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"Wendy," Josh whispered. "Hey. Wake up. I want to show you something."

"What?" I blinked at him. "Get out of my room!"


"You jerk!" I realized my blanket had been pulled down. He knew I liked to sleep naked.

"Quiet," he said, grinning down at me. "You're gonna wake up Mom and Dad."

"Good!" I yanked the blanket up to my chin. "Get out of here, you perv!"

"I want to show you something."

He held up his camera, a Sony Cybershot I'd given him for his birthday. I hadn't wanted to give him anything, but we had to pretend for our parents. I'd used Daddy's credit card anyway, so I didn't really care.

"What?" I huffed, wondering why my sick brother had to wake me up in the middle of the night. He could have just jerked off in my panties like he usually did.

"Check it out," he sighed, sounding way too happy.

I glanced at the small screen and then did a cartoon double-take, staring as Josh paged through the images one by one. I could barely breathe. I wanted to puke. I wanted to grab the camera and smash it into a million pieces, but I couldn't move.

"That's you, right?" he asked. "Oh! Look at that one, Wendy. I can't believe you'd suck off a dog. What's that stuff taste like anyway?"

He'd taken pictures of me playing with Ms. Robison's dog, a black lab named Muddy. I'd been babysitting and bored, and it hadn't been the first time. My brother must have climbed a tree or something and I couldn't believe I hadn't closed the blinds. That's the stupid thought that popped into my head. Why hadn't I closed the blinds? Because, silly ... Who the heck is gonna climb a tree?

Josh, that's who. My personal stalker and now he had me good.

"I made a movie too," he said, actually laughing. "This camera is so excellent, Wendy. No sound though, sorry about that."

A movie started playing, Muddy mounting me from behind. I arched my back, wincing as I looked over my shoulder, and then he was in. The dog was fucking me like crazy and for just a second I looked right at the window, seeing nothing but the room's reflection, and the look on my face was pure ecstasy.

"I got the end too," Josh said. "Here ... I almost missed it."

Another clip started and it wasn't any longer than the first, only about two minutes, but he'd caught Muddy pulling his cock out of me. The knot looked red and shiny, like the animal's swollen penis, and it looked painful on the camera. I remembered it though, and I'd been feeling nothing but good at the time. My pussy stretched wide and the dog's cock fell out with a wash of cum, his and mine, soaking into the comforter I'd put on the floor. I collapsed onto my tummy, smiling and gasping for air, and then the movie ended.

"The hottest girl in school fucking her math teacher's dog," Josh said. "What do you think? YouTube? Friendster? Or should I just email it to everybody you know?"

"What do you want?" I breathed.

"A lot," he told me, nodding his head and smiling. "I want everything, Wendy."

"Just delete that stuff," I said. "Please? Just erase it, okay? I'll do anything, just..."

"Right!" He grinned at me. "Like I believe that? No, I made a lot of copies, you don't have to worry about that."

"Josh!" I blinked at the wetness suddenly filling my eyes.

"You know, everybody thinks you're a dyke," he said. "But I knew better. You don't hate cock, you just don't like boys. Is that it?"

"It's not like that," I whispered, trying to keep my voice steady. I was going to lose it any second. The shock had worn off and panic was setting in.

"You'd rather fuck a dog, than a man," he told me. "Say it. Tell me the truth, Wendy. You'd rather fuck a dog, wouldn't you?"

"Yes," I sobbed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" he wondered, taunting me as the tears rolled down my cheeks. "For being a cocktease?"


"Sorry for being a bitch all the time?"

"Please," I begged him. "Don't do this to me!"

"I haven't done anything to you yet," Josh whispered, bending close enough to touch my nose with his. "You think about it, Wendy. Think about how fucked you'll be if you don't keep me happy from now on."

"Nummph!" I gasped as he covered my mouth with his, grabbing my pussy through the blanket and squeezing me down there. His tongue filled me and I felt his fingers digging at my sex. He kissed me like that for an eternity it seemed and I didn't even try to push him away, I only choked on muffled sobs of humiliation.

"You're lucky I'm your brother," he breathed, licking his lips. "If anyone else found out about this..."

"I'm sorry," I whimpered. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

After he left, I couldn't sleep. I curled up in the dark and cried, wishing it had all been a dream. I cursed myself for having sex with a dog. I hated myself for it, and God as well, asking him why He had to make me that way. I hadn't wanted to like it, I just did. Doing things, sexual things with that animal had felt normal. I felt an attraction for Muddy that I should have felt for boys, but didn't. I prayed to God and all His angels asking them to help me. I promised I'd never do it again, if they saved me from my brother. I'd do anything God wanted if He'd just make this nightmare go away.

I woke up frightened. As if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water on me, I jerked wide awake with the expectation of seeing Josh standing at the foot of my bed. Maybe I'd been dreaming, but I couldn't remember, my only thought was that sleep was dangerous. I had an enemy now.

Usually I put on a t-shirt, a long sleepy-t that I took off every night, just to cover my body when I went to the bathroom. But this morning I dressed completely. I put on my panties and bra, pulled on a pair of jeans, tugged a sweater over my head, and tip-toed across the hallway. I locked the bathroom door and undressed, taking it all off.

My face looked swollen in the mirror, pale and sad. That bleak reflection seemed so very unlike me that I could barely stand to look at it. My puffy eyes were red, my nose as well, and my cheeks were bruised with a lack of sleep. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, feeling like I wanted to puke. A soft rapping at the door made me jump, but it was only my mother.

"Good morning, sunshine," she sang. "Don't take too long in there."

Mom loved mornings. She loved me, and the idea that Josh would show her the pictures, the movies of me with a dog, filled my mouth with bile. I dropped to my knees, retching into the toilet.

"Wendy?" She knocked again. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," I gasped, but she wasn't going to accept that.

"Open the door. What's wrong?"

I made her wait while I rinsed out my mouth and wrapped a towel around my naked body.

"You look terrible," she said, putting a hand to my forehead. "We're you sick last night? Get back into bed."

"I'm okay," I protested.

"Maybe she's pregnant," Josh said with a grin.

He stood behind our mom, looking over her shoulder, and I couldn't bear the sight of him. I looked down, hugging the towel to my breasts with crossed arms.

"That isn't funny," Mom told him. "Use the other bathroom. We're running late this morning."

She put me in bed, towel and all, wondering if she should take me to the doctor.

"I just have an upset stomach," I told her. "I'm tired."

Mom had to go to work and taking time off wouldn't be a big deal, but she didn't like to do it unless absolutely necessary. My mother had always been a practical woman, although rather high-strung and prone to making too much out of too little, I sometimes thought. Daddy had already gone to work. He left about the time the rest of us were waking up.

"Well, you don't have a fever," she said a few minutes later, reading the thermometer. "When did you have your last period?"

"What?" I blinked at her. "I'm not pregnant, Mom."

She knew when I got my period, but I suppose that looking like I did, being nauseas first thing in the morning ... I was sixteen and very pretty, very popular with the boys, as she liked to say. That made me a suspect, even though I'd never even gone out on a date. I'd never had a boyfriend, but being pragmatic, Mom probably didn't believe that. She couldn't afford to, I saw it in her eyes.

"I got my period last week, remember?" I sighed, rolling over to face the wall. "I don't even have a boyfriend."

"Wendy, you know I want to respect your privacy, but..."

"I'm still a virgin, okay?" I felt her hand on my back, glad she couldn't see my face.

I'd always been the world's worst liar, but that was only half a lie anyway. I hadn't had sex with a boy Maybe she believed me, maybe not, but at least Mom decided to drop the subject. She called the school and told them I'd be staying home. I half expected her to make an appointment for me with her gynecologist, but maybe that was coming. Like I said, Mom could find a crisis without even trying.

"See ya later, Wendy," Josh said, smiling from the doorway. He held his camera by the strap, letting it swing like a pendulum.

I'd thought about searching his room, but that's what he was telling me - Don't bother. I seriously doubted his camera was the only place he kept the evidence. If Josh was smart, as I had to assume he was, he would have uploaded the files to someplace on the internet. One of those sites offering free storage to anyone with an email address, promising that the files would be available anytime, anywhere, to anyone who knew where to find them.

I looked anyway, checking the browsing history and bookmarks on my brother's computer. That didn't help and even if I'd found something, I didn't know his passwords or anything. I felt desperate and frustrated, but no longer sick, thank God. I couldn't eat anything, however, and I just went back to bed.

Maybe he wouldn't do anything. My brother was a real jerk, I knew that, and even before I'd hit puberty he'd been watching me. Josh was about a year and half older than me, almost 18 and a senior, and he loved me the way a brother shouldn't. Mom and Dad thought he paid so much attention to me because he wanted to be protective. They were actually proud of that, telling me how lucky I was to have him, but I knew it was only jealousy. He'd beat up a boy once, this guy in seventh grade who had a crush on me and wrote me stupid poems. Josh found out and I still felt bad about it, like it had been my fault.

But if Josh really loved me, if he imagined I could ever love him back somehow, would he really tell everyone what I'd done? I didn't want to think so, but there's a fine line between love and hate and I wasn't sure he knew the difference. He was big and strong, even smart in a cunning sort of way, I thought, but decidedly immature when it came to his emotions. My brother would hurt me, I decided. If he couldn't have me, he'd make me suffer for it. I believed that.

"Wake up," he said, and I bolted upright with a scream.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered, pulling my knees to my breasts and hugging them through the blanket. My heart was pounding and the adrenalin made me shiver.

"I figured I'd skip out," Josh said, reaching for my face. "Since you're here all by yourself and everything."

"Don't touch me!" I winced as I felt his fingers on my cheek, brushing the hair out of my eyes.

"Oh, I'm gonna touch you, Wendy." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm gonna touch you all over."

"No!" I slapped his hand away, but Josh grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down. I kicked beneath the blanket as he got on top of me.

"Stop it," he said, squeezing my wrists and jerking my arms above my head. "You want me to show those pictures to everybody?"

"No," I breathed, grunting the word beneath his weight. My brother's knees straddled my hips and his chest pressed heavily upon my breasts.

"So be nice," he told me. "I just want to kiss you a little, that's all."

"Ummph!" I gagged on his tongue as it filled my mouth. I thought about biting him, but I was too frightened for that. I couldn't even push him off me. We were alone in the house and I had no idea what time it was, but probably early. Josh had all day to torment me and I couldn't do anything but lay there and cry while he did it.

"Kiss me back," he breathed. "Kiss me like you kissed that fucking dog, Wendy."

"Noooo..." I moaned, shaking my head as I wept. "Please, don't do this to me."

My nose was full of snot, my mouth pasty and my body burning with humiliation. I couldn't feel anything else, not anger or sadness, not even fear, just the self-loathing of surrender. I hated myself for not fighting him enough. When his tongue forced its way between my lips, I touched it with my own, just a tiny, tentative wriggle in response. I retched, feeling my tummy tight and churning, pushing bitter bile into the back of my mouth.

That didn't stop Josh, perhaps he wasn't even aware of it. He kissed me as if we were lovers, exploring me with his tongue. He let go of my wrists and moved his body, tugging the blanket out from under him. I was naked, having no reason to believe I wouldn't be alone all day long. I should have put on every piece of clothing I owned, but I hadn't. I'd gone to sleep imagining I was safe, but I wasn't. Josh's hand found my left breast and he squeezed it painfully, making me gasp into his mouth.

"Love your fuckin' tits," he whispered, kissing my cheeks, my nose and eyes. He licked my skin and fumbled with his pants.

I stared at my snow globe while he raped me. My brother had gotten undressed and I hadn't even tried to get away. I could have, I thought. Maybe. I could have hit him or kicked him. I might have run to the bathroom and locked myself in. I could have gone to my parents' bedroom and used the phone to call someone. Mom or Dad, or the police maybe, but I hadn't done any of that.

When Josh pushed his penis inside me it hurt a lot. I wasn't wet and much too tight for sex, but he pushed himself into my vagina anyway. I jerked beneath his thrusts, stiff and not moving at all. My arms were limp at my sides, my legs straight and spread around him as he covered my body with his. The whole bed jerked, hitting the wall with a sharp thud every few seconds. He didn't do it very quickly, but only slowly and as deeply as possible. I felt him like a burning knife reaching for my womb.

"Wake up," he groaned. "Fuck me back, Wendy. Move your ass."

I couldn't move and it didn't matter anyway. I tried to think about something else. Disney World and the best time we'd ever had together as a family. Dad had bought me a snow globe. Ariel sat on some coral and Flounder would swim around in the glitter when I shook it up. I'd kept it close to my bed all those years and now it was the only memory I had of a time before today. Everything else was like a dream.

"I'm gonna cum," Josh groaned. "Right ... There!"

He grunted, lunging one last time into my torn sex as his cock pulsed rapidly. I could feel his ejaculate, his incestuous semen filling my pussy. I opened my eyes only to see my brother's flushed, leering face and I choked back a sob. There are no words to describe how dirty I felt. The realization that my own brother had raped me, had dumped his sick seed inside my body, filled me with such shame ... I wanted to die. I really did.

"See?" he breathed a minute later. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Let me go now, please?" I whispered, but he wasn't going to do that.

Josh hadn't lost his erection and he began rocking his hips again, sliding his cock back and forth along the well-greased throat of my sex. He'd been dreaming of this moment for years, banking his lust for the day when he would own me completely. I could see the satisfaction in his eyes. He intended to fuck me until his balls were empty and his penis shriveled with exhaustion. It didn't matter if I did anything or not, so long as I remained beneath him. So far as my brother was concerned, I wasn't even a real person, just a toy for his perverse amusement.

"Get your legs up," Josh said, gripping me behind the knees and forcing me over his shoulders. "That's better. Oh fuck, you feel good, Wendy."

He liked to talk to me, saying the most disgusting things imaginable. He told me his plans for the future, how he would fuck me every day, before school and after. How we'd sleep together every night. He wanted me to suck his cock. He wanted to fuck me in the ass. But today he only wanted to fuck my pussy.

"I'm gonna knock you up," he panted, leaning into me with my knees touching my shoulders. "You like that? Huh? Fuck a baby in your cunt, Wendy?"

"Nuhhh!" I grunted, wincing as Josh drove his cock into the very bottom of my vagina.

I wasn't long enough inside and I felt bruised and battered, not aroused at all. I felt no pleasure, believe me, even after the sharp burning of his first penetration had faded. Perhaps my pussy grew slick with natural lubricant, I couldn't know, but any betrayal of my body wouldn't be my fault. I wasn't going to orgasm, not even close, and my mind didn't wander to anything but self-pity.

He'd rolled my ass off the bed, bending my body nearly vertical, and his balls slapped my butt with a damp, sticky sound that I detested. We were both hot and sweating, the remains of his first orgasm spilling around his penis to drip down my tummy. I could see it, that was the worst. I watched my brother's cock sliding easily back and forth with my pinkish labia clasped around the shaft, the pale froth of his semen clinging to my pubic hair, cooling on my trembling flesh.

"Ohhhh..." Josh smiled, almost giggling like a little boy as he climaxed a second time. He bent his head and kissed my forehead.

I felt numb when he pulled out, letting my legs fall off his shoulders as he sat back on his heels. I wasn't crying anymore. There weren't enough tears left inside me, I didn't think. I just lay there staring at the ceiling, thinking about nothing except how stupid I was. How ugly and dirty and sick my life had become.


"Say cum," Josh teased, taking another picture of my raw, gaping pussy and the semen oozing out of it. He laughed and took another picture. "And you told Mom you're a virgin? Wait until she sees this!"

"Shut-up!" I screamed, but it wasn't me. Someone else kicked the camera out of his hand and my other foot caught him in the ribs. I kicked my legs as if I was riding a bicycle and my arms flailed as I tried to sit up and reach for something to throw at him.

"Stop it!" Josh yelled, and he was too big and too strong. I hadn't really hurt him at all.

He forced me onto my stomach, holding me down with his weight. I felt his hot breath in my ear and his swollen cock pressing against my ass. He fucked me a third time, raping me from behind and I tried to keep him out. I kept my legs together and squeezed with every muscle I could find, but my pussy was too wet and too loose. His cock found my vagina easily and he jammed his prick inside me with something like a growl.

As quickly as it had started, my resistance died. Josh had his cock inside my body again. He was raping me again. He covered me completely, the pressure making my breasts ache painfully. I could hardly breath and I panted for air, drooling spittle onto the bed as my brother rode me hard and fast, and for a very long time. It took him forever to cum a third time and at the end of it, when his semen rushed into my worn and weary cunt, I was finished. There was nothing left.

"Man, I really put a lot in there, huh?" My brother had replaced his cock with his fingers, two and then three of them pumping my cum soaked pussy. "Maybe you're gonna have twins, Wendy. Are you hungry?"

Even after he left the room, I lay there unmoving. I cried myself to sleep in a cooling puddle of semen and dreamt of terrible things.

I changed the sheets on my bed and scrubbed the stains out of my mattress. I opened all the windows, moving mechanically. It was just a reflex, automatic and emotionless self-preservation. My parents couldn't find out what had happened. Nobody could. I'd been raped and the only thing that could possibly be worse would be if someone found out. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror and when I took a bath, I refused to examine my body. I looked anywhere but at myself. I didn't even want to touch my pussy, but I had to clean Josh out of me ... As if I ever could?

He avoided me that afternoon. Maybe he felt guilty, once he'd cooled down and had a chance to consider what he'd done, but probably not. I didn't think Josh could feel anything.

"Mom's gonna be home pretty soon," he said. "You'd better not say anything. Just keep pretending your sick."

"You raped me," I whispered, but mostly I was talking to myself.

"No, I didn't," Josh snorted. "You wanted it anyway."

Fresh tears flooded my eyes and pulled my blanket over my head. I felt safer in the dark and I wished he would get out of my room and leave me alone.

"You fucked a dog, Wendy," he reminded me. "Nobody's ever gonna believe you got raped."

"Go away," I whimpered. "Please? Just go."

"Don't lock your door tonight either," Josh said. "You're making my dick hard again."

"How are you feeling?" Mom asked, sitting on my bed. I lay on my side with my back to her, but she reached over to feel my forehead.

"Okay," I replied.

"Why is your window open? It smells like Lysol in here."

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Richards dick

I hadn't spoken to Cait for I think almost three weeks and I picked up the phone every day to call her but I didn't do it, and then one day her dad came over to fix something on mom's car but she wasn't home from work yet so he sat down in the living room to wait for her. And I made coffee for the both of us and we talked and it was really nice but then he said “So what happened between you and Caitlin?” and I just looked down and said “I don't know” because of course I couldn't tell him.So he...

1 year ago
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Revenge Of My HR Recruiter

Hi guys, This is my first ever story in ISS after a long wait. Finally the day has come to publish it out of the busy life. I am a software engineer working in an MNC in Bangalore. I always look to encounter with girls to keep my tool cool. It’s really very difficult for me to handle the temperature of my tool as it always wants to function. That’s why I always look for girls’ profiles in FB, LI, T, everywhere to contact them. Like I badly need a girl always for my tool’s need and satisfaction....

2 years ago
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A Religious Experience

Warning: The story you are about to read may contain material that might be found to be offensive by some readers. It deals with some subjects that might be considered taboo subjects. Actually, some of the topics are the ones not suitable for social conversation/ argument. If you are sensitive about discussions of religion, the clergy having extra- marital sex with a minor, and horrible generalizations go no further. Sorry, I couldn't fit politics in this one. Maybe next time......

4 years ago
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I didn't come from a rich family. As it turns out, I did come from a horny family. It was mid-February of 1989, a month after my 23rd birthday. I had come to New York for a vacation. I'd just spent the 12 months since getting my B.A. by earning my Masters. As with my first four years of college, I had supplemented a very small scholarship with very large loans and whatever part-time work I could find, usually word-processing. Unlike my first four years of college, I hadn't had a man more...

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5 Days

“Good girl,” His voices rings deep in my ear, as his fingers pull back a handful of my hair. Lifting my chin to the sky. “I have been waiting for this opportunity for days.” My eyes are closed tightly. I can feel his hot breath against my exposed neck. His warm, strong hands sending liquid electricity straight to my groin as he peels my panties down my thighs. The material of my skirt soft, and cool in contrast to the heat of my skin. I am on fire from within. My wanton pussy a beacon flame...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 10

Four days later, Jamie returned and the girls went to the station to collect him. The train was a respectable thirty-five minutes late, and he was clearly tired from the short but arduous journey. Lauren introduced herself and was delighted that Emma beamed at Jamie all the way back to the house. He was almost the same height as Lauren, not muscular but certainly no wimp. He also had blonde hair, darker than Emma's, cut conservatively like his father's. Lauren guessed that he had yet to...

4 years ago
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My next day with Ko in Thailand

MY NEXT DAYS WITH KO IN THAILANDThe day after that I had a 3-some with Mac, straight guy and Ko, a gay guy Iknew from before, I woke up in the morning because of Ko, he slept the nightwith me. He woke me up because he was playing with my dick, jerking it off and licking it also. MMM you horny early morning I asked him, yes yes he replied, can’t live without dick and he swallowed my half floppy dick up completely, sucking and licking to make me hard, and with one finger on my ass. Can I do what...

1 year ago
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Sex Education begins at home Chapter 2

Title: Sex education begins at home – Chapter two Author: Riatman THIS IS A FANTASY, DON’T TRY IT AT HOME-YOU WILL BE ARRESTED After my daughter and I had our first sexual tryst it was weeks before we were able to properly fuck again. During those weeks we could only masturbate each other quietly on the odd occasion, as there was always some one else around. Our relationship had relaxed and even my wife commented on how calm and easier to get along with the young girl had become. Luckily my...

2 years ago
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2 Beneath Orion Worlds Apart 05

IX — In Foxholes The force of the explosion behind him threw him out even further as he hurtled down towards the rocks below. During the fall his training kicked in, Patton tried to line up his body and evenly distribute the impact just as if he fell out of a helicopter or parachuted rapidly towards the ground. He expected a tremendous amount of pain knowing his body would most likely tear apart along the jagged rocks. And that was best-case scenario, there was a high probability he wouldn’t...

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sissy gangbang

I am gay.I'm actually not just 'gay' - I'm a faggot sissy whore.Yesterday I went to this group thing and I turned out to be the group's slut - took three large cocks up my man vagina and got a whole fill.It all started nicely and softly, with the first guy rubbing my dick while fingering my pussy, then taking up one of those double-headed dildos and inserting it deeper and deeper inside my fag's ass.The thing about double-headed dildos is that they are meant to be used by two horny sluts and...

1 year ago
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"Would you soap my back?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me, smiling. Standing in a communal shower, the sounds of other people laughing and bathing reduced to a backdrop of sound, a distant hum, I stared at her. I'd met Ann the evening before, soon after I'd arrived at this weekend workshop. Located in a hot-springs area in northern California, a clothing-optional community that found its roots in the hippie days of the 60's, it had enjoyed a renewal in this new-age decade. A...

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MyFriendsHotMom Julia Ann 23645

Hark! Julia Ann enters her home and hears a murmur coming from her son’s room, but it’s more than her son’s familiar voice that’s piquing her interest. She sneaks around the corner and sees an attractive young man giving her son Spanish lessons. When he comes out of the room, she learns his name is Bambino…and also that her son has just jumped in the shower, which makes it the perfect time for her to get her own private language lesson – with lots of tongue!...

3 years ago
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Murder Most Foul

"Fifteen two, fifteen four and a pair is six, and I'm out," chanted Miss McGann, "Pay up, Sam, my boy. You owe me seven and a quarter.""Gladly, you have saved me from a night of excruciating boredom, once again."She stood, picked up the chipped cup, and drained the dregs of the cheap whiskey we had been drinking while smoothing down her dress."It has been very quiet the last week. I wonder why?""Maybe because all the streetwalkers are too frightened to go out at night," I replied.There had been...

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The blind daddy

He was my firsteven 5 years laters I still remember how I felt once he move to the neighborit has been my first year of university in the big montreal cityI came here for college then endup attending university after a boring internshipI was in my appart smoking weed on a friday afternoon when he moved inthe big truck had been parked on the street near mine all day, guys getting things in until afternoon when i walk my dog and met him , his Mira dog meeting minei welcome him offering my hand...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Chapter 3

True to her word, Aunt Helen allowed me to be alone for the rest of the afternoon. She had said that dinner would be served at six-thirty prompt, in the dining room but until then I was free to do as I pleased. I could rest or use the time to explore the house and grounds. She ‘advised’ most strongly, however, not to venture into the main part of the house. The soldiers there were very seriously wounded and she did not think it appropriate for me to be wandering about and getting in the way...

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Parvathy had a nice time

Hi friends I am Feroz from Trivandrum the capital city of Kerala. I m here with a story that happened last August . Its about my friend Saajan and his girl friend Parvathy. Saajan is doing business in the city . Parvathy is doing her final year engineering course in a pvt college near our house. We first met her 4 yrs back. Saajan came close to her through some of our friends in her college and finally they were in love. She had a damn sexy figure of 38 – 26 –36 with 5’5 height and Saajan is...

3 years ago
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Caleb 19 More discovery

Once again massive respect to Neuroparenthetical for his sterling and untiring work to make something readable from the dross I send to him. Any residual mistakes are mine and left deliberately to give you guys something to do. Speaking of something to do. Please don’t forget to rate, and leave a comment. It’s good to know your thoughts on how the story is progressing. Caleb 19 - More discovery As expected, I was discharged from the hospital in the middle of the next morning. The nurses...

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Creating My Hot Wife 60

I've been asked dozens of times by close friends, usually after a few drinks... "What is it really like being able to be with so many women?" Or... "How can you stand seeing Ash fuck so many men without wanting to kill them!?! First of all... There is a huge difference between the fantasy of having so many partners and the reality. Fantasies are great. They bring a special type of eroticism into your life. But in the reality of my experience with swinging sex, I've found it to be...

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The Ram Lounge 2

I was timid & nervous on my first visit to the RAM lounge. Even so the experience turned out to be mind blowing. I had watched to guys blowing each other, I was wanked off in a public place by an unkonwn male who stroked my cock from behind as he wanked himself off onto my naked arse cheeks. I can still remember the feeling of his cum dripping down my thights.This time I knew what to expect & knew what I wanted. It was time to turn it up a notch.I showered at home. I covered my cock,...

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my first experience

This is a story ive always wanted to tell but never had the opportunity till nowI was in junior school and i was very young,, i was in the school play and as the big day was getting closer i was offering myself to help out with the stage painting the scenery there were about six of us always stopping behind every evening practising our lines and songs and helping the teachers with costumes, One Saturday morning we came in to school to help, after a couple of hours the rest of the k**s went home...

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Sessions With My ShrinkChapter 2

Now that the crazy bitch is back in her place, we can continue with this story. She was in charge of most of chapter 1 but now we have her where we want her. She is flat on her hiney on the Doctor's couch ready to spew out all the dirt on her selfish self-centered life like some whining female with nothing but money and time on her hands. She looked over at the doctor and saw that he was resting back in his expensive office chair like some conductor getting all the musicians in some...

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She Loved It

Hello I’m a regular reader of iss I love these stories makes me a lot horny. I’m here to share my experience how my wife has been fucked. I love to read stories where wifes r fucked and their husbands watch. I’m from Mumbai and married to very sexy wife she is 5’3” fair in complexion and resembles a bit like Rani mukherjee the actress in face and in body. Ok a lot of people must over wait till u hear the story u’ll start cumming. I work as an sales person and the salary is not that much n u...

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Forever Autumn

Watching the leaves tumble slowly, softly, silently to the ground, of course I thought of her. I thought of her beside me, snuggled into the hood of her jacket, pretending not to be cold. She would sit just looking at the trees, her eyes alight with wonder, like a small child. And she would run, kicking at the drifts of fallen leaves, laughing and gasping as they crackled and crunched beneath her feet, barely noticing the misting rain, creating a halo as it settled on her hair. A line from a...

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Alice Cottage Lane the lucky farmer

Fiona didn’t pester me quite so much as she was happy to give her cunt a rest after the abuse it had taken from so many cocks over the last year or so. Going from a baron 4 years of no cock to a wanton 40+ milf had taken its toll on Fiona; although enjoyable she’d been fucked ragged. Alice collared me whenever we were alone and would rub my cock through my jeans or shorts whispering in my ear, “I need your dick inside me again, stretching my pussy open and spunking inside me, when can...

1 year ago
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Sex with a Football Player 3

Introduction: Fuck bro, just stick my fucking cock in your mouth. I want to feel your mouth on it. he slurred. I pulled back his white underwear and out popped the most gorgeous cock Id ever seen. It was 8 inches long, about 4 inches wide, not too many veins but enough to make it look like a mans cock. I couldnt wait any longer. I attacked my beautiful best friends cock. I almost started choking because I went down on it so fast. I started sucking around 5 or 6 inches of it before he grabbed my...

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The Reporter and the Angel

The Reporter and the Angel It was late afternoon when I finally pulled into Seattle. I got off the ferry from West Seattle to Vashon Island and was driving down the two lane road looking for my hotel. I made the reservations a couple of days ago as I left Denver. The long drive had given me lots of time to think. Catching my wife with my best friend, Joe, was heart breaking. But my marriage and the relationship with my best friend was now behind me. I had accepted a new job as a...

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Special Guest at the Underwear Party

This is a true story from about two years ago, I have though changed the names of those involved, you will understand why!As a HGV driver, I do not get home very often during the week as I am usually away in different parts of the country. I do not normally see my wife between Monday morning and Friday evening.I knew my wife had an Ann Summers party booked for a Wednesday and her friends and our neighbours were all expected to attend, along with the party organiser, Adele.On that Wednesday out...

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The October House

The October House still had its old Victorian shape —two tall towers, three and a half stories high, small rooms with low, sloping roofs at the very top, a Widow’s Walk above a closed porch, two stories and a huge attic. Inside, it had become more modern. When we finally bought the house three years after we graduated from college, we had spent another two years upgrading the wiring, plumbing and a new, more efficient heating system along with much additional insulation. There was even CAT6...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 12

We had all enjoyed an amazing weekend together - of real friendship as well as great sex - and Julie and I most reluctantly caught the old-fashioned stopping train back to Cardiff late on Sunday evening, in order to be ready for our studies on Monday morning. We walked down the corridors of a couple of carriages until we found an empty compartment, and we were able to pull down the corridor blinds for privacy, and sit on the bench seat with our arms around each other, to chat and kiss as the...

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Sisters Wedding

Arriving at 5.00 am at Sydney airport, home after 18 months. Sam and her two k**s had arrived during the summer heatwave leaving the cold winter behind them. Picking up the hire car after queuing through customs and passport control allowed the 3 of the 4 in the family to feel as if the holiday had started. The 4th had stayed at home, part work part because the OZ family didn't care if he turned up or not. The first leg of the journey to her sisters wedding was to pick up grandma from the north...

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Sex Queen Meena 8211 My Chachi 8211 Part III

This story is part III of my previous story, Sex Queen at Holi. I request all readers to read that first those two to get the complete meaning and fun of this story. In my last story, named Sex Queen turned incestuous wife…..I had described how my chachi who divorced my uncle and came with me to Bangalore to stay with me and finally married me and promised to serve me. But that was past my friends, she is no more a submissive mischief slut wife from a small city, she is now wife of a young man...

3 years ago
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All Dressed Up

All Dressed Up Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I stood on the small terrace that ran across the back of the house, all dressed up and had everywhere to go, but no courage to do it. I watched as a small duck glided down to the water, settling on the calm surface making barely a ripple. I had spent hours in front of the mirror, primping and staring at the reflection there, the woman that looked back was young, no more than 16, with auburn hair and green eyes. I was dressed...

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The wedding day

Introduction: Making sure that as bridesmaid I give my older sister a wedding day to remember This story takes place just over six years ago. My older sister Louise had just become a very wealthy widow. Not very surprising as Jeremy, her husband, was 86 and they had been married for 4 years in a marriage of convenience the money was convenient for her and he wanted to kick back at his three wastrel sons after excluding them from his will by marrying someone younger than they are. Jeremy had...

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Win or LoseChapter 2

It had been over a year since Janice made her bet with me that I couldn't last long enough to make her cum before I blew my load in her pussy. I lost twice the first night, and I lost every time since then, but I still held out hope that I could win. My prize? If I win my wife will, for the first time ever in our relationship, willingly suck me to completion and swallow my cum. My penalty? If I cum first, I have to go down on her and get her off with my tongue. In the process I end up eating...

3 years ago
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Romantic Maybe

She sat nervously on her bed,Her frock a diaphanous blue,She knew he'd carry out what he said,But just didn’t know what to do.Why was it men could be so mean,They'd rather have sex than make love,This was the first time she had seen,His vicious streaks please help Lord above.Her nipples hurt from where he bit,Her pussy was on fire,Yet she still felt the excitement of it,In her stomach there was still desire.She must be of the devil spawned,That could be the only truth,And even as she yawned,She...

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Here Comes Joni There Go Johnny TestChapter 5

Joni stepped out of Mary and Susan’s room refreshed and acting as if she was without a care in the world. She was hoping that she had gotten out all of her Father’s love juices. So she was trying to tell herself that she was happy. She noticed that there was no sound in the house. Which was unusual when there was any kind of celebration. On second thought that was actually unusual for any time of the day. “Hello is anyone here?” Joni called out. She grimaced thinking that she had no idea...

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A Little Stinger

A Little Stinger By Miss Anonna It was a beautiful day down at the river but I had soaked up enough sun and gathered my things to head back to the car. I opened the door, tossed my towels in the passenger seat and plopped down to head home. “Ow! Shit!” I hollered and jumped up so quick that I bumped my head really hard on the car. “Dammit!” I hollered again and nearly cried. I was so pissed off and figured that I had sat on a bee so I frantically searched for the little bugger but to no avail....

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Surprise Nooner

It was mid summer when Vince decided to step our game up a notch. A married mother of 2, early 40s, back in shape with a petite 5'1" body, and feeling hot again. We started playing about 2 years ago, when Vince set me up in a St Louis hotel. I met my first BBC at the bar and sat down and talked over drinks. That was the beginning of our sexy adventures. It was a Thursday morning, house was empty and I was on my tablet drinking coffee. I get a text from Vince about nine, asking if I wanted a...

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The One

"10 minutes left" says the examiner but you finished the test and checked over it 3 times so now you are just leaning down and enjoying the peace. You look around and see your best friend, Mike who looks completely lost and has given up on the test. His brown hair is fringing down both sides and he pulls it back constantly. You quietly laugh at him struggling with his hair and the teachers look at you so you try to hold in your laugh. You then look to your left and see a girl who you've shared...

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Scrolller 3D Porn

Scrolller is one of my favorite porn sites in general. No matter what you are into, you will find a great selection here. The name Scrolller says it all. They make it extremely easy to scroll through pics and videos. The amount of porn one can absorb on Scrolller in a short time is incredible. Often, I’ll lose a whole week to Scrolller before I notice it happened.The Cogs and Pulleys of Cock PullingAt the top of the site is a small menu with the options Photos, Videos, and notifications. The...

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