Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexualacts of a bdsm nature between two or more women and occasionally men. If thistype of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.
MF/mf, enema, exhibition, toys, BDSM, slavery, chastity belt, humiliation.
Author's Note:
This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personalreading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to repost them atyour own site, please contact the author for permission.
©2005 nic_victor All Rights Reserved.
Please mail to: [email protected] ifyou have suggestions for future chapters.
Linda and Miss Helen – Part 1
Part 1 – The Mall
The Car-park
Linda waited patiently in the car as the e-mail had told her to. She was onthe lowest sub-basement of the car-park, at the back beside the pump room.She had come wearing exactly what she had been told. White blouse, top threebuttons undone, black mini-skirt, black hold-up stockings and red stilettosandals with four inch heels. She had also received instructions to shave armpitsand pussy closely and to make sure there was no stubble in her pussy at all.To ensure this she had had a warm bath and used a three-blade razor with clearshaving gel. She had gone over the whole pussy twice and was sure there wasno stubble to be found anywhere, she had then dried off carefully and appliedbalm to keep the pussy smooth and soft. The whole process had made her hotand she had wanted to rub herself really badly, however she was sure her Mistresswould not approve and that she would be found out and punished if she did,so she quickly left the bathroom and busied herself with other things lesttemptation got the better of her. As soon as she parked she took out of theglove box the two pairs of handcuffs that had come in that morning’smail plus the two metal clamps packed with them. They didn’t look likecruel clamps; the biting edge covered in hard rubber with short rounded teeth.She opened her blouse and played with her nipples till they were both stiffand engorged. She then put the clamps on both nipples exactly as describedin the e-mail. She gasped as each clamp exerted its pressure on her sensitivenubs, when they were both on she joined them with the short chain also supplied,this hung slightly below her tits. As soon as this was done she cuffed herleft hand to the steering wheel; carefully using this hand she placed the othercuff on her right wrist, threw the keys out of the window then cuffed it tothe steering wheel too. She was now past the point of no return, she couldnot undo what she had done but had to sit patiently; and nervously; waitingfor her mysterious Mistress Helen to turn up and finally take actual real-lifecontrol of her as opposed to the hitherto online control she was used to. Anhour passed and no-one came. Only one car had even ventured to these far reachesof the mall car-park, a sleek dark green Jaguar convertible, it slowed downand she could have sworn someone looked at her from inside the dark confinesof the car, its top up, but it just drove away. The clamps were more seriousthan she had thought, her nipples were quite numb and she was feeling the effectsof the three litres of cola she had been instructed to drink before drivinghere. Another half hour went by and the pain in her lower belly was beginningto become unbearable, she was sure she would not be able to hold it anymoreand would disgrace herself soon if not released. Fifteen more minutes passedand she had to make a conscious effort not to wet herself. Just then she noticeda striking figure walking towards her car. She must have been nearly six feettall with long flowing jet-black hair. She was about thirty five and wore ablack leather skirt to just below the knees, tight white T-shirt and a blackblazer. She had knee high stiletto-heeled boots over nearly black stockings.There wasn’t a spare ounce of fat on her from what Linda could see. Thewoman stopped beside the driver’s door and smiled at Linda. This mustbe Mistress Helen thought Linda. She was more striking than Linda had everimagined. She crouched down, reached inside Linda’s blouse and pulledon the chain joining the nipple clamps. This brought out a gasp from Lindaand drew a tear or two. Miss Helen smiled as she continued to pull on the chain.She stopped, took out a bottle of water from the bag she carried and held upthe plastic straw to Linda's lips. One word was all she said, “Drink.” Lindaobeyed and drank a sip of water. Helen looked angrily at her and repeated theword, only louder, “Drink!” at the same time pulling on the chain.Linda drank and drank; Helen only removed the bottle when it was empty. Lindaknew she would not be able to hold herself anymore if this was kept up andwould soon wet herself if not released and allowed to pee. Miss Helen lickedher fingers and moved her hand down to Linda’s pussy. As ordered shewas wearing no underwear and was recently shaved. Helen touched Linda's pussyand massaged her pubic mound gently. She slowly pushed her middle finger part-wayinto Linda’s hole and rubbed up and down her slit. Linda felt a warmrush through her body as she got aroused; Helen rubbed fast then slow yet avoidedLinda’s pierced clit. Helen stopped, removed her hand and left Lindaeager for more. Helen took out another bottle from her bag and stuck the plasticstraw into Linda’s mouth. “Drink,” was all she said. Lindaknew that if she did this time there would be no holding back, no salvation.Disgrace would surely follow. She clamped her mouth shut and shook her headsobbing. Helen stared angrily at Linda, twisted her left nipple with the clampand repeated sternly, “Drink!” Linda sobbed but Helen just kepttwisting the clamp cruelly. Linda slowly drank trying not to think of the painin her belly. Helen’s right hand went back to Linda’s pussy andcarried on playing with her slit and hole. She pushed first one then two fingersgently into the hole. It was all wet and juicy and every so often Helen wouldtake the fingers out and smell them. Linda squirmed as she got hotter and hotterher full bladder now only a background pain. She finished the bottle and Helendropped it using her now free left hand to pull on the chain joining the nippleclamps. The pleasure was mounting but at the same time there was an insistentpressure in her bladder; every time Helen’s fingers pushed into her holeLinda felt the pee would just burst out. She held on hoping her Mistress wouldallow her to pee with dignity once she had finished with her. But Miss Helenhad other plans. She now pushed her two fingers hard into Linda’s pussywhilst extending her middle finger to caress Linda’s tight starfish.This made her squirm and she felt a cramp in her bladder. The pain was becomingexcruciating and easily equalled in intensity the pleasure she was also receiving.Helen rubbed her slit faster and faster, her fingers entered her deeper anddeeper and Linda’s body trembled as pleasure and pain got confused inher mind. Helen twisted Linda’s nipples cruelly and pulled them out asfar as she could keeping the pressure on the chain. Just then the fingers inLinda’s pussy rubbed her swollen clit imperceptibly. Linda moaned andshuddered; Helen now rubbed the clit in earnest and just as Linda explodedshe pushed her middle finger into her asshole as far as the knuckles. No waycould Linda’s abused body suffer this without consequence. Her bladdergave way and emptied itself uncontrollably. She wet the car seat, Helen’shand and the car floor. There was a huge puddle in the footwell and Linda weptinconsolably. She had disgraced herself and knew she would have to pay. MissHelen removed her hand and dried it on Linda’s blouse. She said nothing.She took out her own set of keys and unlocked the cuffs. She removed the clampsfrom Linda’s nipples then stood up. “Get out of the car bitch!” Helenexclaimed. “Follow me, when we get home later tonight you will pay foryour total lack of self control.” With these words Helen stormed acrossthe car-park as Linda stumbled out of her car, locked it, and followed herhurriedly.
The Washroom
Helen stood in front of the lifts leading up the shops. Linda caught up withher just as the doors opened and both women entered in silence. The lift startedits ascent to the shop floors when Helen pressed the Stop button suddenly.The lift shuddered to a halt as Helen turned to Linda and pulled her close.She kissed her passionately then just as Linda was responding she pushed heraway and slapped her face three times in rapid succession. Linda burst intotears so Helen just carried on slapping her slowly but deliberately. Lindatried to avoid the slaps but Helen grabbed her hair and twisted it cruellybringing her face up close. The tears just kept coming and it seemed to eggHelen on to give her more. Every so often she stopped and gave her nipplesanother cruel twist taking great pleasure in seeing them turn a darker shadeof red. They were fit to burst and were taking on an interesting hue of purple.Linda slid to her knees but all she got for her troubles was a jerk on herhair forcing her up on her feet again. Helen was turning out to be a far morecruel Mistress in real life than even her online games had suggested; and thosehad been cruel enough! Just then Helen pressed the resume button. The liftcontinued up to the second shopping level and as the doors opened the waitingshoppers stood back in surprise as the two women walked out of the lift. Lindastill displayed wet legs and an open blouse showing everybody her purple hugelyswollen nipples. Her face showed obvious signs of the slaps and tears rolleddown her cheeks smearing her mascara. Helen marched straight to the nearestwashroom with Linda trailing behind. In the washroom Helen dragged Linda intothe handicapped cubicle and made her strip naked, she then ordered her to leanon the washbasin with her ass pushed back. Helen stuffed her own knickers intoLinda’s mouth then pulled her leather belt off from around her waistand folded it double. She proceeded to lay it on Linda’s ass; six slowhard swats on each cheek that had Linda sobbing and whimpering into the knickersthat gagged her. Her knees kept buckling and this only made Helen madder andmadder so the swats kept getting harder and harder. At last the twelve strokeswere over. Helen stood back as Linda just leaned there tears rolling down hercheeks. She felt something cold and hard pushing against her almost virginalasshole. Helen pushed the huge butt plug slowly and inexorably into Linda’stight hole. Linda sobbed louder as she felt the pressure rising, she triedto avoid the invader but was rewarded with a sharp twist of her right nipplefor her efforts. She relaxed her sphincter and the plug slid in a few moreinches. The widest part opened her hole further than it had ever been opened;she had never been a fan of anal sex and had only toyed with her finger anda few small candles, never anything as large as this plug. Helen kept up thepressure till she got past the tight anal muscles, suddenly the plug slid inalmost effortlessly until its wide base nestled against Linda’s asscheeks.Helen tapped the end of the plug and was rewarded with a muffled squeal fromLinda. She kept this up for a while, tapping away insistently, this made Lindaperform what looked like a dance, hopping from one foot to the other whilstsquirming this way and that. Helen suddenly stopped and Linda breathed a sighof relief; but not for long. The belt hit her ass once more, hard and fast.It went from left cheek to right cheek and back, after what seemed an eternitythe belt hit her on the butt plug’s base pushing it into her assholedeeper than ever, she jumped forward almost falling head first into the washbasin.Helen gave a laugh and hit Linda six more times on the same spot. Linda feltthe butt plug was boring a hole straight from her ass to her mouth, it churnedher insides and she felt like emptying her bowels and vomiting both at thesame time. Then it stopped, almost as suddenly as it had began. As the secondspassed and the belt didn’t fall again Linda relaxed, it seemed to befinally over; at least for the moment. She heard Helen rummaging behind herthen silence. Minutes passed when all of a sudden she felt something nudgingher pussy, a huge dildo was pushed into her, it felt thick and knobbly andhurt her already sensitive hole. Helen took her time inserting it, twistingit round once it was embedded inside her. Linda moaned, she felt fuller thanshe had ever felt before and she hoped Helen would remove both items soon;however this was not to be. Her Mistress reached into her ubiquitous bag andtook out a leather contraption such as Linda had never seen in real life. Helenproceeded to put it on her. First a wide belt went around Linda’s waist;this was tightened as tight as possible then buckled. A flared leather striphung down the front, this strip was now pulled down Linda’s front andover the dildo pushing it further in, then it went up over the butt plug doingthe same to it and up to meet the belt at her back. Helen pulled this striptight and buckled it to the waist belt at the rear. Not satisfied she unbuckledit and pulled it in two further notches. Linda could hardly breathe or evenstand still and kept whimpering whilst Helen completed her preparations. Helenremoved the panties from Linda’s mouth and ordered her to get dressedand re-do her make up. Linda took great care whilst doing both, wanting toplease her Mistress as much as possible. Meanwhile Helen put her panties inher bag, tied her hair back in a long ponytail and re-applied her own makeup too. They both looked gorgeous when finished and could easily have passedfor catwalk models. Helen smiled at Linda and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “Goodgirl, you look ravishing, now let’s go shopping!” With this sheopened the cubicle door and they both emerged to the surprise of two olderwomen standing by the washbasins smoking.
The Lingerie Shop
Helen walked casually out of the washrooms whilst Linda trailed behind. Everystep she took reminded her of how full she felt and how tight the chastitybelt was on her. They looked a stunning pair, both immaculately made up andbeautiful. Everybody they walked past turned to stare at them. One tall, raven-hairedand in elegant yet sexy clothes; the other shorter, blonde and wearing muchmore revealing clothes. Her breasts seemed to want to burst out of her blouseand her dark nipples could be easily discerned under it. They walked in andout of clothes shops, browsing expensive apparel and lingering over sexy topsand the skimpiest of dresses and skirts. After an hour of this Helen walkedinto Victoria’s Secret and they looked at the lingerie on display. Shepicked up a basket and placed in it loads of bras, lacy thongs and g-stringsand a few bustiers, garter belts and bodies. Helen eyed the staff and madeher way to a dark Latino girl in her early twenties. She had been followingthem all the time as they had been picking up the clothes and Helen knew thisgirl was interested in them. She asked her for the directions to the dressingrooms and added she would like some help in choosing. The girl was eager todo this and her head almost fell off from her enthusiastic nodding. She introducedherself as Carmen and took them to a spacious, well fitted-out room with evena comfortable armchair and a stool in it. Helen ordered Linda to strip completely.Carmen’s eyes nearly popped out when she saw what Linda was wearing underher clothes. The butt plug was obvious as it was bright pink and the flaredend spread out past the chastity belt’s strap. Helen started to try brason Linda tweaking and pinching her nipples the whole time. She kept askingCarmen what she thought and even invited her to test how tight Linda’stits felt inside the various models. Carmen was obviously enjoying it and Lindafelt more and more embarrassed as this went on. They tried on at least a dozenmodels concentrating on the half and quarter cup selection. Most were too tighton Linda and this suited Helen just fine. At last they finished with the bras.They had chosen three very sexy models for Linda and these went into the check-outbasket. Linda’s boobies were hard and her nipples stood out proud andpurple from all the attention they had received from Helen and Carmen. Theyhad pulled them, pinched them, mauled them and done almost anything possibleto them whilst trying bras on her. Linda had endured it all patiently feelingquite proud of herself. Helen noticed her smug smile and was now determinedto humiliate her once again. Linda’s smile faded as she noticed Helenreaching into her bag and taking out two cruel looking alligator clamps withhooks on them. Smiling she grabbed Linda's left nipple and placed one of theclamps on it. Linda cried out only to be rewarded with a fierce backhand slapon her left cheek. Helen placed the second clamp on her right nipple and Lindaalmost cried out again. Her tears were once again flowing freely and she startedto sob and plead. “I know how to deal with you young lady!” exclaimedHelen sternly. She brought out a black ball gag from her bag and thrust theball into Linda’s mouth, buckling it up tightly behind her head. Havingeffectively silenced her young charge Helen then took out two medium sizedfishing weights and hung them from the tit clamps. This pulled the nipplesdown and stretched them painfully. Linda’s hands instinctively shot toher tits to save them from the pain and this was just what Helen had hopedfor. Her suddenly hands shot out and grabbed Linda’s wrists, she twistedthem behind her and pushed Linda face-down onto the back of the armchair. Holdingher there she whispered something in her ear which only served to make Lindashake her hard and cry some more. Helen spoke out, “Carmen handcuffs,in my bag. Bring them here. Now please.” Carmen looked through her bagand took the cuffs to Helen, fascinated by events. Linda’s hands werenow cuffed securely behind her back and Helen let her go, she looked throughher bag once more and brought out a length of chain, she hooked this to thecuffs’ middle link and keeping the chain taut hooked the other end toone of the coat hooks on the cubicle wall. This served to keep Linda in a veryuncomfortable pose, constantly leaning forward and having to shift her balancecontinuously. The weights kept her nipples nicely stretched but Helen decidedmore was needed so she added a further medium sized weight to each clamp. Lindanow hopped from foot to foot as her tits swelled and felt as large as barrageballoons. Helen smiled. Carmen stood there in total absorption. She was enjoyingthis. Helen looked at her out of the corner of her eye and wondered if Carmenwould enjoy the plans she had for her if things went well. Helen took a shortleather strap out of her bag and flexed it in full view of Linda. Her eyeswidened as she realised what was in store for her. Helen spoke softly, “Ithink you deserve at least six on each tit for your shameful lack of control.Then we shall see if you need any more, depends on your behaviour really.” Lindashook her head and tried to protest but this only made Helen add a few morewords, “well, since you don’t agree with my offer of six on eachtit I will make it ten on each. Maybe that is more acceptable to you?” Withthese words Helen proceeded to lash at Linda’s tits, first at their top,then at their undersides then on the nipples where the clamp bit it. She didthis for six lashes on each tit. Then she cruelly pulled off the clamps withouteven bothering to loosen them first. Linda shrieked through the gag, and wasrewarded with the strap on her face for this. She felt the welt rising on herleft cheek. The last four lashes on her tits were concentrated on the sorenipples. These were delivered from behind her shoulder by Helen; strong hardlashes, given with full force and designed to both sting and mark. Linda’stits were a bright shade of purple from before, but now they positively glowed.Helen then turned her around and proceeded to remove the chastity belt. Lindathought the dildo and butt plug would follow but was soon disappointed. Helenhad her stand with her legs outstretched as far as they would go and orderedher to hold both of the silicone invaders in. She then spoke softly. “Sinceyou seem to enjoy being strapped I will now mark your bottom and thighs, Iwant everyone to see what a naughty girl you have been. And since you enjoyyour butt plug I will remind you it’s there by strapping it hard everyfew strokes.” Linda sobbed even louder now, tears rolling down her cheeksin anticipation. Helen methodically used the strap on Linda’s butt. Twostrokes on the left cheek, then two on the right. This was followed by an upwardstroke straight on the plug’s flared end. Linda jumped up on this onewhich only made Helen laugh out loud. Then she used the strap on her thighs,two hard strokes on each from behind the shoulder again. The welts appearedalmost immediately. Helen kept this up for about five cycles giving her a totalof forty five hard strokes with the strap. Linda collapsed on the floor soHelen just pulled her up by her hair screaming at her whilst using the strapon her shoulders. Linda stayed on her feet heaving her shoulders whilst Helengave her a final five really hard strokes combined on the thighs and buttocks.She then stood back to admire her handiwork. Linda displayed a nice criss-crossof red and purple welts, some raised and others almost about to shed a trickleof blood. Helen looked pleased with herself and said to Carmen, “If you’dlike to join us tonight at my house you can see what else Linda and I get upto, you are welcome to participate if you come.” Carmen nodded gleefullyand Helen gave her a business card with her address. “Be there at ninethirty sharp, you won’t regret it.” Helen ungagged and untied Lindaand put the gag, clamps and chastity belt away in her bag whilst she dressed;they then walked to the checkout with Carmen and Helen paid for her purchases.She thanked Carmen and with that turned to go.
The Fetish Shop
Helen walked out of the lingerie store content in the knowledge that Carmenwould join them at home later on that day. Linda on the other hand was apprehensivedreading what was in store for them both. But for the moment she had otherworries. She waddled behind Helen painfully aware she still had the dildo andbutt plug inside her abused pussy and ass but no chastity belt to hold themin for her. She had to keep clenching her asshole and pelvic muscles to holdthem in whilst trying to keep up with her cruel Mistress. They visited a musicstore and newsagents where Mistress Helen made her pick up a bondage magazineand pay for it herself. She made her join the longest queue and stand thereholding the magazine with its cover fully exposed so everyone could see itclearly. Everyone in the shop seemed to be staring at Linda, not just her magazineshe thought, but also her welts which were clearly on display below her extremelyshort skirt. Linda was bright red with embarrassment by the time she got topay for it. Helen made her discard the carrier bag outside the shop and walkwith the cover on full view for the rest of their time in the mall. All eyeswere on them as they joined the escalator down and made their way to the basementwhere in the far reaches of the mall nestled a well-stocked fetish shop, rarelyvisited or even known about by the majority of shoppers. Linda had never seenit, let alone visited it, and entered with eyes like saucers. There were instrumentsand contraptions on display she had only ever seen in photographs and othersshe couldn’t even begin to guess the use of. Helen walked the aisles,basket in hand, picking things up here and there. They went up to a counterwhere an assistant joined them. She was a tough looking butch with tattoosall up her arms, wearing a leather waistcoat tight over bra-less E cup tits.She had on a pair of biker leather trousers and a black bandana over her shortblack hair. Helen obviously knew her well as they chatted and joked for a while.Helen then placed her purchases on the counter and had them scanned, howevershe was not satisfied with the slave collars on display and asked the assistant;Toni was her name; to see her ‘professional’ range. Toni smiled,reached down and took out a tray from below the counter. There was no fancyworkhere, these were serious stuff. All one or two inches wide, stiff black leather,D-rings front and back, some with D-rings all round and some with a padlock.Helen chose a two-inch model, with multiple D-rings, brass buckle and padlock.She put it round Linda’s neck and snapped the padlock shut. It felt tighton her and she was conscious of every breath she took. Toni stated her approvalbut commented that Linda looked too smug and needed to be given a few extralessons in submission. Helen agreed; she clipped a short chain to the collarand followed Toni who was making her way to the back of the store. Along theway Toni stopped, she approached a male shopper, obviously a regular as hegreeted Toni familiarly. He was in his early forties and had a young sub intow. She must have been no more than twenty and was cruelly bound inside atight latex corset, her arms bound together behind her back up to elbow height,with a long hobble skirt and bondage ballet shoes. She wore a hood over herhead and was obviously gagged. Saliva dribbled from under her hood and everystep she took must have been torture on every part of her body. Helen had noticedthe man before as he had been following every move she took with Linda sincethey had come into the store. Toni had a few words with him and he nodded enthusiastically.He joined the group, leading his sub on a leash. They all entered the backroom. There Helen had Linda remove her clothes and stand there butt naked inher stiletto heels. Toni approved of her welted body as did the man. They bothwalked around Linda admiring Helen’s handiwork. The young slave had herhobble skirt removed and was left standing in the corner whimpering, her shavedpussy on display. Toni took a tall stool and Linda was pushed down onto itand ordered to hold on to its sides. She then took off her trousers and men’sboxers to display an eight inch strap-on she always wore; it was pink and verylifelike with protruding veins and a bulbous head. The man zipped his trousersdown and took out his already stiff cock; it was thick and purple and was alreadyoozing pre-cum. This was something they had obviously done together before.It looked almost rehearsed. Toni went to Linda’s ass whilst the man approachedher face. He thrust his cock deep into her mouth and ordered her to suck himwhilst Toni removed Linda’s butt plug with just one twist and a sharppull. She squealed but was silenced by the man’s cock driving deeperinto her mouth. Toni lined up her strap-on and entered Linda’s assholein one hard push whilst the man fucked her mouth. Toni was not subtle, fuckingher with energy and viciousness. Linda seemed to bounce from man to butch,her body being pummelled by both cocks. Helen was keeping herself entertainedmeanwhile by fingering the young bound slave’s asshole; she thrust herfingers into the slave’s hole, first one, then two and then three. Shekept this up whilst Linda was being abused, getting all the more enjoymentfrom the spectacle. The slave moaned and groaned whilst Helen kept up the analinvasion. The asshole was quite tight and it seemed to Helen it had not yetbeen entered by a cock and reminded herself to ask the man later. Perhaps hewould like her to break the slave’s ass in for him. She dearly lovedto rape a young anal virgin and derived great pleasure from seeing young girlswrithe beneath her as she reamed their tight starfish. She almost came thinkingthese thoughts. Meanwhile Linda could feel the strap-on filling her ass upand rubbing against the dildo in her pussy through the thin membrane separatingher vagina from her rectum. Each thrust caused the dildo to push up furtherinto her and rub her insides stimulating her g-spot. She could feel the pleasurerising and started trembling as she got more and more aroused. Toni noticedthis and withdrew the strap-on. “Listen carefully slut. This is not foryour pleasure but for ours, so don’t you dare climax unless we orderyou to!” saying this Toni unclipped the strap-on she was wearing fromits harness and went to a cupboard at the back, she rummaged through it andattached something to her harness. When she turned round Linda peeked out ofthe corner of her eye and was shocked and frightened by what she saw. Thiswas the thickest, largest strap-on she had ever seen. It was at least twelveinches long and three inches thick. It was knobbly and sported short rubbernodules and spikes all over its surface, its head was like a small apple andthere was a pump hanging from its rear end. Toni stood behind Linda’sass and held her by her waist as Linda squirmed trying in vain to avoid itsintrusion. Lube was poured down her ass crack this time and Toni used her fingersto coat her asshole and surrounding area well. Meanwhile the man had neverstopped fucking Linda’s mouth and she felt he was about to explode, butin those last moments he withdrew having other plans for his semen. Toni nowfelt the ass was ready for her so slowly and deliberately she entered Linda,pushing the silicone cock deeper and deeper into her, this caused Linda togive off a scream which was cut off by the man slapping her face repeatedly.This silenced her and her only outlet was to whimper and cry like a baby. Tonirode her hard and Linda just rocked on the stool like a toy. The strap-on waswithdrawn and she was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she realised thatnow the man was entering her with his flesh and blood cock, he fucked her roughlybut he had been so primed by her sucking that he shot his load into her inabout five minutes. She felt the cum filling her rectum and it made her insideschurn. He withdrew and immediately her hole was filled up again by Toni whogave Linda’s ass it’s fourth fucking in the fetish shop. The assholewas now very distended and it was going to take some time for the ass musclesto return to their usual elasticity and tightness. Over the next twenty fourhours this ass would be able to take almost anything up it and Toni knew Helenwould use this to her advantage. Linda’s thoughts however were what wasgoing to happen when digestion took its course and waste reached her rectum,she had visions of the shit just dropping out of her ass whilst she walked.Linda hoped it wouldn’t come to that. The man meanwhile wiped his cum,shit and blood streaked cock on Linda’s discarded blouse and decidedto torture Linda some more by tweaking and pinching her nipples mercilesslyuntil Toni had finished with her. Toni moaned and groaned as she herself wasapproaching her own orgasm; the huge strap-on she wore had a small but significantportion that went inside her own pussy and had a rough patch that rubbed herclitoris to perfection. As the climax drew near Toni just fucked harder andharder riding Linda like a bronco in a rodeo. Linda had her work cut out stoppingherself from being pushed off the stool and had to hold on to it for dear life.Finally Toni climaxed slapping Linda’s ass with her open hands as shedid so. She collapsed on Linda’s back exhausted. After a few minuteseveryone started to get dressed again, Helen ordered Linda to put on her blouse,now smeared with dirt from the man’s cock, her skirt and nothing else.Her ass was on fire and her pussy throbbed on the dildo. Whilst she was doingthis Helen spoke with the man and they arranged a little proposition. He wouldlend Helen his young slave for the weekend so she could break her virgin assfor him and teach her a few submissive lessons in lesbian love. In exchangeshe would lend him Linda the following weekend so he could give her a few lessonsin cock submission and learning how to take live cock in all possible ways.Toni also wished to borrow Linda having enjoyed her ass and wanting to getto enjoy all her other orifices too. Helen and her agreed to arrange somethingmutually suitable. Linda overheard both conversations and shuddered in fear.When all were ready Helen clipped the long chain to Linda’s collar andmaking her hold her purchases they walked out of the back room and out of thefetish shop.
The Restaurant
Helen walked with long easy strides, left hand casually holding one end ofthe three foot chain. The other end was clipped to Linda’s collar andkept her always hurrying to keep up with Helen lest she stumble and fall; thiswould let everyone see her welted bare ass and her stuffed pussy. Added tothat Linda had to carry the shopping bags from the lingerie and fetish shopsas well as the magazine which always had to be on clear view of everyone. Herass gaped from having being repeatedly and viciously fucked by Toni and theman at the fetish shop and dirt-streaked cum dribbled down her inner thighs.They went up to the top floor where Helen marched Linda into one of the Mall’sthree waiter-service restaurants; she chose a very sleek and modern steakhouse,set out on two levels; a ground floor bar and a mezzanine overlooking the bararea. Helen walked up to the Maitre’d and asked for a table for two overlookingthe ground floor. He led them to a table in the corner of the mezzanine floorjust overlooking the bar. There Linda’s body would be in full view ofanyone looking up from the bar; just what Helen wanted. She ordered Linda tosit her bare ass on the cane chair, letting her skirt fall around it. The seatwas plaited raffia and it scratched her welted ass painfully. That was onereason Helen had chosen this place. The skirt was far too short for the positionshe had been ordered to sit in and left her ass and upper thighs fully exposedto anyone who looked in their direction. It was also very difficult to sitstill with the huge dildo still inside her so she kept squirming uncomfortably.Helen smiled inwardly and decided to press on. She took a short but thick buttplug out of her bag and passed it to Linda over the table, in full view ofthe other patrons in the restaurant. Linda took it shyly as Helen instructedher to go to the bathroom and insert it in her ass making sure to coat it withthe Ben Gay she also gave her. Linda began to plead with Helen who simply added, “Whenwe get home that will be twenty strokes with the cane for arguing Linda! Youwill also put these on as a reminder of who you belong to.” Linda softlycried as Helen handed her two strong alligator clamps for her nipples. Withoutanother word she got up and went to the bathroom. There Linda hid in a cubiclecrying as she coated the plug with Ben Gay and pushed it into her distendedass; at first it felt normal but soon started to smart and burn her tendertissues; she then opened her blouse and placed the clamps on her sore nipples,the teeth bit into her nubs and she was sure they would soon start to bleed.Rearranging her blouse Linda walked out and went back to her table. She satgingerly on her seat as Helen smiled at her. The waiter came and Helen orderedfor both of them. Linda could not keep still and when the waiter returned withtheir drinks; white wine for Helen, water for Linda; he asked her if everythingwas alright. Helen spoke, “No, everything is not alright. My lady friendhere is my sex slave and she cannot sit still because she has a few thingsthat won’t let her. Linda, show the nice young man what you are wearingon your nipples and what you are sitting on.” Linda went a bright shadeof red and shook her head sobbing. Helen went on, “Linda, that will betwenty more with the cane at home. Now show him!” Linda cried softlyas she opened her blouse and showed the waiter her clamped nipples; they werepurple and grossly enlarged. She then lifted her skirt and sat sideways showingthe man the dildo and plug inside her. His eyes nearly popped out and he mumbledsomething as he swiftly left their table. Helen laughed as Linda sat down again,now reduced to a crying, red-faced little girl. The waiter brought their foodand they ate in silence. Steak and salad for Helen, chicken salad for Linda.They finished their food and then Helen called the waiter over, she asked himfor a coffee for her and said Linda would be having pussy for dessert. He staredin surprise but Helen simply repeated her order. When the coffee came Lindawas nowhere to be seen. Just as the waiter turned to go he heard a slurpingsound and saw a pair of high heels sticking out from under the tablecloth.Linda was on her knees under the table eating out Helen’s pussy! He gulpedand decided to be bold; he asked Helen if Linda would want some cock afterher pussy. Helen smiled at him and replied, “But of course, Linda wouldbe most willing to have some cock after she has finished the pussy she is eatingnow, I will send her to you as soon as she is finished here.” Linda lickedand sucked at Helen’s trimmed pussy, paying particular attention to theprominent clitoris that stood out proud from its hood. Helen enjoyed the attentionand dropped her hands under the table cloth, kneading and pummelling Linda’shead and face unseen by the rest of the diners. With a shudder Helen came,spurting out loads of juice into Linda’s mouth. Helen was a spurter andoften drenched the bed when she climaxed. Linda swallowed suspecting Helenwould not want her to waste a drop. Fully satisfied Helen pushed Linda outfrom under the table and the people sitting at the bar below were a bit perplexedto see a grown woman with a red welted ass crawling out from under a tableabove them. They stared at her wondering what the pink objects were aroundher pussy and ass area. Only a few recognised the dildo and plug for what theywere. Helen now sent Linda to the waiter’s area to look for their youngserver and ordered her to give him a good blow job and bring back his cum inher mouth taking care not to spill a single drop. Linda went off to carry outher orders and returned fifteen minutes later, her mouth tightly closed. Helensmiled and handed Linda her empty wine glass, telling her to spit the cum inthere, she would be drinking it slowly whilst Helen smoked a cigarette. Lindahated the taste of cum but had no choice except to comply. She sipped at thecum whilst Helen smoked her Salem with relish. When they had both finishedHelen called the young man over and asked for the bill. He smiled at her andtold her they owed nothing, the meal had been paid for by one of the patronssitting at the bar. They looked down and noticed a middle aged man in a darkbusiness suit looking up at them. He held out his glass to them and smiledknowingly. Helen smiled back at him and sent down her business card with theyoung waiter, she knew he would call before the day was out. The women stoodup and Helen walked out of the restaurant as Linda followed carrying all theirbags. They left the restaurant and walked to the lifts taking the first availableone down to the parking levels.
The Ride Home
They exited the lifts on the second sub-basement and Linda followed Helenas she walked up to her car; a dark green Jaguar convertible. Linda had guessedcorrectly all those hours ago. Helen unlocked the car and put the shoppingin the trunk. She then pushed Linda face down onto the hood and flipped herskirt up. Using her hand she gave Linda ten sound slaps on her already sorebutt. A deep red hue spread over her ass and the welts seemed to stand outeven more. “This is just to remind you of who is boss during the ridehome.” Linda lay there sobbing until Helen pulled her up and shoved herinto the passenger seat. She ordered her to pull her skirt up exposing herpussy and to open her blouse wide so her clamped nipples would be visible andeasily accessible. Once Linda had done this Helen belted her up and cuffedher securely; right hand to the door pull and left hand to the seat-belt anchor.She put on a pair if leather driving gloves, started the car up and poweredthe top down. They drove out of the building and onto the street outside theMall. They stopped at a set of lights and whilst waiting there Helen entertainedherself tweaking and pulling Linda’s clamped nipples. She could do nothingbut squirm in protest which only earned her a harder twist of Helen’sfingers. A huge truck stopped beside them and they heard a loud horn. Theylooked up and saw the driver nodding his head at them and smiling approvingly,this wasn’t something he saw every day. Helen acknowledged him by pullingLinda’s blouse further out and stretching her left nipple out for himto see. The lights changed and they drove on. Helen kept reaching down to Linda’spussy and playing with the dildo inside it. At the next set of lights the gamecontinued and Linda was getting extremely aroused and wet. A small puddle ofjuice was forming on the leather seat and Helen noticed this with relish, Lindawould have to lick it dry at home. Whilst busy tampering with the dildo a limousinestopped next to them and the rear window slid down silently. The man who hadpaid for their meal at the restaurant smiled at them and beckoned with hisfinger, he mouthed the words, “Follow me.” Helen nodded and flickedon her indicators. When the lights changed she let the limousine lead and followedit out of town. The direction they were travelling in also led towards Helen’shouse anyway so she was not worried. After driving for twenty minutes the limousinepulled off the road and into a secluded truckers’ lay-by. Helen pulledin behind it and stopped her engine. The business man opened the rear doorof the limo and Helen walked over and joined him inside. He offered her a drinkand she asked for a dry sherry, ice cold. He gave it to her and poured himselfa malt whisky with a drop of spring water. They discussed Linda and he saidhow it would please him to own her. He offered to buy her off Helen but shedeclined, even after being offered a five figure sum. He finally asked if atleast he would be able to abuse her for a few days. Helen asked what was init for her and the man, who had introduced himself as John, simply took outa small photo album from a cubby in the car and flipped it open to show Helenan array of beautiful men and women all in tight rubber or leather bondage.He made a two-for-one offer; any time she was willing to lend him Linda hewould lend any two of his slaves for her to use and abuse as she pleased. Thiswas acceptable to Helen and they sealed the deal with a handshake. He gaveher his business card and asked if he could have Linda for just thirty minutesso he could have a taster of her charms. Helen laughed and said what joy wouldshe get out of that? He smiled and pressed a button on a display. A hiddenpanel slid down behind the rear seats. It revealed a slender figure layingon her back, ensconced in a very tight catsuit, her tits trying to burst outas she squirmed in the small compartment. A double tube led out from the hoodand a shock of red hair was visible in a long plait behind her head. The fainthum of a vibrator could be heard going on and off and Helen supposed this iswhat was causing the squirming. John opened a second cabinet in the rear andshowed Helen a small selection of whips, straps, dildoes, strap-ons, butt plugsand other instruments and told her she was free to use any on his slave whilsthe abused Linda. She gave him the keys to Linda’s cuffs and he took ashort twelve inch strap with him plus a pair of weighted alligator clamps.Left alone in the limo Helen pulled the rubber bound slave into the seatingarea. She examined the tube leading out of the hood and saw one has a bulbobviously for pumping up an inflatable gag; the other was an air tube. Shedeflated the gag and took off the hood. The slave was beautiful and lookednot a day over twenty. She had thick luscious lips of a deep red hue and sparklingemerald green eyes with long curved lashes. Her red hair was tightly boundinto the plait Helen had seen trailing from the hood and her nose was the cutestshe had ever seen on a slave. Helen released her arms which were buckled togetherbehind her back; she also released her legs which had been buckled up to theknees. Her feet were locked in six inch stiletto heeled ankle boots the sameburgundy colour as the latex cat suit. There were zips all over the suit, eachhaving a particular zone to cover. Helen opened a couple on the chest revealinglong thick nipples; a deep purple from some earlier play or punishment; bothpierced and sporting nipple rings. The slave moaned as Helen pulled and playedwith the rings stretching the nipples out of the slits in the suit. This wenton for about ten minutes as the slave whimpered and moaned repeatedly. NextHelen turned the slave around and had her kneel of the floor of the limo holdingherself against the seat. She opened a zip that went all the way from the assto the pussy and watched in fascination as the slit opened out to reveal agrossly abused ass and pussy. A thick vibrating dildo held the shaved and piercedpussy open, two wires trailing out of the suit only a few inches. The ass wasalso opened wide but by an impossibly thick glass butt plug and showed clearsigns of a recent beating. There were cane, strap and crop marks and they madea pretty pattern on the otherwise alabaster skin. Helen switched off the dildoand removed it. The plug however she decided to leave in for the moment. She playedwith the slave’s pussy, pushing her gloved fingers deep inside it, twistingand pulling her labia and kneading the pubic mound. The slave heaved and sighedas she got excited. Helen kept this up for another ten minutes and was wellaroused herself. She wanted to be pleasured herself now, preferably to a climax.She picked up a double-dildo gag from the cubby and buckled it tightly to theslave’s head, stuffing the mouth end well inside. She then lay the slaveon her back on the limo’s floor and removed her own skirt. Carefullyshe sat on the dildo pushing it slowly and deliberately inside her. She settledcomfortable and started to fuck herself on it. The slave groaned under heras Helen screwed herself steadily towards a climax. However she felt the slavewasn’t doing enough so she took a leather bound crop and started hittingthe slave’s bald cunt to force her make a bigger effort to help Helenclimax. The slave kept trying to push the dildo further inside Helen’spussy as she moved on her face. At the same time the slave was having her nipplespulled out and tweaked mercilessly. Helen was one cruel taskmistress. Theykept this up for fifteen minutes when suddenly Helen could feel the rush coming,a few more deep thrusts and she climaxed, screaming and squirting all overthe slave’s face. The climax caused her to hit at the slave’s cuntuncontrollably and of course this only meant the slave fucked her more intenselyto try to end the torture. At last Helen stopped and rolled off the slave.She kissed the slave deeply and passionately and even kissed her abused nipplesas a gesture of gratitude. In one swift movement she replaced her skirt andopened the limo door leaving the slave on the floor. Outside she found Johnsmoking a cigarette leaning against her Jaguar whilst she noticed Linda wascrying disconsolate on the ground kneeling cuffed to the car’s rear bumper.Later at home she would demand she tell her exactly what had gone on. She enjoyedhearing the stories whilst toying with her slaves’ charms; but now toget home. She put Linda back in the car, said her goodbyes to John and droveout of the lay-by. By the time they got to her home an hour later it was startingto get dark. Linda had never seen such a huge house close up, a true manorhouse, with wings and porch and all. It even had a sweeping driveway and alodge house at the entrance to the grounds. Helen parked in the driveway andtook everything out of the trunk before releasing Linda. As they got to thefront door it swung open and a servant girl stood there impeccably dressedin a black and white maid’s outfit; perfectly normal; except it was totallymade of latex. They walked in; Linda followed and looked around in awe. Helensimply said. “This will be your home from now on as we agreed. Get usedto it. I will now show you to your room and give you a few instructions, wemust get ready for our guests later on tonight.” With this Helen sweptup the long winding staircase, Linda keeping up as best she could.
…to be continued
“Hello lover” I heard Helen’s soft, sexy voice purr into the phone. “Hi sweetheart, how are you doing today?” I asked, my cock starting to get hard just at the sound of her voice. “Better now that I know you’re alone. Is Diana and Brandon gone?” Helen asked. Diana and Brandon of course being my wife and son. “Yes, they left this morning with her mother for the weekend. In fact I just heard from them. They arrived in Syracuse around noon. Fore once they made good time.” “ MMMM...
Helen's Ultimate Surrender Sometimes a person's passion and the curiosity to explore all avenuesto satisfy one's secret desires can lead to a path from which there is no escapeand leads to one's ultimate down fall. (This is the second story in the "GermanBitch" series, the first one was the "Undoing of Barbara") It took me more timeto find a model that looked like Helen, than it did to write this story.Finally I found one that is as though copied from the picture of Helenin my mind. I...
Owning Helen Cuckold, Mature and Young, Flashing. Cream Pie and Cum Eating “Are you ready for this”, was the questioned Helen had asked Pete when he came home. Pete and Ron had been preparing all day for night work. The day had started when Ron came in saying, “Pete said, Give me some”. Ron had just turned 19 after hanging around Pete learning, then working for him. Pete had a small heavy equipment repair company. Owning a dump truck, back hoe, loader and several tractors, landscaping was...
Helen By Stats "Helen, wake up. Helen! HELEN!" I awake with a start. My body is drenched in sweat. "Where the hell am I? Who is Helen?" I say out loud. I am gulping down air like I just surfaced from a long dive under water. "That's what I want to know?" says my wife, Cindy, who is less than affectionate having been awoken from a deep sleep with me shouting some girl's name other than hers. I look at the clock. It is 12:02 a.m. I light a cigarette and I am slowly able to...
By Drakon Max tightened his grip around my waist and thrust forward violently. His massive knot was forced into my tight pussy and began to swell even more. I bit my lower lip to keep from screaming, not from the brief amount of pain but the tidal wave of pleasure that crashed over me. I couldn’t believe how incredible it felt as my body quaked uncontrollably. Less than twenty four hours earlier, I wouldn’t have thought I’d willingly put myself in this position. Maybe I should start from...
Greg finally found his right new home. It was at the right size, right price, and a quiet neighbourhood, the place where he can quietly concentrate his home business. At 28, he was an ambitious young man. The next door neighbour was a couple most probably in their fifties. The man called Tom was a cold man who would pull a long face when coming across people. What sort of woman would fall in love with this kind of man, Greg thought.Helen, his wife, on the other hand, was a polite person who...
ALONE WITH HELEN by Brian Houlihan copyright 1999 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved [email protected] "It's okay. He won't bite." "What's his name?" "Butchy. Did you just move in here?" "Yeah," my mom said. The dog was a little frisky toy beagle. He was jumping all over me. I was sitting on the front steps of the house my mom and I had just moved into in Chicago. "Well, I'm Helen, your neighbor. I live in that blue house over there." She pointed to a house...
Alone with Helen"It's okay. He won't bite.""What's his name?""Butchy. Did you just move in here?""Yeah," my mom said. The dog was a little frisky toy beagle. He was jumping all over me. I was sitting on the front steps of the house my mom and I had just moved into in Chicago. "Well, I'm Helen, your neighbor. I live in that blue house over there.."She pointed to a house just one block over. "I'm Grace and this is my son John.""Very nice to meet you. Butchy seems to really like you John.""He's...
HELENHelen my Eleven year old Daughter she looked older, even talked older, Eleven going on twenty one in her first term at same senior school where I taught maths.It was a couple of weeks before Christmas my wife Carol of Eleven years decided to find someone else and move out just before she slammed the door on the way out she made it clear that she didn’t want anything to do with Helen or myself we were no longer part of her life. I admit Helen is intelligent. Nerdy, studious she would rather...
The weather was cold and windy, nothing new for New England in mid-October. I just finished wiring up a hot water heater in an old triple decker apartment building in Taunton, MA. and decided to hit Hickeys diner for coffee and Danish. Hickeys is a small family diner that is big on taste. I began going there back in the early seventies while I attended Peter Thatcher J.H. also referred to as Peter Torture at times. Gosh, that has to be a good forty years ago. After my coffee break I got on my...
FetishEvery so often, while surfing the classifieds in an attempt to find people that want to share themselves with us, you find a couple that are truly outstanding. It would be fair to say we had a hard time finding a couple where the woman was a true bi-sexual with a boyfriend or husband in tow. The single bi-sexual female was indeed as elusive as the Manhattan tiger.Helen was different – lesbian, but with a husband; a husband to look after the kids while she met with her female friends for...
SwingersTwo people in love. It’s dark and the road’s dangerous. It’s a two lane high speed highway, it’s raining, and I’m still at least an hour from home. I don’t know how it came to this. I halfway feel like just turning the wheel, flipping my SUV, and saying good bye to the whole shitted up mess. I won’t though. I won’t because I love my two kids, and in spite of everything I still love my wife. An hour from home and I wonder what kind of home it will be when I get there. I admit it; I’m angry,...
During the summer just gone, me, the dirty slut, fucked my Auntie Helen and her husband many times!Long boring story of how I ended up spending the summer with my Auntie Helen and her husband. Colin is buff too, and I've like always fancied him. Two weeks into staying there, roughly, I got to fuck him. I did the whole seduction thing one morning in the kitchen. I came up behind him, grabbed his cock, and ended up getting fucked on the kitchen floor. To me, it was all cool. He's like only ten...
I looked at her standing there naked except for a pair of high heels. She ran her hands over her breasts and smiled at me, "You like?" I smiled back at her, stroked my cock and said, "No, I don't like, I love." Oh baby, for a young man you sure do know the right things to say." As she walked toward me I thought, "Thank God for trashy Southern girls. If it wasn't for one of them I wouldn't be here and loving this." She sank down on her knees in front of me and said, "Stop playing...
The first time with Helen This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don’t know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was “Lady of Kent”. The chat line was a free forum, I can’t remember which one it was now and it doesn’t really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that...
The first time with Helen This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don’t know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was “Lady of Kent”. The chat line was a free forum, I can’t remember which one it was now and it doesn’t really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that...
First TimeThis story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don’t know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was “Lady of Kent”. The chat line was a free forum, I can’t remember which one it was now and it doesn’t really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We chatted...
Harry and Doreen Shemmings were a married couple in their very late fifties who liked to spice up their sex life by occasionally devising situations which would titillate their partner.They had gone shopping at the local supermarket and as they pushed their trolley around Doreen leaned towards her husband and said in a low tone "Harry, what would you say if I told you that I had come out shopping without putting on any knickers?."Harry, in an equally low tone replied "Doreen, if you told me...
ThreesomesIt was more than twelve months since the young women had moved next door in all that time we hardly spoken, just the odd good morning, how are you, the garden looks good that sort of thing. Not at all an unattractive women Helen I found out her name, looked about 5’4” probably carrying a few more pounds than she should, but she still looked good when she trotted off to work in her too tight pencil skirts and 3” patent shoes with bare brown legs. Her clothes all looked rather threadbare but...
I have known my friend Helen ever since I sat next to her on my first day in primary school. We became firm friends often in trouble with the teacher for giggling and talking in class. Helen was probably in trouble more than me but that was because she has always been more confident, more talkative and more of a risk taker.As we got older and became interested in the opposite sex Helen was still the more confident of the pair of us. The first to get a boyfriend, the first to kiss a boy and the...
I'm a married lady who likes a little pussy on the side now and then, something my husband knows nothing about and I've had a few subs through the years. I like the subservient cunts, they are easy to manipulate and always take good care of my pussy. A new family moved in down the street from us, Helen, she's a blue eyed blond with great legs and a lousy attitude who thinks the world owes her something but her husband, Doug is real nice. My husband, much to my chagrin, offered to show them...
LesbianSarah had brought her new daughter to the Co-op. The girl was little more than a tiny face attired in a pink cap and wrapped in a blanket. The women took turns holding her, talking about the birth with Sarah, and asking her what her plans were. Finally Kalliste Periakes, the baby on her shoulder, asked the one question everyone had missed. "What's her name?" "Her father wanted to call her Matilda," Sarah said. She made a face as the women around her burst out laughing. "I couldn't see...
Helen Featherstone was a nurse; not just any nurse but a staff nurse in charge of the male ward at a world famous London hospital; She was 42 years old and what with her job and her mania for exercising she had a slim trim figure topped off with large 40 D bust; he short cropped blonde hair and hazel eyes gave her a lesbian appearance or to be more accurate the look of a dyke. Nothing could be further from the truth; for in her own way Helen was cock crazy; when not working she was usually on...
I am about 47 years old now and this would make her about 42. I am married to a beautiful woman who has lost almost all interest in sex. The wonderful things that medications can do to you. I my fantasy I meet up with Helen at a fast food joint and she gives me one of those wonderful hugs that I just love. She pulls her self up against me and holds me tight as I do the same to her. We break apart and make small talk then go about our lives. But in my fantasy the hug lingers and I...
I dedicate this story to Helen, I just found out she died today. I was just heading out the door for work when my phone rang. I considered ignoring it, but something told me I needed to answer. “Hello.” I grumbled. “I’m so glad I caught you, it’s Helen.” The exasperated voice said. “My car’s dead again, can you swing by and pick me up?” Helen and I worked together, I was 23, she was 43. She’d been divorced for about 10 years. The only luck she ever had was bad. She was a great person and...
It was the morning after Helen had caught Keri with her piercings and they had spent the rest of the night having amazing sex. Keri was still half asleep, but something inside her pussy started to vibrate. First very slowly, but gradually it became more and more intense. Now somebody was sucking on her left nipple! She opened her eyes and looked right in to Helen’s eyes. Helen smiled, but kept on sucking and nibbling on her nipple for a while. “Good morning darling” she finally said. “Are you...
“Well? What do you think?” she asked me. “Stunning! I just wish that I was at least 20 years younger, then I might have a chance with you. Can I at least buy you a drink?” I was standing at the bar in the hotel where I was staying while attending a conference. “Thanks. I would love a glass of champagne.” I finished my scotch, then turned to the barman and asked for a bottle of champagne and two glasses, which I had him charge to my room. We took our champagne over to a small table. I told...
I first must tell you about my wife Linda, she was 4 years younger than me. She was about 5 foot 4 inches tall. Weighted about 95 pounds soaking wet. And had Red Hair. I met her when I was 27 years old. When my truck that I was driving broke down in Duluth Mn. And I was stuck there for two weeks. I met her at an Army buddies house during this time at a dinner party put on by my friend’s wife. People talk about true love, and I know most people say no such thing exists. But I fell for Linda,...
When he went up to his room, Bill removed his clothes and cleaned himself. The he got into his pajama bottom and lay on the bed. He started to think of his sexy young mother and what they had done earlier. This caused his manhood to leap into arousal. It swelled, lengthened and tented his pajama. He heard a knock on his door. "Yes?" "May we come in, Bill?" That was his grandma's voice. "Yes, please come in... the door's not locked." He got up and stood by the bed. He was nervous...
One summer year, my wife’s step brother needed a place to live for a bit till he got back on his feet. Linda said Jon could stay with us till then. Jon was a few years younger than Linda. Linda is 30 and Jon is 28 years old. Linda’s mom and Jon’s dad been married for almost 15 years. Jon got laid off from his job and had trouble looking for a new one. He told me he lost his job and his girlfriend broke up with him. Jon stayed in the spare bedroom room which was right next to our bedroom. We had...
Linda and I: HARD TIMES By Olivia Evans This was written during a writer's block of two other completely separate stories. As such, it's a little different from my usual tales. There is very little crossdressing, just the wearing of panties near the end of the story. There's no body swaps, French maids or even mildly bad language. There are some explicit names for specific body parts however. Over all, it's just a little tale about a loving couple and how they handle an...
HumorI hear him gasp as I push him back onto the big king-size bed. He watches me from under lowered lashes as I straddle his naked body. His hair is a tousled, dusky blond, sexy mess. His eyes, although half closed at present, are blue, the kind of eyes you can look into for hours. His lips are red, full, and soft. His skin is tanned and smooth. His chest is muscled and well defined, his legs are long and powerful, all 6ft 3inches of tanned male body is lying beneath me, wanting me, waiting for...
Meanwhile, Linda had an eye on Cathy and her son. By the way Cathy behaved, Linda knew she was having an orgasm. Then Cathy knelt in front of the boy and started to unzip his pants and take out his cock. Obviously, she was going to suck him. Linda didn't want to allow this. She wanted her son's cock juice for herself. So she whispered to her mother for help. While Bob and Linda talked, Julie quietly went and stopped Cathy from taking the boy's cock into her mouth. She told Bill, "Your...
“Linda, you look like you are down in the dumps. What is wrong?” “It’s the girls at school. They are really bugging me.” “Keep talking.” “They are always talking about sex and how great it is. They are also talking about how dumb girls are that are still virgins. They are driving me crazy.” “Do they know you are a virgin?” “No and I can’t tell them. They are my friends and they would really put me down if they knew.” Bobby looked at her and said, “I know how you feel. ...
She was lost in a universe of her own making. Gasping and crying out with each shuddering orgasm. I was getting close, but I didn't want to give it up yet, so I slowed even more. Linda gasped and shuddered as I rolled my hips, gently fucking my stiff prick into her, sinking deep between her softly yielding pussy lips. She was so slick and wet that I could almost have slipped into her, hips and all. Her hot, buttery insides gripped my shafting cock as she came. I leaned forward to kiss her silky...
This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don't know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was "Lady of Kent". The chat line was a free forum, I can't remember which one it was now and it doesn't really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We...
When I married Helen I had no idea she was a slut. Not that it would have mattered - I'd of married her anyway. She was, absolutely and without a doubt, the best piece of ass I ever had. We met at a wedding reception, fell in heat with each other, and before the night was over we were in bed together. Six weeks later she moved in with me and six months after that we were standing in front of a justice of the peace. Now Helen was no great beauty. She did not have a magnificent body, but she was...
Linda had fallen out of touch with one of her friends Liz, they exchanged texts every now and again but had been more into meeting up for a drink and have a good catch up. Liz had been recently divorced and hadn't been responding to Linda's text for a while, so when Linda received a text from Liz suggesting they meet up Linda was right on it and although it was midweek she agreed to meet up.It had been late when Linda arrived home, but we chatted for a few minutes as she got ready for bed. Liz...
Linda was a very quite girl with no confidence. She was put down and out by her over bearing mother and father. She was the girl no one ask to dance, no friends to speak of. Her mother drove those away and would never allow her to stay out. Today she was 17 and 364 days old. Tomorrow was her 18th birthday as like every other birthday no party organised. Her parents always celebrated their birthday with big parties and she was expected to stay in her room. Looking at herself in the mirror, her...
Linda couldn't stop thinking about the previous evening and Roger's big cock. She had trouble sleeping and although she had had so many intense climaxes the thought of it just kept making her more aroused. She woke early in the morning, reached over to Graham and rubbed his cock. As she got it hard she straddled him and it slid inside her so easily. Although she managed to make herself cum she was immensely disappointed with his size. Later on her way to work while driving in her Mazda...
Linda stopped in the gymnasium to slip into her clothing before going to lunch. She opened her bag for her student ID and found a note from Auntie Gwen stuffed inside. This she read as she ate an egg salad sandwich on whole wheat bread and a small side salad of endive, chard and tomato. After drinking a large glass of water she went in search of a ladies room before heading off to class. Doctor Joyce Heath entered room 303 of the Liberal Arts Building on the campus of Philadelphia Fashion...
Tom arrived home to find Linda ready and waiting for him. Linda welcomed him home with a kiss and said, Thank you for letting me start the rental letting thing. It's been great to have a day to myself and I wanted to thank you properly. Can I fix you adrink while you relax a little, she suggested. Tom replied, sure why not.Tom went through to their open plan living area, slipped off his shoes and closed his eyes for the few minutes it took Linda to return.Linda had their drinks as promised but...
After class on Wednesday Linda finally decided to go to the Bible study as suggested by the Father. She picked out a long grey skirt and a white knit top. She wore her gold cross but skipped most of the make up and settled just for some light red lipstick. She remembered the modest part of her promises. Picking up her Bible she walked towards the church. In front of the education wing was a girl from the college that she recognized. ‘Linda, I am so glad you came to the Bible study,’ said Mary...
Helen was on her way to her first gay club. She had decided it was time she “came out”…well, not really. She hadn’t told any of her friends (except the one... the only one.. she had had sex with). And as for her folks, that would be impossible. It was just that she had finally made up her mind to go to a club where she could meet other gays. Was she gay? Or bisexual? Probably the latter, as she had been screwing guys for a couple of years, and she had certainly enjoyed it. But she had been...
LesbianHelen leant back and took a drag of the cannabis cigarette in her hand. She smiled at her companions, the public school educated boyfriend with his friends, and her friends from the local Comprehensive. Marijuana always made her chilled and she relaxed back sucking in the smoke from the illegal cigarette. "When are your folks back?" A wiry black haired boy asked the eldest boy present in his well-spoken voice. Fabien sniffed. "Monday," he replied after pausing; the skunk was powerful...
She was lost in a universe of her own making. Gasping and crying out with each shuddering orgasm. I was getting close, but I didn’t want to give it up yet, so I slowed even more. Linda gasped and shuddered as I rolled my hips, gently fucking my stiff prick into her, sinking deep between her softly yielding pussy lips. She was so slick and wet that I could almost have slipped into her, hips and all. Her hot, buttery insides gripped my shafting cock as she came. I leaned forward to kiss her silky...
IncestThis story contains shit & urine consumption by the characters. So those who don’t like these type of hardcore, kinky, fetish stories, please don’t read… By jk It seemed that whenever they were talking about feelings or emotions, Jim was in control. Linda tried to avoid the subject, told Jim that she was too serious with Sam, her “real” boyfriend and that he was the first person she ever really loved. Jim would tell her that she couldn’t love two people at once and that because she couldn’t...
Linda By Sissie Maid Cuckold " name is Jennifer Dobson; I am 38 years old, 5' 7" tall and 127 pounds. I have long blond hair and get hit on a both guys and gals. I was married once to a jerk for 6 years. He lied to me, cheated on me, ignored me and so I divorced him. I got most all of it and he lost all of it including the girlfriend he was cheating on me with! I got the business, a consulting business and began to systematically replace most of the men with...
Introduction: The beginning wasnt enough *** This is the second installment in a continuing saga. I recommend you go back and read Linda Part I Beginnings or the context of the story may be lost to you. Last night, Linda had succumbed to my trickery and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined...
Note: This story was made up and it not true.I had to get a new doctor, my doctor retired. This new doctor I have his name is Dr. Jones. He is new, came out of school not to long ago. He is 25 years old, he has dark brown hair, he has glasses on.Dr. Jones been treating me for 3 months now. Linda’s doctor just passed away. She is looking for a new doctor. Just a reminder, Linda is 40 years old, her hair comes down to her shoulders, light brown, she wears glasses, she’s a BBW weigh about 200 lbs....
Last night, Linda had succumbed to my 'trickery' and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined to not let a silly thing like guilt stand in the way of us opening up our sexual horizons. Linda was naturally submissive. As I mentioned in Part I she had fantasies of being tied up and used...
Another lousy tip Linda thought as she scooped it off the table into her pocket. It was a very slow night at the restaurant. Tips like that were not going to pay the rent or keep her in college. She might have to drop out after the term, move home and stay with her mom to save up some money and return later. She was so close to graduating. There was only one more customer, a nicely attired older gentleman lingering over his pie and coffee just before closing time. Bill was looking at his...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Eighteen year old Linda and her cousin Jimmy didn't go to church because it was raining. Linda was still in her pajamas. "Aren't you going to get dressed?" ask Jimmy. "Not yet" she said. Jimmy could see the outline of her breasts and knew she wasn't wearing a bra. He was getting a hard on looking at the blond beauty. Linda was a tease. She knew her cousin wanted to fuck her. "I bet you have a lot of girlfriends" she said. "I used to, but I don't have...
IncestBobby said a little defensively, “You said we could come over anytime to play and that is what we are doing.” “Don’t worry. I’m not upset. I was just surprised when I began hearing moaning from my kitchen. Are you two finished now?” “Not even close”, Linda said smiling. “Would you like me to leave you two to your own explorations?” “No. You taught us how to have sex. You could watch and let us know if we are doing anything wrong” Linda suggested with a grin. “I guess...
When Linda went to the Wednesday night Bible study, her friends were not there. She was supposed to meet Evan and she also expected Mary and Fred to attend. So she sat alone and did the lesson. The scripture was about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Eve was weak and was tempted by the devil in the form of a snake thus bringing sin and death into the world. After they ate the forbidden fruit and gained the knowledge of good and evil, God caught up with them and they knew they were naked and...
I had met Peter at a local motor bike repair shop where a mate of mine owned the workshop and I was doing some computer improvements to get his computer running faster.He mentioned that he was having problems with his own computer that he had at home and used by him and his partner. I said I could come around and take a look and see if it was something that I could fix fairly easily. I said I would come just after I had finished here.I arrived and Peter and his partner Helen were there and was...
--------------------------------------- As I sat at my desk squinting at my screen, the dull throb in my head re-asserted its presence and I winced in pain. It was clear that I was of no use at work today. My headache was never going to go while I was sat staring at pages of figures and I was very keen to get rid of my headache in time for tonight. I had arranged to take Helen, my girlfriend, out to dinner followed by a show she had been dying to see. I resolved to go home and rest my...
Introduction: The saga of a committed zoo freak continues This is the third installment in a continuing saga. I recommend you go back and read Linda Part I Beginnings, and Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch, or the context of the story may be lost to you. Linda had started out somewhat reluctantly accepting Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever as her lover and doggie Master, but had adapted to the situation quite well. As I said in Part I, the reason for my introducing her to this was because,...