trina. She had already drunk two glasses of wine and had to sit down. "Trina." "Hi hon', you okay?" "I'm... fine." "I been missing you a lot. Shawna too." "God, you don't know how I've missed you, Trina," Laura said. And it was true, though she had actually been fucking her brains out with every beautiful woman she could find to forget about Trina. To calm herself, she actually ran through their names in her mind, in under two seconds....
“My life has been one big audition.” —Elizabeth Eulberg, Take a Bow IT USED TO BE that you couldn’t rent a car until you were twenty-five. Em was twenty. But she had a National Service CDL and the agency had to recognize her as qualified and responsible. Which was good because she was the only qualified driver for our Starcraft. It felt like we were all getting on the short bus to go to school. But it was a surprisingly comfortable ride once we were all settled. Getting settled included...
These are compliments of Fmwarmac WARNING: MANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT POLICIALLY CORRET. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!! A child asked his father, “How were people born?” So his father said, “Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on.” The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, “We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now.” The child ran back to his father and said, “You lied to me!” His father...
How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...
My family wanted to go out for supper to the inn, although I would have rather have had the time at home with them. But they had talked about this all week for this time together. As usual we were well protected. The Beast number two was on hand - it was now a fixture in the parking garage. The Secret Service had commandeered four bays and had block walls and garage doors installed. A dozen Secret Service Suburbans were in the line. The griping and complaining from the Secret Service had...
***Trigger Warning: Descriptions of torture and sexual assault** When we woke the next morning, after transferring the mana from six exhausted templars back to me, we got started on ‘the plan’ for dealing with the Architect. The first step to our plan was simple – yet difficult. We needed someone who could carve stone. In that effort, it turned out both Bel and Jowan were indispensable. Jowan had demonstrated a keen affinity to earth magic – apparently different than the typical spells...
The nurse nodded at Leslie's remark and motioned for another woman to come forward. Her nametag read Dr. Wilma Scott. The group knew she was the former starlet who had opened AMS in the early 2000s. "Who is it?" Adam asked the doctor. "I can't say," the woman replied. She cringed when she saw the look of anger that flashed on Adam's face. The men of Five Friends were the ones who primarily worked outside the group. If one of them contracted the deadly disease, everyone had it. "How...
_________________________________________________________________________ This work of fiction (pack of lies) is copyrighted by the author. Permission is hereby granted to re-post it to any FREE site provided the title, text, and author's name are unchanged. This is a little something I came up with while trying to work out the kinks in another story. I only wish it had come a couple of weeks earlier. _________________________________________________________________________ ...
The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 2(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis and Madelyn Part 1’.[SEXY COMMENTS ARE REALLY APPRECIATED!!!] A week later, Madelyn waited for everyone to leave the classroom including Abby before asking her teacher, Davis for the gaming device that he had promised to get her. “Mr. Davis, has it arrived yet,” asked Madelyn in an especially sweet voice, feeling hopeful. “Hey, Maddie. Guess what? I think it’s...
The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 1(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis Getting More From Abby’. Since the day Madelyn spread for her teacher, Mr. Davis, she noticed that he would take occasional peeps at her panties whenever she sat at her desk with her legs slightly parted in her skirts and dresses. There was even once he dropped his pencil in front of her desk deliberately and then he squatted down, pretending to look for it and...
Daniel is one of my good friends and we were planning on hanging out. He informed me that his girlfriend, Madelyn would be at his house as well. I didn't mind it because I had know her since I was born. Madelyn was a short skinny girl who's in competition cheerleading. She was barely a B cup with a small but very cute bubble butt. Just by looking at her, you know any hole you put your dick in, it was going to be super tight. Daniel was your regular guy who I knew from past experience had a...
On Monday around 2pm I was working and my email went off, new message, it read, ‘Just thinking about you, fuck toy. How wet was your weekend?’ I smiled to myself and hit the reply button, ‘hmmmm, you were? Not very, I was lacking inspiration….how about you? Any conquests, did you fuck a sweet girl and think of me? ‘ Almost immediately he reponded, ‘Alas, not. This weekend was spent working, big deadline coming up. But I did find myself one handed more than once, a certain buxom lady bending...
With your hands at your sides you stand before Me waiting. You are dressed as I have requested, your little black dress fits you like a second skin. Your long, lean legs encased in your thigh top stockings are parted just slightly, promising delights yet to come. The silver open-toed sandals with their 6 inch stiletto heels bring you to just below My own 6 foot 2 inch height. As is our custom when at home, you are not wearing a bra or panties… a rule I established with you from the beginning. ...
Julie lay back into the car’s seat, closing her eyes and relaxing into the ride home. The night out had been just what she needed after a long week, Jay had done well distracting her from thoughts of work. Their favorite restaurant had again come through with a great meal. They’d had just enough wine, lovely dessert, and stimulating conversation. But though the pleasant hours had repressed her ill mood, she now wanted a good night’s sleep to escape the frustrations the work week had wrought....
Since meeting you I can’t seem to get you out of my head, but I certainly don’t mind. I like thinking about you and how it would feel to be in your arms. Lying alone in my bed, with the lights dimmed, I let my mind wander through all my fantasies of you and create new ones. I want you here with me so badly, to touch your face, smell your scent, taste your skin. Closing my eyes, I can feel you lying down next to me, your warm body close against mine. Your hand slides along my side, brushing...
I love going to anime conventions. Or comic book conventions. Really, any excuse to don awesome costumes and go nerd out with other geeks is awesome to me. I am an otaku, as the Japanese call it. I love to cosplay. In a situation with other cosplayers, like a Con, it gives me a confidence boost you would not believe. So, what better place to cosplay at than, say, the largest anime convention in Florida, Metrocon? This is the story of one such adventure. It was a blazingly hot July day in Tampa,...
“Ryanair flight Foxtrot Romeo five-one-four you are cleared to land runway one seven over.” The Boeing 737 that had taken off from Stansted curved onto the final approach, the pilot engaged another 20 degrees of flap and the undercarriage lowered with a hum and a clunk Three greens lights lit up on the panel in front of the pilot to indicate the wheels were down and locked and at just after ten to four in the afternoon the tyres hit the tarmac with a squeal and a puff of smoke. The airbrakes...
The Weekend’s Conclusion and a Postscript Friday night had been a revelation. At 8pm I thought I was popping down to the swimming pool for an hour’s much needed exercise. By 1.0am Saturday morning, I’d had that swim, plus three pints of beer, a curry and hot, passionate sex – all of this with a MILF (a genuine first for me, I believe) – one who just happened to be Emily Barrington, by childhood best friend. It’s almost embarrassing, but honestly, it was very natural, I simply fell asleep...
Nimmi aur Raj nange hi ek dusre ke alingan mein so gaye. Raj ne aaj pehli baar choot ki chudayi ki thee aur Nimmi ne aaj tak bahut se lund liye thay lekin Raj ka lund anokha hi tha. Khas iss liye ki vo abhi bas 18 saal ka tha aur dusra ki vo usski saheli ka beta tha. Nimmi apni saheli ke Pati Ramesh se bhi chudwa chuki thee jab vo zinda tha. Baap ke baad bete se chudwane ki khushi alag hi thee. Nimmi aur Raj gehri need mein sote rahe. Jab subha Raj ki need khuli to apne pass Nimmi aunty ko...
Madeleine was working late with her new boss Deirdre. They’d been working late for two weeks trying to tidy the mess left by the previous manager. At last they’d cleared the backlog. Deirdre sighed, looked directly at Madeleine, and stretched up her arms – her large soft breasts pushed forward in her skintight jumper making it ride up to reveal a stretch of suntanned stomach. ‘I think this calls for a celebration.’ Madeleine was disturbed by the sinking feeling in...
After a long stressful day at work, Andy and Warren were winding down at Distiller's Microbrew & Tap. Each were on their second beer when Warren said, "Andy, did you read the news this morning?""Didn't have time. What, another story about the President's Tweets?""No, Andy, something worse.""Immigrants being deported?""Worse.""Well then, Warren, what in the hell is upsetting you so much?"The two men were talking sports, politics and women. Warren took a swig from his glass and said, "You're not...
CheatingMarch, 1920 Le Havre, France It was with a deep sense of melancholy that I stood along the rail at the stern of the ocean liner, watching the coast of France recede into the distance. I was going home, after seven years of service with the American Embassy in Paris, and while part of me was glad to be returning to America, a larger part of me knew I was leaving behind a large part of my life. It was a cold, blustery day on the cusp of spring, and I had my overcoat buttoned to the top to...
December, 1915 Paris, France Madeleine looked resplendent in her dark green dress, with the bright red corsage I had pinned on her breast. She looked very much in keeping with the holiday, which was the idea, since we were entering the ballroom at the Ritz Hotel, the same one where we had spent our wedding night, for the American Embassy’s annual Christmas banquet. Because the United States was still neutral in the Great War that was raging not far away, we were not under the same moral...
June, 1915 Paris, France ‘A toast! A toast to Robert,’ cried Sergei Hoffmann, over the din of well-wishers. ‘Hear, hear!’ was the response from several corners of the room. We were gathered in the private room of a well-known Paris restaurant for the traditional bachelor’s night, and the good food and copious amounts of spirits in all varieties had made for a memorable evening. Stories – many of them bawdy – had been told and conversation had been brisk. These were my friends, the people I...
CHAPTER 8 Paris, France March, 1918 I had been on furlough from my duties as an attache from the U.S. Embassy to Gen. Pershing’s headquarters, and Madeleine and I had finally reconnected after months of forced celibacy after her miscarriage and subsequent emergency hysterectomy. I had finally come to realize how close she had come to dying that day. Only a quick transfusion of blood helped her survive the surgery that saved her life, but deprived her of the ability to have any more...
June, 1917 Paris, France It was on a warm late spring morning that I arrived in my office to be greeted with a summons to the ambassador’s office. When I arrived, I stopped short, for Mr. Stark had a visitor, someone I knew well, and for whom I had decidedly mixed feelings. Gen. John James Pershing was seated in a chair across from the ambassador’s desk, and he rose when I entered the office. ‘Sergeant Guidry,’ he said as he offered his hand in greeting, using the rank to which I had risen...
Madeline in Oregon She hadn't seen her Aunt Margo in many years but she wasn't feeling guilty. Her family had made it clear. They did not agree with two women living together. The telephone call had to be dealt with immediately though. Margo was her mother's sister and had received the lion's share of the estate at the probate three years earlier. The call wasn't from her Aunt, rather from Margo's younger 'partner' Allen. Aunt Margo had been married but after nineteen years they had...
Paris, France February, 1915 It was cold, bitterly cold, as I turned up the collar of my overcoat and walked out of the embassy into the gathering gloom of the late afternoon. On impulse, I decided to turn down the little side street that was so familiar and visit Marcel’s again. I hadn’t been there since my return to France a few weeks earlier, and I found I missed it. So much had changed in Paris since those heady days of August, when the young Frenchmen had so eagerly sought out war. No...
I’m going to tell you a true story, or at least as true as I can remember it. Let’s be honest here and concede that when we’re in the middle of something, we don’t stop to write down the exact detail, we don’t have a voice recorder to capture every aspect of who said what and when. So even in stories like this, we use writing skills and some imagination. As a writer, I’ve always thought that imagination is borne of experience, sometimes it’s our experience, sometimes it’s that of others. This...
Face Value by GENEVA Made Mademoiselle When the Emperor Napoleon had invaded Austria, just before his victory at Austerlitz, Jerome Meunier and I, Henri Cachin, were part of the French forces, in an infantry regiment. I suppose I should have been proud to do military service and serve under the greatest general that France had seen, but the soldier's life was not for me. As a street urchin in Bordeaux I had been involved in some petty theft from the shopkeepers, and as I grew older...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Sixes and SevensChapter 16Copyright© 2018 by Always Raining
Author note: This is the first part of a tale that might or might not be continued. It is set some time in the mid 18th century (so not strictly Victorian, but that category seemed closest). Corsets and Cutlasses, Part I: Madeline and Elizabeth's Ocean Voyage. 1. Cabin transformation "Hold still silly," Elizabeth chided me, "this is tricky and I'll have your eye out if you move like that." She waved the dark kohl pencil threateningly. "But it wasn't me!" I protested...
September, 1916 Paris, France It was a Monday, when my life took a significant turn. I had completed my morning exercise at the embassy and had arrived in my office when I was summoned to Mr. Stark’s office for what was described as an urgent meeting. This in itself was not unusual, as I spent almost half my time in the ambassador’s company, discussing events, planning strategies or interpreting for him. But this time, I found him in the company of a high-ranking British general and the...
Author’s note: It has been nearly a year and a half since my last submission, and over these past few months of idleness, I’ve been searching for some idea, some story line that would challenge me, and get me excited about writing again. I have about a dozen stories that I’ve started, but never got fired up over, so they sit in a file somewhere and will likely never see the light of day. I kept coming back to this scenario, however, and each time I did, the more it intrigued me. With the...
Madeline had gotten divorced three years ago and she hadn't been with a man since. She always told herself that she didn't need another man that her dildo worked just fine. She lied to herself on that subject. She really wanted to feel needed again. She wanted to feel attractive and sexy. She really wanted to feel a dick in her that was attached to a body. Most days she didn't think about it. Her three daughters lived with her still though they were all over twenty and work always got in the...
How did I let myself get talked into this? Here I was playing my 12 string Framus guitar at a nursing home so that my best friend could make points with his newest intended conquest. Her mother was holding the sheet music for me and since she was holding it just below her bust I was having trouble concentrating. That was SOME bust and the cleavage left me gasping. Trying to play music I was not used to was bad enough without the added distraction my music stand was giving me. If the songs...
It had been six months since I'd moved in next door to an amazing lady. She was in her early to mid sixties, had a vibrant warm personality, and immediately befriended me showing genuine concern after my divorce. Madeline and I became good friends. I very often stopped by after work to check on her, see how she was doing, and generally on the weekends, did a few odd jobs for her. Having Madeline as a friend, someone to talk to, made the days easier to deal with and not quite so lonely. She...
"Shit, Avery's back," Scarlet moaned, getting off me. "Avery, this is not what it looks like," she said, putting her hands up."Really, it looks pretty damning, Scarlet. I thought you were my best friend, but now I see you're having sex with this cunt?""Hey, fuck you," I added, getting off the bed with Scarlet. "Don't you dare get pissy at her, and you better be nice to me too. I might be a flawed woman, but you need to respect me and not just jump to conclusions."Avery put her hand up, so she...
LesbianIntroduction: A man discovers how decisions can change your life years later It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem, could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? Its hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But I would find out years later, it was actually events had taken place years before (when I was still in college) which made that...
They each took a side of me, but Avery still didn't appear to be all that enthused, though. Nevertheless, she did help herself to feel my left tit. She didn't speak, but I could tell by her vibrations that she liked it."Go ahead, Avery lick her nipple or kiss her. She's a sweet woman and not just the bitch you've branded her as, remember," Scarlet made clear, before I felt her licking my other nipple."Fine, Scarlet," she groaned, prior to bringing her head towards mine. "I don't hate you,...
LesbianI would suggest you read the preceding 7 parts before this – it will help make sense of it. Once again, Jenkins provides her account. During the soiree that marked Madeleine’s ‘coming of age’ as it were, I felt proud to see her entertain her guest. She behaved with grace and charm such as one might expect of a lady of better birth or greater education. I confess freely that as I laced her into that corset it was my strongest desire to hold her to me and to claim that prize which I knew her...
I would suggest you read the preceding 7 parts before this - it will help make sense of it. Once again, Jenkins provides her account. During the soiree that marked Madeleine’s ‘coming of age’ as it were, I felt proud to see her entertain her guest. She behaved with grace and charm such as one might expect of a lady of better birth or greater education. I confess freely that as I laced her into that corset it was my strongest desire to hold her to me and to claim that prize which I knew her...
Lesbian"Hi, Avery and Scarlet," I groaned, coming to the table."Nice of you to show up, Penelope," Avery whined."I'm sorry for having a life, whiny-ass, just because you two nerds love homework doesn't mean I have to spend every second working on some stupid shit," I bitched, sitting with them and dropping my bag on it too. "So, where are you two now?""I'm working on The Civil War, Avery is working on the Revolutionary War, and you're supposed to work on the Vietnam war, Penelope. We fully know the...
LesbianHi…..amar naam A, 24 bochor boyesh, motamuti bhaloi shashtho. Amar girlfriend er naam S, 20 bochor boyesh, 34-38-34, sexy figure. Forsha besh, dudh gulo toh aro forsha. Halka pinkish nipples, norom tultule. Ektu chushe kamralei laal hoye jay, toh bujhtei parchen kotota norom ar sensitive. Shob theke uttejonadayok byaparta hochche or nipples, ekdom hard ar boro…..jotoi chushi mon bhore na. Sexy komor, tight ass…ar laal bheja gud ta dekhlei amar 5.8inch bara lafye lafye othe. Or sex khub chorom...
It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem; could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? It's hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But as I would find out years later, events had taken place years before which made that questionably fateful day a reality. I was in my mid 30's (36 to be exact) and had made a very good living for myself. I...
Avery Black was born in San Fransico, California, on July 17th, 1992. San Fran isn't a porn capital such as Las Vegas or Los Angeles, but it is an adjunct. All those freewheeling gays put energy in the air that affects even straights. People get their fuck on in San Fran, and it shows.An Asian Sex Doll with a HeartbeatNot much is known about this raven-haired Asian beauty other than that she's sexy as fuck, can ride a dick, and loves to make men hard. That's all I need to know, honestly. What...
Twitter Porn AccountsThe next morning I awoke late for breakfast because it was not a school day. Usually, my Grandmother rings a bell, and I am punished if I am not dressed, washed, and ready for breakfast. This morning I heard many bells jingling downstairs as I awoke and washed up in the washbasin. My mother was on her hands and knees, scrubbing the floor. She had a very sheer nightshirt that was as translucent as my own. It really didn’t matter because while she was on her hands and knees, I could see her...