BethChapter 152 free porn video

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February 23, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke abruptly in the dark with a bit of panic. I lay there with arms around me from both sides trying to figure out the cause of my alarm. I had just about succumbed to my drooping eyelids when I figured it out. I was naked. I thought about that for a while, deciding that putting clothes on now would not make any real difference so drifted back to sleep.

I woke to quiet talking.

“ ... how many of us are naked.”

“Beth is, you and I aren’t. That’s all I can tell from here,” Lana answered.

Rhee said, “Brett’s got his ... panty on, but that’s all.”

“Lucky you.”

“Yes. I woke one time with my left arm and leg wrapped around him. That was nice. Although I woke this time wrapped around you, I find that’s nearly as good.”

“I love this life, getting to sleep with ... my lovers. I was surprised Beth was out cold right after Brett came.”

I quietly responded with, “That was a massive cum, and it knocked me out.”

“Yeah. You were loud ... at least for you. Not Heather loud. Goddess, that was fun last night. I can’t wait to be able to be naked all the time here... with Brett.”

“I look forward to that, too,” Brett said a little groggily, “but last night was spectacular. I loved looking at all of you ... making yourselves cum. Oh, goddess, I’m getting so...”

The alarm stopped Brett mid-sentence. Fortunately, it’s not a brutal alarm, coming on low and gradually rising in loudness.

Liya slapped it off, then sat up and stretched.

I said, “I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that broke the rules last night.”

She looked across Meka, Brett, Rhee, and Lana at me as I began sitting up.

“Oops,” she said.

“Liya, you’re lovely and I love you.”

Liya looked at Brett, responding, “Thanks, and you’re lovely, too. I had a huge orgasm when you came. How did you manage to hold out for so long?”

His face went red as he stammered, “I ... uh ... couldn’t ... um ... I wanted to give you all some time, so I ... uh ... didn’t ... I took my time and ... lots of breaks. Goddess, it’s so incredible to hear you all orgasm and know it’s because of me.”

“It was because of you,” Liya responded. “It was because of the orgasm you gave me that I didn’t remember to put on my PJs until I was almost asleep, and I didn’t want to put any energy then into getting dressed.”

“I know we have rules, but I don’t mind that some of us weren’t in any condition to remember them last night. I barely got my ... panty on before I crashed. Goddess, yesterday was so good. Again, I know we have an agreement, but I’ll never take advantage of any of you if you forget ... or if I forget. I’m ... very hard now and, although I love seeing you and Beth naked, that won’t make me forget and try to ... feel you up or anything.”

“Thanks, Brett,” I said. After he nodded, I added, “We have an appointment with Katherine this morning, so we should get up and get going.”

I put action to words by gathering my unworn PJs, exiting the bed, putting the PJs away in the closet, then heading to the bathroom, by which time Brett had caught up with me.

“You’re lovely with clothes. Without, you’re ... incredibly so.”

I turned a bit pink and was about to respond when Heather said, “Isn’t she?! And what a scofflaw, too. She had a chance to put something on, but chose to keep breaking the rules.” I was going to say something to that, but she continued with, “I love looking at her naked body. Of course, Brett, it’s even more incredible making love with her, being able to get my hands and mouth everywhere on her. I can’t imagine you’ll love that any less than I do.”

“I can’t, either.”

Heather then said, “You’re okay with walking around with that lovely boner being obvious?”

“It’s somewhat embarrassing, but I figured weeks ago that I’ll have to get used to it, ‘cause you girls keep me so turned on.”

“I’m glad,” she responded, “because I like seeing it and knowing we turn you on. I’ll tell you something. The main reason we want you to keep that covered before we’ve got the go-ahead for sex is not that we’re worried that you’ll take advantage, but that we will. We all want that in us. If we can’t have it in our pussies, we’ll take it in our mouths. Brett, we really love you, and you also make us crazy in lust for you. We understand that it’ll probably take you some time before you can develop stamina at love-making with us, but we’re looking forward to the time when two or three of us can make love with you on the same erection.”

“Hear, hear!” Rhee continued with, “We’re going to give you a lot of sex so you can develop that stamina. I suspect you’ll have a sore cock more than once.”

“Oh, goddess,” exclaimed Brett.

We got our acts together, got dressed, ate breakfast, and were pulling up to the back door of Armoire d’Amour almost precisely at 8:30. Katherine opened the door shortly after Celeste knocked on it.

“Come on in.”

Celeste responded, “Hi, Katherine. Thanks for doing this for us.”

“No problem. I’d consider doing this for other frequent customers, but I’ve no problem doing it for our most interesting group of frequent customers.”

“We’ve brought another of our housemates. This is Andressa Pires. She’s from Brazil and is at the university here. Andressa, this is our favorite retailer, Katherine Couture. Her name seems to have made her destined to work here.”

Katherine smiled at Celeste, then at Andy, saying, “Welcome. How did you get involved with these girls?”

“Celeste and I have lived on the same floor at the university for a while.”


She picked out Char and said, “I see you’re back.”

“I am, but I’m going back to Grass Valley today. However, I’ll be here full-time beginning in early March.”

Katherine nodded, then turned searching for Liya, and asked, “What clothing needs are we working on today?”

“This time we’re not looking for the same thing for everyone. Instead, for the girls, we’re looking for interesting, brief, and sexy tops. We have lots of tube tops, as they’re easy for me to make, but we’d like some other options. For Brett, we want to increase the ... risqué aspect of what we’re now calling his panties.”

Katherine looked a question at Brett, who answered, “No, I don’t mind. Why should I? They serve the same purpose for me as they do for the girls and ‘underwear’ is such a ... non-specific term.”

“And you really don’t mind the girls picking your clothes... all your clothes for you?”

“Again, why should I? They want only the best for me, and that includes dressing to please them. I doubt that I’d mind much even if they weren’t my girlfriends. But they are and I’m reminded every time they dress me ... or, for now, ask me to dress in certain items ... that they’re my girlfriends. Besides, they now ask me to put their outerwear on them, that is, tops and skirts. So, again, why should I mind when I get more relatively intimate time with more girls than probably any other boy in our school?”

Katherine shook her head in amazement, responding, “I doubt there are many other ... if any ... boys in your school that could understand or accept your life. Oh, there are probably hordes that could accept parts of your life. But the whole thing? I doubt it.”

“And we wouldn’t do this for just any sexy guy,” Heather said. “We’d rather share a really great guy than individually deal with all the problems we hear about other boys from other girls. Most ... well ... none of those other girls seem to get it. Many have had numerous boyfriends, some as many as five just this school year, and who knows what the total will be come June. Instead, we’ve been slowly developing our relationship with Brett, and the only angst we have is how to get into a fully sexual relationship with our guy with complete safety.”


Celeste answered, “Yes. Given the particulars of ... our group relationship, we have two safety concerns. The first is contraception. The Pill is very effective, but the failure rate is still non-zero. While one pregnancy among us would be bad, a second would get attention focused our way that we cannot afford, particularly if the two were among the freshmen. The second is disease. Those of us with previous sexual relationships have gotten tested and we have proof of being clean. I was quite happy that the girls asked for that proof because it shows that they’re thinking carefully about how to proceed in a crazy situation with a lot of potential traps. As you noted the last time we were here, we’re trying very hard to anticipate the sources of trouble, and that brings us full circle to the slow progression we’re taking with our guy, despite how crazy we are for him.”

Katherine stared at Celeste for a few moments, shook her head again, then said, “You’re all amazing ... and fun, which is the main reason that I’m willing to come in early so I can give you my personal attention. All right. Which do you want to do first? Please realize that getting tops for all of you will take time.”

Heather responded, “Let’s start with Brett, because that’s the most important thing. We can always come back again to get tops for the female girls among us.” She and Brett grinned at each other, after which she continued with, “We’re ready for ... incomplete opacity for him. We don’t want anything like mesh, but something that could allow a bit more ... definition would be good.”

“Your relationship has developed a bit, I see.”

“Yes. I think we’re beyond any of us getting the vapors should his cockhead escape his panty, although we’re not yet ready for something like that to happen frequently. We’re more interested in items that will allow more than a distinct bulge to be seen. Additionally, we’re interested in more of the trunk style he already has. Those are simply perfect for what we wanted, and we’ll continue to want him in those even after we’ve gotten to a fully sexual relationship with him.”

Heather then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and spread the opening in order to show Katherine the trunk she meant. Of course, considering the situation, it also showed a bulge, with the bulge getting bigger as we watched.

Brit remarked, “Goddess, I love seeing him like that.”

Katherine asked, “Is that a rare thing for you?”

“No,” Brit responded. “In the past few weeks, he’s spent quite a bit of time with us wearing one of those ... and only one of those. Oh, goddess, he’s so gorgeous and sexy.”

“Yes, that he is,” Katherine responded.

Brett stammered, “Y-you think I’m ... th-that?”

“Certainly. Your girlfriends have excellent taste. As Brit said, you’re handsome, have a great bod, and, if I may be so forward, a very nice penis. Of course, from what I hear from your girlfriends, those aren’t even your best features.”

Brett, red-faced, asked, “Wh-what is, then?”

“It seems obvious that your personality is number one, although ‘personality’ covers a lot of features, but the important ones here are the willingness not to be dominant, your friendliness, and your mental flexibility. Interestingly, from what I can tell, you need all three of those features to have this ... very attractive harem.”

Brett lost a bit of the heat from his face on that familiar ground, as he responded, “It’s not my harem. It’s our harem. Each of us has all the others. There are no boundaries within our group relationship.”

She stared at him for quite a while, shook her head rapidly, then stated, “I’ve never heard of a group relationship this large, but I’ve also never heard of a group relationship in which there isn’t a single dominant personality.”

Kim answered, “We have what we might consider overall leaders, who are Beth, Meka, and Liya, although any one of us can and does lead in situations in which those individuals have particular expertise. However, you’re right that we have no ... single dominant personality, but that’s somewhat because Beth hates to be seen as running the show. Most of the idea behind ... us is Beth’s, but she is simply something like ... the Chair of the Board. We make decisions as a group, she simply facilitates the discussions necessary to arrive at a consensus, and the vote we make for virtually any significant change must be unanimous.”

“I love this. You girls are very impressive. Please keep me up to date, as I’d really like to see if this works out for you.” After she received some nods, she stated, “I’d prefer you stay back here, as I shouldn’t be seen as obviously serving customers before opening. If you want to work on ... Brett’s ... panties, why don’t you accompany me, Heather.”

The two of them went onto the floor while we hung out chatting in the break room.

Meka asked Brett, “Why don’t you put your pants together?”

“I almost did, but you know Heather’s going to strip me to my panty, then have all of you turn around so I can try on whatever she brings back. Since I know Heather will enjoy that, I’m happy to make her job just a little bit easier.”

Amidst much chuckling from us, Lana stepped over to him and wrapped him in her arms, saying, “Goddess, you’re magnificent, Brett. I love that you’re ... fine with ... even enjoy the way we want to do things. I was in love with you before I moved here, but am so much more, now.”

Another 15 minutes elapsed before Heather and Katherine returned ... carrying a lot of items, some of them obviously more examples in a variety of colors of the trunk style he was wearing. Heather put a little stack of items on the corner of the table near Brett, knelt by him, then encouraged him to stand. She rolled her eyes hugely that he had not put his pants together.

He responded, “I didn’t want you to have to work too hard getting my pants off, so saved you the time it would have taken you to undo them.”

She gazed at him for a few seconds, then said, “Brett, I love you. You’re perfect for us.”

“I hope so. I’m trying very hard to be that.”

Her face only inches in front of his obviously erect cock, she looked up at him, replying, “You’re doing very well.”

She turned back to her task of pulling his jeans down his legs, then off his feet. While she was down there, she pulled off each sock, then stood to “help” him take his shirt off, at which point Meka guffawed.

“He predicted you’d do just that, Heather. Well, he said that you’d strip him to his panty and then make everyone turn around so he could try on what you brought him. The implication was that he’d have to be nude in the room with us, even if we weren’t looking at him.”

“I’m obviously getting too predictable, but, come on! Will you ever get tired of looking at this,” she answered as she waved a hand at Brett wearing only a brief trunk, his cock pressing out the front of it hugely. She handed him one item and said, “Try this one first. Everyone, please face the opposite wall.”

We turned, either sitting or standing, to face the indicated wall. After 15 seconds or so, Brett told us he was done. We turned to see him wearing an interesting trunk. From the waist down, the middle of the front of it was baby blue. The very center of the waist was pushed out a few millimeters by his fully erect cock pointing straight up, but the head did not peek out. The rest of the front was a very pale blue mesh. Although the mesh was fine, the color of the upper parts of his legs and the rest of his pelvic area was easily discernible.

Andy cracked, “Come spring, someone’s going to need an all-over tan,” which resulted in much laughing, with some of that provided by Katherine.

Brett’s face began going red, to which Heather said, “You have nothing about which to be embarrassed, so please do a slow turn.”

As he turned, we realized that the front part was the only part of the trunk that was not fine mesh. While we couldn’t see particular details, we could see his fine ass quite well through that mesh.

There was much oohing and aahing.

Meka said, “While I’d give you some more inches from crown to feet, I wouldn’t change anything else about your body, Brett. You ... are ... lovely.”

As he completed his turn and his face became visible, his embarrassment at Meka’s words was obvious, but he replied, “Thanks, Meka. I would change nothing about yours, my Amazon, our Amazon.”

Meka’s eyes glowed at his words, although she was obviously blushing, even though it could not show.

After a few seconds, Heather picked another item, handed it to him, then said, “Just turn back around, drop that panty, and try this one on.”

He looked into her eyes with something of a questioning look, at which she nodded once slowly. His face went redder, but he gave her a return nod. She briefly wrapped him up and kissed his left shoulder, then stepped back. He put his back to us, then pushed the mostly mesh panty down his legs, at which Katherine gasped. Brett let the panty pool at his feet, then stepped out of it. He bent his right knee and lifted that foot and bent over to get that foot into the next item, then repeated the process with the other leg. I suspected that Heather knew that, with his cock being fully hard, it would not show, but I wondered whether she had considered his balls. At least from my vantage, I could see them reasonably well between his legs as he donned the new panty. I was already turned on, but my pussy let me know that she was turning up the heat.

The second item was a mustard-yellow semi-thong of only medium rise. The outer half of each cheek was in the air and as he slowly turned, we could see that despite the medium rise, the front portion was quite narrow, with virtually the entire junction of the leg with torso on both sides being visible, although I found it hard to notice that because the front portion bulged enough that both the center of the waist and both leg holes were lifted a bit off his skin.

Once Brett was facing away from us, again, Heather said, “I forgot. I wanted to get a vote on each piece as we showed it. Simple majority rules here for the purchase of any item. Please raise your hand if you vote for getting the first one.” She did not need to count, just quickly said, “Katherine, we’ll take that one. Las Amadas, what about this one?”

There was enthusiastic cheering, which Heather interpreted as in favor of buying it.

Cera asked, “Does that semi-thong come in other colors?”

Katherine answered, “Yes, although I have only one more in that size, and it’s in white.”

“Could you order us a couple more?”

“Certainly. Do you want to look at the catalog now, or wait until the ... show is over?”

We agreed on after, so Heather handed Brett the next item. They murmured to each other, after which she kissed him on the back of his left shoulder, then seated herself. Bret doffed the semi-thong and there was a quiet murmuration of pleasure when his ass was naked, again.

Celeste said, “Brett, despite that I like looking at all parts of you, I could certainly have no qualms looking at your bare ass anytime. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into it.”

He dropped the item he had just begun to don, stood up straight, covered both cheeks with his hand, and exclaimed, “Ouch!”

There was much laughing, after which Katherine said, “You girls are so freaking lucky to have him. He’s embarrassed to be naked in front of ... all of you and me, yet he can still respond jokingly to sexy comments. He’s a keeper. I congratulate you, Brett, on your sense to allow your girlfriends their head and for your sense of humor.”

He turned his head over his right shoulder and replied, “Thanks, Katherine. I want to reiterate what Celeste said when we arrived. Thanks for doing this for us. My ... future wives could not have had this much enjoyment at my embarrassment if we were restricted to a changing booth. I don’t know why, but they seem to like showing me off. It’s embarrassing, but I’m slowly getting to be less embarrassed by it.”

“Brett, you couldn’t possibly be doing better at keeping your ... future wives completely focused on you if you tried. Your mix of sang-froid and less-than-cringing embarrassment couldn’t be better. Oh, and I agree with Meka. I’d change nothing about your body other than give you a bit more height. You are delectable, young man.”

He had to turn just slightly to his right to get Katherine fully in view, but once he did, he responded, “Thanks, Katherine. Your opinion means much to me, considering that all of us consider you to be the epitome of elegance and class.”

I quickly turned to look at Katherine, so managed to see her face a bit pink before she ducked her head.

“Katherine Deneuve Couture! Head up! Shoulders back! Be proud!”

Katherine picked her head up and reared back in surprise, then asked, “How’d you know my middle name?”

“I didn’t. I just pick random names for that, and that name seemed apropos for a couple of reasons. Were you named for her?”


“Your parents got that just right, then. Beauty and class.”

“You think it’s classy to be selling sexy and revealing clothes to ... young women?”

“It’s not what you do that’s important, it’s how you do it. Well, up ... or rather, down to a point.” When Katherine just stared at Liya, she added, “Think about it this way. Look at Brit. Go ahead, look at her.” After Katherine had gazed at Brit for a few seconds, Liya said, “Now, look at Char.” After Katherine gazed at her for a few seconds, Liya asked, “Do you see two women who are both more confident than they were on either of their first times here? That is partly your doing. Oh, we had a lot to do with it, too, but you treated them kindly and like worthwhile people that could choose to be whatever they wanted, rather than unhappy girls. While some would think you’re simply selling sex here, you’re not. You’re selling self-empowerment. You’re selling self-respect. Above all, you’re selling self-confidence. This place helped change me from a girl who considered herself plain and convinced me that not only was I someone who mattered but someone who was attractive. Again, my four sisters did the heavy lifting there, but the clothes I got here and the reactions those clothes got, helped convince me that I was attractive and worthwhile.”

“You ... you all see that?” When she got lots of nods, Katherine heaved a deep breath, then added, “I thought no one saw that, one of the main reasons I wanted to do this. Yes, some of the product lines I sell are for the alt-sex crowd, but there’s no other walk-in source for such stuff in or near Elkton.”

Char cut to the heart of something implied by Katherine’s words by saying, “So, you not only manage the place, but you also own it. Yes?”

Katherine stared at Char for nearly ten seconds, closed her eyes, and breathed deeply, then nodded and replied, “Please don’t let on about that. The staff doesn’t know, but you figured it out from some ... poorly chosen words on my part. Right?” When Char nodded, she shook her head, then said, “What I would have done for friends like you when I was in school. I don’t know your story, Char, but as a high-school girl, I was a lot like you seemed on your first visit here. You were uncertain, but you obviously trusted these girls. Considering what they wanted you to get and wear proved that for me. I congratulate you on your choice of friends.”

She raised her eyebrows and rounded her eyes, looked at Brett, then said, “I can’t believe that I managed to forget about this incredible hunk of a guy standing there in his birthday suit, although I see that he didn’t forget that he’s naked in a roomful of women.” She glanced around the table, then added, “I assume either that none of you has seen his cock, or that all of you have, but I haven’t. At least, those are the only two options that seem reasonable to me.”

With a questioning lilt, I said, “Brett?”

“Yes. She can know, given that we’ve divined a secret of hers.”

Rhee gave a brief synopsis of the whys and wherefore of last night, then added, “We suspect that you’ll see all of Brett at some point, but we’d like to hold that in reserve for ... our ... future titillation.”

Same as Beth
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The Halloween Crossdressing Mistake My wife Stacy and I were standing in a room with about 30 other people. The room, was one of those fancy ballrooms that you only find in old universities, or houses that were owned by people with entirely too much money. I mean really, who has the extra money just lying around to build a ballroom!? You can use these things what, four times a year if you are lucky? Well, I digress. So we are standing there in this ballroom, at what is...

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Amazing Sex Session With Big Boobed Cousin

This story happened on a Wednesday when I am going to my office. I got a call from my cousin saying that she was alone in her home and she needed some help. (Two days ago, we had a great pussy-licking session at her house and which was a lovely heartfelt one.) So I attended her call and told her I will be there in an hour. So I headed toward my cousin’s house and parked my car somewhere near the main road and walked to her house. When I reached her house, nobody was inside and I searched for...

3 years ago
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Naked on TV Naomi

The fifth day of our reality TV survival program had a few surprises for Celeste, Sam and me, Naomi. The first was the arrival of the producer, Fred, and program psychologist, Julia, at our camp, and the second was Julia's massive orgasm. She must have been without sex for a long time.We had to decide on the fate of our captives. Celeste turned to me."What's the best punishment for Fred?"I smiled. This man had double standards. I had to endure his sexcapades with other women but when I flirted...

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Im Your Gal Pal Pal

We’re playing video games and having our usual laughs. You know I’m gay. I dress like a lady. You told me you wanted to hang out with me like that to show you’re my friend no matter what. I’m secretly hoping you try something. You’re secretly looking for your moment.We’re old school so I have to blow on the cartridge to get the next game working. I’m on my knees. My lipstick looks like candy. You get hard when I stumble and land on my elbows, giggling. On all fours. My ass up in the air. You...

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Innocent Horny Mitu 8211 Part II

I am Shoku,23 yrs old. Six ft tall, medium built. After my University final exam looking for a suitable job. Our family is building a multistory housing project demolishing the old one, in the neighboring city. My brother asked me to keep an eye on the project, as he was busy with his office. A big room with attached bath was saved for our personal use, until the construction is completed. I go there, couple of times a week, meet the contractor, and look around the project. I have couple of...

4 years ago
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sis in law 3

Thanks for the comments so far...We got the car park at the block where my sister in law lived both of us still naked from the waist down; we pulled up our clothing and made our way to her house. As soon as we got in the door still in the hallway she turned to me and we kissed, My hands round her holding her arse and pulling her into me, semi erect cock against her pelvis. I then took hold of the bottom of her top and started to raise it, she held her arms up and I lifted it higher taking it...

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Teenage Girl Loses Her Virginity at a Party

Snuck out of parents house a week before my 15th birthday. 1988. Walked to the party in the surfer-laden suburbs of Lake Forest (yep, the OC baby!). Was wearing thin peach top with black bra underneath, and short black 80s skirt that had those 3 ruffles tiered down it. Was blonde. Was very blonde due to Sun-In. Was tan. Was pretty fucking cute. Was being very brave because I hung out with punks, losers, dorks and retards but I really wanted to lose my virginity to a boy based solely on his...

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Lisas Confession Sessions Ch 1 Gwen my Babys

1.I was an athletic girl and loved running sports and gymnastics during P.E. at school. The sweat and hard breathing made me feel alive. I was always up for a game of tag-your-it, we actually called it “tagyourit.” I loved being chased around. I loved wearing flowing dresses in the summer. I hated pants so much that I would only wear them if it was cold. At that time, I also hated panties too. I would get into trouble when my mom found out I had no panties on. Once she had my daddy...

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Becoming Samantha chapter 1

Explorations Sammy sat on the edge of his sisters bed, chill air from the open window prickled his naked skin. Nervous at what he was about to do, he sat frozen, heart pounding in his ears and listened to the sounds outside the narrowly opened window. A nervous twitch haunted his muscles. It was quiet and still, the night air oppressive with its heavy silence. Hiking up his right leg, he unrolled one of his sisters nylon stockings over his foot. It stretched smoothly as he rolled it...

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KAW Online Dating Can Be Hell

This is a work of fiction. It involves a Japanese woman who decides to meet a "Man" she first met online. This story contains sex and humour. It is not serious and I hope it makes you smile;) Have a wonderful day! JadeM Online Dating Can Be Hell! My name is Chiaka Kurigawa. I am a 27 year old professional woman who has always put her job ahead of relationships. To say that I am lonely would be an understatement. I have no one to blame but myself I have never made time to try and...

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For Cheri

Cheri and I had only gotten together a few times in the few years that we had known each other. Usually, it was being at different places in our lives at different times and different parts of the country that conspired to keep us apart. The inconsistent nature of our relationship made Cheri's text message on that day even more remarkable. She wrote:"Would you like to do something very special with me?"Curious, I naturally replied positively. She had my complete attention. The response,...

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Preethi Fucked From Office To Room

Hi, indian sex stories dot net mates. This is Ajay. Thanks for your feedbacks for the previous story which I posted a few years back… You can post your comments to Coming to the story… I’m a good carrom player.., I used to work in an mnc in Bangalore… Post office hours I and my friend used to daily spend time in sports room to play carrom and table tennis. That was the time I met a girl named priyanka. She was a little chubby but great height and great physique. We played few games against...

2 years ago
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The School Girl Pinata STOP THIS CRAZINESS

Prior: The School Girl Pinata Jenna could not see but there was light. Suddenly the lights went out. She waited in the dark. Fear, pain in her arms, sweat dripping down, panic was overcoming her. As much as she feared what may happen she was desperate to escape from the Pinata. What crazy, sick, demented person would think of this? It was hot, so hot. When would they let her out. “SURPRISE!!” The lights turned back on and there was cheering and laughing and singing. Mexican...

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My Girlfriend And Me

Hi I am Ric 24 year old guy working in Chennai. This is love incidence with my girlfriend. I want to express how I started to love my girlfriend and how our relationship continued. I came to Chennai at 2011 for my studies. At my first year in college once I met a girl named Jancy (name changed) in campus and started to talk. She studies in another department. She looks nice with a slim figure but mostly wears half sari which is a kind of traditional dress in Chennai. We both are in almost same...

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Harem Hero

FOREWORD This is a story I've been working on for fun over the past year. The primary focus is a mixture of action, comedy, romance and smut. There is no rape, mind control etc - the romance is mainly vanilla with a little multiversal manipulation. The premise is simple; you can summon girls from various fictional franchises and use them to fight bad guys. The story is nearing 100k words at the time of writing this opening chapter, and I'm intending to go for as long as I possibly can,...

4 years ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 15 Gratuitous Sex and Violence

Thursday, July 16, 2009, 5:30 PM “I just wanted the nightmares to stop,” Joey said as he sat on the couch. Tricia and Annie sat with him. “I’m sorry.” “It’s over now,” said Tricia. “We’re just lucky that we got out of there before anyone could identify us.” “Do you think he was seriously hurt?” asked Annie. “Don’t know. He looked pretty stunned, and his ears were bleeding. He may have some permanent hearing loss from this.” Joey sat quietly and looked down in shame. Tricia reached...

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Okaerinasai Goshujinsama

You pout and tug at my shirt, pulling it from my waistband. I smile, stroking my thumb against your cheek, then turn and walk out the door so I’m not late. You are quiet all day. Even at lunch, when you usually call to make sure I’m eating, you barely speak. You seem distracted. So, I’m not expecting you to greet me at the door when I get home. I’m definitely not expecting you to be on your knees, wearing the wolf ears and tail plug we bought as a joke a few months ago. And not a stitch...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 7 Chris and Tammys Secret

After Kate’s rather quiet announcement that her father had become a ‘Cee En’ Jamahl burst out with, “A what? What the heck is a Cee En?” It was all very quiet for a few moments again until Jessie quietly added, “Cee and En are the letters C and N and stand for...” “ ... a Certified Nudist” butted in Shona. “Kate, do you mean to tell me that your dad is going to be ditching all his clothes and wander the streets starkers?” “Well, he’s actually done it already” added Jessie. “All his clothes...

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Nikki and I More Than Just Friendly Cousins Part 1

My cousin, Nicole and I have always had a special relationship. I mean when we were between the ages of 6 and 10, we used to go into her bedroom and have what we thought was sex, my touching each other all over. We stopped this when we were about 10 through fear of being caught. I really do wish we knew what we were doing back then because we would have without doubt at least masturbated each other on many occasions I am now 16 and she is now 15, but we first slept with each other when I was 14...

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Shadi K Daab Bujhayi Pyas

Hi dosto main iss pichle 2 salo se padh rha hu. Mujhe lagta tha ki main apna experience ap logo ko batau par samjh nahi aata tha kaise. Mera naam Jack hai main achcha dikhne wala ladka hu. Mera lund 8 inch ka hai. Ye kahani meri or jim ki hai. Jim k bare main batau wo bhi achchi dikhti hai.Mujhse 1 sal choti hai. Boobs bade hai uske dekhne main hi maza aa jaye. Main or jim har sal 1 get together main milte the bohut bada get together hota hai. Hum 2 sal 2 din k liye mile or achche dost ban gye....

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Horny Housewives He fucked me for a gift

It was around ten in the morning, and I was in my bedroom reading a magazine. I was bored, and a little horny. I had fucked my pussy with my blue dildo this morning in the shower, but that didn’t help much. I was thirty-five years old and married, but my husband was never there when I needed a cock to satisfy my needs. I grabbed my phone and called Sean. Sean was the guy I met in a party. He was twenty-one years old, hot, cute, and had a nice big cock that any woman would dream about. He was...

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My Boner Against The World Ch 02

My Boner Against the World – Part II Captain Gordon Chase stood at the base of the large cave, he sighed as he let out the smoke from his cigarette. The smoke swirled and seemed to be eaten by the darkness of the cave. His large afro swayed in the wind contrasting his motionless body. ‘They must have gone ahead sir.’ Said Agent Liz as she moved in front of him. ‘I know.’ ‘We also found the corpses of John’s entire unit.’ ‘Ah… I see… Well let’s go then.’ ‘Yes sir.’ Liz turned around and...

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The Policewoman Part 3

Arriving at Chinyere's house, I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. Inside this house, a woman I knew well was living out my worst nightmare. The door opened, and there she stood, eyes red from crying. She was dressed, but just barely, having received the bad news while still in bed. As soon as she saw me, she collapsed, and I caught her under the arms, then scooped her up. I kicked the door shut, and carried her inside. Heading to the sofa, I looked down at the light load weeping...

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Chemical Ecstasy or Another Taming

I always had a block with Gillians. Gillians. What can one say about the Gillians out there? They’ve become somewhat predictable now. It took some years of trial and error before the understanding began to dawn. And that was like waking up from a long and sacrificial slumber. I could attempt to sketch a picture to fit all the Gillians out there, but that would be neither fair nor accurate. Yes they share so many similar characteristics, pre-occupations, motives. Yes they are a precious kind...

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Lost Toys 7 Day of the Night of the DawnChapter 3

Dawn Rhodes – Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 I was embarrassed by the “Snarf! Gargle! Blegh!” sounds I had made. Eden didn’t even apologize for hitting that pothole. Worse, Matt liked it. His fingers knitted under my hair as I struggled to swallow his erupting cum. It was thin and lighter, but he had fucked my cunt, Kendra’s asshole and Robin’s tits earlier today. No Melody. No Sara. Was it wrong to be impressed? Proud? “She’s going to need to fix her hair and makeup,” Eden warned him, me. I...

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Enduring LustChapter 7

Mike had been away on business again for a week, and Katelyn was feeling better. She hated dwelling on negative emotions. It was a really hot morning, the coming of fall doing very little to lessen the heat in Southwest Florida, and she and Hayley were lying naked on her bed, damp from their mutual shower. They had about forty-five minutes until it was time to pick up the twins from pre-school. "So, Mrs. McKinley, how shall we pass the time?" Hayley asked laughingly as she stroked...

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uncle tom

First off, let me be very clear about one thing: Uncle Tom was not my real uncle. He was the father of a friend and I used to spend a lot of time at their house in the school holidays. My own family home was not a happy place to be and Tom and his wife Ann had lots of room. They had a small holding and there were horses and ponies and loads of dogs and it was a great place for k**s. At this point in the story, I was just about 17 and had been a fixture for a while. I had come to stay to help...

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A Surprise Assfucking in Panties Part 2

So, I am walking down the street holding the hand of a beautiful woman who, just five minutes previously, had her hand down the back of my jeans caressing my lace panty-covered arse and finger fucking my asshole. The once hot cum in the front of my panties is now cooling against the front of my crotch as I try my best to walk, still weak at the knees, down the street. I am still unable to believe the brazen way in which Emmy just had me like that in the darkened corner of a public bar, yet here...

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The Wrong Twin What Happened Next

I had just finished and rolled off, the girl who I had thought was my girlfriend. I was laying next to her, my left hand placed on her right breast, as I looked her in the eyes. I was in love with this beautiful woman that was, lying next to me. "I love you," I whispered in her ear as my right hand ran through her silky soft blond hair. I gently kissed her on the cheek.I heard a muffled giggle coming from the door to the room and turned to see a figure standing next to the open door. I was in...

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Craigs List

I was browsing the services on Craig's list when I saw erotic services, of course being a horny man. This peek my interest, women for men or (w4m) as it's listed under erotic services. The women are lovely, various shapes, size, color, prices and services. I spent about forty minutes just looking at the women and services. My mouth was watering with all the possibilities and combinations, when I came across a goddess. This woman has long flowing dark hair, caramel silky skin, luscious lips,...

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A Brat Gets A Spanking

Danni: Yes, it’s a simulated rape kinda thing. I’ve done this before. It’s not a big deal. Intimacy Coordinator: That’s great. I just want to make sure that you’re comfortable with the scene and everything it entails. You know you can “tap out” at any time, right? Danni: Yup, I’m all set. ------------------- Danni was the epitome of a brat. She wore short shorts even in autumn that cupped her butt like a well fitted glove. Her red thigh high socks were wrapped tightly around her long legs....

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Episode 53 BJ and Alia

Jenny’s black daughter Baby Jane, known as BJ to all her lovers, looked absolutely stunning in her Prom dress. It was entirely backless, exposing a delicious slice of buttock tops, allowing anyone who dared to slide a finger down within inches of her puckered butt-hole. BJ had designed it herself, and her best girlfriend Ellie made it up. The fabric they chose was white chiffon, slightly opaque in daylight, but becoming see-through under the school disco lights. Ellie and BJ fucked each other...

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Bare and Tiny 2

Although Jack thoroughly enjoyed Susie and her hot black snatch, his dick still itched for some new, fresh young cunt’s hole to revel and juice off inside. He loved the idea of variety. Each chick he was with sounded different, tasted different and fucked different. True, Susie was an exciting diversion until he found something foxy, fresh, girlish and either a red head or a blonde. He wanted someone with an angelic looking face and a box that boiled with insatiable urges and needs....

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Rubbing Me the Right Way

Chapter 1 My wife, Peg, and I were invited to my sister-in-law's for Thanksgiving last year and we always tried to accommodate her, first, because she's my wife's sister and, second, because she's a widow having lost her husband in the Iraq War. She and Peg have always been close, there's just a year and a half difference, Janet, being the younger one. During the meal, the conversation somehow got onto massages, I might have mentioned the back pains I'd been having, I don't know, and...

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Ms Marca Mother and I Part 4

  Ms Marca / Mother and I    Part 4     "Oh I see why mother said you were very special." I wiggled my ass just a little and giggled as I gave him a big smile.   Where is your mother?"   "She went to take a shower clean up and get ready for dinner."   "While she is in the shower you want to see why she thinks I'm special?"   I just smiled and looked around to see if anyone was near us, but didn't ...

Group Sex
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Welcome to Shad Base, the home of Shadman! It's a fucked-up hive of degeneracy that’s been corrupting the youth since 2009. This site is responsible for providing Rule 34 porn to teens all over the world. If you don’t know what Rule 34 is, basically its home-made porn for popular movie and TV show characters, mostly in cartoon form.The sick fuck that started Shadbase is named Shaddai Prejean aka "ShadMan", a graduate of art school who apparently couldn’t get any work and had to resort to making...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 8

“Should I park on the road?” David asked, there wasn’t many cars at all outside of the Cedar St home. “Why? There’s plenty of room. You can just pull in,” Avery rolled her eyes. Talking over the radio had become a chore. Avery had cranked the volume four notches higher than David ever had. It seemed worth it, by the way she snaked and sang at him all the way. He was out of sorts. He was dating Leanne Corkwood. He told himself for not the first time tonight. He had started telling himself:...

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Over Fifties Vera gets owned

Vera got through the next couple of days almost in a trance. Conversation with Frank was minimal, she tried to stay out of his way as much as possible. On the Thursday evening, Frank had been at the pub all evening, finally staggering in just after eleven and going straight to bed. Vera waited half an hour, hoping he would be sound asleep by the time she joined him.She crept into the room, silently undressing. She was about to slip her nightdress over her head when she froze as Frank turned...

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Krazy for Black Kock

So I had a little mental melt down and wound up in a state hospital when I came out of it I could not believe where I was wow what a scary place this is strange people wandering around talking to themselves gesturing at the ceiling I was uncomfortable as hell the doctor assured me that after my evaluation in two weeks I should be able to go home... Last night I was visited in my bed by a big crazy guy I was asleep in my bed and then suddenly I realized I was not alone there was a huge black...

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Moni shared stories

Moni Shared Just Before Wedding After having long talks about what all we had done and been doing it was like we could finally tell each other anything. I had told her all my fantasies and she was starting to share hers with me. One night as we talked she shared that she always wanted to pick up some guys at a bar, total strangers and just let them fuck her.It was great for me to hear her say things like that as she had never been so open talking about things like this. But it turned me on to...

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An ClochnChapter 22

After breakfast the Command Staff representatives were joined in the terminal area by representatives from the Iridien, Monque, Atewa and Dutsuz Worlds. When the delegations from the US, Pakistan and Italy entered, a chill seemed to sweep through the room. Three boarding tubes were already in place with their doors open. The Órarduine were very formal and the last to say good-bye to these delegations. As the delegates involved in the previous night’s harassment shook Sarah’s hand, each was...

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The Burnt Toast Club

copyright 2006 by Stormbringer Corrine Hartman pulled her convertable BMW into her parking spot and put it in park. She pulled her sunglasses off and checked her eyes in the mirror to see if the drops had made them less bloodshot. 'Whoever heard of detention on Saturday?' thought the poor teacher. Corey worked three jobs. During the week she was a high school English teacher, on weekends she bartended at a popular college bar nearby, and during football season, the 26 year old was a...

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