Einbrecher indian porn

1 year ago
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Die jugendlichen Einbrecher

„Was für eine gigantische Scheiße!“, brüllte Kevin, ohne dafür einen speziellen Adressaten zu haben. „Beruhig Dich. Wir werden das irgendwie lösen!“, versuchte Torsten ihn zu besänftigen. „Lösen. Wie sollen wir das hier Lösen?“, tobte Kevin und zeigte in den Raum hinein, welcher nur durch eine kleine Stehleuchte erhellt wurde. Dort saßen drei Personen gefesselt und geknebelt auf drei Holzstühlen nebeneinander. Es handelte sich um die Familie Neuberg, bestehend aus der etwa vierzigjährigen...

3 years ago
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Die Heimkehr

Als Natalie die Stufen hinauf ging war sie so müde das sie kaum noch einen klaren Gedanken fassen konnte. Sie fror leicht und schwitzte doch zur selben Zeit. Nach einem 12stündigen Flug und einer zweistündigen Fahrt durch die Stadt, nach Monaten in Europa, war sie jetzt endlich wieder daheim. Zuhause in ihrer Wohnung. Sie war glücklich darüber. Es war Zeit alte Freunde wieder zu sehen, es war Zeit auszuspannen und sich von den Strapazen der Reise zu erholen. Urlaub. Andere Leute fuhren in ferne...

3 years ago
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Der Dachboden 2

Der Dachboden 2 Panik ergriff mich, als ich die laute Stimme h?rte. Ich erstarrte. Da ich immer noch Tims Hand hielt, blieb auch er stehen. Flucht war unm?glich. Ich hatte mal in einem James Bond Film eine Frau in High Heels eine Treppe herunter rennen sehen, aber ich konnte kaum auf ebenem Boden laufen. Ich lie? Tim los und drehte mich herum. Ich erkannte den Mann sofort. Herrn Becker, der Hausmeister. Schnell kam er auf uns zu. "Wen haben wir den hier? Seit wann brechen Damen ...

3 years ago
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Der Dachboden 3

Der Dachboden 3 Panik ergriff mich. Die Situation war aussichtslos. Es gab im Haus kein Werkzeug, mit dem diese Fesseln zu ?ffnen w?ren. Und selbst wenn der Bolzenschneider noch hier w?re, wie sollte ich ihn mit den fixierten H?nden benutzen? Mit den Plastikbindern konnte ich meine Arme noch etwas bewegen. Die d?nnen Teile schnitten zwar bei Belastung in die Haut, aber dank der Handschuhe war es nicht so schlimm. Ich musste Grinsen. Diese Fessel war richtig bequem. Nichts dr?ckte, nichts ...

3 years ago
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Der Einbruch

Teil 1: Das MädchenIch schleiche vorsichtig ums Haus, jede Deckung und jeden Schatten nutzend. Irgendwo muss sich doch eine Schwachstelle finden, die ich nutzen kann, um herein zu kommen. Tatsächlich: die Terrassentür ist nur angelehnt. Wie unvorsichtig von den Bewohnern. Aber wie einladend und vorteilhaft für mich. So wird es keine Spuren geben! Ich gehe hinein. Vorsichtig erkunde ich die Räume im Erdgeschoss. Kein Mensch zu sehen. Ich schleiche runter in den Keller. Aus einem Zimmer, dessen...

3 years ago
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Lara Croft und die Perle von Shurak

Croft Mansion, 13.Juni Lara erwachte aus ihrem leichten Schlaf. Irgendetwas hatte sie geweckt. Es war eine milde Sommernacht und ihr Wecker zeigte an, dass es kurz nach Mitternacht war. Sie setzte sich auf und die Bedecke rutschte zurück. Ihre gewaltige Oberweite hob und senkte sich, während sie unterdrückt atmete und in die Dunkelheit lauschte. Dann hörte sie einen unterdrückten, dumpfen Schrei, danach war Stille. Die Geräusche kamen nicht von draußen, sondern aus der großen Haupthalle im...

3 years ago
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Das Paar wills zu dritt Teil 1

Chris war seit 10 Jahren verheiratet, glücklich kann man sagen. Gut verstanden auf Seelenpartnerschaftsbasis hatte er sich schon immer mit seiner Frau Charlotte.Nur sexuell hatte es wirklich lange gedauert, bis sie so richtig zueinander gefunden hatten.Die ersten Jahre hatten sie nur Blümchensex, und das war ziemlich öde. Es wurde immer weniger, dass sie miteinander schliefen, und seine Frau hatte auch nie einen Orgasmus. Aber er dachte einfach, dass seine Frau nur sanften Sex haben wollte und...

2 years ago
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Der Dachboden 4

Der Dachboden 4 Meine Mutter trat auf die Terrasse, direkt gefolgt von meinem Vater. "Hallo, wer seid ihr denn? Und wo ist mein Sohn? Probt ihr f?r eine Theaterauff?hrung?" Sie schaute von einem zum anderen, wie auch mein Vater. Der schien die bizarre Situation eher zu begreifen. "So sagt doch was. Ach, das ist doch Tim? Tim, das ist doch mein Negligee? Warum hast du mein Negligee an? Und das, das ist doch meine Per?cke?" Mein Vater schaltete sich ein, "Ja, Schatz, und das unter...

1 year ago
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Der Keller 2

Ich hatte mich in mich selbst zur?ck gezogen und meine Umwelt v?llig ausgeschlossen. Um so erstaunter war ich, als ich eine Ber?hrung an meiner Hand sp?rte. Als ich den Druck leicht erwiderte, klirrte die Kette. Das brachte mich wieder ein wenig in die Wirklichkeit zur?ck. Mein offensichtliches Zur?ckkehren zu der 'normalen' Welt hatte eine weitere Auswirkung: Meine andere Hand wurde ergriffen und gedr?ckt. Wieder kamen Tr?nen in meine Augen, diesmal aber wenigstens teilweise positiv. W...

4 years ago
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Es h tte schlimmer kommen k nnen

Ich stand in der leeren gro?en Halle. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit ging es hier gesch?ftig zu, nun war alles still. Au?er den Ger?uschen, die ich selbst verursachte. Und die klangen merkw?rdig laut, obendrein mit einem Nachhall, der schon fast ein Echo war. Wehm?tig betrachte ich den feuchten Boden. W?rde hier noch gearbeitet, h?tte ich auch noch einen Job. Nein, nicht hier. Aber wenn so ein gro?er Betrieb geschlossen wurde, dann hatte das Auswirkungen. Warum war es eigentlich nass hier? Das ...

4 years ago
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Die Falle

Die Uhr im Polizeiwagen zeigte 4:50 Uhr an, als die Polizeioberkommissarin Bettina Zimmermann und ihr Kollege Polizeihauptkommissar Hermann Hagen über Funk zum nächsten Einsatz gerufen wurden. "Die Bande hat bestimmt wieder zugeschlagen, Eichenstraße 24! Die Alarmanlage ist ausgelöst worden. Die sind wohl noch drin im Haus. Vielleicht könnt ihr sie aufhalten, bis Verstärkung kommt. Aber seid vorsichtig!" "Ist klar, Zentrale, wir versuchen es. Ende!" antwortete Hermann. Jetzt, in der...

2 years ago
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Stephanie Bankangestellte zahlt Zinsen

Stephanie, 30, mit braunen leicht gelockten Haaren arbeitete in einer Bank. In der Bankfiliale war sie ein Hingucker für die männlichen Kunden und Kollegen gleichermaßen. Meistens trug sie einen Bleistiftrock, weißer Bluse und Blazer. Ihre Körbchengröße lag bei 75 DD, was dafür sorgte, dass ihr die Männer während des Gesprächs auf ihre Brüste starrten, statt ins Gesicht. Ein Mann blieb ihr lange im Gedächtnis. Es war Chris. An seinen Nachnamen erinnerte sie sich nicht. Er machte ihr in der Bank...

3 years ago
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Sonja und ihr Einbrecher

Sonja kam am Abend nach Hause in ihre Wohnung. Sie hatte kurze rote Haare, war Ende 30. Ihre Oberweite hatte eine Oberweite von 80 C. Nachdem Sie zuhause angekommen war, duschte sie ausgiebig. Sie wollte noch auf einen Empfang mit einigen stadtbekannten Größen. Nach der Dusche zog sie sich einen schwarzen Slip und BH an. Danach schlüpfte sie in einen lilafarbenen Bademantel aus Seide. Sie setzte sich vor den Spiegel und setzte Make Up auf. Gerade als Sie damit fertig war, hörte sie aus dem...

2 years ago
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Nicole s Albtraum

Mit ihren 45 Jahren wollte sie es noch einmal wissen. Deshalb hatte sie sich äußerst leicht bekleidet und in aufreizenden Posen für das "V-Magazine" ablichten lassen. Ihr war bewusst, dass sie damit mit ihrem bisherigen damenhaften Image brechen würde. Aber das war ihr ganz recht so. Die Welt sollte sehen, dass sie auch anders konnte, und außerdem versprach sie sich damit gleich auch positive PR-Arbeit für ihren neuesten Film, der bald in die Kinos kommen würde. Was sie jedoch nicht geahnt und...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Dedektives

Auf meinem Schreibtisch türmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehlergewesen, in dieses Büro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zuteuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Aufträge von einer besserenKlientel.Und ich wollte diese Überwachung von Ehemännern loswerden, denn das warfast ausschließlich mein täglich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang voreiner Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir alsDetektiv erträumt hatte.Meine Sekretärin war ich mittlerweile los, weil...

3 years ago
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Der Keller 6

Nun war Schwester Irene dran. Gegen?ber Sabine und Monika wirkte sie direkt schlicht. Obwohl sie keinesfalls schlecht aussah. "Oh, ihr seht aber Chic aus. Was ist der Grund?" "Nicole meinte, sie k?nne sich besser konzentrieren wenn wir nicht wie Sch?lerinnen aussehen. Das w?rde sie ablenken." "Ja richtig, hatten wir ja beim Essen dar?ber gesprochen. Aber ihr solltet euch nun wieder umziehen, sonst werde ich zu stark abgelenkt." "Jetzt gleich?" "Ja, ich muss auch noch einmal...

2 years ago
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Eine zweite Chance Zweiter Versuch

Nachdem ich meine erste Story hier eingestellt habe, hagelte es schlechte Kritiken. Ich wurde f?rmlich in der Luft zerrissen. Der Hintergrund war wohl zu gewagt. Rodger Taylor (Queen) hat 2005 das Lied 'Say it's not true' gesungen. Es handelt vom verdr?ngen von Problemen. Offenbar tun das hier auch einige gerne. Ich m?chte dar?ber nicht urteilen, denn es gen?gt, das ?ber mich geurteilt wurde. Um weiterem ?rger aus dem Weg zu gehen, habe ich eine... sagen wir sanftere Version der Ge...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Detektivs

Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

2 years ago
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Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe

Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe (Ka-Do 2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Es war mal wieder einer der verregneten Tage. Ich surfte im Internet, auf einem sogenannten Dating Portal und bastelte an meinem Profil. Am Anfang ?berlegte ich noch, ob ich die Wahrheit schreibe oder nicht. In diesen Portalen wei? man ja nie so genau, was einen erwartet. Eine Weile brauchte ich schon f?r meine ?berlegungen und dabei half mir zwischendurch ein kleiner Schluck Rotwein. Nach dem vierten oder f...

1 year ago
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Can t get enough

100% fiction! After he filled my pussy with his come I wanted more. His cock went limp but I knew he had more to give. I was laying on my side as his come leaked out of me. I started playing with his cock. It only took a few minutes to get him hard. I pulled him on top of me and reached between my legs and rubbed his beautiful cock on my wet pussy before guiding it into me. All 9.5 inches easily slid in. I moaned loudly with pleasure, his thick cock filled me up again. I came before he even...

1 year ago
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Met Art X has some big, bold, all-caps text screaming at the top of their front page, “EXPLICIT FLAWLESS BEAUTY.” If you’re familiar at all with MetArt, the name and that three-word description should give you a pretty good idea of what you can expect here. MetArt usually tends to be pretty softcore stuff by any modern measure of obscenity, but tacking the X on the end lets you know this ain’t going to be your typical MetArt production. No, this one is going to be a bit more eXplicit, meaning...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Sex in PragueChapter 5

It was 10 o’clock the following morning when Tanja rang. “Darling girl, I told you that those pictures would create an immediate demand. Are you available for a four-hour booking tonight? The client is in one of our top boutique hotels in Knightsbridge – Tom the concierge regularly sends us high-quality customers. The customer is a 45-year old woman, very senior American lawyer over here on business, submissive looking for a strict mistress to dominate her – can you provide that...

2 years ago
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My New GirlFriend Pegged

We have been doing strapon play since we met, but I have always been limited to a small dildo. We had found one with a small head that vibrated and it has brought great pleasure to both of us.My new Girlfriend, however has been wanting to use larger dildo's on me, both for her pleasure and to get me prepared to be fucked by a BBC which is one of her fantasies. We have been trying to stretch my ass, and she has a black dildo that is much larger than our normal strapon. We had tried it a few...

1 year ago
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A First Time for Everything

There is a first time for everything, even for the promiscuous. Not for the first time, I woke up with a strange man in my bed. This one I called Mr. Face, for the heavy-handed way that he'd Photoshopped his profile picture.We had slow and sultry morning sex, which in my book is some of the best sex there is. When I first awoke, Mr. Face was still asleep. We were naked, snarled in my tangled bed sheets. He was lying on his back; I rolled over and threw my leg over him. Sitting up, I rocked back...

First Time
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I love Fat Moti Mami Ko choda

I love fat (moti mami ko choda) Mai janta hun ki aaj kal mard log moti ladis ko bilkul bhi pasand nahi karte hai woh unko slim hi dekhna chahte hai, parantu unhe kya pata ki moti aurat ko chodne main kitna maza aata hai aur unko bhi pura satisfaction milta hai. Mera nam raj (not real) hai aur main pune main rahta hun mere ghar se kuch duri par hi mere mama ka ghar hai, ghar par mama aur mami aur unki do betiyan rahte hai, mama ka transport ka business hai to wo hamesa raat ko ghar der se aate...

3 years ago
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Naked On the Road Part 2

Fred Miller (45) and Sandy Thompson (23) were packing up the items that they accumulated during their stay in the Flagler Hospital. Sheriff Henderson stopped by to say good-bye to them both. They thanked him for all the help and support he had given them during their stay in Flagler. Several hospital staff members had also stopped in to say goodbye to them both. Fred had recovered completely from his memory loss. He still showed a few burn marks here and there but nothing serious....

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 336

I failed a Health and Safety course at the Senior Center today. One of the questions was: "In the event of a fire, what steps would you take?" "Fucking big ones" was apparently the wrong answer. Newfie Password The Bank of Montreal was running a recent Password Audit and found Stevie O'Toole from Conception Bay (Newfoundland) using the following password: MickeyDonaldMinnieGoofyDaffyBugsElmerPlutoOttawa When Stevie was asked why he had such a long password, he...

1 year ago
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DadCrush Michelle Anthony A Stepdaughter Like You

When Filthy Rich complains about how crappy Michelle Anthony’s mother is at taking care of the house chores, Michelle offers to take over and says that she’d do anything to show her appreciation. The next day, Filthy tells his stepdaughter that her mom has moved out because she was cheating on him with his best friend and he feels lousy about himself now. Lucky for him, Michelle is such a devoted stepdaughter that she stays by his side and gives him comfort in the naughtiest way possible. With...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Vivianne Desilva Stepmom Peeper

Diego can’t seem to take his eyes off his stepmom Vivianne DeSilva. So much so that he snuck in the bathtub just to watch her change from behind the curtain. What he didn’t take into account was the fact that at one point or another she would turn the shower on. Which she did, Diego was in bliss as he jerked off to his stepmom. so much so that he didn’t even realize she turned it on. Diego was surprised as the cold water hit him directly in the face, making him freak out. This is when Vivianne...

4 years ago
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Bass Ki Cebin Me Bharpur Pyar Rajkot

Hi my sweet sweet friend ..apka sexy indian rangile rajkot wala handsome raj apni dream girl ke suhana ke dream ke sath khush he or ap kese ho sab khush na ok ..bass thoda udas hu indino ..kyu vo me last me kahunga take apko first me hi bor na ho agar mere bare me janna acha na alge to . or me apni adhuri story likh raha hoo to pahele me apni story ka first step past karunga take new log jisne ye story nai padi vo first se pad sake usko ageki story me jana na pade or jisne first step pad liya...

1 year ago
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More Brothely Fun Gay Incest

100% fiction! It was just a normal day for me and my brother. Hanging out in the house, doing nothing all day. Slow day I should say. We were just hanging out playing video games, He came back from college. He was 19, I was 18. We always played guitar hero together but he was better than me. At one point we started to play crazy train on expert. He was great, but I was trying my hardest to win since we had a bet going on. I started to kill him at the solo, but he started to come up from the...

3 years ago
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how mami seduce me and then i fuck her hard

myself rajesh i am engineer now iam going to tell my first sex exprience with my mami when i was 19 years old my mami name is shipali she is good looking with her figure 34-29-35 it was month of january my exams were over i had visited my mamas house my mama has invited me to spend holidays with him so i agreed and gone to his house i visited to mmas house my mami opened the door on the first sight when i saw my mami after 8years she was looking very beutiful ,we all had food in afternoon and...

3 years ago
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Rigor MortisChapter 30

Julie and I were sitting down on the floor next to my little hideaway in the office looking at the assortment of files that constituted the data collected on the murders that had spurred my investigation of the Dirty Cop case and I guess I must have been sporting a huge frown of frustration at not being able to pull it all together into a semblance of logical motivation. When I had taken the courses in investigation at the police academy, the first thing they had driven into our heads was...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Alice Coxxx Sex Addict Discovers

Alice Coxxx has been a sex addict since high school. She needed help. She found a highly recommended ebony sex therapist named Jax who could hopefully help her. She laid down freud style and Jax proceeded with asking her some introspective questions about her sex life. Jax discovered that Alice was not actually a sex addict. Her body was just experiencing a breaking point from never experiencing a true orgasm. Good thing Jax had a big black cock he could use to help her finally get fucked just...

2 years ago
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Makeoverby Vickie TernIt really was the most amazing birthday my wife could ever have given me! Even now my eyes fill with tears just thinking about it. It seemed overwhelming two nights ago, when she first proposed it. But sincethen?She'd sat me down and told me the whole thing was arranged, never mindthanking her, there was nothing for me to do but enjoy myself. I wouldbe spending the whole of my birthday downtown, doing wonderful thingsall Saturday long dressed as Jenny. Being Jenny....

1 year ago
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Cousin Swap

When Alec suggested that we swap partners, Eve - the girl I had just fucked - reached over the seat and swatted the back of his head. Jody, his date and Eve's cousin, shrieked in outrage and called him several bad names. He and I both laughed and pretended that it was a joke. When the storm had died down, Alec said, "No, seriously, why don't we?" which set off another one. Somewhere in the middle of it, while she was still ragging on Alec, I noticed Jody look at me. Our eyes met in a...

2 years ago
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Life Sucker part 3

In the gray dawn, I took fresh water and bread into the basement. Eve was asleep, huddled under the blanket. I poured the dirty wash water into the bucket and dumped it into the pipe to the cesspit. I returned the bucket,along with a brush and comb to the basement. Eve woke as the bucket dropped to the floor. I sat and pointed to the floor before the chair. She scrambled into position and as I presented a morsel of the bread opened her mouth for it. I fed her small bites of bread and sips...

3 years ago
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3rd Chromosome Golden Age

Hello again everyone! Sorry about the delay, life gets in the way. I have another 3C story for all. This is from the classic star request I made awhile back. Hopefully this satisfies, as I’m not entirely happy with it. I mess with the time period a little, but it works. Contains: futa, sex, oral, etc. Everyone is over 18, celebs don’t act like this. Comments and feedback are welcome. Enjoy! *** ‘Quick in here!’ Evelyn Keyes held open a side door waving frantically at Rita. The elegant woman...

4 years ago
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Bet with GF leads to sex with bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, this is the continuation of my previous story. If you didn’t get a chance to read the previous one, please read that first and get back to this. Thanks for the wonderful feedback that you have shared with me. Guys, some people were asking for the pics of my gf and bhabhi. I wouldn’t be sharing pics of anyone because I respect their privacy. And also, few people were asking whether this was a true incident. This is a 100% true incident. Now, let’s start the story. After the video...

4 years ago
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Our first hotwife experience

When it finally happened, we had been married almost 20 years. We are high school sweethearts that married after graduation and had a built a pretty normal life. Good k**s, good jobs, little house in the suburbs nothing substantial to complain about. Over the years we had acted out a few fantasies, but I never thought she would indulge the fantasy that had become my largest obsession. I was completely fascinated with watching another man fuck my wife. Not make love, not share a tender...

2 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 15

My only thought as we made our way to the last shop was, 'How am I going to last 10 days to Thursday of next week and Dr. Wang?' Thank God the girls' reservoirs took a week or so to fill up. The last shop of the day was intended as a safety measure just in case either of the two prior shops had bombed. I guided the energetically bouncing cockteasers into the discreet, but very expensive, jewelry store that was just down the street from where we had left my car. The fittings here in this...

1 year ago
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Father and daughter Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! After the first sexual encounter I knew there would be more of them for us. The next time was within a few days. My wife was at work and my daughter had taken her shower and had come into the living room where I was sitting. As usual she had just a towel wrapped around her and I immediately had a huge hard on. She came over and sat on my lap as she usually does but this time before sitting down she took the towel off and let it fall to the floor....

4 years ago
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Surprise Encounter with the Boss Part 2

Kelly had been a wreck ever since the encounter with her boss Stan.  She simply couldn’t get the encounter out of her mind.  She was filled with a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from confusion, shame, fear and the most surprising and persistent to her… lust!  The encounter with Stan had been the best sex she had ever had and she hated herself for it.  Kelly didn’t know what to do about it either.  She knew she couldn’t tell her fiancé, Mark, but should she quit her job?  How would she...

2 years ago
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An Assumed InheritanceChapter 4

"Well, old friend, we have two mysteries solved." Esfalan was speaking to Verothlen, seated on a hard bench in front of Cormorlan's working desk. Verothlen was helping himself to Cormorlan's wine. "Which mysteries would those be?" Cormorlan did not seem pleased with Verothlen's free manner with his wine decanter. "The year, or rather how long I was away, and the year, or how long it has been since Mindia was home to the Mindirrim. They had left, due, I would hazard a guess, to a...

4 years ago
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Moni and Carol

I Love All Black Gangbangs Story For Moni Moni And Carols Vacation By: Me Written on January 20th, 2013 Nice fantasy from a friend Moni and her friend Carol had decided to go on a girls only vacation to Jamaica with some resistance from the husbands. They said they would be fine at a resort what can happen there. They left for Jamaica in march still be cold in Canada the girls were looking forward to some sun and beach. They arrived in Kingston and were bused away to the resort. looks like a...

2 years ago
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Just to set the scene properly, i am just under six feet tall, blond haired, blue eyed, and of German and Scottish heritage, since my looks are not as important and hers for this, that's as far as i'll go. Jee-Sung is, if you haven't guessed already, Korean, and while i'm not sure of her exact height, i have about one head on her height wise. She has black hair to the shoulders which she dyes brown at the ends, brown eyes, small yet firm breasts as you might expect on an Asian girl, and...

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Local Adult Theatre

So, last night, being bored out of my wits and not in the mood for dealing with drunks, I decided to drive to my local Adult Theatre. Mind you, I am not shy, but cannot afford to get in trouble. So, I walked in and there were five or six males jacking off in both screening rooms. I sat down just to observe the dynamic, while a huge cock tight ass movie is playing. Men started spurting and mouths and holes fed. Bodies started tucking away their meat and leaving the theatre. I got up and stood...

2 years ago
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Ayaan And Joel In Montreal

Birds of a feather flock together, as they say. I respectfully disagree. Opposites attract, and it often works wonders. Please allow me to elaborate on that, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Joel Saint-Vincent, and I was born in the City of Montreal, Quebec, to a Haitian immigrant father and a French Canadian mother. My folks, Lucas Saint-Vincent and Marlene Tremblay split when I was in the tenth grade, and I guess you could say that I come from a broken home. I’d like to think that my...

3 years ago
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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 3

It was about three months later, when I received a call from John at the tattoo studio, A woman had been in, seen the tattoo picture of Stephanie and was deciding whether to have it done to herself, but had strangely asked if it was possible to see the tattoo in the flesh. John had initially said I doubt the couple would be willing for that to happen but to keep the client happy, he promised he would phone and ask. "Is the woman there in the studio now" I asked. "Yes, she seems impatient...

2 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 9

Wednesday I had a busy day on Wednesday, meeting clients in London to discuss some new work before getting back home to start it off. I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I didn't see Lisa walking up the path, and was a bit shocked when she said a breezy "hello!" as she walked into the front room. "Hey," I turned round, smiling. "What time is it? You're home early!" "Quarter to four," she grinned, coming forward to kiss me. "I managed to finish work a bit early because I...

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The Ballad of Lara and Gemma

The Ballad of Lara and Gemma The Ballad of Lara and GemmaPart One: the Story so far by Velvetglove Author?s Note A ballad is defined as a simple song or poem, recounting a story of an amorous or sentimental nature. This strange tale is a romantic ballad written in prose. A lot of the feedback received during the original postings of ?After the Pestilence? related to two characters; Lara and Gemma. This Part is mainly an edited repost of their appearances to date. Part Two, is new...

2 years ago
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The Maid Introduced Me To The World Of Pleasures

Hi, welcome to ISS (Indian Sex Stories). I am Rishi of age 29 from Hyderabad. I am working as software individual in an MNC. It’s been a very long time since I had shared my last experience. The incident which I have written here took place 3 years ago. The heroine of this story and also my sex-guru is my maid Lakshmi. She is of my age, married and, has 1 kid. She is fair and her stats are 36-26-38. She looks damn sexy for a maid. She introduced me to the world of sex and taught me many...

3 years ago
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Taking care of shoplifters

My name is Ted. I own a small clothing-store. I’m 40. Business is good. There’s only one problem. Shoplifters. Of course they cost me money, but that’s not the big problem. They make me mad. I’ve tried everything; calling the police, forcing them to stand outside the shop with a sign saying “I’m a thief – I stole from this shop” and other things, but nothing seems to work. Almost all the shoplifters are women or should I say girls, because they’re almost all young too. Today business is slow....

4 years ago
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Agent Chase Agent Chastity Chapter 2 The Sky Above

Agent Chase, Agent Chastity Chapter 2: The Sky Above ? by: Diana Heche Part 1 - BASE COMMANDER KASKE It was the endless piles of the paper work, more than even being stuck on this rock floating in the nothingness of space, which got under the skin of the Base Commander. While his contemporaries were still on active duty fighting in Mexico and the Middle East for the real army, he was working as a glorified policeman for an energy company. The kind of job that washed up alcoholic...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Sofi Ryan Vengeance

Vengeance is the only thing on Sofi Ryan’s mind when she catches her boyfriend cheating on her. Wanting to make him pay Sofi gets on The FA Dating App and finds the perfect guy to get back at her boyfriend, Alex Legend. When Alex arrives Sofi doesn’t waste any time pulling out Alex’s big cock and sucking it while she has him film it. Just as Sofi planned her boyfriend comes home just as Alex unleashes a massive load of cum all over her face. Vengeance, a dish best served with...

2 years ago
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Satisfied by two horny gals

Hello Girls. Hope you enjoyed my sex experience, my sex encounter with two girls both are real sisters. My name is Aravind. I am young, fair & handsome boy. I have an attractive personality. Recently I have completed M.B.A. If any girl or group of girls or women (Chennai) wants to meet me, they can contact me through my e-mail id Our relationship will be fully confidential. I am living in the city Chennai. I have a story with Sweta and her sister Mita. Sweta is a horny girl with huge boobs and...

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When You re Gone

Dear You,My eyes are wet just addressing this letter to you, which I may or may not have the courage to send. Things between us have changed. Or rather, I’ve changed. And I’m sorry.You’ve taught me so much over the years: how to drive, play poker, cook meals other than pasta. You were there when I graduated: supporting, encouraging, clapping. Always my biggest fan. We shared our successes. Our experiences together were unequivocally a treasure, a coveted gift I sometimes did not deserve.What...

Love Stories
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A Phoenix Story Playing The Hand You re DealtChapter 2

After returning to the deck with their refreshments, RJ sat staring out over the river. It was a beautiful view from the balcony. Millie could sense the obvious tension RJ was feeling as Millie watched her nervously play with her fingers. With her lips pursed, she looked at Millie with an intense haunting stare. "I think it's best to try and tell this in Darren's own words as he has related it to me over the years," RJ said with a deep sigh. "In high school Darren had been good enough...

4 years ago
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Our First Story

In our relationship, we've had a long running joke (about 6 years now) that one day I would fuck my husband in his ass, it hasn't happened yet but I hope to follow thru. =) Like any couple with years under their belt, we have had our ups and downs, arguements, jealousy and financial woes. Fortunately for us, we have always came to our senses, worked together and learned how to move past the difficult bumps in the road. Our little "joke" spawned from one of those bumps.In November of 2014, I...

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Wrong stop in the Highway

Wrong stop in the highwayMy husband Victor and I moved to the west coast and lived there many years.In one occasion, Victor went abroad for one week and I had plenty free time to pay a visit to old friends living about four hundred miles from our home town.I spent three nice days with these guys and then came back home.Still I was expecting to be alone during another two days, but I wanted really to be at home as soon as I could; so, I tried to drive back during the night in a fast highway.It...

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Mom s Girl Redux Part 5

Mom's Girl Redux Part 5 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 15 Those first few days were really a blur. I spent more time packing up and lugging things to the Salvation Army than anything else. Yes I did have my fun Saturday night at the bar and all the girls teased me I was now one of them. Kathy went as far as to tell me I needed to carry a tampon in my purse now or at the very least a maxi pad. She did laugh when I told her at my age the "change" had already gotten to me. It is...

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Tales of Feminization

In a seemingly normal town, a new social movement is taking place. White boys are encouraged to act, dress, and be feminine. You are a student at this school, and this is story of how you become a dirty sissy slut. Choose a boy to play as and be feminized. (All characters in this story are of legal age) (I'm only working on Mark's story right now, but feel free to add more characters) (Tags on this page are tags for all the threads in the story) I decided to start playing around with variables...

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BBW StepmombyFrank2002©It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I started to notice her more. She had put on a few more...

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Love Part 1

LOVE (Part 1) By Belinda Batgirl loves Robin; however, Batman keeps Robin under strict control. She can't get near Robin, and she knows Robin has hiding and anguish of not being her true self. If there was a way? Batgirl is thinking this while wearing her leather, skin-tight body suit that zips in the front, and looking at the matching bodysuit she bought for Robin? "Oh, I wish I could think of a way to get Robin with me, and for her to be her true self," she said while...

1 year ago
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Fulfilled Aunty 8217 s Threesome Wish 8211 Part 8211 2

Hi ladies, thank you for your beautiful replies and happy to hear that, your pussies went wet while reading my story. A small introduction before we move further, myself night rider (nightriderforubabes) from hyderabad, any unsatisfied lady from hyderabad want to have a satisfied secret relation can contact me at , I am just a mail away from you hotties. Guys please dont ask for my babes contact details or pics, I cant and I will not, so without any further late, lets jump into the story. After...

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my hot mechanic

It was a monday afternoon, the sun was out but I was tired and frustrated after not having sex for weeks. But my car was going in for a service, and the good thing about that was, my hot mechanic Mike. Gorgeous, with a firm body, he drove me wild. Id never told him how much he told me on, just behaved like a good girl, but the fantasies I’d had, him bending me over and taking me then and there. I left and arrived at the garage, wearing a skirt, black bra visable through my tight white vest...

3 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 6

"The possibilities were almost limitless. Apart from fundamentally changing our understanding of the physical universe, repealing the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and guaranteeing himself the Nobel Prize, this discovery had huge practical applications." I nodded, seeing it. "Sure. Record an apple. Eat the apple. Then press a button and, zing, there's another apple. My God, talk about ending world hunger! You could..." She was shaking her head. "No. I -- well, he, I actually mean --...

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Bangkok Diaries Part 8211 2

Bangkok Diaries… Part 2 This is the continuation of the first part. It is rather a long story and not for people who wants Sex from the first line till the last word of the story. In the first part, me and Aayush had a discussion on the old memories of our school times and also unfolded few secrets. I had mentioned he took my phone number. That day I was restless to receive a message from him. I could not concentrate on any work until at 10Pm when my phone pinged. Yes it was Aayush. Aayush:...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 1

I regained consciousness in the dark. You might ask yourself how I knew I was conscious if I was in the dark, but just accept my version of events. It was DARK when I regained consciousness. My worst enemy was there to torment me. The beeping thing was keeping track of my pulse, heartbeat, blood pressure, temperature, and a number of other things, while another gizmo was pumping drugs into my tortured body. All this was happening in the dark. It took some time for me to remember what...

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The Dark part 1

It is so very dark – the blindfold has taken care of that, and thanks to the headphones it also so very quiet. You are lying on your front, ankles and wrists tied to each corner of the bed. There are a couple of pillows underneath your hips and you are naked. It occurs to you that you have never really felt as vulnerable as you do now. You try moving your head to see if you get a gauge on where I am in the room but it doesn’t make the slightest difference. To all intent and purpose you are mine...

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Fun With The Whole Fam In The Hot Tub

Me 49 yr old male coming homeWife Jenny, 47 hardbodyJane 21 year old oldestJack 19 year old siblingfamily that discovers playing together….  Get comfortable and enjoy!!!~~~~I came home two days early from working in Germany on a construction site.  I wanted to surprise my family but instead, got the surprise of my life! I took a cab from the airport and since I was shipping equipment and tools home, I had only brought a carryon with me on the plane.  So I paid the man and walked into the house,...

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Cold Call

I was out doing some cold calling in my sales territory when I stopped in to a business and asked to see the manager. After waiting five minutes I looked up and gasped! There was this guy I had met up with in a park two weeks before. I was in the park to see if I could hook up with another guy and he drove up. I walked down a path giving him a sidelong glance. I grabbed my crotch and smiled. He acknowledged my glance and followed me. After a turn in the path I stopped and waited. He came up to...

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When I was twenty-eight, I was a very happily married full-fledged heterosexual man. My wife Barbara was a very attractive blonde, five years my junior and our bedroom activities were really hot. I considered myself 100% straight, even though I’d received a drunken blowjob from my college roommate, when I was eighteen, which I didn’t return the favor for by the way. It was a one-time thing that ‘just happened’ one night and was never mentioned again by either of us.Barbara and I bought our...

Oral Sex
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I Found My Sugar Daddy At Last

The story happened two years ago. I am Varun 23 now, I was 21 then. Slim, very fair, I was having some hair, albeit less on my chest and also pubes which I trimmed. My parents had died when I was young, so I was bought up till I was 18 by an uncle. After 18 I worked part time in a restaurant and managed studies completing a Commerce Degree. My cousin who left for abroad gave me his laptop when he was going abroad. Ever since I was young I adored men, I knew that women weren’t for me. I lost my...

Gay Male
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Hindsight 20 20 Book 1Chapter 10

I arrived at Kathryn's and Jill came out. She said, "What are you doing to my little sister? She is only a freshman." I said, "Jill I am not looking to marry her. We are just kids. I just turned fifteen and she will be fifteen in a couple months. I think she is cute in both her underwear and her bikini. Besides her sister is one of the prettiest girls in the school and she just wants to be friends. If Kathryn is half as pretty, half as smart and half as nice as her sister, then I will...

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My mother turned me into a cum slut PT4

Megan don't forget Danni is coming with us tonight. OK good. More fun. Don't forget my friends a trans. Yeah I remember.I can't figure out what to wear. What are you wearing? I liked the outfits you made for us last week. We couldn't find them remember? Megan said I'm out of ideas help me come up with something. I like to wear something slutty to make me hornier. I found a big marker. OK Diane said come over here. I grabbed one of Megans tits and wrote CUM on it. Mom WTF. Come here I'm not...

4 years ago
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Pool HustledChapter 12

David Saturday It felt like we made love all night. It seemed like I just closed my eyes, when the sun began to shine through the crack in our drapes. We both rolled over and slept to 10:00a.m. I order room service for breakfast, scramble eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast, orange juice and coffee. We were stuffed when we got done. We cleaned up and went down to the pool. We had a light lunch and then Joyce wanted to go shopping. The money she won is burning a hole in her purse. We...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 26 Awakening

Sheila was quiet on the way to her house, and so was I. She stared out the window, lost in her own thoughts. I drove, imagining her going down on that guy, wrestling for mouth space with Jade on the length of his cock while he sat there like he owned them. My teeth were grinding. She wouldn't do that with Amy due home at any minute though, would she? No. She may be Charlotte, the school slut, but even she wasn't that low. I decided my girlfriend was safe for the time being. But why, oh...

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The Drifter Chapter Two

When we entered the house, Carla’s grandfather was just finishing his sandwich and washed it down with a bottle of beer. Her grandmother, a tiny, thin woman with gray hair tied in a bun, sat next to him at the round oak table with a cup of tea and half a sandwich on her plate. I noticed she didn’t eat the crust. Our ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread were waiting for us on pale green plates. A pitcher of lemonade sat in the center of the table and next to our plates were two empty mason...

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A Juicy Sister In Law

Hi guys. It was hard to cope with my studies. I had a crazy fight with my girlfriend and a failure in my mid semester’s examination results. Let’s say my life which was going on a fairly nice road derailed into the void. I was having a hard time patching up with my girl as she had left town with her family for a few weeks. I was feeling left out. I didn’t know what to do. I left for my brother’s home. My brother’s name is Rahul. He has been married to a beautiful and kind-hearted woman Shreya...

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Who s The Boss Part 2

We showered together and climbed into bed for some much-needed rest. Nikki slept between me and Ben so that she could touch us both while we slept. There was some idle caressing and kissing, but we were all too tired to last for long, and soon we slept the sleep of the happily exhausted.I’m generally a heavy sleeper, but I awoke before the others the next morning, around 8:30. I smiled sleepily as I contemplated my lovers, then I headed for the bathroom. Upon my return, they had spread out to...

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A Daughter Has Her Way Part 4

A Daughter Has Her Way - Part 4 by: crossvestite Players: Amy-18 Steve-(Amy's daddy) 36 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 Story synopsis: A young girl discovers that her daddy is a closet crossdresser. And along the way she discovers a lot about herself. She has plans for her daddy as well as her brother and boyfriend. Many adventures in store for everyone. This is Part 4 of the...

4 years ago
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Swimming in the Jury PoolChapter 16

(Winston’s story sounds ridiculous) In the face of all court room accepted common sense, the defendant’s battery of high-priced lawyers decided they had to risk him testifying to sway at least one member of the jury to vote “not guilty” or possibly cause a situation where the judge would be forced to call for a “mistrial”. I had noticed that his attitude had changed of late. Throughout most of the trial, his demeanor had been stanchly confidant and even bordering on visible boredom as if...

4 years ago
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As a young man I fell under the spell of a mature lady who enjoyed having me call at her cottage to satisfy her desires.She was in her early forties with a well rounded figure beautiful dark eyes a smiling mouth and thick dark hair which she always had up in a big teased style .On this occasion I had a call from her to say she wanted me to call at 10 am on the Sunday and to be prepared to spend the night.She opened her front door dressed in a thick white dressing gown with her hair up in the...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Alina Lopez POV With Super Slut Alina Lopez

Alina Lopez gets a POV pounding from Manuel Ferrara! Alina is looking hot as ever in her red & black lace lingerie with garter, stockings, and black high heels as she teases us with her stunning curves. Manuel helps her remove her top to expose her perfect perky tits, then Alina uses her amazingly long tongue to lick her own nipples before turning around and showing off her ass. She pulls down her panties and spreads her cheeks to give up a great view of her tight pussy & asshole then...

2 years ago
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I was awakened the next morning when the lid of my box was opened. “Liz, you need to start learning what you are to do around here. She helped me out of the box and walked me to a room with a light purple paint on the wall. There was cute bed with a white headboard. The comforter was plushy, and it went well with the paint on the walls. I could see that there were satin sheets underneath. On one corner there were several pieces of an outfit laid out. There was a short dress, a small bra, and a...

3 years ago
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Fun On A Fateful Night At School

Hey guys, this is my second sex story, all the characters are fictional, any resemblance to real life are purely coincidental. So that’s about it.Let’s start with my sex story. I’m 26 and working as a teacher in Bangalore, I teach biology for high school, hold on, don’t think it’s a typical teacher-student sex story, no it’s not. I don’t have any interest in kids. It was exam time. And I had to take special classes for my kids, few studied well but many did not grasp my subject, you should see...

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The Magical Realm

Beware, Traveller! This tale may contain many things of particularly magical varieties! By magical we mostly mean niche, and by niche I mean offensive to some, beautiful to others. Be wary of these magical places by paying attention to the signs! These parts of the story will contain a quick disclaimer page telling you what to expect. Feel free to turn back if that's just not your cup of tea, your bag, your jam or in fact your thing. In general, expect to see the following: Rape-y scenarios...

2 years ago
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Sharing my hot wife

For anyone who has read some of my previous posts, you're probably thinking you two are bisexual swingers, what's the big deal with sharing your wife. This time was just a little different. We had always played together when we would play with other swingers. We'd always be in the same room, same house, same hotel, different rooms, but always together. This time my wife would be on her own with a guy I barely knew in a hotel room. My wife took a new job with a different company not long before...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 43

Kim and Jack picked Sally up Friday morning and the three rode together to school. They met Megan in the parking lot, like they did every morning that week. "It's just not fair," Sally said as they walked towards the building. "Tom gets to take the day off and we have to go to school." Sally and her cousin lagged behind Jack and Megan, watching them walk hand in hand, talking, and giggling. "Have you heard from Tom yet?" "Yeah, he called last night when he and Lisa got to the...

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The Homely 18 Year Old Babysitter

I had been a single father for three years now. I had lost my beautiful wife in a tragic car accident. I had reared my 5-year old daughter single-handily. I was so traumatized by the death of my wife that I had not dated since her passing. Yet, recently, at the urging of friends, I had joined Match.com and had been on a string of dates and one-night stands. I had hired an 18-year old named Lacy to take care of my 5-year old daughter. She was very good with the c***d and I paid her handsomely...

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I had no idea how long I’d been lying on the floor of his basement. There was no clock. I wasn’t wearing a watch. It was dark. Cold. The solid concrete floor was uncomfortable and I shifted as best as I could within the restraints. My legs were tied together at the knees and again at the ankles. A piece of rope was looped tightly around my wrists, and another taut length connected them to my ankles. If that wasn’t enough, he’d gagged me too. Even though it was cold, I was sweating. Maybe it...

2 years ago
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Soul MatesChapter 4

Tuesday morning I wake up at my regular time and head out on my mountain run to think. Friday is our last basket ball game of the season and even if we wjn the game there are no playoffs or tournaments. The season is over after Friday, however track practices starts in two weeks and I need to be in the best shape possible. The most important thing I need to think about is Emily and her dad. I now know the connection and why their stories are similar. Watching over me? Leading my church? Soul...

1 year ago
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Monica Seduces Amy

Monica sat studying alone in the living room of the small apartment she shared with another girl Amy. Both girls were students. Being a warm morning, Monica sat wearing nothing but pink panties with a pretty lace trim and it was part of her plan. Occasionally she looked up from her reading to admire her ample breasts and ever-hardening nipples. She felt herself getting turned on by simply sitting around mostly nude. Monica was a pretty tight ass. Her boobs were beautifully shaped and firm....


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