The Roommate Agreement - Chapter 4 free porn video

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Weeks passed, and though they were mostly uneventful, they were not boring.

The dorm seemed to have settled into a rhythm. Eric and Xander continued to coexist in tense, if not hostile silence. The sexual tensions was still there between me and Xander, but I handled it with rather cruel teasing and half-finished sexual encounters that were far more satisfying for me than they were for him. He seemed to think they were better than nothing though since he still met me every time I summoned him somewhere private for any such rendezvous. The best part though was that I was finally getting over my encounter with Eric and things with us were returning to normal.

I was happy to have him back and he seemed to feel the same.

One evening I texted him:

You: What r u doing?

Eric: Watching a movie in my room. U?

You: Nothing. In my room bored shitless. What r u watching?

Eric: Something stupid

You: Sounds great! Can I join?

Eric: If you must

I popped out of bed and skipped over to the room he shared with Xander. I knocked twice before letting myself in and hopping onto his bed next to him. Then I tugged at the blanket he had covering his lap until he relinquished it and let me cover myself with half. Finally, I settled in throwing my legs over his outstretched ones like I always did and wiggling until I was comfy.

He stared at me for a beat smirking in amusement. “Yes Delaine, please come in. Sure, have a seat. Get comfortable. Of course, you can share the blanket. It’s big enough for us both.”

His comments dripped with sarcasm, but I waved them away and turned to his laptop that sat on the nightstand playing some classic eighties movie. “Formalities.”

He laughed at that, but went back to watching the movie anyway.

“No Xander tonight?” It came out as a question, but it was more of an observation since I had seen him nowhere in the small living area and he was notably absent from his half of the room. I couldn’t tell if I was disappointed or relieved about that. More than anything, it annoyed me that I felt anything at all about it.

“No. Thank god. I think I heard him say something to his buddie about a frat party. He’ll probably come crawling back sometime tomorrow hung-over and groaning about how he’s never going to drink again. Just like he always does.” He laughed at the obvious irony in that. “I hate freshman. They’re all immature brats.”

I laughed at that. “You talk like you’ve never been to a college party.”

He rolled his eyes.

“Don’t act like I’m lying. You have been. I’ve seen it, or do you not remember?”

“Of course I remember. We went to that party together the day we met.”

I considered the conversation over, so I went back to watching Matthew Broderick dance on a parade float. After a minute, Eric continued “I remember everything about the day we met. I remember how you laughed when Vince accidently hit me with a piece of pizza and how you seemed entirely fascinated by my photography business. No matter how I ranted and raved about boring technical stuff, your eyes never left mine.”

I felt his hand find my leg under the blanket. He placed it on my shin, nowhere too suggestive, but then it started to move slowly up my body.

“Then I remember how you dragged me to that welcome week dance that night.”

My head shot in his direction at that. “You wanted to go!” I argued. “You said something about taking pictures for the school’s website, but not wanting to go alone.”

“I’m glad you were kind enough to be my escort,” he said. I felt his hand, now just above my knee, grip me a little tighten. “It gave me an excuse to stay by you all night and watch you dance.”

I looked away again, confusion and excitement raging a war inside me. Then a hand gripped me under my chin and forced me to look at him before he grabbed me by the throat and hip and flipped me until I was laying on my back on his bed, and he was laying over me.

“Watching you shake that fine ass of yours all night made me so god damn hard” He growled into my ear.

“B-but…” I stammered. My brain seemed to be crawling trying to process what he was saying. “But you’re… aren’t you… but Gavin and you…”

“Say it Delaine. I know what you think of me. Just spit it out.” Eric said. With his hand still wrapped around my neck, it took some effort to swallow the lump that had been growing in my throat since he first put his hand on my leg.

“Gay!” I finally managed. “You have a boyfriend, Eric. Doesn’t that make you gay?”

I felt the hand at my hip find its way under my shirt and up my stomach before it grazed over my hard and sensitive nipple. “I thought you were smarter than that, Delaine. If I was gay, would I have fucked you senseless on your birthday? Despite the occasional misconception, no amount of alcohol can actually change your sexual preferences. On the contrary, I quite enjoyed every second of our time together.”

I had no words. I was in shock, partially over my own damn stupidity, but partially over the realization I should have come to weeks ago.

“Still not convinced?” Eric hissed. “Fine. Tell me again just how gay I am when I’m done with you,” he whispered harshly. Then he tweaked my nipple and groaned when I let out a little whimper in response.

I fought through the growing haze of lust around me. So much about this was still so wrong. “Gay or not,” I huffed “you have a boyfriend. We can’t do this.”

“Why not?” he asked. “I want to.” He emphasized his statement with a roll of his hips making it very clear to me that he did, in fact, want me very much. “You want to. What Gavin doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”



“I don’t want this.”

A smirk grows on his face and he rolled his hips again before leaning down to whisper in my ear “Is that so?”


Then he was gone. All of his weight left me as he got up and stood next to the bed. “Then you can leave,” he said.

It took me a second to catch up with his change in attitude, but when I finally realized what was going on, I slid off the bed and stood.

“Don’t forget your phone,” he reminded me.

I cursed my forgetfulness before I turned and leaned over to grab my phone from where I was sitting. In retrospect, that probably wasn’t the best way to retrieve my phone, but by the time I realized that I was already being pinned face first to the bed, my feet still on the ground and my ass in the air.

Eric rearranged me until he had my hands held together at the small of my back and his other hand was free to roam down to my ass which he gave a hard squeeze.

“You say that you don’t want me, don’t want this,” he pressed his erection into my ass for emphasis before asking “care to test that theory?” Then he used his free hand to shimmy my sleep shorts and panties over my ass and down my thighs until they dropped to the floor.

“You have a beautiful ass, Delaine,” he growled running his hand over my left cheek in appreciation. “It’s about damn time I got to see it.”

I let out another little whimper, but I couldn’t tell if it was in protest or because I wanted him so god damn badly. And I did. I’d always wanted him, even when I thought I couldn’t have him, even though I knew I shouldn’t have him. I wanted him, and if I was right about what he was going to do next, he was about to find out just how much.

Just as I suspected, the very next thing he did was slowly drag his hand from my ass cheek to my crack and down between my legs until his fingers found my dripping wet pussy.

He moaned in appreciation. “I thought you said you didn’t want me, baby.”

Unable to make myself speak, I forced myself to shake my head in protest.

“Then why are you so wet? Just look at you.” Then his hand disappeared from my pussy leaving me feeling oddly cold there, only for the hand to reappear in front of my face. “Your sweet juices are literally dripping off of my fingers. How can you say you don’t want this?”

I flushed in shame and embarrassment looking at his fingers that were, sure enough, covered in enough of my arousal for it to be dripping off of them and onto the bed in front of me.

I didn’t want to be that turned on by the situation, didn’t want to be dripping wet by the idea of being forced into having sex with someone I was saying no to, even if I was attracted to him. But there I was being man-handled, restrained, stripped, and violated, and dripping wet because of it. The only thing that made that anywhere close to ok was the fact that more of me than I was willing to admit really did want this. Not just the sex, but the forcefulness.

I defiantly never had any rape fantasies, but I had always been turned on by even the idea of being held down and taken hard by a man I wanted. It had just never really happened before unless I asked for it. And even then, I could always tell that the guy I asked was never really as into it.

“Oh no baby,” Eric crooned. “Look at the mess we’re making.”

I looked back to the dripping wet fingers he still held in front of me and sure enough, my wetness was dripping and leaving little spots on the blanket underneath it.

“Why don’t you help me clean up a bit? Open up.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but a second later, his fingers were being pressed into my mouth.

“Now suck.”

Unable to fight my desires anymore, I did as he commanded, wrapping my lips around his fingers and sucking lightly as I ran my tongue all over them. I tasted myself on his digits, salty and sweet, but unlike anything I had ever tasted before.

“God yes baby. I can’t wait for you to suck my cock just like that. In fact…” Eric took his fingers back and let me up, only to grab my shoulders, spin me around, and shove me to my knees. “I’ll tell you what, suck my dick and do everything I say, and I’ll give you that orgasm you want so bad. How does that sound?”

I nod my head vigorously feeling even more wetness drip down my thighs.

“Use your words Delaine. I want to hear you say it,” he commanded.


“Good enough. Now take my cock out.”

I reached up to the hem of his pj pants and tugged, admitting to myself only now that I’d been dying to see his cock again. I could barely remember it from our drunken night together. All the details were too lazy for me to remember how it looked. Did it curve up when it was hard? What color was it? How much hair did he have down there? I wanted to see him, feel him, taste him. And I was about to get my wish.

As soon as his pants were low enough, his cock sprang free and it was big. Maybe not overly thick, but long and still impressive as it stood at attention. It did in face arc up towards his belly button and I licked my lips at the idea of having that arching head pressed right into my sweet spot once he was inside me.

“Now give it a kiss and put my head between those pretty lips of yours.”

That moment was when I hesitated. I couldn’t help but think of Gavin. I knew Eric was the one to initiate, and I wasn’t the one cheating on him, but Gavin was my friend. I didn’t want to hurt him.

“Delaine.” Eric’s use of my name was so sharp and commanding, I looked up at him.

“Gav,” I whispered.

Eric’s eyes softened for a moment before they hardened into something… dark.

“Do as I said Delaine or I’ll shove my cock down your throat without pretense and fuck your mouth until I shoot my load down your throat. Then I’ll kick you out. I have no use for back talkers except for a way to get off.”


Before I could get another word out, Eric clamped his hand under my jaw, forcing my mouth open, lined his dick up with his other hand and thrust into my open mouth. His hand grabbed onto fistfuls of my hair as he fucked my throat.

It hurt at first until I got used to his rhythm and began to swallow down his long length every time he thrust into my mouth. My eyes watered and drool quickly began to cover my chin, but he didn’t seem to notice or care.

“Fuck yeah baby. Swallow me down. Just like that. Good girl.”

I looked up to see Eric lost in the feeling of my mouth. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open slightly. It thrilled me to see him so turned on and I wanted to drive him even crazier.

I used my tongue to start applying pressure to the soft underside of his cock that I knew drove men crazy and he lost it. He drove faster and faster into my mouth until I could tell he was about to cum, but before he did, he pulled hard on my hair, ripping his cock away from my mouth and he jumped away from me.

We both stared at each other for a moment, just panting and trying to recover from the savage mouth fucking he had just given me.

“Apologize,” he demanded.

My confusion must have been obvious on my face because he clarified. “Apologize for mentioning him and swear you’ll never bring him up when we’re together again.”

I couldn’t say anything for a minute. Guilt began to eat at me as I remembered reason number one for why we shouldn’t have done what we just did, or what I still wanted so badly to do with Eric. It sobered me completely until I could finally speak.


“No?” Eric looked shocked. Honestly and truly shocked.

I rose from the ground until I got as close to eye-level as I could get with someone as tall as Eric. “This is wrong and I will not apologize for saying it.”

I braced myself for the words I knew I would have to say next. They would taste bitter on my tongue, but they needed to be said. “And no to everything else. I will not have any kind of sexual relationship with you today or any other day you spend in a relationship with anyone. It may not be my relationship. I may not be the one cheating, but I’m nobody’s ‘side piece.’”

“Delaine,” Eric sputtered. “You don’t mean that. You want this as much as I do. I know you do. We were both enjoying ourselves. Weren’t we?”

“This isn’t about want and sex. This is about you having a damn boyfriend!”

“I will not stand here and let you issue ultimatums to me Delaine.”

“This isn’t an ultimatum you get to make a choice about. This is me saying no. I’m going to walk away now, unless you’re stupid enough to think that ‘she wanted me. I could tell’ would hold up in court against a rape charge.”

I left him there, mouth hanging open, stalked to my room, and slammed the door.


Eric stood there for a second, just staring at the door. Just a minute ago he had had Delaine Kohl on her knees in front of him swallowing his dick like a fucking porn star, and now he was alone just staring like he could still see her through the walls.

She had said no to him.

She wanted him as much as he wanted her, yet she had said no to him. He didn’t get it. Did it really matter so much that he was in a relationship? Was it really so wrong to want more than one person at the same time? He didn’t think so.

Gain knew Eric loved him. They had been together so long, how could he not? It would have been selfish and unreasonable of Gavin if he demanded that Eric never be attracted to anyone else. He didn’t understand monogamy and he was sick of pretending that he did.

Maybe Delaine was right and it was time Eric talked to Gavin.



Part 5 coming soon.



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A College Roommate Visits And Husband Gets His Wis

Three days before Maire’s visit I asked Terry that we abstain from sex so that we will be both revved up for her visit. She agreed. From that first time through the last several nights her enthusiasm for fucking me in the ass had steadily diminished. The impending visit of her college roommate and what might take place between the three of us was on her mind, to the point of distraction. She told me she was thinking of Maire’s visit several times a day, sometime an hour. “I really liked sex...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Roommate8217s Girlfriend

Hello everyone, I am Aakash from Bangalore. I am 24 years old working in it company. I am staying at flat with my friends. Thanks for your feedback to my last story. This sex story is about how I fucked my flatmate’s girlfriend by blackmailing them. We are staying together for last one year. He has a girl friend. She used to come at home many times. But I didn’t know that they are into physical relationship also. So one day I returned from outside. I had spare key and he didn’t lock it properly...

3 years ago
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My Roommate Takes My Girlfriend

After I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I'm not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full...

4 years ago
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My Roommate Takes My Girlfriend

After I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I'm not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full...

3 years ago
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When Did My Roommate Get a Girlfriend

Here's the next installment of a story in search of a video.Setting: living room of an apartment. Nothing fancy. It has typical living room furniture - coffee table, couch, armchairs, TV. There’s a closet by the front door. This is an apartment for college girls.We see Cristy, an attractive young woman enter. Medium height. Dark hair. Could be kind of curly, down to around her shoulders. She has a club outfit on. short skirt, shiny. There should be a cutout in the skirt. If not, a slit up one...

1 year ago
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Roommate revenge sex

This happened when I had a girl roommate in college. First it's important to know that whenever we both got bored, we would fool around and sometimes have sex even though we never really dated. We shared a bathroom but whenever she used it, she had to walk all the way across the apartment to get back to her room since they were on opposite ends. One day when I had some guy friends over, I thought I'd play a prank on her. My friends and I were playing video games in the living room when my...

1 year ago
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The Best Roommate Ever Part I

Unfortunately, sex was about all she loved. Tina and I had been together for about seven months. After the sixth month she and I decided it was time we moved in together. We fucked from sun-up to sun-down, left to right, all over the apartment. I had just gotten a good job in Providence and I met her as soon as I moved from Buffalo. I was staying in a hotel for the first few weeks and she helped me find the apartment. It was a big, three bedroom house with two stories, a fireplace, and...

4 years ago
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My Roommate Wins

"Oh My God! Fuck me! Harder baby! Fuck me with that big, black, cock!" These were the sounds that greeted me as I walked in the door after a long day of work and class. It was the normal thing, and probably wasn't the first time they had been fucking today. Anna was an insatiable redhead, and Ty was like a machine. Even if he had just cum, it seemed like he was always ready to fuck again. It was normal for them to fuck multiple times throughout the day. For once they had actually made it to the...

3 years ago
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Me And My Roommate Enjoy A Slut From The Bar

It was supposed to be a celebratory night for us. My good friend had just been promoted and we were supposed to meet at a local club to celebrate. I had just reached and ordered a beer when I got the phone call from him, “Hey bro, sorry man my girlfriend is free and we are spending time together. We will celebrate another day. Sorry man.” I never liked his GF, too controlling and well, kind of a bitch. She had a nice rack though so I understand why my buddy puts up with it I guess. I had no...

1 year ago
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Foreword: This entry is a direct continuation from my previous stories. Basically I’m just telling all of the most interesting and exciting sexual stories of my life in chronological order. I will try and include enough back story for a new reader to be able to jump right in, however I apologize if I fail to provide enough. In short, if you want to get the full effect, you may want to read the entire thing from the beginning. Thanks and enjoy. The RoommateJune 2002In the summer of 2002, I was...

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The Roommate Part VI

"The Roommate" (Pt. VI) Ted had watched me from the kitchen window as I pulled down the driveway. He'd also seen Jack! "Shit," he said aloud but under his breath at seeing Jack out in his yard and then realizing that he must have seen Laine! "Well, let's test the theory, see if it'll fly," Ted continued to himself as he grabbed his baseball cap and made his way out to start in on the yard work. He was inside the garage checking his mower over as...

4 years ago
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The Roommate

Chapter 1: Doin' The College Thing It's hard to believe you finally did it. You really made it to this point in your life. Have you actually gone away from home? Have you actually come to college? Are you actually standing in your own room at Western State College? You can't believe it. It seems like only yesterday that you started High School and suddenly you are out on your own and moving into your own Dorm room. You're not sure you are really ready for this. In fact, you aren't even sure you...

1 year ago
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The Sexy Roommate

Eighteen-year-old Katherine Sparks moved into her dorm room to find gothic-looking posters up on the right side of the room. She planted her box of stuff on the single bed on the left. A busty pretty girl with long black hair in a black skirt and short cut top with heavy gothic makeup on walked in. She turned to her."Hi, you must be my roommate, I'm Nina Davis," she said and shook Katherine's hand. "Katherine," Katherine replied. Her blue eyes lingered down to her roommate's bust and...

4 years ago
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My Sissy Roommate

I swear he’s always like this. So worried about everything. I don’t know how the kid has survived this long. Probably because I’m always here to calm him down. It’s kind of funny, not many people can see Andrew and me as being friends. Him being a meek, petite, nerd who’s often confused as a girl and me a muscle-bound, jock who gets all the girls. We’re complete opposites from each other. And yet, Andrew and I have always been best friends. We grew up next door to each other, I’m always...

2 years ago
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Roommate Shift Ch2

Last night was the second time they had sex. Now this was the second time today. Just like the last two times, her need, her lust, controlled her body. Forcing her to submit to her roommate, regardless of the fact that she was a lesbian. And what was a lesbian that craved cock? Cindy didn’t know. All she knew was that she couldn’t deny it. Her tits slapped together as her body shook to Robert’s thrusts. Shivers of pleasure ran from her well pounded twat to the tip of her scalp. She moaned...

3 years ago
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Janices Roommate Part II

I was back at J’s house a couple of days later. After fucking J to sleep, I lay sleepless in the bed beside her. Once I was sure J was sound asleep, mainly because of her girly snores, I got up, put my pants on, and decided to wander a little. A quick glance at J’s clock on the nightstand told me that it was 2:00 am. The rest of the house seemed quiet, and I wondered if it was too late to run into J’s roommate again. She was probably busy since her boyfriend had spent the night too. Even if I...

1 year ago
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Life Gets Better Part Two The New Roommate

 Brian looked down at Stacy. He couldn't believe he might be fucking these huge tits for the last time. The two of them had a good thing going on between them for these past three months. They both had decided not to put a label on their relationship. Instead, they just enjoyed each others company, as well as fucking each other to the point of exhaustion. All of that would have to was on hold for now. Stacy and her ex-husband had agreed to go on a long trip together. It was their last attempt...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriends Roommate

Back in college I was dating this girl Shannon. She was on the school volleyball team so she was in incredible shape. The only problem was that, during the season, she was often busy, and when she wasn’t busy she was tired. This often left me lacking when it came to sex, and I would often be left to take care of myself. When she wasn’t in season, though, she could and would screw me until I couldn’t take it anymore. I think it was part of her off season training plan to stay in shape. After a...

College Sex
4 years ago
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My Sons Roommate

Something happened to me not long ago that altered my life. I am not a gayman. I have never liked gay men. I could never imagine how a man could besexually attracted to another man. It's unnatural. I always believed thatit surely must be against God's will.When my son, Mike, moved into his dorm room at college during his Freshmanyear, his mother and I visited him to make sure he was comfortable and thatall arrangements were satisfactory. We met his roommate, Tom. He seemedvery nice, and...

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Mind control of roommate

As I approached the dormitories at the beginning of my sophomore year, I have to admit I wasn’t entirely happy. I’d had such a great roommate my freshman year that I wasn’t looking forward to a new one. No, it wasn’t what you’re probably thinking. My previous contentment had nothing to do with sex, since Gerry had been totally straight and not at all physically my type; but he was smart, funny, neat, and tolerant, and, in short, perfect to live with. When he decided, over the summer, to get an...

3 years ago
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My Wifes excollege roommate Part 1

I was parked at the airport waiting for my wife and her ex- college roommate. Ami. Linda’s friend was arriving from overseas where she had lived the past 5 years. Linda and I agreed to let her stay with us until she could find her own place. I had only met Ami for a short time five years ago at our wedding and I enjoyed the idea of her being with us. Ami was a tall thin chocolate colored woman with very nice perky looking breasts.I knew that they were very close but was not able to spend any...

4 years ago
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My Sissy Roommate

“Relax, Andrew. It’s just a party. Yeah, sure there will be girls there, but it’s not like they’re serial killers or something,” I tell my best friend as we make our way to the party. I swear he’s always like this. So worried about everything. I don’t know how the kid has survived this long. Probably because I’m always here to calm him down. It’s kind of funny, not many people can see Andrew and me as being friends. Him being a meek, petite, nerd who’s often confused as a girl and me a...

4 years ago
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My Best Roommate

You hate your job. You hate the long hours you have to work. You hate your fat, sweaty, incompetent boss. You hate the work you do and your clients' demands which are equal parts incessant and annoying. You hate that your job pays too well for you to quit. However, despite all the bullshit you put up with, your week is finally over. And working there has paid off in at least two ways. The first comes in the form an apartment that qualifies as more than just "okay." The huge living room packed...

2 years ago
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My Hostel Roommate Surabhi

My name is Fathima (34-25-35). This story took place when I was in my second year of the degree. I came from a very traditional Muslim family where I had to follow a strict dress code everywhere, even inside my own house. Everything had changed from the time I started living in a college hostel. I was free from those vigorous rules. Since my native was very far from the city I lived in, my parents visited me very less. This, in turn, resulted in me getting sufficient pocket money every...

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Raped by drunken roommate

This incident happened when I was staying with my bachelor friends. It was a 2 BHK flat where there were 5 boys staying together including me. We used to have drinks almost on a daily basis and were enjoying our lives as roommates, but none of us were involved in sex with each other as there were no gays in the group.We had 3 spare keys for the main door and any of the 2 roommates would keep each of them, and last key, we normally keep in the nearby bakery to avoid any last minute confusion...

2 years ago
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Straight Roommate No Inhibitions

Most people don’t have good experiences with their roommates in college. Not me. In fact, I can still remember my freshman year vividly…It had been a chaotic day of last minute shopping at Target. My parents and I had spent the better half of the day trying to get everything an eighteen year old would need for his first year. After piling everything into the car, we trudged into the entrance of Marks Hall, where I would be spending the next eight months of my life.203…. 204…. 205…206… I...

Gay Male
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My College Roommate

I arrived at my university in Colorado in late August for my freshmen year of college. Orientation and classes were starting and I was eager to meet my roommate. Lee had been on campus all summer prior to me arriving. He was a Linebacker on the football team and was also a true freshman like me. Lee was up early each morning and very busy each day but had time to help me with orientation, building locations, and introducing me to other guys on the football team. He seemed like a great roommate....

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Roommate Romance

“Where are they sending you this time?” Grace asked her roommate Hailey as she noticed her stuffing a suitcase.“New Orleans,” Hailey quickly responded.“What happened down there?” Grace probed trying to pry for more information.“Just a routine software upgrade, shouldn’t be more than a couple days,” Hailey replied, continuing to pack without averting her gaze.Grace slumped a little with a slight nod. Hailey had become somewhat distant recently and it was becoming increasingly apparent. She no...

3 years ago
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Roommate Romance

“Where are they sending you this time?” Grace asked her roommate Hailey as she noticed her stuffing a suitcase.“New Orleans,” Hailey quickly responded.“What happened down there?” Grace probed trying to pry for more information.“Just a routine software upgrade, shouldn’t be more than a couple days,” Hailey replied, continuing to pack without averting her gaze.Grace slumped a little with a slight nod. Hailey had become somewhat distant recently and it was becoming increasingly apparent. She no...


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