An Alien Abduction Part 2 free porn video

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Introduction: Rebeccas already resigned herself to letting these aliens try to breed her…but things are about to get a whole lot more interesting She had been living in this gray prison cell for days now…maybe longer. She had no idea what time it was ever. Sometimes when the creatures came for her it seemed like it was the same day…sometimes it felt like it had been days.

The human man who had come to see her had come again, but he hadnt explained much at all. For some reason she hated him more than these creatures. He was one of her own species…he shouldnt be working with these aliens he should be helping her…

They had raped her so many times she lost count. She didnt even really think of it as rape anymore…it was just so normal for her now. She just waited for the creatures to come and get her. She almost…looked forward to it now.

She wasnt sure if it was her imagination, but she was so horny now. Sometimes she caught herself rubbing her clit after they were finished with her, rubbing their sticky wet cum around her aching open cunt. She didnt know what she was doing…she was losing her mind.

She could hear them coming for her again, their heavy footsteps outside of the cells bars. She sighed, it had been so long. She didnt even fight it anymore, the relief she felt at knowing they were going to use her again. Once shed gotten over the initial shock of finding out they were going to breed her, shed resigned to it. She wondered, however, what would happen when they realized it wouldnt work.

The creature came for her, and she stood to go with him willingly. They didnt even have to hold her arm or escort her at all anymore. She almost knew here way around this weird alien place. They lead her down the hall, and towards a room. She felt like this was a different door though…was it?

There werent as many creatures in the room as usual. She felt slightly disappointed.

She followed the creatures lead, as it lead her to the middle of the room. There were chains on the ground. The creature picked a chain up from the ground, and It put a large heavy collar around her neck, locking it into place. She stood confused and waiting.

The creatures seemed to be waiting for something too. Unable to communicate with them, she stood patiently. She didnt know why they were waiting. Usually they got right to fucking her as soon as they got her in the room.

The human man had told her that the reason theyd fucked her ass and her mouth was because they hadnt been sure what was the right way to impregnate her. Apparently he could speak with them, and hed told them that her pussy was the right place. Since then theyd only been fucking her pussy…which had almost been a disappointment.

The door that she had come in from opened, and she spun around to watch as the human man walked in beside a very tall creature. This creature she could tell she had not seen before. Its skin was darker gray, almost black. The creature was taller than the others, and more muscular…and it had two penises.

The creature came to stand in front of her, and the other creatures were speaking to it. The human man was standing, observing.

She put her hands up to grasp her collar…what were they saying about her?

A creature came forward and it had something in its hand. The creature put its hands between her legs, and before she could even think about what it was doing something long and ice cold had snaked its way into her vagina. She gasped, and she felt a slight pain as it penetrated her cervix. What were they doing?

Before she could even ask, the creature had pulled the thing back out of her. She sighed. She watched wide eyed as they carried the object across the room and began to discuss it.

Youre pregnant, the human man said to her.

What!? She exclaimed. How was that possible? They werent even the same species…

They can see at least seven fetuses. All appear to be healthy.

Seven? she gasped. No way…she couldnt have seven alien babies inside of her.

They are capable of impregnating you multiple times. Every fetus likely has a separate father. You will carry all to term, this will take approximately two years.

She wanted to faint. Two years? Seven babies? All different fathers…did they…did they intend to keep fucking her in that time? Were they going to just stick her in a room for two years?

The tallest creature spoke. It had a dark sounding voice. All the creatures nodded and along with the human man they slowly vacated the room. She watched in awe as they all just left her standing there chained to the floor. What the hell was going on?

The creature stopped to examine her. She watched it circling her, and felt herself glancing down to its two massive dicks. They were bigger than the other creatures had been. She felt herself getting wet just thinking about it.

The creature stood behind her, and it gave her a shove. She quickly got down on her knees. She put her ass up, offering it to this dark creature. It was still knelt behind her. She could see it standing there. She panted, waiting.

Was this one going to try and impregnate her too? Why was she doing this? This was insane.

The creature knelt behind her, and grabbed her hips with its massive hands. She shook with anticipation. She could feel the massive cock probing her pussy first, the larger of the two must be on the bottom. She could feel pressure as the creature slowly entered her dripping cunt. She moaned, having waiting so long for them to fuck her this time.

When the head was in about an inch, she could feel the second cock starting to enter her asshole. She inhaled. It had been a long time since they had fucked her ass, it had probably gotten tighter again.

She felt the second cock sliding into her ass slowly, and she moaned with pleasure. As both cocks slide simultaneously into her two waiting holes, she felt a wave of pleasure overcome her.

Why didnt all the creatures have two penises like this? This was fantastic. The feeling of both penises sliding in and out of her was orgasmic. Her pussy juices were dripping down her legs as the creature mercilessly pounded into her two holes.

It dug its claw like hands into her flesh as it tried to pull her hips back more and more. It leaned forward over her, pinning her down beneath it, and grabbed at her large breasts as they bounced back and forth with every thrust. She moaned helplessly.

The creature stuck out a long tongue, shed never seen their tongues before, but it was long and slippery looking. It licked her neck, grabbing a fist full of her long brown hair with its free hand. She gasped, not expecting the cold wetness on her flesh.

The creature kept fucking her, pounding his huge alien cocks into her. She felt herself cumming, orgasming as her pussy tightened around the two massive cocks inside her. She could feel the creature cumming too. Its grip on her hips got harder, the claws of the creature dug into her skin as she felt hot liquid running into her body and filling her up.

She remembered the seven alien babies inside of her again, and she tensed. Was this going to be number eight now? Could she just keep getting pregnant? What would they do…keep her pregnant forever?

The creature climbed off of her, having finished with using her. He stood over her, cum dripping from his two massive members. She watched as he turned and walked away without saying a word…leaving her chained to the floor alone.

It wasnt long before more creatures came back. They didnt waist any time either. Seeing her on her hands and knees with cum dripping down her legs was probably too much.

Within minutes she had one behind her impaling her on its massive cock, while another stood in front of her and slid its cock into her mouth. They were playing with her now, she knew that. They must know that their experiments had worked. She was pregnant with their aline offspring. They no longer had to only fuck her to impregnate her. Now they could afford to waste some precious aliens sperm in her mouth and asshole.

The second creature to trade off went straight for her asshole, ramming all eight or nine inches of its gray alien member inside of her gaping hole. She moaned, wanting to take as much cum as she could.

Why fight it? It felt so good, and she wasnt going anywhere anytime soon that was obvious enough.

The creatures all fucked her one at a time, taking turns with her ass, cunt, and her mouth. She was so filled with sperm when they finally untied her that she didnt know what to do. There was cum all over her breasts where one had somehow missed. Cum was dripping down her legs out of both her aching holes. There was cum on her face and even in her hair she was sure.

The creatures should be leading her back to her cell, but they seemed to be taking her somewhere else. She didnt question it, she simply followed along.

The room that they shoved her into and locked the door wasnt like the cell shed been in for a past few days at all. This was more like an actual room. There was a bed with blankets, a sofa type thing, and other objects her previous cell hadnt had. That wasnt what was strangest though…there was another woman in this room. A human woman.

The woman had been sitting on the sofa type thing, and when the door had shut she quickly stood.

Who are you? the woman asked, Where are we? Whats going on? What was that thing?

She closed her eyes. She remembered what the human man had told her. If she was successful in becoming pregnant than the creatures would take more human women. This must be subject number two.

Um…hi, she said slowly, looking the woman up and down. She was a tall slim woman with big breasts and big hips. They were similar in shape, actually, did the creatures do that on purpose? She had short curly red hair, and terrified looking big green eyes. Im Rebecca.

I… the woman seemed confused, Im Stacey…

Hi, Stacey. I dont exactly know where we are, weve been abducted by these alien creatures that want to breed us because their race is dying off.

Stacey looked at her like shed just said something absolutely insane. It did sound pretty crazy though, and here she was standing covered in cum from these aliens.

Yeah, I know. Apparently It works though, Ive been here for a week or so…and they told me today Im pregnant with their alien babies. Theres a human guy here who talks for them…they dont speak English.

Are you…are you being serious? She asked in awe.

It was kind of hard to just explain. Shed figure it out when they came for her. Instead, she decided to walk around this new prison and figure out what was in here.

She found a bathroom type area, there was a bath tub of sorts. She was glad to wash some of this alien spunk off of her…it had been days. She could see the woman watching her out of the corner of her eye, but she cleaned herself off anyway.

Why did they put this woman in this room with her? Werent they going to do the same thing with her and stick her in a cell and breed her until it worked? Didnt Rebecca get some sort of like…higher rank now that she was carrying their offspring? Did it even work like that?

She eventually fell asleep on the new bed, so much more comfortable than the cold floor from before. She knew that this Stacey woman was still watching her, but she ignored it. She didnt really care anymore.

When she woke up it was because there was screaming. That was an unpleasant way to wake up. The creatures were there, and they were taking Stacey. Rebecca stood slowly, rubbing her eyes. The creatures came forward for her too, and she followed.

Its easier to just go with them, Rebecca said as she walked beside the monsters that carried Stacey kicking and screaming down the hall. You cant fight them. I tried. Theyre too strong.

They brought them to the same room where they always abused Rebecca. Her pussy ached in anticipation. They took the time to tie Stacey down the way they had on her first day here. She remembered how terrified she had been, and she felt a bit sorry for her.

A creature sat down on a chair, and motioned for Rebecca to come closer. She did, and it spun her around, positioning her over its massive member. It slowly sat her down over it, until her ass was sitting against its thighs. She moaned. This was a big one, filling up her nice clean cunt. The creature began to bounce her up and down on its dick. She put her hand down to rub her aching clit, panting with pleasure.

She watched as Stacey struggled against the binds on the table. From the angle of where she was sitting she could see perfectly as the first creature lined up to penetrate her.

No! she was screaming, Please, no!

The creatures didnt care though, Rebecca knew that. They were just here to breed these women. They werent people, they were objects that carried alien babies. She had learned not to bother with struggling a while ago.

The creature slowly pushed its huge member into Staceys waiting and exposed pussy. She screamed, it probably hurt. Rebecca remembered how it had felt like shed been getting ripped open the first time. Now she was so used to these creatures that her pussy opened up in anticipation of them.

For some reason, watching that creature slamming his massive cock in and out of Staceys tight cunt from this angle was making Rebecca even more horny. She moaned, grinding herself down harder onto the creatures dick that was fucking her own pussy.

She could see Stacey still struggling with the binds as the creatures groped at her round hips and slid its long gray member dripping out of her cunt. It had already cum inside her, she must be tight. The next creature eagerly lined up to take its place.

She liked watching the creatures cock as it slid slowly in and out of the woman tied helplessly to the table. It was so hot. She felt herself cumming, and she moaned and arched her back. The creature behind her must sense she was enjoying this…perhaps they could tell when she would orgasm, because it started to fuck her harder.

She gasped, writhing around on top of this creature as a wave of pleasure broke over her. She came down slowly, panting trying to catch her breath.

A third creature had moved on to fucking Stacey now, and she was starting to moan…it was almost impossible not to. Rebecca had been reluctant at first too. It was almost like every time you had a taste of their sperm you wanted more and more. Stacey was enjoying it too now, she could tell.

The creatures cum shot up inside of her, as it groped her breasts so hard the claws on its long alien fingers broke the skin around her nipples and blood slowly trickled down. It pulled her off slowly, offering her to the next creature.

This creature seemed to want to watch too, and he sat down and commanded she ride him too. Rebecca didnt mind, she liked watching the other creatures fucking Stacey as much as they seemed to. This creature wasnt as big as the last one, but her pussy welcomed it anyway.

As this creature fucked her, she put her hand down to rub her clit again. They were watching her too, not just Stacey. One of them must have seen what she was doing, and it got down in front of her to examine her clit. The creature put a finger to it, and she moaned. It looked at her quizzically, and then slowly it stuck its long slippery tongue out and licked her. She gasped, shaking with pleasure at the sensation. They had been basically ignoring her clit at this point…it wasnt exactly useful for reproduction.

The creature seemed to like that she liked this, and quickly it began to lick her clit while the other creature mercilessly pounded its cock into her dripping cunt. She couldnt handle this, it felt too good. She came so many times she lost count. The creature didnt want to stop, it was as if it couldnt get enough of the taste of her.

She was just as cum covered as the last time they fucked her when they had finished this time, and because of all the orgasms she couldnt walk any longer. She had to be carried back to the room along with Stacey, and they were both dumped into the room and the door shut.

She laid a minute to catch her breath, before the woman started pestering her with questions again.

How many times did they do that to you? Do you actually enjoy it? Why dont you fight them anymore? How long did it take you to get pregnant?

Rebecca didnt want to be this womans mentor or something, she just wanted to chill. She looked up at this woman, cum dripping out of her open cunt onto her legs. She felt horny again all of the sudden. What was wrong with her.

She pulled herself up, and she dragged herself closer to Stacey. She didnt seem concerned at first, but when Rebecca tried to touch her she resisted. Rebecca didnt have much energy, but she was stronger than this woman. She pinned her down without much struggle.

What are you doing? She demanded.

Rebecca pressed her mouth against Staceys, and she moved one of her hands down between her legs. The woman didnt protest anymore, despite having a free hand. She moaned as Rebecca rubbed her clit between her fingers. She slid her fingers slowly down to Staceys cum filled hole. She could feel herself going through layers of alien spunk as she slipped her fingers into her pussy and began to massage it.

Stacey moaned, moving her hips against Rebeccas hand. It didnt take long for her to cum again. It was the alien sperm…it made them out of their mind horny…she was sure of it.

Rebecca pulled her hand up and sucked the cum off her fingers. She tasted the creatures, but she also tasted Stacey. She liked the way it tasted, and she wanted more. Without asking, she moved down between Staceys legs and started to lick her dripping we pussy.

Stacey moaned, arching her back, and pushing herself further down as if to get more of Rebecca. She wanted more too. She was drinking up as much of the cum and female juices as she could. She could hear Staceys breathing change as she orgasmed again. Rebecca couldnt get enough.

How many alien babies did you say you were having? Stacey asked her, as they curled up together on the cold floor. Both panting and out of breath, both covered in sticky white alien cum.

It was seven…who knows now…

How many…how many do you think Im having…

I have a feeling, Rebecca said, That were going to have a lot of babies before all of this is done…a real lot….

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Vickies Abduction part 3

________________________________ Three of the Gentle Rapist victims have discovered who he is and he has taken one of them a second time, breaking his rule of not raping the same woman twice. Vickie, Julie and Tina wants him to keep taking and raping them forcing them to orgasm more, harder and longer than any man ever has. They like that he takes what he wants and makes them like it. It has been two days since the rapist kidnapped and raped Tina for the second...

3 years ago
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Abduction Trilogy

First Abduction She heard a noise but kept walking. She was just being silly and scaring herself. She had just finished working and decided to walk home that night, as it was cool and slightly breezy. There, she heard it again! She laughed, probably a cat. She turned the corner and as she passed the alleyway, a hand came out and covered her mouth and yanked her into the alley. A soft hood was thrown over her head and she was shoved into a car. She was too startled to do anything but gasp...

4 years ago
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The Abduction Of Sandra Sully

11:49 AM 6/02/2007The Abduction of Sandra Sully 11:49 AM 6/02/2007??? The Abduction of Sandra Sully This is my first attempt at writing a story so pleasetake it easy with your commentsthis story is pure fantasy and in no way should youact on this fantasy. If you would like to find out what happens in part to please email me [email protected] It was all over the fucking news Sandra sully from Sydney Australiahas gone missing, 4th day straight now as the search continues fearsFor...

2 years ago
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Jill Crokett The True Story of My Abduction and Rape

Jill Crokett: The True Story of My Abduction and Rape Jill Crokett: The True Story of My Abduction and Rape By Jill Crokett  It is hard to talk about it. My therapists over the years have all said it would help to open up but I?ve never be able to, so I?ve decided to try writing about it and see if that has some therapeutic effect. We?ll see.  Thirty years have gone by and it?s still like yesterday in my mind. I was barely nineteen, in the summer of 1976, and I felt as if I ruled the...

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Drivethru Abduction

Drive-thru Abduction Drive-thru AbductionPart 1by bondage_man69?????? I was out looking for a woman to kidnap and make my sex slave and I decided to stop at a popular fast food place for a burger and fries.? It was close to midnight and only the drive-thru? was open.? When I pulled up to the window to pay I was greeted by one of the most beautiful young women I have ever seen. I knew instantly I had to have her somehow.? She is 24, has blond hair that is wavy and comes down to her...

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Tiffanys Abduction

Tiffany's Abduction (inspired by Gary Roberts comix) Copyright 2003 by Powerone. The authorcan be contacted at [email protected]. The story of the abduction and rape ofTiffany one night from her apartment. Story Codes: M/F, rape, anal, humil, oral,bdsm, whip, mdom, span Iawoke up, not sure if it was a dream or not. I felt something in my mouth,some type of cloth. It was pulled tightly, pushing back my lips, stretchingmy mouth open. It must have been tied because I could not get it...

1 year ago
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Vickies Abduction part 4

People that know him call him Cowboy. Unknown to them he is a serial rapist that abducts pretty, single, mature women rapes them taking what he wants and makes them like it. His victims call him Gentle Rapist. Vickie, Julie, Tina and Teri are four of his victims that have discovered his identity. They all agree that his abduction and rape of his victims is for their pleasure as much as his. They are trying to decide to leave things as they are hoping he will continue abducting them which...

3 years ago
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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

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Tracis Abduction and Rape 5

Traci and her daughter spent a very uncomfortable night in bondage after being abducted from their home. Their abductor slept a little late after a very late night taking and using his victims. He abducted them from their home late Saturday night. He fucked Traci's throat and pussy and fucked Tammy's virgin ass before leaving them in very uncomfortable bondage with a vibrator on each of their cunts to retire to his comfortable bed in the main house. The girls spent a sleepless night until...

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Ashleys Abduction

Ashley's Abduction It was a college bar, wild and crowded, and not the kindof place she would have picked. Guys were doing jello shots and beer bongsand the whole scene was loud and messy, even spilling out into the street.Natalie ran interference as she and Ashley worked their way towards the backthrough the Friday evening crowd, deftly fending off the guys who staggeredor stumbled into her, or the hands that reached out offering grotesquelycolored drinks in shot glasses. "You sure he's...

1 year ago
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Transference Abduction

Author retains all rights to this original work of short fiction. ------------------------------------------------ Monday, June 20th, 8:15 AM - My apartment... I woke with a sour taste in my mouth, much like a rotting egg sort of thing from what I could smell of my breath. I knew I wasn't going to make it to work today feeling the way I did so I called my boss to say I was taking a sick day. I barely made it to the bathroom to piss, downed some antacid, and returned to bed. Now,...

2 years ago
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Abduction Taking Care of Our Need Chapter 5

I woke before Tom at 8AM and watched him sleep and thought that he certainly is a good looking man and man does he ever know his way around my body. I got up sometime in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom when I saw that he shot another load on my tits and face. I lost track of how many times he got off but it had to have been at least a half a dozen and then he came on me again while I was sleeping. God knows what he did to me besides fuck my tits. Now I’m more confused than...

3 years ago
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The Abduction and Rape of Denise Part 2

Introduction: A black rapest continues his abuse humiliation and rape of this beautiful woman The Abduction and Rape of Denise… Part 2 Denise is trying to think where she is being taken, but being naked bound and with a cloth bag over her head has no real idea where, or for that matter which way, after the first of several turns? The drive seems forever, but for her time means little! When the van finally comes to a stop, she can hear the drivers door open and can hear someone talking? This is...

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The Abduction

This is my fourth story. The 1st being a fantasy called "The well of my desires". The second a Sci-Fi set in the not so distant future "Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F". And the third "The chest and trunk" taking place in Victorian times. I have a few others planned including a follow up to Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F. I hope you enjoy this story. The abduction Hiking the back country of Colorado was a love of mine. It allowed me peace and quit, not to mention a way for me to be in touch...

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Abduction... that never happens. People go missing all the time. Jerry had seen it so often on the news that stories of disappearances or abductions didn't even register. He always thought that happened in bigger cities to people with skeletons in their closets. Jerry was twenty, mild mannered and didn't have an enemy in the world. That kind of shit didn't happen to him. So regaining consciousness in a small padded cell didn't make much sense to him. His movement was severely...

4 years ago
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Abduction and rape of Megan

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...

3 years ago
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Human Toilet Abduction

Human Toilet AbductionIt was well after 2 am when I finished work at the club and after waiting for almost 45 minutes to get a cab home because my car was at the mechanics I finally gave up and decided to walk home.  It was dark and cold so my step quickened.  All I wanted to do was get home, take a long hot shower, maybe check out some porn on the internet while I fucked myself with my thickest dildo riding up and down the super thick shaft on my office chair while I went to some of my most...

2 years ago
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Angels Abduction

Angel's abduction By RockbohunkAngel was a local freelance photographer working for a local paper. She was doing a story of natural wildlife and decided to do her shoot up in the Blue hills, about 20 miles from her house. Angel was walking on the nature path, about a mile from the road when a man wearing a ski mask grabbed her and wrestled her to the ground. Angel screamed, but no one could hear her, she was just too deep in the woods. The man forced her left arm behind her back and...

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Mahi always enjoyed the atmosphere of The Ice Dragon. Unlike most modern bars, it was pleasantly quiet, with the voices of excellent jazz singers and the sound of small combos playing softly. Mahi’s Indian mother and massively mixed-race father were jazz and classical music buffs. Mahi grew to appreciate complex and sophisticated music. She dismissed rock, and especially rap, as crude and simplistic. Mahi’s jumbled genetic background had gifted her with dark skin, straight black hair, brown...

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Alien Encounter

Alien Encounter By Morpheus Walter Peyton sighed and changed position. He'd been sitting in his car seat for hours already, and he still had several more to go before he arrived at his destination. And to make things worse, he couldn't even pick up a decent radio station at the moment. There were too many mountains. The only good thing about the trip so far, was the scenery. Since he was passing through eastern Oregon on his way home to Boise to visit his parents, there...

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Alien Sex

The alien was a member of a highly evolved race but dwindling race who unbeknownst to the world's public had just conquered the earth. They privately demonstrated to the world's major powers just how futile an armed conflict against them would be. They were actually a peace-loving race and believed it was their mission to stop warlike tendencies among the planets in the galaxy. However they would allow us to continue governing ourselves provided we provided them with willing human females...

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Alien InvasionChapter 17

Jimmy was a little pissed off when I sent him out on his first foray into the real world. I sent him and Ann out as partners to take a look at southern New York and northern Pennsylvania. I sent them in the general direction of Scranton to see if the harvesters had advanced that far. What galled Jimmy was that I sent them out with Ann as the leader. Dammit, she was a GIRL and YOUNGER than Jimmy at that! That was going to kill his standing with his peers. Despite this, Jimmy was so anxious to...

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Abduction Taking Care of Our Need Chapter 4

Tom went upstairs to get us some drinks and I laid back on the bed and marveled at what he did to me. Did he really just make me cum six times in a row? I didn’t think that was even possible. And then when he shot his cum there was so much plus I wanted it in my mouth. It was only one day ago that I had never even seen a real cock and now I’m begging this man to let me drink his cum. I guess I never realized the power of passion and sex. He’s turned me into a cock hungry slut in two days...

4 years ago
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Vickies Abduction

Vickie is a very beautiful woman in her fifties looking more like a thirty year old. She unknowingly gets the attention of a local stalker rapist as she shops at the local super market. He kidnaps her and rapes her as she worries about him killing her. Her thoughts were to survive what ever he does to her. ______________________________________________________________ I was doing my monthly grocery shopping at the local super market when I spotted her. I pushed my shopping cart past her in...

1 year ago
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Tracis Abduction and Rape 3

Traci wakened to the noise in the vast barn as he opened the large door and entered. As he approached her he noticed she had removed the rope from her legs and ankles during the night. The collar was padlocked on her neck with the chain attached to the collar was still securely attached to the metal head board with a padlock. She could move but could not get up from the bed. He smiled and told her he would punish her for freeing her legs from the ropes. She trembled like a rabbit in a snare...

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The Abduction of SelahContinued

The Abduction of Selah I in no way support rape this is just a piece of fiction intended to pleasure people. it is not in support of rape. Selah was the perfect young woman. Even for a sixteen year old she was petite. She had long dark brown hair that reached right to the small of her back and framed her face like a perfect picture frame. Her eyes were bright clear blue and her skin alabaster, lightly sprinkled with freckles. Her smile lit up the entire room and just one of her glances...

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The Abduction And Traing Of Kitty Part 4

Vanion. The Abduction And Training Of Kitty Part 4 1. It had been very late, or perhaps very early, depending on how you looked at it, before Kitty had gotten to sleep. She woke slowly, at first not knowing where she was. The girl who was snuggled up spoon fashion in front of her with her ass pressed into her brought the previous...

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The Abduction And Training Of Kitty Part 3

This third part picks up exactly were part 2 finished, but goes in a little different direction for this installment of the story, though I don't think the guys will mind too much. (A readers suggestion) I would appreciate any comments, especially from the ladies reading this, because I really had to stretch my imagination to try and write this from a woman’s perspective. I would sort of like to know if I came close or if I didn’t, what I may have got wrong and what to do to improve it...

4 years ago
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The Abduction Part Three

The Abduction Part 3 My body feels weightless after an orgasm the likes of which I have never known, yet there is no time to waste on an afterglow before the steady rhythm of having both holes worked reawakens my nerves. Just as I begin to explode, I feel strong hands pick me up, and my cunt looses the grip it had on the rod that was pistoning my core. Sweat is everywhere, mine theirs, I’m slick with it but it doesn’t matter. I can tell someone is moving onto the mattress, and...

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The Abduction And Training Of Kitty

The letters instead of names for some of the characters are to protect the not so innocent. LOL. REMEMBER: I welcome suggestions for things or situations you might like to see in my future stories. PM me with your suggestions if you wish. Vanion_3000 ENJOY The Abduction and Training Of Kitty by Vanion_3000 ...

2 years ago
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Introduction: In the several days following her own abduction and rape (which she coincidentally ended up enjoying) at the hands of her mother and her mothers boyfriend, Max, Katie had been coming up with a plan to allow the 3 of them to kidnap her bitch of a friend named Stephanie. She thought the best way to get Stephanie would be to invite her over to walk their dogs together and catch up, then they would drug her when she arrived so that they could take her to Maxs sex dungeon without any...

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