Linda And MeganChapter 6 free porn video

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I woke up just a bit after 7 and was still holding Linda. I thought I'd let her sleep. I knew she didn't get to do that back on the farm, so this could be a little vacation for her.

I made my way to the bathroom and did my business and then grabbed my robe and headed for the kitchen. I got the coffee going and got the rest of my breakfast ready.

When the coffee was done, I took it to the office and fired up the computer. Then I went back to the kitchen and ate breakfast. I was just finishing washing the dishes when I heard Linda struggling to get out of bed.

I went back and she had herself perched at the side, but couldn't get her butt high enough to get out. I offered her a hand and then kissed her when she got upright.

She squirmed away from the kiss and dashed to the bathroom, saying, "I really gotta pee bad."

I returned to the kitchen and finished the dishes. She came in just a bit later and hugged me while I was standing at the sink. I turned and leaned down and kissed her. She put her arms around my neck and her tongue invaded my mouth.

When she let go, she said, "I really had to pee bad. I didn't mean to pull away from your kiss, but I didn't want to wet myself while we were kissin'."

"That's fine hon. There's not a problem. I wasn't mad at you."

"Ok, I just didn't want you to be upset 'cause I didn't kiss you."

"I'm not, now what would you like to eat for breakfast?"

"Could I have Cheerios like I had yesterday?"

"You sure can. Just sit right down at the table and I'll get it for you."

She kissed me again and then sat at the table.

I got her Cheerios, with half and half, orange juice and milk and set it on the table for her. She kissed me again and then began to eat. I went to the office and sipped my coffee while playing Sherlock to get my mind working.

I heard her washing the dishes and setting them in the drainer. Then she came out to sit on my lap. She pulled my robe open and climbed up on my lap and gave me a kiss. There was no use in me even attempting to play Sherlock with her on my lap, so I exited out and signed on to check my e-mail.

I had a bunch of letters from the chapter I posted last night and I answered all of them with her sitting on my lap. Once I was done, I checked the posting of my story to make sure that everything made the transition from my formatting to the story page. It looked fine and I backed out of the site and signed off.

"You sure get a lot of letters, Unka D. Who are all of them people?"

"They're friends of mine who have read the story that I write and wrote to tell me what they thought of my latest chapter."

"Wow, you write books?"

"No, hon. Just a story. That's how your uncle Karl and I met."

"What's your story about?"

"It's about a man that meets a girl and falls in love with her. Then they have some adventures and move in together and her family."

"How old are they?"

"The man is 40 and the girl is 18."

"How old is everyone else?"

"Well, her mother is 35, then she has a brother that is 17 and another one that is 13. Then her sisters are 16 and 14. She also has cousins that are 17 and 14."

"Where do they live?"

"In Arkansas and the live on a farm and raise cattle."

"Wow, that's kinda like me, huh?"

"Well, kinda, I guess."

"Maybe you should write a story about me?"

"Well, the story is about made up people. They aren't real."

"But I am. And so is Unka K. You could write about us and you wouldn't have to make stuff up."

"But that's the fun of writin'. I get to make stuff up. Kinda like when you and Megan play pirates. Isn't it fun to make stuff up?"

"Ya, kinda. Would you like to write a story about me and Megan playin' pirates?"

"I don't know. If I did, then everyone would know that you do that."

"Oh, I forgot about that."

"Would you like to watch cartoons?"

"Ya, can I?"

"Sure hon. I'll get the TV turned on and find the right channel."

She gave me a kiss and we walked into the living room. I turned the TV and satellite receiver on and tuned it to the cartoon channel. She lay down on the floor and began to watch.

I went back to the office and sipped my coffee and played some Sherlock. It was around 10 when I heard a vehicle pull into the drive. I looked out and saw a car that I didn't recognize.

"Linda, we've got company. Go put some clothes on, quick."

I grabbed my shorts and pulled them on and then a tee shirt. I slipped into my sneakers and was ready to answer the door when they knocked.

It was Karl and a young girl.

"Oh," I said when I saw them. "I thought some strangers were comin' to visit. I just sent Linda to get dressed. Who's this lovely young lady you have hidin' behind you?"

Karl reached around him and gently pushed Megan out so she could be seen.

"This is Megan. She's my other niece. She's kinda shy, like Linda. At least for now, she's shy. Later on, we won't be able to shut the two of 'em up."

"It's so nice to meet you, Megan," I said as I offered my hand.

She gently took it and Karl said, "Megan, you can call this man Uncle D."

She let go of my hand and hugged herself to Karl's side and sort of hid her face, but kept watching me.

"Well, come on in. Have ya'all had breakfast?"

"Yep, we ate earlier this mornin' before we left. But I sure could use some coffee."

"I'll get you a cup. Come on in and make yourself to home."

I walked to the kitchen and called to Linda as I did. "Linda, come out and meet our company."

I got a cup for Karl and walked back to the living room. Linda was peeking around the corner and I told her to come on out. She came out with her head down and then sort of hid behind me as I walked back to the office. I stopped just before we got there and asked her if she wanted to meet our company. She clung to me like she was going to have to face a monster. I walked towards the office and told her to say hello to our company.

She peeked around me and saw who it was and made a dash to Megan and hugged her. Megan hugged her and they gave each other a little kiss and then hugged each other again.

"I thought we had strangers here."

"Nope, just your Uncle and Megan. I don't think they're too strange."

Linda giggled a bit and then led Megan to the living room to watch cartoons. I poured Karl a cup of coffee and we sat down to chat.

"Well, we got ever'thing packed up or given away and Alice and Joe are on their way. I let them use my pickup to haul the trailer. I wasn't sure their car would make it if they were haulin' a big load behind 'em. We was up 'til about 1 last night, gettin' ever'thing packed and ready to go."

"I'm sure they were glad to have your help."

"Yep, they were and I was glad that you were able to keep Linda so we could concentrate on gettin' things done. I talked to Alice and their place is all ready. I got a hell of a deal on a double wide. This man and woman were livin' in it and he died. She wants to move closer to her kids in Monroe, so she was lookin' to sell the double wide. It's pretty poor down there and there weren't a lot of buyers for anything. So I got it at a real good price. The folks I hired were gonna move it the day I came up and then get it set up the next day. I'd bought a homestead some time back and the house has since fallen down. But there's a good well there and the septic system is in place, so we had 'em set it up there. Saved a lot of money by doin' it that way."

"Ya, plus you won't have two families under the same roof. That can get a bit testy at times."

"Yep, and crowded, too. Plus, they're just two fields away from us and it won't be hard to get back and forth. We won't have to use the road at all."

We chatted as we sipped our coffee and I went to make another pot. As soon as it was done, I took it back to the office and poured Karl a fresh cup. Both girls were standing beside him and Megan hid her head as I came in the room.

She whispered something to him and then to Linda. Karl said, "You know the rules about that. It's his house and he's the one you have to ask."

She hid her head again and Linda whispered something in her ear. Then Megan whispered something to her and they just stood there for a minute. Finally, Megan walked over to me and whispered in my ear, "Can me and Linda take our clothes off?"

I looked at her and she looked a whole lot like Masiela Lusha. She plays Carmen, the daughter on the George Lopez show. She was a bit shorter, but her eyes were almost black and her hair was about the same color. It hung to just below her shoulders and had just a bit of curl on the tips. She was probably an inch or two taller than Linda and looked to have lost all of her baby fat. She just had on shorts and a tee shirt, but they were baggy and I couldn't make out much of her figure.

"I guess you can. I'll just have to hide my eyes with two very beautiful young ladies goin' nekkid in my house."

She got a grin on her face and then leaned in and whispered, "Thanks," and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

Linda and her headed for the living room to watch cartoons and Karl and I went back to our coffee.

"Them two are a handful when they're together," Karl said. "But they're good girls. They don't cause us a lot of problems other than the big thing we had with them. Generally, they're pretty good and they help out on the farm a lot. Alice has them workin' in the garden durin' the summer and they really seem to like that, even though they have to wear clothes when they're outside."

"Well, Linda wasn't any problem at all while you were gone. We had a great day on the boat and I took her all the way up to Lead Hill and then we rode back down to Theodosia. I even let her run the boat while she sat on my lap."

"She's never been in a boat before. We generally fish on a stream down there and we don't use a boat. We just fish from the bank. I'm sure she had a great time."

"Ya, we even had lunch while we were out and the only hitch in things was she had to stop and take a leak on the way back. But that wasn't really a big thing. I just pulled into a deserted cove and gave her some toilet paper and she headed for a level spot."

We chatted about a lot of things while we finished up the pot of coffee. Finally, Karl said he was still tired from not getting much sleep last night and was going to the cabin to take a nap. We walked into the living room and he told the girls he was going to the cabin. Linda asked if they could stay and watch cartoons and he told her she'd have to ask me.

"Unka D, can we stay here, please?"

"Oh, I guess. I can't see that ya'all are hurtin' anything. Your Uncle Karl could probably get more sleep if ya'all stayed with me. I doubt that you two'd let him get much rest."

"We'll be good, I promise we won't be no bother."

"Ok," Karl said, "but if I hear of ya'all cuttin' up, then there'll be problems."

"We won't, we promise."

Karl left and said he'd be back so we could go out to eat tonight. I told him not to worry and we'd be fine. He told the girls goodbye and they didn't even look up. He left and I went back to the computer.

I wrote for a bit and finally Linda and Megan came out and Linda asked if I would come watch cartoons with them. I finished up my thought on the screen and then saved the file. I walked into the living room and sat in the recliner.

As soon as I sat down, Linda asked if they could sit on my lap. I told them they could and she just stood with her hands on her hips.

"You need to take your clothes off. We don't like sittin' on them."

"But I just got comfortable and now you want me to get up?"

"Uh huh."

"You two sure are a lot of trouble."

I stood up and slipped out of my sneakers, shorts and tee shirt and then sat back down. They came to sit on my lap and I finally got a good look at Megan.

Like I said, she was about an inch or so taller than Linda. But she had lost almost all of her baby fat. She had the most beautiful black eyes that seemed to look right into your soul. Her hair was about the same color of her eyes and was like a silky veil that cascaded over her shoulders. Her face reflected her Latino heritage she had inherited from her father. Her breasts were more rounded than Linda's, but still seemed to defy gravity. They stood proudly on her chest and her nipples were about the size of a quarter and were darker and very prominent. I'd say there were probably on the plus side of a "B" cup.

Her body tapered to a slim waist and her hips flared out a bit, forming a narrow hourglass figure. Her pelvis had tilted and tucked her pussy neatly between her legs. There were several wisps of jet-black hair that denoted her sexual maturity. There was not a lot of hair, but it contrasted nicely with her skin to let you know she was definitely a woman.

Her ass was nicely rounded and a bit more than a handful. Her legs still had the baby fat on them, but not much. The muscles sloped to her knees and then her calf muscles flared out just a bit. Her skin was a few shades darker than Linda, which was not that unusual, since Linda was a redhead. She had just a few freckles scattered around the top of her breasts and a couple on the bridge of her nose. All in all, she was a very lovely young woman.

Just as they climbed up on my lap to sit down, Linda said, "See, I tol' you he didn't have no hair down there."

Megan blushed and they both leaned back and snuggled up to me. As we watched the cartoons, my fingers ran lightly over their arms and sides that were exposed to me. From time to time, they would both sigh and snuggle up tighter against me.

It felt very content to have these two lovely young ladies sitting on my lap. I was very much at peace with the whole world at that point. We must have sat there for about 20 minutes before Linda turned some so I could tease her stomach and more of her side. When Megan saw what she had done, she copied her movements and I moved my hand to her stomach and more of her side. My touch was very light, just barely touching the skin.

I kept moving in circles and just barely missing their breasts at the top of my arc. Their nipples were now very prominent and pointing skyward. Finally, Linda guided my hand to her breasts. I stayed on the sensitive underside, avoiding her nipples. Megan watched and followed suit and soon I was teasing both of them to the point of frustrated moans.

As I relented and barely grazed their nipples, they squirmed on my leg and their pussys were both wet. I moved from breast to breast in an effort to pay attention equally. Finally, Linda said, "Unka D, would you show Megan about her clit and how to make it feel really good with your tongue?"

Same as Linda and Megan
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Lindas Punishment Golden Night Two

Linda sat back on top of her bed relaxing the glow of her bath. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she whispered to herself though no one was around to hear. She reached her hand down and started to touch her smoothly shaven hips and legs. “Why was this so exciting,” she wondered.“Linda, wake up, you need to get ready,” she heard her mother but she seemed distant. Suddenly Linda was jostled out of her sleep. “You need to get ready, now.”Linda looked up at her mother. Her mother who had a...

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Linda and MeganChapter 7

We walked in and found a table away from most of the action. I greeted Judy and Connie as we walked in and Connie brought us menus over. "Did you get ANOTHER girlfriend?" Connie asked. "Yep, I sure did. I don't know what they see in me, but I sure ain't complainin'. This is Megan and you remember Linda and Karl." "I don't know what they see in you either. But they'll find out about you eventually, I hope." She took our drink order and we decided on what we wanted to eat. When...

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Lindas Web of Seduction 4 Introducing Henry

Having run into Linda on Wednesday, "hump day" as it's known in these parts, and being completely satisfied sexually by her, I couldn't help but be in awe of not even 72 hours later walking through a woman's house, whom I had just met about two hours before burying my face in her eager pussy, and was now walking through her house naked on the way to her pool. I remember thinking this is what it must be like to be rich and famous.Kathy's house was two story and nearly surrounded by trees and...

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Lindas Pants

Linda only week the weekends at this restaurant. So she only has one uniform. She wears them on both days, then washes them on Monday. She had these work pants for a long time about 2 years. There getting worn. I dare Linda when she gets ready for work, don’t put your panties on. She wears panties when she goes to work. She said only if I don’t wear boxers when I go to work. I told her deal.So I watched getting dressed. She left the panties off. She watched me, I left the boxers off. We went to...

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Linda Part 1 Beginnings

Introduction: The Awakening of a Zoo freak This is a total work of fiction, though admittedly it is fiction based loosely on factual events. Enjoy. There are a couple of other installments to Lindas transformation and if this one is received well, I will post the others. Enjoy, vote and comment/criticize. All feedback is appreciated. Linda, Part 1 – Beginnings I had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover...

2 years ago
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Linda Where are you going?” repeated Tim firmly.“Out!” said Linda sharply. “I’m going to a play at the Livingston Theater. The Palo Players. You’ve probably never heard of them.”Tim studied his wife and she met his gaze firmly. “Why are you being so uppity?” he asked. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He looked at his watch. “You can go out. It’ll be dark when you get back. What time’s it over?”“Ten-thirty,” Linda, answered her irritation growing. She started to open the...

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Linda in Life part1

It was Happy Hour and the customers were just beginning to filterin from their daily routines to sit down and have a cold one andwatch a little psuedo pornographic "art", go-go and strip dancing,ala Linda style. The Happy Hour shift started with B.J. doing herthing in her usual wanton and sexy way in the bright orangish redbikini top and bottom.......whirling around the poles on theraised stage, pole clasped firmly between her slim, white legswith a high on the pole start and a slow twirling...

2 years ago
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Linda Part 1 Beginnings

Enjoy, vote and comment/criticize. All feedback is appreciated. Linda, Part 1 - Beginnings I had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover she had always wanted. When it came to sex, her ex had ranged from lackluster to not interested, at best. We went at it like a couple of rabbits most of the time, especially in the beginning. She was apparently just trying to impress me in the beginning as well,...

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Lindas sister

Linda has a younger sister, her name is Melinda. She is 2 years younger than Linda. She is pretty cute too. She has a big butt, little bit smaller tits than Linda’s and a very high sex drive. Melinda masturbates everyday. She told me this, she also told me she’s been masturbating since she was 15 years old.When ever we would go over to her parents house or to Melinda’s apartment, she would flirt with me. She would sit next to me on the couch, she put her hand on my thigh. Sometimes I would get...

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Linda and Bobby 4 in the mall

“Jimmy has an idea that we think you will love.” Bobby said. “Are you interested?” “Well, it depends on what the idea is.” “Can’t tell you but if you are willing, we’ll show you and if you don’t like it, you can leave? I think you’ll love it and should really do this.” “I guess if you think I’ll like it. What do I need to do?” “Tonight about 8:30 we are going to be at the mall. You have to make sure you wear a bra and panties. Don’t leave home without them.” “That’s no fun...

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Lindas Last Night at the Club

I was just watching a video a man took of his wife in a club, and it reminded me of this. I thought I would share it with you, as it showed her true nature at that time.We had moved from our Family Housing Quarters to Transit Quarters in preparation to leave Germany. Linda had decided to work up until 3 days before we actually boarded the plane to leave. This was to be her last night to work at the NCO Club, where she had worked for the last 2 1/2 years. She had greatly enjoyed working there,...

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Lindas aion

Linda’s a*****ion Chapter Eight It was Tuesday when I received the packet from Carol. She is a married woman that wanted to realize her fantasy of being k**napped and ****d while in our city this weekend for a three day convention for her job. There really is no convention it is just something she told her husband so she could get away. I received her...

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Linda 2

From the beginning I knew Linda was bored with her husband. He is a good guy but just gives her everything and never ever tells her what to do. She enjoyed having her husband pay for everything and to please her with gifts but she wanted a man to order her around and treat her like a sexual object. A man that really didn’t care if she didn’t like it. She needed to be dominated. I asked Linda if she would like to see a movie with me. She was very happy to say yes. I picked a large movie...

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May I suggest reading Emma The final chapter (parts 1 & 2) this story continues the family saga up to the present Thank you.My Partner Linda gave birth to our beautiful daughter Megan in late August I had just completed my first year of my Medical course my professor had called in a favour which allowed me to be present at the birth the nurse less that polite pointed to a corner ‘if you faint fall backwards’ I explained I was a medical student all I got was ‘Doctors and students are the...

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Linda the Petsitter CH2 Linda Prepares for Fri

Linda spent the next several days extremely nervous fearful full of anticipation and frankly more turned on and she’s been in her entire life which was about to change. Her boring sexless single life of work and pet sitting is about to become more exciting. So she got a beautiful manicure and pedicure her hair done and she went for a full body massage and skin treatment during which she had an explosive orgasm when the cute young Latina girl who spoke very little English rubbed her vulva. Linda...

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Lindas First Exposure

Linda had just celebrated her 46th birthday and she was about to begin her 20th year as a high school teacher and private tutor. She couldn’t explain the noticeable increase in her sex drive that started about a year earlier, but it was real and her husband, 10 years older than her, was working hard to keep up with her. A voracious reader, Linda had recently discovered several erotic literature websites. The stories allowed her to discover some sexual interests she had never explored, including...

2 years ago
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Linda at the Barbershop part II

Linda's experience at the barbershop was thrilling.  "Ed, it was so exciting to get a haircut from Roberto and to suck his big cock. It was so good !"Well, I enjoyed it as well. Just thinking about the idea of my wife being 'abused'  by a professional barber made my little fellow stiff."would you like to repeat it ?", I asked Linda. "of course", she said.I phoned Roberto and asked him whether he is interested in another session with me and with Linda.  "This time, you can give her even a more...

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Linda got a headshave and I got fucked

I cannot complain about my life with Linda -- it is always fun and full of surprises ...Linda is very creative and imaginative. Our sex life is rich and she always comes with new ideas about how to make it even richer. You all remember her idea to have strap on sex in return for a short buzz cut. Since then, she has been wearing with pride a number 2 buzz cut with a shaved nape.For me the price is to have strap on sex with her. I must admit that I like the deal. I became used to getting fucked,...

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Lindas Punishment Day 2

This is the second part of Golden Punishment, for now on this series will be named ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Linda thought about all the crazy things that happened to her last night as she slowly sat down at the breakfast table. “Mom,” Linda looked at her mother and slowly lowered her hand to her lap, “my underwear are making me really itchy.”Linda’s mother looked up from her coffee, “You’ll get used to it. Why...

1 year ago
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Note: This story is completely fictional! Linda lifted her legs high in the back seat of the car so her boyfriend could fuck her. She let him do it in her butt so she wouldn't get . Jim did her hard and fast and she was surprised when she climaxed. When he was finished filling her with sperm she kissed him and said."I'm going to get birth control pills""I thought your mom didn't want you to have them""I'm eighteen now and I don't need her consent"The next day after school she went to see her...

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Linda at the Barbershop

Linda at the Barbershop - by Bald-Ed-----------------------------------------------The deal that I have with Linda, I give her buzzcuts and she fucks my ass, is a great success.I give her a number 2 buzzcut every weekend and we are both happy with that.We are also very happy with the strapon sex. It gives us both a lot of pleasure.Although Linda looks great with a number 2 buzzcut, I asked her to go shorter. I wanted to give her a number 1 at the sides and a number 0 at the back. You know,...

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Growing up on a farm in Wisconsin Linda learned two important skills: how to repair any piece of machinery and sex. She learned about sex from one of the farm hands behind the old barn a few hundred feet from her parent’s house. When he left, she learned from other workers on the farm, most times in the barn, but other times out in a field, in the woods, or the backseat of a car. College expanded her interests in and experiences with sex. She experiment with other women; had multiple...

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Linda finds a friend

Accident Prone Linda finds a friendBy the Bitchfinder GeneralAfter her parents? visit to St Phillippa?s, Linda sank into misery. She tried desperately to keep a low profile but Mel and Kim continued to taunt and bully her mercilessly. Another girl in her class, Tiffany, took pity on the young Linda and invited her to a party in her room. Tiffany was a popular girl and she had many friends at the party. Choked with jealousy, Mel and Kim (who did not get on with Tiffany in any case) decided to...

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My partner Joan and I had lived happily together for seven years. She was an operating theatre Sister at the local district hospital and I worked as a teacher at the local High School. We had frequently discussed marriage, but had never quite got round to organizing the wedding. It was the middle of January when I first met Linda and my whole world began to come apart. I was walking back from the newsagent having just fetched the morning paper, when I saw the furniture van unloading into the...

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Linda AdventuresChapter 2 Brunch With Linda and Camille

I had waited two days before venturing back to Design By Camille. My encounter with Linda having taken place late on Saturday, and other business kept me away on both the Sunday and Monday, I returned to the shop hoping the jewelry I has set aside was still unsold. The bell on the door, advising those working in the rear that a customer had arrived, chirped a bright high pitched tune as I entered. Emma appeared through the curtain-covered archway that led to the shop's rear. Her attire did...

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Josh couldn’t believe his luck. He had been looking through his telescope as he did every night. Not looking at the stars, but watching the local neighbourhood, trying to spot people who had failed to close their curtains, and then got undressed, thinking they were doing so unseen.But what he saw that night warmed his blood, and almost immediately, a plan came to his mind. Okay, she was his cousin, but he didn’t care. What he had seen had given him enough to be able to get what he wanted, his...

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Linda and Kevin

Linda and Kevin met in high school. Kevin was working at the school and Linda was a student there. Linda's friend Tara introduce her and another friend Becca to Kevin. Their other friend likes to sleep with volunteer firemen. Tara wanted to get them together but it didn't work out. Linda and Kevin seemed to have a good connection. They kept their relationship on a download for a while but then they got told out. Tara and the other friend found and started fighting with Linda about it. Kevin and...

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Linda So sweet Not

I'd had my new job for about 5 weeks, so I was familiar with most of the guys at the office, but I was still trying to fit in. As an office manager for an accounting firm I was both in-charge of the office and yet still subordinate to the accountants. It's a rather difficult line to walk and it's always easier if everyone likes you. Most of the guys in the office are under 35 and unmarried, so it is no surprise that they like to party at the end of the day. Being 46 and married for a little...

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