Hurt free porn video

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Hurt. By Tanya H. I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel, I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real. (Trent Reznor) I ran. Swearing and vile words followed, but couldn't catch or slow me. Cloaking myself in night I escaped the fat slob; his stench, sneers and urgency for my mouth and body. The phone I'd snatched from the cab I threw, no use to me, though clearly expensive. When it splashed I laughed. The bastard probably used it most for porn, for leering at pictures of girls like me and wanking while his bloated lips drooled with lust. Around me the night ran with wet - hissing through the air, splashing the path, dripping and tapping from bushes and trees surrounding me. Rain soaked my hair, drenched my jumper and made my skirt so heavy it clung needily to my legs. Away from the road, and the lay-by where the trucker had tried it on, the darkness wrapped me, full and heavy. When a branch slashed my cheek and tangled my hair I slowed to a walk - cheeks blowing, lungs aching - waving arms blindly before me, protecting my eyes. The cold edged up, hungrily sucking at my heat. I tried walking faster, as though I had any place to go, but still the shivers took me; ice stole sensation from my fingers and toes, then my teeth chattered together. Shelter, I needed shelter and fast. But where? Was that the glow of streetlights maybe a mile or two away, though nobody who knew me lived there. As if anybody would care to help the likes of me anyway - dirty and bedraggled, moody with hunger and the sure knowledge that everybody would fuck me over or leave me behind. Perhaps I should have stayed in the lorry, where it was warm, among the radio's jolly tunes and under a roof. I would have had to suck his cock - probably let him fuck me too. More cum in my mouth? It wasn't like he'd have been the first, nor the first man to force himself inside me - though the rotten onion stench of his armpits had practically choked me and his cock would have likely tasted retching foul. Like that care worker. All bastards. Better to die than do that again. When I'd run away I'd promised myself I'd never let a man use me again, never do anything for a man I hadn't invited. Better to freeze into a chill, blue corpse some bored copper would nudge with his boot and shrug his shoulders over. Nobody cared what happened to a girl like me. Tiring of the woods, of stumbling over roots and into wet branches, my freezing feet found a tarmac road. Not much of a road - certainly not big enough for that fat pervert to haul his great truck along, even if he were angry enough to hunt the girl who'd refused his ride for a ride and stolen his phone. (Dirty bastard.) Just a lane really, but a lane going from one place to another and perhaps there'd be a barn or a shed or something where I could curl around my hunger and doze hoping morning might bring something better. With scuffing, heavy footsteps I trudged along; rain blind, teeth chattering, numbness spreading up my arms and shins. When it got to my chest and my belly my thoughts would go to mush, I'd stumble to the ground and die. Nobody would miss me; not Mum who was dead or Dad who'd killed them both; not her brother who said he couldn't manage me, or the relatives who'd turned their backs; not any of the social workers who'd ignored the abuse of me and the other disowned and abandoned in their care. Maybe the headlines coming from my lonely passing would inspire somebody to do their fucking job for a change, but I doubted it. Sudden glare hit me with a wall of stark light my weeping eyes couldn't penetrate. I cried out in scared surprise - the lorry! He'd found me. So sluggish with cold I hadn't heard it, hadn't even seen the oncoming headlights until they were on top of me. Gathering the last of my life I turned to run; I even lurched a couple of steps before a woman spoke. "Hello. Don't go, it's okay." Okay lay a long way distant, but cold had robbed the run from my stiff legs and she easily caught me. Blinking away the rain I saw a tall woman, slender but shapeless in a heavy coat I'd have given a kidney for. In her car's headlights I saw her pleasant, middle-aged features softened with concern. "Where are you going?" I made a vague gesture along the road. "You were going the other way before I stopped. Are you lost?" So I turned and went past her car, welcoming the dark that would swallow my shit life and leave little behind. She'd left the driver's door open - music spilled out, heat from the busy fans brushed my skin. "What's your name?" She followed me. "I'm Hazel, there's nobody else in the car. Can I give you a lift somewhere? The village isn't far, if that's where you're going." Shaking my head, though not enough to lift my bedraggled hair, I took another step, one more. A touch on my arm, I shrugged it off. Her taillights glowed red over the puddled road. Why should I get in the car with her? She'd only use me, they always did. But, why should I give them the satisfaction of stumbling off to freeze to death? Just a ride in the car, just to feel warmth again - a minute or two without the rain pummelling my skull. This Hazel wasn't going to rape me, was she? "Kitty." What I called myself - another pretence. My last resistance was a mumbled protest about dripping all over the car, but she wouldn't hear it and spread a picnic blanket over the passenger seat. Dad had kept one in his car too - before - for when we'd drive out and picnic. I dripped and squelched while the fans blew hot air over my face and toes, while the wide seat swallowed me and heat made my eyes so heavy. "Where can I take you, Kitty?" 'Just drive,' I should have said. I wished she'd turn the music back on, then drive so I could let my eyes close and... Wake up in some nightmare she'd drawn me to, a silken trap where the same old same old would happen. With stiff, claw fingers, already aching with hot, I pulled at the door handle so the lock disengaged and the interior light pinpointed my fear. "You haven't anywhere to go, have you? You're running." The chill draught through the cracked door touched my legs, bare under my skirt's drowned hem. I'd stolen it and the jumper from a washing line when I'd run from the care home - I had nothing to call my own and Hazel's trap couldn't be worse than the night? I'd kill myself before I let another man touch me. "Do you want me to call someone?" I flinched. The police, social services? They'd never done anything beyond returning me to my torment. "No then, not yet. Not this late. Come with me, you can have a bath, some dry clothes. When was the last time you ate? Here..." Staring at the bony outlines of my knees I heard rummaging. A touch to my shoulder invited a look; Dairy Milk chocolate - the bar unwrapped and one segment missing. Hazel placed it on my death-white hand. Veins showed through my skin, almost as purple as the chocolate's wrapping. Mum had loved Dairy Milk, her favourite - smooth and no-frills, she'd say. I shook again, sobs not chills, and tears ran salt through the rain on my cheeks. Hazel gave a wounded sound and a moment later she'd wrapped herself around me. Against all the voices of my experience I let her. After only five or ten silent minutes in the car, we left the lane for a sweeping gravel drive leading to a hotel. It stood amongst rain-drenched gardens, a rising stone place of sturdy doors and tall windows with soft lighting behind them. I saw an orderly dining room, a bar with a few people still at their leisure - even now. Cars were scattered in the car park to one side, but Hazel took us around the back, past a Staff Only sign into a secluded courtyard with bins and kitchen vents and a big back door. "This is my hotel," she said, as if my fears lay open to her. "You'll be safe here." Safe? I needed a promise of that from her, but myths of safety came as thin as adult's promises. Instead I sat and waited to see what variety of shit this current would spin me into. "Kitty. Who are you running from?" "Everyone." "How old are you?" "Sixteen." "What's happened?" "Things. I won't say them." Inside the lights made me blink, carpets came treacherously soft underfoot while rich scents of warmth and dinner crowded so forcefully I swayed, reaching blindly for the wall. Until she caught me. "Joe!" she called, leading me further into her lair where Joe would push himself inside me. "What's up?" said a man, from ahead of us. "Wow, Hazel. Where'd you find her!" "Out in the rain, poor thing's frozen. Get me some tea, and a blanket. Something warm. I'm going to take her upstairs, she can have Lizzie's old room." Lizzie must have been the last girl they'd abused here. I tried to pull away, but with so little left my legs switched off and thumped me to the carpet. *** At some point I dreamt. Mum came to me, as she sometimes did. She brushed my hair, giggled and painted my fingernails, even though I'd been too little for such things. Still a girl herself, they'd said; they thought she'd been too young for a child of her own. I taught her to bake fairy cakes, after a cookery lesson at school. She'd been delighted with them, presented them to Dad, when he'd come home from the factory, like they were something grand and fancy. I'd learnt you couldn't hide in dreams though. Mum and Dad went back to being dead when you woke, opened your eyes and saw whatever place you'd been taken to. But this room was new to me, with a steep, pitched ceiling and a dorma window through which glowed a sky so summer-blue the drenching rain last night must have been a dream itself. I saw a sturdy, old-fashioned dresser beside a matching wardrobe, a carved rocking chair was loaded with plump cushions and a soft, grey donkey with sad eyes. The room's door was cracked open a few centimetres, so they hadn't locked me in. Subdued voices came to me through the opening - a man and a woman. "You'll have to phone Social Services, Hazel." The man, his voice deep and soaked with the Caribbean. For all the heat under the layers of quilt and blankets, shivers ran over my skin. Time to run. I pushed out an arm from under the covers, though it seemed so much heavier than I remembered while the bed felt so soft, the covers so cosy. Pyjamas! I wore a red pyjama top, made of snug fleece and decorated with woolly, friendly looking sheep. Another shiver, a groan - not for my sheep pyjamas, I quite liked them; somebody had dressed me in them. "Not yet, Paul." That was Hazel, voice low, but insistent. "I need to talk to her, you saw her bruises - the scars. Something's happened to her. You've seen the news, what if Social Services are the problem?" "The police will be looking. What if there's a prison missing a prisoner, Hazel? You could be in danger." "It's complicated." He snorted. "Complicated! There's a runaway boy in there wearing girl's pyjamas. He needs help. It's a massive safeguarding issue, you know that. I'm duty bound to report this, you know that too. If you wanted to keep him a secret you shouldn't have called me." I sat up quickly, too quickly, and scanned for my stolen clothes. No sign of them. But the sudden movement lifted a cough from me, then another - more came, as though my lungs were full of feathers. Grey seeped into the edges of my vision and I slumped back onto the pillow. Hazel's face, pinched with concern, appeared around the edge of the door. A man came in behind her; tall, gangling and a luxurious deep brown. He carried a bag in one hand and wore a worried look. "Kitty?" said Hazel. "I'm not a boy," I choked out between coughs. She sat on the edge of the bed, laid a cool hand on my forehead. "I didn't say you were." Paul tutted. "He'll have pneumonia if you're not careful." "She," said Hazel, firmly - so firmly I stared from under a frown. He sighed, shook his head. "No good will come of this. 48 hours, Hazel. If you haven't done something by then, I'll have to call it in myself. I'm only doing this because..." "Thank you, Paul." "... because it's probably right! Give him... her paracetamol, keep her warm, dry. Feed her up. Okay? Call me if she gets worse." Then he looked at me, really looked at me as though his soft, brown eyes could see everything. "And you. Whoever you are, wherever you've run from, do not hurt this lady; Doctor's orders. Good luck, both of you." "You've caught a chill," she said, when his footsteps had receded, still sitting on the edge of the bed. She wore a skirt suit whose hem had ridden up to expose her knees criss-crossed with a fine, nylon weave. A brown net kept her dark hair in a tidy bun, small hoops glittered in her ears and her smile glistened with subdued lipstick. Sudden anger at all of her contrasting with all of me made clubs of my fists. "I'm not a boy." More a challenge, that statement came easier the second time, for the coughs subsided as I lay still. She must have dressed me in these soft pyjamas, she would have seen me in all my ugliness - been shocked perhaps - but now she knew my two biggest secrets. My fingers relaxed. She held power over me, but had called me, 'she, her'. "I haven't said you were." She sighed. "Oh, Kitty. What am I going to do with you?" I thought it would be easier for both of us, give us both time to plan, if I closed my eyes and pretended sleep. The pretence didn't last very long, when I woke again a comfortable twilight filled the room. The bedroom door remained ajar and a soft light from the landing gave the room a gentle glow. When I swung out my legs into the cool they felt rubbery and insubstantial; my soles protested from the miles I had trudged the last few days. Tottering to the mirror, I looked rough; blue eyes hanging with dark bags and bloodshot, my fair hair straggled and unloved. Who was I trying to convince? My skinny cluster of bones and skin wouldn't fool anyone; I was no more a girl than the stuffed donkey on the chair. These red pyjamas, happily decorated with the friendly sheep, looked ridiculous. Faint bristles showed on my chin and top lip, I needed to shave for all my fair hair and light skin. Best if I just threw myself from the window and spattered my problems on the ground below. Only a small, metal catch held the window shut. I could tell from the chimney tops, just visible on a roofline below, the ground was quite a long way away. "Hello, Kitty." Startled, I twisted to see Hazel at the door. She smiled, but a weariness hung from her. "That's not really my name. It's Andrew, Andrew Carson. Dad called me, Kit - from Kit Carson. Have you heard of him?" "I have, vaguely. I prefer Kitty." "So did Mum, she called me that." Biting back a sob I wiped at more useless, hot tears. Mum had seen into me, loved me as I was. 'No good will come of this,' Dad had said, when he'd seen my glossed fingernails. And he'd been right. "Where is your Dad?" "Dead. And Mum. He killed them, in his car. Driving too fast the coppers said. He did love to drive fast." "Oh, Kitty. I am so sorry." You could hear it too, weighting her voice. Lots of people had been so sorry though - the teacher at school when the police came to tell me, the first social workers, even the court when I'd been formally placed into care. Sorry didn't mean shit when they rented you out. "I've run away from care. Not prison. They didn't care for me very well." Slowly, casually I turned my back and walked to the window. Picture book clouds drifted over the remains of the sunset, a perfect evening. I tested the sill with both hands - when I moved it would have to be an explosion of energy; no cries for help, no begging for intervention, no opportunity for anybody to offer the chance to talk. I promised I wouldn't even scream when I dived for the flagstones down there. "Kitty, I know." She remained by the door as I measured the movement from windowsill to the window catch. Examining the window's structure I mentally rehearsed the action of throwing it open and clambering through. Tired and weak as I felt, I would dig deep and be through and flying, before she could cross the room to scream after me. "I know, Kitty. I have stared into mirrors and told myself over and over 'I'm not a boy'. I know." Which stopped me. The imagined view of those stone flags rushing up to switch me off vanished and I turned, without thinking. Hazel hadn't moved from the door, her eyes shone - wide and pleading, but I saw nothing of a boy, only a woman - tall in heels and elegant in her skirt. Another liar. "You know nothing." "I know you're not a boy." "Then don't force me to live as one." "I won't call them. Not today. Give me a day, just one. Please." I showed her my back, rested a hand on the window catch. "What difference will a day make?" "Aren't you even a little bit curious?" A warm, spring laden draught flowed through the window when I pushed it open, I leaned out, examining the stones of the service yard behind the hotel. A woman in a chef's uniform sat on a step beside a door reading a book and smoking. I caught a sniff of her cigarette and memories of smoke layered rooms filled with naked, sweating men steeled my intent. Hazel didn't move. Even when I found enough strength to boost myself up to sit on the windowsill with my back to the open window. The breeze stirred my hair. I could just roll back now, like a scuba diver rolling off the side of a boat. "Please don't." "Why do you care?" "I could show you, help you. To be a girl." "They'll take me away, send me back so you won't get the chance. Answer my question." "Because I've been you." I laughed, bitterly. You could see from the curve of her hips and waist, outlined by her tailored pencil skirt, from her full breasts and slender neck, that her womanhood came from her chromosomes. "You're a woman. I'll never be like you." "You never will if you jump." That held my attention - coupled with the intensity in her eyes, the way her lips parted. Without physically reaching for me, her body quivered as though desperate to run over and hug me. And her words... When I'd sat on the edge of the carehome roof the social worker had coaxed me down with promises of talking, getting help, of the empty shadows that filled tomorrows. Not Hazel. I replayed her words - 'you never will if you jump'. "Just one day. Please." "If you call them I'll run." "Before I call them I'll help you run. If that's what you want, but tomorrow." Curiosity overcame self-destruction - nobody had ever talked to me like this, and I thought I'd heard all the angles. With heart pounding, as though it knew how close it had been to beating its last, I hopped down from the window sill and stumbled on wobbly legs. Hazel sagged with relief, squeezed her eyes shut and I saw tears on her cheeks. Crying for me? "I found you a dressing gown, slippers," she said. Fleecy, girl's things; her daughter's maybe? The dressing gown smelt clean and fresh as I wrapped it around me, leaving it loose so it wouldn't highlight my disgusting flat chest. "Where are we going?" "Dinner. Joe's made lasagne, do you like lasagne? First I want to show you something." I let her hold my hand and lead me from the spartan wing containing my room into the more comfortable, public areas of the hotel; their style and luxury way beyond my experience. Holidays for me, Mum and Dad had been static caravans beside East Coast beaches; there would never have been the money for plush places like this. "In here," she said. "Room thirteen, my favourite. Wonders happen here." Her voice caught as she spoke and my trust in her quivered. A trap, honeyed by her words, her tears and the promises written between them? She bit her lip as she unlocked the door. "I never did this before, not like this. I hope it works, it will - it will work. Come on, Kitty." Inside, I found nothing more sinister than a hotel room, spacious and comfortable - the kind of room I had only ever seen on the TV, with a wide canopied bed, heavily carved furniture from a different age and there, beside the wardrobe, a long mirror angled on a carved stand. Nothing threatening at all. "I came here one day, years ago," said Hazel. "I was the same kind of girl as you, don't look like that - really I was." She stood me before the mirror while the intensity in her voice and emotion she struggled to contain made me wonder for her mind. "Have a look, what do you see?" I looked, frowning. What was I supposed to see? A trick, a trap? Nothing at all? "A girl who looks like a boy." It was hard to keep the bitterness from my voice. Not much of a girl by anybody's standards - skinny in her pyjamas and flat chest; a girl only in her fucked up, deluded, twisted... "Keep looking," Hazel urged. Then she faded from my awareness as the mirror fogged over - as if it had just been brought in from a freezing cellar. And cleared. And... There, a reflection. A pained cry burst from me. I turned away and despite everything it was Hazel's shoulder I buried my face in, shaking with hurt. "Stop it! Stop it!" I wailed into her blouse. She laughed, I thought her mean, that she didn't care about my distress, but when she spoke again she sounded only Christmas morning excited. "There, I told you, oh Kitty... Look, have a look!" It had to have been a trick of the light, could I make myself look again? I peeped, with just one eye - like a TV monster loomed to make Mum and me squeal with fright. Just a peep. Then I would run. A peep then, to see that cruel reflection; a girl who looked like me, but couldn't be. My face, my hair; my cheeks and lips and crooked nose. A stranger though, some trickery to somehow produce an image showing breasts pushing out my top, where my trousers draped from curved, beautiful hips - where nothing hateful deformed the trouser's front. Anger rose, my fingers made claws, I turned my back and strode for the door. Hazel's hand snagged my sleeve. I shrugged it clear. "Leave me alone, let me go." "Kitty, wait." I waited, hand on the door, though I couldn't tell you why. I didn't have much else I suppose - only a flight from the window, a step in front of a train. "Who is it?" I felt dull with disappointment, that Hazel should do something like this. Hazel wept, but when I lifted my eyes to her face I saw it split by a wide, lovely smile. Crying with happiness? Was there even such a thing for real? "It's you," she sobbed taking my shoulders and turning me to the mirror. I didn't want to look, I shouldn't have looked - I should just have screamed bitch at her and run. But I had to have one more look, at the girl I should have been. "It's you, Kitty. Don't you see? I can see her, see you." "Stop it!" I yelled and my voice cracked, suddenly shrill. Yanking at the door I pulled it hard into my foot, yelped with pain and jumped back. Some alien shift on my chest washed everything else from my awareness. Looking down, my body remained hidden by the voluminous dressing gown. I jumped on the spot again, just a little bit, and felt my chest bounce. It had never moved like that before; I'd always been so skinny. Hazel watched me, expectantly - like she knew. My heart thudded, my belly squirmed; my hands shook, but not so much I couldn't undo the dressing gown's belt and let it fall open. "Can you feel it?" Hazel whispered. Feel it! I could see the points pushing the pyjama top away from my chest, but sensations crowded me too. A wonderful, glowing warmth in my chest - as though I were laid in the sun, or the sun was laid in me. Every time I took a breath those points got bigger, tenting the top, making me conscious of their increasing weight. Without really thinking I lifted my hands to my chest, cupping the round resiliences growing there. Nipples pushed into my palms. "Breasts?" I murmured, voice tight. "I knew it would work." She beamed her joy, baring her teeth in a wide smile. Still I shook my head, an unbeliever even as those growing breasts filled my hands and threatened to spill over. A dream, it must be. Or death - had I pushed myself from that window and smashed my life over Hazel's yard. Was this some heaven, or a construct made by the last flickering of my dying mind? Those hated bits of me twitched, it felt like my balls tumbled over each other inside their ugly sack. My chin dropped as I felt the slow, but sure retraction as something pulled them up and inside me. Warm and gentle invisible fingers rearranged my insides. I needed to pee, desperately - suddenly; gasping from the utterly alien tugs and nudges inside my abdomen as space was created for... Releasing my breasts I grabbed at my crotch with both hands, a very unladylike gesture, though there was nothing to grasp now - nothing dangling. Under my fingers, through the pyjamas, a groove - a vulva. A creak in my pelvis, sensed rather than heard. A sway as my hips spread; I had to steady myself on the door. "What's so funny?" I asked, my voice came smooth and light. A thousand butterfly wings tickled my skin as my thighs and my bum filled out. "The wonder on your face." "I'm a girl!" All the times I had spoken those words, made wishes of them as though my own determination could make them true. "You've always been a girl." "But now..." "Do you like it?" She led me from the door, back to the mirror and I started to pull back, as though what had been done could be reversed if I saw the old, skinny, boy me there. "I love it, is it real?" "Of course it is. Look at me, I've been the woman you see for years. I've been married, had children. You won't ever go back to what you were." So I put my arm around her waist, stepped in front of the mirror and smiled. "Hello, Kitty," I said. There wasn't much else I could say, my throat closed up with joy. Hazel cried and laughed as she hugged me. What else could I do but weep with her, then laugh aloud at the wonder of what had been done to us both. *** The next day, two social workers came for me. Though my feet were light on Hazel's carpet, I didn't run. My running days over I faced forward into my proper life as Katherine 'Kitty' Carson - that was the name on the papers the social workers brought with them - my name. More magic: the state made to recognise the truth of my gender. Katherine Carson - I loved saying it to myself, looking like a diva in any mirror I could find and whispering, "Hello, Katherine." It was a good name, a strong name - a woman's name full of potential. And Kitty always to my friends, only one at the moment, but more would come. Maxine and Clara were everything I'd come to expect from social services - weary, slightly shabby and perplexed to find a runaway girl from a Nottingham care home washed up in a Cotswolds hotel. Maybe they were a little surprised to find me in a smart blouse, a stretchy black skirt and opaque tights - I felt amazing, gossamer light - unreal, but wonderfully female. Hazel had put up my hair into a neat bun, just like hers, and I kept touching it, to smile and remember how the solid, netted mass up there was all mine. As she'd painted my fingernails, a lovely raspberry pink, she'd told me of varnishing her daughter's nails when she'd been little and I told her of Mum doing mine. She'd shown me how to apply mascara and eye liner, donated a little make-up kit with the bag of clothes she'd made up for me. Taking tea with the social workers in Hazel's office I crossed my legs with a sensual nylon swish, tweaked my hem and felt every bit the lady. Each time some movement of my breasts, sight of my legs under the skirt or any of the million differences between now and then caught my attention, I smiled to myself - couldn't help it. Clara and Maxine weren't expecting me to be smiling so much. I wasn't so rose-tinted by my wonderful body to imagine everything that had been done to me was boxed away, never to be seen again. I'd been drugged and abused - those darknesses didn't go easily - but I felt tougher as the certainty of my gender flowed through me. I was a girl, I'd be a woman. One day I'd be a woman like Hazel - I faced forward, never going back. Then came the time when I had to leave and the fear bubbled back. Maxine and Clara would abandon me into an uncaring care system; those who exploited the vulnerable would find this new body to their taste. "I'll call you," said Hazel wrapping me again, out on the front of the hotel with the breeze wonderfully cool through my tights. "Every day. And I'll message you, come and see you." "I'm coming back." This directed to Maxine, who I had decided bossed the pair. "There's paperwork." "Always paperwork," sighed Clara. "And checks, but we should be able to sort it," Maxine agreed. "And Katherine will be safe this time?" That was Hazel, steel in her voice. "Have you seen the news this morning?" Clara asked. She dug into her massive shoulder bag, produced a tablet then prodded and scrolled at before letting me see a headline over three grim faces. Three faces I knew - who would probably haunt me for the rest of my life - arrested as part of a Nottinghamshire Police child abuse investigation. "It's not all like that," said Clara. "None of it should be," said Hazel, and Clara coloured, looked at the floor. She squeezed me one last time, then I kissed her cheek and walked - head high - to their car and swung myself into the back with knees together. I waved and waved and waved until she and her amazing hotel were out of sight. "Not many big-hearted people like her left in the world," said Clara. "She saved my life." "I didn't really expect to find a squared away girl like you," Maxine said warmly as we pulled onto the lane where once I'd been a freezing stray. "Neither did I," I said, and wouldn't explain further. That magic lay between Hazel and me.

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A London Tale

In a shop doorway on Trafalgar Square three shadowy figures stood, unnoticed in the hurly-burly of humanity thronging around on a busy Saturday afternoon. All three wore the distinctive black and white keffiyeh wrapped around their heads, and sported full-length white thawb robes, their traditional Muslim garb a familiar sight on the streets of London. Each wore a rucksack, all three hanging heavily, as if filled with weights. Glimpses of brown tunics could be seen under their robes as they...

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Mother and son get together

My name is Kathy. I am a 42 year old single mom. My husband and I finally got a divorce after years of bad blood and out an out hatred had erupted between us. One thing my husband did for me that I will always be greatful for is my son. His name is Ken. He is 21 years old.Kenny looks nothing like his father. If I didn't know better. I would swear that he was fathered by someone else. Kenny is six feet tall, weighs about 180 pounds, all of it muscle. He has a full head of black hair and he has...

2 years ago
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(© Copyright by the author, 1997) I'd actually known Inez in a casual way for about a year before that last afternoon. I first bumped into her - literally - at a farmers' market in Union Square on a mid-October Saturday morning. I was carrying a sizable pumpkin destined to give its all for the furtherance of merriment and atmosphere at a Halloween party. She was crouched low to examine some unusual apples from Upstate. She backed into my path and stood abruptly, nearly knocking the...

1 year ago
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Remeberance Sunday

He sat alone on the bench, watching the sunrise over the distant chimneys of the factory and noted the shadow lines creep towards his feet, bathing the cemetery in winter sun. His breath, like momentary white ghosts, became highlighted in the wan, late autumn light He had been there, contemplating, for two hours or so, ignoring the chill and watching the day unfold. How he hated this Sunday each year, hated the march of veterans, but was drawn in some morbid fascination annually. Each year, he...

3 years ago
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Tara 3 DogsChapter 16

The next two years were very busy at both Mount Dog and Redtail Hills. Thanks to her vambrace and Darcy, Dame Brindle and her advisors had been privileged to observe the meeting at Mount Dog. It had caused some heated discussions but she and her people, like Huntress’s, also came to the conclusion it was time to modernise. It didn’t hurt that Darcy also came back and upgraded some of her people. Having Mages to help make it a lot easier for both communities. The Redtail people elected to...

2 years ago
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Living in Cockington part 20

I awoke late in the morning and everyone else seem to be already down stairs having breakfast.As I stood in the bathroom having a morning wash, I heard the door open and Zoe my hot blonde cousin stepped inside.She was wearing a T-shirt and short shorts that showed off her long tanned legs and with a smile she proceeded to use the toilet right next to me."I need a pee" she said quickly pulling her shorts down revealing her bald shaved pussy before sitting down on the toilet.I heard the flow of...

3 years ago
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Sally Goes To The Theatre

For me, the day started out bad and got progressively worse. The clock didn't go off when it was supposed to and when I woke up I was already half an hour late for work. I skipped breakfast and with only a cup of black coffee for sustenance I jumped in my car only to find that the battery was dead. It cost me $55 to get the service station to send over a guy to give me a jump-start and when I finally got down town I couldn't find a place to park. I had to settle for one of the rip-off parking...

4 years ago
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Family Reunion

It is family reunion time. You, being the healthy but perverted member of a family have a choice. A> Cousin Kim....Dark brown hair, body and mouth that will not quit. 36B-26-34. Cousin Kim is funny, sexy, and horny. B> Aunt Jenny...Your mother's sister. Blond hair, huge natural tits. 38DD-34-36. A woman that is slightly older than your mother. C> Step-sister Beth. Red hair, huge, natural tits. 36C-34-38. Roughly the same age, she also has a crush on you.

2 years ago
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Experimenting With BFFs MILFy Mom

My best friend's Katie's mom is a total milf. Things with my parents are always hard, but I feel completely safe with Suzanne, like she is my second, better mom. I've laid in bed next to Katie on many sleep overs and fantasized about sneaking into Suzanne's bedroom and giving her a night of delight. When she and her husband Mike split up and she started working a corporate job. She became even hotter, always coming in wearing a tight business suit and heels. So, one week things got crazy at my...

2 years ago
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Salon Visit

“Jasmine.” “Jaz,” the voice resonated in my head pulling me from my pleasant slumber. “What?” I muttered. “You said you wanted to get to the salon early,” my mother stated. I gently rolled onto my side to look at the alarm clock. "Oh my God it's 10:40, how did I sleep so late!" I yelled as I launched myself from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, ran a washcloth over my body, pulled my hair back, sprayed some light perfume over myself, throw the short sundress that was...

2 years ago
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a diary piece my next date

A diary piece - my next dateI hadn't forgotten how to please a man and I had decided to be a little whore for him.Yes I enjoyed it very much and wanted to be fucked again the next day.When I start having sex I want it all the time.HiltonP had said he wanted a date again on 21st and 28th and if he had contacted me I would have said yes visit. I would have said that if time is short (as is on his way home to his wife so I guess can't dilly dally) I can just wear a babydoll and minimal make-up. I...

3 years ago
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Play Date with Chloe

Since my husband and I got married nearly eight years ago, I’ve become very good friends with his business partner’s wife, Chloe. Chloe is 44, tall and tan, with long blonde hair, D cup implants and an amazing body for a woman in her 40s. She's not bi like me, but she is adventurous and loves to have fun. A few years ago, while vacationing in Cancun, I drunkenly French kissed Chloe on a dare. Since then things between us have progressed to the point where we regularly have sex together—we call...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Dee Williams Victoria Voxxx Security Risk Part 2 Misconduct

In “Security Risk, Part Two,” Mayor Dee Williams has a major problem: she is being blackmailed and fucked by an unknown hacker, Mickey Mod. When he calls Dee to get his two million dropped into a crypto wallet, it is revealed that his girl on the inside is none other than Victoria Voxxx, Dee’s annoyingly earnest speech writer… Dee is furious and drags Victoria to see her criminal colleague, Quinton James. This dangerous and handsome man stalks around Victoria, questioning her to see if...

4 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 48 Art or Smut

Kari and Crystal got permission to come over again on Sunday, to Jeff's delight. He hadn't had a chance to make love to either one of them on Saturday, and wanted another opportunity. Brit had insisted on sleeping with Jeff Saturday night, and although Rachael shared the bed as well, they had just cuddled, not had sex. In fact, with Brit there he insisted that they keep their clothes on. In the morning, Rachael wanted to fuck him while Brit showered, but he knew there wouldn't be enough...

3 years ago
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The Blameless BystanderChapter 8 Interlude

On Sunday night James took Vicki to dinner at a restaurant in Corning. It was nice to relax in the open, unconcerned about being observed. They spoke a little about James' worries over Reverend Chandler, but not much. Anything said would have been preaching to the choir. They did make some preliminary plans for a weekend trip into the Wine Country at one of the Bed and Breakfast Inns that dot that area of the State. There were many to choose from between Seneca and Cayuga Lakes. School...

3 years ago
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My Sister and I Horse around on the Farm

My sister, Kris, called me and was telling me that she had met a guy who she wanted me to meet. She explained that Tom was a guy that she had met at one of her company’s social functions and she had started dating him and she was thinking about moving things to the next level. She wanted me to meet him and I guess give her my approval. I always looked out for my baby sister and she kind of trusted me to tell her the truth about things and look out for her best interest. I love my sister very...

2 years ago
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The fiery Doctor Part three

Chapter 1 Mark was more nervous now then he had ever been in his life. He knew that if Emily rejected him then his happiness would come crashing down. Kat would probably be pissed at him for life and he would never be happy again. Despite the risk Mark knew that he had to do this. He loved Emily with all his heart and he desperately wanted her to be with him for life. Sure, she had said the same thing but this was going to make it real. He kneeled behind her and put his finger to his...

4 years ago
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Something about Jennifer

 Jennifer was a very shy girl, yet an intelligent student in class. Somewhere in the nooks of Liverpool was a house, where Jennifer lived with her parents and brother. Her father was an executive, he was very gentle in nature, very charming person, her mother Barbara was a typical housewives, engaged in chores, some or the other... often wished life could take some turns, no she wasn't an envious lady, she had friends both rich and middle class, she was just herself... she just wanted to spice...

4 years ago
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Wish Shift A Woman Named Amy

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Three A Woman Named Amy Year 1 A.S. Day 170 Amy had a busy day. They had left the camp earlier this morning and gotten on the road to go home. The other ladies there had gathered around her before they left, to pray the Lord strengthen her and her husband, as they ventured out into the world of the tribulation. It would not truly be safe for the Lord's people yet, but it had to be done. While she and her sisters in faith prayed, Joshua had gathered with...

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The Vampire in the Attic

It was the kind of winter where comfort food could cause no guilt. The snow and rain poured down endlessly and the biting wind left Scarlett Kennedy’s eyes watering and her face numb. She missed the gloriously abundant sunshine of Los Angeles but the gothic Yorkshire mansion was the only real estate her father had salvaged after his investments turned sour, and so the family had been forced to move, just as the last leaves dropped from the trees. Yorkshire was unglamorous and cold and the...

1 year ago
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My unexpected Sunday afternoon masturbation session

As this is my first written experience, let me introduce myself. Male, 28, and the most important bit you need to know: I’m a passionate masturbator. Do not get me wrong, I love sex (with both genders) and as I’ve been told I’m quite good at it, but for some reason I prefer to play with myself. My personal history includes all kind of masturbation techniques, ranging from the most typical to the most kinky. I guess the best thing is to combine sex and masturbation in your life. Anyway, let’s...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 124 All Kinds Of Choreography

On a Sunday, three weeks-minus a day-before their wedding, Warren and Sophia found themselves at the parking lot of the Oceanview Mall. They were here to meet Tom Bellamy. Tom was staying at the Kellehers' for the week that Warren and Sophia were going to be choreographing for him. Warren had told him, "The mall's a lot easier to find than my parents' house. So, we'll meet you there and lead you in." Tom had driven up from New York. When they got to the Kellehers', Warren and...

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male rape

At the age of forty and being overweight I find that even though I want sex often my wife off twenty two year’s is not interested anymore, once upon a time we were very active and experimented in all kinds of things, which is how I learned I liked my ass to be internally stimulated. Done right I could even cum without touching my dick. Tracey (my wife) used to like using a small strap-on cock and fucking me as I jerked off, but all this stopped about ten years back, these days I find I just...

3 years ago
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The Three Faces Of Evan

THE THREE FACES OF EVAN by Throne It was Saturday night. Evan had been waiting all week for this evening. It was when he had sex with his extremely desirable wife, Tyra. She was a tall blond with generously padded contours. He couldn't get enough of her big bust and wide jutting ass. But what he loved the most was going down on her. He was hooked on cunnilingus. He lived for the taste and feel of her pussy. If she encouraged him, he would do it every night. She appreciated his...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 30

We slept the sleep of the dead, awakening before the kids, refreshed and anxious to face the day. Teri held me tightly against her all night, which was sweet. I enjoyed being needed, and captured at the same time. By the time the children appeared, breakfast was on the table and we dug in like we were starved. I know I was. All through breakfast, Teri would catch my eye, squint just a bit, and smile a sneaky kind of smile. I knew just how she felt and wondered if I was smiling like a...

2 years ago
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Cobie Smulders finds her lost love

Introduction: Robin from HIMYM finds her lost love in real life This is my first attempt at writing straight erotica. I have never been in a mentally satisfying straight relationship in my life, so I wouldnt exactly know or be capable of penning down my emotions and desires I would have felt if I had been with a guy. Also note that its not that Im averse to reading or writing stories which begin directly with sexual acts, but this one is definitely going to be an exception. I personally believe...

3 years ago
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Sex in Germany

After reading a lot of stories here I decided that it is time to write one of my own.It was summer 2009 I had just a few months ago moved to Germany. I was alone without a Girlfriend and I didn’t speak a word of German at the time. So I decided to make a profile here in xHamster. Some days later I start messaging with a girl from the next city. After hour in front of the screen exchanging fantasies we decided to meet. She was 1,75 red hair and some extra kilos (I like bbw). She had big tits and...

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Naina8217s friend smita

Hi all… hope u readers enjoyed Naina’s weekend as much as her previous sexcapades… here is the next thread… Some readers have complained that it was a tad long, will keep that in mind… thanx Zing, Wet-slit & Erector for your responses… In the previous posts I introduced Naina & her initiation into the world of sexual pleasure… One character, Smita, figured in 2 of them & readers will know that Smita had a lot to do with Naina’s transformation into a sex starved youngster ready to explore… to...

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Wet Dreams

For two entire weeks, you, John Doe, have researched tirelessly on a place that historians and philosophers have secretly called... The Labyrinth. A special location that links the psyche of every living being on Earth. The place where you can traverse in people's dreams and do whatever you've wished. Out of sheer luck, you've managed to find a way to enter this place through your dreams after two whole weeks of trial and error. Giddy at the seams of all the possible things you could accomplish...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abella Danger Luna Star Extradition Part Two

US DEA captive Kat Dior is held for questioning inside a cartel-run compound in Central Mexico’s Sierra Madre Mountain Range. She can provide intel on the evasive cartel boss La Luna Star who forced Kat into prostitution the day the kidnapped daughter of a US Senator purportedly went missing. Kat was brought to the facility with a blond-haired prostitute, where they entered the main house to fuck La Luna in a lesbian threesome. La Luna and her lieutenant took off with the escort and her...

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DONNASummer JobPart 2Moira sorted out my mistak

As I was willing to learn more, Margaret, the lady in charge of the office, gave me more responsibility, soon I was ordering parts that the firm needed. On my second week I had finished the order and it was posted to the firm, 3 days later the delivery turned up and there was a problem. I was called into Richard’s office and asked, “Donna did you make out this order” I looked at the invoice and said “Yes”. There were 2 columns and I’d put 12 in one instead of 1 in the first column and 2 in the...

4 years ago
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Stories Online Heaven

I was sitting at work and died. Then I woke up and realized I was a teenager again, and I was a woman! I was not just any woman, I was my own 16 year old twin sister! Wow, I always wanted to fuck my twin sister, so now I can fuck myself as my brother! So I went into the hall, and realized I was not reliving my life, I was in heaven! And stretching before me was a hallway of endless doors. I went into the first one, and saw my mother fucking my father. Or was he fucking her? Either way, they...

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Morning Sexercise

Sylvia thought: Screw the way we are brought up. Mummy’s advice about being a ‘nice’ girl, well nice girls didn’t get to fuck before breakfast outdoors. Sylvia Brereton was focussed, totally committed to her body’s response in the moment. This was her last workout before Sunday’s City to Casino ten-kilometre fun run. She had placed a creditable seventh in the women’s open section last year. At twenty-two she was determined to do better and place top three this year or at worst...

Sex With Stranger
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Seduced Willingly

Finally, I moved to a city that was exciting, Miami. I moved to Miami looking for something new and adventurous. I grew up in very conservative town where nothing exciting went on. In Miami I found different languages, gay people, different ethnic persons, art, and culture. However, my job keeps me too busy to have any kind of social life. After about a month, I went out to a bar on Washington Avenue, a little hole in the wall, but it was backed. I really didn't have any no-work friends. I...

She Males
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Katies Pain Lesson

AB-110Katie's Pain LessonBy UnknownChapter 1I live for my senses.Touch, sound, smell, taste and sight. I am a very sensitive person. Not one who is moody, but one who enjoys having my senses stimulated.Especially touch and sound.Harsh touches and cracking sounds.Nothing thrills me more than a harsh blow waking up my nerve endings or the magical sound of something hitting my flesh. To be restrained while it is happening is even better.As far back as I can remember, I have always been that way. I...

2 years ago
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Quick Flash Last Night Was AMAZING Part 2

YES! YES! YES! Continue!You’re such a tease! I’m sitting here with my pussy all wet and you have to leave for work? You should have called in sick and CALLED ME to tell me every detail! Now I’m sitting at my desk and I may just have to go to the restroom and get some relief!I was planning to come to New York in June, but after reading your email, I’m trying to find a flight for next week. Maybe the four of us can have some fun? (I know I’m married but I haven’t had sex in TWO...

Group Sex
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A Stocking Encounter

The man and woman sat at their table in the veranda of the hotel awaiting their food. Both eagerly excited to see what would be concocted from their initial orders from the menu. As she twirled her honey colored Pies porter in her fishbowl-sized glass, bored by her companion and the lack of their conversation, her eyes scanned the restaurant looking from one couple to the next searching for a true match made in heaven. The 5-star Tuscan-based restaurant nestled itself quietly in the center of...

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My Sluttiness Revealed

Hello everyone, I am a very big fan of ISS. I’ve started reading Indian Sex Stories from 16. Now am 24 years old working in banaglore mnc. My name is Nisha (not my real name), a telugu girl born and brought up in bangalore, fair colour, 5 feet 3 inches and stats of 32b-24-34. I had sex for the first time when I was 18. Till now, I had lot of sex experiences which includes ffm, mmf, group, threesome lesbian, group, submission and much more. I used to share this only with my friends and while sex...

2 years ago
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Inappropriate Surprise Incest Requirement Story

Inappropriate Surprise Incest Requirement StoryDescription: In this story, Liz discovers that, much to her surprise and chagrin, her father has expected that she be sexually satisfying her brother on demand. He discovers she has not been doing this, and, together with her brother, he punishes her with much torment, sexual humiliation and and raping.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely...

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The New Student

Our story begins in the early evening as you arrive at the imposing structure of the school. My personal secretary escorts you to my residence where I wait in my library. I am seated at a large, imposing desk, and soon the you are standing across the desk from me, waiting as quickly flip through the thick folder stamped "Permanent Record", and under that "Doe, John." "Hello Sir" you say, dropping a quick curtsy. You are still dressed in your traveling clothes, a blue apron dress over a white...

1 year ago
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The wet pussy of my senior office girl

sHe turned on my other side beside me just below the lower and panty down and pulled out my cock from the pants and rubbed on her pussy. When I saw her touching her, she came to know that she is very wet. Then she said - Quickly put condoms. I used to wear a condom and caught it in my cunt and took it straight inside the pussy and after one minute she started talking loudly to fuck her. I also obeyed her and put her jerk's jerk. Within ten minutes, her condition worsened and she began to speak...

3 years ago
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From Reluctant Wife To Porn Star Part Two

At last, I was on my own again with Mike, dressed sexily and wanting him madly. I wasn't disappointed. His cock was really hard and he took me impatiently on his lounge carpet without removing any of my sexy attire.He lost control of what he was saying, but it was all expletives about my strip and how professional I had been. He didn't last long that first time, and we went upstairs to his bedroom, where I spent the whole of the rest of the night. I lost count of how many times we made out...

1 year ago
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GAON KI VIKAS YATRA akhirkar bus me seat mil hi gyi. kisi tarah mai apni mausi ke gaon sikarpur pahuchi. mere mausaji mujhe lene aye. mai ghar pahuchi, sabse mil kr bhut achhcha laga. magar sb udas the. meri mausi ki ladki sunita ki sbse achchi saheli sunita ki aaj achanak maut ho gyi thi. mai bhi turant sbke saath uske ghar maiyyet me gyi. do din baad pta chala ki pichle kuch saalon se har saal 3-4 ldkiyaan mar jaati hain. maine pucha to mausi ne kha yha ki hawa hi kharab hai beta. fir ek...

4 years ago
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First time Kirsty

When I was 16 and in my last year of school I finally, after years of trying, lost my virginity. I had been going out with a girl in my year for months.Kirsty was a late bloomer and had gone unnoticed by everyone for the whole 3 years we'd been in high school until she returned after the summer holidays looking stunning. With her slim waist, long legs and perfect little tits and perma hard nipples you could see right through her shirt, she was definaltey turning heads...and she knew it. All the...

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My Wife Let Me Fulfill My Fantasy

Hi this is Raja from Mumbai and let me describe my life. I was married one and half year before and my wife’s name is Savita and she was the daughter of my father’s friend last year we got married initially she was very shy but after one month I got to realise about her and she became very horny in bed she used to nearly crush me in the time of sex and this made my fantasy. I started thinking that I should watch her being fucked in front of me by another man. I started to tell some story while...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Stealing Maid Sangeeta In Kanpur

Hy guys, my name is evilmage007(changed) and I reside in Kanpur. This is the story of how I caught my maid stealing and how she became my sex slave. Going to the story, I am a fair toned guy from Kanpur and I am doing my graduation and I live with my parents. We have a maid called Sangeeta who is wheatish in complexion with a figure of about 36-32-42. Her boobs and ass are the centers of attraction because she is not much good looking from her face. Sangeeta used to come to work at about 10 pm...

2 years ago
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Delhi wife goes slutty8211I

Hi readers, I am back with another true incident of a Delhi wife, I think after reading this a lot of females will think and will agree that yes a hell lot of times they feel to go slutty but this society or their marraige life dosent allow them to do so and i think a lot will agree and prefer what Anamika had done to ensure that yes she can go ahead to discover how she wanna live her life and fill her sexual needs. We all know that its not possible that every time the couple thinks with the...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Eliza Ibarra The Rumors Are True

Eliza Ibarras stepbrother is a snitch. He catches her ditching to go to the beach and tells her he is going to rat her out to their parents. That puts Eliza on her knees, begging him not to say anything. Her stepbro tells her that if she wants him to stay quiet, she is going to have to verify whether some of the rumors he has been hearing are true. Specifically, the ones about her giving really great blowjobs. She obliges, and takes out his fat dick for some stepsister suckage. Later on, Eliza...

1 year ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 15 Registration

1871 The election registrars met in one of the smaller courtrooms on the first floor of the old courthouse. Robert Williams sat on a narrow, wooden bench along with about twenty other men, two of whom were black. As each man's name was called by the clerk, the would-be voter rose to stand at the end of the long, bare table. Sometimes the registrars asked him a question or two but most often the group's secretary simply stamped the paper and handed it to Mr. Meriwether, the head registrar,...

3 years ago
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Growing up on a plantation

Introduction: Before you decide if you want to read this story I want to tell you that it is degrading to blacks and women and the N word and other terms that few use now are used often, as it would have been at the time this story happened. It is just fiction and intended to be fun and interesting porn. If you will be upset by what you will read in it, please do not read it. Before you decide if you want to read this story I want to tell you that it is degrading to blacks and women and the N...

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WildOnCam Becky Bandini Wildly Hot Becky Bandini Fucking

Becky Bandini is one sexy hot babe that will sure get you to turn your head and lock your eyes right on her when she teases and shows off those sexy curves in her form fitting lingerie and stockings! She can not wait to get Marcus Londons cock in her grasp so she can show him just how much she loves to suck it! Marcus makes her squirt over and over as he fingers her pussy to bliss before taking that hard cock to really show her a fucking brilliant time. She spreads those legs wide drilling into...

2 years ago
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A Subtle Form of Discipline

PG-13 for bad language and child abuse (This story may be posted to free websites provided proper credit is given.) A SUBTLE FORM OF DISCIPLINE Copyright 2003 by Scott K. Jamison "I don't care if you act like a queen," blared the radio. I tuned it out and looked out the window. This was a new part of the city to me and the chance to see something different was about the only good thing about this trip. "We're almost to the dress shop, Melissa," said Mother. "It's not the...

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