Roommate Wanted free porn video

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Marie’s survey of the kitchen was slow and methodical. As she scrutinized the room, she took a deep breath and a much needed break. She had washed all the dishes, mopped the floor, scrubbed the sink, waxed the dinner table, and organized the food in the pantry and fridge and freezer. And yet, the nagging feeling that she had missed something remained. Maybe she hadn’t been thorough enough with the sink, she fussed. Maybe it needed the toothbrush treatment, she thought to herself, not without a little sarcasm, as she sighed and collapsed into a chair. She knew too well what was going on: stress had transformed into nervous energy, and here she was, obsessively and needlessly cleaning house.

Marie’s business wasn’t doing as well as it once had. Antiques had never been particularly lucrative, but she had always managed, even been comfortable. She did most of her business online, but it had always been her dream to open a store, and that dream, for a time, had seemed feasible. Then things had taken a turn for the worse in recent months. She knew that it wouldn’t be long before she might not even be able to make rent. She could figure out how to live frugally otherwise, but there was no way that she could work around her bills.

Although she rented the house, it had become her home, like an exoskeleton. She still had a lease to honor. More importantly, to move would be heartbreaking — to leave behind the soft green carpet, the worn patterned wallpaper, its sounds as it settled at night, the way the light shone through its high, ornate windows. Moving just wasn’t an option.

Marie had lived alone for the past year and a half in this modest-two bedroom home in the country, with neighbors occupying houses just as beautiful on one side and a gorgeous lake on the other side. Not only was the house itself lovely, but the little lake was her private lake, part of the property. The landscape was peppered with trees and backgrounded by a mountain range. Marie had been especially fortunate to live so close to the city, which was only a ten-minute drive down a long, lazy road. She had luck and a generous landlord to thank for it. Now she would have to find a roommate to help her keep it.

Marie was desperate. She would have preferred living with a friend, but as a woman nearing 30, most of her friends were already married or shacked up with significant others. And if they weren’t, they had their own leases to worry about. So she had done the unthinkable. She had posted an ad online.

The ad asked for the usual: someone who was conscientious, quiet, and tidy. She had even thrown in ‘hygienic’ for good measure. And she had expressed a preference for a female roommate. But the slew of bizarre responses had immediately made her rethink things. One woman wanted to know whether Marie was ‘pet friendly,’ as she owned five cats. Another had wondered whether Marie was sober, too, as she was a recovering alcoholic and coke addict. A third responder was 20 years old and wrote on behalf of herself and her 47-year-old boyfriend, who didn’t actually ask but presumed it would be fine if the two of them moved in with her. Marie was overwhelmed and wondered whether someone was playing a trick on her.

So Marie gave her full attention to a brief and unassuming message sent to her by a man named Colin. Marie had learned that the shorter the message, the less peculiar the sender. He claimed to be quiet, respectful, a self-described ‘introvert,’ and easy to get along with. At that point, it was all she really wanted. So they set up a meeting and mini-tour of the house for the next day.

Marie tried to imagine what it might be like to live platonically with a man. Aside from her father, the only men she had lived with were boyfriends. Would there be sexual tension? If there were, would it be too much for them? Would they find it too difficult to do anything but go at each other anytime they were home? Would their sexual relationship disintegrate after just a month and then find them living out some kind of Fatal Attraction-scenario made even worse by living in such close quarters? Or maybe her attraction would be one-sided, making it unbearable for Marie to live with him. Or maybe it would be his lust that would be unrequited, and he would attack her. And even if no attraction was involved, there were still the usual roommate concerns to fuss about, like whether or not they’d even get along.

The truth was that Marie didn’t like change. She was neurotic, and she knew it. It was just that it had been too long since she’d shared a space with someone, let alone a stranger. She recognized that her fears were unfounded, irrational even — plenty of her friends had lived with members of the opposite sex, and none of them that she could remember had spiraled out of control. And besides all that, she was pretty good at maintaining control.

As Marie waited for Colin in the coffee shop the next day, she reminded herself of all these things: that she was being absurd, that situations like these were run-of-the-mill, and that she was just loathe to give up living alone. These thoughts reassured her, and she was glad that she’d showed up early, just a little before 2, to settle in and settle down. She’d felt it best to meet him here first so she could size Colin up before she brought him home with her.

And then Colin entered, a big, built man, shaved bald with a mustache and stubble. Marie’s initial reaction was that sexual tension would not likely be an issue, and she sighed with relief. In terms of her usual type, Colin was a major departure. All her boyfriends and hook-ups had been thin, almost petite, with full heads of hair. The majority of them had been clean-shaven. ‘Boyish’ was the word that came to mind. There was nothing boyish about the man who strode up to her. Marie rose to greet him.

‘Colin?’ she asked.

‘Yes. Marie?’ She nodded. She realized that he stood at least a foot taller than she did. For the first time, she thought that maybe a male roommate wasn’t a bad idea after all, and that a man this size could serve as a pretty good security guard.

Colin, however, regarded Marie with awe. She hadn’t disclosed much about herself via their e-mails and he hadn’t had the time to snoop around on the Internet, so he had imagined a much older, less attractive woman. But Marie was young, a little thing with thick, long, strawberry blonde hair that almost overpowered her. Her eyes were hazel and her skin fair and glowing. He shook her outstretched hand, careful not to crush her delicate fingers. Just as careful not to stare, he took a seat across from her. The cup of coffee in front of her was almost as big as her head.

‘How’s it going?’ she asked easily.

‘Oh, just fine. And you?’

‘Going well. Do you want to get yourself some coffee?’

‘Oh, no. I don’t really do caffeine.’

‘All right.’ Marie raised an eyebrow. ‘It’s your life.’ Colin laughed at this and relaxed a little bit. ‘So what do you do?’ she asked. ‘I mean, what allows you to be out on a weekday afternoon like this?’

‘I’m an architect. I used to do some of my work from home, but right now I’m actually taking some time off. What’s your thing?’ He rubbed his knees, hoping she wouldn’t notice his fidgeting.

‘My thing is running a business. Online antique shop.’ She steepled her fingers. ‘Architect, huh? What have you designed?’

‘My last project included a skyscraper downtown. I guess the corporation saw that there was a little empty space in the city and decided to fill it.’

‘I’m not hearing a lot of pride. Is that why you’re taking a break?’

‘Something like that. Rethinking my priorities, I guess.’

‘Got it.’ Marie paused and took a giant gulp of coffee. She set the empty cup back on the table. She guessed there was no way of being completely sure yet, but to her, he didn’t seem like a maniac. ‘You ready to take a look at this place or what?’

Marie led the way out of the coffe
e shop, but Colin reached over her to open the door for her. He brushed her side and the brief touch left him momentarily stunned.

‘Do you want to follow me?’ she asked, turning to him on the sidewalk outside.


‘You know, your car follows my car to my house. Or if you have GPS, I could just give you the address.’

‘I’ll just follow,’ he responded sheepishly.

The place was almost as beautiful as Marie, Colin thought as he pulled into her driveway. Everything about it impressed him: the lake, the trees, and especially the English-style cottage. If he hadn’t already been sure that he wanted to live here, there was no question now.

‘I think it’s great,’ he shared with Marie, who was at the front step already, patiently waiting for him.

‘I do, too,’ she smiled. As he reached the porch, he felt like a suitor with his date. He couldn’t tell whether it felt more like he was picking his date up, or if it was more like the sweat-inducing date drop-off. Either way, it was enough to make Colin tense up.

He was not the only one aware of the weirdness of walking into the house together. Marie began to feel a little nervous about letting this stranger come inside, but she chided herself for worrying. She dropped her keys and set her purse down on a little table by the door. All the while, she kept her eyes on Colin, who looked at the house’s interior as though charmed, wondering at everything. She had decorated almost exclusively with art deco pieces, and even the gold wallpaper was deco, with its simple, strong lines in an elegant pattern.

Marie watched Colin as he inventoried the living room. Colin was dressed down, but he wore his outfit well. A heather gray t-shirt that actually fit, dark-wash denim jeans, charcoal loafers. There was a certain amount of skill involved in looking so sharp in an outfit so conventional. For a moment, she almost felt a twinge of jealousy.

‘This lamp is pretty remarkable,’ he mumbled, indicating a vivid orange lamp with a beaded curtain of fringe that stood at one end of the couch. He touched the beads with a tentative hand.

‘What’s that?’

‘Just commenting on this lamp. It’s great.’ He turned to face her. ‘Sorry, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a woman’s place decorated in a way I actually liked. If you don’t mind me saying so.’

‘Not at all. I think that lamp is pretty all right myself. Wouldn’t have bought it otherwise.’ She laughed, and he looked reassured. ‘Let’s go take a look at the kitchen.’ Colin obediently followed Marie through an open doorway. The kitchen was decorated almost entirely in black and white, with accents of gold here and there. ‘And the bedrooms are through here,’ she explained, pointing to another open doorway that led into a hall.

Colin couldn’t decide how he felt about the bedrooms being so close together. He found himself wondering whether this was a blessing or a disaster waiting to happen. A distant part of him considered the possibility that he could get himself in a lot of trouble if he moved in with this woman.

Marie turned to him. As if reading his mind, but only discerning his most innocent thoughts, she said, ‘Don’t worry, we each have our own bathroom. Let me show you.’ Marie opened his bedroom door and walked into the center of the room. ‘I’ve already furnished this room. If you have a lot of furniture, though, we can work that out.’

‘Not a problem. The place where I’ve been living came furnished, too. Not much to move in.’

‘Perfect. Oh, and here’s the bathroom.’ Marie pushed open a door to her left. ‘You have a sink, a shower, a toilet. All the luxuries of modern living.’

He peered in, nodded approvingly. ‘So how many more of these little tours do you have to get through? If you don’t mind me asking.’

‘You’re the only one I’ve scheduled, actually. If the Internet is to be believed, 9 out of 10 human beings are totally insane. You’re 1 in 10, or so it seems to me.’

He had made up his mind, for better or worse. ‘If that’s the case, when can I move in?’


Colin had finished moving in within a week of his first visit to the house. Marie was impressed, though she hadn’t been quite sure about the rush. But he was as he had claimed: quiet, respectful, easy to get along with. In fact, she rarely saw

The night that Colin had finally settled in, Marie received a note under her door. It was a Friday night, and she had gotten home late. She set her glass of water down and reached for it. It read: Making breakfast. It was signed with the letter C. She stared at it for a few moments, as though another message would reveal itself to her. But there was nothing more to the note, and Marie smiled and shook her head.

In the morning, Marie woke to the smell of food. Lots of food, and all the smells intermingled were so incredible, her stomach growled. She rolled out of bed and, having not washed her face before going to sleep, looked in the mirror, checking for any major makeup smears. She looked passably human, she thought as she pulled a robe on tightly over her underwear, then ventured out into the kitchen.

‘Good morning.’ Colin looked up from a skillet full of eggs, peppers, bacon, and sausage.

‘Good morning.’

‘Are you making us a coronary for breakfast?’ Colin smiled and nodded. Marie glanced around the kitchen and saw that the waffle-maker was out on the counter with its ‘on’ button lit up. She slid into a seat at the kitchen table and watched. Even the table was already set, and she absent-mindedly played with her fork. ‘What’s the occasion?’

‘No occasion. I wanted an excuse to make as much food as possible. Preparing a breakfast like this for two makes me feel less guilty than making it just for me.’

‘Although your reasoning is selfish, I’m still grateful to you.’

‘Wait until you’ve tasted it before you thank me.’ Marie forgot how much she loved the smell of a real breakfast. And she loved the sound of cooking, the sizzling and the scrape of the turner in the frying pan. Her breakfasts were always simple and fast: a bowl of cereal, a slice of toast, maybe a little fruit. The simpler the meal, the less likely she was to ruin it. Having a roommate competent at cooking would definitely prove to be an asset. ‘Done,’ he announced. She heard the scrape of the turner again as he divvied up the portions, pushing half the food onto one plate, the rest onto the other.

Colin gingerly set Marie’s plate in front of her, then took his place across from her. Marie was famished and didn’t bother to wait for Colin to begin.

‘This is great,’ she exclaimed through a mouthful of food.


‘How does one get good at this kind of thing?’

‘This kind of thing? You mean cooking?’ Marie nodded, and Colin smirked. ‘Well, I was a line cook for a little while in college. No formal schooling, but they taught me how to be decent at it.’ The two allowed for a long pause between them, Marie deep in thought, Colin enjoying his meal. Marie broke the silence.

‘So, I never asked you about your temperament.’

‘My temperament?’ Colin laughed.

‘Yeah. You know, like when you’re looking for a dog. You’re always supposed to ask. You said you were a quiet guy, an introvert, but I don’t know much else.’

‘Well, I’m laid-back. Very loyal. Not particularly aggressive, unless provoked. You?’

‘Sharp. A little sensitive. High energy, I guess you could say. That makes me both a little neurotic and a little wild.’

‘In what sense are you ‘wild’?’ The question itself was inherently flirtatious, but made even more so by the little smile that Colin tried to hide as he asked.

‘I’m not sure how to explain. I think it’s one of those things you just have to find out for yourself.’

‘Jesus,’ he murmured, too softly for her to hear. ‘Can you at least tell me whether I should be worried? For example, ‘wildness’ isn’t a euphemism for ‘criminal,
‘ is it? I never did see the garage. Is there a meth lab in there?’

‘Nothing to worry about.’ Her laugh was generous and soothing to hear. ‘The only thing in the garage is antiques. Though the meth business might bring in a bit more money. You may have given me an idea.’

‘How did you get started with antiques, anyway?’

‘I grew up with them. My mom loved them and would take me to antique malls every weekend. There’s nostalgia in it, undeniably, but I like that all the pieces I sell have lived lives I can’t even imagine. They have history. I love them more for their imperfections, I think. The dream is to open up a real store one day, but the way things are going, it’s going to be a while yet.’ Marie seemed thoughtful for a moment, pushing her fork around her plate like a shovel. ‘What made you want to be an architect?’

‘My dad was an art historian. He had tons of books on architecture. Whenever I had a moment, I was devouring them. I’d see stuff like Gaudi and wish I could create something like that myself.’

‘Gaudi is a far cry from skyscrapers.’

‘Exactly. Which is why I’m on vacation from them. Not sure where I went wrong. I think that I decided making a living was more important than being happy.’

‘May I ask a personal question?’


‘Why such a rush to move in? Was your lease up or was something else going on?’

‘Oh, that.’ He sat back, resigned, plate clean. ‘I was still living in the house that I once occupied with my wife. My ex-wife. We’ve been divorced for a couple of years, and in all other ways I felt like it was in my past. So I was just done being reminded of that. Plus, it was in the middle of the city. Something about living here appealed to me, in the country.’

‘Were you thinking of her when you mentioned your dissatisfaction with women decorators?’ Marie smirked.

‘Ah! Well, maybe. It was a general comment, but she definitely had a thing for a more modern look, even futuristic. And she had the final say in all decisions, always. Sometimes I felt like I lived in the milk bar in A Clockwork Orange.’ Marie shuddered and gave him a sympathetic look. ‘Just not my thing.’

‘I’m glad the house suits you. And I’m glad we don’t live in a milk bar.’

‘So.’ He looked at her squarely. ‘What’s your deal? How long have you lived alone?’ Marie was surprised by his bluntness, but she had been a little forward herself.

‘I’ve been living on my own about five years now. I shared an apartment with a boyfriend before that, but it didn’t work out.’

‘Do you prefer living by yourself? Am I an intruder here?’

‘Yes. I mean, yes, I usually do prefer living by myself, but no, you’re not intruding,’ she laughed as some of her tension eased up. ‘There’s a lot of freedom in living alone, but there can also be a little loneliness, too.’ Her look became distant for a moment, but she caught herself and continued. ‘I don’t mean to make you feel like you’re intruding. I think with the right roommate, sharing a living space can be pretty gratifying, as long as you get along.’

‘I think we’re going to get along just fine.’


Marie was getting to like her new roommate, though he was undoubtedly shy. For the most part, he kept to himself, but he made their breakfast almost every morning, always offering up some new interesting fact about himself or uncovering one more facet of her, some hidden away thing he would have never guessed about her. For example, that she had been an art major and had considered a career in medical illustration, that she made her own beer, that she was a religious scrap-booker. For his part, he had wanted to be a detective before he’d discovered architecture, and he had gotten a tattoo of a Da Vinci illustration on his left shoulder in college. Marie, not typically a big fan of tattoos, had loved it.

One morning, Marie woke to find that there was no breakfast announcement under her door. She scratched her head and pulled on a robe. She was none too happy that she’d just have to make it herself and grumbled under her breath. He had spoiled her, she realized, feeling just a little embarrassed.

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Roommate Part 1

Jess let out her breath in a small grunt as she put down her box. Her boyfriend Kyle, coming in behind her, sc****d the door frame slightly as he side-stepped into the small dorm room carrying a box of his own. He put it down heavily on the tiny bed and turned to the love of his life. Jess smiled at him as he approached. "Thanks for helping me move in, honey," he said. Kyle put his arms around Jess's waist in a loose embrace and let his forehead rest against hers, a small smile on his face....

4 years ago
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Roommate makes white guy her bitch with BBC

Every time my BF would come over to stay, he and my roommate would argue until one day she made him her bitch... Since I owed her for past 2 months of my rent, she asked me if she could do something and my rent would not be owed to her, so I accepted her challenge. My Name is Lisa, her name is Tina, and my BF name is Brad.All three of us are white, but Tina has been dating a Black man. she has always dated Black men since I became hew roommate, this was her 2nd in 3 years, but she said she had...

3 years ago
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Roommate ShiftChapter 3

“Aaah!” Cynthia nearly screamed. Her body bucked as the hot wax strip was pulled away from her crotch. “Don’t worry. I’ll kiss it and make it better.” Estley assured her. Robert had mentioned that he liked a well shaved woman. Cynthia eagerly wanted to please him. So she had asked her older Asian friend for help. The burning sensation in her crotch was more than she had bargained for though. “I should have asked what Hannah does.” The redhead moaned. “Just a few more strips.” Estley said...

2 years ago
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Roommate came home early

Ive always been curious about cross dressing and wanting to be a little sissy slut. I used to sneak off in my sister's room when no one was home and sniff her dirty panties and put them on. Getting fully dressed up in her slutty little outfits. Now I'm 30 living with 2 roommates a man and a woman and I still will sneak off Into my female roommates room and wear her panties and use her sex toys sucking on them wishing it was a real cock with a man making me his little cum slut. One day I was...

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Roommate Romance

This story begins the way most stories do. With a girl and a boy. My name is Katie and I am that girl, though it took me a while to figure out who the boy was. You see, I had been seeing this guy off and on through college and it never really had a definition. We sort of dated other people, but somehow always ended up in bed together. And it was fun and familiar and incredibly unhealthy. Jake stressed me out beyond anything else in my life. Midterms, finals, graduating, job hunting, and life in...

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roommate guest

When he left work that Friday, Matthew Davis had the firm intention to notleave home until Monday morning. It was one of those rare occasions wherehe would be himself in the apartment he shared with someone he had knownthrough a mutual friend, Patrick Mitchell.He had stopped by the gym and then the superPatricket before making his wayto their Brooklyn place. He was looking forward watching some movies afterdinner, the weekend had to be as lazy as possible and social interactionwere to be...

5 years ago
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Roommate rescued

My roommate and I had a pretty cool relationship. Natalie and I met in college when I tried to find an apartment, she offered a room in her two bedroom apartment since her old room mate had moved out.Natalie, liked to be called Nat, was a easy going young woman with a great job and lots of friends. She was a big girl, kind of curvy but not really fat. I dated a few girls in college and one or two afterwards, but nothing too serious. Nat never dated much. She studied hard and had lots of other...

4 years ago
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Roommate Revenge

Roommate Revenge The set was clearing for the morning scenes and I was just about to head to my tiny room for a quick bite to eat. Minka and Leighton were all smiles as they walked right by me without saying one word. Superstar actresses like them wouldn't be caught dead socializing with a mere studio workhand like myself. As everyone headed their own way, I made my way down the hall to my private room. I gave the girls about 10 minutes to get to Leighton's or Minka's dressing room at...

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Back when I was around 23 or 24 I moved in with a girl that I had known since grade four. Her name was Sheri; she was a cute little blue eyed blond girl who was probably the first crush that I ever had. From the moment we met we just seemed to gravitate toward one another. What I remember most vividly was how on class field trips the two of us would always be lagging behind the group annoying our teacher and just making each other laugh.All through elementary school and most of high school we...

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I woke up in my boyfriends room, hung over and naked. His load was leaking out of me, but he was nowhere to be seen. I heard his roommates downstairs, so i put on a pair of panties and a t-shirt that was long and went downstairs. When I got down there, I saw that 4 of the 5 were downstairs in shorts, mostly without shirts. Since we were close, i didn’t even bother to hide what i was wearing, and it was obvious that they were happy with what i was wearing. I offered to make breakfast, and they...

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Disclaimer: All characters are over eighteen years of age. This futanari story contains questionable morals and inordinate amounts of sex that never result in chafing. If you don't know what 'futanari' means, stop right now, Google it, and then decide if you want to continue reading. Enjoy!Editing credit: Blind_JusticeCopyright © 2013 redskyes*It was almost two o'clock in the morning. I was lounging on the couch in my underwear and tee shirt, spooning Ben & Jerry's Phish Food into my mouth...

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It was late in August when I officially began to look for a roommate. The end of first year university was over, and while most of the people I knew had already signed housing agreements as early as February, I left dealing with housing until the end of the summer. While I had met great friends in my dorm during first year, I didn't really desire to room with any of them for various reasons. Most of them were simply too loud and went partying every weekend, whereas I was a relatively quiet...

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Roommates Part 1

I felt like the luckiest man in the world after Jane took my cherry. I'd just gotten royally fucked by the woman I'd been fantasizing about for a couple years now and had probably become my best friend. Not only that, she'd liked so much we were now steadies, so I'd moved directly from monosexuality to rampant, kinky sexuality all courtesy of my voluptuous, delightfully kinky sweetheart. She came over every night and after study we jumped each other bones. Sometimes before we finished studying....

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Roommates Chapter 2 Second Hand Rose

Doug and Emily lolled, naked, on her futon during the half time of the football game, resting from their sexual exertions the night before, that morning, and earlier in the afternoon. His cell phone rang.“Hi, dear,” he said. A pause.“Yeah, I’m free. I’ll be right over.” He hung up the phone.“Sorry, I have to go," Doug said to Emily. "My girlfriend is back in town.” With that he got up, put on his pants, leaned over, kissed her cheek, patted her left breast, and said, “I loved it. We’ll talk...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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I knew Andy from high school, too, but he was mostly Tony’s friend. After he moved in, I got to know him better and we got along nicely. He was good looking, relatively neat, and the three of us did well as roommates, so it was a good situation for all of us. Andy was also pretty flirty and funny, and he paid a lot of attention to my large, natural 36E boobs, which I got a kick out of….and we horsed around a lot, which sometimes led to the occasional squeezed tit and grabbed crotch. It was...

4 years ago
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Roommates Ex Boyfriend Pt 2

When I woke up the next morning I felt relaxed from all the humming the night before while listening to my roommate get brutally fucked by what sounds like is a monster cock on her abusive, bear of a man ex boyfriend who recently broke into our house and stole stuff from her. But he was back two days after that. Fucking her with his massive cock.It was 7am and I did my usual morning routine knowing my roommate was gone to work by now. Did a little butt and ab workout with a couple 10lb weights...

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Roommates Chapter 4 Im not gay

"I have been fucked to exhaustion," announced Emily. She was stretched out naked on the futon in her loft apartment. Her roommates, Doug and Jason, also both naked, lay beside her."I'm still in the mood," said Doug. He was the aggressive one of the pair."I could do it again, Emily, but whatever you want is fine with me," said Jason. He was the cupcake, warm, loving, and wimpy."The two of you are too much for me," she replied."I need to come again," said Doug. He sat up on his knees. "I will...

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It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn’t paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I’ve never seen before. It was...

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Roommates Part 4 Missys Magic Wand

It came as a big surprise the following Friday when my girlfriend Jane and I came in late and heard some moaning from both Missy and her date when we came home the following Friday night. Missy was our roommate. She was a petite little redhead, with a cute round face, small, lovely breasts and a bottom which set a standard for female backsides everywhere. Cute as button, and hot as a firecracker Missy had a date anytime she wanted. But for all her dating she hadn't ever brought a guy home...

3 years ago
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It was a very slow night for a Sunday at the pizza joint that I waited tables at. So slow my jerk of a boss let me go early so he wasn't paying me for sitting there. Probably a good thing since I had 8 am class the next day and could use the extra sleep. Well, I thought I was gonna get some much needed, but my roommate had a surprise for me when I came home unannounced. As I opened the front door my eyes were treated to seeing my her on the couch with some guy I've never seen before. It was...

2 years ago
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Roommate And Me Part 8211 1

Hi this is pragal am 20, from a metropolitan city in South India, I am basically from a village but now in this city for my studies, I am pursuing my in computer technology, I stay in a rented room, I was fat initially but did lot of jogging and gym sessions to loose extra fat but there is still hint of fat in my hips and ass giving me a feminine shape when I wear tight t-shirts and I also have chest which jiggles as I walk. I discovered I really loved cocks when I saw porn and really...

Gay Male
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Roommatersquos Girlfriends 21st Birthday

It was our Senior year in college and 6 of us were living off campus in a 3 story house a few blocks from campus. Five of us had been friends since living in the dorms together freshman year. My bedroom was on the top floor right next to my best friend Scott, Jeff and Tim were across the hall with a bathroom at the end of the hall.Scott started dating Jenny the end of our freshman year. She was a gorgeous little, fit blonde: 5’ 4”, blue eyes, shoulder length hair and the most rocking body. He...

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I looked across the room at Janie. She was so beautiful and a complete contrast to me. She was the epitome of sophistication compared to my rustic look. Her blonde hair styled to perfection, and her makeup looked so natural. If I didn't see her put it on, I'd swear she wasn't wearing any. She wore a simple summer dress that accentuated her body and her ever present rainbow necklace. My brunette locks were always unruly and pulled into a ponytail. My makeup was limited to some lip gloss. I...

4 years ago
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Roommates With Benefits Snowed In

Since our first rendezvous eight months ago, Jayson and I have grown a lot closer. We found every opportunity to sneak in quickies and a few slices of afternoon delights. My career has begun to really take off at the magazine I work at. I scored a few high-profile interviews and was even featured as a cover girl, netting me a ticket into the world of being a minor celebrity in the Greater Chicago area and a book deal. Jayson’s business has grown to include a clientele of local artists and small...

3 years ago
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Roommates Chapter One Bang

In 2010, Emily Revard, age twenty-eight, received her Ph.D. in physics from a very good university in New York City.  She was among the few women at the university who earned a Ph.D. in physics that year. Ten years of hard work and near-poverty came to an end -- because she also was offered and accepted a job at that same university.   It was in her field of particle physics and with the salary of a grown-up. The girl from a coal-mining town in backwoods Kentucky had found success!      Her...

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Chapter 1 It had been a long, hot day for Michael, he was planning on going home to his apartment, drinking a couple beers and having a nice slow jerk-off session. After stopping at the local Liquor store, he went and rented some new porno vids, but as he pulled up to his apartment he spotted his roommates car. "Damn, he must have come back early from his trip. Shit!" As he opened the door he braced himself for the argument that was about to happen since he had yet to clean the apartment...

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Hot, refreshing water cascades down his back as he leans against the wall. He wants the warming embrace to last forever, but eventually the water turns to a frigid cold. Wrapping a plush towel around his waist as he leaves the steam filled bathroom. He carefully makes his way to the kitchen and starts the coffee maker, before heading back upstairs to get dressed. He puts on a pair of jeans and a tight, form fitting compression shirt. At 180 pounds, he wasn’t the biggest guy in the world,...

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During the first semester of my freshman year, I did hook up with a pretty, large chested girl from my home town who also found herself lost in SoCal. She gave the most amazing oral sex; sucking so hard that cumming was equal parts pain and pleasure. This oral talent soon made her many male friends over 21 who could buy her alcohol and take her on trips to Vegas, and countless other things that I could not manage at 18 years old. I got lucky with another girl from close to where I grew up...

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Roommates BBC Gay

I couldn't believe my new roommate was a black guy. Not that I was racist or anything, I just never really had any black friends and never imagined that I would ever share a bedroom and bathroom with one, but here we were.I had just transferred to this school as a sophomore after doing my first year at a local community college. I came from a small town a few hours away from the college and didn't know anybody when I showed up that September. All I knew moving in was that my roommate's name was...

2 years ago
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Roommates get Banged

I came home late one night after a fight with my boyfriend, my roommate Sheila wasn't expecting me and had planned to have the apartment to herself all night. I walked in to the sound of loud sex coming from Sheila's bedroom, it wasn't uncommon for Sheila to have her boyfriend over and spend the night. I walked up the hallway the sounds getting louder as I approached her bedroom, the door was wide open. I looked in to see this Huge Black Guy pounding his Massive Cock into Sheila spread in a...

4 years ago
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Roommates By RogerGirl "So, that's pretty much it," Marcus said after showing him around the apartment, "what do you think?" "Wow, it's great," Reggie said surprised at how much bigger, cleaner, and well furnished the apartment was compared to the other apartments he'd been visiting, "when can I move in?" "Whenever you'd like," Marcus said, "but there's something you should know about me before you make your decision." "What is it?" Reggie...

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Roommates daughter

Seth wasn’t your average mid-twenties white male that spent his weekends going to clubs and juggling several women at the same time. He worked 60+ hours a week and then found time to go to college for a couple classes a semester. Seth had a game plan, a hope and desire to get his dream job of being a Cop. He had moved from New Jersey to Florida to make that game plan come true, but some were along the line had failed to make many friends his age or friends that would drag him out to clubs and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Jenny Reed balanced the small bag of groceries on one arm as she worked the lock to the apartment door with her free hand. The twenty-four-year-old nurse had gone out two hours earlier to see a movie with a co-worker, only to have her cancel at the last minute. So, rather than go alone, she'd stopped at the market for munchies and planned to crash on the couch and watch some old movies on AMC. "Just as well," Jenny thought as she stepped into the semi-dark apartment and clicked on the...

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Author's note: there is a chapter "Author's notes" at the end of this one, I believe it's worth a read. I hope you enjoy this (long) story, and if you have feedback and/or ideas, please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think! **Caution: The story contains strong language and is sexually explicit. Mature audiences only.** Introduction Thursday, July 2nd. The last week of school is ending and the graduates of UvH, the University of Hoorn, are awaking from their drunken stupors as the...

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Roommates Mom

I was home one day and horny as always. I think I was about 19 at the time. I had moved into a new apartment and had a roomie for the first time. This was a nice place with a pool and lots of women that lived in the building. My roomie was a friend that I had worked with and he had a Mom that defined MILF. We had moved in just before summer and we got comfortable in the new digs and made fast friends with the neighbors. Little did I know that my roomies Mom came over to the apt to use the pool...

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