Helpless free porn video

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Ava breathed in a deep breath, the crisp forest air filling her lungs and warming her heart and reminding her of days long past. She had always loved going out to the forest, the sound of birds in the distance and of the wind in the trees. There was something special about being alone in such a quiet and peaceful place. Today was the last day she would get to go out before winter came and it was too cold for her, the last day she would get to try her new gear before spring. She had been planning this day for a while, making excuses to get time off from work, and leaving home early in the morning so she could make the most of this trip.

Approaching a large oak tree she decided this was far enough, about 3 miles from the clearing she had parked her car in. Sighing contentedly, Ava dropped her backpack to the ground and quickly set to taking out her gear. Pulling out a large steel lockbox from her pack she placed it in between the roots of the oak, easy enough to reach but out of immediate sight in case anyone happened to be walking by. She then sorted out the rest of the bags contents, a leather body harness, handcuffs, ball gag, high heeled boots shaped like hoofs, a buttplug with a tail to resemble a deer tail, and to top it off, a vibrator that could be secured to the crotch strap of her body harness. Today Ava was going to attempt her most difficult self bondage session yet.

She had only discovered self bondage a year ago after a tough breakup. But ever since she read about it online, she had been hooked. The feeling of being so helpless and the risk of being caught, set her heart racing and turned her on like nothing else. But despite her best efforts things got boring at home, heck things even got a little boring at work too when she had tried it out. Today she was trying something new, something that would fill that yearning to feel helpless. Ava had chosen to take the next step and combine her love of selfbondage with her love of the outdoors. She chose to go to her favorite forest, a place she had spent much of her free time wandering and exploring growing up. She knew it like the back of her hand, and knew it was unlikely that anyone else was within 100 miles of her at this time of year.

Looking around nervously to make sure she was alone Ava quickly stripped off her clothes. Packing her hiking boots, shorts, tank top, sports bra, and panties in the lockbox by the oak. Already she felt turned on, simply by being so exposed out in the open. The light cool breeze ran over her pale naked skin, causing goosebumps over her perky c-cup breasts. A tingle ran down her spine at the thought about what she was about to do, about how helpless and exposed she would be.

Taking a look at her bondage gear, she decided to start with the body harness. Slipping her legs through the loops on the bottom she worked her way up tightening the straps as she went, securing the harness. The harness crisscrossed around her body, framing her breasts nicely and fitting snugly to her fit form. Picking up her vibrator she adjusted the controls to go off at random times at random intensity settings, for a random duration, before gently inserting it into her already dripping pussy and securing it into a little custom clip in the loose harness crotch strap. Next she reached for the butt plug, a stainless steel plug large enough to require a little effort to get in, but not so large that it immediately caused discomfort, with a faux fur deer tail fashioned to the end. As soon as she had seen it online she knew she had to have it for this trip, that and the boots shaped like hoofs. After all, ‘if you're going to prance around naked in a forest why not look the part,’ she giddily thought to herself. Taking a moment to spit on the cool steel butt plug for lubrication, she crouched down to insert it into her asshole. Gently easing it back and forth, until she passed the widest point and it slid easily into her hole, sending a shiver up her spine. Reaching behind her she pulled the crotch strap up, threading the end of the tail through an O ring built into the strap right over her asshole to accommodate such things. Securing the strap the the main body of the harness, Ava looked behind her and gave her butt a little wiggle admiring the feeling of being so full, and the swishing of the tail.

Next she stepped into her boots, tying them off up her leg and making sure she kept her balance. The boots forced her heels up more than any high heels she had ever worn before, leaving her toes pressed into the hoof shaped sole of the shoes. Ava had practised wearing these at home before coming out to the forest and though strenuous she knew she could last at least a couple hours in them without too much pain. She suspected that walking through the forest in them might be quite difficult and force her to spend more time bound up and helpless. The thought of which only turned her on more.

Finally Ava reached down for the last 2 pieces, a simple black ball gag and a pair of padded handcuffs. Tying the gag tightly around her head, she dropped the key to the handcuffs into the lock box, along with her folded up backpack which contained her car keys. Shutting the lid the lockbox clicked. Now her clothes, car keys, and cuff keys were locked up in the box. The only way to get them back would be to make it the whole 3 miles back to her car where she had hidden the key to the lockbox, then make it all the way back to this tree to unlock the box and retrieve the handcuff keys and her belongings. All the while bound up, being tormented by the vibrator and probably in some level of pain and discomfort from the buttplug and high heels.

Taking a second to check all her straps and admire her work, Ava felt butterflies in her stomach. A mix of excitement, nervousness and arousal fluttering throughout her body. There was only one more piece, one last thing and she would be truly helpless until she retrieved the key to the lockbox from under her car, and returned to this spot. After a moment of hesitation Ava felt a light buzzing from inside her, the vibrator had started its first cycle. A low level vibration that set her clit tingling with teasing pleasure, it was just the encouragement she needed to make her mind up.

*click* *click*

And with that Ava’s hands were cuffed behind her back. She was completely bound now, her mouth gagged, her cuffed, her body hugged tightly by the crisscrossing leather body harness and her holes full with the low buzzing vibrator and tail plug. She stood uneasily on her hoofed boots, enjoying the feeling of being so exposed, a slight drip of her arousal running over her crotch strap and down her inner thigh as the vibrator buzzed away.

Ch 2. Exploration

The vibrator had stopped buzzing only a minute into her trip, with no particular rush and wanting to stretch this out as long as possible Ava decided to explore a little before making her way back to her car. She headed off in the direction of a nearby stream, roughly in the right direction to her car. It was a place she knew well and looked forward to exploring it in her new bound state. Walking was a little more difficult than she had anticipated, having to choose her steps carefully to avoid tripping on the smallest roots and stones. The boots leaving a trail of hoof marks in the forest floor. With each careful step in her heeled boots, her body shifted, the leather rubbing delightfully against her skin, tugging at her vibrator and pressing against her buttplug, teasing her and exciting her even more.

Even with her difficulty walking and the constant stimulation, exploring the forest like this was almost magical. Seeming to bring back the excitement and wonder that she had first felt walking through these trees the first time. Every step brough fresh breath into her lungs, she felt more aware of the nature that surrounded her, more alert from the risk of being caught. She felt ready to bolt at the slightest sound or hint of discovery, very much like a deer for which she had styled herself after. Adrenaline coursed through her body every time she heard a twig snap under her boots, and goosebumps rose all over her with each caress of the wind. Her nipples stood out hard against her breasts as they bounced between the leather straps, maybe next time she would look into some clamps, ‘adding a little pain might be fun after all’ she thought.

It wasn't too long before the vibrator kicked in again, a little stronger than before but not enough to bring Ava to orgasm just yet. It did make it more difficult to walk though, making her legs feel weak with every movement, and each step pushing the vibrator and plug around inside her. A few times she had to stop to catch her breath, the exercise not being too strenuous but the stimulation making her pant through her nostrils unable to breath through her gag.

By the time Ava reached the stream she could feel the slickness of her crotch strap as it shifted with her steps. A steady drip of her arousal running down her quivering leg, and her breasts were damp from drool that had dripped down from her gagged mouth. She dropped to her knees next to the stream, already exhausted from her short walk over. It couldn't have taken her more than 20 minutes but already she had growing doubts about whether a 6 mile walk like this was a good idea. Before she could contemplate her choices too much, the vibrator picked up its intensity, going straight from the moderate teasing she had been experiencing for the last 20 minutes to what might have been the highest setting it had. Ava gasped in shock at the sudden increase in stimulation, a muffled moan escaping her gag. Her body exploded with pleasure, the intensity of the vibrator driving her over the edge that had been building up as she had walked. She toppled over onto her side, her back arching and her body writhing in pleasure, the movement only serving to shift the vibrator deeper inside of her. The sensation of the dirt pressed up against her side, the smell of the fresh forest air, the shifting of the harness and above all the helplessness of how she felt in this situation bringing her orgasm to a peak, she cried out into her gag as her body shook.

Ch 3. Hunted

By the time that Ava regained her composure she had orgasmed 3 times, the vibrator refusing to let up as she writhed and moaned in the dirt next to the stream. She lay on her side, ragged breaths coming out of her nostrils. She hardly noticed how quiet the forest had become.

Attempting to stand was more difficult than she thought it would be. With her arms cuffed behind her back and her feet pressed into an unusual angle from the boots, she fell over twice in her attempts. Finally shuffling on the forest floor over to a tree and bracing herself against it she managed to stand up. Her legs felt like jelly as she got to her feet. Looking around she started to feel uneasy, like someone was watching her. The forest that seemed so peaceful now seemed menacing in its silence.

‘Silence. That was it,’ she thought to herself.

The forest was hardly ever silent; there was always some bird or small animal around to make noise. Only when there was a predator did they fall quiet. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw it. Across the small stream between a pair of bushes a pair of hungry golden eyes were staring at her. A large wolf eying down its next meal. It felt like an eternity passed as the two made eye contact, Ava barely breathing frozen in fear. She gasped involuntarily as the vibrator sprung to life again even harder than before. With that the wolf let loose a howl and leapt across the stream.

Ava ran.

Each step was a struggle. Her breasts glistening with drool bouncing wildly, her harness shifting and digging into her skin, the slickness on her crotch strap running down her thighs, and a constant tugging at her plug from her harnesses movement. Her legs were still unsteady from her recent orgasm, and she almost tripped on every root and rock in her high heeled boots. To top it off the vibrator seemed to be working against her, sending intense waves of pleasure through her sensitive pussy that caused her to gasp for breath and threatened to knock her off her feet. The wolf’s howl echoed in the distance as his packmates joined the chase. She heard them gaining on her. Rustling in the leaves to either side of her and behind let her know that they were catching up. Ava’s heart beat with fear as she ran trying to stave off the building orgasm that would ruin her. No one knew she was out here, no one knew what she was doing, and she was completely helpless, unable to defend herself at all. Her cunt tingled and her breath tightened, as she felt a sharp pain clamp down on either side of her left leg. She heard a metallic snap, as she came crashing down onto the forest floor. Her hands cuffed behind her back she could do nothing to shield herself as she fell. Her breasts squashed painfully into the ground and her body grazed on the stones, sticks and leaf litter. She felt a deep pain in her leg and her pussy aching from an orgasm that shook through her body as waves of pain and pleasure rocked her. She let out a muffled scream into her gag as her body shook, overloaded with sensations she started seeing spots which quickly turned to black.

Ch 4. Helpless

When Ava awoke she was first aware of an excruciating pain in her left leg, and the soreness on her body from dozens of small cuts and soon to be bruises. Every slight shift caused a jolt of pain to run up her leg. She could feel the vibrator in her now sore pussy, still buzzing away, softer now but still more than enough for her. She then noticed something pressing at her crotch, followed by a warm tickling on her inner thigh. Her eyes shot open, revealing her dire situation.

She was surrounded by wolves, at least 4 of them, her leg had fallen into a bear trap which now dug deeply into her left leg almost touching the bone. The leather of her high heeled boots offered little protection against the strong steel jaws of the trap. Paralised by fear she lay as still as possible, the wolf from the river watching her closely as his packmates sniffed and prodded at their prey. One of them stepped up to her face sniffing her hair, another one took a step onto her back, his claws digging painfully into her shoulder blade drawing blood. The warm sensation on her crotch turned out to be a wolf licking up her pussy juices. Fear kept her from moving and pain covered her body, as the accursed vibrator continued its assault on her making it difficult to think. The wolf at her crotch bit at her body harness, tugging and pulling it as he tried to gain better access to her. The leather strap across her pussy dug tightly into her lips, rubbing painfully against her clit and forcing the vibrator deeper into her. Her asshole hurt as the plug was pulled tighter and tight as the wolf pulled the leather. Ava let out a muffled yelp of pain as the leather snapped, ripping the vibrator out of her pussy with a wet plop. Her asshole clenched involuntarily at the pain, managing to hold onto the plug as the leather strap was torn off from her harness. She tried to roll away, only to receive a shock of pain as the bear trap dug deeper into her leg, the pressure of the wolf standing on her back holding her down regardless.

Tears began to run down her cheek as Ava contemplated how helpless she was, how much pain she was in. The wolf at her crotch took a moment to sniff her, nipping and tugging at her tail, before licking her pussy lips, lapping up her juices directly from the source. His actions gently tickled her lips and stimulated her sore clit. The other wolves seeing this began to take an interest in her lower parts, butting in to try to take a sniff or lick. Growling at eachother, one of them snapped at the other causing a scuffle. A claw dug into Ava’s asscheek as they fought eliciting another pained yelp from her gagged mouth. The wolf from the stream let out a harsh bark. Silencing the other three, clearly the Alpha. The two fighting stepped away from her as he approached, sniffing her as he went.

Ava closed her eyes trying to forget where she was, trying to imagine some scenario where she managed to escape. However nothing came to mind and she was left with nothing but helplessness, pain and fear as she quivered in the dirt. She felt something pressing up against her sore pussy. She barely had a moment to realise what it was before the wolf shoved his full length inside of her. She cried out in pain as he thrust into her, her sore wet pussy straining to fit his cock. A sharp pain burst out in her shoulder as the Alpha’s jaw sunk into her collar between her neck and shoulder. His cock thrusted deep inside her sore cunt penetrating her deeply, his body pushing uncomfortable against her buttplug. Pain and fear got the best of Ava and she lost control of her bladder, yellow piss dribbling out around the wolf’s engorged red penis. The other wolves, seeing the actions of their Alpha, gathered around her, testing and biting at her skin. The Alpha's jaws still deep on her collar lifted her body up so that her back was bent painfully, back at almost a 90 degree angle, exposing her chest to the other wolves. Her tits bounced around wildly as the alph fucked her, his thrusts pushing deep and hard, causing her to moan involuntarily as her mind struggled to comprehend all the sensory overload. One of the wolves seeing his opportunity bit hard into her right breast, tearing into the soft flesh as if it were nothing. She screamed out in pain beyond anything she had ever imagined, her legs twisted and turned uncontrollably, only adding to her anguish as the bear trap held tightly to her left leg grinding against the bone. The Alpha thrust harder into her approaching his climax, as the wolf biting her breast tore the fatty flesh from her chest, splattering blood onto the forest floor. Something broke in Ava at that moment, her mind unable to understand everything that was happening fused the senses into one. All the pain, the fear and adrenaline, joining together with the sensations of the wolf's cock violating her, all her worries and emotions swirling into one overriding feeling of helplessness beyond anything she had ever imagined. Her body shook in the midst of an orgasm like nothing she had ever felt. She cried out into her gag in pain and pleasure, her legs quivering, her chest shivering, still pissing a golden yellow spray spurting out in time with the wolf’s thrusts.

The remaining wolves dug into her, one attacking her left breast the other tearing into her stomach. The leather body harness made their job difficult as the wolf tore into her side tugging at her insides through the straps. The Alpha howled as he came deep inside her, the tailed buttplug jammed up against her sore asshole, his jaws bit into her again shattering her collar bone. Ava couldn't help but feel a kind of sick pleasure as shock overcame her body, blood pouring from the various tears and bites, the Alpha's cum leaking out of her sore and used cunt. Despite everything that had happened, a little part of her was still turned on by this, still turned on by the helplessness she felt as she became the prey that she had styled herself after. Darkness came over Ava as she bled out, the wolves still feasting on her flesh as the Alpha’s cum dripping from her warm corpse.


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The return to the Auction House, this time with her son at her useless breast, was very different. She was sold as a dried-up slave with a boy child and fetched only a meagre price. No mention was made of her background or identity, nor was she shown to prospective buyers beforehand. The rest of the women in the sale were mostly broken down ex-concubines who had now been cut and sewn for use as bath girls or even field hands. She paid little attention to the bidding and was soon covered by...

2 years ago
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The Pornstar Pass

Being a studio executive at YouFuck came with a lot of perks. Unlimited porn, the odd hooker sent up to your office to suck your cock, the money, fuck. But today it would all change. What was different about today was the Pornstar Pass that finally arrived at your apartment. Sent by the PPOFA (The Pornstar Pimping Organisation For Ass), the pass entitled you to free servicing and personal pornographic experiences from dozens and dozens of pornstars - availability providing, of course. Your...

2 years ago
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My first Time55

(a dog’s initiation) “Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday” The old dog lowered his greying muzzle onto his forepaws, eyes unfocused and milky with cataracts. His ears hung like limp washing, a sigh escaped from relaxed jowls as he recalled the memories. What had been brick-red fur was now faded, but offered warmth and protection to the young pup, who listened and waited for his mentor to relate the tale. “We were a family pack in those days, an Alpha male and Female, a male...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded at the Breeding Party

Marta had asked me over to her house for the afternoon. Her voice was light and happy as she called me up."Hi K, want to come over about three?""Sure Marta, whats up?" I agreed readily. Marta's invitations were always fun."Just be here K, be ready to rut won't you.""For you Marta, how could I be anything else." I chuckled, hefting my balls in anticipation."Not for me K, but you'll have some competition too, I should tell you."Indeed I did have as I arrived. A young woman I knew slightly as...

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Teens Love Black Cocks

I’ve been watching a lot of TikTok lately, and I think it gives a pretty skewed view of what teens love. Watching those mini videos, you’d think all they’re into is lip-syncing, viral dances, and the weakest pranks the world has ever seen. The movies at Teens Love Black Cocks give a more intimate look at their most primal, lusty desires. Specifically, I’m talking about all the premium interracial teen porn they’re putting has been pairing horny teenage sluts with the...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 13 Just When You Think Everything Is Perfect

"I wish I could wake up like this every morning," I whispered in Kim's ear. "You will ... you will. Just be patient." "Valentine's Day seems like it's still months away." "You're just a sex-crazed man with an over-active imagination," she said turning to me and holding me close. How could I not be sex-crazed when her breasts were rubbing up against my chest and my hand was stroking and squeezing her magnificent ass? How could I not feel this way after she had lovingly taken me...

4 years ago
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With death comes love

So back to where it all began or shall we say where it all ended, Alex had just been hit by a speeding car, He laid broken in the middle of the road, Lily was kneeling by him while people flocked around to see the devastating accident. Lily knew that Alex was fading , His eye's were one of the big hint's, She could see them clearly closing ever so slowly, His breathing had become shallow, He was fading into nothingness yet he was still smiling, Lily on the other hand could do nothing but...

2 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch 2

Dan knew exactly who to get in contact with. He’d been chatting to a guy online occasionally for a few weeks. His name was Mark, they’d met online and found that Mark was a dominant bbc. They’d chatted about cucking Dan and fucking Jane, but Dan thought it would always remain a fantasy, until now.Dan fired off an email, he checked every few minutes for a reply. One came about 6 hours later. “Cuck, I have to admit that I’m surprised to have received your email, but I’m happy to offer my services...

1 year ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 46

When Holly and I got to the door of the apartment, I put a finger to my lips and then moved it to hers. This was to warn her to be very quiet on the way in. I didn't want Lisa to know that I was there before I was ready for her to know. The sound of a moan from a voice never heard in this place before tonight, reached us and made us both smile. That single moan had said so many things, such as need, acceptance, eagerness, maybe even a little fear. Even the sounds of Holly undressing behind...

2 years ago
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Sunday morning

Sunday morning with a man orally caressing my cock has got to be one of life’s greatest pleasures. The moist succulent lips, kiss back down my rampant shaft, softy kissing. Hot breath bathes my scrotum, shrivelled and thick from a slight chill in the room. The tongue lightly licks at the thickened sack and then ascends along the side of my shaft, dragging his tongue in one continuous lick. Upon reaching the apex, he circles the spongy head, dragging his teeth against the sensitive flesh....

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Scarlett Mae Here For You

Looking hot as hell in a sheer bra and thong lingerie getup, Scarlett Mae struts her stuff over to where Kyle Mason is diligently working from home. Pulling his head back, she shoves her boobs into his face. Kyle is no fool, he accepts Scarlett’s advances with a deep kiss. When Scarlett reaches out to Kyle’s lap, she finds him hard and ready to go. Getting Kyle to his feet, Scarlett sinks down into a crouch that lets her easily pull her boyfriend’s stiffie from his jeans....

4 years ago
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A Ghostly Seduction

I'm seventy-one and my wife, Anya, is seventy-six. I love names and hers fit her so very well. It was Russian, originally "Aniya" and meant merciful. She was that for sure. She'd taken mercy on me and said yes when I'd asked her to marry me. I don't believe in hating but I hated Alzheimer's with a passion. I'd had to put her in a care facility six months before this happened. I was lost without her, just stumbling along bumping into things. We'd been together for over forty-three years and I...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom August Taylor Richelle Ryan 24895

Mrs. Ryan is making a HUGE Thanksgiving Day spread. She’s invited the neighborhood to her house and her friend, August from college. Richelle and August are int he kitchen small talking around the feast. Richelle is ranting and raving about her son’s friend Lucas, who is also coming to dinner. These horny MILFs seem like they want to get their hands on some rooster instead of the turkey! Come to find out, Lucas is still a virgin. Both ladies place a bet on who’s going to...

3 years ago
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Shame.That’s what you must’ve felt every time you met up with me. You claimed the way you looked at me is how you once looked at your wife, but I highly doubt it. With her, I bet it was true love, adoration, and care, but with me, it was pure lust; a need to seed. To use me as the piece of fuck-meat you so desperately craved.You two made sweet, passionate love, while we had rough, disrespectful sex.Not that I minded.In many instances, you told me about the bliss of finishing inside her bits....

Love Stories
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Zoeys First Black Cock

Ryan and Zoey recently moved in together. They’ve been dating for the last two years. They want to get married eventually, but thought it would be more cost effective if they lived together first. Zoey was always at Ryan’s apartment anyway, so they found a new apartment and are living there now. Ryan and Zoey have sex every day. Ryan’s sex drive is very strong, and he likes to experiment with Zoey. Ryan bought a book about Kama Sutra positions that he likes to try. Ryan loves to experiment and...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Gracie May Green A Certain Type Of Family Love

Gracie May Green and her stepbrother were sentenced to family therapy by their stepmom. They needed to straighten their relationship out before it really started messing with the vibe in the house. They were both super reluctant, especially when the therapist instructed them to get closer and embrace each other. The therapist then had them get naked and hold each other. There was an odd but satisfying feeling that came along with this. Before long they were fucking and feeling better about each...

4 years ago
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Texas Hill Country

About 6 months after my husband I were married we finally settled into our new house outside of Fort Worth. I was 23 at the time and had already had sex with several people other than my husband. It was starting to become quite a rush to flirt and see who I could attract. The harder the task seemed the more exciting it was to try and succeed. That Fall my brother moved to San Antonio for college, and I told my mom I was going to drive down there on a long weekend to hang out with him. When I...

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Sue trembled. There was someone on top of her, inside of her, having sex with her. Who was it? Who was using her? Her vision was cloudy. She couldn’t see clearly. The face above hers was a blur, but somehow still familiar. She felt as if she should know this person, recognize him. She felt him moving on top of her, felt him moving in and out of her with long, hard strokes. She whimpered. He shouldn’t be doing this. She didn’t want him doing this. Oh God, stop it! Oh God, please stop it! And...

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Gwen Visits The Thaxters

Gwen and Marcie Thaxter had been best friends for as long as the girls could remember. They were nearly the same age — Marcie was five months older — and they lived just a few miles apart on the same lane. For years, they'd explored each other's bodies in childish ways. Pushing, probing, tickling and once even kissing each other's developing breasts. But they'd been too shy to go any further. It was a Tuesday, and Gwen was visiting Marcie for the first time since returning from Gracely...

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Mums The Word

by LubricanChapter OneYou're going to think this is a sad story, because it starts out sad. But don't be sad for long, brothers and sisters, because it ends up pretty okay, at least to me it does. I'm Bobby, by the way, Bobby Henderson. That really doesn't matter to the story, except that it's about me and my mother, Claire Henderson. There are a few other people in it too, but they only matter a little. I'll mention them later.My mom's story starts out like a lot of people hope their adult...

3 years ago
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Mistress of the Wardrobe 9

My Talk With Mr. Blake "Mr. Blake, I hope that you are well and I can count on you as being a friend of mine which I dearly cherish." "Aye M'liddy Allizen, Aye, be yur fren." "Well as a friend of mine you would be concerned if anyone harmed me or threatened me is that not correct?" "Aye Allizen, who be tren-ten ya?" "Well just between you and I Mr. Blake..," I paused and looked around again more for effect, but also to see if there was anyone close enough to hear. "The...

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The DefencemanChapter 16

I woke up Tuesday morning still spooned with Vicky and reached over to shut off the alarm. I was still tired but dragged my ass off to the washroom and had a long shower to try and wake up. I don't know when I finally fell asleep but it was after two in the morning for sure. I finally got out, got dressed and grabbed my books and left for the arena. I wasn't in a good mood when I got there so I kept to myself, got dressed quickly and went out to stretch before the warm-up skate. I took out...

4 years ago
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Hi Tish 2

© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: A gal named Tish succinctly answers a cry for help from a sister t-girl in extremis. Hi Tish FM 2 by Leslie Lowe Hi Tish, I have a friend at work who is a real kidder. One day I walked into his office and said, "I have some good news!" I wanted to tell him about a pat on the back our boss had given me. "You're pregnant?" he said. He was always making gay jokes like that about...

2 years ago
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A story about using the tub faucet to get off on

I woke up very horny. Although I don’t remember it, I must have been having a very sexy dream because as soon as I awoke I felt that familiar throbbing in my pussy. I looked at the clock – 8:20. I could hear my parents getting ready for work and my brothers were heading out the door to go to school. A slight smile came to my face as I realized that I was on vacation and didn’t have to get up at all if I didn’t want to. I was home on mid-semester break from college and I...

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Well, where to begin, I'm 45, a fair bit overweight, married, but my wife and I don't really have sex anymore, so I masturbate a lot, to enhance my pleasure I like to wear women's underwear which excites me even more, I also like to insert things into my anus, basically, my wife goes out, i get the undies on, shove a dildo up my arse and masturbate for a couple of hours to all sorts of porn on the net.Sometimes I look at gay porn, and the thought of a big hard cock in my mouth, or my anus, gets...

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The Days After My Wedding Part 3

The Days After My Wedding (part 3) by Britney Hoglund I went inside after reading the letter. It was 11:00 and Jeff was still sleeping. I took the letter into our computer room where I copied it. Then I returned it to Jeffs flight bag. I put the copy in my purse before sitting on the couch to reflect. I still was in shock and didnt know what to think. A million unanswered questions swirling through me. I couldnt believe Jeff would cheat on me. I always thought he was so in love with me and...

2 years ago
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Fantasy In The Office Part 3

It was the sexiest feeling in the world. Ashleigh, my busty brunette boss, the woman I called my friend for the past eleven months, grinding on my leg whilst kissing me. I could feel her wetness through my stockings. I wasn’t a lesbian, I wasn’t bi, I had been curious but I never thought this would ever happen to me and I fucking loved it. I lost sense of the fact I was being watched, that this was at my work place everything went out the window as soon as Ashleigh moaned into my mouth. It made...

Group Sex
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happy new year momy

It's been three weeks since school ended for the year. I feel good for I did exceptionally well, as my marks will attest. I'm looking forward to high school next September. The thought of high school makes me feel grown up. I've watched high school girls at the malls, and on the street, and they seem to be very mature. I would love to be able to dress as they do; but, I know it's only a dream. Mom doesn't earn that kind of money to indulge me in designer clothing. I've been babysitting since I...

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Gotcha Ch 02

Frank has owned his own architectural business called, Frank & Sense, and has been quite successful for years. But the recent downturn in the housing market has buyers making offers on houses that are already built, since the prices are way below market value and new construction is so costly right now in the area. Two years ago Frank purchased a restored 1967 corvette and financed 75% of the $70K purchase price with the local branch of our bank. The third past due payment has just come due....

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GSP Chapter 713 What Makes a Hero

G.S.P. Chapter 7 What Makes a Hero? Fang moved through the streets in wolf form carefully following the smell that she tracked. The smells of the many humans closeness to her assaulted her from all directions, but she had no problem moving forward. People parted from her presence, startled by her larger than expected size. Possibly there might be trouble if anyone called the police about a large wolf moving freely in the city, but hopefully she had made enough appearances with the super...

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Jons Women

Jon Bungle’s mom called and asked would he return home to live for the next month while his dad was away in Europe on tour as a guest lecturer on the art gallery circuit. ‘Mom no, I’ve comfortable in this apartment with two really nice guys.’ Matilda slipped into aggressive mode. ‘Did I think about my own comfort first after deciding to get pregnant again that led to your arrival, despite the harrowing experience I had in birthing Anna?’ ‘What? That has nothing to do with me living here and...

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