Helpless free porn video

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Stephen sighed as he looked despairingly at the boxes and boxes of markingto do. It was the end of a very long day, and the shadows were already falling.Stephen surveyed the now empty office and it suddenly felt palpably deserted,the only noise that could be heard was the 1960's heating system installedwhich kept the college carefully regulated to ensure its occupants are eitherboiling alive or freezing cold. There was a small knock at the door and Stephenfrowned for a moment; the only people who would knock at the door were studentsbut surely they'd all gone long ago.

He opened the door and was confronted by Susan Williams, a second year shewould be leaving soon to begin her degree at Glasgow. She had a lovely figureand long blond hair. Stephen couldn't help but look stunned when he saw whatshe was wearing. She stood approximately 5'6'' tall, perfectly proportionedwith a very impish face that could be characterized as mischievous.

She was wearing a very short mini dress, the neck was very low cut and clearlyshowed her small but rounded breasts cupped in her black bra. And to finishthe whole west end hooker look a pair of bright red knee length boot with spikedhigh heels. In truth Stephen's knees were weak just looking at her.

"What can I do for you Susan; You're here rather late aren't you" said Stephenrallying a little with some formality .. "Yes I've been working on some homeworkthat's overdue. Its for you actually, and it has to be in by tomorrow. I reallyneed a distinction on this and you're the only person left who can help me." SaidSusan theatrically pouting, smiling and batting her eyelids.

"Sure come in, I'm sure it wont take long." Susan came through the door closingit after herself and walked over to his desk . She stood beside Stephen ashe sat at his desk loading her disk, she had taken out of her bag, onto hisPC. He was suddenly very aware of those damned boots right by his face, hecould see the rise and fall of her upper thigh before her modesty was somewhatbelatedly covered by the very short dress. To make matters worse she was wearinga scent that surrounded her in fresh smelling loveliness.

Stephen was reeling, overcome with waves of sheer lust that screamed to everyfiber of his being. At the same time he was filled with shame and horror athis reaction. He made a Herculean effort to ask what the problem was, althoughhe was clearly shaken. Susan leaned in closer to point out the problem andfleetingly just for a moment he could clearly see down her top. Two beautifullypert breasts cupped in a black lacy bra standing right over him. Her scentwas overpowering, Stephen couldn't be sure but just for a split second as sheleant in she held his eye and he felt a spasm of wild excitement.

Stephen hastily drew a seat to the desk for her to sit in and was suddenlyvery aware that he was alone with a sexually provocative 19 year old girl andhe was getting increasingly worried that he couldn't trust himself. Susan shiftedposition slightly in her chair causing her skirt to ride up slightly. Stephenwas utterly mesmerized, to his horror he felt an irrection swelling his alreadytight trousers.

Susan glanced across and gave a sly grin that slowly spread from ear to ear.She leaned back in the chair, tipping the front legs slightly and placed abooted foot against the edge of the desk. Only centimeters away from his bynow rock hard cock, clearly outlined on his trousers.

Stephen blushed furiously, he felt so embarrassed. Sensing this Susan movedthe pointed toe of the boot in slow, small circle. Her stiletto heel makinglarger circles near his swollen cock. "Do you like my boots sir,?" she askedsoftly but her voice carried a confidence that worried Stephen. It was likeshe could read every thought in his head. "Yes they are very nice' he stammered.As he looked down at her he became aware that her raised leg showed a verysimple, nicely cut pair of white cotton knickers, with her crotch in full view.

Susan looked him deeply in the eye and keeping her eyes fixed on Stephensall of the time as she swiveled the chairs to face each other. " I think theyare fucking beautiful don't you sir?" As she spoke she lay back in her chairand carefully placed each foot on either side of him. With her legs wide open,Stephen just couldn't seem to be able to move. "Do you like me sir?" she askedstill looking in his eyes. "I've seen you looking, nothing to obvious though".She reached across and picked up one of Stevens hands, and gently rubbed hishand over the swell of her vulva and then down to her cunt lips just beneaththe cotton. "You must stop this Susan, this could ruin my career.." but hewasn't resisting her. His hand gently tracked over her thighs and on to herboots.

Stephen felt utterly powerless to resist but felt deeply ashamed of whathe was contemplating. At the same time he felt utterly entranced and helpless.'Do you want to fuck me Stephen' she asked playfully. Stephens mind raced hisheart was slamming into his chest, finally looking down he murmured "yes Ido"…… He was aroused like he had never felt before. "I didn'thear you Stephen" she said with a powerful edge to her voice. "Yes, yes I doSusan, god help me, yes I do."

If you want me, there is only one rule and that is: Whatever I say. I amin charge, always without question or you will regretit." Stephen felt an involuntary shiver run from his head to his toes. "Youmay have heard of the stop word in situations like this, so the slave, that'syou, can, let me know when he wants to stop. I have a slightly different approachto this; all you have to say is 'I want out' three times in a row. If you dothat and spoil my fun then I am going to scream rape so loud you will neverwork in teaching again. I have also arranged for several friends to claim thatyou molested them as well. This is no idle threat….we already have acouple of scalps on that front".

At this point Stephen was terrified but his hard on was as big as ever andall he knew was that he wanted to surrender himself to her. He felt an overwhelmingfeeling of utter subservience. "Are we agreed, she asked playfully raisingthe pointed toe of her boot so that it was just touching his lips. The smellof PVC was overwhelming as he breathed in great lungfuls. 'Yes' he gasped.Susan looked him up and down. "You will always refer to me as Miss Susan. Andyou will not speak until I give you permission".

Miss Susan stood up next to him. Stephen couldn't believe how out of controlhe was, how had this happened so quickly? "Now I'll keep this simple so evenyou can understand. Go to the door and lock it", after he complied he stoodin front of her, his head bowed looking at the spike heels of her boots. "Nowstrip", Stephen was shocked but he knew the penalties if he didn't comply.Slowly he removed items of clothing and laid them on the floor. 'Quickly" MissSusan said silkily. Stephen was terrified someone would see, until he stoodnaked in front of her. Covering his rather painful irrection with his cuppedhands. "Stand up straight, head back hands at your sides. 'DO NOT FUCKING MOVE,do you understand me?'. As Stephen complied she stood up and slowly walkedround him. "Go and stand over by the door'. Steven felt a stab of real fear… "butsomeone will see!" gasped Stephen.

Susan took a deep breath and screamed "RAPE" at the top of her voice. Stephenran over to the door and tried to stand up straight. "You never ever arguewith me or ask questions you filthy fucking man". Stephen was stunned at thefury and suppressed power of her voice. Her voice suddenly changed to softlymocking. "What would you students think if they could see you like this, haven'tyou any shame " she pouted. "Turn and face the wall" she said softly. " Placeyour arms far apart and move them down the wall so that you have assumed theposition.".

She stepped up behind him and kicked his legs apart painfully. She then pushedher groin against his arse and with her right hand she grabbed a handful ofhair and dragged his head back painfully so that it was only millimeters fromhers. Softly she kissed his cheek. Stephens legs were trembling markedly ashe struggled to maintain his balance. Susan had by now moved to his ear blowingsoftly. Softly brushing the lobe of his ear with her full lips.

Stephen groaned, "Please Miss Susan," he whimpered. Susan reached round andwrapped her long elegant hands around his uncircumcised cock. Slowly, agonizinglyslowly Miss Susan pulled his foreskin back. "You are a dirty little slut areyou not slave" she whispered in his ear.

The sensations wracking Stephens senses only allowed him to whimper "yesMiss Susan…". Slowly the pressure on the foreskin increased until itwas on the very edge of pain. "I can make all your filthy disgusting dreamscome true slut" she whispered in his ear. Slowly her hand was gently easingoff and easing on the pressure. The sensation was exquisite. You're mine now Sir ,and you will quickly learn that I can bring you infinite pleasure, as she saidthis her hand movements became more definite I only ask for your total subservienceno matter what I choose to do to you."

She continued to slowly move her hand on his cock, Stephen found that hewas whimpering. "Please, Jesus, please" he whined, he was almost crying withthe frustration of release.

Suddenly she stopped and stepped back, Stephen almost howled in frustration.He sank to his knees with his head down. "While you're down there I think youneed to get better acquainted with my boots." The shock of his frustrationflooded through Stephen the reality of the situation really hit home and hewas suddenly very scared.

"Look" said Steven "perhaps this is a bad idea", he stepped back slightlyand started to stand. Susan suddenly grabbed his hair and dragged him forward,quickly unlocking and opening the door. To his utter horror he found himselfnaked in a brightly lit college corridor and he knew that there were occasionalnight school students. He heard the key turn in the lock, now he was seriouslyshitting himself.

"Susan!" he hissed through the door, please Christ let me in, I'll lose everythingplease. "Fuck off slut!" shouted Susan, through the door. "Please I'll do anything…MissSusan, ANYTHING". "Get on your hands and fucking knees and beg me like thelittle fucking slut you are.". By now Stephen was in no mood to argue, he immediatelysank to his knees and pleaded with her to let him in.

The door suddenly opened and he fell gratefully inside. The door slammedbehind him and Susan stood above him with her arms folded, looking down athim. Seeing her stand above him enveloped him with lust that rode on wavesof relief at getting back in the office.

Without a word Susan stepped over him with a foot either of his shoulder.Steven stared at her; he was able to clearly see the white cotton panties.Looking down at him locking her eyes on his she slowly started to lift thetiny mini dress. She was utterly magnificent, slowly she bent her knees andlowered herself so that she was sitting with all her weight on his chest. Sheleaned forward, her spiked heels on each side of his face and locked eyes withDavid. She spat in his face, "Listen to me sir ,we've wasted too much time already; you are already in too deep. You will loseyour job, you will be a social pariah, you will lose everything. So lose thefucking attitude, it is fucking obvious that you are totally horny for me,she widened her legs slightly and gently circled her clit with her index finger

He could smell her panties they had been washed using some sort of fabricsoftener and he could clearly smell them. Her panties had been pulled taughtso that her cunt lips were clearly outlined, "you will lie and not move, keepabsolutely still no matter what.". She shifted her weight forward and sat herarse hard into his face, she was putting all her weight on is face as she groundher finger over her clit.

She ground her arse into his face as she bucked against her finger, David'swhole world consisted of her cotton clad arse grinding painfully into his face. "Lickmy arse little doggie she laughed. Sniff my arse, I want to here you breathingmy arse you dirty fucking slut. Push your face against my fucking arse youworthless piece of shit… Stephen pushed his face into the crack of herarse mashing his skin into the cotton filled peachy pert young arse.

Miss Susan came suddenly and violently she let out a long slow groan andsprayed her cunt juices all over the knickers which were now sodden. Standingup again she ordered him to get on his hands and knees. "Ahhhhhh that was nice,you really do make a rather nice pet" she laughed nastily. "I think I'll callyou SlutBitch, this is your name until I tell you otherwise. But every doggieneeds a nice collar and lead" Ms Simon reached into her bag and removed a dogcollar and a leash.

She walked in front of Stephen and fitted the collar around his neck, attachingthe lead to the collar she stood and began walking to the door. She tuggedthe lead "you deserve a little walkie for being such a good SlutBitch." Stephenwas utterly helpless, even though he was afraid of the possibility of gettingcaught in the corridor he was utterly powerless to oppose her. He crawled numblyafter her outside of the door. It was now at least 9:30pm and the college wasdeserted. Obviously they had been missed and now all but a few staff had gonehome.

Keep up Ms Susan hissed, giving a huge tug on the lead. She led him unerringlythrough the empty corridors. Stephen prayed that they would not meet anyone.Indeed he was so preoccupied with the possibility that he completely forgotto take note of where he was going. Ms Susan stopped outside a door. Stephenlooked up and saw the large sign on the door that had the word "Principle" stencelledon it. "Oh shit, he thought." Come on don't dawdle she kicked his arse painfully.Stephen found himself in the principles plush and comfortable office.

She walked across the room, sat back in the principles chair and crossedone leg over her knee, Her leg swung lazily as she lay back. You really arelike a doggie slutbitch, and you know what dogs do with peoples legs….Iwant you to dry fuck my boot, she moved her boot toe around in sensual circles.Come on slut, Stephen crawled across the room his head hanging. Put your armsaround my waist, and wank yourself until you come on my nice shiny boots.

Stephen melted into her soft scented lap and clambered his leg over awkwardly,suddenly he felt the tip of her boot moving around his arse. His cock was pressedhard against the students PVC clad shin. Slowly he began to dry fuck the boot.Good boy, my, my Sir , you do look a picture.Tell me you love it slut – punctuating her words with movements of hertoes. "I love dry fucking your boot Miss Susan" gasped Stephen.

All the time he is desperately trying to come. He hears a click and lookedup, Ms Susan had just turned off a small sleek Dictaphone. "More grist forthe mill slut" she laughed.

Stephen could last no longer, he came in endless explosive waves. He archedhis back and still he pumped his cock wildly. Wave after wave of pleasure ashis cock jerked again and again. He came all over the floor, more cum thanhe would have believed possible.

Stephen slumped to the floor, still reeling from the pleasure; he lay inan exhausted state eyes staring at the beautiful young woman standing overhim. 'That will do for now Stephen I'll see you in class tomorrow.' She smiledwickedly, one more thing before you go she said and sat on his face hard..

She leaned forwards grabbed his hair and pulled his face into her white cottonknickers. Mashing the soft cotton covering her cunt lips onto his mouth. 'Thisis for you" she gasped and started pissing heavily. "Swallow it, she shoutedpulling hard on his hair, drink your students piss like a good little boy.Each word was punctuated as she gyrated her hips. The piss covered his faceand ran down his throat as he gulped down the salty yellow liquid. Ms Susanrepeatedly rammed her piss soaked knickers into his face."

Slowly she rose and looked down at her teacher. She deftly removed her nowsodden knickers, screwed them up into a ball and pushed them gently into Stephensopen mouth.

Its going to be an interesting term sir She giggledsmiling wickedly at him. She walked confidently out of the door leaving thedoor wide open through which could be seen a piss soaked figure lying in apool of his own semen wondering how the hell this had happened.

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The blizzard of white flakes kept coming in a staccato stream of flurries so thick the young girl on the balcony could barely make out the quaint town nestled below. Her almost dainty smile made it clear she didn’t mind. Affter all, the storm proved she had accomplished at least part of her mission. With one last quick glance at her map to make sure everything was sill on course, she looked over at the young couple energetically triggering all those flurries, and her smile seemed to broaden.# #...

2 years ago
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Rani Apnee Ghar Mee Hee Chud Gayee

By : Suck Hot1 Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha Rani Agarwal ab aagee kee story Rani kee sexy aur metthe shabdo mee Mee Rani Kanpur se huu. Pahlee mee apnee friend’ ko ek chhotee se request haa aur mujhee puraa yakeen haa kee hott and horny readers mere is request koo amal...

1 year ago
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I've done this only a couple times thus far - cut off all of the downstairs lights, crept up the steps, not all the way. Settling down, with two more steps to go from the landing. I look through the gaps in the railings to see my black nineteen year old nephew and his white twenty-one year old girlfriend hookin' up, sum-thin' fierce! He's a slender six foot, she's a thin five three blond. I'm extra quiet from my years as a youth (before prison) be continued.

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Four brothers father give mother a gangbang

My name is Ken and I'm a successful businessman living with my wife in New England. Every year on my mother's birthday, I make a pilgrimage home to join my father and brothers in giving her a very special birthday present. My wife and mother had never taken to each other, so, as always, my wife did not ask to go along. She did not know about my special relationship with my mother.As I left the heavy city traffic behind, my mind wandered and I began reminiscing about the first time I contributed...

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New Age CrazedChapter 5

The subject in the state of hypnosis is a tabla rasa, a pure slate open to achieving perfect suggestibility enabling a perfection of purpose, untainted by the imperfections learned and trained by a purposeless life and schooling. --from the thesis "The Psychopathology of Radical Thought Metamorphosis: Processes in Mind Transformation" by Deidre Haas I know it's a cliché to awaken and be completely confused by where you are, particularly if it's somewhere you have never been before. But...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVI

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXVI- Jezebel is sissynapped, a fairly common and often light hearted tradition in the Matriarchy, but this 'napping' takes a serious turn. My wrists are tied behind my back and I am led away. I am picked up and go over someone's shoulder, as I am taken down steps to the parking lot. I grunt with each step. Of course I don't resist, sissy-napping is pretty common. It is the moral equivalent of driving ten miles over the speed limit. I've been...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Tera Ryzen

Your name is Ana Heathen, better known around your clan as Tera Ryzen due to your enormous height of 6 foot 9 inches, brick house muscular stature and your ferocity in combat. You wake up with you lover Dominic better known as Thunder Clap, a barrel of a man not as tall as you, only about 6 foot 4 inches but very powerful man who’s steps echo like thunder in a valley, also named that as tribute to the clan his mother descends from who worshiped a storm god while your clan worships the Earth...

4 years ago
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State Secret of Sexy Sue

Sexy Sue, does she look too good to be true?Sexy Sue is incredibly pretty. The blonde beauty's boobs first thing which puzzled me.Too good to be real, was my first idea. I looked through all her galleries with photos.Puzzled by her lovely looks is only the sweet start of my bewilderment and seduction.I was amazed by her profile stating she works at high level at the Interior Ministry.I know that everyone with a public job only publishes photos of private parts, no facesI know pilots on long...

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Cam Girl Humiliation

The advent of erotic cams is one of the great things about our dear internet. Professionals and amateurs, all regular real people, are on every night to chat and tantalize viewers all over the world. So of course, the clothes come off and things get naughty. The girls get paid and go back to their normal life until they come on again....But what would happen if that weren't the end? What if, one day, some sweet cam girl turned off the camera, grabbed her bra...... and couldn't put it on! or...

3 years ago
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Terris Cherry

I first saw her at a local dirt race track. The track was located on the southern edge of a southwestern desert city. It was a hot Friday night in July of 1977. Earlier in the evening my car had suffered mechanical troubles so, I was out of the show for the night. Instead of racing, I was wandering around the pit area socializing with my friends and competitors. One of those friends pointed out a young lady hanging out in a pit several slots down from my disabled car. She was with one of the...

1 year ago
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Black girl fucking part 1

Please take it easy this is my first ever story. I must say this is not a true story this has never happend to me or anyone I know. I have not used anyone elses story just my own imagination. If people like this part I will continue to write the rest and then publish that. Thanks for looking.I have always had a thing for fat arses and until I watched some ebony I never thought about pounding a black girl. They have the juiciest arses big and round just the way I like it. There was a new girl in...

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Baking Danish

I made my way through the throng of people in the ballroom of City hall. My bladder was at bursting point and was getting painful. On finding the restrooms I entered the one marked gentlemen. A low whistle escaped my lips. ‘So this is how my taxes are spent,’ I thought as I marveled at the plush décor. Standing there, I was conscious this room wasn’t the only thing of ornate beauty that had caught my eye this evening. Mrs Davidson, my boss’s wife had also grabbed my attention. She was...

4 years ago
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first time camping

this is not real just thought i would try itso me and my friend zack went camping one weekend. Zack is a little chubby with glasses and i am average build with a 6 inch cock. we had good day doing random activities around the camp and decide to go to bed so we both get into a sleeping bags nd try to for some reason i had a real urge to touch him so i rolled onto my side and threw an arm over him. he told me to move and i said that i was too tired to move my arm why dont you move it....

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Linda and Jon

One summer year, my wife’s step brother needed a place to live for a bit till he got back on his feet. Linda said Jon could stay with us till then. Jon was a few years younger than Linda. Linda is 30 and Jon is 28 years old. Linda’s mom and Jon’s dad been married for almost 15 years. Jon got laid off from his job and had trouble looking for a new one. He told me he lost his job and his girlfriend broke up with him. Jon stayed in the spare bedroom room which was right next to our bedroom. We had...

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Stunning Gujarati Office Colleague Pt 3 Suprise Threesome

Hi guys, welcome back. I am Nikhil from Gujarat. I am 30 years old, wheatish in color and 5’11” tall. For people who don’t know me, I am an Engineer. This is the continuation of my previous story. Those who have not read the previous part, please read and come back to read this part for better understanding. Vaishali and I knew that it was like our honeymoon trip as we were fucking like rabbits with a lot of passion and lust. On the other hand, I had no idea what my intern Jignesh was up to....

3 years ago
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6 Stages of Guilt

It's not that I didn't know stuff. I'm pretty knowledgeable about parenting and things that kids have to learn as they grow up. But knowing everything is one thing. Explaining it to a child...especially your own child, is not all that easy. Throw in that, being a child, she has no idea what your talking about, it's like first contact with an extraterrestrial. Anyway, it's been Jessie and me for the last couple years. When she was ten, her mom left. Didn't say anything, just packed a...

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Mr Janes Chapter 2

She laid back own, sliding her panties down and off and rubbing her clit. She lost herself, fingers sliding in and out of her well-fucked cunt, toying with her clit using her thumb. The sound of her phone vibrating broke her concentration. Relunctantly, she grabbed it and saw a text from a number not in her phonebook. 'Have fun?' She had a pretty good idea of who it was. She smiled and texted back. 'Mmm yes. Still am..." She reached back to her pussy and her phone vibrated...

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The Magic WandChapter 14

He gave her his jacket because she was wearing only what she’d been transported to the hospital in and his car hadn’t warmed up on the short drive from school. It was only fifteen or so blocks to her house, and he put up with the chill. When they got to her house she said, “I’m going to take a shower,” and disappeared into the hallway that led to her bedroom. Bobby sat down. There was a big book on her coffee table that had hundreds of photographs in it. The theme of the book was natural...

2 years ago
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The end to our wild weekend

Sunday morning saw us checking out of the hotel at the last possible minute. We all had been rather bad the night before and slept in as long as possible. Plus we all wanted to shower and clean off the smell of other woman before we went back to our girls if you catch my drift. I met Bill and Jason as they checked out and as I finished settling up my bill Rick walked out of the elevator and to the counter looking a bit more than content as he threw me a wink.After a light breakfast at the...

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Exposing Cindy educating our youth Chapter 6

Chapter 6 My voyeur husband watches me  As Jim and I laid together in our bed following our wonderful love making session, Jim said, “Bunny, I want to watch him fuck you.’   (Bunny is one of Jim’s favorite pet names for me.) “I don’t know. I think that might freak Stephen out if he knew that you knew about this. Also, I can use the fact that we can’t let you find out about our little tryst as a way to keep some level of control over this wild situation,” I responded. Up till this point, I had...

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Dear DiaryChapter 3

I awoke the next morning feeling pretty good. I took care of my morning business, checked my sugar and took my medication. I then asked if Joy would like to share some of the bird that I had left. "My people don't eat much meat, but I will share with you. I have prepared some food that you might like also," Joy invited. Joy had fixed some food that was like cream of wheat or grits. It tasted fine and we had a pleasant breakfast. We walked outside and talked about small things around the...

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An unwanted affair 3

I entered my bedroom and rushed to the bathroom. Quickly, I undressed by removing my kurta and bra. I started the shower and stood underneath, letting the shower’s cold water pour over my heated body. I could feel my father-in-law’s cum rinsing off my thighs with the water. I realized that my body was still trembling. In a matter of minutes, my whole world had changed. I had been forced by my husband’s father. I didn’t know how I would face Adeel tonight. What would I tell him? Could I tell him...

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My Office SlutChapter 4

Marcy was quiet in the taxi cab, she just hugged my arm tightly to her. She whispered "What a night." Once we were in her room, she quickly shed her clothes. She left the dog collar on. I went to the wash room, and when I returned she had the leash in her hand. She turned to me, naked except for the collar, and handing me the leash, said "Put it on me." I did, and then she said "Now, do like Karen said, run it back between your legs, and then pull me down." I just looked at...

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Una combattente troppo abile

Gaia è una ragazzina di sedici anni biondina, con gli occhi azzurri, un fisico proporzionato e nella media e molto carina. La sua bellezza è pulita, senza il minimo accenno di volgarità. Nonostante la sua giovane età ha un sacco di pretendenti ai suoi piedi. La ragazza si allena in una palestra di sole donne nella quale non valorizzano le sue capacità: è una combattente formidabile per la sua età, ma non le permettono di partecipare alle gare; in realtà molte si sono accorte delle sue capacità...

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Shellys Enslavement Begins

Story Thesis: Shelly Summers will be speaking with her online Master. When he suggests a meeting. She will go thinking it will be a night of loving and kink. After this night as his slave nothing else will ever be the same again. Who would have thought life can change so rapidly. Up to a few months ago I was your average closet case. Dressing to go to the clubs or a late night excursion to a local store for some late night fun. Well that all ended when I started...

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finding out i was gay

the first time I knew I was Gayi was seeing a girl for nearly a year and one day out of the blue she asked me to watch some gay porn i said "no way i'm not gay and and don't fancy guys . anyway after a couple of hours of nagging i finely give in and watched the porn with her.after the first 2o min i felt realy turned on so much we started having sex there and then the whole way through i could'nt stop thinking about all the men fucking and getting fucked .later that night i lay in bed and...

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Seducing Louisa

Louisa turned around and looked into the deepest brown eyes she’d ever seen. Slowly she became aware of the fact that they belonged to a tall man on the other side of the counter. He was leaning against the counter, with a smile on his face. His hair was almost black and cut very short, and despite the early hour he had a five o’clock shadow on his face. He was wearing a long black winter coat and underneath it she could spot a black jumper with a V-neck that exposed some of his black chest...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 32

... Ten minutes later, "Medic! Medic!" Carter's voice came over the radio. "Ingles isn't breathing." Fisher's head snapped up from what she was doing. Turning, she met Jeff's eyes from halfway across the lab. He stared back at her. She had wondered when Jeff and Bill left together so ... casually. Now she suddenly knew. She had no idea how they had done it, but she knew they had. The stare had lasted for three or four seconds when a smile twitched the corner of her mouth. She went...

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