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Serving Ray

By Masterinc

Chapter 1- Re-united

It has been nearly a year since Ray and Nancy were delayed by weather in Seattle.  They had hoped that Ray would be able to facilitate her move to the Juneau office before now but the other partners were not sure they wanted to transfer Nancy to Juneau since she was doing such outstanding work in the Anchorage office and bringing in more and more of the big money accounts.

During the intervening time, Ray directed Nancy?s life via e-mail and telephone.  He had also been to the Anchorage office every other month.  He planned these business trips so he would be able to spend the weekend with Nancy.  She was always thrilled when Ray could visit their office and spend the weekend with her. 

Ray was always careful on these visits to insure that he didn?t demand Nancy do anything in Anchorage that would jeopardize her standing with the company.  Even though he made her go to work without a bra or panties, he allowed her to wear clothes that would not advertise that fact.  Of course the knowledge that she was naked under her outer clothes always gave Nancy an edgy feeling and she almost always began to get moist between her legs when she thought about it.  She loved the way Ray controlled her and her senses were always on alert which gave her an edge when negotiating big contracts. 

She remembers with clarity the first time Ray was going to visit Anchorage after their stay in Seattle.  He had called her on her cell phone and told her he had to come to Anchorage tomorrow and she was to pick him up at the airport.  He would be on flight 67 and would arrive about 9:30 p.m. 

?Check your personal email when you get home.  I have left instructions on how you are to dress.  You are not to pleasure yourself from this point on.  I will give you that privilege when I get there.  Do you understand?? 

Nancy felt herself getting wet as she responded, ?Yes Sir I understand.  I will check my email and dress accordingly.  It will be hard to wait but I will follow your wishes.?

?That?s my good girl,? he responded and hung up. 

Nancy had to take a deep breath and focus hard on the material on her desk to keep from squirming with pleasure.  She didn?t know how she was going to make it until Ray got there the next day.  But she was sure going to try as she didn?t want Ray to have to punish her on his first trip after their tryst in Seattle.  She was determined to be the perfect submissive for him. 

Ray had made the phone call about 11:00 a.m. and Nancy constantly had to get up and go to the ladies room to wipe the moisture from her cunt.  She started leaking sex juices as soon as Ray told her he was coming and had left instructions for her.  She hated, but also loved, the fact that just his voice and a simple order could make her juices flow.  Without panties she was in danger of leaving a wet spot on her skirt and everyone would know that she was getting sexually excited.  Or they might think she had a bladder problem.  Either way it would be very embarrassing and might start the other employees talking and speculating.  So, she made sure she didn?t leak onto her skirt by constantly wiping herself.  Of course this just caused more juice to run since she was so sensitive. 

The day was finally over and Nancy hurried home to read her email.  She kept wondering what he would ask her to wear.  She was sure it would be revealing and probably embarrass her but that was part of her need.  Ray always considered her needs as well as his own.

As soon as Nancy entered the apartment she began to undress.  This was one of the requirements that Ray insisted on.  Unless told otherwise or given permission to remain clothed, she was to be naked at all times when in the apartment.  She hurried to her small den/office and quickly booted up her computer.  She had to put a towel on the seat as she was leaking fluids constantly now.  When the computer had finally booted up, she saw immediately that she had several new mail messages. She quickly scanned them and brought up the one from Ray.  She read through it quickly and then sat back with sigh and thought to herself, ?I hope I can go through with this.? 

Ray had instructed her to meet him at the luggage carousal at 9:20 p.m.  She was to wear thigh high nylons with garters and three inch stiletto heels.  Otherwise she was to be totally naked except for a calf length rain coat.  She was to also be wearing her gold choker with a leash attached to the loop and no other jewelry.  She could let the leash dangle down her front under the coat but she must be wearing it. She was to apply tasteful makeup and wear her hair in a pony tail. 

The next day Nancy had difficulty sitting still at work.  Time seemed to drag and she was constantly moist and leaking her sex juices which required her to make numerous trips to the ladies room.  About the fifth time she went to the restroom, her secretary asked if she was feeling alright. ?You have made a number of trips to the ladies room so I thought maybe you weren?t feeling well.?  Nancy blushed and replied, ?No, I am fine.  I have just been drinking a lot of water today and it seems to be going right through me.?  Her secretary looked at her with concern and said, ?Maybe you should see a Dr.  You might have a bladder infection.?  Nancy continued to blush and murmured a ?thanks for your concern but I am fine.?  She then quickly went into her office before the secretary could say any more.  She definitely couldn?t tell her the truth.  That she was extremely excited sexually because her Master and lover was coming to town tonight.  Nancy decided to insert a tampon to soak up the juices so she wouldn?t have to make any more trips to the restroom.  She got very little done that day but it was finally over and she rushed home to get ready for Rays arrival.

Nancy couldn?t eat much and showered and shaved her legs, cunt and mons at least three times as she waited for the time to leave for the airport.  She knew it would only take her twenty minutes to reach the airport but she wanted to make sure she would have plenty of time to park and get to the carousal by 9:20 so she planned to leave 30 minutes early.  She had checked on flight 67 and knew it was running about 30 minutes late but if she knew Ray, he would know somehow if she wasn?t at the carousal by 9:20. 

She was lucky and found a parking slot on the first level but towards the back of the parking garage.  It was better than driving around trying to find one closer so she took it.  It was right under one of the bright garage lights but she didn?t care.  It was safer here than in a darker spot. 

She quickly walked to the elevator and took it down a floor to get to the underground walkway and then back up to the baggage claim area.  She was able to check one of the flight schedule boards and saw that flight 67 had made up some time and was now expected only 15 minutes late.  She shivered in anticipation as she stood near the baggage carousal.  She felt conspicuous wearing only the long coat and nothing else except her nylons and high heels.  With her hair pulled back in a long pony tail and her makeup, she looked like a well developed teenager trying to act like a grownup.  She was sure everyone who looked at her could see the leash attached to the gold collar.  Of course this wasn?t true as she had buttoned the coat up to her throat and you could just see the top part of the collar and nothing below it.

She kept pacing near the carousal and finally a young attractive service agent came over and asked if she could help her. Nancy blushed and said, ?No, I am fine.  I am waiting for a friend who is coming in on flight 67.? 

The service agent smiled and said, ?Why don?t you wait over by the security gate?  There are chairs there and it would be more comfortable.?

Nancy thanked her for her help but told her, ?We had made arrangements to meet here at the carousal so I will just wait here.?

There was no way she was going to tell her that she was ordered to meet her Master and lover here not at the security gate.  Finally she heard the announcement of the arrival of flight 67.  He will soon be here she thought.  She wanted badly to go to the ladies room and check her makeup but was afraid she might not be where she was supposed to be when Ray came to pick up his bags.  About 5 minutes after the announcement the sign lit up on the second carousal announcing it was the one that would be carrying flight 67 luggage.  She moved over to it and shortly people began arriving at the carousal.  She looked desperately for Ray but couldn?t spot him.  More and more people began arriving and she felt hemmed in by all of them.  She was almost pushed up against the carousal and was trapped by all the bodies.  She began to panic as she thought Ray might think she wasn?t? here!  Then someone directly behind her forced themselves up against her and whispered in her ear.

?You look great pet.?

Nancy squealed and tried to turn around to give Ray a hug but he wrapped his arms around her and told her to stay facing the carousal. The baggage was just starting to arrive when Ray slid his hand insider her coat and felt her naked tits.  He then reached down and unbuttoned the last three buttons on the bottom of the coat and slid his had up her leg to her naked cunt.  She was leaking like a faucet. 

Ray chuckled and said, ?Good pet.  You followed my directions. Now I want you to get my bag when it comes by.  It is a maroon and grey 27 inch soft side.  Once you have it we will go over to the window farthest from the carousals and I will greet you as a slave should be greeted.?

Nancy shuddered when he said this but her cunt began to leak even more and it began to run down her thigh.  Suddenly, Ray?s bag was in front of her and she reached out to grab it.  It was far heavier than she anticipated and it pulled her along for a few steps and she had to stick her bare leg out from the coat to get set to pull in off the carousal.  Everyone nearby got a good look and a wonderfully formed leg from mid thigh to her heels.  Nancy fought to get the bag off the carousal and finally succeed.  It was almost too heavy for her lift and she wondered what Ray had in it.

They made their way through the crowd and were soon on the edges and started towards the far corner and the shadows there.  Every step Nancy took flashed her bare legs from mid thigh down.  She couldn?t do anything about it and just struggled to keep up with Ray as he made his way to the darkened corner.  The only real light came from the outside through the floor to ceiling window. 

Once they were in the corner and Ray had Nancy pinned up against the window, he unbuttoned the top three buttons on the coat.  This nearly exposed her entire chest. He pulled the shoulders of the coat down over her arms effectively pinning them to her side and then pushed her bare tits up against the window. 

?Stay there while I get the rest of your dress for the evening out of my bag,? he ordered.

Nancy was shaking with fear that someone outside would see her bare chest pressed up against the window.  She shut her eyes and pretended she was in her apartment and up 15 stories above the street. 

While Nancy stayed as ordered, Ray opened up the front flap of his bag and removed several items.  The first was a set of sharp toothed nipple claps with a chain between them.  The next item was a set of four plastic clothespins with extra strength springs.  The last item was a sisal rope.  It was a ? inch around and about 7 feet long.  It was very rough and would be very uncomfortable if used as a bondage rope. 

Ray stepped back behind Nancy and told her to stand up straight now.  She pushed herself upright and stood with her chest bared.  Ray reached around her and gently caressed her tits and slowly worked his way down to her stiffening nipples.  He squeezed and pulled them until they were as hard as rock and throbbing with engorged blood.  He placed a nipple clamp on each nipple and smiled as Nancy hissed in pain. 

?Stand steady Pet,? he said. 

Next Ray looked around to make sure no one was paying any attention to them and opened the bottom of the coat and caressed her cunt.  He ran his fingers up and down her slit and gently teased her clit until it stood out stiff and ready.  Nancy was beginning to breathe hard and was having a tough time keeping from moaning out her pleasure.  Ray then attached two of the strong plastic clothespins to each of her cunt lips. 

Again Nancy hissed with the added painful stimulation.  Ray again made sure they were not attracting any attention and undid the final two buttons on the coat and dropped it to the floor.  This left Nancy standing totally naked in a corner of the Ted Stevens International Airport. Even with her experiences with Ray in Seattle, Nancy couldn?t believe he would jeopardize them in this manner.  She was shaking with fear but also with a growing horniness caused by the pain, and the excitement of possible discovery.  Ray then quickly wrapped the sisal rope around Nancy?s waist and then down through her slit and back up through her ass crack to the middle of her back.  He pulled the crotch rope very tight and tied it off to the waist loop.  Nancy hissed and finally couldn?t suppress a small moan as the rope rubbed roughly against her clit. 

Ray then bent and picked up the coat and had Nancy put it back on.  Once she was essentially covered again he turned her around and kissed her soundly.  She responded and as they began their tongue war, Ray reached inside her coat and pulled on the chain attached to her nipples.  Nancy moaned into his mouth and her cunt began to pulse and leak copious amounts of sex juice.  It was running down her thighs and had almost reached her knees. 

Just as Ray felt that Nancy was about to cum he stepped away and said, ?Oh no Pet not yet.  You have a long way to go before you can cum.  He then buttoned the middle three buttons on the coat, freed the leash and asked her where she was parked.  She told him and he headed off towards the parking garage pulling her along behind with the leash.  

Nancy pulled up the handle on the bag and began to walk quickly behind Ray, pulling the heavy suitcase behind her.  She had only taken a few steps when she knew the diabolic nature of her bondage.  Every step caused the sisal rope to rub against her clit, cunt and asshole.  The coat rubbed the clothespins and nipple clamps causing them to create a painful stimulus as well. 

Ray walked rapidly and Nancy almost had to trot to keep up.  She began to sweat and breathe hard as the stimulation increased with each step.  She kept looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to them.  A few people looked at them as they hurried by with several of them shaking their heads in dismay.  They finally reached the garage and Ray slowed down some and Nancy gratefully was able to slow down and catch her breath.  You could smell the muskiness of a female in heat if you were within four feet of Nancy.  She badly needed to cum but knew better than to let herself until Ray said she could.  She was ecstatic with this first meeting since Seattle.  Ray hadn?t wasted any time making sure she knew he was in control and bringing her to a fever pitch of sexual excitement.

When they reached the car, Ray took the keys she offered and opened the trunk.  He ordered Nancy to put the suitcase in the trunk.  She struggled to get it in but finally with a great deal of huffing and puffing got it into the trunk.  She turned to Ray and with a questioned look, let him know she wished to speak. 

Ray saw the look and smiled and said, ?You may speak normally until I cue you with our special name.?

?What in the world do you have in the suitcase?  It must be way overweight.?

?Yes it was about 30 pounds overweight.  I have some special treats for you in there.  It will be much lighter when I return.  Those items will stay here with you.  Now I want you to take off the coat and then crawl around to the passenger side of the car before standing up.  I will then let you in the car. 

Nancy knew that if anyone was watching it would be easy to see her since she had parked under the light.  She looked around the garage and didn?t see anyone nearby so she took off the coat and got down on her hands and knees and began to quickly crawl around the car dragging the leash along behind her.  This caused even more stimulation on the crotch rope and Nancy?s need to cum grew even greater. 

While she was crawling around the car, Ray unlocked the drivers side and got in the car.  He started the motor and waited for Nancy to stand up and try to get in. 

As soon as she did, he cracked the window on her side and said, ?Beg me to let you in.?

Nancy again looked around to see if anyone was nearby.  There was a middle aged couple walking her way about halfway down the lane.  She quickly began to beg, ?Please Master let me in.  I am your faithful slave and will do what ever you tell me to do.?

Ray had been watching the couple approach and knew they were not close enough to see or hear Nancy so he said, ?I?m sorry Pet but I couldn?t really hear you.?

Now Nancy began to worry.  The couple was getting closer and soon they would be able to see her.  She raised her voice and said, ?Please Master, I want to join you in the car.  I will be your faithful sex slave and toy but can?t if you don?t let me in.? 

The couple slowed up and Ray knew they had heard what she said.  He quickly unlocked her door and let he get in.  The windows were tinted so you couldn?t see in from the outside unless the windows were down.  As Nancy buckled herself in, Ray backed out of the slot and drove away.  He looked back and saw the couple shaking their heads and knew they were asking what this generation was coming to. 

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Serving Lady Vulbia

SERVING LADY VULBIA                I arrived at Lady Vulbia’s house right on time, full of nervous expectations.  She had asked me to come over after work, to help Her celebrate.  Although Lady Vulbia did not tell me what She wanted to celebrate, I was sure it was in honour of my One-year anniversary serving this superior Woman. I had known Her for about 5 years, prior to that.  I was a 35-year-old account executive, and she was the only Female customer I had on my list. I always enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Serving Waitress

This is the first “didi” story I ever wrote. It’s my deepest (and darkest?) fantasy. It probably needs to be rewritten at some stage because I think it’s been written too much by my male brain and not enough by my female side.The story begins…..My wife, Susan, one evening announced to me that we had been invited to a party at a new friend of hers. Victoria had inherited a fortune from her father and she lived in a mansion in the best part of town. It all sounded very exciting. Apparently she...

1 year ago
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My Sweet Rayne

My Sweet Rayne by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was awarded the command of my own...

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My Sweet Rayne

My Sweet Rayne by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was...

Love Stories
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Serving Her

Serving Her ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Serving Her Our world has not always been kind to women and sadly much of it still is not.Though coveted for their beauty, intellect and insight they have often been relegated to be trophys of war, excuses for war and abandoned to rebuild society by their own hands. Civilization has progressed and, with that, the stature of women has progressed. Within my lifetime I have seen a growing awareness of the worth, the equality...

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Serving Mistress Elektra

Due to my work commitments I have been away for too long from Mistress Elektra's clutches whom I serve with the uppermost devotion. Serving Mistress Elektra has its long term benefits in having your limits stretched to the maximum ! Mentally as well as physically! !!!Oh yes !..... Mistress Elektra is a lover of stretching arseholes with her great selection of strap-on cocks from medium to massive (she doesn't do small !!) Mistress is also an expert in fisting her slaves as she pushes her...

1 year ago
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Serving my Master in rubber

Rob had asked me to meet him in Napoleons for a few drinks before we went back to his place. We had been seeing each other for about three months. He was the first guy I had really let myself go with. I’d been married to a lovely girl for five years but couldn’t resist the thrill and feeling of being with another man. She found texts on my phone from a guy who described in detail what we had done the evening before and how much he was looking forward to doing it again with me the following week...

3 years ago
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Serving My Mistress Friends pt 2

The 3rd and final part of the "Serving My Mistress" trilogy.............................................................................In the now lit up basement, I saw infront of me what my Mistress Chrissy had prepared... A torture rack! It looked like a normal long wooden table with leather wrist/ankle restraints at the top and bottom of it and a wheel at the top which, when rotated, tightens and constricts the chain attached to the restraints, causing the stretching out of the victim's...

1 year ago
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Serving My Mistress Friends

Part 2 of "Serving My Mistress".........................................................................."That'll be them now!" Chrissy stated in excitement, "go and answer the door then! Like the good slave you are."I replied, "Ms I've not got any clothes on-""What did I say about interupting me?! Don't! Now go and answer it as you are," she smiled in anticipation of the day ahead, "they'll like that."Obediently, I made my way down to the door and, with nothing but a nervous smile on my face,...

2 years ago
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Serving my Black Master 4

From what I gather the lingerie and heels I first wore, were for another sissy which belonged to Master. She had been moved on to serve another Master and I am now her replacement. I now have my own wardrobe of sexy underwear, all supplied by my Master which fits much better. The strict diet I’m on makes me look sexy as I have very long slim legs and a very slim waist. By bottom looks better in G-strings rather than panties but my new look pleases Master and I like to make sure all his desires...

4 years ago
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Everybody Loves Raymond

It was a relatively quiet night at the Barone house. The twins were staying across the street with their grandparents, and their daughter was on a sleepover at a friends house across town. Ray and Deborah had invited Robert and Amy over for dinner, where she was glad to play hostess without her mother-in-law critiquing every move.As Deborah was serving up some chocolate cake for dessert, the guys were reminiscing about some of their old days back in high school. They brought up a couple of...

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SissyServingGirl Scene

SISSY SERVING-GIRL SCENE by Throne My Owner told me to get ready because some of his buddies were coming over. He said to make sure I dressed sexily, and added that my outfit should be mortifying as well. I hurried off to my bedroom, which is really just a converted storage space. There are a bed and a dresser, along with plenty of newly added closets, so it's rather cramped. Naturally, everything looks as girly as possible. I took off what I had been wearing all day, a short...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 47 The Dappled Grays

The baron, followed by the count, traversed a long series of apartments, in which the prevailing characteristics were heavy magnificence and the gaudiness of ostentatious wealth, until he reached the boudoir of Madame Danglars--a small octagonal-shaped room, hung with pink satin, covered with white Indian muslin. The chairs were of ancient workmanship and materials; over the doors were painted sketches of shepherds and shepherdesses, after the style and manner of Boucher; and at each side...

3 years ago
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Serving the Horde

Introduction: Emma finds herself transported to a fantasy world to serve as a whore I woke up naked, that was strange. I had gone to bed in pyjamas, when you live with your parents and two younger brothers you kind of have to. There didnt seem to be anything on top of me either, no duvet or blankets just a gentle breeze tracing over my young firm body. The bed beneath me felt silky and pleasant but that hardly made up for the general strangeness of the situation. I sat up and opened my eyes to...

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Serving my black Master 3

I was passed between Masters friends as they used me again and again. Days earlier I’d left work and slipped into the sauna for a quick fuck and suck before heading home and now here I was dressed in stockings and heels, shaved smooth serving my black Master and his friends.Id had hardly any sleep and when the Master gave me a break to freshen I fell asleep on the bed exhausted as he and his friends took a breaki awoke to him kissing me gently. “ you look exhausted baby” he said softly “ We’ll...

1 year ago
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Serving the Horde

“So you are the new girl,” I turned to see a beautiful young woman, her skin was pale as alabaster, a fact that the few scraps of silk she wore did nothing to conceal. She was sat a little behind me with her legs curled up beneath her and a dainty hand on one hip. “Errm, I guess so, I mean...” I stammered “You’re confused I know,” the woman interrupted “of course you are, everyone is at first, don’t worry. I expect you want to know where you are.” I nodded. “This is a pavilion of pleasure...

4 years ago
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Serving Sreelatha

Serving SreelathaBook One in the Story So Far SeriesBy Kurt SteinerThe Story So Far:When Sunil Kakkar, Tim Benson’s partner in a thriving retail business, passes away it brings the handsome middle-aged Englishman into contact with his late partner’s younger wife, Sreelatha.         Being something of a snob, with an attractive wife of his own, Benson had kept his dealings with his partner on a strictly business footing, finding Sunil’s wife –on the few social occasions where he had been forced...

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Jack was checking the hens at the bottom of the overgrown back yard in an isolated suburb of Perth. The bushes and trees here were quite thick and it was difficult to know where the creatures laid, so he stood in the early dappled sunlight under a tree and looked around. No clucking, no sound at all, except…. What was that? The sound of grunting, of rhythmic moaning. He moved to the side fence, an aged wooden paling affair, and carefully peered over it. There, lying on a patch of grass in among...

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The Legacy of Rayne

Chapter 1 The Beginning of Salvation As I lay on the ground I felt weak, I felt useless, like my will to do anything had vanished along with any hope I had left. Mother told me to hide, I was always good at doing that but she never told me what would really happen or what It meant for me. That day would be the last day I would ever hear her or my father say my name ever again, father always let me wear his pendant, he said I was his greatest treasure after all. I never truly knew what It meant...

2 years ago
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Getting out of my white Mercedes convertible, onto the concrete and looking at our new house. It was no doubt my Father’s choice. A large 5 Bedroom, 3 Bathrooms, Lounge, Entertainment Room, spacious kitchen, Study, Attic, Garage and of course an enormous Garden, that hadn’t been maintained by the looks of it in years. After walking into the house I chose the second largest room down the hall from my fathers. It had beige walls and one wide window, it was definitely modern. Naturally, the first...

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The Shrink Ray

"Lick my balls," you order your small, pretty little girlfriend Laura. She's got her hair back in a tiny ponytail and she's still wearing her glasses. She's a petite girl with a firm little body and a beautiful face, and overall very delicate, feminine features. Right now, she's on her knees in front of you, worshipping your large, masculine body. She's always submissive to you, and she's basically your slave. She works all day at a chemical lab in the city - she's got a PhD and is on the...

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Amanda Ray

Amanda knew she shouldn’t be here. She knew what she was about to do was wrong but, she wanted to do it so badly. The fact that it was forbidden only served to increase her desire for it. The excitement she felt as she prepared to break all the rules was indescribable. A car pulled up and several people jumped out. Amanda’s heart sank as she saw it wasn’t who she was waiting for. Her mouth instinctively fell into a frown as the passengers from the car ran past her...

1 year ago
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Sams YearChapter 2 On the Murray

Sam lazed about for a day. People greeted him, he greeted them. They knew he wasn’t a tourist – he had no camera. They were aware that men like Paul acknowledged him. He was offered food and thanked them for it. On the second morning, Paul approached him: “Have you rested from your trip, Sam Bunjil?” “Yes, thank you, Paul.” “Would you view the canoe-bark trees?” “Very much.” “There is a tour and a talk today. The Aussies won’t understand what you are doing. But you may ask...

2 years ago
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Serving the Mistress

The phone rang four times.Hello can I speak to Igrid please.This is Ingrid, a well modulated sexy voice replied.Ingrid, you have a bridal gown advertised in the newspaper, can you tell me something about it.Yes, its very beautiful; The top is satin and quite tight to mould to your figure. The sleeves are very puffy at the top and can be worn on or off the shoulder. They have a little ruffle tied with ribbon that hangs down. I wore the gown with tight elbow length gloves, cut away at the...

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Serving Hard Time2

Serving Hard Time (2)   with Bud the Sub   TJ Ryder Complete Illustrated Stories at and     A few days after his first latrine duty, now into his second month of his sentence, Bud was again between work details and back in his cell trying to figure out how to make a sit-up board out of his bunk.  He liked to keep in shape, and even with the work details the confinementof his cell made him...

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Serving My Markus

This was new to me. I hadn’t done anything like this before. I was standing on the balcony looking down as he pulled in his flashing Jaguar. He is suited and booted, looking handsome like going to an important business. Earlier on the phone, he sounded like one. Sounded like he meant business. Whispering in my ear, making my pussy tingle with his dominant voice.“I want you in my room at 11, Kelly. Sharp.” This was what he had said on the phone earlier. His words always sent a million shockwaves...

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Serving the Cuckoldress Next Door Chapter 1

Please enjoy the first chapter from my new book, Serving the Cuckoldress Next Door.It's available on Amazon and free for Kindle Unlimited members: 1 Again the girl next door was having sex. Again her moans could be heard through the thin apartment walls. Again Pete was in bed, furiously masturbating as he shamelessly listened to what sounded like great sex. Her name was April. She’d lived in the apartment next door for six months. Pete could still...

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Serving My Sister IV My New Playtoy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ever since Eileen finger-fucked me, she had been doing so again and again, every day. Not just once, either. This would occure two to three times before the night was over. Everytime, I would fill my panties with my hot cum. Furthermore, I was not to remove my cum-filled panties until I went to bed that night. Then suddenly, there was a day when that came to a quick stop. An entire day went by, and nothing had happened. Oh, sure, I still had to wear my...

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Paul Raymond

Paul Raymond is a famous dude. How many other human beings can you think of who have their own Wikipedia entry, a writeup on ThePornDude, and their own webpage sharing the same name? Jules Jordan and Rocco Siffredi come to mind, though Raymond’s arguably in a different class than those two. Jordan and Siffredi are widely known both for starring in and creating pornography, though our guy Raymond worked strictly on the publishing side. He’s also long dead, so you wouldn’t want to see him...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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Catching Some Rays

I was laying out catching some rays I was all oiled up and I had a margarita on the table I had my allure and cosmo mags to browse through. It was one of those blah days, we all get them. The hot sun on my body helped lift my spirits though. I had my mp3 player on and was listening to my music. I bought the perfect mat for laying out as it has a built in pillow and it has another pillow for your knees. The only draw back was it wasn’t good for lying on your stomach. My house faces north and...

2 years ago
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Catching Some Rays

I was laying out catching some rays I was all oiled up and I had a margarita on the tableI had my allure and cosmo mags to browse through. It was one of those blah days, we all get them. The hot sun on my body helped lift my spirits though. I had my mp3 player on and was listening to my music. I bought the perfect mat for laying out as it has a built in pillow and it has another pillow for your knees. The only draw back was it wasn’t good for lying on your stomach. My house faces north and...

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