Überlebende indian porn

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In den Faengen der Mudschaheddin

I n  d e n  F ? n g e n  d e r  M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...

2 years ago
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Die nukleare Gefahr

Mit müden Augen starrte Theo an die Wand. All die Anspannung, die Warterei hatte ihn mittlerweile total fertig gemacht. War die Front endlich vorbei? War sie es nicht? Niemand wusste es, und den Fernseher anzuschalten lohnte sich nicht. Er hätte einen Teil seiner Stromvorräte opfern müssen, und solange das batteriebetriebene Radio nur vor sich hinrauschte, glaubte er auch nicht daran, dass das Opfer es wert gewesen wäre. Theo blickte aus dem Fenster. Die staubigen Straßen, die Ruinen vieler...

4 years ago
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Sklaven Kapitel 9

Kapitel 9Die Nacht über schlief ich wie ein Toter. Die Ereignisse des vorigen Tages hatten mich ausgelaugt und waren anstrengend genug gewesen. Trotzdem erstaunte es mich doch. Ich hätte nicht damit gerechnet. Als ich dann morgens aufwachte, ließ ich meine Augen zu. Niemand sollte sehen, dass ich bereits wach war. Ich brauchte ein wenig Zeit für mich, musste mir endlich Gedanken darüber machen, wie ich dieser Situation entkommen konnte. Noch war zumindest für mich die Sache recht glimpflich...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 24

"Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the palm of his hand ... probably like hearing the sea from a seashell ... probably not. "Ja." The...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 24B Translated

Mind the Time: 24 ... loosely translated. Very loosely. "Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," Hold on chickiepoo ... stop right there. They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the...

3 years ago
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Die Welt danach

_Der Krieg war vorbei. Nach einer schrecklichen Eskalationsspirale, die zuerst Europa, dann Asien und schließlich die ganze Welt mit in einen Strudel aus Gewalt und Horror zog, schreckten die enthemmten Kriegsmächte bald vor keinem Mittel zurück. Es wurde nie aufgedeckt, welche der vielen Seiten das Virus in Umlauf brachte - es hätten alle sein können. Die Möglichkeit, Viren auf spezielle DNA-Sequenzen zu programmieren und so gezielt einzusetzen waren schon lange bekannt, aber...

4 years ago
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Weltuntergang! Der Gedanke fühlte sich immer noch an wie ein böser Traum. Doch es war passiert. Und wie! Keiner der wenigen überlebenden konnte genau sagen wie es passiert war. Es ging alles so schnell. So vieles geschah auf einmal. In den letzten Tagen der größten Zivilisation welche jemals unter dem irdischen Himmel gediehen war, waren die Nachrichten voll von Unheilszeichen. Viele taten dies als Panikmacherei ab, doch es geschah nichts dest so trotz. War es einer der Ölkrisen gewesen welche...

2 years ago
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Im Bann der schwarzen Krieger

Rachegedanken Wir schreiben das Jahr 211 v. Chr. Der karthagische Feldherr Hannibal hatte mit seinen Streitkräften die Alpen überquert und war beinahe bis nach Rom vorgedrungen. Im Rahmen dieses Feldzuges war das kleine römische Gehöft von einer Gruppe desertierter karthagischer Krieger überfallen worden. Claudia hatte hilflos mit ansehen müssen, wie ihre gesamte Familie von den afrikanischen Kriegern vergewaltigt und ermordet wurde. Nur ihr, der schlanken, schwarzgelockten stolzen...

3 years ago
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Genmanipulation Teil 7

Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...

2 years ago
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Tanja Teil 1

Tanja - Ankunft in Toronto Mein Name ist Franz. Ich habe vor zwei Wochen meinen Master in Computer Science gemacht. Einen Arbeitsvertrag habe ich auch schon. Allerdings will ich noch einmal vier Monate nach Neuseeland reisen. Eigentlich war geplant, dass mich meine Freundin begleitet. Leider haben wir uns vor vier Wochen getrennt. Egal, dann fahre ich alleine, dachte ich. Eigentlich ein guter Plan. Nur habe ich ziemliche Flugangst und nach Neuseeland fliegt man eine Weile. Von...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

2 years ago
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Mansurs Rache

Mansur’s Rache Synopsis (17. Jahrhundert, T?rkenkriege, ein Kloster im Donautal) Nach blutiger Schlacht im Angesicht des Klosters beschliesst der siegreiche Emir Mansur der Pr?chtige an den Bewohnern des Klosters grausame Rache zu nehmen. In der Arena des grossen Klosterhofes, vor rachedurstigen Kriegern, erdulden die Nonnen und Novizinnen subtile Varianten muselmanischer Folterkunst.Die Schlacht  In den fr?hen Morgenstunden des strahlenden Fr?hlingstages hatten die t?rkischen Truppen unter M...

2 years ago
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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

2 years ago
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Econotopia German

ECONOTOPIA © Gentle Master Vorwort Wir schreiben das Jahr 2054. Es gibt weder Regierungen noch Ländergrenzen.Sie haben sich einfach als zu große Hemmschuhe für die zunehmendeGlobalisierung der Wirtschaft erwiesen. Und aus der damit einhergehenden Monopolisierungdes Marktes ist ein einziges gigantisches Unternehmen, die World Con, hervorgegangen,das sämtliche Ressourcen der Welt kontrolliert. Geld gibt es auch nichtmehr, nur noch Bezugsscheine, die Cons, die je nach sozialem Beitrag...

2 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 42

Rory We had the Sunday to readjust to being back home and to prepare for starting work. It was all change for me as I would be starting work in the IT department. I was a bit apprehensive about this because I was unsure how much of my computing skills that it should reveal to my new boss. All Sunday morning I swithered about whether or not I should have a talk with David and see how he felt about this. Fortunately after giving us time to settle into the routine of being back home they...

2 years ago
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Kim Ch 01

Kim Ch. 01 – Awakening An Elfin face stared back out of the mirror at her as she brushed her long dark hair. Flame blue eyes were surrounded by thick lashes and high cheek bones and a prominent nose dominated small lips that were curved up in a smile. It was not a pretty face in the conventional sense of beauty but rather arresting, like one could not help but stop and notice. Kim knew that hers was a face that stayed with people. Under her hair and face, the rest of Kim was also noteworthy....

3 years ago
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Battle Buddy

I was seventeen when I joined the fleet for the required five years. I was from a rural colony and got a shock when I started basic. Not only did we have women sleeping in bunks with us, they showered and thought nothing of being naked around the men. The first day we were paired up, normally it was men together and women together. We had an odd number of women and Jess became my buddy. They called us battle buddies because we were to do everything together and watch each others back in...

2 years ago
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Stormy Paradise

Our plane lands on a small airstrip near the middle of the island. We both saw the beach as we crossed with violent waves crashing against the shore. We retrieve our luggage and head for the exit from the airport. Our limo driver is waiting at the door and collects all of our luggage and deposits it gently into the long Cadillac. As we head towards our ocean front cabin the driver begins telling us about the storms that have been hitting and that there may be rough weather approaching. We...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Texas Patti Slutty Anal MILF

Raven-haired psychologist Texas Patti bats her long lashes and squeezes her round tits. When her patient, Mark Wood, divulges his sexual issues, the hot MILF doctor finds her pussy soaking wet! She strips, revealing a sexy clit piercing. Patti climbs on top of Mark’s meat for a bouncy anal cock ride. He bends her over and plows her butthole from behind. His sphincter thrusts make her cum. Giving a wet, ass-to-mouth blowjob, Patti drools on Mark’s balls and chokes on his meat. The...

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A Little Christmas Gift

I remember Christmas when I was in first grade. A couple of weeks before the big day, Mom and Dad took us to the lot next to Safeway that had been cleared of pumpkins and was now stocked with evergreen trees. After Tiff and I spent what seemed like hours picking out the perfect tree, Dad strapped our prize to the top of the station wagon and we drove home slower than normal. He helped Mom put it in its stand, then took care of the lights outside while his three ladies spent two or three hours...

4 years ago
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A Just RewardChapter 26

On Monday week Becca's team turned up on the dot of eight-thirty at Edward Johnson's flat. He greeted them and Becca introduced them all. "This is Maisie," she said, "and she's in charge if I get called away. This is Dawn. She's so tall she does the ceilings. This is Nell. She might get called away to do an estimate but, don't worry, she only does the skirting boards." Nell, grinning broadly, punched her arm. Becca smiled fondly at her. "I do have to put up with a bit of...

3 years ago
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Just Trying to Please

Just Trying to Please -- by jessicablank Brad carefully brushed the mascara up... up... up his eyelashes, struggling not to squint at his own reflection in the mirror. The eye shadow was a perfect shade of plumb, the brows exactingly tweezed and arched. And the eyes that stared back into his were so feminine and beautiful, he could scarcely believe they were HIS. Brad fluttered his eyelids, watching the long, dark lashes in the mirror seem to wave, like tiny birds' wings. He was...

3 years ago
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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8 Chapter 15 Orlan

We did dock at the same mooring arm we had used almost two years ago. Har-Hi standing next to me at the portside main airlock and tugged at his mask. He had decided to wear the Assassin mask that came with the armor suit. “You know we were basically still kids when we came here the first time.” His words expressed what I was thinking perfectly. “We aren’t kids anymore, but I think we are not exactly the experienced and seasoned officer kind either.” Shea standing to my other side...

2 years ago
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My Loss Is My Gain

Growing up, I had a brother that was six years older than me, so by the time I became functionally aware, I was going on four and my brother was ten. It would have made for some annoying sibling moments if not for the hell my brother Rick caught from our father, both physical and verbal. By the time Rick was thirteen, dad was out the door ... permanently. It was a tough time for us all, but Rick was just entering puberty, which exacerbated his problems. I know of two occasions when Rick had...

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Hotwife Bull and Cuck walk into a bar

Last Friday we had a date scheduled. We were going out to dinner to meet Jay and we had a room booked at a nice hotel. Mandy and I checked in early. We relaxed for a while, sipping a glass of wine before Mandy headed off to take a bath and start getting ready. Just as Mandy settled into the tub, Jay sent her a text. I didn't read the text, I just took her phone to her. She read the text and looked at me with a grin on her face."It looks like I'm not the only one that needs to shave her...

4 years ago
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The Girl Scout 5 Die Bitch Die

The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed Brothers Bubba and Tyrone were banging the Dago Girl Scout Lisa tied to a saw horse. Bubba was deep inside her while Ty was abusing her, talking shit, slapping her face, pulling her air, abusing her face while the others looked on. Again desperate she tried to reason with Tyrone. She would offer to do anything, just stop the madness. Tyrone laughed , yanked her hair and looked her in the eye. Stupid Bitch were’ gonna FUCK YOU TO DEATH. YOU ARE...

2 years ago
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Lunch Break In Office

Hello ISS readers,Here I am with another story, this story is all fiction none of the characters are real in this story, sorry if there are any mistakes. I am Raj Sharma 37 years married working as a chief analyst in a reputed financial company, I live with my wife Shweta 35 years a amazing personality very social like all modern women are but too has very little time for me, anyway this story is not about Shweta it’s about Sonia my personal secretary, she is working as my asst. from past 2...

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Showing off at the cinema

Story by Peter Rodman In the olden days -- back in the 1980s, before videos killed the adult theaters -- movie theaters that screened smut could be randy places, as my wife Sally and I discovered once.My wife had brown hair, a medium build that was neither thin nor chubby. She had straight brown hair and large brown eyes.Perhaps more to the point of my story, she had nicely-proportioned breasts with pink nipples. One aureole was slightly larger than the other. The large pink ovals made her tits...

3 years ago
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The Cycling HolidayChapter 4

"I think that's a great idea. Tell you what, you zip the bags together while I duck out for a piss. You can tell me what side I'm on when I come back." By the time I returned Mom had the bed spread out and she indicated that I could have the right side. When I was starting to remove my jeans she said that she would go and have a final pee herself. "Would you mind if I take the light? It's pretty dark out there and I would hate to fall over something." "Yeah. That would be fine. I...

4 years ago
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Reluctant CoupleChapter 5

Diane came out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, wearing her long nylon nightie, her blonde hair long and flowing down her back. Roger was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, smoking a cigarette. He wore only his jockey shorts. Diane swallowed into her shame-dried throat as she stood just inside the door, looking at him. His eyes were on the ceiling. He hadn't looked at her or spoken to her since they'd left the Cord home in Peacock Gap that afternoon. She had...

3 years ago
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Discovering My Physics Teacher Part 8211 1

Discovering my physics teacher: part 1(introduction) [I have tried to recreate events, localities but with same conversations. I have changed the name of the individual and places to protect the privacy] A big thanks to iss for publishing my story. Hello, readers. I’m Ajit (fake name) from Kolkata (the place is real). This is my first story on this website so please forgive my mistakes. Please feel free to write to me at my email: . I had been following iss since class ten. Everything in...

4 years ago
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The Roommate Agreement Chapter 4

Weeks passed, and though they were mostly uneventful, they were not boring.The dorm seemed to have settled into a rhythm. Eric and Xander continued to coexist in tense, if not hostile silence. The sexual tensions was still there between me and Xander, but I handled it with rather cruel teasing and half-finished sexual encounters that were far more satisfying for me than they were for him. He seemed to think they were better than nothing though since he still met me every time I summoned him...

4 years ago
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The Day After IV

Another chapter in the life of Sammi the Genie The Day After IV by Bill Hart I just loved being inside my lamp. To put it quite simply, the land inside my lamp had to be the very best of all possible worlds. This wasn't the first time I'd had that thought. I doubted it would be the last. Even though I'd been born a mortal man, that seemed a long time ago now. I could think of absolutely nothing I'd rather be than the genie I currently was. The world inside my lamp was always...

3 years ago
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Don t Use Mom s Panties 6

Mark had just slid his hot cock deep inside of my pussy. I needed him inside of me. He needed to be inside of me. I could have told him not to do it. I could have got dressed and walked away. Instead, I spread my legs wide and beckoned him forward. I had reached down between our bodies and guided his cock to the entrance of my pussy. Then I even rubbed his thick head up and down between the lips of my wet pussy. Then I positioned him right at my entrance and told him to push. His...

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Clare Part 5

Clare - The love trianglePart 5We take my sister in law on holiday, play and make new friends.The next few months went in a flash and we were officially dating, I even moved in with Zac within the first 2 weeks, sounds crazy right? Most of my close friends but especially his mates thought he was off his head when they found out we were courting. My reputation followed me around a bit but I never cheated on him but we have had a few adventures together, we normally play as a pair but not alone....

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 108 Settling In

I was sworn in as a Congressman on January 3rd, 1991, as the 102 nd Congress convened. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me...

4 years ago
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Fishing for Virgins

I arrived at my spot around noon. It was 82 degrees, perfect for cat fishing. I set up my little camp with my blanket, folding chair and cooler with sandwiches and beer. I baited and casted my pole, set in the Y stick and kicked back soaking up the sun. I must have dozed off for awhile. I awoke to the bell on the end of my pole dinging, for when I get bites. I grabbed the pole, but the fish was not hooked. Dang, I'll wait for another bite. I got myself a beer and relaxed. I...

3 years ago
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Eddie and Cindy and Me

“No NO! Not like that!” Eddie scolded. I was sitting on the floor facing his sister. As I had been told, I leaned in and gave her kisses, well, actually just little pecks. She giggled after each peck as I blushed and sweated profusely. I had never kissed a girl. Well, ok, I kissed my older sister, but only after mom told me to make up with her after hitting her. That was on the cheek and didn’t count. I was kissing Cindy right on the lips! This was the late 1960’s; time of hippies, drugs,...

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Halloween Frat Party Nightmare

tags: public outdoor sex, monster rape, cheating, college party, accidental drug use, strange romance ********************* The decorations on the door were calm enough, but once we got inside they were over the top! Spider webs all over, warped mirrors, plastic skeletons, and only electric candles for light. I knew the campus had strict fire codes, and was actually impressed that this frat house followed them, where most of the others didn't very often on small things like...

4 years ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 42

Jennifer leaned back to look at me with a broad smile on her face. “My God Guy, that was just fucking awesome! I hate that I let my pussy rule my brain, but I’ve been without a man for seven years and when I saw your cock, I couldn’t resist the need to make up for it.” She looked around at the others and I did too. There was a full circle of friends looking at us, and smiling. Then, they started clapping their hands and I had to laugh. I look behind me to see Mavis, Lola, Karen, and Rita -...

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Beth Naked in SchoolChapter 7

Wednesday School As he'd walked me home, the evening before, the cool night breeze caressing our naked bodies, I tried to talk Carl into doing school naked with me the next day, but he weaseled out of it, the fink. He said he didn't want to distract anyone from the fine job I was doing. Yeah, right! So anyway, the next day, there I was, outside the school, about to strip for the usual audience. I hadn't thought it was possible to feel more naked than I already had, but it is. You...

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KristinChapter 51

When we returned home, it was time to enroll my new little sisters in school. The fact is that since it was already late May, we were really pre-enrolling them all for the following fall. Debbie and Enid were to be in the 9th grade while Maureen and Seana were to be in the 10th. And — surprise, surprise — I went over to the school along with Mom, Kris, and my four new sisters. Our reception from Donald Grimes, the principal, and Monica Cumberland, the dean, came as a wonderful surprise....

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The Gentle Giant

This is a newly revised version of my story, in the original, I had broken some boundaries set for the Bikini Beach Universe. This is my attempt to set that it back in order. To Elrod, who created this universe, please accept my apology, It didn't even dawn on me that I may have crossed the line until I had already submitted it to FM. To the Radioactive Loaner, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Then finally, Ellie Dauber, thank you for your help in bringing my story into line. Thank...

3 years ago
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One for Good Luck

This story just jumped into my brain from another dimension. It does tie in to the existing Dots and Dashes series - kind of - but later, not right now. Feeling lucky? My sexual adventures don't always start with a phone call. Sometimes, they cross my path in person at full speed. I was exiting a revolving door at a drug store after replenishing my supply of brown and red licorice twists. A husky woman burdened with five shopping bags plowed into me. I staggered backwards, saved from the...

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Sexual Encounters With My Beautiful Girlfriend

Hi, this story is about my girlfriend. I have written one story about her already, please read it if you haven’t already. So, let’s begin. For those who don’t know about my girlfriend, her name is Rashi, her height is 5.3 and she has a fair complexion. She has a beautiful face and 32C sized-boobs, 28-waist and 34-ass. Yes, she has a perfect figure. She raises many cocks while she walks on the road! This is a story where my girlfriend tries to seduce me while I was working on my laptop doing...

2 years ago
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One day in the abs

I am a single bisexual man. I my girlfriend of six years had just left me. I hadnt gotten off in about three weeks, so I decided to check out Adult World. I go in on Friday night about 9:00 Paid the fee for the booths 20.00 freaking bucks better be worth it. I get buzzed in and head to the back. All the booths are playing all thetime part of a weekend deal, so that the 20.00 may be alright after all. I go in the first booth and there is one of those buddy windows I hit the button to see what...

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Runway 17

Chapter 17 Tiffany's day went differently than Brenda's. Her first assignment was to be in a show at one of the designers that had seen the Voss add and they had to have Tiffany. She was the only girl from Universal and the rest were from various agencies around the city. Tiffany arrived early and was resting. She was approached by a tall Asian girl.. "Hi," she said. "Hi," Tiffany responded. "You're the Voss girl aren't you?" "Yes, how did you know?" "All of us girls know...

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Kyle and the Thompson Family

Kyle drove up the drive way of the house at 6969 North Water Way. It was a large colonial style home. It was the home to the Thompson Family. Mr. James Thompson, still in his early forties, was a millionaire several times over. He owned a number of businesses around the world. He had a daughter, Rene, who was a sophomore at an ivy league school he couldn't remember the name of. He also had a son, Gregory, who had just graduated from high school. Their mother had passed away several years...

Mind Control
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True story An older lover

A true story about one of the best fucks I ever had. I got talking to a woman I know in the pub 1 night. I was 21 she was early forties and had known each other for a while. I can't remember exactly why but we both ended up in the pub alone, late on a Saturday night so I joined her and we started chatting and having a laugh. We lived fairly close to each other and headed home on foot at closing time. When we got close to my house I told her I had booze in mine and she was welcome to join me for...

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JordanChapter 15

I woke up and for a long time just looked down at my beautiful sleeping lover enjoying the beauty of her body. Suddenly, I came to the realization that I was definitely falling in love with Jordan. 'Now what?' I asked myself and I remembered Jordan's statement that she was going to marry me. 'Is that going to come true?' I continued to muse, 'Looks like Jordan's wish just might come true.' I crept out of bed and went to get my coffee going. I was just about to pour my first cup when...

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Marie 4

Marie's bag was packed and in her car. She took one more look around the house. Everything was good, so she set off on her short break. Marie had booked herself in a five-star hotel. It was a gift to herself for being a bad girl.After checking in, Marie went straight to her third-floor room. It was better than she expected.Marie bounced on the bed, 'Oh, yes,' she said to herself.She hadn't gone there to pick a man up, but if she did, her bouncy bed would be a great place to fuck.Marie...

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Deep Waters

Deep WatersChapter One        Charlotte Elizabeth Waters stood at the prow of the ship, near the bowsprit, enthralled with the azure seascape before her.  The crystal blue expanse of the Caribbean turned to froth as the ship cut through the sapphire waves, the creaking timbers and taut rope that held the booming sails flashing whitely behind her.  She breathed deeply, filling her lungs with the salt breeze and she vibrated with the barely contained excitement of youth’s first step upon the path...

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A normal working day

A normal working day?ByClara High        Eight o’clock in the morning. She entered her office. The secretary stood up to salute Her in the reception room. Good morning, Miss Siegel! Good Morning, Frida! Make a coffee for Me, please, and call all heads of sections on meeting at ten o’clock, please! Yes, Miss Siegel, immediately! – Frida rushed to prepare coffee. Miss Siegel passed in her working room. She took out Her long fur coat and remained in official dark blue costume and high heel...

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Seed Time

[ In an on-going series of quasi-fictional 'stories' about interracial sex, and, more importantly than that, interracial breeding, I offer yet another based on my very good friends A & T, who continually inspire and amaze me with their dedication, and bravery, to furthering the agenda of better racial relations between 'white' and those of color! ]Though the outside temperature was quite warm, and the sultry humidity of Kenya at this time of year was heavy, like an invisible blanket...

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Gay Threesome

A few weeks after my first gay experience I still had a rush to try more. I started exploring again on Craigslist to see what I could find and it did not disappoint. I found this man that was hosting a threesome and I thought since I was already this far mass as well keep going. I e-mailed him and soon started texting him on when and where to meet. I left my apartment complex and started my drive to his place. I was excited for what was to cum. I got to his house where he let me inside...

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Holy Whore

His questioning eyes pierced my defences. I lifted my eyebrows and shrugged, not willing to lower the rest of my barricades. I saw his gaze dropping down and the light in his eyes changing. His gaze no longer held a question but something like worship shone in his eyes. When he looked in my eyes again, the worship was still there. I thought it would be filled with lust or desire, but his eyes revealed something like adoration, or gratefulness. I wasn’t used to that kind of treatment. Most of...

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Anal Addiction

You look at the man next to you in the bed – let's call him Jim - and your lips quirk into a smile.Lean and hard, with dark hair overspreading his chest, but not an actual pelt... he's a helluva kisser, too, which is why you're naked together in your bed. You stretch out your long smooth legs, lean your face against his shoulder and speak softly."Listen up. I don't want there to be any possibility of misunderstanding of what I'm about to say.I. Want. You. To. Fuck. My. Ass." He should be...

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Shemales An Appreciation

Shemales: An Appreciation By Cal Y. Pygia Androgyne, futari, girly man, he-she, intersexed, hermaphrodite, kathoey, ladyboy, newhalf, shemale, tranny, transgender, transsexual--there are lots of names for chicks with dicks--maybe too many. As whenever such a case presents itself, it is helpful--no, mandatory--that one define one's terms. As used in this essay, "shemale" is reserved for pre-operative transsexuals who have decided that breasts have made them womanly enough and that...

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Romance With My Aunty

Hi viewers, I’m back again with another real story of me. I’m also one of the followers of this site like all of you. I’m 23, 5’11 fair, athletic ,working in an MNC in hyderabad. I’m writing this story to reach out to similar minded people. So to begin with this happened with my friends mom in my hometown during my inter college days. She was married may be at an early age of her life so she is still in her 30’s though she has an 18 yr old son. She is pretty white complexioned and her figures...

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Hairy big titted mature Jo Anne s pub adventu

This was written for me by someone on here hop you enjoy it xx I cant believe she's just been sitting there for the past hour opening and closing her legs at us the dirty fucking bitch" said one of the guys!"It's a fucking jungle down there I can tell you" quipped another!It was just another late night out in town and the local pub was the destination!A trio of guys had gone into a well known watering-hole that had a bit of a reputation for being a great place for those just looking for a...

2 years ago
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The Taking

I walk into the room dressed as you requested: Hair in pigtails, plaid schoolgirl skirt, tall white socks, white button down shirt, no bra. I stand in front of you while your eyes scrutinize me. You beckon me over, “Show me” you demand. I lift the hem of my skirt and reveal my white cotton panties. I pretend not to notice when you adjust the bulge in your pants. You grab my hips and sit me on the desk. I spread my legs and place my feet on the arms of your office chair giving you a birds eye...

4 years ago
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Show me what I m looking for

Rosa looked skeptically at the packet, turning it over and over with her fingers. About three hours ago, she was on her way to the market for her monthly supply of fresh fruits and vegetables when she passed a small store with darkened windows. What struck her was that she couldn't remember whether she had ever passed it before, whether it was new or not. It was the name, etched on the dark glass window, which had gotten her attention. The script and language was unlike any she had seen, and...

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PippaChapter 10

As Serendipity headed out into the North Sea, two parties in black approached two houses in Suffolk. The original intention was to make a frontal approach, with Zoe and Goat playing the part of new blood; that would not now work. Instead, Alex, Bernie, Snoopy and Zoe made their way stealthily to the back of one house, and Chalky, Fatso, Dusty and Goat to the other. Each made sure of the Taser in one hand; Alex and Dusty of the lock-picks needed to gain access. The doors opened to them...

4 years ago
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Alternative Reality chapter 4

Readers notes: If this is the first one you have reading then stop and go back to the beginning if you read the other then enjoy Darkestbooks thanks you for your time. I stayed in the hospital for three day before I was released. In that time I was watched over at all times but they never had to restrap me as I was behaving. The day after I was taken to the hospital a therapist came by to have a talk. His first question was so stupid. “Where you trying to kill yourself?” I...

3 years ago
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Sweet Sweet Fantasy

It was late, and the house was quiet. My husband had gone to work about an hour previously. My children, son 10 and daughter 2, were snug in their beds. The housework was taken care of, the dishes washed, and there were no chores left to be accomplished. The only thing I had to keep me company was my thoughts. Those thoughts, turning around and around inside my brain, were little comfort on such a beautiful, moonlit summer night. It was his face that was tormenting me. David was older than me,...

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First Time for Everything The Gift Part 3

As soon as I read Matt's text message about getting ready, I put myself into action. Not sure exactly what he meant by "more to follow", I decided to stay ahead of the curve and get everything done sooner rather than later. I changed the sheets as instructed, showered and shaved, and cleaned our home from top to bottom, making sure that there wasn't a morsel of dirt anywhere to be found. Shortly after finishing the last of my chores, my phone pinged again."You're going to get it for that...

Group Sex
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Trip to an Adult Bookstore

"Trip to Adult Bookstore" This is the third letter I have gotten from my new master who explains what MAY happen the first time we meet after months of talking on-line. My slut Laura, There is an adult bookstore near me that I would like to take you to. They have video booths, but these booths do not have doors on them, but are cubby holes that allow some privacy by not having the video screen and seating area visible unless you look into the recessed door. I would direct you to...

3 years ago
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The Boy Lost His Virginity

I like to think of myself as a likeable guy so when the young man sat beside me on the bus and began to strike up a conversation I thought nothing of it...at first. Then I looked around and realized there were many empty seats he could have chosen but he sat right beside me. As we talked about nothing in particular I looked at him and thought to myself how attractive he was – and how young. I decided he no doubt just wanted someone to talk to. “My name is Devin.” The young boy said as he stuck...

4 years ago
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Her Uncle Made Her Cum and She Loved ItChapter 13

B climbed out of the chair he had been sitting in and came around to the side of the bed. He wanted a better view of the two girls. He sat on it and watched as C used her mouth, tongue and fingers to stimulate K’s pussy. C had immediately taken charged and had K on her back, legs open wide and had buried her face in the sweetest smelling cunt of K. C had wanted to taste K’s pussy for almost over a year. Yes, K was just 13 the first time C met her and she had wanted to make love to her since...

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Our New Resident

I was one of those young people who didn't really give much thought to what I would do with my life as far as a career went. Oh, I had interests, sure, I even majored in one, biology. It was after I graduated that I realized that industries hired lots of chemists, but few biologists. The states hired a few each year but nowhere near the number that flooded into the job market every spring. So, I went back to school, nursing school, and became a nursing administrator. That was ten years ago, I'm...

Straight Sex
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Another Dwayne s hot show on the screen

Another Dwyne’s hot show on the screen.When I got to work on Tuesday morning I walked along the hall in our office and met Dwayne sitting at his desk.I knew exactly what he was thinking when he saw me; that he has fucked my sweet wife while I was gone. But he had no idea I knew what he had done or that I had actually watched him as he fucked and sodomized Ana.He stood up and slapped me in the back. "How was your trip, Victor?" I told him it was fine; an uneventful trip away from home. I then...

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Street Whore Chronicles Michele s Story par

Check out Michele's pictures in the gallery titled "Streetwalker-Michele"Michele was raised in extreme poverty in the rural Northeastern US. Her family was traditional white trash. While she was a rather cute, petite strawberry blond she had a bit of an acne problem, wasn't overly attractive and in addition was naive, submissive and extremely shy and quiet. Never a very good student and all but invisible socially she kind of just drifted out of school a couple of years before graduating. She...

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My GirlFriend Fuck s Me Pegged

It all started when she would rub my ass while she sucked me off which felt so good. Then it progressed into her fingering and massaging my prostate which felt even better still. In fact, That's how I discovered the "anal orgasm". I didn't even know that existed until she gave me my first one. I suppose orgasm isn't the perfect word for it as there is no ejaculation. However, it is so intense and it sweeps across my whole body. I can't think of another word to properly describe it. I can only...

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Gray Rock 2

“I just don’t understand what happened?” Jax spoke to Tyler as they rode in the front of the bus on their way back to gray rock. They continued the discussion as the boys complained about not getting to see the girls and such. The whole bus ride back was noisy. As the bus pulled into the parking lot and the cadets made their way back to the dorms Jax and Tyler made their way to the armory to check in their weapons. Jax spoke as they walked “I know you don’t agree with all the behind the scenes...

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There and BackChapter 163 Promises Kept

The twentieth of Wintermarch. The date of my wedding anniversary ... and another important event in my life: the birthday of the man I’d married. And I’d had no idea, at the time, that our wedding had fallen on the day we should have been celebrating his life. “The twentieth?” I asked. Alistair nodded, wincing. “As in, the twentieth of Wintermarch?” He flushed and looked away, trying to hide his guilty expression from me. “As in the day we got married?” My tone was rising with each sentence,...

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After School

"Finally," Krista muttered under her breath, "the last period of the day is about over, just three more minutes and I'm outa here!!!" "Eighth period English Lit, what a lousy way to finish up the school day!!!" "Okay, class," Miss Redmond ordered, "pages 213 thru 247 for tomorrow, be ready for a quiz!!!" While the whole room groaned in unison, Miss Redmond locked eyes with Krista and gave her a small nod, "Oh, crap," Krista thought, "she wants me to stay after again, and today of all days!!!"...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 15 Greetings from Paradise

"Well gal, I see you're back." Brin's father says to Brin with no fanfare or anything. "At least you brought some women folk to help out." And with that he turns and walks back into the house where he bellows at his wife to come out and see to us. Brin gives us an apologetic look, once his has left. Brin's brothers, after hearing their father's call of company, come tumbling out of the house. Her brothers on the other hand don't say anything once they see us. They just follow us...

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A Fresh StartChapter 171 Family Matters

Marilyn’s blitz of the talk shows did what we intended it to do. It put a human face, a very likeable human face, on the clusterfuck in Pittsburgh. Marilyn was polling in the low 90s, and across the country people were rallying to her side on this. Only the ACLU was defending them, and they had offered their services. (Westboro Baptist promptly condemned them as being part of the ‘Jewish power elite’, but with their assets frozen, it wasn’t like they could pay for lawyers; they couldn’t...

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Jamaica Ritual

I passed by my father’s bedroom to tell him I was going down to the river to meet my friend Sydney from the neighboring Sheldon Grove sugar cane plantation to fish for mangrove snapper for cook’s special fish stew, but I could see he was busy. Jimar, the uppity house slave—well beyond his station since childbirth took my mother and the baby away three years earlier, in 1822, when I was but eleven—naked, on his back on my father’s bed. My father held, ramrod straight, above the boy of fourteen,...

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Happy Anniversary Ch 02

You haven’t moved an inch when I return with a plate of breakfast. You probably didn’t have the energy. That was one hell of a string of orgasms I gave you just a little while ago. You open your eyes when you hear me enter, and you smile. ‘Mmmm, that smells wonderful Hun. What is it?’ ‘Eggs, and sausage. And a glass of orange juice.’ I put it down on the end table and help you sit up. You thank me for the help with a smile, knowing that you don’t have the energy to move yet. I pull out a...

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Mistis Adventures Part 211

Zane and Falina were having problems of their own. With her pregnancy advancing as it was, they had lost the intimacy, they had, so long, enjoyed, so much. She was used to them having sex at least four or five times a week, and even more often, at times. He was afraid that he would hurt her, or the baby, and held off. Falina enjoyed exciting her husband of now, nine years. She had grown more wanton as he had discovered that she enjoyed being shared with other men. She had, also, discovered that...

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Is This It Ch 01

Today, it starts in the kitchen. Audrey’s off and had decided to do some shopping and made it just in time before Nat gets home. She rinses the groceries and places them in the fridge. She never quite understood why but she always feels an excitement whenever she knows Nat is coming home or just arrived. She doesn’t hear the door open or Nat coming into the kitchen. Bent over into the refrigerator Nat gives her ass a nice smack. ‘Oooo!! Yes! That’s a nice one.’ Nat quickly steps back and...

1 year ago
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Dinner Party

I met the owner of one of the companies that the company I work for does business with as I was working on his account. He was an older guy, in his early fifties I think and we got real friendly, so he invited my girlfriend and myself out to dinner with him and his wife a few times. I know he liked what he saw with my girlfriend as he would give her those looks when he thought no one was watching and she is a hot blond with . He came into see me at work one day to tell me his friend was having...

Group Sex
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VeronicaChapter 21

The two youths, panting and gasping from the combined effects of exertion and eager animal anticipation, dragged her into the mouth of an alleyway, where one of them released his grip of her arms, leaving her, as he thought, in the safe hands of his partner in crime. As the eager, acne faced, evil smelling and priapic youth fumbled with his trousers Veronica kicked up at him with all her strength and had the sadistic and righteous satisfaction of watching him drop to the ground screaming and...

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Piercings Part VI Infidelity and Awakenings

We were woken by Liz when she returned just after ten. Amy started to get out of the bed as she came into the room but Liz stopped her. “It’s okay Amy,” she told her. “I don’t mind and there’s no point in getting out of a nice warm bed to get into a cold one, is there?”Amy smiled as she got back into bed. Liz sat on the edge of the bed close to her. “Had a good time?” she asked her as she brushed hair off Amy’s forehead. “You look shattered.”Amy smiled.“I hope dad isn’t wearing you out!”This...

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I was just her window cleaner

I was just her window cleaner. If I had any feelings for Marie I had them right now. But I was only her window cleaner for God’s sake. So what brought all this about that I could feel so intimate with a woman twice my age, who had no particular sexual attraction for me – having always been drawn to women my age? I shall tell you… Marie lived in a country cottage in Dartmoor, South Devon and managed a smallholding generally on her own, because her husband had long passed but occasionally she had...

4 years ago
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Older is Better

As a young good looking man of only 20 years old Carl has had a couple of partners but nothing steady. His choices in women was always what everyone else thought he should have, tall, blonde, thin, and absolutely sexy. Though he as always had the stereotypical woman he has never found one that could truly satisfy his sexual drive. Now standing naked in front of this much older non-stereotypical woman he has to wonder if he can finally be sexually satisfied or if he can satisfy her. Jill is an...

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The Stolen Device

This is a public thread designed to be expanded on, so there aren't a bunch a rules. However there are 3 pretty simple guidelines. 1- Someone needs to create mind control, and be messed with in the story (They don't need to be fucked, just fucked with.) 2- The user needs to receive or steal the device somehow, and obviously, abuse it. 3- The inventor cannot be the user. Besides that go nuts! It can be in any universe, original or established, it can be extremely effective, or need to take...

Mind Control
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Losing the House but Winning Mom 07

Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. * Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Bank helps Jennifer and Michael buy a house. The next day, November 1st, other than the fact that they were living in a motel room instead of their home, was like any other day. As if they were a couple on their Honeymoon, they enjoyed the afterglow of sex while reading through the Sunday newspaper. While looking for a place to live, Jennifer looked through the real estate section. She was looking to rent a...

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Finding Hungry Slut Sister

This is story of my sister who I came to know was a slut, who craves for big cocks. She is pulpy she 5feet tall with breast of 36and her ass was 38 with a waist of 32. She was a desired girl by all the men. This is the story when I was alone with her after her marriage, my bil had gone on an official trip abroad. I was staying with her after a long time. We used to go out together. I noticed she would wear very exposing dresses while going out and when at home she would wear sleeveless t-shirt...

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Made Love To My Dearest Mausi 8211 Part 4 Marrying Hot Mausi

This part is a continuation of the previous parts. For a better understanding of the story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts first. As I entered the kitchen, my mausi looked at me. Her eyes slowly travelled down from my face to my erected naked dick. Now, her eyes were glued there. She couldn’t move her eyes from it and didn’t even say a word. Slowly and automatically, her one hand made its way to her pussy. And she started touching her pussy from above her slacks....

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt 22

Chapter 24 "Okay Marcy, now get back up and Minthe back to the vanity table. Jutht like it'th important to know how to apply makeup, it'th important to know how to remove it ath well. After all we don't want you developing a bad thkin cauthe of all the makeup you're uthing," Stephanie ordered not even giving Marcy a few minutes to deal with what had just happened. She wanted Marcy Looking at least somewhat more presentable already by the time her stepmother would be coming...

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A Simple LoveChapter 4

Leona stretched out on the soft grass, looking up into the heavens and many sparkling stars, enjoying Dave's wonderful hands roaming over her body. She turned her head and saw Mandy easing herself down, taking Ken's huge cock deep into her tiny body. 'How does she take him?' She asked Dave feeling her small skirt being pulled down her hips and off of her legs, leaving her in nothing but her teeny panties. 'I hope it doesn't scare you, ' he replied moving his right hand between her...

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Jamie and I Rise of the Nympho

Jamie and I: The Rise of a Nympho (1) My name is Matt and growing up, I was the kid that got picked on and bullied. I was the typical geek; smart, I sucked up to my teachers, and was the worst baseball player ever. But I was fast, a daredevil, and a jumper (no not like the movie, I liked to jump off things and jump onto and climb tall objects). I used to be short and extremely thin, but when puberty hit I turned into a...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 13

I now found myself torn between the delights of a young woman's body and the animal lusting for cock. How could I give up one for the other, the weekend with Sandi was so perfect and yet so was the few days with Alan. The thought of never eating pussy again or going without a cock buried in one of my holes, tortured me. But then it dawned on me, I was such a fool: I didn't need to choose, I could have the best of both worlds. It was so blindingly simple; I'm a bisexual! This realisation...

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Black Girls Have Big Dicks

Black Girls Have Big Dicks by Richard-to-Rachel She was like no woman I had ever seen before. She walked into a room and everyone's eyes were on her. She just had that incredible presence that just lit up the room and everyone just wanted to be around her. I was working behind the bar of a trendy club when I first saw her saunter in on her long legs, swaying her hips in a short dress. She walked over to the bar and leaned over toward me, a good number of inches taller than me in her...

1 year ago
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Removing the offending part

100% fiction! Barry sat watching her as she sat opposite him, his jaw dropped, the words washing over him like a stream over a rock; his ears hissed his blood ran cold, he knew it was his entire fault. He alone had started the job, He couldn’t understand the details she was telling him, and he was numb. What his choices were, she was explaining, well he just couldn't really take in. He knew she would patiently explain it again, she would have too! He felt faint. Perhaps first I should explain;...


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