Baby Blues
- 2 years ago
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Well, it looked like it was my turn to baby sit. Not that I minded. Lucy (Lucinda) was our twenty-two-month-old daughter. I say daughter, but she is as much the love of my life as her mother is. She was a real surprise to us as we had been trying for kids since we got married eighteen years ago.
Marla was out working at a blind auction at the church. She had some shopping to do afterwards and was going to be gone for a while.
Believe it or not, I was actually pretty good at this babysitting stuff. Yep. I could feed 'em, bathe 'em and change diapers with the best of them. I did the first and second right on schedule and hoped I wouldn't have to do the third. Lucy was working her way through potty training, but hell, accidents do happen.
I sat her down and she did what she was supposed to. I played with her a while, you know, anything to get a giggle and a grin. I'm easy. When she was properly tired out, I took her in to put her to bed. Through long and bitter (well, not that bitter) experience, I had learned to do the smell check as the very last step for bedtime. You know, you grab them underneath the armpits, lift them up and put their nether regions in front of your nose ... and smell. Don't forget that last step. So I did the smell test and ... oh crap!
Well, you know, accidents do happen. Like I say, I've done this before so first I got out everything I needed and then I started changing her diaper. Only one problem, when I pulled out three of the baby wipes from the carton I noticed there weren't anymore. Now Marla and any woman I ever saw could make do with no more than three baby wipes. It usually took me about six. From the smell this looked close to my personal record of nine baby wipes.
Now here we have to get into the difference between men and women. I know, everything is equal now and women reporters can go into men's locker rooms, but woe unto the male reporter that tries to do the reverse. I maintain, a minnow swimming against the ocean tide, that there are really notable differences between the sexes (without even talking about the sex part.)
A woman would just wave her arms around her body (or god forbid, her purse.) and come up with a workable solution. No fuss, no muss. But a man is logical. The job called for baby wipes and by god I was going to use baby wipes. So I sat on the bed for a minute, getting woozy from the fumes and had my fully expected brainstorm.
I had certainly noticed that Marla usually carried a bag of baby stuff around with her all the time. I know, I know. Women think we never notice things. Well, I'm here to tell you that that ain't true. It was less than three months after Marla got her hair cut short that I told her how nice it looked. I never did find out why she was pissed at me though. Women.
So being a man, ergo logical, I thought it through as I was becoming nauseous from the increasingly foul odor. With no more of three minutes of applying my keenly analytical mind, I decided it should be in the closet. So I looked. Violá! Logic prevails again. A pink bag with a brilliant red "Baby" splashed on the side.
Holding down Lucy with one hand I rummaged through the bag with the other, feeling for the baby wipes. I hope to tell you, it was a mess. I guess women (easy now, I've got a crappy diaper to deal with) use the baby bag for overflow from their purse. I dumped the bag on the bed and grabbed the wipes; I figured I'd deal with the mess later.
Lucy has always been pretty good at going to sleep ... after no more than ten minutes of requisite whining and complaining - hey, she is a girl - she fell asleep. I took the bag in the kitchen and wiped it out with some paper towels and went back to put everything back ... you know, organize it.
Let's see ... the gum goes in the trash, same for the gum wrappers. The deposit slip I put in my shirt pocket. The dirty Kleenex went into the trash also. The small package of new tissues - back in the bag. Same for clean diapers and Desitin. Empty wrapper for prophylactics goes ... oh crap! What the hell is this?
I missed Lucy's birth. She was four months old when I got back from my war. I was one of the lucky National Guard troops that got called up for Iraq, second edition. For thirteen months I fixed teeth and was otherwise totally bored. Yeah, I'm a dentist. War for me meant doing what I did all the time anyway, except I didn't get paid very much for it. Luckily I had a patriotic partner that agreed to keep the partnership alive until I got back. I had to borrow from my retirement account to keep the family going.
Now, after I had paid my dues to my country, I come home and find out she is cheating. I felt betrayed ... devastated. My love for her was total and I had thought she felt the same.
We had been trying for years to have children and it just never worked out. That made Lucy such a special gift. But I was forty and Marla was thirty-eight and that was getting too old to be having children. Sure, she could have another child but as each year passed the risks would increase. Marla and I had a 'come to Jesus' meeting a month after I got back from Iraq ... either she or I should get fixed. I very lucidly presented all the reasons why it shouldn't be me.
You've been there: high blood pressure, change in voting patterns, loss of interest in televised sports. The stories are legend. So it only made sense for... me to have a vasectomy. Which I did. Hey. No change in blood pressure. I could watch football games for ten hours straight and I had never voted anyway. She never even apologized.
But the vasectomy meant that there could be no good reason why the prophylactics would be in the diaper bag.
I prided myself on being logical - thinking things through and then getting pissed off. I couldn't see when she had the time to cheat on me. She didn't work but with the baby and the volunteer work at our church she had a busy schedule. She didn't go out except to shop and her church work was during the day with a lot of people around ... soup kitchens, volunteer teachers aide at the church school; you know the drill. She sure as hell didn't have any 'girls' nights out.
The only thing was ... damn, last week after I got fixed she went home to Omaha for a few days. When she came back she seemed a little upset. I asked her what was wrong and she muttered something about how old her mom was getting — she was always forgetting things. Thinking it through that was the only time she could have done anything. Oh, Marla! Why did you do this to me? Who are you cheating with?
I knew I needed a plan or I would go nuts. I thought of all the obvious things: private detective, hidden camera or microphones, even following her. I didn't feel comfortable with any of these. It would be hard enough just to lose her. Even if she still loved and wanted me, I knew I couldn't live with her if she was cheating on me. To see photos or to hear her telling some other man how much she loved him would stay a stone in my heart forever.
Finally I just decided to sit down and talk to her. We had always been able to work through our problems. I didn't think she would lie to me right to my face. Damn.
Before I had the talk though, I wanted to make sure that Lucy was mine. Tears came to my eyes just thinking about that. I immediately got a swab from the baby and put it in a Ziploc bag. Marla was coming in for a checkup next week and she would never notice my taking a swab from the inside of her cheek.
Marla came home from her running around and gave me a big hug.
"Toby, I love you so much. How was Lucy?"
What could I tell her, that she was as full of shit as the baby was?
"Oh, she was great. Outside of my having to change her diapers a couple of times that is. Oh, by the way, I ran out of baby wipes. Luckily I found some in the diaper bag in the closet."
Hmmm. She seems a little pale now.
"Man, the diaper bag was a mess. I had to dump everything out and put it back, throwing the trash away."
Damn, now she looked like a ghost.
I didn't want to push it until I got the DNA lab results back so I finished with, "Yeah, she was a great little girl. We were really lucky to get such a sweet baby so late in our marriage. God has blessed us."
I walked away and got a beer from the fridge and sat down to watch whatever game was on (there is always some game on).
A few days later I got her swab and took the results over to a local lab. I knew the lab manager from college. I told him what I needed. He smiled knowingly and said he would rush it.
So I waited. Marla played the loving wife. Slut. I played the loving husband. Liar. Life was wonderful ... just peachy keen.
A couple weeks later my friend Bob called me and asked if I could meet him for a beer after work. We met at the Pub and had a couple of Pints of John Courage. This was Bob's idea of a joke. He said I needed courage to see the lab results.
Damn. Damn! I knew it. That damned slut.
Laughing a little (what the hell was funny?), Bob pulled out the results.
"First, Toby, the good news. You are Lucy's father. No question."
Well, that made me feel a better — a lot better.
"Now the rest of this is strange. In fact I have never seen anything like this. Marla is not the mother"
What? Jesus, what was going on?
"Bob, what do you mean? How is that possible?"
"Well, my best guess is the mother is a close relative of Marla's. Does she have a sister?"
Oh, hell. Except for Marla's role in all this it was clear what had happened. Just before I went overseas Joanne came down to visit us for a couple days. Marla was going to help out at an all day church picnic. I couldn't go with her because that Saturday afternoon I had to go to the National Guard Armory to fill out paperwork for the shipment to Iraq the following week.
Joanne was really a sexy package. Statuesque is the word that comes to mind. She didn't have huge breasts but they sure looked like a handful. The night before she had worn a low cut blouse, a peasant's blouse I think she called it. She kept showing me what she had and I kept looking at it. Hey, I'm a man. I even got a couple of flashes of dark pink nipples.
So about an hour after Marla left for the picnic I was lazing in bed imagining what Joanne really looked like. The door quietly opened and as soon as Joanne saw that I was awake she walked in. She was wearing a short nightgown and panties that seemed pretty sheer to me. Talk about an instant erection.
"I'm sorry to bother you, Toby, but I don't like that shower/tub in the guest bathroom. Could I use yours?"
Somehow (accidentally?) she didn't close the door all the way and I could see her reflection in the mirror as she slipped the gown off and jumped in the shower. After a minute the glass fogged up and I couldn't see her anymore. I put the pillow over my face trying to decide whether to run for it or not. I'd finally decided to throw my robe on and go downstairs and have some coffee.
I heard the shower stop and lifted the pillow up and peeked at her. She was standing in the bathroom, facing me and toweling off. She had a funny smile on her face. She dropped the towel and slowly walked across the carpet to me. There was no smile on her face now. Not saying a word she got on the bed and sat on top of me then leaned forward and put her lips to mine. I was gone.
Later, we both felt really bad about it and we agreed not to say anything. She told me she had always had a crush on me and had lain in bed all night thinking of how we could get together. We both apologized to each other. She headed on home and I went to the Armory.
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I closed and locked my bedroom door. You put his arm around me, pulled me close, and kissed me hard. I felt weak in the knees, God I wanted you with every part of my body. I hesitated, then placed my hand on his shoulder and uttered softly, "Daddy, I think we'd better stop and go someplace discrete, it's too risky here and that bitch might catch us." You nodded in agreement, and then asked where the bathroom was. I opened the door and told you it was the first door down the hall on the...
Babylon Project: End of the Line By Lynn LeFey "Hey mom... tell me a story," Alex demands. He braces himself in the door of the cockpit, looking like he owns this freighter. I can't help but smile. He looks like a miniature version of his father. That makes me both proud and a little sad. "Are all your assignments done?" I ask. "Yes," he sighs, rolling his eyes. I gesture to the copilot's seat. He pushes himself forward, and floats gently into the seat, moving the way...
He pulled into the school parking lot, and strolled into the school, wearing a loose fitting pair of athletic shorts, with nothing underneath, and a comfortable t-shirt. Jake found his English classroom, and was not surprised to find it unlocked, with Ms. Dyers seated at her desk. She rose as Jake walked over to her, she wore a black knee high business skirt, with a light blue button down shirt, which gave her a very business womanly appearance. Ms. Dyers directed him to remove his shorts,...
It had been a long, hard day, and I was, quite frankly, deep in the dumps as I drove home that Thursday night. I knew the price of success was days like this, but I was on the verge of tears, from exhaustion and loneliness. Let me back up a second, and tell you a little about myself and my situation. My name is Anne and I just turned 45 a couple of months ago. Physically, I am about as average as can be. I’m 5-6 and slender, thanks to a regular exercise routine at a local health club. My...
I know you're waiting for me. Even as I come through the door, I can feel you. I don't make you wait. I'm as excited as you are. So I drop the stuff I am carrying in the living room, quickly undress down to my underwear and hurry up to the bedroom, pausing only to remove a scrap of material from the pocket of my pants.Once I cross the threshold, I pause. You're sitting on the edge of bed. You've closed the blinds and you're waiting, waiting for me. And I smile, knowing that you planned this. I...
As I mentioned in my last story, I have a nylon fetish. I love panties, slips, nightgowns and other items made from that wonderfully soft and sensuous fabric. I use them to masturbate because of how the fabric feels sliding up and down my penis, it is very intense. Sometimes when I am going at it I will put on a nightgown, slip, panties or some combination of these silky items for added stimulation. However, I am not a cross-dresser I just enjoy these items for sexual pleasure not for some need...
Brandon sat in bed and admired the view he had of Annie in the bathroom. She was standing at the sink, bent over ever so slightly. The old t-shirt of his that Annie had on was riding up, so much so that Brandon could see where her legs met the curve of her cheeks. He smiled, still wrapping his head around the fact that Annie was his girlfriend.Brandon and Annie, short for Annabelle, had only been dating for two months. They met at a party thrown by a mutual friend. Brandon had just come off a...
Oral SexJason woke up on the sofa at his father's house, and the first thing he realized was that he was desperately horny. He had been dreaming about sex again, and his eighteen year old cock was painfully erect. Idly, he listened for sounds in the house as he reached beneath the blanket covering him to stroke his bulge. The house was quiet, though Jason could tell it was already late in the morning. If he had been home, his mother would have dragged him out of bed already, whether it was Sunday or...
TabooJodie wondered how things had ended up like they had. She was at once surprised, horrified, elated and ... yes ... horny. She had just taken a shower and was sitting on the john drying her hair, wondering what to do next. She stared between her legs. Yes, there was definitely sperm oozing out of her pussy. She knew it was there, of course, and hadn't washed it out in the shower. But now, she wondered whether she should have done so. She thought back to the beginning of the night - the most...
© 2003 Ronda was a babe. Blue eyes, Curly blond hair. She stood 5'4 inches tall, nice 34c breast and the tightest little 34 inch ass you every put yours eyes on. Ronda always had a bright smile for every one at work, Riverside Nursing Home. She had been a Nurse Aide for 3 years now. She married young, to a guy name Bill. A drunk, bum, He hadn't worked in 3 years. Ronda put up with him for her daughter. They got married in high school, he had been her first and only man. Which now she...
June 9, 1971 Dear Diary: Do I ever have some hot news to write about!! No longer am I Miss Polly Oliver! It's Mrs. Harold Himmler from now on, or at least for the time being. And, even bigger news, Wally Baxter called from Los Angeles and said he may have something for me!!! Well, first things first. How'd I ever get hitched up with old Weird Harold? It wasn't easy, really. As you probably gathered, he and I had a pretty strange relationship. But that was only because I couldn't stand...
She'll call herself Baby Blue when they're desperate for a name to moan. Stole it from a billboard ad along highway 70. Thinks it was the name for a zoo's newborn seal; bit like that song... Baby Beluga? Blue Jean Baby? Can't say for sure. Doesn't really matter. All that does is the power it seems to hold over men, especially those graying at the temples. They'll whisper it with beer breath, hand on her thigh. Baby Blue. Desperate for the tight gash they no longer get at home. It’s not really...
HardcoreBabydoll Boys Chapter One - Frat boys Like most college boys, Bluto Fratman was always looking for ways to enrich his higher-educational experience. On most weekend nights, occasional Tuesdays and most Thursdays, Bluto and his fraternity brothers performed field research on the effects of ethyl alcohol on the post-adolescent male brain. They performed this vital task in the fraternity house, as well as various entertainment establishments both on- and off-campus. The...
The Vampire Lord Flashman arose from the brass handled, walnut box and, tossing his long hair over his shoulders, raised his face to taste the night's air. He could smell moths, musk and moonlight but also something else. Something sweet, yet tangy, like... Like a peach. The Lord Of The Dark growled. The San Fransisco night air was a plethora of aromas, some pleasant, some rank. Her's was both and neither, but he recognized it still.It was the Contessa Santangelo's essence. How long had it...
SupernaturalSnow crunched under the tyres of the four by four as Tim pulled up onto the driveway outside the chalet. “Here we go,” he said. He leaned over to Fiona in the passenger seat and kissed her on the cheek before they both giggled and flung the doors open. In the back seat Lilly pulled her shawl closer around her shoulders. Why had she even bothered to come? She was selfish, that’s what it was. The boot flew open, letting in a gust of crisp, alpine air and she gasped. “Come on Lil,” Fiona said,...
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