Assuming the Position
- 2 years ago
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"Well, old friend, we have two mysteries solved." Esfalan was speaking to Verothlen, seated on a hard bench in front of Cormorlan's working desk. Verothlen was helping himself to Cormorlan's wine.
"Which mysteries would those be?" Cormorlan did not seem pleased with Verothlen's free manner with his wine decanter.
"The year, or rather how long I was away, and the year, or how long it has been since Mindia was home to the Mindirrim. They had left, due, I would hazard a guess, to a great cataclysm?"
"Yes, though the records from that time are ill-preserved, that is what the historians say. You speak as if you had been to where the event occurred, and know something of the cause maybe, and yet, that is impossible. Just where did you go when you disappeared? And how did you disappear?" Cormorlan seemed more willing to listen now, here in his offices.
"The mask had a very difficult teleportation spell on it, to bring the wearer to me. The body of the wearer would have been flooded with mana, and so it was safe to bring both the wearer and mask. A great store of mana built into the mask was depleted by that spell, it is not a spell I will undertake again lightly."
"You set this spell?" Cormorlan seemed incredulous. "This artifact was brought by the Mindirrim to this Citadel, one of the few artifacts of great worth that survived the journey."
Verothlen smiled, a mirthless stretching of his lips. "I set the spell. With some help from Esfalan, I have preserved a great amount of knowledge for Feldare. Esfalan now has the knowledge and skills of a military leader of no small repute, and the abilities of a mage of no small skill. He and I have a visit we must make, and then I will be leaving you. You are to give Captain-Commander Esfalan whatever he requests upon our return, and to join with him and support him on any military mission or matter he may undertake."
Cormorlan turned again to Esfalan. "Lad... I do not wish to doubt the word of this mage. He speaks of teleportation most casually, and speaks of setting spells thousands of years old; he orders me to give to you, a lad barely past his majority, the respect and rank of a great commander of more soldiery than the Citadel can now muster in one spot. Do you give credence to his words?"
"I do." Esfalan stood. Drawing his hyandrel, he executed a bow, with his arms wide, left wrist pointed at the ground, blade horizontal at his eye level, left foot forward, right foot crossed behind the left, knees bent. It was an old, formal bow, old even in Avatharel's time, and Esfalan was not at all sure he could have done it if Avatharel's memories had not guided him.
The effect was not lost on Cormorlan. More modern versions of a formal bow existed, less deeply pronounced, often without a blade in hand, and the very fluidity and grace of the movement bespoke volumes about Esfalan's confidence. Cormorlan admitted to himself that while Esfalan was too young, he certainly carried himself like a veteran commander.
Esfalan straightened. "Marshall-General, Anathel surely stayed with the Ehladrihim; surely you questioned him on my role in his introduction to you?"
Cormorlan granted a nod.
"Did he ever tell you that we entered the Room of Ceremony by means of magery?"
Cormorlan frowned. "No, he did not."
"Did he ever tell you I was a mage?"
"No. Nor did your father, when we advised him of your disappearance."
Esfalan closed his eyes for a moment, and then shared a nod with Verothlen. Together, they had agreed to visit with Esfalan's family before departing the city.
Turning back to Cormorlan, Esfalan asked, "Well, then, would you mind if I had some wine?"
Cormorlan made an impatient gesture.
Esfalan poured a glass of wine, then brought the glass to his face. Reaching up, he took the floating glass out of the air, with his left hand, and raised a sardonic eyebrow to Cormorlan, who slowly turned and looked at the wine decanter on the sideboard six paces away.
Cormorlan was not, Esfalan knew, stupid. This was borne out, finally, when he lifted his head, and snapped out in sudden realization, "The mask!"
Esfalan nodded, and confirmed, "The mask." He gave Cormorlan a very brief and impersonal summary of what he had gained from the mask, explaining the experience as a gift of magery skills and military command knowledge. He left out all the rest of Avatharel's history and outlook, feeling that it was both too personal and would somehow demean Avatharel to share.
Verothlen confirmed that Esfalan had the memories of Avatharel, who had held the rank of Captain-Commander in the Host of the Mindirrim, and that he did hold command of 340 mounted troops. Cormorlan was now far more polite to Verothlen, though it was plain he still had questions.
The three spoke of the current overcrowding in the city, plague in Syrisia, Esfalan's skills, and the structure and order of battle of the ancient Mindarrim's forces for long into the small hours of the night.
In the early afternoon of the next day, Esfalan had visited the stores rooms of the Citadel. For a long time he searched through the shelves for mail and raiment such as he remembered, and by the end of the afternoon, he had come close with the various articles he had found. Missing was the mailshirt, which would not be replaced quickly. Esfalan also forewent a quiver, as neither Esfalan nor Avatharel had ever had much interest in the bow.
Verothlen had spent the day in the archives of the Citadel. During this day it was impossible for anyone to find a clerk in the entire Citadel, as it seemed that Verothlen had asked a clerk for assistance finding an old set of records, and that clerk had asked another to fill in his position while he helped search. When the two were not enough, the first clerk went looking for help, and soon every clerk within the walls was eagerly helping the strange new mage.
Cormorlan remarked upon it bemusedly as, near the end of the working hours of the day, the two itinerants met with him.
"You have enchanted my clerical staff, Verothlen. Somehow you spirited them from their duties, and now they watch your every move to see what new delight you next have in store for them."
Verothlen simply nodded. "I believe it comes from the excitement of a visitor, something new, from outside one's experience. On the morrow, I shall borrow your mages."
Cormorlan 'tsk'ed. "That would be a spell, then, for I have no dedicated magery staff. There are some mages in the city. As I have no standing enemy, I have no standing army, and no need for dedicated mages in the military. Very few who can mage with any sophistication choose the life of a soldier." He turned to Verothlen and looked him in the eye. "I still do not understand your history, or how you came to set a spell more than ten lifetimes ago, and yet I have chosen to believe it so, as I have no other explanation. This implies to me that you are a great mage; yet you sometimes act as if you had only yesterday been surrounded by soldiers, clerks, and mages at your beck and call." He stopped, while both Verothlen and Esfalan broke out in laughter.
"That is truer than you know, Cormorlan," Verothlen managed, and then continued in a more serious mien. "I had stepped outside of the intervening twenty-two hundreds of years, they have not affected me, and I have not observed them. To the point, though, I think it is time for you to re-establish a magery staff. Mindia had the War College, an institution dedicated to the development of tactics and skills, as well as the command center for the Mindirrim. Mage skills were but one weapon to be exploited, and as such were one of the many areas of research on its' island."
Cormorlan seemed slightly dazed while he grappled with Verothlen's statement. "You stepped out of time for twenty-two hundreds of years? This explains much."
Verothlen nodded. "Cormorlan, you have heard that great things occur on Feldare for a reason. I believe I, Esfalan, and the Ehladrihim all have a role to play, and that there is some service that is demanded of us."
Esfalan picked up the conversation. "I have searched the catalogue of armaments in the stores, and inspected most. I have concerns about both quantity and quality of the stock. It would seem that the best of equipment was the oldest, and that several soldiers have found the best over the years; leaving you with less in store than you might have counted. I cannot find stocks of foodstuffs for a column to take an offensive to the field with, and as for tents, horse gear, and engineering equipment, there is little."
Cormorlan nodded. "We are granted but a slight allowance from the trade guilds. From that, we have barely enough to maintain one company. Few enough go about in arms, as you know," he nodded to Esfalan, "What you may not know is a slightly larger number are out of the city, gathering information and returning it to us, so as to better prepare us. The various guilds in the city will aid us with travel, but they do not share their own intelligence gathering with us. Regardless, I do not have a treasury to empty to rebuild the Ehladrihim."
Verothlen nodded. "Then we shall visit the various guilds and convince them of the need. Surely they understand that an unsettled countryside and huge migrations of the human populace will have adverse effects on trade? One would hope that they should fund, what is in essence, a peacekeeping force for the countryside."
"You would hope so," Cormorlan sounded disgusted. "Yet, I think they only think of next week or their next voyage; they do not wish to spend money this day against the needs of the future. And there has been little need for a standing army for ten generations."
"Much has been forgotten, then, of why elves are on Feldare, and what they are here to protect against." Verothlen turned to Esfalan, "Jetting the Gate off Feldare was the right thing to do, I am convinced, yet it has had its' cost."
"A high one," Esfalan agreed. "I shall go and determine what the blacksmiths and artisans have in the way of capacity for arming an increase in the Ehladrihim. Verothlen, if you come with me, I shall introduce you to my father, who is a senior member of the chandlery, and is friend to the shipmasters and many other merchant associations." He paused, then continued, "And, I think there are some matters to discuss which you should be present for, when I explain my recent whereabouts and history with my family."
Esfalan and Verothlen left the Citadel the next morning, out into the city. The first stop was to be a blacksmith Esfalan remembered, a fairly young one who should still be in business eight years after Esfalan last passed his forge.
Esfalan was shocked by the condition of the lower market streets. There were piles of dirt on the corners, and many more humans than he remembered. The crowd pressed and surged, and it was difficult to find a path through all the stalls and shacks that seemed to have sprung up. Many of the more established businesses that had stone walls facing the city streets now had carts and stalls in front of them crowding out the view of the shops behind to the passers-by. Dirt was everywhere, collecting in the storm drains, and in the gutters. Once-white stone walls were now grimy, and most buildings had the downspout tubes removed - Esfalan suddenly wondered how Gileath was doing with the youth of the city. He resolved to find out, and then was bumped into by a man backing out of a stall. The man turned and spoke something to Esfalan, touching his shoulder, which caused Esfalan to stop. Esfalan did not catch what the other had said.
Esfalan regarded the human in front of him. "Excuse me?" he said in Syrisian.
"I said, 'The blessing of the One who Remains upon you', but I'd like to know where you learned the Western Tongue now instead."
Esfalan gave a mental shrug. Languages change, he knew, as the Western Tongue obviously had from Syrisian. The changes seemed to be in the inflection of some words, and the slurring of "I" and "would" took a moment to decipher, but Esfalan gave it the credit due for making some kind of sense.
"Who is the 'One who Remains'?" Esfalan asked. He glanced up and saw Verothlen disappearing around a corner. Esfalan let him go, knowing that when Verothlen noticed he was missing, he had come back and find him; there was any of a dozen methods that Verothlen could use to find him in the crowd again, ranging from unobtrusive and private to ostentatious and very public.
"That is a tale for many long hours. If you would really like to hear it, come by my nave, there on the Salt Road, with the blue banner hanging out front." He pointed to one of the wide streets leaving the lower market square, and continued, "I can see your companion has left you. I shan't delay you further, go ahead and catch him, and I will see you another time."
Esfalan shrugged again. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately, as even in his own time and his home city, life seemed to have become... different.
Trotting, he caught up to Verothlen.
The two had left the noise and press of the lower market behind, and were climbing one of the city's other hills, where the merchants and guild leaderships had offices. Though the press was left behind, evidence that the human tide had surged here, and repeatedly, abounded through the city's parks. Almost, the parkland had been unspoiled countryside, and yet, there were now tents and ramshackle huts in the trees and meadows. Alongside the road was the detritus of thousands of humans, trash that, Esfalan guessed, would be washed downhill a few feet when next it rained.
Shaking his head, they continued the climb.
"How may I help you?" The doorman was something new, in Esfalan's experience. He supposed the position had been created to keep the intrusions from the new residents of the city to a minimum. Regardless, it was plain he did not recognize the two strangely-clad elves on his doorstep.
"I request an audience with Endalan, Master of Chandlers." Esfalan spoke confidently, and with the rhythm and accent of the wellborn in the city.
Surprised, the doorman reevaluated the pair on his doorstep. "And whom shall I say is calling?"
"I am Verothlen, a mage of some skill. I am performing a service for the Citadel," Verothlen had interjected before Esfalan had begun to answer. Esfalan considered a second, and let it lie.
Nodding, the doorman invited them into the foyer, and bade them wait. Verothlen turned to Esfalan, winked, and waved a hand in front of his face. Esfalan saw and felt a flow of mana, and guessed that Verothlen had disguised his face. Verothlen touched a finger to his lips, to indicate silence.
Three minutes later, they were escorted down the hallway and up a staircase. Esfalan had visited his father's office before, and could have led the way, so little had changed.
Endalan was somewhat short for an elf, dapper and trim, well-turned out in silk blouse and corded trousers, a silvery belt of office at the juncture of pant and shirt. The only other device was a silver hair-ring, gathering his grey tresses behind his back. His grey eyes bespoke of years of easy command, and Esfalan saw him anew through the eyes of a Captain-Commander as old as his father was then. What he saw was a man of power and assurance.
Here is the man we made mischief around, Esfalan said to his fey.
It is nothing, came the response, It only means we need to plan our work with greater care. Esfalan agreed, wondering how he ever dared to be so brazen in his defiance of his father's wishes.
"Good morning, then," Endalan greeted Verothlen. "It is not every day the Citadel sends me a mage. Have they relented then, and agreed to clean the sewage off the streets?"
Esfalan felt an eyebrow climb. Verothlen remained impassive, but replied, "Nay. I have come to propose something far more sweeping, or far more than sweeping, if you will." The other elf smiled in amusement. "Feldare is under an attack of sorts, and I cannot tell if it is a natural one or not; you are more than aware of the population migration from central Syrisia.
"What you may not be so aware of is the general disorder as the regional governmental structure falls victim to the plague rampant there. And it will only be a matter of time before the victims reach Ehladriel.
"Commerce with other nations and cities will be disrupted dramatically, I am sure you are experiencing shortages and ridiculously high prices demanded for goods originating in central Syrisia or points east. Likewise, there are great profits to be made if you ship goods from the West back East, but only," and here he paused for dramatic effect, "Only if you have a city to return to.
"Allowing the city to decay under the burden of too-great a populace is madness. Disease and the worst behaviors of men occur in filth and overcrowding; many of the city-states that Syrisia absorbed in its' expansion could not withstand the Syrisian Legions due to the shoddy condition of their own forces and homes. It is not as if they had no warning.
"It is clear that the model where guildsmen build according to a guild-specified code, and shop owners sweep their street is no longer working under this dramatic pressure.
"Ehladriel is named for Defense, and we are failing in the promise. When the Mindirrim came, they had abandoned their defense of the Syrisians. But the Mindirrim, and the Windirhim with them, were here on Feldare to safeguard the world.
"I propose something dramatic, and new to the face of the world. The Mindirrim lost their purpose in the move to Ehladriel; the Windirhim have, I have recently read, pursued other vocations than the path of the warrior; both were used to protect Feldare without recompense. Both believed it was their purpose, and the concept of pay for this labor was not involved.
"I propose that the guilds and trade associations form a government. That officials of the government be paid for their efforts. That the government maintain a standing army - a sizeable one. That the standing army restrict travel into the lands of the Ehladihim, and charge a fee to enter the city or land. That the government maintain the city and the land, and charge a tax on the general populace for the services - high and low, the tax is paid by all, or the city guard, paid for by the government, should deposit the shirkers outside the borders."
Endalan stood, one eyebrow raised, and Esfalan recognized where his own mannerism had come from. "You propose an apparatus similar to the human cities. Yet, how would this work in elven lands? We have no feudal lords, we have no hereditary royal families. We no longer have a rich military tradition and a large pool of generals to squabble amongst themselves and determine the next leader. How, then?"
"Men of means, who are agreed amongst their peers to be of sound judgment and character, with a good record of decision-making, shall declare for a position. And in a general population region, the inhabitants shall vote amongst those who declared. Positions for commerce, defense, sanitation and public works, lawkeeping and lawmaking, and the like shall be declared for, and the regional representatives vote for the best choice for the job. It worked in the civilian populace of Mindia, it can work here."
"I do not disagree that such a government could work, but I am doubtful that it could work here. I am highly skeptical that any guild will willingly give over funds it collects for services, or even the control of the services that generate the funds." Endalan shook his head. "I am reasonably certain this proposal will be unpopular."
"I only need to convince the heads of the guilds, do I not?"
Endalan nodded. "I am, you understand, not the head of the chandlery, but only one Master amongst several?"
Verothlen smiled. "The chandlers would sell to the government, the Ehladrihim, the guard, the streetsweepers, the bordermen, the new arrivals to the city, and to those who would have to leave for lack of the residence tax."
Endalan nodded. "And does one Verothlen, mage with no repute, have a role in Ehladriel?"
Verothlen shook his head. "Nay. I must leave this place soon, and leave the world of Feldare to its own devices for a while; though I am sworn to do what I may to help Feldare. You see," he said somewhat wistfully, "I am one of those who swore to defend Feldare without recompense. Once our numbers were greater."
Endalan studied Verothlen. "You speak as if you were a member of the Mindirrim, but you do not appear to be over two thousands of years old."
Verothlen laughed gently. "I know of at least one case of a man walking this day with the memories of a man two thousand years dead within his head. Perhaps someday, you may meet him. And yet, I hear, implicit in your statement, a request for my qualification. Have you not wondered whether I could be pressed to perform some great feat of magic to demonstrate my credibility?"
Endalan smiled hollowly. "Since you offer..." he trailed off.
Verothlen turned to Esfalan. "My colleague has been silent. Perhaps I should introduce him?" He winked at Esfalan, while grinning broadly.
Esfalan wiped away the disguise Verothlen had put upon his face with a small flow of mana. "Hello, Father," he said.
"Yes, apparently I was held in the spell of the mask for eight years while Avatharel's memories became my own; though to me it was but a short while; I was aware that the days were passing, but not aware of their length; I did not die of thirst." Esfalan had been explaining to his father for the better part of an hour. "And now, I will admit I see the world very differently through Avatharel's eyes. And, Father? Before we continue, I would like to apologize." Esfalan stood and bowed - the same ornate bow that had helped to convince Cormorlan.
Endalan stood as well. "Arise, son. All that was ill is forgotten."
Endalan stood straight again. "I have much to think on. Verothlen, I will admit I will give your proposal more credence and serious thought; having my son confirm what the government of Mindia was like over twenty-two centuries ago as an eyewitness is... not an everyday occurrence.
"Esfalan, I shall expect the two of you for supper this evening. I will send a runner to your mother to expect two more for the meal; I shall not tell her who is coming. For the afternoon, however, I must attend to many details so that I shall have the time to discuss with my fellow chandlers."
The two were only a few steps down the path from the door, when Verothlen turned to Esfalan. "'Hello, Father'," he quoted, gasping for air, "It was priceless!"
Esfalan nodded soberly, cocked his head as if listening to a voice only he could hear, then eyed the mess on the street. "Verothlen, you are a mage of great power. While I go talk to a blacksmith, you could clean the streets up a little."
Verothlen stopped in his tracks, while Esfalan continued walking down the hill. Looking around, he muttered to himself, "It was only a little fun. Oh, hell, look at this mess." He began to search about himself, looking for a handy source of mana.
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I had looked up across the way in the small cafeteria where I usually went to grab a bite to eat during the lunch hour. It was one of the perks working for the financial investment firm where I was employed. Good food at a reasonable price. Everyone knew of course that by doing that, it ensured people were hardly ever late getting back to their desks, thus ensuring the company was even more successful and profitable. My thoughts weren't really on that however, but at the moment, on Carol, a...
The Fortune had arrived on Earth. We were allowed to board the shit and go get settled into our berths. We were leaving in the morning (station time). I had to laugh when we found Foxy and Jill entering the room beside ours when we got on the ship. They both grinned at us. Most of us had been wearing our own clothes, but we had been told we could wear the ships suits or any of the clothes in the replicator if we wanted our clothes to last longer. I was seriously considering it because...
School girl Megan is out on a beautiful sunny day selling cookies to raise money for a trip when she knocks on the door of J-Mac. After selling 3 boxes to J-Mac Megan is only $700 short to get enough money and it’s the final day. Not wanting to miss out, Megan decides to offer something a little more to get the money she needs. Taking his big dick in her mouth she quickly shows him what a dirty little girl she is before trying to take his big dick in her tight little ass. Will it be enough for...
xmoviesforyouHi iss readers ye mera pehla story hai kuch bhi galat hua tho plz excuse me I am dinesh age 29 from bhubaneswar height 6ft well built body fair in colour and dick size is 8′ ye mera true story hai ye 3mahine pehle hi hua hai mere pados ki bhabhi ke sath. Wo dikhne mai bahut khoobsurat hai unka figure ko koi bhi dekhega tho unka lund khada ho jayega 38 34 42 hai unka age 30 hai unka nam sunitha hai Bt wo 24 ki lagti hai unka husband agey yaha hi kam karte the but 4 months pehle hi unka transfer...
“Sonya, we need your help,” Oskar made puppy eyes.“Help us seduce our mom,” Ben was desperate. “We wanna drag her to bed and fuck the brains out of her. We think about it every day and night.”“Please help us.”“Well...” Sonya was barely surprised hearing this.All three of them looked at Rose who was like a half-naked petite goddess wearing only a yellow bikini and mirror-shades. Ocean waves gently caressed the elegant curves of her figure, her long irresistible legs, and her perfectly shaped...
IncestIt was late one Saturday night, I was home alone and decided to sleep in my folks room. My folks were away for the week end and I was to stay home to wait for my Uncle to arrive early Sunday. Sometime later that night I thought I heard some one moving about in the hall way, paying it no mind, no one was home but me I drifted back off. I was suddenly awoke by a heavy body on my back and a stiff penis probing my neither region. Just as I was about to cry out the huge head found my bung hold and...
When I got to my dad’s room both my dad and Elena were now in robes. When Elena saw me she ran to me as fast as her pregnant belly would allow. She then threw her arms around me. “I’ll say this again. If you don’t want me to have sex with our dad I won’t do this. After all maybe I could get over this with help from a therapist or something. Maybe we could make a dildo made from a mold of his cock. That might work.” said Elena. My only response was giving her a deep kiss and I turned her...
Making Of A FaggotBy: Londebaaz ChohanArthur once again heard loud and clear tone of the stranger asking him to go ahead and touch his cock. He was emphasizing for Art that he may never get another chance to touch and feel such manly meat. Deep inside of his mind and body Art also knew that the stranger was right. He had to grab it, feel it, stroke it, worship it, love it! His hand reached out; knowing well that if he did not back out and did as asked, he will become a faggot for sure. The next...
[Author's Note: I have tried to find logical breaks in these diaries to begin and end the different chapters. It's not easy to do because I didn't write my journal thinking it would ever be read by the public. As a result, it might make it hard for new readers to follow along or for an avid reader to remember exactly what was going on when they read the last installment. This is Chapter 4 ... Chapter 3 ended abruptly, so for everyone's benefit I've duplicated the last little bit of it...
planetary time unit = day ------------------------------ Sam was heading away from the IP world as fast as he could. Thankfully the draining had stopped and the sun was getting him back to feeling normal. A look at the fleet showed that the wave that he and Thantas had used knocked most of them out. Sam, came the thoughts of Thantas. Are you alright? We thought you had departed us, when you streaked off like that. I apologize to all of you, when Drivas was hurt, I grew far angrier than I...
Never in a million years did I ever think I'd end up in the situation that I had along with three other sisters, one of whom was my fraternal twin. At twenty-four years of age, I had suddenly become more than a brother; I'd become father too and head of the household. It had been over a year now since a horrible accident had claimed the lives of our parents. Penny and I had immediately assumed the role of guardianship though it certainly wasn't anything we'd ever planned for or expected to...
The Tale of Two Women Chapter l -- The Graduates Graduate When Brad Mussleman graduated from the Wharton School of Business as an honors student in their MBA program his parents bought him the large estate next to theirs in Western Los Angeles County, California as a bonus for joining their firm as a full partner.All the aspiring, talented, and single-minded girls who knew Brad were aware that he would one day take over Mussleman Group, headquartered in Beverly Hills, from his...
Two days went by, and I had not heard or seen either of the girls, and then on the Friday afternoon my doorbell rang. I opened my front gate and standing there was Belinda. “Do you want to come in?” I asked her.“Yes please,” she said, and quickly walked past me and went straight into my house. I locked up quickly and followed her into my lounge. Belinda was waiting for me there, standing and nervously twirling a couple of strands of her hair with her fingers. “You probably know why I am here,”...
Der Flaschengeist Teil 26 Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle...
Humor[Preservation- Janice] Jim said, "I don't think you will kill us and doubt if you'll torture us. Our style would be to pick one of us out and shoot him. I think your style is more on threats and intimidation than torture or killing." Ted said, "You're right. Janice, remember him for the 'probably not' group later. Fred, make sure their feet are tied and gag them. We'll leave them here. I guess they need to hope that Greg's blood doesn't draw dogs." Fred was finishing feet and...
I eneter the tent the men smile at me she is sitting on a pillow her eyes down caste i note how full her eyeslashes are and how pink her cheeks become she is embaressed ashamed of this and what is going on. " A 200 gold lordship and the girl is yours," the smile meekly at me. " tell me about her and then you get your money," i say. They smile coyle and push her to her feet. They tell me she is from the east she is only 15 young how i like them. She is in good shape round breast perk and...
FAMILY VACATION GONE AWRY:: CHAPTER 5Irene had just ate her daughters pussy Maryanne(18).... And Esterr had indeed confronted Irene about her own desires, and wanton lustful needs.So both Maryellen and Esterr came to Irene and told her to get naked, and on the same table her daughter was on, so she did so.Irene now lay naked right beside her naked daughter as Esterr left the cabin with a bucket as Irene was questioning Maryellen where she was going and why?Maryellen only aknowledged that she'd...
I had been lonely for a while and I missed having someone to talk to or even have sex with. I was bored and my work kept me busy 6 days of the week. Italy is a beautiful place to live but if you are single, nothing that a place can do for you. I wanted some company one night and decided that I would try a phone sex service. I was open to talking to a stranger on phone sex and get something to manage my boredom and loneliness. I tried that phone sex operator line after researching for a few...
FetishAfter my anal sex experience with Carter, we became very good friends. We didnt see each other as often as we would like, because we were both really busy. My work was becoming more demanding, and I was working my way up the ladder. Carter was also really busy, but I was never sure what he was busy with. The winter months died away, and we had sex whenever we could. It definitely wasnt enough though. I began to seek out gay sex from other sources. I still had the occasional woman as well. I...
This is a mini sequel to Retribution 1 If you haven't read that story yet then don't bother reading this one, because you won't understand this one if you don't. But if you don't want to read a long story, if you just don't care, or if you're just looking for a good TG story to read, continue. Her Name Is Nikki By Po February 2003: Somewhere in New York... 'Man!' thought one of the watchers, who had a raging hard on in his pants. 'I can't believe her! She has got to be the...
Monica had kissed some boys before. A few of those kisses had been away from prying parental eyes, and a few had been with a boy she really liked. But in her mind, all of them had, by definition, been illicit. Her mother and grandmother, whom she thought of as her parents, would have actually tolerated a little kissy-face, but she didn’t know that. So those kisses had been hurried, and nervous. There had been some guilt, which fought with the excitement of doing this forbidden thing....
My boy is sitting on my lap sideways, with my hand rubbing his back. We're both totally naked, and my hard cock is sticking up between his pale white thighs, not far away from his soft cute little dick. I start kissing his neck and ears and then we start kissing. He sucks on my tongue.I whisper to him, asking if he's ready to try it, and he replies that he's scared. I promise him he'll have fun, and he pursed his thin red lips, and nods. My good boy.I held the bottle under his nose,...
Manu left her tied, on the table, for the rest of the day. He did not want her hands reaching for her scarred pussy, where they could damage the scar, or cause infection. He did bring her legs down thinking, rightly, that she would feel better if her legs were straight, even if not closed together, rather than spread out, with her pussy exposed. He did not tell her this though. He gave her some wine to drink, which was technically a violation of the rules, and the wine, on her empty stomach...
Amy had come by taxi in case she wanted to drink, so after 5 minutes, we found another taxi and together we made the 20 minute journey to Amy's apartment. It was a small and very cozy place. It had a warm feeling as soon as you walked through the door, I almost felt at home. Amy wanted to change into something more comfortable, so she invited me to sit down on the couch and wait. I thanked her for her hospitality and sat down. While I waited, I looked around the apartment. It had a lounge,...
My parents were very modest about nudity around the house, except when it came to me being naked. I hadn’t seen anyone naked since I was a toddler but both my mom, dad and sister seen me almost daily whenever I took a shower. I guess it was because I was the youngest of the family and the notion that ‘it is OK for girls to see boys’ , that gave my sister the freedom to walk in on me whenever I took a shower and see me in all my glory. We lived in a small 3 bedroom house with only 1...
Ted sat in the vehicle holding the cake, as the car shot through the hallways. It came to a dead stop in front of a familiar conference room. Ted led everyone into the room, and they saw Amy standing there. Setting the cake on the table, he turned to the others. "Go ahead and pick a spot. James break out the food, I will get dishes." Going over to the replicator, Ted issued some commands. "Computer fifteen plates, fifteen coffee cups, and flatware settings for fifteen, please." The...
Author warning: I wrote this story for another site that allows the use of HTML. There are words that are emphasized and generally thoughts are italicized as well. None of that will show up on this version which must be .txt only. I think it is still readable, but it is not quite as clear when a line is a thought instead of part of a normal paragraph. I'm not going back through and re-adding "he thought" to the entire story, as it is 100 pages long, roughly. General guideline: If a...
Kara Lee is taking a sunbath at her pool, while she listens to music, decides to tan her huge tits. On the other side of the fence, Jmac plays football with his friends and accidentally drop the ball close to Kara, as she cannot hear anything, Jmac decides to climb over the fence to recover the ball when he finds Kara, so sexy, laying down with her tits exposed, he gets shocked, those are really nice tits. Kara realizes of his presence and immediately tries to throw him out or she will call the...
xmoviesforyou“You three seem rather familiar with each other, do you do this often?” I asked gesturing to the pushed together sectional couch and the four of us naked. “This is the first time with a guy.” Gina said. “Normally it’s just the three of us.” Stacey added. “And our toys,” Kat stated, “Stacey has an awesome collection.” “It’s not that great,” stated Stacy, “You just made it sound like I’ve got the mechanical stuff on that web site.” Gina giggled, “Only because of how much it costs. You’ve...
They lived in a small picture postcard cottage in essex, surrounded by fields , so on the Saturday morning he the husband got up early and took their dog for a long walk, he was told not to return until we rang him accordingly, so with that now sorted pat & myself shared a hot shower together, yes it was tight in there, but that added to the fun of it all, on soaping each other up we hardly had the need for a sponge, so once we'd finished we got into some towelling robes and went down for...
This is the story of Master T and me. Master T and I had been together for over ten years and married for 8. We shared a pretty normal sex life, which over time got a little boring. It was several years ago that we discovered BDSM on the internet. My curiosity slowly got the better of me and before I knew it we were watching Bondage movies and I was reading all the stories I could get my hands on. I never had any intention of trying anything I read about, but eventually after all my...
Twila loved the winter. Every night during the long, dark northern winters, she sat in front of her fireplace, drinking some hot chai tea, looking out the window. The light of the fire made the falling snowflakes glimmer as they fell from the heavens. Her long, chocolate-colored hair cascaded over her back and shoulders in decadent curls. She was a short girl, but her curves were the root of all envy in every other girl she encountered. Her short peach satin nightgown hugged her curves, not...
I had known Beth for only a few months. She was pretty by anyone’s standards, with nice legs, a firm behind, and somewhat small breasts (I believe bite-sized is the term they are commonly called) with bigger than average nipples. We didn’t make it until our fourth or fifth date, and I can’t say that the sex was spectacular. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, but until we went to a hunting lodge one weekend with Joan and Bill, two close friends, our sexual adventures were quite ordinary. We all...
When I first moved to Manchester I met quite a few guys who made out like they were interested but just wanted to fuck and then dump me.I finally met Steve on a gay dating app and we met up one evening in a lay by which was well known for dogging. I got there at the arranged time and parked up near to some other cars. I had my pink stockings and suspenders and tiny panties on under my tracksuit in case the Police were about.I felt disappointed when the man who was obviously Steve waddled over....
Victoria clamped her legs around Richard's buttocks as his body tensed and he swelled inside her, her own orgasm starting to dissipate, leaving her feeling warm and satisfied.'I really felt you then, baby,' she whispered into his ear, his breath warm on her neck.She slowly lowered her legs, releasing him, his shaft, still thick with arousal slipping from her soft folds. He rolled onto his back next to her, one arm still under her neck, pulling her close to him, their breathing beginning to...
Quickie SexOPERATION HAREM - SPECIAL OPERATIONS BY BELINDA On September 11th, 2001, the world changed for the United States. The impossible had happened, New York was essentially bombed. The first time the U.S. was worried was when the V2 project started to work on the New York Bomb. Fortunately, that work was destroyed in a Lancaster bombing raid. "Sir, Osama may still be alive, and we need to stop the network. The special units we have sent are doing their part. But, we need to get closer,"...
Note : This story is completely fictional! This story happened when id just turned friend Benny asked me to spend the night at his house as we had many time over the years.he lived with his mom and dad 20 year old sister and his 73 tear old grandmother was a 3 bedroom house his mother and dad slept in the big second floor bedroom his sister and grandmother had the 2 bedrooms on the main floor and Benny had a room in the basement. I had known Benny since we were kids and we were...
IncestOne Halloween night at a club with some mates, I was starting to get bored from the crap music being played so I decided to go over to the bar and get myself a drink. I went over to the bar and ordered my drink but noticed a very sexy little French maid at the other end of the bar she couldn’t of being anymore then about 5’4 with black hair, blue eyes, slim athletic build and a set of beautiful 36DD breasts. I walked over to her after getting my drink, she was with a friend so I asked them do...
Drunk sexI’ve never felt so lost, so vulnerable as when I watched my home burn to the ground, becoming a distorted mass of melted metal and pitch black ashes. I watched as my memories went to the winds one by one, my irreplaceable diaries, photo albums, and even my half-finished book, taken and cast aside carelessly by the unmerciful flames. The careful planning of the living room decor came to mind as the flames swept about my house. It had been the first room I had ever decorated myself, everything...