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I came up with this little quickie. from an idea at metemorphose, and it is a bit bizarre. Jenny Help! by Jennifer Adams To understand where I am now, I must explain how I got here. Several years ago, I met a wonderful woman named Karen and was pleased beyond measure when she agreed to become my wife. We were soon wed and began our life together. Perhaps we should have waited a bit longer to tie the knot as we soon began to discover things we didn't like about each other. How ever, by that time, she was pregnant. I soon discovered that she was very possessive and a little psychotic. She constantly accused me of cheating on her. She would think up the most absurd scenarios involving me and other women. One night in my sleep I apparently said the name "Maria", which was odd as I didn't know anyone with that name. It didn't matter though, she grilled me for hours on end to try and discover who Maria was. Another time, my boss asked me pick up a recalled product from a Mrs. Travers. When my wife found her name and address in my pocket, she stalked the woman until she discovered that the woman was about eighty years old. My son was born and it was a happy time, but my wife's accusations and possessive nature seemed to get worse if you can believe it. Demanding to know where I was if she thought I spent too much time at the store or came home a few minutes late. I chalked all up to the pregnancy and postpartum depression. I just gently tried to reassure her that she was the only one for me and hoped it would get better soon. By the time my son was a year old, she had began acting strangely. She was leave him with my mother to go shopping and disappear for hours on end. Occasionally, her car would be spotted at our house when she was supposed to be at the supermarket. The phone would ring and she'd run for it, and hide in the bathroom with it. What was odd was that she used to make me screen her calls. Still I was oblivious believing that my wife was faithful while she still insisted that I was screwing around on her and it was just a matter of time before she caught me red handed. One night, out of the blue, I came home from work and she asked me for my paycheck so she could pay the bills in the morning, which wasn't odd. After I gave her the money she told me to pack my things and get out, as she stuffed the money in her bra. I tried to talk to her, but she said that if I didn't leave she would call the police and then balled up her fist and swung it up into her eye. That more than anything frightened me and I went to pack. As I was packing she told me I since I had been screwing around on her all this time, it was her turn to have fun. After I moved out, she told everyone that I abandoned her and took the same story in to court. By the time she was finished I ended up with limited visitation with my son who was in school by that time. She would call me while he was in school and tell me not to visit because something had come up and then tell him that I called to say I was too busy. She also began seeing other men openly and had told me that she was getting back at me by cheating on me while we were married. In fact, she confessed that her one boyfriend had been seeing her for a couple years before we divorced. By this time, Karen had gotten my son to where he didn't want to see me, so I had moved to different town about thirty miles away. Where I finally met a sweet woman named Julie and after a long, long courtship. We married. Over the next couple of years, I got to see my son on rare occasions. When I went to pick him up, Karen would go on and on about me running off with that slut and leaving her with all the work of raising a child on her own. While I sent her a paltry amount to do it on. I chose not to argue with her and let her rant, knowing the truth. Of course I was never allowed to take my son around "that thieving bitch". Since according to Karen she stole me away from my family. I guess sometimes truth is a matter of prospective. Or the way we want to see it. Julie and I came home from a romantic weekend out, to discover Karen's car in the driveway. I didn't even know that she knew where we lived. Immediately, I grew concerned that something pretty bad had happened to my son for her to come all the way here. As I pulled in the driveway, she got out of her car. I asked, " What's up?" She had a somber look on her face and just said, "Can I come in?" I shrugged, "I guess," and she followed Julie and I into the house. I offered her a seat as Julie stood quietly behind me, since she knew how Karen felt about her. "No," she said. "This won't take long." Then she held up a glass orb and said, "Don't move a muscle," and the orb glowed. I tried to ask her what she was talking about but I couldn't talk or move. I could sense that Julie couldn't move either. Karen smiled wickedly. "I finally have the way to get revenge on you for what you have done to me over the years." I could say nothing so she went on. "First, let's get rid of your clothes, you don't need them right now. Strip." Against my will my body began undressing. I sensed movement behind me so Julie was stripping as well. When we were both naked Karen said, "Mark, all those years I know you were screwing other women behind my back. Then you just up and leave me to raise our child on my own... All those times when you begged off on seeing our son and I had to deal with his broken heart." I tried to talk, to shake my head, anything to defend myself and correct her, but I could do nothing. It was untrue, all of it. I had never cheated on her. She stopped me from visitation. Above all, she had thrown me out. I could say any of it, all I could do is shiver in fear and the power Karen held over Julie and I. She went on, "You will never screw another woman as long as you live." She held up the orb and it glowed brighter this time and a beam shot out of it and hit me squarely in my chest. I began to realize that everything in the room was growing taller as though I was bending my knees, but they were straight, so I reasoned that must be shrinking somehow. Then I felt strange, like unseen hands were pushing, pulling and tugging my body in different places. I still couldn't move to look at myself. Karen said, "Do you have a full length mirror? You may answer my question only." I tried to answer, but heard Julie quietly say, "Yes." As though, she shocked and frightened. I couldn't blame her, I felt the same way. Karen commanded, "Julie lead us, Mark follow." I found I could move, but only with in Karen's instructions. I turned to follow Julie and I received another shock. Where I had been taller than Julie by sever inches, I was now shorter than her by several inches. That would put me around five feet tall. We walked in silence and I felt odd motion in my body and nearly fell a couple of times as my sense of balance seemed to be off. We finally got to the mirror in our bedroom and Karen ordered me to stand in front of it and Julie behind me. When I turned to face the mirror, what I saw would have made my collapse on the floor if it weren't for Karen controlling my body. I was a woman. Everything about me looked about average in a girl next door kind of way. Karen said, "Here I should make you a little taller so Julie's clothes don't go to waste." I felt myself grow a little taller. She went on, "Just like I said, you will never screw another woman. Oh, and one other little touch." The orb glowed and I felt a tickle in my lower abdomen. "Now you'll be the one getting screwed. I just made it so your body will crave a man unless you're pregnant." I could feel the pressure mounting. "Feel that?" I found I could move my head and nodded, more out of shock than anything else. She laughed cruelly. "Would you like me to make it go away?" Again I nodded, but it was because I did want it to go away. I wanted all of this to go away. Karen said. "Say it. say, I wish for you to make my horny feelings to go away, please." I said, " I..." I stopped at the sound of my voice it was soft and higher than I was used to. "Come on say it," Karen prompted. I sighed in defeat. "I wish you would make my horny feelings go away, please." Karen laughed and the orb glowed. I felt movement in my lower stomach and then in my new vagina. Suddenly, what looked like a snake split my vaginal lips and popped out me. It snaked its way around me and the tip dove right into Julies naval and we both screamed at the sight. Julie began to get smaller and smaller. Then I realized that she was getting younger as her breasts began to shrink along with the rest of her. In minutes we watched as her breasts became puffy nipples and then her puffy nipples became flat flesh toned and almost invisible. At the same time her body continued getting smaller as her pubic hair retracted back into her skin leaving looking like a ten year old. Still she shrank. It didn't take a genius to know where this was going, but morbid fascination kept my eye riveted. As we watched, she became nine, then eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two,one. At one, she dropped on her rear. Karen commanded me. "Pick her up." I did. Months stripped by and soon she was like a new born baby girl. Karen commanded, "Help her in." Against my will my arms and hands moved Julie's tiny body to position her feet and the entrance of my vagina. My legs bowed as my hands guided her up inside of me until her head finally vanished painfully into my quickly expanding womb. I looked in the mirror and my belly was huge and extended quite a ways in front of me and my breasts swelled. Slowly, my belly and my boobs began to shrink, little by little until I no longer looked pregnant. In the mirror, an average looking young woman looked back at me. Karen held up the orb and it glowed again and the furnishings all looked different. "Follow!" she commanded and she lead me back to the living room. Now there was only the clothes Julie had left. "Get dressed," I was told and without thought, I picked up the panties Julie had worn and put them on, then her bra. I pooled her pantyhose and slid them up my legs. Then her blouse and skirt, and finally her black pumps. Karen used the orb to give my jewelery and makeup. She held it up and it glowed again and a black leather clutch purse appeared on the table. She said. "There, now you have a new life and you will learn what I had to go through, MINDY." She gave a little laugh. "You will always remember who you were and what I did to you, but no one else will. If you ever come looking for me..." She left it hang and just rubbed my belly through my skirt to make her point. I nodded since that was all I could do. She said, "After you give birth to Julie, you will become insatiable again until you become pregnant again and again until you hit menopause." She giggled and winked. "My! You are going to be a busy girl." With that said, she left. As soon as I heard her car drive down the street, I was able to move again. I ran to the door and looked out. My car was gone. In fact, I no longer owned a car. Looking through my purse I discovered that I was a waitress because I dropped out of school when I found out I was pregnant. I felt a flutter in my tummy and put my feminine hand there to comfort Julie and she settled right down. That all happened eight and half month ago and now I'm going into labor so I have to go. I just wanted to get this down on paper. If anyone knows anything about this orb, or at least how I stop from becoming a slut please help.

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This final chapter sees Dan’s slutty wife and her wet hairy pussy turned over and restrained on all fours. Against Helen's will my intent is to lubricate my hard cock by dipping it into her wet hairy fanny then to give her an anal creampie… However, Helen might have something to say about me ruining her tight arsehole....find out in this Chapter how my intent to fuck her tight puckered fuck hole goes! Not for the feint hearted! Helen and Dan can be found at:...

4 years ago
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Bus Stop

I saw her across the parking lot sitting inside the M23 bus, impossibly long legs in white stockings, the top of which peeked below her short red skirt. She had on a white shirt unbuttoned just a tad too far, showing a hint of her black bra. She had long blond hair and killer blue eyes. I hurried across the lot to stand next to her. As I took my place standing over where she was seated, my hard cock was clearly visible through my pants. I was embarrassed until she saw it at eye level, looked...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend begging to be punished pt 2

When I start waking up, to a wet feeling on my dick. And when I look down I realize that Hanna, officially my sub and slut, is sucking my dick. A "Good morning bj". It was amazing. She didn't stop looking at me the entire time, and eventually when she made me come she swallowed every last drop. Then she crawled up and and slowly slid my cock in her her pussy and slowly started riding it. Then she leaned down and kissed my chest whispering "How was I last night Master?" "You were great." Then...

3 years ago
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A Buddy to Fuck

Sandy reached across with the half full wine bottle and held it over her husband’s glass, “More wine, darling?” she asked him. Bill nodded. He liked a good Shiraz and she had chosen his favourite for their quiet dinner. The children were with their grandparents for the night so it was just the two of them. They didn’t get many nights alone like this. They had busy lives running a family business as well as parenting, which meant that they had little time together, or perhaps not as much time...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 28 Resolution Heart And Mind

Settling for now the topic of compensation, Colonel Rijok unfolded his arms and looked to Cattelin. “Apprehend the criminal”. At last, being given the permission to act as she so much desired, thrilled and gratified, Cattelin strengthened the grip on the shaft of her scythe with one hand and with the other saluted. “Thank you, Colonel Rijok!” An ebullient fiery aura emerged around her like volcanic eruption. WHOOSH! Receiving a slight push from Colonel Rijok’s mantle, Cattelin dashed...

1 year ago
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Coffee Shop Orgasm

[Author’s note: This is a short one that occurred to me as I was sitting in a coffee shop. I tried for a “less is more” approach…no idea if it worked or not. If the feedback is mostly positive, I’ll see about continuing it.] It was a scorching hot day, slightly humid, but mostly just plain old hot. Barely a cloud in the sky, and every surface in the city radiated waves of heat. Wanting to escape the heat of her un-air-conditioned urban apartment complex, Miranda ventured out to a local coffee...

1 year ago
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Dear Chris Ch 02

DJ Sometimes, things work out. The more my Wednesday, in-the-confession-booth visits with Chris continued, the more comfortable they became. Summer turned into fall, and the leaves turned red and gold. With the crisp, perfect weather, came a feeling that everything could be the backdrop for a Disney movie. I took long walks every morning in a park near my house and noticed every cardinal, and robin, and blue jay, every tiny frog, or hurrying squirrel. The all seemed ready to turn to cartoon...

3 years ago
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There were quite a few kids on the cruise and because of it, we were not able to get as wild as we like to when we are away. And not having packed any underwear made it interesting. Quite a few waiters, bartenders and others on the cruise were also aware that I did not have any underwear with me. Especially in the dining room for dinner. We requested a table for just the 2 of us and the first night I wore a dress that was low cut and fairly short and flowing and as I slid onto the seat at...

1 year ago
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the chat room kdi

when I was 15 the internet was an up and coming thing but there were chat rooms and i went from hanging out in our web providers rooms to a chat room that had all kinds of perverted stuff. i jumped from room to room looking to find something interesting. I knew I was bi already and had some buddies that experimented with me, but when I found the room with teen boys, I got really heavy into hatting about sex and what we could do. some of the guys I met were into cyber sex. I went along cause it...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 46

My detail chief was waiting for me when I finally walked into the Oval Office. He had news. I could tell. When you’ve seen that look as many times as I had, you knew. “Mr. President. We are all over the death of former Justice Roberts. What we already know is that he was demonstrably upset after receiving a phone call on his private line about two-thirty yesterday afternoon. His state of mind has been described as angry enough to throw things at the wall in his office. Whatever set him off...

2 years ago
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Panty se Blue Film Tak

Hi this is Pabby… I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, living in Chandigarh. Married/unmarried/ unsatisfied women/couples contact me for a satisfying date. Ladies call me for escort contact me immediately. Secrecy guaranteed and demanded. Only serious people contact me now at Mera naam Roshni hai. Mein southern Delhi mein apne mummy papa ke sath rehti hun. Meri umra 19 saal hai, Gora badan, kaale lambe baal, 5″4 ki hieht aur meri aankhon ka rang bhura hai. Ek din mein apni saheliyon...

4 years ago
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New roommate opens my world

A week later, Ken moved in, he had two girls helping him, they were both very beautiful, both had yoga pants on showing off their perfect bubble butts, tights shirts showing off their amazing bodies, clearly they went to the gym quite often. I never really looked at other guys before, but I couldnt help notice Ken's shirtless perfect body, he was ripped from head to toe, clearly he and these girls would go to the gym together, i was quite jealous but still hopeful that he would introduce me...

4 years ago
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Dost ki bivi 2

Mere Delhi lautne ke baad sushmita bhabhi kaa phone aksar aane lagaa ki jabse tumne chodaa hai tumse baar baar chudwaane ka man kartaa hai. Tum do teen dinon ke liye hi phir aajaao na. Maine kahaa ki main aa to jaaun par tumhein chod kaise paaungaa. Sushil ke rahte hue tumhein chod nahin sakta. Sushil ki anupasthiti mein aane ka ghalat matlab log nikaaleinge. Bhabhi boleen tum aajaao baki main sab kuchh dekh loongi. Sushil tumse khud mujhe chodne ke liye kahegaa. Tum dekhte rahanaa. Bhabhi ke...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ki Mast Chudai

Hi friends i m Priyank mai surat ka rehene vala hu and 18 years ka hu meri “height 5.10” nd a well built body due to regular basketball and gym. Aaj mai aap logo ke saath apna pehela sex expirience share krne vala hu by the way mai iss ka regular reader hu aur mujhe pehele bharosa nahi tha ki ye stories true bhi hoti hogi yaa nahi jab tak aisa kuch khud mere saath nahi hua Ye baat 2012 diwali vacation ki hai jab mai apni family k saath apne hometown kolkata gaya tha vaha meri daddi ahdur mere...

4 years ago
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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 11

Chapter 11The ExhibitA week after the meeting with Donna and Tom Joie was being interviewed by the local media at the gala opening of the exhibition of French African and Parisian art which was being presented in a local museum. The event was being attended by various dignitaries made up of local government officials, representatives from the arts community and officials from the French Consulate. The interview was broadcasted on local television news and in print in local newspapers with a...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose fitting room fun

I'm a 22 year old male that loves pantyhose. Just the sight of a woman in pantyhose can give me a hard on. I often go out with friends on the weekend and I'm always targeting the girls that are wearing them. Now I'm not bragging, but ever since jr. high I was aware of the fact that girls were attracted to me. I've never really had much of a problem picking up women but I do have a problem telling them about my fetish. They were probably able to tell anyway by the way I would caressed their legs...

3 years ago
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Fast Times in Chacahua

This is the first part of the story, including the first sex scene. You can download the full version from Amazon; just search for 'Fast Times in Chacahua'.If you like this story, please give it a review and look for other stories from Nort. More coming soon.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“CARLOS,” CASSIE SAID AGAIN, her finger running in circles on her bare thigh. “Shut that thing down and come for a swim with me.”Her husband had his short beard only...

3 years ago
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Me and The Electrician

6:30 A.M. When I woke up that day I knew I was in for a busy fucking day, but I had no idea it would a busy “FUCKING” day. I woke up feeling horny and whished I had my husband to give me a morning fuck. Unfortunately he left right after my twins were born, seven years ago. He is busy trying to find some bimbo to be with. I haven’t been with anyone since the divorce. I’ve been too busy with my four boys, 19, 14 and the 7-year-old twins, to even think about dating. My neighbor thinks I’m crazy...

2 years ago
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The weekend part 3

I was working on getting the grill good and hot before I threw the meat on. I looked around and Heather was working on the baked potatoes. Getting them ready, putting butter and season and wrap each one in foil. Mickie was making a side salad to go with it. And Trish had pitcher of lemonade. Since she was done she decided to see if Steve was up and see when he was going to join us. Mickie was soon done with her salad and made her way over to Heather to assist her. The grill was finally ready as...

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