It Hurts free porn video

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So here the story starts in fact, becomes fiction, and then returns to fact..I wish that the fiction was fact and the fact was fiction. You can't win them all. I'll let you guess where fact and fiction swap over.

I hadn't been at university long, but the course I was on only had around 35 people. Getting to know people hadn't been a problem.

My friends and family had all expected that when I went off to university that I would come back within the first few weeks telling them of a possible or actual boyfriend, something I had never had. However, with there being five times more females to males in the university, finding a guy had been proving pretty difficult.

There were seven on the course. Two already had girlfriends, one got together with another girl from the course in the second month we were there, that left four guys. One had a terrible back story - stayed as far away from girls as possible unless they were friends. One seemed hopeless with everything. One was attractive but shy and the other was foreign. Don't get me wrong, the foreign guy was hot and I did try and get things going with him, but you know how these things go...they often don't.

I had made friends with all of the guys and most of the girls, as you have to do on a course as practical and team work oriented as mine.

But two girls had made particularly good friends with me at this point in time.

One was breaking up with her boyfriend for another guy she would later end up with, not that any of the three of them knew this.

The other, Sam, had been flirting and being flirted with by one of the guys who had come to uni with a relationship already going, a long term one, at that. I had been the recipient of many late night phone calls and texts from Sam when he would turn up drunk at her door, demand to be let in, kiss her and leave.

I, being the Pringle suggested that the three of us go on a night out, not to go and get guys, but to chat about all that had been happening at uni so far, get a little drunk and then we'd sleep at Sam's.

The three of us met in the middle of the week when we knew it would be both cheaper and quieter in town and went out to the nearest cocktail bar where we ordered wonderful cocktails by the pitcher. We got slowly more lucid as we set the world to rights and went through the first pitcher, by the second considerably more deadly cocktail, we were ready to move on to another place. So the three of us gathered our belongings, and stood up, instantly realizing that the deadly cocktail was indeed, quite deadly, and we staggered to a place that Becca suggested we go to.

When we got to the next place, it was busier than we thought and since I hadn't bought a pitcher in the last place, I was buying the pints and Jagerbombs in this one. Here we ended up going upstairs with our drinks to the next floor which was quieter as drinks could only be bought on the ground floor. We sat there and began putting the world to rights.

Sitting there we found ourselves within touching distance of each other. It seemed that only I noticed this. Though it was quiet with the number of people actually in the bar, it wasn't quiet by the noise level. Being drunk, (in all three cases) worse than we had ever been, something happened. You know when you know something happened because there are photos, but as to how or why it happened you are all clueless? Well it was one of those moments. One of us kissed another one of us.

Then suddenly all three of us were kissing each other like mad people, this I do remember, because I heard some guys yelling at us that they wanted us to get naked and give them a real show. The number of different angles and kisses that my camera showed, eesh. I remember also telling them both that this was the first time I had been kissed, laughing, and getting kissed some more. I was enjoying it from the looks on my face, and no, you don't get to see pictures.

When we finished our drinks, we realized that Becca was probably most drunk, and then Sam, then me. Sam and I decided that we would get Becca back to her flat. We wanted to avoid any incidents. We didn't but that's beside the point.

We deposited Becca safely at her flat and then crossed the short distance to Sam's. Sam and I got successfully up the stairs and into her room. She asked if I wanted a drink. I said 'yes.'

She made one and as she came to give it to me, her hand brushed against my breast. She put the mug down and went red.

"I didn't mean to do that Sarah, I'm sorry."

Then she went to get changed.

I waited on her laptop checking Facebook as she got changed and when she came back in the room and I turned around. She looked stunning. Her face had no makeup, but her hair was falling gently down her shoulders. She had on her pjs, skimpy things, red, but for some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Everything about her seemed somehow different. Good different.

"You wanna go get changed now? You can just open the wardrobe doors and change there. I won't look," she said with a glint in her eye.

I'd dropped my stuff off earlier and had left it in there anyway so I saw no problem in getting changed. I didn't like what I would be changing into, granny clothes compared to hers.

As I changed, I could feel a strange tingling between my thighs. I shooed away the thoughts that had begun running like a river in my head. Thoughts of the two of us. She called over to me to ask what was taking so long, causing me to hurry up and I returned looking rather flustered.

"Would you just put some cream on my shoulder, I've had the rest of the tattoo finished and I can't reach it? It'd be a big help."

I knew that she had had a treble clef put on her right shoulder blade in the middle and wanted to see the additions that had been made, so I willingly agreed and sat cross legged on the floor behind her. When she pulled off her pj top she winced, as her hair was pulled up I could smell her. She smelt so good. Again I felt the tingling sensation, stronger this time.

I shook it off. Added around the tattooed clef were swirls of different colours, it looked almost three dimensional. I took the cream she handed me and I gently rubbed it onto the tattoo for her.

When I had finished, she turned around, kissed me full on the lips and said, "Thank you, you are an awesome friend."

She sat there, topless in front of me as I sat motionless, still in shock at having been kissed by my best friend whilst she was semi naked in front of me.

She bounced to her feet and grabbed two bottles of something, uncapped them and handed me one. She remained topless and let me have a good long look at those voluptuous breasts with nipples getting harder and harder. For another 45 mins, she brought more bottles to me and we drank them all. I never questioned what was in them, I trusted her. I felt good, which was new for me - anyone that knows me will tell you that I never feel good....

When I was one again drunk, I decided that I would make a risky move. "Your breasts..." I said.

"Yes. What about them?" came the reply.

"They're beautiful Sam. I want to hold them. I want to kiss them, grab them and massage them. Well, not just your breasts...a-a-all of, all of y-you," I stuttered.

"Well, why don't you? I'm not stopping you. I wouldn't mind if you did to be honest. I'd kind of like to do the same to yours. All Tony does is barge in, demand a kiss and a grope, tell me that he'll leave the bitch and walk out. God, he leaves me feeling so...used."

"I wouldn't leave you like that," I whispered, unsure where the words had come from.

She may not have heard me because the next thing I heard was her sigh dejectedly. I felt a pang of something.

"Bastard. I'll never learn." She ran her hand up my thigh and back down sending goosebumps running up my spine.

I sat, still cross legged on the floor, in total bewilderment. Where had this come from? Was she bi? Was I bi? I didn't get much chance to think these things through before she pulled me up from behind to face me, standing stark naked bar her shorts, crouched down and kissed me again, forcing her tongue to enter my mouth. Willingly now, mine dancing with hers.

Before I knew it, I was flat on my back with her straddled on top of me. I could feel her heat pressing on my leg. We were kissing passionately, one of her hands on my breast under my pj top, fondling it lovingly, the other holding my hand above my head. Our breasts, sheathed and unsheathed were almost touching, tantilising me. Our passion grew stronger as I pulled her in closer with my free hand, kissing her furiously, pulling at her shorts with our interlocked hands.

I realised she had no underwear on. I tore her shorts from her and pushed my hand towards her pussy, finding her clit and rubbing it, pinching it, then inserting a finger into her slit. She stopped kissing me as she screamed in joy, her back arching in excstacy and pushing my finger in further, I put another finger in and she moaned in pleasure, now we didn't care about the people in the rooms around her, we were too happy to care.

She started riding my hand as I put a third finger in her pussy. "I'M GONNA CUM!" she yelled, and cum she did, all over my hand. I was mesmerised by the sight, the feel and the smell of her sex juices pouring out of her delectable pussy.

I removed my hand from in her pussy and brought my hand to my lips, slowly and seductively sucking her juices from each finger. She leant down and kissed me more. Then I shuffled to between her legs and licked and sucked up all her delightful juices, passing a little up to her as I ate her pussy.

She writhed around so I assumed I had found her g-spot and worked harder. She came again all over my smiling face, then she moved to kiss and lick my face, tasting her juices. I swear she has never looked more beautiful.

It was then that she kissed me, pulling both of my hands and arms over my head and holding them there, then telling me to leave them there as she relieved me of my drenched clothing.

She kissed me lightly on the lips once, then started at my hands, then kissed as much of my body as she had access to above my crotch area. She then kissed from my feet upwards to the tops of my thighs.

Somehow, she must have discovered that I like my body to feel sensations. A lot. She produced a feather and lightly, so so lightly ran it over my hands and wrists, a particularly sensitive area, up my arms and then around to my breasts. She had tickled under each arm, making me squirm a little in delight before going there, though.

She started at my nipple, running in one long, slow spiral around my breast, then when she reached the bottom, she went between the two breasts, kissed, and made a ribbon shape, and went up the other, then the same in reverse. I was thrilled and so wet it was unbelievable.

She slowly massaged both breasts at the same time, then flicked her tongue over my nipples. Ooh, she was good. She kissed me on the mouth again, then ran the feather up and down my slit, round my clit. I have to say, I came then and there.

"Mmmm, now this is a mess I am willing to clean up," she said sexily, a tone I had never heard before, but I liked it. Nay, LOVED it.

She licked, sucked, tickled and fingered my slit. I would tell you more detail but I was in so much pleasure that describing it, well, there aren't words good enough to describe it.

As night drew to a close and the sun started rising, we lay on her bed, arm in arm, hands on breasts, kissing, listening to the birds, watching the sky change from its night setting to its day setting. It was a beautiful night, one I will treasure.

The next day after I had returned to my flat on campus to shower and change to go and do musicy things around campus. I saw her and we exchanged glances and winks. We met up for lunch and then went to my place and kissed and fondled each others breasts some more. More times like this have happened since, but they are for another day.

So now its about a month later and things have started to change between us. I don't think I like where we're heading.

I don't know what's happened. We had two gigs that the two of us were supposed to play together today; small charity type ones. They went well. To be honest I would say brilliantly, but Sam seems distant. Nothing has happened between us since that night except when we've been alone and a little drunk we've kissed.

I'm left wondering if I've done something wrong. She's never been like this before. And now I've had to say a quick goodbye to her as she has gone home for Chistmas. Quick because she didn't have chance to talk to me but had chance to have a twenty minute conversation with Tom? Something has to be wrong.

Nobody knows about that night. Nobody but the two of us. Why is she being funny with me?

A little later again, we've broken up from uni for Christmas now.

So I'm missing Sam. I've done the usual messages for Christmas and had no reply. I've tried to text her, get her on Facebook, Skype her, phoned her...Everything to no avail. She hasn't talked to me since the concerts two weeks ago. I really am starting to wonder what's going on.

Just a little after Christmas now. It isn't just me that has noticed either. It turns out people pay more attention to my Facebook and who "likes" what than I thought

Now my friends have started to notice the sadness which has begun to run through me. They can't all put two and two together, only a few people have managed that. I've had to tell the few that have asked that she is my best friend but that there was some drunken kissing on a night out and I think things went wrong then. They can't know. If anyone finds out just how big a secret I'm hiding...

This sadness is running gradually deeper. She hasn't talked to me in what is going on for weeks now. Even though I've only known her since September, there have been very few days we haven't talked.

Happy New Year my arse.

Hoorah! She has texted back, 'Happy New Year Sarah!'

Yeah. That. Is. It.

Are you as gutted by that as I am?

The first thing she texts me in weeks and...nothing?

So I'm now back at uni, she has texted me twice and commented on a photo on Facebook. I'm really starting to wonder. People I've known longer say I should forget her, kick her from my life. It isn't that simple though. She's in my lectures, we have the same singing teacher, We go to the same university. I couldn't avoid her.

The lines of what we have in common are starting to blur.

I noticed today that she has deleted me as a sister from her Facebook.

So she is no longer on my wallpaper on my phone.

I'm starting to think they were right, the ones I've known longer.

I haven't seen her yet. I'm dreading it.

I saw her today. I had to sit in a lecture with her for two hours. I swear it nearly killed me. It was inevitable that I would have to see her. I just didn't expect my reaction to her...

We couldn't talk to anyone as the lecturer went on and on.

Afterwards I had to leave immediately for a rehearsal.

It didn't hurt me that she didn't talk to me, text me or look at me throughout the lecture...what hurt was when I turned my head to the side to glance at her through the other people on the row, and I could feel pain in my chest. Terrible pain over my heart.

I think I am in love with her and I think my heart is breaking.

I can't stand the pain any more. I know I've had sound advice from friends here, friends from my life, all trying to help me...but I'm going nowhere.

So I've taken the executive decision to delete her from Facebook and pretend nothing ever happened.

What happens when your heart betrays you, breaks and feels like it'll never be fixed?

If there is more, you'll get it. For now I'm the girl whom the sadness runs through.

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I watched a Naija Tape a little while ago, and now I’ve got quite the mess to clean up here at my desk. It’s just that I have this condition where I get very aroused seeing sexy, naked Nigerian women with their big tits out, so I couldn’t really help myself. Honestly, I get the impression you know exactly where I’m coming from. Tell the truth: did you come here today looking for some high-quality amateur African porno movies? If not, well, perhaps you’d find something more suitable for your...

Black Porn Sites
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My friends mom all over1

"Sorry, I was just Doin laundry and I though you left'l "I'm sorry too, ill go play basketball now bye," I walked out with some strut happy with what I saw, but realized that I had a full hardon and my basketball shorts emphasized it, I waited and than once it went down I went outside and played. After school the next day Tyler came up and told me that his mom will pick us up and we will go back to his house, outside I just replied with "cool" but inside I was happy but...

2 years ago
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A Romantic Evening

“I’m pullin’ up,” Nate Jackson said into his smartphone. “You ready?”“Yes, sir,” replied his roommate.“Alright then. I’m bout to request the Uber. Just come on out.”“Okie dokie. See you in a minute.”Nate parked his 2010 metallic dark blue GMC Sierra 1500 extended cab pick-up in an empty space in front of building 17. He shut off the vehicle and opened the car service app on his phone. After completing the request, he stepped out into the chilly evening air. He grabbed his black faux-leather...

1 year ago
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Smoke Ch 07

copyright by calibeachgirl and jim crowell all rights reserved, 2011 * Elliot was nervous, his hands shook enough his forkful of food slipped back onto the plate. He set it down. Things were not going well for the FBI agent. Sophia looked at him, a wry smile on her face. ‘Something wrong, dear?’ she asked. ‘You seem a little… pre-occupied.’ She toyed with her husband… a cat playing with a mouse. ‘Uh… no… well, yes,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry that I asked you to go with Angie that evening. It was...

1 year ago
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MY DATE P 1720

My Date - Part 17 Jane meets my ParentsI got engaged to Jane on Christmas Day. I have met her parents and her sister, but Jane has never met my parents. They live in another city, and I decided to fly Jane and myself down to see them. That way they would have a chance to talk with Jane and to get to know her before the wedding. Jane is such a wonderful woman, and we both agree on many of the same things. I am really looking forward to be married to Jane.The flight went well, my parents...

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Nurses Do It Better Chapter 5

Chapter 5We lay in a tangle catching our breath and playing with each other. We all headed to the bathroom to pee and shit and shower. Shower play was part of the morning and as we scrubbed each other’s parts clean we all had dirty thoughts. I know the house had a big water heater, but after so long it did run out, so the cold water finally drove us out after a good time was had by all. Drying off was nearly as exciting.Finally, thirst and hunger drove us, still naked, to the kitchen to satisfy...

2 years ago
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My Wife Set Up To Get Fucked By Black Guy

I have been married to my wife Abby for just over a year now and married life is just wonderful ,considering I married my high school sweetheart. At 20 she still looks the same way she did in high school. She still has her petite sexy figure, 4'8" 115 lbs, gorgeous silly black hair shoulder length, firm 32c cup breasts and a cute tight butt that guys can't seem to take their eyes off when she walks by. I joke around sometimes in bed about her being with another man, but secretly craving...

3 years ago
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Archie and Veronica Changing Places

The characters used in this story belong to Archie Comics Publications. They're used in this story as a fantasy fan fiction, with no profit to garnered by the authors in their use. The story is free to be archived upon any website wishing to do so, provided free access is given to readers to see it. It is also mandatory that the authors be given credit upon any site posting. There's a particularly fascinating artist who wishes to go by his eBay selling name, Tebra. Anyone who...

4 years ago
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All I know

By Jordan hennessyCHAPTER 1 DEATH IN YOUR EYESSir stop its me joey you'r best freind, My heart was beating mad sweating like a man in the isle of no return,Cars and people rushing like I would have been placed in the middle of london,Screams and shouting someone help us!!!! Please man look at the people around you calm down I can help you out of this, A short barrel pistol locked and loaded pointed to the tip of my mouth. Jo Mate shut the hell up dont make me pull this trigger, Felling the cold...

2 years ago
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First Sister Then Aunt And Finally A Threesome

Hi friends, this a real sex story of how I fucked my cousin and her mother, my aunt, at the same time on the same bed in a threesome. It all started when I was about 18 years old and lived in a joint family where I live with my parents, grandparents, two uncles and two aunts and three cousins. I am the only child of my parents and my uncle who is younger to my father have a daughter and my uncle who is elder to my father have two sons. This was my family introduction but now let me introduce...

2 years ago
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Soldiers WifeChapter 11

"Slut. You filthy whore. Those were the scum of the earth and you let them fuck you. You sucked their clicks." Allen's face was scarlet. His lips curled back odiously. "Allen. Why? Why?" "Sybil told me you were a little whore. She told me you fucked anything with legs. Now I know. Now I know." "No! No!" Gwen screamed, burying her face in her hands and sobbing. "No." She didn't see Allen reach into his pocket and pull out the cord. She didn't feel him grab her hands and tie...

2 years ago
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Used by my seducer

Following on from Saturday Seduction and Next Morning....I visited my my new friend at his apartment several times in the coming months. It would always start with a phone call from him. I had that much control, but when I was in his company he was definitely the one in charge. It was clear that he never allowed his own ass to be penetrated. He would play with my cock and suck me off but when it was time for fucking he was the one on top. Except when I was on top... riding his big cock. I had...

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What is Submission within BDSM or D S

Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something, letting passively dominate, a form of subordination, vassalage or servitude.Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders from a superior (Dom or Domme) without the right to make free decisions or to express oneself in any way he wishes. A person who lives in a state of submission is called a submissive and is characterized by excessive humility and servility. Usually, submission is marked by the spontaneity of...

3 years ago
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Toms Parallel World 10

All characters, furry or otherwise, are over eighteen. ~~~ *** ~~~ The canine, Peter, watched Tom, the human asleep on the floor. Not exactly sure what to do, he breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the back door slam with the feline geneticist, Lucy returning to the cottage with a bunch of herbs in her hand. “What happened?” “He keeled over again, but this time, I think he’s just asleep” “Typical. Although, chewing on that seaweed pod would knock out an elephant. I'll liquidize these...

3 years ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 13

The next two months passed quickly. After finishing his one week "debt" to Ann Marie, they started going out again. Jacob relished that first week back from their trip. Not only did he get to go down on Ann Marie's luscious pussy, she was very good about reciprocating. His only complaint was that he never got to fall asleep or wake up next to her—or inside her. At school, they both drew a fair amount of attention. After all, his truck being sighted in her driveway every night for a week...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Life

I'm thirty eight, single and of course, always on the look out for pussy, which is how I wound up in a young persons night club. I saw this young lady there, with the biggest tits I ever saw in real life, she looks to be about thirty pounds or so over weight and I am really intrigued by the size of her tits. She doesn't quite look like she is twenty one, the legal drinking age, but she's in the place with an empty glass in her hand, so I figure, she has to be at least twenty one, so I asked her...

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The Bet9

Ralph, Tyrell and Jerome were in Ralph’s garage drinking beer and in general just hanging out. “I’ve got to piss” said Jerome. “Jerome go in the house and piss already” Ralph replied. Tyrell looked as Jerome went inside and laughed. “What’s so funny”, asked Ralph? Tyrell started to explain both he and Jerome had been blessed or cursed with very big cocks, 11 and 12 inches respectively. The problem was neither of the mens new girl friends would or could take more the half before they were...

3 years ago
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Part 4 8211 My Sex Tutor

This short but memorable experience in 1984 is about my aunt’s sister. I owe it to Sumashree for initiating me into my first real sexual encounter. Until then I was only into masturbation, fantasizing film actresses, neighbors and class mates, and had indulged in the most extreme case (until then) of sucking Rupa’s breasts. I was touching 17 then and was in the XII standard and had appeared for my Board exams. She might have been 26 then and stayed in Bangalore. She was buxom. She was dark but...

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Seduction At Murchison Falls

While in Africa I learned of a German couple, who in their own desire to enjoy the opportunities of Africa allowed their two pretty daughters to be taken on a camping safari to Murchison Falls in the company of three African men. They never thought for one moment that their daughters were being placed in sexual risk. Their host, on the other hand, knew full well that both girls would be broken in to African cock while away from the shelter and eyes of their parents. He had very definite plans...

2 years ago
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Laura at the gas station

Our Company sent Laura and me to attend a conference at a not so far town; so we decided it would be funny to drive there by car.We spent three days there; getting bored during the mornings, but enjoying the rest of the day for ourselves. We had some very intense moments during the nights, especially with Laura’s sweet body entangled in mine on our hotel room’s bed.After those three exciting days, we started the way back home…The highway was very crowded and we both were getting bored due to...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 19

Authors Note: Chapter 18 was too dark for the site admin’s, and I understand their decision. I looked over the chapter and it is what it is, trying to tone it down just didn’t work so I am skipping it all together. If you would like a text copy just drop me a line and I will email you the chapter. Thanks for reading me. Chapter 19 Michael was pleased with the way his first two classes had gone as he walked from campus towards his flat. The afternoon was clear, the sun hung just beyond its...

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The Paperound Part 2 Revelations

The Paper-round ? Revelations ? by: oopster It had been a day that John Harvey thought he would never see, his release from a Hong-Kong prison. Ten years he'd been sentenced, and ten years he had served. Now that he was free, it was time to find out why. Suzie Smith had had another cheque sent to her old family, and another cheque that went un-cashed. This was not the start to the day that she wanted, and decided to call a sick day at work. Not that she needed to, seeing that...

3 years ago
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Dominate BBW Security Gal

I was walking thru the hotel lobby of a local hotel where I was spending the night. A white middle aged bbw security guard stares at me. She is a medium sized with really short dark hair. As I pass she saysSecurity; Excuse me do I know you? Me; I said, I don't think so?? Security; oh, OK....I'm sorry! Me; Its OK it happens, have a goodnight! I went out for dinner and I was thinking about her as I was eating. I did remember her messaging me on a popular dating site once. I finished my dinner...

1 year ago
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Seeing All of SisChapter 6

Cindi stayed the night - and for the first time I spent the night with a girl who was not a blood relative. First thing we did was shower and I put some of that ointment on her red rectum. Cindi said it didn’t hurt too bad, but I saw the way she winced when she sat down. I set us up to lay in bed and spend the rest of the afternoon playing a new video game I was trying out for work. Before Mom was due home, Cindi cooked us a traditional Vietnamese dinner that her Grandmother had just taught...

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some where over the rainbow part three

The Sun was so warm on my skin, just laying out on the pagoda, the waves crashing against the shore, the sound of the gulls down by the docks. couldn't help but relax. i looked around, no one is sight, i took my top off and was just leaning back against the bench, the side weren't tied back but than again how cares if they see me, its not everyone hasn't seem breasts before.(i hope) you yell out to me if i wanted anything in town and i said no, just please bring me something to drink before...

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Staceys Road Trip With John

John was a HGV driver and spent most of his working week away from home sleeping in his lorry at night. From Monday morning to Friday evening, his only means of contact with Julie, his wife of eight years, was either by phone or video calling, which he did nightly. This tale took place in the middle of summer. It was a Wednesday and John was collecting goods from a regular customer in south east England and would be delivering them to a customer in Manchester the following day. At his...

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BusinessChapter 6 Dan

"Alex, we need to go on vacation," I said. "Two questions," she replied. "One." She held up one of her tiny fingers. "Where are we going, and for how long?" she asked. "Anywhere," I said, "Let's go to Paris, women always want to see Paris." "I don't," she said. "It's just another city." "Two," she said, holding up another finger. "Why and more importantly, why now?" she asked. "It's that evil bitch isn't it? I should have kicked her ass then." That was really...

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300 Miles on the Erin Canal

CapturedTaking one last sip of her rum & Coke, heavy on the rum, Erin handed the stack of paperwork to the tall man sitting next to her at the “Down & Dirty Dalliances” meet and greet.  As she handed the papers over the man confirmed: “And you are sure you want to do this?” Erin steeled her shoulders and looked him square in the eye responding, “Yes Sir, what is life without a little adventure now and then?” Feeling everyone's eyes on her made her nervous and it was getting late, so with her...

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Adele de Clune

CHAPTER 1 Ralph de Clune stood waiting with his beautifully groomed wife Yvonne in the airport terminal looking at incoming passengers for Adele de Clune, sole survivor of her family Ralph’s brother James and wife and their two other children were killed in a helicopter crash. Yvonne and Ralph had spent a day in London with Adele after the funeral but she refused to return to America with them. That was nine years ago when she was eighteen. Boston-born Adele who had dual citizenship joined...

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Fem Firm 4 Pop Secret

FEM FIRM 4-POP SECRET PROLOGUE As I knocked on the door of my parents' house, the nerves I had made me feel like ants were crawling all over my body. I suppose I could have walked right in since I used to live there but I didn't want to shock them. After all, this was the first time they would ever see me as Ruby and, since I hadn't told them ahead of time when they asked me to come over, they were totally unprepared. My clothing was as demure as could be. I'd worn a woman's...

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