Helen… Ch. 17 free porn video

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Greta was not the domineering type she said she was. Infact quite the opposite. Harry thrusted into her with long gentle strokes. Greta felt every push deep into her, stimulating those vital parts that made her climax almost instantly. She was a noisy love maker and her moans and constant screams begging him not to stop just made Harry more excited. ‘Oh fuck, faster, faster, faster’ she begged and so Harry obliged. To Greta it was one of the most amazing fucks she had had for a long time.

‘Fuck babe. You must be desperate.’ Harry said, almost out of breath, holding back his orgasm as best he could. He stopped and moved down to Greta’s sex to lick her gently. Her taste was exquisite, she had cum. Not the gushing type, but the thick creamy cum and lots of it. He concentrated on her clitoris, keeping her orgasm flowing high. And flow it did. He began to taste her love juices and they were plentiful as he reached up to grip her ample breast. Greta screamed out, gripping the bed posts with clenched hands.

Greta wanted her orgasm to last forever. It had been so long ago and no toy or wild finger masturbation could achieve the feeling of ecstasy Harry was giving him. His act of oral sex was better than his straight forward fucking. And then better still, he brought his fingers into play as he continued teasing her clitoris with his slick tongue. She began to realise she was right. This handsome brute could deliver what she wanted.

Helen of course had her concerns. She wondered how faithful Harry was. Not that it bothered her too much yet, but cumming inside of her at her most fertile period of the month made her worry. Sex without protection and coitus interuptus had failed them both. And Jack could see there was more trouble on her mind. ‘Every time I return to England you seem so bothered about something.’ He commented as they began dinner at Jack’s favourite restaurant. ‘Is this playmate Harry giving you trouble? You should never get deeply involved.’

‘And how deeply involved are you Jack, with your playmates? You never talk about them or how many you are fucking while you are away.’ Her question had a hint of annoyance. It was so right. Jack never revealed anything.

‘To be honest, I have only one. And he is very faithful to my needs while I’m away.’

‘He? A man?’ she queried.

‘Yes, a young man. Old enough. We have been friends and playmates for a while. He is very effeminate. You are now the only woman in my life that I love. He is nothing but a friend. Just sex. And I get the best of both sexes with him.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘He is a transsexual. A chick with a dick I think you call them in English?’ Jack was so matter of fact about his revelation, as if it was alright to be straight forward, but Helen was deeply shocked. A transsexual was yet another aspect of her lack of understanding. She could now accept his bi-sexual behaviour, but both sexes in one person were a concept she understood, but did not totally accept. She saw them as freaks. ‘He insists that I call him a she. I don’t even know his birth name, just Kristina,’ Jack explained. ‘I met her a long time ago. She is so beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.’ Jack put his hand on Helens hand across the table. She wrenched it away quickly.

‘I can’t believe I’m in love with you.’ She said. Jack noticed her expression. Maybe he was revealing too much of his private life away, yet it was part of their agreement. Helen had never asked for details until now. ‘Why are you like this?’

‘I don’t understand? I love you too,’ Jack replied. ‘One day we will marry and have children. Live in Paris, or wherever we both decide. Are my sexual preferences so bad?’ Helen stood away from the table, throwing her napkin at Jack before walking away. He called her back, but she ignored him, making him dash after her. He took her arm and gently turned her to look into her tearful eyes. ‘Why are you reacting like this?’ he asked.

‘First I get to know you had shared David and Jayne. And now you tell me you are seeing a woman who is really a man. Jack, what are you? I love the man that I always believed you were. A real man with straight forward manly thoughts. Now I’m discovering who you really are and what you are.’

‘Then what am I Helen Tell me?’

‘You are not the man I always thought you were. I love you still, but I can’t grasp your…your…’

‘A freak? Go ahead, say it. I am a freak because I am open about sex and allow the freedom to exist between us. Everyone is not the same. Each and every one of us is different in the way we think, act and like and dislike. That should not affect the way that we love each other. Why are you running away Helen? Running away from the truth?’

She listened to him. He was right in every sense of the word. Suddenly she realised that Jack was not the person she wanted to settle down with, allowing his ideas of sexual freedom to play a part in her married life with him. The marriage she had in mind was what she saw as normal. Two professional people living together, comfortably raising their children without the abnormalities of one parent being strange in their lifestyle and habits. Besides, he was also too mature and set in his ways. Maybe too old to be an agile parent as their children grow up. She needed someone younger. Her and Jack living together was just a teenage fantasy and now was the time to account for reality.

Of course she loved Jack as visa versa. He was the most handsome man she had met already with a kindness and respect for her. Yet was he as good as Harry? Would Harry make the ideal partner she was seeking? He was handsome, but not as beautiful as Jack in looks. That again was something she had placed first above someone like Harry. Or, maybe she needed to wait longer for that certain person she sought?

She took a deep breath as Jack waited for an answer. ‘I’m leaving you Jack.’ His pallor turned grey instantly with shock. He was not expecting her reply to be so straight and honest. ‘I’ll look for somewhere to live. I’m sorry.’

‘Wait! Wait!’ Jack cried out, but it was no good. He could not reply. There was nothing he could say other than defend himself and his lifestyle habits. It was obvious that she rejected them and that was her honest thoughts. If he had hidden his secrets anyway, they would be revealed one day too late.

Back at Harry’s apartment the wild sex continued. Greta’s domineering side emerged as if from nowhere as she rode him cowgirl style. It was clear to Harry that she was hungry for sex. He held her buttocks as she pounded down onto his proud cock, soaking it with her love juices and now making it less tight than when they began.

Greta needed it. She was desperate and after seeing his manhood for the first time in her disguised play days ago, she knew it was what she wanted. In her mind it was just right and those passing hours of fantasising were really happening. Her libido was high and she loved every feel and orgasmic climax he provided her with. However, Jack obliged by holding back as long as he could. The sight of her ample firm breasts moving with every thrust and her gorgeous face in ecstatic pleasure was too much. ‘Get off Greta quick…’ he managed to urge in almost a whisper. ‘I’m going to cum…Now.’

Greta dismounted and held his manhood in her hand as he released his streams of cum, shooting it all over her breasts. Greta was ecstatic as she began to calm down. Already she was numb with the constant trembling of her multiple orgasms. She lay beside him, catching her breath.

‘Fuck that was wonderful.’ Harry managed to comment. ‘You are one hell of a girl. I’ve never met anyone who could fuck like that.’

‘I did warn you I was desperate.’ She turned to snuggle up to him as he began to regain his senses. The unexpected happened. This young cop was certainly after him in two ways and he could only oblige in one. ‘Did that help you to remember, like you said it would?’ Infact, the oppo
site. Harry knew he had to be cautious of what he said, but at that moment in time he had forgotten the questioning. Has she snuggled up to him he suddenly realised that she had compromised herself.

Having sex with him was taboo. He was a witness and suspect and she had made that mistake. Yet there were no witnesses to prove what just happened. His word against hers. She could even say he raped her or something stupid like that.

They both shared the shower together as the door chime rang. ‘I think you have visitors.’ Harry said, running his fingers through his hair, washing the evidence of sex away. Greta looked surprised, grabbing the bathrobe and warning him to be quiet. She dried her hair quickly as she made her way to the apartment door.

Helen was leaning against the outer door frame. The tears had made her mascara run like stripes of black ink down her face. ‘Yes? Can I help you?’ Greta asked. Helen pushed her way past.

‘I’m looking for Harry. I know he’s here. I need to speak to him.’ She took her purse from her shoulder and threw it onto a vacant armchair. Greta looked at her with astonishment of her intrusion. Helen stared back, arms folded. ‘Well? Where is he?’

‘Excuse me, but I don’t even know you,’ Greta replied. ‘You just entered my home uninvited. I could arrest you for that.’

‘Oh I see. So you must be the gangster’s moll he mentioned. Arresting me is a bit out of place don’t you think?’ Helen replied avidly. ‘And I suppose you seduced him too?’

‘What? Hold on miss…’

‘Where is he? I know he’s here, ok?’

Harry entered the lounge with a white towel around his waist and his hands raised. ‘Ok ladies, let’s not argue or even go there.’ Helen noticed right away. The other woman in a bathrobe and Harry still wet wearing a towel. It was obvious they had taken a shower together after some really messy sex. Harry introduced them. ‘This is Greta by the way. She’s not a gangster’s moll, she’s a cop. And Greta meet Helen, a friend of mine.’

‘A friend?’ Helen replied. She was annoyed. ‘So I’m just your friend? Not lover or playmate anymore?’

‘Well, all three babe. I was being polite.’

Helen looked at Greta, now beginning to back off her defensive guard. ‘And you are a police officer?’ Helen pointed. ‘May I ask something officer?’

‘Go ahead if you must.’ Greta replied.

‘Are you fucking my playmate lover? Be honest.’ Helen’s question was direct and with a bitchy attitude that Harry had never seen before. He scratched his head in frustration, thinking about what was coming next.

‘No,’ Greta replied. ‘We were just…’

‘Look, if the truth be known, I fucked Greta. I seduced her ok?’ Harry explained. ‘She just needed some loving. It was personal, not professional on Greta’s behalf. That is what happened.’

‘So you’re the tenant ripping my boyfriend off?’ Helen asked. ‘A police officer, who should know better. Well I think you’re about to be evicted soon, so be prepared to find somewhere else, because I’m moving in with him.’ Helen pointed directly at Harry.

‘You’re what?’ He asked, totally surprised. Helens eyes kept their focus on Greta. ‘When did you decide this? Things are a bit complicated…’

‘I’m prepared to move out,’ Greta said. ‘That’s no problem. Infact I can move out right now if you don’t mind being kept under house arrest. Your lover boy is a suspect in a murder case.’

Helen turned to Harry. ‘Is that true? Are you? Is it because of Hoffman?’

‘Ah, so you also know of this Hoffman?’ Greta asked. ‘That’s interesting because now we are starting to get some answers. Helen, would you care to answer a few questions please?’

Harry did not want Greta to know that Helen knew. It was too late. Helen was going to tell the whole thing in detail as he told her. And the truth about him agreeing to kill the O’Grady bunch with Hoffman will most probably land him inside for a stretch. Something that he was trying to avoid again and again no matter what.

The three eventually sat down to talk. Greta informed Helen of the situation. That Saskia was most likely murdered in the apartment by a serial killer that was teasing the police with bits of information. And that Hoffman was an unknown person without any official identification. Helen listened intently as Harry watched on nervously, hoping that she would not say anything to compromise him.

‘Well, all I know is,’ Helen began to explain. ‘That this Hoffman fellow, a pretty weird stranger from what I gathered, gave this apartment to Harry and Saskia, including the deeds. Then next I heard that Harry was taken hostage by someone for no reason at all. When he came back to the apartment it was stripped of everything and Saskia was missing. Then of course this stranger, Hoffman was killed by someone soon after.’

‘Umm, that seems to match everything we know so far. The forensics can’t prove that Harry did kill Saskia.’ Greta replied. ‘But, two things we need to know. Where is Saskia’s body and who actually killed Hoffman. Oh and a third thing also.’ Greta looked at Harry. ‘Who mugged you and took you hostage?’

Helen knew the answer, but she decided to keep that safely in the back of her mind.

‘I’m going to show you a photograph Helen. It isn’t pleasant.’ Greta handed the enlarged mobile phone picture of Saskia, tied up with a bullet hole in her forehead. Helen cringed. She had seen it before on Harry’s phone, but still remained oblivious of the fact. ‘Can you identify that person?’

‘No. It’s horrid. Who is it?’

‘It’s Saskia. I take it you two never met?’

‘Harry never introduced me to her. All I know is that she moved in here with him.’

‘Ok, then I’ll be honest with both of you,’ Greta began to explain. ‘The photograph doesn’t give much detail of the location and like I said, forensics can’t find anything here in this apartment that point clearly to it being the place of murder. And another thing, Saskia’s remains need to be found.’

‘So what are you saying?’ Harry asked. Greta thought hard before answering. There were real facts and a personal fear that Harry might mention the sexual event they had.

‘We can’t make a house arrest. I was not being honest about that. Infact, there is very little we can do until more information emerges.’ Greta looked at them both. ‘I am moving out. My surveillance can be done elsewhere.’ She stood up and hung her purse on her shoulder. ‘If you two think of anything else that might help, please get in touch with me.’

They both watched her leave quietly and unexpectedly. Harry could not help but take one last glance of Greta’s sexy body from behind. When the door closed he gasped a sigh of relief. Helen had surely saved his day. ‘Thanks babe.’ He said with relief, but Helen was far from being happy.

‘So you seduced her did you? Fell for your charms I suppose?’

Harry lit a welcoming cigarette to calm himself. ‘Look, you saw her. You know me babe. How could I resist? She’s too fit to be a cop. A fucking waste if you ask me.’ He began to play for sympathy and she knew him too well. ‘Thanks anyway. You saved my bacon.’

‘Was she good?’

‘Eh? You mean the sex?’

‘Yes, was she as good as she looks?’

‘Nah, complete disappointment. Made a mess of the bed. Needs sorting out.’

Helen saw the funnier side of things and in her own mind she was prepared to forgive him, atleast for now. She needed somewhere to stay and the only place would be with Harry in his apartment, even though there was a huge mystery hanging over it thanks to Gerry Hoffman, the contract killer with no identity. And, she needed to more. And she also had to explain why she left Jack, for good.

Harry supported her reasons. His angle to the explanation focused more on the risk of AIDs or HIV and he insisted that Helen take tests just in case she was infected. Helen agreed but insisted that Jack was always cautious and would not take chances. Then
they discussed Greta and how the situation leads to Harry fucking her. She was impressed by the way Greta had seduced him. The blow job seemed a good idea and she found it totally erotic. What Greta could do, she could match it even better, only more romantically, after all, Harry’s cock was something to be admired in its almost perfect masculine anatomy.

Helen sat on the couch beside him exchanging passionate kisses as she pulled aside the towel. Already he was semi-hard, and some delicate and gentle stroking brought him to full attention. That shape and form was enough to set her hormones racing. He had insisted there was to be no intercourse, so the only thing to do was play with him, give him something for his hardness and atleast provide them both with pleasure.

Helen unzipped her evening dress and let the straps fall down her arms. Harry watched intently as she slipped away her strapless bra, revealing her pert pink nipples already aroused by what was to come next. ‘I love those breasts,’ he said, feeling them both with his hand. ‘You have perfect tits. Smooth, petite and those nipples, just amazingly suckable babe.’ He moved closer, his tongue sweeping delicately over them in turn. Helen could not help but react to the tingling sensation his actions created. And when he began to suck on them, kiss and caress them, she gave out a moan of satisfaction. She loved the way his tongue swirled around her nipples, leaving a cooling sensation by his saliva that enhanced it even more.

Her tongue began to lick the tip of his manhood, detecting the taste of precum that formed from the tiny slit on the glans. Then the feel of his cock head, large and smooth under the head on her tongue was delightful. This made more of his precum appear that tasted exquisite. Sweet and tangy, unlike the full load, that tasted salty. He began to moan with pleasure, head back almost pleading for more. And with obligation she gave him more, slowly taking him into her mouth, the underside of his glans against her tongue first, then the feel of his tight skin, wrinkled with his veins, pulsing with blood and throbbing with pleasure. Eventually she felt his glans touch her throat and gagged, coating the whole length with her throaty saliva. Harry loved to see her lips against his pubic hair. If there was one thing that Helen was good at when giving oral sex was the deep throating and tender sucking, that sent tingling sensations through his whole body.

Harry lay back naked as Helen began the slow stroking with her grip, slightly twisting and spreading her saliva as she took him in and out of her mouth repeatedly. She loved that thrusting sensation against her tongue, controlling the amount of sucking to make him moan loader. Watching his reaction, she could tell when he was close to his orgasm. This time she was determined to take him all the way until he came. She did not expect too much cum, as he had already released with Greta. But, then there was the amazing surprise she did not expect. Harry quivered and held his breath, and then he released his salty load of thick creamy man juice down her throat and filling her mouth with more.

She gagged a little and then swallowed. Then cleaned him off with her tongue until every last drop was gone, still stroking him and keeping his orgasm high so that he could hardly bear it anymore. Another trick that Helen had almost perfected in her oral sex skills. She had per chance to gain lots of experience, not only from Jack or even Harry. There were others in the past that she had sucked and swallowed, but nobody sweeter than Harry.

Afterwards, to derive her own satisfactory pleasure of an orgasmic release and climax, she allowed him to snuggle up and kiss her breasts, neck and lips, tongues playing in passionate embrace as she fingered herself, filling the air with her sexual essence until she slowly came to a slow and easy climax. Harry licked her tasty fingers, cleaning them of their sweet and tangy nectar. This time there was no gush of clear love juice, just the release of her vaginal unguent promoted by the fingering motion against her sensitive inner spot. Atleast it was safe and enjoyable sex, amidst the fear that Harry had about Jack transmitting sexual diseases from his kinky habits.

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Karla Kush is a tantalizing seductress who genuinely enjoys riding a cock. This 100lb spinner will rock your world and your erection. She isn’t much of a tease though, she goes straight for what she wants. She strokes, gags, rides and receives dick as only a first-class slut can. She gets her pussy pounded until rains of semen down on her which is exactly what she loves. Enjoy seeing this sluty slim blonde shows you her tiny natural tits, rose tight pussy on a seductive light purple lingerie...

2 years ago
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Thirty years in the same house, 34 years married. Henry and Bella had left the country only once in that time, a trip to Ontario and Niagara Falls in 2001. They went in July, before Arab terrorists declared war on the United States and devastated Lower Manhattan and a wedge of the Pentagon. It was time for another vacation, this time abroad, Henry thought: England, where he was born. “You know Dad was an airman,” he said, by way of starting the conversation. “He was stationed at RAF Menwith...

1 year ago
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The Trip7

It's late in the day and almost time to set up camp. Just one more point to go around and she'll pull up on the beach. As she rounds the point, she sees a little cabin, floating in a small bay. Smoke rises from the chimney. She slowly paddles her way towards it, hoping she'll meet yet another friendly person. As she bumps up against the dock, the cabin door creaks open and there... there is... wow, her heart flutters. There is a man that has taken her breath away. He leans against the...

2 years ago
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Daddy Cums part 10

My daughters, Jenny (12), and Liza (14), are gorgeous. They are both so full of life and vitality, and I love to see them happy. That being said, I know what lies ahead of them as they approach high school, puberty and boys may be difficult and stressful. I talked about it with my wife, and we decided to have a family discussion about their changing bodies and growing up before Liza entered high school and Jenny entered middle school. What happened, however, was not what either of us expected....

2 years ago
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on the train

It was rush hour, and it was crowded in that car. Always is, and usually I hate it. Squeezed into a corner of the train, clinging desperately to the handrail above me as I'm surrounded by men and women coming home from work or shopping or whatever it is they did that dragged them out into the misery we shared. I feel arms and knees and elbows and backs all around me, crushing me alive. People reading newspapers or magazines or looking out the windows or talking to each other, trying to forget...

3 years ago
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Ella teaches

One of my most memorable encounters from my distant past - for which I hope the truth doesn't cloud the eroticism…This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site.Bear with me - quite a back story.Here I was at 17, having been dumped by my long time girlfriend for a bloke who I suspected had a bigger cock. (size issues back then)After getting over the shock, I became something of a sex hunter, and spent a couple of...

2 years ago
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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 13

Cheryl was very subdued all of Tuesday and Tuesday night. Impatient for an answer, she finally called Doc and asked about Cletus Judson's cow. The calf didn't make it out alive, and the cow was still on the critical list. Instead of mutual masturbation, all she wanted Tuesday night was to be held while she drifted off to sleep. Who'd have thought Mandy's daughter would have so much empathy for someone she'd never met? She spent breakfast voicing concerns about Cletus and his family,...

3 years ago
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Louisiana Lessons Part Four

Being a light sleeper, I was aware of Gray sneaking out of our bedroom in the early hours of the morning. Going across to Lee Anne’s room I guessed. Going to fuck my sixteen year old cousin with that large handsome cock again, I mused. I must have dosed off again for I awoke with someone in my room. Half asleep I thought it was Gary coming back but when I turned over there was a young black maid in full French maid’s costume holding a tray of coffee. Was this an erotic dream influenced by my...

3 years ago
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You Ain8217t Got No Satisfaction

Satisfaction Eyes met, hearts cluttered, she inched towards me. Her face ignited with lust. She measured her steps, like a tiger, ready to pounce upon her prey. Her eyes gleaming vehemently. She came close to me, stood still, gazing at me, with tears in her eyes. I could feel her hot breath on my face. Our lips met. Her strawberry lips crushed mines, hijacking it with the Sweet taste. our tongues explored, Wrangling with each other’, exchanging saliva. Passionately speaking, i was exhilarated....

2 years ago
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More of My Intro to Bisexuality

Our intense meetings with Jim went on for more than four years, after which time he moved away for work related reasons. But during our time together he spanked and fucked me nearly one thousand times. Mellisa also began letting him bring in a new guy to help once or twice a month. They would take turns spanking me, and fucking me from both ends, but only Jim got to fuck me bareback. That meant that I would be turned over the knees of fifteen to twenty new men each year, and ended up with...

3 years ago
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Goldy Locks and The Three Behrs

Goldy Locks, vain and slightly stupid, loved to tease and torment men. Bouncing around her town, she relished the attention she got from the males. In her incredibly short shorts and skimpy, transparent tops, she offered only glimpses of her goods. It was a well known fact that she snared her prey, only to spend every dime he had and then drop him, like he was diseased. To say the women of the town hated her was an understatement. On a warm and sunny spring afternoon, Goldy bounced her way...

4 years ago
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1 Clan Amir A Fighting HeritageChapter 04

Born Gerald Herbert Mannheim on March 1st, 1942, the son of a US construction engineer working for a French company in Berana and a Berant woman of the Ber Clan (pronounced bear). Gerald grows up on the tales of his clan and tribal heritage. His mother is the only daughter of the Ber Clan Father, the clan for whom the country Berant is named. The Ber had been kings for several centuries, until two despotic kings ruled in succession in such a way as to push the Amir Clan too far. Civil war...

3 years ago
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Lucian Ch 1

Dear reader, For legal reasons I have to assure you that all characters in this story are over 18 years old. For every other reason, though, I must remind you that the law has no jurisdiction over your imagination. Lucian, Chapter One. The black shoe swung in and out of the overhead light. It was a slender-heeled pump hugging a nylon-clad foot attached to a nylon-clad leg. Bent at the knee the leg covered a second nylon-clad knee, swinging softly. He loved the dark,...

1 year ago
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Wild West Widow Part 3

For a week Karen Masters was fucked by a succession of the town's leading men. Grant Masters always gave them first use of the new whore to keep them happy. The widow was certainly a fresh attraction after the experienced prostitutes who'd previously occupied her bed. Three days with the saloon's owner, Grant Benson, had certainly broken her in. She'd been expertly screwed and taught the tricks of the trade. It's suprising how quickly women can be turned into whores. Karen had never experienced...

Erotic Fiction
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He opened the guitar case and placed it on the ground, and carefully lowered his Gibson ES347 into it, it was old and worn but the semi hollow body sounded sweet, the sustain, the feedback, the tone, all combined to make it a sweet guitar. It was given to him by his Uncle Ken, Mom's brother, who played back in the day, and was very good, good enough to be professional, touring with several big acts in the early 70's. He walked out of the music room and made his way to his locker when he...

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The Shorts

I could see myself grabbing both Her ass cheeks and pulling Her against me and forcing my mouth upon hers in a fashion and with a deliberate move that would make most men hesitate at even the thought and every woman quiver with delight and later tremble in ecstasy. I could see my hands sliding those shorts down her legs and revealing Her bare pussy lips gleaming in the soft intimate light of a bedroom or under the caress of a full moon on a warm summer’s night. I could see myself ripping the...

3 years ago
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Anatomy Lesson an ENM story

Author’s note: This is a story I wrote almost entirely in one sitting in August of 2020, over the course of a very long car ride. I’m posting it more or less unchanged in a handful of large chunks. It’s possible there will be a few typos but I’ll try my best to keep it looking nice. Hope you enjoy!

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 29 Home Again

October 27, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Dad!” seven screaming voices exclaimed. I dropped my bags and crouched down and was rushed by three little girls, while their brothers more nonchalantly walked towards me. Everyone got hugs, and the girls got kisses on their foreheads. When they’d all had their turn I stood up. “Hi, Tiger!” “Hi, Snuggle Bear!” “Hello, lovely wives!” I took them both in my arms and we held a three-way hug, each of us kissing the other two once, and then doing our...

3 years ago
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Romance With Sri Lankan Beauty

Be free to mail me at and we could interact there. So read my personal experience and comment further. Today I would like to share a sex story of me that happened recently with a female from Sri Lanka. Well coming to the story I would like to introduce the female first with whom I had sex. My manager called me last week and told me to have a seat at his cabin and then had a casual talk regarding my work and then told me that now is the time of financial closing so you don’t have much work...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Lana Roy Russian Babe Railed in DP

Get ready to be shocked by dazzling glamour pornstar extraordinaire Lana Ray as she gets DP’d by two huge cocks that belong to Yanick Shaft and Luca Ferro. Luca is new on staff at the Russian bombshell’s house, but she’s got another task for him after he’s finished his duties that involve fucking her horny pussy that has been neglected due to her hubby, Yanick’s, longtime absence. But then, Mr. Shaft walks in just in time to see his wife being pumped by the help...

1 year ago
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sisters dirty stuff true story

hi im tom 18 yrs old.since I was 13 i wanted my two older sisters know 25 an 26.their blond an petite looks tight an the younger has big boobs an nice ass while the older looks tight an up 4 it.i have seen them naked unknown to them severall times an seen them fucking but thats diffrent story.any ways this storys about the oldest naoimh.an is 100 percent true i was staying in naoimhs on my own as i do every time she goes out she likes house ben looked after and i teell her i relax at hers.in...

2 years ago
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Lady in Red Ch 03

Gwen knew real fear as she looked at Mort’s face and heard his intentions. She threw her door open and ran into the woods. She heard Mort curse and then the engine started. Headlights lit up the forest, forcing Gwen to flee farther into the night. She remained quiet until she was certain that she heard Mort drive away. She had the presence of mind to listen carefully so that she could determine the direction of the nearest highway. Gwen had her phone, but until she could establish her location,...

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Her Black Wings

I was walking around the city, looking for something to do, some way to have a good time, it’s a big city, its huge, surely there is something to do. I must have been walking for 2 or 3 hours before I came across a small antique shop, I don’t usually enjoy antiques but there was something in the window that caught my eye. It was a paint, magnificent; I was a large painting of a woman tall and beautiful, pale white skin and dark eyes, her beauty was surreal. He lips were pout and her...

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Ryan comes to surprise

Completely fictional, names made up Ryan had just pulled up in the driveway when he saw his twenty-eight year old neighbor washing her car in her driveway. She had just moved in eight years ago and he was now a junior in college. They got along good, when he was younger she would sometimes ask him to rake the leaves in her yard for some cash or clean the gutters. Once during summer he had accidentally seen her change into her bikini while he cleaned out the gutters. Although, she said it wasn't...

3 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 5 Katies Blackmai

Katie's Blackmailed It was the day after shopping with Katie and I still couldn't believe that she had given me a blowjob in the changing room. I felt like the luckiest bastard in the world. We hurried home and ended up screwing in our car after parking in the garage. Our sex life couldn't have been better. It was only a few months ago that Katie hadn't even tasted my cock and now she couldn't get enough. Today, I was just lying on the couch watching football while Katie was reading the...

1 year ago
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The Present Part 5

Nick's back was pressed against the door, the younger Michael so close to him that their cum-covered penises were touching. Managing to put his arms around Michael's neck, the two men kissed passionately for several minutes as they heard the soft moaning from the bedroom. It was an experience Nick hadn't expected, even though he had discussed it with Leigh in a light-hearted manner many times. Turning forty had been a non-event for him, but forty-one was something else."I think before we...

Group Sex
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Friends with benefits Part TWO Edith

this is the second part of my fantasy…. It took me about 3 minutes to decide what matching set I was going to wear for the night out with my friend. I found a very sexy Simone Pêrele satin demi bra with its matching thong, that was my choice, I turned around to my friend which was in her ‘born suit’ and ‘I CHOOSE THIS ONE… you sexy bitch!’ She gave me the ok look, ‘lets get dress first and then I am going to put you make up, I have couple of ideas, do you mine if I take pictures…..hahahahah...

4 years ago
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Baby Sittin Blues

SOMEBODY HAS TO BABY SIT Well, it looked like it was my turn to baby sit. Not that I minded. Lucy (Lucinda) was our twenty-two-month-old daughter. I say daughter, but she is as much the love of my life as her mother is. She was a real surprise to us as we had been trying for kids since we got married eighteen years ago. Marla was out working at a blind auction at the church. She had some shopping to do afterwards and was going to be gone for a while. Believe it or not, I was actually pretty...

1 year ago
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Deep and Lovely Dark Chapter 8

Lisa awoke early in the morning. Smiling to herself as she remembered the events of the previous evening. She looked at herself in the mirror and giggled, seeing dry cum on her face. She went the the bathroom to wash then went downstairs. When she walked towards the kitchen she froze. Hiding around the corner, she saw Vlad leaning against the kitchen side. Rachel was on her knees, her hands on her lap with Vlad's dick in her mouth. Lisa stood there and watched. She felt herself becoming very...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Ivy Lebelle An Insatiable Anal Queen

Thick and curvy Ivy Lebelle opens her ass up to Manuel in “Anal Nymphos Anal Legends #3”. The smokey LeBelle starts the scene with an outdoor tease that ends up in an empty bathtub. She sits on the edge and gives a little wink to the folks watching. Next, Manuel mauls Ivy on the sofa. She spreads her thick thighs and he stuffs her with his fingers. He later moves the stuffing to her asshole, churning it furiously. Miss LeBelle grabs Manuel’s meat and gulps as much as she can,...

1 year ago
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Health Class

Gosh, another class on a boring Monday morning. I was getting so sick of these stupid college courses I had to take just to get my degree. I thought after you graduated high school, you finally got to study the subjects you were interested in. I mean here I am, studying to be a journalist but now I have to take a boring health class just to fulfill credits for my degree. What a waste of money and what a waste of time. This afternoon I actually arrived for class twenty minutes early and decided...

Straight Sex
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Peach Yellow Roses

She glanced at the clock in the kitchen as she placed a bottle of Peter Michael Chardonnay in the refrigerator. It had to chilled just right. She wanted everything perfect. She checked the yellow and peach colored rose petals that were soaking in a covered bowl of peach scented oil. They were smelling delicious, she slid the bowl back in. As she passed the coffee table in the den, she picked up a vase of yellow and peach long stem roses and took them to the bathroom placing them on a rattan...

4 years ago
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Serving Ray

Serving RayBy MasterincChapter 1- Re-unitedIt has been nearly a year since Ray and Nancy were delayed by weather in Seattle.  They had hoped that Ray would be able to facilitate her move to the Juneau office before now but the other partners were not sure they wanted to transfer Nancy to Juneau since she was doing such outstanding work in the Anchorage office and bringing in more and more of the big money accounts.During the intervening time, Ray directed Nancy?s life via e-mail and...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 26

Andy stood with his arm around Regan as he watched Katrina, Lisa, Josh and Todd gather up their belongings. Katrina had to be home by three – as arbitrary a time as Andy could come up with. Lisa had told her parents to expect her about the same time. The chaperone hadn't moved from the front desk since the group arrived. Now the teenagers were the last people in the room. Katrina gave him a hug as she prepared to leave but he caught her arm. "If you need anything ... at Berkeley or even...

1 year ago
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The Headmistress

The School and University system in Nigeria is a strange, anomaly-ridden thing. It has grown up haphazardly over centuries, subject to the caprices of tradition and political whim, baffling to the outsider. One of the anomalies is that the great medieval universities of Nsukka and Lagos select part of their student intake on the basis of special exams which take place half a year after when most pupils leave school. And, of course, most of the schools which can, practically speaking, afford to...

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