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Ann saw the package on the bed. She had been looking forward to this weekendwith her master for ages. She opened it and read M's instructions.

My sweet slave,

Prepare your self by 5 pm. I will call for you then.


She looked in the box...black dress....quite sheer and lacy thigh high stockings...blackhigh heels.  She thought to herself "I hopewhere ever we are going is dark...or ....her thoughts dropped off as she noticedthe time...almost 4...she had better hurry or risk M's wrath.

She showered quickly and dressed. Looking in the mirror she could see thenipple rings she wore so proudly thru her dress. A gift from master M, herpiercing's were a mark of ownership. She was M's property, his whore/ slave.

Ann startled when she heard the door open. M entered and greeted her witha glare. Had she forgotten something? She cast her eyes downward and said hellomaster....your whore is prepared as instructed. His voice Was reassuring ashe replied "so I see...quite nice...show me your ass cunt" Ann liftedher dress and turned to reveal a lovely ass....M's hand stroked her fleshyglobes before striking them sharply. "I can never resistspanking that ass of yours" Ann felt her butt warming from the blow,actually a nice feeling.

Let's go before I can't control myself and just fuck you here he said.

Ann lowered r dress, proud she could stir such passion in her master.

She took her seat in the car as M watched her raise her dress. Ann had beentaught that when ever in M's car her cunt was to be exposed for his

viewing and quite often touching pleasure As he drove off she could feel aspecial energy to this trip. She knew better than to ask.

M began fingering her wet cunt as he drove. Ann found herself gettingexcited and wet. She moved her bottom in rhythm to M's touch. It wasn't longbefore she felt her orgasm beginning to build, her breath quickening.

?May I cum master?? she pleaded 

?Not yet, control yourself? he replied. Ann did her best to hold back theorgasm she knew was building rapidly.

 M turned off the main highway and on to the paved drive. The Gates wereclosed and M spoke into the small box outside of the gates. They parted andM drove up the winding drive. Ann wondered what this mysterious place was.All she knew was she was with M...horny as hell from the drive, And nearlynude in her dress.

Ann was impressed by the huge house and the beautiful grounds as they droveup the drive. M stopped the car and helped her out. They were greeted by abutler.

"hello M...Sir Anthony will be so happy you could join us again?

the guests are gathering in the drawing room at present"...Ann felt thebutler's eyes checking out her in her nearly see through dress and blushed.She worried just how many "guests? would be inside and view her in hernearly naked condition.

They entered the home and walked down an entry way to a large room and foundquite a gathering. Ann was shocked to see several others in various stagesof undress.....It wasn't long until she realized this was a gathering of othermaster and slaves. some male slaves...some female....couples of some same...andsome opposite sexes...

 M was greeted by several different people as Ann stood beside him.

She attempted to behave in a manner fitting one of her position, as M hadso often tried to train her to do. They were offered a glass of wine by a servant.

M told her.? this is special blend only available to sir Stephen guests....drinkit and enjoy.? As Ann drank she was thankful for itssweetness.

M told her " the wine is mixed with a honey from special bees...it willhave an effect you will notice shortly" Ann curious drank none theless.

A bell sounded and the guests gathered for dinner.

They where each led into a room where a huge table was prepared, the nameplaces were ordered so each Master sat next to his slave. When the chairs wherepulled out she noticed that a dildo had been placed standing upright on allthe slaves seats, including her own and the even the male sub's. Ann sat carefullydown on top of her dildo, letting it slide easily inside her. Watching intentlyas the other sub missive's did the same.

Dinner was served, She was thankful there was no separation of couples asshe had feared.

Ann relaxed and tried to enjoy the meal. She looked at the way others weredressed, many more exposed than herself, she began to get aroused.

Even though she new it was forbidden by M...she slipped her hand between herlegs and began stroking her cunt. She was just so turned on.

M noticed. Ann feared punishment. M laughed instead..."it's the wine? hesaid "it's blended with a substance that by nights end will have you sohot." his voice trailed off. Ann was so horny she would have loved tojust fuck right there in front of everyone. But she satisfied her urges bypinching and playing discreetly under the table for now.

After dinner everyone was instructed to walk the entertainment walls.

Ann was confused until she took the walk with M. A series of mirrors werechanged into windows in the rooms in the hallway allowing those outside tolook in. In the first Ann saw a young male slave being flogged...his testiclesbound and anchored to the floor....as the mistress applied the flogger to hisass...his balls were stretched quite painfully.

In the second room Ann was watching 2 beautiful women make love. Theyoung girl slave was enjoying making her mistress feel quite good by eatingher cunt.

M and Ann walked thru the hall seeing more scenes of debauchery...some heavywith pain...some more loving. In one room Ann was aroused by watching a girlmounted by a German Sheppard.

Ann was watching and thinking she normally would be disgusted by somethinglike that, but in her current state she was even more turned on than she couldstand.

Ann had reached a point of no return. She turned to M and begged "Pleasesir, can we find a room...I can't stand it....please...

M laughed. "So the wine has you worked up?? sir Anthony thought it would. ?Comethis way cunt".

Ann was lead into a room and ordered to strip. She undressed and was leadinto another room where a stationary bike sat.

"I think you will enjoy this? M said. In her aroused confused state Annhad no idea what was to come. M ordered her on to the bike. As Ann mountedthe bike she saw the dildo in the seat.

M explained" as you can see this is no ordinary bike....as you ride,this Cock will slide in and out of your greedy cunt... Ann began to peddleand enjoy the motion of the dildo sliding in and out of her cunt.

suddenly M stopped her, ?NOOOOO' her mind screamed. M then began hooking thinwires to her nipple rings. ?you didn't think it was going to be that easy didyou bitch?" An began peddling again, as shedid she found the harder she peddled the more pain she felt in her breast.

Electric currents flowed through her nipples, caused by her peddling. Hermind exploded with confusion....her need to fuck was Overwhelming, but thepain, As the drugged wine increased her need Ann couldn't help herself, maybeif I just go slow, but her arousal was such that she could no longer standjust slow, as she peddled her pain increased. If I could only take it tillI cum she thought, but she was trapped, each time she got close to orgasm,pain shoved her back.

Ann's body was a confused mass of nerves....her breast on fire...her bodyscreaming for orgasm. She decided...peddle thru what ever pain and cum. Shebegan to try once more. She heard the voice of Sir Anthony ask M

"Can you watch and let her destroy herself? She is going to you know.It may be quite interesting." Ann looked up to see her master throw theswitch that brought everything to a halt.

She screamed as the dildoe disappeared from her cunt "nooooo pleaseeeeee" shecried. "I have to cummmmm"

Sir Anthony laughed

"Poor slut...you wont get to cum today...take her away and prepare herto sleep". Ann was confused, dazed, and more aroused than she could everremember being. She was helped from the bike by 2 large male servants, as theytook her into the next room she pleaded with them.

"Please one of you please fuck me I need to cum...I'll do anything please".The men only paced her on a bed....cuffing her making sure as to allow nothingto touch her pussy. Not even a sheet should touch her for fear she would somehow rub herself against it. The lights were turned out and Ann began sobbingin pain...humiliation...and need.

 Ann didn't know how long she had been sleeping when the noise awokeher. Bright lights suddenly flooded the room. She heard the woman's voice beforeshe stepped into view.

"My poor sweet baby...I saw what those cruel men did to you". Alarge matronly woman stood beside Ann. "They don't understand how mucha gal can suffer by not being allowed some release" The woman began playingwith Ann's pussy, restoring the fire with in her.

"I am mistress jess hun, and if you are nice to me I will help you out" Thefat dommes fingers stroked Ann's tender cunt. "Do we have an agreementslut?" she asked. At this point Ann would have sold her soul to the devilhimself to just get off and little did she know...she was about to.

"Please mistress" Ann heard herself say "I'll do anything youask" "Good girl ....show me how you like your pussy Sucked by suckingmine bitch". Mistress Jess placed her fat smelly cunt just above Ann'sface. Ann was repulsed by the smell of her, unclean, pissy, the odour causedAnn to attempt to draw away.

"Listen cunt, suck it good, or I won't help you" Ann was trapped.her own need caused her to force her tongue in the disgusting fat dommes pussy.....Shebegan tasting it...foul at first...but mistresses fingers teasing her cunt...Annbegan eating the dommes pussy like there was no tomorrow.....almost needingit...She was getting turned on by lapping cunt.  She felt Jess'smovements become more vigorous.

"That's it baby...suck momma good? she heard the domme say.

Suddenly a flood of cunt juices filled her mouth as the fat disgusting womancame. Ann did her best to clean the Domme out....so she could have her turnnext. As jess stood she looked down at Ann. "damn you are one fine pussylapper...but did you honestly think I was going to give you any relief?"...Herlaughter filled Ann's ears as Jess walked out of the room...Leaving Ann morein need than before.

Ann woke with M at her side the next morning, still bound and evidence oflast nights visit from Mistress Jess on her face. She began crying, pleadingwith M to release her from the bindings and take her home. Sir Anthony's voicestartled her. "You are my guest for the weekend Ann.It would be most rude for you to leave early" Ann looked up to see SirAnthony standing behind M. "At least have breakfast and reconsider" SirAnthony said. M released Ann from her bed and held her. Ann felt tiredand her only thoughts were of leaving this terrible place. If just eating onemore meal was the path to leaving. So be it.

Ann washed and was given a robe to wear for breakfast. Her hunger surprisedeven her as she ate sweet cakes and tea...all sweetened with honey. It wasonly after Ann began getting turned on again that she remembered the wine lastnight...and the alexia of honey that was in it.

Ann's hand once again found its way under the table and she found her selfso wet. So needing sex once again.

"M, I think your girl has a problem" Sir Anthony said with a laugh.

"Maybe she really isn't ready to leave quite yet, In fact she hasn'tmeet Rex yet, but I think she should" Ann was taken from the table andlead into one of the viewing rooms once again. Her mind was clouded by thedrugged food and her own need. She was strapped to a table...bent over andface down. Ann was alone...frightened and so aroused. She heard movement behindher. Sir Anthony's voice rang bitter in her ears. "This, my dear is rex.He is the finest stud on my estate. I am quite sure you will enjoy yourtime with him. Consider it my gift for you agreeing to stay on longer." Annturned as much as she could to see the huge dog as he began to sniff her womanhood.She screamed out a protest. But the dog slowly stuck out his tongue and tastedAnn's wet cunt. Ann's mind snapped at that first touch, no longer could shethink about anything except fucking. Anything...anyhow...She needed fucked.The dog licked her several times and Ann began trying to get more attentionto her swollen and greedy cunt.

Rex himself was nearly as roused as Ann. He climbed on Ann's back and placedhis furry paws on both sides of the table as he had been trained to do. Annfelt his hot cock probing, looking for its mark. When Rex found his targetbetween her legs he entered slowly, until he was sure of himself...then beganpowerful rapid strokes, filled with animal lust.

At this point, Ann could not hold back her own passion. She wanted used andfucked as badly as the poor dog wanted her. She found herself pushing backto take him in. Ann felt the knot of the beasts cock pressing into her. Shehad seen dogs knot together before...and now she wanted that feeling for herself.To capture a cock and hold it inside until she was spent. As Ann's cunt openedto take in the large knot, the pain forced her over the edge into orgasm. Annbegan cumming as never before. She felt the huge ball of the dogs knot stretchingher, but in her current state of mind her body could no longer register pain,only pleasure. Wave after wave of orgasm swept over her body as the dog pumpedhis seed deep with in her. Ann had never felt so taken...so well fucked. Asthe dog completed his mission, he tried to pull away. Only to find his swollencock held fast by is human lover. Ann felt the pain as rex tried to pull awayfrom her. Slowly her mind came back to reality as she spoke softly to him. "Justa minute buddy, just be still for a bit" Ann feared him pulling away andtearing her permanently. Still turned on and hoping to calm him she began rockingher now sore cunt against the knot and found herself cumming again, Severalmore times. Ann began thinking about what she had just done. She knew she shouldbe repulsed, it was surely wrong, but somehow Ann was certain, it was the bestsex she had ever experienced, and somehow she would never be the same again........

Ann was taken back to her room after her experience with Rex. She was sore,but she knew no man had ever satisfied her like her doggy lover had. She waslying on the bed when the door opened and a young woman entered. "I amMia, slave to Mistress Jess" Ann began to become frightened. Mia explained, "Mymistress sent me with some soothing cream to apply and so could checkyou for tearing. I'm a trained nurse" Ann allowed the girl to examineher. Mia's hands were soft and gentle as she probed Ann's womanhood. The creamwas cool and soon Ann found herself humping against the woman's hand, arousedagain. Mia noticed too and slowly began exploring Ann's tender folds. Knowingwhere and how to bring her new friend to full arousal. Mia leaned in towardsanns face and softly offered a kiss. Ann returned the kiss with passion andneed.

Passions flared and soon both women were using their fingers to bring eachother towards a blissful release. Ann found the soreness in her cunt replacedwith a wonderful blend of pain and pleasure, with pleasure being driven higherby the pain. Both women reached orgasm at the same time and each worked tosatisfy the passions of the other. They held each other in a lovers embracewhen the door opened.

"Mistress Jess" mia exclaimed.

Fire blazed in the fat dommes eyes. "I sent you here on a mission ofmercy and this is how you repay me?" "Mia I Will punish you for this"

Ann spoke up "It was my fault mistress. I made her make love to me." "Soyou both are to blame two little sluts that can't control themselves"

Mistress jess thought for a moment. "Maybe I should whip both your assesto punish you. or....maybe contest between two horny sluts...winner togain pleasure...loser to suffer for the sins of you both" Mistress Jessgrinned to herself...this just might satisfy even her evil heart, torturingtwo cunts and watching them suffer......

Mistress Jess took both the slaves to a viewing room she had set up hopingfor a chance like this. Both girls were strapped to a table, facing each other.The fat Domme busied herself between Mias legs. She placed a balloon type objectin Mias cunt and then did the same to Ann.

Jess squeezed bulbs filling the balloons with a warm fluid. "Now youtwo sluts, I am filling both your cunts to the same tension. I will give youeach a bulb to squeeze that fills the others cunt. You will take turns squeezinguntil one of you cries out in pain and loses. The winner will get a rewardand the loser will receive punishment for both of you being such sluts" Anntook the bulb in her hand as mistress jess gave it to her, not wanting to hurther new lover. Mia knew to lose was to suffer mistress Jess's wrath...so shesqueezed her bulb hard....shocking Ann.

Ann returned the pain by squeezing hers, and soon both girls were busy inflictingthe terrible pressure on each others cunts. Anns abdomen swelled with the growingpressure. Her lower belly took on the appearance of a 5 month pregnancy. shetried to keep from screaming from the pain. Again and again the bulbs weresqueezed until Ann couldn't take it and cried out. Mistress Jess's eyes werealmost glazed as she watched the slaves suffer. When Ann cried out mistressjess went between mias legs and declared her the winner, drained and removedher balloon. Mia felt satisfaction and some pride in winning. Jess told herto go to room 7 and receive her reward. Ann was waiting on her balloon to beremoved, but mistress jess had other ideas. She pressed on Anns swollen bellyand caused even more pain..."so slut, feeling full?" "let'sgo for a walk and you can enjoy your hungry cunt being so full." Ann triedto stand and waddled to the door behind mistress jess. She was lead to theoutside of a viewing room where she saw her beloved M getting his cock suckedby Mia. Ann was shocked, it should be her doing that....M was hers...no oneshould make love to him but her. M stopped mias sucking and laid her on thebed. He aimed his hard member between the beautiful slaves legs and beganfucking her in ernest, totally oblivious to being watched.

Ann couldn't watch any more. Her body was in pain from cramping as well asher mental anguish. Jess put her arm around the girl.? I think we need to getthat out of you now, and maybe you can suck me again like last night." Annwas almost zombie like in her following of the cruel mistress.

Jess took Ann back into the room where the contest was held. Jess explainedthat because the balloon had been in Ann so long, it was no longer able todrain it as she had done with mias. "Only way to get it out now is simplyto pull it out." Ann couldn't imagine herself stretching enough for thehuge balloon in her belly to come out. Jess attached a short chain to the balloonand the other end to a hook on the floor....placing Ann in a semi squattingposition, fastened between the

Balloon inside her, and the floor. ?If you can stand up, it may come out" jesssaid. Ann tried but the pain was unbearable. Jess laughed,? Keep trying...ormaybe I should help?" Ann was surprised to feel the whip bite into herass, causing her to pull away, and against her floor chain. Her body was filledwith pain from both the whip and the object between her legs. With each lashshe felt herself pulling against the chain in the floor and felt her cunt stretchingto new proportions. Ann was nearly about to pass out from the pain she thoughtwhen suddenly she felt her cunt open wide and the balloon beginning slidingout of her. The sensation was overwhelming, so much pain. And suddenly Annfelt the beginnings of the world's hugest orgasm. She strained against herbond between her legs. And felt her orgasm as the balloon slid out. Ann floodedthe floor with her juices and collapsed in a heap of quivering flesh.....

Ann woke up in her bed not knowing how long she had slept or how she got there.She was surprised to not be bound or restrained in any fashion. As she wokeshe began taking inventory of her body. Her ass wore the welts of MistressJess's whip, and her pussy was still in pain.

Ann explored her womanhood with her fingers and found no permanent damage,except her clit was enlarged and her cunts opening was quite big. Ann beganplaying with her self unable to control her desire. As she became more arousedshe was shocked that 2 fingers were no longer enough...soon 3..then 4...andfinally she pressed her thumb into her palm and slid her entire hand inside.The fullness and size was just so good. Ann masturbated her self with her fistuntil she had a beautiful unhurried orgasm. She marvelled as the spasms squeezedher wrist.

After she enjoyed the last spasms, Ann began to form a plan. No longer couldshe consider M to be just hers, no longer did she desire to be used by thepeople around her. In fact the only one that had showed her true kindness andsome form of love had been rex, her doggy lover. Ann decided to sneak out,find the stables , and escape with her new best friend.

Ann had no problems getting to the outer doors f the house and slipped outside.A short distance away she saw the stables. She entered the barn and found itwell lit and organized. Ann had no problem finding rex's pen. She knelt totalk to him and found him as excited to see her as she was to see him. Shebegan to open the pen and suddenly heard the voice behind her. "You arenot to be here." Ann turned to see a beautiful young man wearing onlya loin cloth covering. "I am Ann, I only wanted to see Rex for a few minutes." shelied. The gorgeous boy laughed "I'mTim and I care for all of master Anthony'sanimals here at the estate" Ann stood and approached the boy, her ownboldness suppressed her. Ann stroked the boys chest with her fingers and watchedas he drew away. "what's wrong " she asked. Tim was silent. Obviouslyhe was getting excited by her advances but he was frightened and suddenly quiteuncomfortable. Ann's hand became more bold and reached under the modest clothcovering Tim's crotch. She was shocked at what she found. At first Ann wasconfused, her touch was unable to discern the lad's penis. Ann removed thecovering on the now rapidly breathing boy. His manhood was rather large, butit had been pierced and was attached to a huge metal plug that had been insertedin his ass, drawing his cock severely between his legs, with the head of itonly an inch or so from his ass. Ann looked at Tim as he Explained. "MasterAnthony doesn't allow me to play with my self, With my cock like this I cantdo anything ." Ann was getting aroused and just had to see Tim's cockfreed. She began stroking its length between the boys legs, causing him painand discomfort. Tim's eyes looked pleading at the woman playing with his hardeningcock. Ann decided she had to free of her desire. She began removing the plugfrom the boy's ass. It was difficult as there was little slack between thecock head and the plug. Removing it would cause her to stretch the hole inhis cock connecting it. Ann worked as gently as she could, but Tim moanedloudly as the huge metal plug was pried out of his ass. The plug slippedfrom Ann's grasp causing it to swing obscenely between the boys legs, inflictingpain. Ann marvelled as it pulled the boys cock..She grasp his dong and beganstroking it, ignoring the weight. Tim moaned, this time not in pain, but fromthe ministrations of Ann's hand working his cock up and down. It had been solong since he had felt anything so good. Ann watched the weight swing withher every stroke. its weight pointing Tim's dong straight down towards thefloor. Ann's strokes quickened with the boys breathing. She leaned forwardand began kissing the flesh of his beautiful cock...licking its surface. Theadditional stimulation was too much for the boy. He began pumping the contentsof his balls out in a massive orgasm. His cum flooded the floor, Ann's faceand the weight at the end of his cock. Tim was caught up in his sensations,enjoying his first release in several months. As his orgasm subsided the painof the weight set back in to his now softening cock.

She looked for something to remove the weight as Tim held it, lessening thepull against his now flaccid cock. "Please" he said" If themaster sees it has been removed I'll be severely whipped" "no youwon't" Ann said "you REX and I are leaving here" Ann workedthe chain lose with a pair of pliers she found on the work bench. "Wherewill we go? What will we do?" Tim was frighten, never thinking of leavinghis now subservient life. Ann began a manicial laugh "I have decided tosteal you as my new slave. I'm tired of being the slave. Now you and Rex serveme. Ann opened the dogs cage and she could swear both males smiled as theyfollowed her away from the house, and into untold new adventures.

the end????

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I reached over to the bedside table, and turned the CD player on. My favorite, sensual romantic music began playing. We kissed long and hard, and before Marcus could reply, I spoke. “I know, I’ll give you a massage!”His eyes lit up and he asked, “Are you sure, you were hurting quite a bit earlier?” I batted my seductive green eyes, and purred, “That was earlier. I told you I’m ready for round two.” I grabbed the massage oil, and instructed Marcus to turn onto his stomach. I chuckled to myself....

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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BreakdownChapter 12 Sunday November 18th 2012 750 PM

Rob was awake and in the living room with the rest of them. Fortunately his leg wound wasn't as bad as they had thought. The bullet had gone through cleanly just above the knee and the knee, as the focal point of so many nerve endings, could cause a lot of pain. He had passed out due to shock from loss of blood. Now he was propped up on the couch with his leg elevated on Susan's lap. He couldn't put weight on it but could get around with help. They had just listened to the evening news...

2 years ago
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Multiple Orgasms 4

After a long time, thanks to the marriage of Zia’s younger brother, all the friends were gathered in Lahore. In the busy life of grown ups such occasions are the only source of getting together, a must attended reunion. There was only laughter and memories to recall and tease each other. Gossip, fooling, roaring laughter, and what not; the grey whiskers seemed to be placed on a few teenagers. Olds buddies were not interested in anything but themselves. The party was to go on to early hours of...

4 years ago
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ReflectionsChapter 16

Terry I had to chuckle to myself – not in front of Clarissa but as soon as I was out the door and on the steps down into the garage. Her face was priceless when I told not in so many words but still to 'shove it'. I'm getting into this mind game thing. Playing the compliant and obedient cuckold hubby and suddenly turn around tell her in a polite way to f ... k herself. That I was no pushover. I did things for her because I wanted to. I had a great time yesterday and felt she deserved a...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Mia Martinez 23879

Drop it just like that. Mia Martinez tells this to her boss Tyler when she’s showing him how to operate his desktop calendar, but he’s too busy staring at her juicy ass to pay any attention. When the secretary catches him drooling over her butt, she hikes up her skirt to give him a better look, and in an instant she’s in better standing! She wants to grow at the company, and in order for that to happen Mia knows making Tyler’s dick grow will only help her! And she’s horny and confident enough...

2 years ago
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Project ManagerChapter 9

The Biells thought it was good to be back in the States. Their flight landed on Friday at three in the afternoon which gave them the weekend to settle in. When they were at Scott’s condo he could see she gave it a good look. He wondered what her reaction was going to be and he her heard her say that she liked the condo but thought it might be a little too small for the both of them. On Saturday morning the first thing they did was to take an Uber to an auto dealer since they needed to...

2 years ago
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Stories of Horizon

Hello! I decided to give my friend and DM a helping hand with this erotic sci-fi tabletop he is making! He pretty much made the game himself based on most sci-fi mediums (Star Wars, Mass Effect, Warhammer 40k, Star Craft, etc.) and made it on the d20 system. He's taking a bit of a break and been somewhat discouraged by lack of people participating in his ambitions. So I thought maybe this could help him out by either letting him see people's interests or at least pick up his spirits! Most...

4 years ago
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Uma Aunty Becoming The Dirtiest

Hi all, I am back with my another encounter with my Uma Aunty, In this story, I am going to tell you all how & what she did along with me. She gets satisfied with me each & every time when we go all out on our sessions. She even gets more & more dirty each time. Now let us get back. It was just another day of intense sex between both of us and don’t know when we slept and how we slept onto each other’s arms. Still my 8″ inch cock buried deeply between her thighs. When my eyes were partially...

3 years ago
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The Lady of Bathe Street

Look, I know I should've looked in the rearview mirror, okay?I know.I mean, I know now.I should've looked in the rearview mirror, or twisted to look out the back window, or hell, I guess I could've washed my car so the goddamn backup camera wasn't covered in dirt.There's a lot of things I should've done. There were a lot of things I could've done. The fact of the matter, my friend, is that I did not do those fucking things, and I ran over the crazy old lady who lived down the street.Well, okay,...

2 years ago
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Confessions of Maria 0

I met Maria in here the net. She was still a virgin. We wrote a lot. She took her first steps along the long the road of learning to love sex. So, we wrote more.As she no longer trusted the lustful questions of her parish priest,she asked permission to confess to me, her newly found Father Peter.I agreed to the new role in the spiritual counseling I´d given her rightfrom the start of our exchange by letters typed. The frequency of our personal messages rose fast.Our mutual writing switched from...

1 year ago
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Teaching a lesson

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket; I pulled it out and saw it was from my girlfriend Sarah. “Hey what time are you going to be back from lectures?” “In about 20 mins, why?” “I decided not to go to mine today and I was really hoping to be able to spend some time with that dick of yours” This was just music to my ears. Due to our heavy lecture schedules and coursework loads we had barely been able to see each other the last few days, let alone have sex. “Well I will try and be back as...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Seduced By Hot Neighbor

Hi everyone… I am Siddharth from Gurgaon and 23 years old. I’m like minded person who loves experimenting with boys only and I m a fan of this site. Let me tell u about myself that I have normal built, 6” height, clean shaven, fair looking and having normal looks . And I’m here to tell my real life experience which happened about 2 years ago. The story is about me and my next door neighbor Rajesh. I live in an apartment and Rajesh is my next door neighbor whom I know for last 4 years. He lives...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Me and my 69 PART 1

Introduction: Hot Rod Molly Me and my 69. Part 1[p] Please vote comments appreciated. I want to know if I should continue.[p] Hey Molly, do you have a couple spares? Molly walked around her car and all the tires where flatten. She looked in the direction she heard the laughs from. She look at the guys standing there laughing. She was ready to tear them apart. The only way you guys can win is by cheating!! Are you afraid of me or what? She yelled at them. She tightened her fist and started...

3 years ago
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And then he kissed me

Introduction: Amandas has a crush on her new boss. And then he kissed me. Have you got any kids? Lizzy asked as she handed me a cup of coffee on my first day at Haddaway and Tschitte Insurance Company. Two girls, I smiled nervously, the youngest has just started school. Lizzy and I talked when she took me on a tour of the offices, introducing me to as many people as possible, I chattered about my husband and daughters and explained that I had finally returned to full-time work for the first...

1 year ago
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Taming a COUGAR part 1

I've always had a thing for older women and being in my mid twenties I'm well served by a large target market, so to speak. Whilst I have a girlfriend of my own age I still seek the sexual company of beautiful experienced women who are in their late 30's and early 40’s. Let's face it these women are generally married and as such aren't looking for a life partner, they know what they want in life and certainly in terms of the women I seduce they are generally financially well taken care of which...

1 year ago
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Alexandra and the Pensioners

Like I told my friend Hank, I moved to Florida after teaching for two years in North Carolina. Hank and I had been close friends. I guess it would be more accurate to say we were lovers for a year before he enrolled at a culinary school in Paris. Soon after he returned, Hank hooked up with his high school sweetheart and married her. I had moved on too.Hank and I had some great times together. We both loved sex and made the most of our many hours in bed. He was wealthy and I imagined being his...

2 years ago
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On Her Own Part 3

Before she drove off to the Samuels home,Aubrey made two quick phone calls. The first was to her actual agent to release the information about Anita and what she was doing to herself, knowing that it would cause a huge stir and give Aubrey's actions a free pass as they'd focus on Anita's transition and not her. Her next phone call went to a couple of men normally used as bodyguards, guys who loved to hurt people for a price and who were paid next to nothing for their services as they...

1 year ago
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A Wife With No OptionsChapter 5

We all watched her slowly recovering on the floor in front of us for several minutes. Once she caught her breath and her heart rate returned to normal she slowly sat up. She gathered up the towel under her and used a portion of it to wipe some of the mess from her pussy and upper thighs. Then the strangest thing happened. She looked up at me and with a look of anguish on her face she asked, "What's happening to me?" I got up and went over to her. I offered her my hand and gently pulled...

2 years ago
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I went out with my husbands ex wife

As my hubby went out with friends for the night, I had the phone in my hand. The only intentions in my mind, were to have a nice night out with her. Even as I expected her to say no, sweat came down my temple, and my fingers felt a racing pulse, as the number was dialed. The call went through, and she answered. "Hello?" she asked. "Hey, Kirsten, how are you doing?" I pondered. A sigh came through the phone. "I'm fine, how are you doing?" she wondered. "I'm fine too," I replied. More words were...

2 years ago
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Will I Like IT

Will I Like It I think I might, in fact I do! After my first taste (no pun intended) , I thought I must try and resolve my doubts. I joined an internet chatroom, and got chatting to a young TV from the north of England. He asked me to call him my special little girl friend, we were just posting photos and messages to start. As time passed she asked if she could e-mail me, at first I was unsure (my wife used the computer). I set up another e-mail alias on the computer, and agreed to her...

4 years ago
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Wife explains

I'm Andrea , a happily married woman. Shortly after we married I discovered my husband's fantasy of becoming a cuckold husband. This was something I had no idea actually existed, of course I knew of cheating but I didn't know that it was a fantasy that husband's have.Over a period of several weeks I was able to learn about my husband's desire to have me cuckold him. I found some excellent web sites that explain the cuckold lifestyle. I had to be very careful about how I went about confronting...

1 year ago
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Becoming Masters Kitten Chapter 2

If you have not read Chapter 1, please read it first. This is a continuation. Thanks.Chapter 2 “Get on all fours on the bed. It’s time for your punishment to begin….” Immediately, I scamper to my feet and my hands go straight to my neck where your belt is tightly fastened. “Master did not tell his little slut that she could touch the very thing that will be used to deliver her punishment today!” you say as you walk back into the room. “Damn, caught again!” I think to myself. “How in the hell am...

2 years ago
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By Blueheatt ___My young daughter had a best girlfriend like many other girls have. They did lots of sleepovers and I thought nothing of it. As young girls do, they liked to show off their growing sexy bodies. Like fathers do, I gave them eyeball attention and smiles to let them know ‘yes I see your growing tits and shapely bodies.’ Carol (my daughter) and Lisa, I noticed were starting to become very much into touching each other….still I didn’t think much of it. Girls go through a...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 13

It was midmorning on a Saturday when Chase’s phone rang. He answered it, “Hello.” The sexy female voice on the phone said, “This is Carrie, Carrie Stratford. I’m staying at the Royal Oaks hotel, Suite 713. If you want to discuss our business arrangement further, I’ll be available today, tonight, and tomorrow. My young business associate that you met, Nicole, will be available tomorrow and tomorrow night for further discussions of the joint venture’s purposed. It is your choice to what you...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Dream Real Thing PT3

The door to the apartment doesn't even get a chance to click shut behind us before my hands seek out the curves of your body, desperate to feel you...but you easily overpower me and before I can even think to move I am pressed firmly against the door with your body against mine. I can instantly feel my wetness already, and I know that you are wet for me as well.Just when I think how I can possibly get you more aroused, your hand makes its' way in between my legs. You slide your fingers back and...

2 years ago
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KarenscreweduphotmailComChapter 6

The girls went into the pool. They swam around and talked quietly for a while. I still had some soul searching to do. I can't deny that Lisa is a very sexy girl. I'd be a liar if I said that the idea of granting her request and making her a sex slave didn't turn me on. She certainly looks mature enough to join in the fun in games. But Christ! She's only sixteen! I know that sixteen is the age of consent in this state. So I wouldn't be breaking the law. At least I hope not. Still, I...

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My Shemale Mom and Aunt

I'm 5 feet and six inches tall I weigh 135 pounds soaking wet with long brown hair. Mom and Auntie Karen are both 6'2" with huge breasts and long legs. I walked into the Den to see them watching some shemale porn together. I sat down across the room from there with trembling knees and tears running down my cheek on the right side. Mom said come and sit down next to us, so I crossed the room and sat between them they both kissed me on the cheek and said We have a confession honey.Timmy I'm not...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 398 Starting the Goodbyes

Sunday, November 4 to Sunday, November 11, 2007 Everyone in my families dropped out of everything: Carol and Donna stopped attending school, Julia, Ava and I stopped attending OSU, and the parents stopped going to their workplaces. For the parents, that statement was true only most of the time because if I was spending the day with Mom and Dad primarily, then Prof and Vanessa could do some urgent work that day, but it had to be VERY urgent. The girls were out of the education process totally...

3 years ago
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Mom In Te Shower

I was ## when I found the sex education books in my mom’s night stand. The books showed sketches of the male and female reproductive organs. I had never seen anything like that before. Growing up on a farm I had seen a****ls mating all the time. (I really liked watching the bull breed our cows.) But I had never thought about men and women mating. Reading those books started an intense desire to see what a female looked like naked. That night I realized that our old farm house had a bathroom ...

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The Devils Pact Slave ChroniclesChapter 12 Sarai Mistress of the Kennels

"The disobedience of Sister Cuntrag continued, much to our God's consternation. 'If she continues in her defiance of my will like an ungrateful beast, then I shall treat her like one.' So the Living God placed a collar about her throat, dog ears upon her head, and inserted a butt plug into her rectum adorned with a dog's tail. Then, offering his hand to his Goddess, he walked Sister Cuntrag like a bitch and forced her to perform many humiliating acts. The will of Sister Cuntrag was...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 538

Friday morning Jake, Mindy, Jason, Lisa, Lorrie, Jenny, Ching Lee, Marcy, Vicky and I and two restless little boys along with six of my security flew in two G5s to Freeport Airport on the Grand Bahamas Island. We had decided that all the company executives would not fly on the same plane until we were sure our terrorist problem was over. I had called and talked to Ambassador Murray Carr from the Bahamas embassy yesterday when I had a few minutes of free time. The talk ended up lasting an...

1 year ago
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FB Pe Mili Sexy Bhabhi Ki Chudayi

Hi ISS readers, my name is charlie Sharma from haryana this is first story of loosing virginity to a unknown lady met on fb. So here it is for u…….. Jab mai graduation k 2nd year me tha to mene fb par randomly girls ko add karna start kiya to next day mene dekha ki ek ladki (name changed) shnaya ne meri request accept kar li thi so mene use msg kiya C- thanks for accepting my request . S- u r welcome. C – where i am welcome ;) S – hahah in my friend circle. C- hey thanks again for considering...

2 years ago
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Bhai K Panch Dosto Se Chudwaya

Hi, friends I am Sonia. app sub log to mujh ko janty hi ho, new readers k liy, my age is 22, mera figure 38-28-40 hey or lamby ghany kaly bal hainjo mery hips tuk hain, or main buhut sary logo sy chudwa chuki hoon mujh ko chudwany main buhut maza ata hey, main app logo ko apni zindagi ki Ik or story sonany ja rahi hoon, bhai sy chudwaty howy mujh ko ik month ho chukka tha ab bhai mujh ko daily chudta tha main bhi buhut mazay le le kar chudwati thi. Ik din bhai k 2 dost (Rashid or Farhan) gher...

3 years ago
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Lexidegrade Chapter 1

-Lexi- chapter 01 I thought I had been so careful, but all it took was one slip up, leaving the curtains a little too open. Now here I was, looking at pictures that had been emailed to me - pictures of me dressed up like a schoolgirl slut. That particular day, I had cuffed one hand to the headboard and was wearing a bright red ball gag, as I used my free hand to fuck my own ass with a medium sized vibrating dildo, my fishnet clad legs splayed up in the air, and 6 inch black pumps with ankle...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Michelle Anthony My Stripper Step Sister

What would you do if you discovered that your hot younger stepsister was a stripper? That’s exactly what happens to Tony when he walks in on Michelle Anthony getting ready for work. He learns that Michelle makes great money showing off her body for strangers, but Tony finds that he’s a little bit jealous. He wants some of the action, and Michelle eventually agrees to share the goods with him. She does a little show just for her big step brother, peeling off her sheer lingerie to...

2 years ago
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Nearly out of Africa

Almost Out of AfricaThe beat-up Jeep bounced along the deeply rutted dirt road, raising a cloud of dust behind it. After miles of empty country, passing only the occasional isolated village or solitary hut, the vehicle was entering the ramshackle outskirts of Kemo City, capitol of Mabuto. Passing a crowded roadside market, the truck drew stares from many of the locals, who rarely saw Westerners pass through the streets of their backwards nation. Mabuto was an African country in decline; its'...

2 years ago
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Fucked by the College Jock

Introduction: Blackmailed into sex as his slut It was a no-kickers under my skirt, type of day. Most of the student chicks wore trousers, but not in my secretary class, we wore skirts and looked smarter. Shoes not trainers, we were smart and professional and considered ourselves a cliche above the others. The jokes were great too does the secretary training include missionary? Do you have to bend over the desk? well, not yet! I had sucked of two boys in my tutor group round the back, and would...

1 year ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain Part 4

The final chapter in the Blind Girl in the Rain series. Someone once said: "It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.." The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home. The long walk had done me good. Cleared the...

1 year ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 15

Garreth had risen earlier than most, not being able to sleep well. His head was filled with so many thoughts at once about the MacRae raid, the capture and trial of them, then the attraction to Lady Therese and knew he needed to sort it all out. Looking out the window of his room, he could see the morning fog blanketing the lowlands, while the wan, morning sun was breaking through higher up towards Ben Nevis. He pulled on his tunic, then folded and wrapped his kilt around his waist and slung...

2 years ago
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Jessie Michael and ClaireChapter 3 Clairersquos Story

Jessie has already told you how Michael and I seduced her, and how she became the third partner in our marriage. And yes, we’re married, more or less. I’ll tell you about that later. For me, it all started when I met Michael at an art show at the museum. He seemed to be something different from the other men there. For instance, he’d take longer than usual when examining a painting or a statue, instead of taking the usual cursory glance and then moving on to the next piece. I took the...

1 year ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 21

The next thing I was aware of was a hand cupping my balls. I leapt out of bed like a scalded cat and slammed into the wall. While I groaned from the pain I heard barely contained laughter coming from the bed. "I guess you're feeling better, huh?" "Jezzus Izzy, you scared the hell out of me." "I'm sorry, really I am. Come back to bed? Please?" I got back under the blankets and Izzy snuggled up next to me, and her hand went back to my balls possessively. "I'm sorry I pushed you...

1 year ago
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My Boss John

John my boss.When I had just turned 22 years old I took a job in an office environment working in administration. It was a small office with a boss John , three older ladies and myself. Occasionally there was another assistant manager or partner I’m not sure of his title, but he did not work in the office much. The office itself was small located in one of those two story business parks.  There was one office for John and one for the assistant and us four women worked out in the main area....

Oral Sex
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Porn Games

If you’ve read some of my other reviews, you might know that I am a huge fan when it comes to hentai, and animated pornography overall. This is simply because, in an anime world, anything can happen, which is also why I just love to play porn games. Those who share this opinion will surely enjoy browsing the naughty games offered on PornGames.com.I really like when a site has such a simple name, that already tells you what the fuck you can expect to see. Well, on PornGames.com you will get to...

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