Captured Ch. 05 free porn video

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She wet the tip of her thumb with her tongue and smudged the charcoal line. Still…

She was drawn from her musing by a soft groan. Her blue eyes lifted inquiringly to the man who lounged against the far wall of the cabin. One leg was drawn up before him on the bed, where a pad of papers were propped.

He merely raised an eyebrow at her before returning to his attention to his sketching. Miriam chewed on her bottom lip as she watched his tanned hands with their long, tapered fingers and clipped nails move effortlessly across the paper. They were the hands of an artist except for the calluses. Capturing those graceful hands on paper seemed to elude her. Instead, looking down at her pad, it looked as though a daring spider scampered across the paper. She huffed a sigh.

No doubt Devlin’s drawing of her would be masterful. Miriam had begun to suspect he had devised this game purely to win. She was finding herself increasingly distracted by the tanned masculinity radiating sin, his black hair mussed and tumbling over his forehead. His chest was bare, and again and again she found her eyes unwittingly drawn to the hard, muscular flesh and the two decidedly male nipples and tempting curls that tapered down over his ridged belly. Miriam had begun to further suspect that his attire, or lack of, was a deliberate ploy to out-nerve her. She took another deep breath, and was curious to see his eyes flicker to her bodice where her small breasts strained the rose damask gown.

His gaze returned to his sketch, and she glanced down at the modest handfuls squeezed together and pushed high by the constriction of her gown beneath the wispy lace fishu. For the first few days of her capture modesty had demanded she where a corset at all times. Until comfort prevailed.

Miriam fiddled with the lace fichu tucked modestly between her breasts. Again, those green eyes were drawn from the pad before him. Hmm…

Taking a deep breath, Miriam eased the fichu from around her shoulders and dropped it beside her on the wooden chest upon which she sat. At his narrowed gaze, she mumbled ‘It’s quite warm’. Her guilty blush only added veracity to her fib.

Miriam’s sudden surge of competitiveness had nothing to do with the fact that her pirate refused to kiss her for more than three days now. Perhaps ‘refused’ was too strong a word. Devlin’s demand of a kiss for every meal, bath and whatever else he determined arbitrarily, had abruptly ended. Not that Miriam should be complaining that she no longer had to withstand the shockingly bold kisses that made her feel feverish and unladylike. But it irked her down to the pink silk ribbons on her garters that Devlin no longer wanted to kiss her.

Sure, Miriam wasn’t as pretty as her sister Carly. Both shared the silvery blonde hair and the Montague blue eyes. But Miriam was tall and willowy whereas Carly was all curvy and feminine and bountiful. Yet this hadn’t seemed to stop Devlin from wanting to kiss her in the first place.

Miriam brushed the silky tips of blonde strands against her bottom lip as she gazed unseeingly at her drawing. She had dreamed of Devlin again last night. Just the thought of it made her toes curl. He had been kissing her neck and breasts, his breath warm against her skin. Which had swiftly turned to tender nibbles. Then honest sucking.

With a groan, she wiggled where she sat, trying to drag her attention back to her drawing. Nope, still a spider. Glancing up, she found herself pinned by a pair of devilish green eyes. And blushed.



‘What were you thinking of?’

‘Um. Nothing.’

‘Nothing.’ He repeated.

‘That is what I said,’ she replied, nodding.

‘Then how is it I don’t believe you?’

‘It is not something I can prove, Devlin.’

‘Or disprove.’

‘Well, that too.’

‘So if I were to hazard a guess, and I was right, would you tell me?’


‘Why not?’

‘Because you seem to have a fascination with games and we have yet to complete the current one.’

‘You win.’


‘I declare your drawing to be the winner.’

‘But you haven’t seen my drawing.’

‘None the less, a winner has been declared. Which leaves us free to begin a new game.’

‘But I want to see your drawing.’

‘Fine. Here.’ He tossed the pad to the end of the bed. She leaned forward with outstretched fingers. A strange noise made her look up, and she discovered his gaze fixed on her décolletage.

She sat back abruptly, holding his pad in front of her. He glanced up at the ceiling, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

‘Are you well?’ Miriam asked.

‘Well enough. Were you thinking of me?’

‘I –‘

‘Before you answer, I would recall that you are a terrible liar.’

‘I — a lady never lies!’

‘Perhaps ‘liar’ is too strong a word. Minor fabrications, then.’

‘Are you suggesting I fabricate?’

‘On occasion. And are a shocking fabricator at that.’


‘When what?’ he drawled.

‘When did I fabricate?’

‘When you told me you didn’t like my kisses.’

‘I never said that.’

‘Ah, so you admit you like my kisses.’

‘I never said that either.’

‘Perhaps we should put it to the test.’

‘Perhaps we should.’

His eyebrows rose. She bit her lip. Did she just invite him to kiss her?

He slid from the bed, and she swallowed hard at the sight of all that dangerous male in action. He rose and took the step that brought him directly before her. He tugged on the pads clutched tightly in her hands, giving hers a quick glance. ‘You think I look like a spider?’ he asked incredulously.

He didn’t wait for an answer before tossing the pads to the floor. Then hands slipped firmly about her waist she was drawn to her stockinged feet. She clutched his forearms for balance as the boat swayed beneath them. His naked chest and shoulders were doing wicked things to her ladylike sensibilities, and she didn’t quite know where to look.

‘What, no protest?’ he murmured silkily to her down-turned head. Her chin lifted sharply as she gasped in outrage. His mouth closed firmly over hers. She moaned against his mouth as his hands tightened about her, drawing her up hard against him.

Her tongue tangled shyly with his, feeling shivery heat all the way down to her toes. She found her traitorous hands gliding up over his strong arms to discover the crisp curls on his chest.

He lifted her, holding her tightly against him as he explored her mouth deeply. Her hands snuck around his neck as she kissed him back, drowning in his seductive heat.

‘Miriam, I find I have a desperate need to kiss your breasts.’ It was a soft whisper against her lips.

‘You do?’

He nodded seriously.

‘Then perhaps…perhaps it is best that you do.’

Relief glimmered briefly in those sea-green eyes. Gently he slid her to her feet.

‘I will need to remove your gown.’

She blushed and ducked her head. A gentle finger beneath her chin tipped her head up.

‘Do I have my lady’s permission?’

She nodded, so slightly, but he felt it. He turned her around until she faced the portal. He tugged at her laces, before easing the rose material from her shoulders. It pooled at her feet.

Miriam held her breath as she stood in her soft white cotton shift. She was unaware of how the sunlight streamed in, outlining her willowy curves beneath the fine material.

Large tanned hands stroked up and down her arms as his lips nibbled from shoulder to ear. Her nipples tightened as shivers raced through her. He turned her in his arms, and her lashes lowered shyly.

He sat down on the bed, and drew her between his widespread thighs. Brushing her hair back over her shoulders, he leaned forward and gently drew her nipple into his seductive mouth.
Her knees went weak, and she caught his shoulders to keep herself standing as he nibbled and suckled the tight bud through her chemise.

Her head tipped back, her fingers sinking into his glorious thick hair as she struggled to breathe. His hands rubbed up and down her back, but she found it far from soothing. When he blew on the damp material, Miriam whimpered.

‘It may be of assistance if I removed your shift.’

She could barely manage a nod. His fingers tickled her knees, before he fingers closed about the hem. Slowly he drew it up, and up, and she lifted her arms. He tugged it over her head and threw it fair across the cabin.

‘God, you’re exquisite,’ he muttered, softly brushing the backs of his knuckles over the dip of her waist. ‘Made for this, for me.’

His tongue found her belly button, circling it lazily before thrusting at it purposefully. Heat shimmered between her thighs, and rubbing them together did little to ease the torment.

She gasped when he dragged her off her feet, pulling her down on top of him on the bed. She wiggled, shocked at the feeling of flesh on flesh. ‘Devlin!’ she cried, pushing at his shoulders.

Devlin laughed, tumbling her onto her back beside him and rising up on one arm to gaze down at her. His hand stroked her cheek, gazing down into her furious blue eyes. ‘I adore you,’ he murmured. ‘I think I love you.’

They both stilled. She gazed up at him with wide eyes, her bared flesh forgotten. ‘You think?’ she whispered.

He nodded, rubbing a thumb over her lips. ‘I found the more I wanted to kiss you this past week, the more I wanted to stop.’

‘And because of that you think you love me?’

‘Minx. I wanted you to kiss me.’

‘Oh.’ She pondered that statement as she fiddled with a strand of his thick hair. Still, she wasn’t quite sure what he was on about. ‘I adore you too,’ she finally mumbled, confused by his male logic.

‘And?’ His eyes were serious.

‘And I know I love you.’

‘You do?’ He seemed genuinely vulnerable when he asked her that.

‘Do you think I let every pirate kiss me…there?’ She blushed prettily, and his lips curved dangerously.

‘There? Would that happen to be…here?’ His fingers wandered to gently tug on her ear lobe.

She shook her head.

He seemed to ponder her words. ‘Here, then?’

Again she shook her head when he ran his thumb over her belly button.

‘Hmm, perhaps here then?’ His fingers glided tantalizingly down over her belly to delve her between her thighs.

This time she nodded.

‘And do you like it when this pirate kisses you…there?’

Another nod. His fingers ruffled the thatch of curls there.

‘Would you like your pirate to kiss you there, now?’

Two nods.

‘Your pirate has thus been commanded.’ His eyes glittered as he eased from the bed to kneel at her knees. When tormenting slowness, he stroked her stockinged legs before slipping off a garter. He rolled one stocking down, his fingers and mouth lightly teasing. When she extended her waiting leg, he shook his head.

‘I find I like the idea of you almost naked.’

She pouted, swinging her leg back. He merely smiled and swiftly drew her knees apart. She rose up onto her elbows as his mouth trailed over her inner thighs, nipping, licking, tormenting.

When he gazed upon her, his breath was warm. The anticipation was too much, and she covered herself with her hand. His kissed it, before gently peeling it away. When he licked her, she fell back flat against the bed, everything aquiver.

Her soft moans filled the cabin as he kissed her there with his mouth, tongue, nose. She writhed and trembled, open to him, her fingers gripping his hair.

His fingers teased her nipples as his tongue thrust silkily inside her dewy gate. Her back arched, her breathing hectic, her body straining. He slipped a finger inside of her, then two. She groaned anew when soon a third one joined its mates, stretching her even further. His mouth sucked on her throbbing nub.

‘Devlin, please…’

His fingers glided deep inside of her until the discomfort eased. ‘That’s it, my salty mermaid.’

He came to lie beside her, his mouth covering hers. She tasted herself on him, and it was strangely intimate and exciting. She pressed against him, her hand sliding down over his belly to find his breeches unbuttoned. Miriam only hesitated a fraction before sliding her hand down to close about him.

‘Hell,’ he groaned. He was hot and hard and smooth to her touch. Her eyes traveled down over a ridged and tanned chest and belly to discover that mysterious male appendage peeping back at her. It looked all swollen and sore, its tip glistening. Miriam rubbed her thighs together at the thought of it lodged between her legs.

She moistened her suddenly dry lips, her eyes darting away. Yet curiosity won, and she gazed back down upon him. Experimentally she ran her nails lightly over his long length. He groaned, catching her hand and dragging it away to pin it against the bed. But not before she had felt him curiously buck beneath her touch.

Her gaze lifted questioningly to his, and discovered the strain around his eyes and mouth. He slid his fingers through her hair, his eyes questioning. She drew his head down and kissed him in answer. He kissed her back, deep and masterful. His weight pressed her into the mattress, his thighs spreading hers wide, his hardness sliding against her.

When he lodged against her melting heat, his gaze was tender. Gently he pushed, easing into her yielding flesh with devastating slowness. She clung to him, her teeth sinking into his fingers as he slid inexorably deep within her straining channel.

‘That’s it,’ he murmured, kissing her sweat-dampened brow. Her thighs tensed in surprise as he eased out, then sunk deep. It was a delicious glide that made her ache and writhe around him. Miriam moaned, her thighs rising to ride his hips.

Soon it felt so natural to have him there, moving in her, on top of her. The excitement built, incredibly intense. She felt flushed and hot and achy. And still he went on, stroking deep within her.

As his thrusts deepened, became more forceful, the world hallowed out. She clenched about him as he drove in to the hilt, her body arching. He caught her face in his large palms, gazing down into her half-closed eyes as she fell apart around him. His mouth covered her, his thrusts becoming fierce.

She felt his warmth spill inside of her, his body straining, his head thrown back. Quivers raced through her, waves of heat radiating from the join of their bodies. She clung to him, pressing tiny kisses where they landed, his throat, his chest, his shoulders.

He rolled onto his back, taking her with him, their bodies still joined. Lying sprawled and flushed on top of him, she gazed down at him in wonder. Dazed green eyes stared back at her as he tried to catch his breath. His fingers toyed with her tangled mane.

‘I think we must find the captain.’

‘You want your brother, now?’ She squeaked.

‘It’s imperative.’

Concern flashed through her. Maybe something was wrong. With it. A male thing. ‘Is, um, everything ok?’

He nodded.

‘Couldn’t we just…’

He shook his head.

‘But, I’m naked.’ Her gaze dropped to where her fingers tugged gently at his chest hairs. ‘And I don’t want to get dressed,’ she added softly.

‘You don’t?’

She shook her head.

‘Why not?’

‘I was hoping you would do it again.’ Her finger circled a tiny raised nipple.


She nodded, peeking up at him. He looked slightly frazzled.

‘Aren’t you, er, tender?’

She blushed, biting her lip. She shook her head. It was only a minor fabrication.

‘Er. Then I suppose marriage can wait.’

‘What?’ She cried, head lifting. Devilish green eye
s clashed with hers.

‘You don’t think I kiss all my captives…there?’

His salty mermaid smiled. He felt the impact of it all the way down ‘there’.

‘There?’ she whispered seductively, wiggling on top of him. Devlin groaned.

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Corner Time By Throne I was practically in tears. My wife Tyra and her lover Luke were both mad at me but I hadn't done anything wrong. Well, hardly anything. I was behind on cleaning the kitchen but that was only because they always left it such a mess. And after I hand washed his boxer shorts and hung them on the clothesline in the backyard, one pair fell on the ground. So there I was, in just my maid's cap and the tiny, lace-bordered apron that went with it, waiting for their...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 117

Have you ever listened to someone for a while and wondered “Who ties your shoelaces for you?” Compliments of MycroftXXX My son shared a giggle with me that’s sooo bad, I am sure you haven’t used it yet... Why are vampires sooooo gullible? wait for it wait for it!!!! It’s because they’re all SUCKERS!!!! These are compliments of fmwarmac‎ An explorer in the African jungle heard about a plan to capture the legendary King Kong. And sure enough, when he came to a clearing, there before...

3 years ago
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Into Temptation part 3

The Christmas season had arrived. David stood in the lounge and poured himself a large whisky and soda as the sound of Frank Sinatra’s ‘Santa Claus is coming to town’ drifted through the house. Kate was in the bedroom and for the last two hours, she’d worried about which of two dresses to wear. Was the dark red one too ostentatious? She knew how critical all the wives, including herself, could be. She remembered Stephanie Giles who had arrived in a very short, backless dress four years ago. The...

1 year ago
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I Switched Teams Gay

As I was on my way to get fucked, I reflected, once again, what I was up to... I was a married guy, happily married, who liked getting another guy. It wasn't love, yuck. It was an extremely pleasant diversion that no one except a guy could provide. It messed with my mind when I thought about it, but in spite of my best intentions, I couldn't stay away. Tommy was the first, last, and only guy to ever fuck my ass. He was 35, 15 years younger than I, whom I had come to meet somewhat...

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Good Neighbors Part 4

Good Neighbors, Part 4 *** This story continues Stacey's recollections of how she came into her current situation. Please see Parts 1 - 3 for the back story. *** Martin's cock easily fit in my mouth and down my throat while only half- hard, but grew more problematic as it grew to its full ten inches. I slurped on it greedily, enjoying how it felt to feel it grow as I suckled on it and worked it with my mouth and throat. My own modest 6-inch cock--even raging hard--fit into...

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It had been a routine day at work, I was coming home in a pretty good mood, feeling I had accomplished a lot and that it had been a pleasant day. Even the ride home had been easy going and enjoyable, something that seems harder and harder to come by with people’s impatience on the road and the road rage phenomena, but even that had gone nicely. Funny how some people have terrible days and then come home and either ruin everyone else’s day too or do just the opposite and make coming home their...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 4 Summer of 1991 Sandy Wanda and Patti

It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...

1 year ago
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Massage at the Convention

Leslie and I had just finished a long day standing on our feet working a booth at a convention. We were both physically and mentally drained and not looking forward to two more days of working the booth. We put away all of our samples for the evening and started walking back to the hotel to get ready for a business dinner. Both of us were wishing we could just sneak off to grab a quick meal but instead we have a long drawn out business dinner to look forward to. We walked up to our respective...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2100 Next Gen

I breathed a sigh of relief when I got home from Seattle on Saturday the first of July. I'd had only three days shooting and April and her crew took off Thursday morning. I planned to spend a couple days with my family and Dani agreed to stay with me. Thursday and Friday had been good, but also trying, days. Maddie had just turned six years old and would go to first grade in the fall. That meant that she knew everything and would not listen to anyone telling her differently. She was...

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By Proxy

By Proxy by Jaana "Cody, a man with a boring and mundane life, suddenly finds himself a pawn thrust onto the board of the Second World. Can he escape the machinations of the powerful forces around him? Does he even want to?" AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the first time I've tried a story from the first- hand perspective. I can see the appeal, but I'm not sure I've done it right. *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, female transformation and female...

3 years ago
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Moms interracial Encounter III

The date was July 2, 1989, my mom and I were on our way to Myrtle Beach S.C. for vacation.I felt real good about the trip, knowing we would be away from Walt. Don’t get me wrong I liked Walt but didn’t like having a big black man having sex with my mom. The trip went well, made it through Columbia with no troubles. The traffic in Conway was surprisingly light. We finally arrived at the condo my mom had rented. It was a one bedroom, one bath condo on the third floor. My mom slept in the bedroom...

1 year ago
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EudeamonLatex Bane

Katrina Nichols followed the solitary Bane through the darkened park. It was raining steadily and Katrina was soaked through despite her raincoat. She had an umbrella, but that would have been too unwieldy for sneaking through the trees and bushes. Besides, the Bane would surely spot an umbrella bobbing along in pursuit and would have darted off like they always did. All Katrina wanted was to get close enough to interview one… somehow. It was nighttime in the park and there was no one around to...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 39 On Track

April 3, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Al, could I talk to you privately?” I asked when he offered me a drink. “Sure. Let me pour your bourbon and we’ll go into my study.” He poured a glass of bourbon for me and a glass of soda water with lemon for himself. We walked into his study and he shut the door behind us. He motioned toward a leather chair and I sat down. He sat in a matching chair and tipped his glass towards me to tell me to talk. “I’m worried about Jessica’s stress level,” I...

3 years ago
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Good Samaritan Cums To Their Aid

Sexual tension hung in the air while Chris was driving his white F150 pickup truck. He was trying to keep his eyes on the road and not on the two young coeds sitting beside him. Vanessa was sitting between Chris and Suzie, with Suzie’s sprained ankle resting on top of her thigh. They were all squeezed into the front seat of Chris’s truck. Vanessa was trying to stay focused on helping her new roommate, Suzie, but she was distracted. Sitting to her left was Chris, a thirty-seven year-old man with...

College Sex
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the lost phone

The Lost Phoneby Clive St.clement-RoyalIt was a warm day and I had been sitting in the busy cafe for two hours now drinking tea and working on my laptop. I was trying to write my thesis for my masters degree in volconology and it was not going to plan. The waitress, as instructed brought me a new cup of tea every 30 mins and put it down and cleared away the dirty cups. It was then I noticed a woman come in the cafe and look round for somewhere to sit, I indicated that she could sit at my table...

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First Date Nightmare

Let me introduce myself, my name is Moe. Yes, you read right, Moe. Well at least that’s what my friends call me. Frankly I’ve been called that for so long so often that I cannot really remember my real name unless I look at my driver’s license. I am not really a ladies man. In all truth, I’m the complete opposite. If I tried to pick up a lady at the bar I would crash and burn worse then the first fight of a military aircraft. My hands sweat, I turn beet red, and I sound like Porky Pig (no...

3 years ago
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Lucky Day Chapter 1

Despite the undesirable task at hand, Cal had left his house feeling good this morning. It was all about Anna: 19 years old, 5'4," with gorgeous strawberry blonde hair and a slim but just curvy enough tennis physique, she had been Cal and Sam's (Cal's wife) part-time nanny and housekeeper for about four months. He could swear that there was something more between them. There had been enough meaningful glances, too-long looks, and other awakward hard-on-generating moments that he could almost...

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You Ain8217t Got No Satisfaction

Satisfaction Eyes met, hearts cluttered, she inched towards me. Her face ignited with lust. She measured her steps, like a tiger, ready to pounce upon her prey. Her eyes gleaming vehemently. She came close to me, stood still, gazing at me, with tears in her eyes. I could feel her hot breath on my face. Our lips met. Her strawberry lips crushed mines, hijacking it with the Sweet taste. our tongues explored, Wrangling with each other’, exchanging saliva. Passionately speaking, i was exhilarated....

1 year ago
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Her: Hey babe!My phone vibrated noisily with the incoming message. The colleague who was standing at the front of the room shot me a glare but quickly got back to his presentation. I hurried to switch the phone to mute and debated putting it down, face-down on my folder just to make a point.But then, the presentation was so very, very boring and that particular colleague was a bit of an ass.So I opened the messenger.My girlfriend’s ‘hey babe’ was accompanied by a gif of two brown bears sitting...

Mind Control
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His big sister part 1

Pete had always worshiped his big sister Kate. There was six years between then. When he was little she played with him and always looked out for him, always had time for him. They were very close, even when she went away to collage she called him twice a week and they would talk for half an hour.On the weekends she came home they go to a movie or do other stuff together. When Pete started collage and Kate had her first job far away from him, they emailded and skyped all the time. So...

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Yours And Mine

I woke up this morning and wished that we were back in that first apartment of ours. Back when I watched you sleep during my favorite time of day... those first moments when dawn has just barely introduced herself to night. I lie there dreamily and watch her overpower the darkness with her seductive strength. Seeing the way she steals into our bed and kisses your features, lighting them (and me) on fire. I need you most in moments like those. Now, I slide closer, the swish of silky sheets your...

Straight Sex
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Widow sucked officer cock

Neenu raatri 2pm ku entiki pooye bayatane padukonna.podduna mum leepedaaka nedura pooya. Raju enduku ra ekkade padukonnavu..cheppedaaniki edupu vachinde..emiti cheppu. Mum raatri antha chusa.. Nijama cinema ku poola. Leedu mum..ekkada emo jaruguthundani thelise poola.. Mum dukkam apukooleeka nannu thana edalaku gattiga karuchukoni eedusthundi…mum salli naaku gatti ga thagulu thunnavi. Neenu ukkiri bikkiri ayyanu. Naakante naa chinnade enkaa. Ventane ganta kottadam modalu pettinde.alage kontha...

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New White Whores

I was still in a dream state, not really realizing what was happening to me. My left knee was then bent and guided slowly up the left side of my body and I felt something circle and lock around the whole knee itself. My knee was then locked in place to something located at the left side of my head. The same step was then done to my right leg and now both of my knees were secured in place on either side of my head spreading my legs wide apart. I felt very light kisses on my neck making me moan...

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Personal Professionals Vol 4 Heating Up The Cooler

This is the story of a young man working part-time at a gas station. It helped put gas in the car while he was in college, but there was certainly no love lost between himself and said job. To be frank, he hated it. The hours sucked, he never got a break if his boss was around, it was constant on-your-feet work with often-times rude customers and dear God, the money. He had to handle hundreds of dollars a day of other people’s money, and for a young man who was never very comfortable with...

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A Convenient ArrangementChapter 7

The next day Jason waited until our guests arrived and then set off for Kenny's house by the lake. Meanwhile the girls were introduced all round and I noted that Betty and Geri struck it off at once. Naturally Kenny was in his swimming trunks as was I and we joined the kids in the pool and horsed around. Cora and Tessa busied themselves making snacks and sandwiches and drinks, Tessa didn't like swimming and Cora remembered she had a job to perform. Lexi, Nina and Roxy fooled around with...

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Mikey Likes It

Remember those old cereal commercials where Mikey liked the god-awful stuff? I have a whole new take on Mikey.Growing up, Mile Sullivan was my best friend. We did everything together, including playing marbles, riding our bikes, swimming in the creek, and playing hooky from school.We weren’t really bad kids, just mischievous. Probably normal for our age and backgrounds. Our families were not rich or poor. Probably lower middle class. Times were good and Eisenhower was President. Ah, the 1950s,...

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Confession of an exhibitionist Part 5

Angela was pretty satisfied with the few exhibitionist assignments that her husband, Jim gave her. Firstly exhibit and had sex with his bowling mates, then pretending to be a prostitute and had sex with 8 men in the same night. It all started by being a exhibitionist, wanting to show off her beautiful body to strangers, graduated to having sex to strangers now. She has no regret, and even like the new husband persona. Sex with Jim was much more heated. They will talk about the experiences and...

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My cousin Buddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 24 and divorced I have nothing going for me and the worst I am back home living with my parents. My whole life sucks! My aunt called and talked to my mom for a long time today Mom told me she had something to talk to me about later. It was 9:30 when Mom finaly came in to talk to me, My Aunt Betty needs someone to come and stay with her and Buddy. Aunt Betty lives about 100 miles from here and Mom says it will be like me getting a new start in...

2 years ago
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Close Teacher

I try to keep a close relationship with my students, portraying myself more that just an adult role model, but as an adult friend.   In being a young teacher, students sometimes find it easier when someone of authority is close to their age and will listens to them, especially with all their relationship problems.   Take Tiffany for example, she’s blonde, beautiful, and the goal of many of these high school boys is to get into her cotton white panty she flashes while cheer leading.   But she’s...

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