Roommate Romance
- 2 years ago
- 32
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This story begins the way most stories do. With a girl and a boy. My name is Katie and I am that girl, though it took me a while to figure out who the boy was. You see, I had been seeing this guy off and on through college and it never really had a definition. We sort of dated other people, but somehow always ended up in bed together. And it was fun and familiar and incredibly unhealthy. Jake stressed me out beyond anything else in my life. Midterms, finals, graduating, job hunting, and life in general all fell within the realm of controllable. But him… he was chaos. He kept me on baited breath, waiting and hoping for something more.
‘Well don’t you look stunning tonight.’ Dan smirked at me from the couch of our living room.
‘Hot date?’
‘Yeah, I’m meeting Jake.’
Dan’s eyes narrowed for the tiniest, fraction of a second. I knew he didn’t really approve. But he knew how I felt and kept his opinion at bay. You see, Dan was one of my best friends. From the moment I met him at my cousin’s house warming party, I knew he was special. Tall, funny, and confident, he was everything I wasn’t. Now I’m not saying I’m not happy with who I am. I’m very content being the quieter, mousy girl with her nose in a book, but whenever you’re around him you can’t help but feel… more.
Stacy, my cousin, met Dan her third year of college and everyone, including me, thought for sure they would get together. They seemed perfect for each other and everyone in our family secretly thought they were hiding a relationship from the rest of us. But after a couple of parties and plutonic coffee dates it became obvious nothing could be farther from the truth. They were, truly, just best friends. Something I respected them both for, because there had definitely been opportunities where their relationship could have taken a more physical turn. Especially with all the encouragement and goading our group of friends laid on at every chance.
Anyway, Dan moved around a lot after school but when he finally finished his work abroad and moved home he needed a roommate, and so did I. And for the last several months, he’s become one of my dearest friends. Even listening to me go on and on about Jake, and how I want more, and how he was hesitant and indecisive about our relationship, and how he avoided and dodged any real conversations about our future. But despite everything, I still wanted him. Still needed him. And I could tell how much it frustrated Dan.
Now many of you are probably thinking that Dan is in the friend zone. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. We just didn’t see each other like that. Not that we hadn’t thought about it. It just, didn’t seem smart. We were just too different to be romantically capable… right?
‘Well, you should knock him dead in that dress.’
‘That’s the idea.’ Dan turned away, and went back to his laptop. Usually he was going out or watching a game or playing some new game on his Xbox, but once in a while he’d sit down and write. And when he’d write, he’d go at it for hours. It was amazing and also a little unnerving to watch the normally boisterous and loud guy I knew so well, sit in silence for hours with a look of deepest concentration on his face. I liked to read when he was in one of his writing moods. Almost as though his thoughts supercharged the air of the room. It made reading that much more intense for me. And I loved it.
‘Got any plans tonight?’ I asked.
He took a moment to answer me. I could see his eyes darting back and forth across the screen. The tapping stopped and a moment later he looked up.
‘Plans? You doing anything tonight?’
‘Oh… Nah. I’m grabbing coffee with Stacy tomorrow morning, so I’ll probably go to bed early.’ He forced a smile and asked, ‘How about you? Where are you and Jake going?’
‘I dunno yet. He’s taking me to dinner in the Mission.’
”That should be fun. You coming home tonight or you going back to his place?’
I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly. ‘Depends how good dinner is.’ I told Dan everything about Jake and me, including our love life. I’d never really done this with anyone before, but he was so uninhibited about sex and stuff that I didn’t feel weird talking about it.
Knock, knock, knock.
Jake was here. Dan gave me a final, fleeting smile and went back to his computer. I walked to the door, knowing full well I’d probably be venting some new frustration about Jake to Dan tomorrow and already feeling guilty about it. You see, Dan never really dated. Despite his confidence and charm, he had very little with anyone romantically. Not to say he was celibate. I came home once and heard a very noisy bout between him and some young lady I never did meet. I teased him for days about it, but he’d just laugh with me… more proud than anything else. Still, such nights were few and far between for Dan. He just didn’t go looking for it. Just let it find him once and a while.
And then there was Jake. I opened the door to see his familiar pale face. He and Dan were so different. Where Dan was almost six foot four, Jake was only five ten which still towered over me at a petite five feet. David was athletic and Jake was scrawny and skinny. And Jake’s eyes were dark. So very dark. I’d lose myself in them wondering what was looking back at me. While Dan’s were the faintest blue grey and seemed to twinkle whenever he laughed.
‘You ready?’ He said with the same half smile that had made me bite my lower lip all those years ago.
‘Yeah. Let me just get my coat.’ Walking to the closet, I glanced quickly at Dan hoping for a reassuring smile or nod, but he was staring at the screen, his eyes weren’t moving.
‘See you later!’
‘See you.’
I knew what he was thinking. And I secretly knew it too. That tonight wouldn’t be different. That I’d come home feeling the same uncertainty and emptiness that always followed an evening with Jake. But I had to hope. I needed there to be a chance that tonight could be different. That tonight we could move forward. Because, if we didn’t it meant I’d been used. It would mean that I’d fallen for the same play again. And the cycle would keep repeating itself. I needed that hope, Unwarranted and blind hope that the scrawny, dark haired boy smiling that smile really did care for me. And that I wasn’t the dumb girl who was there when he needed someone to console him, or someone to fuck.
The car ride felt odd. Normally Jake talks a lot, about himself or his music, but tonight he seemed distracted. He had the look of someone running a conversation through his head over and over. That look of concentration people get when they’re stealing themselves to do or say something important. It gave me goose bumps, seeing him with that look. Because I started doing the same thing. Picturing him telling me how he felt and where he wanted this, by which I mean ‘us’, to go. I looked down and stared at my hands, nervously rubbing them together. And then his hands, bony and strong, were there too. He took my hand, and I took his, and I looked up. There is was. The smile that made me forget everything except for how his body felt against mine and how his hair smelled when I held it firmly against my chest, lost in the pleasure that he gave me.
‘We’re here.’
I snapped out of my memories and saw a quaint little restaurant I’d never been to. The trees outside twinkled with lights and the windows were fogged slightly.
‘Where are we?’
‘Little place I found after a gig a few weeks ago.’ He took my hand and led me inside. ‘Let’s get our table. There something I want to talk to you about.’
The inside was warm and comforting, like a ski lodge. And it reminded me of when I used to go to Tahoe with my family while growing up.
‘Anything to drink?’ I hadn’t even noticed the waitress come over.
‘Rum and coke.’ He always had rum and coke.
‘And for you?’
‘Um…’ I was still thinking about the Christmases in the Sierras so I figured what the hell. ‘Do you have hot chocolate?’
‘Yeah, want a cup?’ She asked with a smile.
Everything here seemed magical and surreal. Like a town inside a snow globe. Even the hard wood architecture seemed whimsical in a way.
‘Katie?’ His hand on mine snapped me back.
‘You okay?’ He seemed slightly concerned.
‘Yeah. This place just reminds me of…’
‘Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something.’ His hand left mine. ‘Remember how I told you I found this place after my last gig?’
I nodded, not entirely sure where this was going but happy that he was being direct for once.
‘Well, a producer heard us there and is really interested in us.’
My mouth dropped. ‘You did it. You did it! Oh my God, congratulations!’
A prideful smile stretched across his face. ‘Thanks’
‘So what does this mean? Are you going to make an album or…’
‘We’re going on tour.’
‘Oh!’ His smile faltered ‘… where?’
‘Europe? Well, that’ll be fun but… how long is it?’
‘Six months.’ The smile on his face faded completely. ‘We’re supposed to leave at the end of the month.’
‘Well, six months. That’s, that’s not too bad.’
‘Katie… I know it’s a long time but if you’re willing to wait for me…’ he said.
‘Of course I will. You don’t have to worry. I’ll be right here when you get back.’
‘Thanks Katie.’ There it was. That smile. ‘I was so worried you’d want to break up.’
I took his hand and tried to give him the most reassuring look I could muster. ‘How could you think that? I’m in this.’
‘Yeah, me too.’
We waited there, looking into each other. But after a moment, seeing he wasn’t going to push on to what had to be said, I made the next move. ‘So, are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?’
‘I guess we are.’
My stomach turned over. I finally knew. I knew where we stood and how he felt.
‘I’m going to use the bathroom real quick before they take our order.’
He got up and moved down the back hallway, leaving me melting into my chair. I literally felt warmer, almost feverish, with excitement. At which point I realized I was sweating profusely. It always happens when I’m nervous. I glanced up and saw the waitress busy with a family a couple tables away, so I got up knowing she’d be occupied for a few minutes.
The cool water felt great on the back of my neck and I pressed the damp paper towel against my skin. As I looked back at myself in the bathroom mirror I couldn’t even suppress the wide smile spreading from ear to ear if I’d wanted to. I couldn’t wait to tell Dan about tonight. Not to rub it in his face, but just because I knew he’d enjoy the change of tone. Most our conversations about Jake were not the most cheerful.
Figuring Jake would be wondering where I went I made to leave the bathroom, but as I opened the door I heard John’s voice. I was about to go to him when something about the tone made me stop. It was harsh, almost cruel. Something I hadn’t heard before.
‘Yeah man, she totally bought it. While we’re living like rock stars she’ll be waiting here for me to come home. Dude, I know. She’s so easy. Had to make sure I’d have a little pussy waiting for me when I got home, you know. Yeah, I’m still coming over later. See if Jennifer will come. She’s always got an entourage of hot sluts with her. Peace.’
He moved past the door, his hard sole shoes clomping on the hardwood. And I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even feel. It felt as though the walls were coming in and crushing the air out of me, making everything go dark.
I don’t know how long I was in there, A minute, maybe ten. But the waitress knocked on the door after what felt like only moments and asked if I was doing alright.
‘Yeah…’ I mumbled weakly, ‘I’ll be right out.’
I wiped the tears from my cheeks and unlatched the door.
‘Everything okay?’ she asked with her same cheery smile.
She took one look at me and knew instantly everything was about as far from okay as it could be.
‘Is there a back door I can leave out of?’
‘Through here.’
She led me further down the corridor and through a door marked ‘Staff Only.’
I managed a feeble ‘Thanks.’ She hugged me. I don’t know why, but it made me uncomfortable. She’d just helped me, but it reminded me of being back in the bathroom and the walls crushing me. Someone yelled something from back inside the restaurant and she scurried off, leaving me in the no longer magical twinkle lit tress. I started walking.
Oh no. Please no. Just get away from me. I never want to talk to you again.
‘Katie!’ Jake caught up.
‘What’s up?’
‘Leave me alone.’ I pushed past him and kept walking. He followed behind me.
‘Did you not like the restaurant? We can go somewhere else.’
‘I never want to go anywhere with you again. I never want to see you again.’
He had a bemused look on his face and asked innocently, ‘What are you talking about?’
‘I am not your at home pussy.’ His face fell. Silence. ‘Yeah, I heard that.’
‘Katie, you don’t…’
‘Don’t ever come near me again. Don’t call me again.’
He was stammering now, grasping at anything. ‘Look, that was nothing. I’ll come by tomorrow when you’ve calmed down and we can talk about…’
‘I guarantee if you come by our house ever again, Dan will beat the shit out of you.’
His eyes became stony, a look that mirrored the tone I’d heard from the bathroom. ‘Fine. Forget it. You weren’t a great lay anyway.’
‘Fuck you!’
He turned and flipped me the bird over his shoulder. I watched to make sure he left. He turned the corner, and he was gone. I screamed out into the night, collapsing against the wall of a building. I started beating my fist against it until it was numb.
Tears began to fall into my lap where my hands were rubbing over themselves. I thought back to the car ride here, and how everything had changed since then. My hand hurt from slamming the wall. There’d be a bruise there tomorrow and I’d regret having done it. Then I did the only thing I could do. I got up and walked. Walked home. I wanted the time and seclusion before facing Dan.
It took me over an hour to get home. The walk had given me time to cool off, literally. I’d left my jacket at the restaurant and a chill wind had picked up about halfway home. I entered the dark house and thought for a moment of going to bed and trying to sleep. But I knew I wouldn’t be able to. I walked down the hall to Dan’s room, already feeling guilty about waking him in a few moments. His door always creaked, and as I edged into the room he stirred slightly.
‘Dan?’ My voice was a little hoarse from screaming.
It took a moment for him to come out of his dream, but he looked up a few seconds later. ‘Katie?’
‘Sorry, I know you’re… can I come in?’
Still half asleep, he raised the covers on his bed with his long arm, inviting me to join him.
‘Hurry, before you let the warm out.’ I pulled off my jeans and socks, and crawled into bed next to him. This wasn’t really that odd for us. We often cuddled while watching movies and having been roommates for a few months now, seeing each other in our underwear wasn’t exactly news. ‘Jesus, you’re freezing.’
‘Yeah. I walked home.’
‘What? Why didn’t you call me?’
‘It’s fine. Well no, but I needed some time to process.’ He already knew what I was going to tell him. I could sense it. I put his arms around me and held me against him. ‘Jake, he…’
‘I know. I’m sorry.’
br> I started crying again. I knew Dan could feel my tears running down onto his arm. He didn’t say anything, but just squeezed me a little harder. I didn’t mind this. It didn’t remind me at all of the bathroom walls. More of a favorite blanket you wrap up in against the cold.
I woke up a few hours later. It was still dark and Dan’s arms were still around me. I shifted slightly to get more comfortable when I felt it. Hard and erect, pressed firmly against my butt. My cheeks flushed, and I felt the same embarrassment as the time I’d walked in on him masturbating.
‘Dan?’ He continued to breathe heavily, completely out. I tried to shift away slightly but Dan’s arms pulled me in closer, pressing his body firmly against mine. And with that, his tented boxers moved slid further between my legs.
A shiver ran down my spine and the smallest gasp escaped my mouth as his hardness tickled me. My eyes rolled back and slowly my hand met Dan’s and I began to brush his fingers. And then I hit me whose hand it was. Who I was lying beside, and what the consequences of this would be.
I reached behind me and slid a hand between our bodies. I finally reached what was intruding between my legs and pushed it down, hoping I could pin it back in his waistband. As I took hold of it, the memory of it being in his hands flashed through my head again and I remembered what it looked like. Not monstrous, but a bit above average if the quick glimpse I caught had been accurate. Now with it in my hands I could feel that I’d guessed about right. With a sneer and a moment of bitterness I thought to myself, ‘Well, you’re bigger than Jake.’ Then realized how stupid I was being, Objectifying one of my best friends.
I tried to maneuver his prick from my crack, but Dan began to stir again. I froze. ‘God, don’t wake up!’ I pleaded in my head. The last thing I needed was for him the wake up with my hands wrapped around his junk. Dan’s grip on me loosened slightly and I took my window. I pulled him out and up, and trapped it in the waist band. Unfortunately the top inch or two was poking out of the top, but at least it was contained. And he’d never know that I had to…
He moved again. This time further down the bed, but his underwear didn’t shift with him. And now I was in the same predicament but without the barrier of boxers between us. ‘Was he awake? Or did he always move around this much in his sleep?’
I tried to see if Dan was still out, but his face was obscured in darkness. I thought about just leaving for a second, but I knew that would wake him up and he’d feel terrible if he woke up to me leaving i, his underwear off. Maybe if I just…’ I slowly turned over to face him and could now clearly see he was still asleep. I closed my eyes again, now with a little space between us and tried to get back to sleep.
Maybe 10 minutes passed when I resigned that I wasn’t tired. That between Jake and what had just happened, I was too riled up to sleep. I contented myself by watching Dan sleep. Whatever he was dreaming must have been good, because he was smiling slightly. His hair had fallen into his face, so I brushed it off his eyelids. And at my touch, his arms pulled me in again. And now his prick slid right between my legs, resting against my own soft patch.
I moaned, as silently as I could. His naked shaft had rubbed against my clit as it pushed between my legs, momentarily making me see stars. I reached down to move it. It was so warm and hard, yet soft. On top of everything else I’d been feeling and gone through that night, I was also beyond aroused and frustrated. For days I hadn’t had the chance to deal with the growing agitation I’d felt and thought It would have been dealt with after dinner with Jake. Yet common sense prevailed and I began to push it down again with my fingertips.
I noticed that the top of the shaft was wet. Not from him, but from me. And as I pushed harder down, my fingers slipped off to the side and it slapped back up against me. I had to shove my knuckles into my mouth to keep from yelling out. God, it felt so good. And whether it was his dream or instinct, he pulled his hips back slightly and then thrust forward again.
I was powerless. I was in heaven. Whether it was a vindictive pleasure or just pure bliss, I didn’t care. All that mattered in that moment was the cock pressed up against my pussy, and how good it made me feel. But after a few thrusts his motions stopped, and his face nuzzled back into his pillow.
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The front door of my apartment banged closed behind the last of Chip's friends. Like Chip himself, this friend was an overdeveloped gym rat, and the black plastic garbage bag holding the last of Chip's things from our apartment caused him no strain at all. Which left him plenty of energy to slam the door on his way out. I collapsed on my ratty loveseat with a sigh. Finally! The only thing Chip had had going for him was his ability to pay half the rent on our two-bedroom apartment. For the last...
TranssexualIt's Tez again....been awhile since I was here and shared a story with ya. Well as you read from my previous stories, I was newly divorced after 16 years and went a little wild lol. This story here happened about a year after my divorce and had moved in with c***d hood buddy. He was rather quiet guy enjoyed his drink and smoke whenever possible. So we had just moved to new place and we both had different ladies in and out all the time. Jack so happened to have this one lady friend Gayle.. that...
Nikki spread her legs and pinched her nipples as her roommate Kay climbed onto the bed and began eating Nikki out. Nikki moaned loudly and arched her back as the first wave of pleasure hit her body. She hadn't had sex in a long time and when Kay drunkenly hit on her she gave into temptation and accepted Kay's request of sex. Kay had smirked a sexy grin that made Nikki blush as Kay pushed her against the wall and began taking Nikki's clothes off for her. Nikki was in such a horny state that...
Jenna sat at the foot of her bed, it was her first day in the new apartment. She had just turned 18, recently graduated, and had found a possible roommate for her apartment. After days of getting the apartment ready, she sat, wearing booty shorts and a tank top, her long brown hair thrown up in a messy bun. She was about to close her green eyes as she laid on the bed, but suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly hopped up and scurried out to the living room and looked through the...
My last roommate name was Adelphia. She was a nympho by the book. We had sex every day. One day I built a sybian out of a mailbox, a sander, and a vibrator. I also created an orgasm indicator, that could be placed on a nipple and when the nipple swells, a light came on. Last June I had Adelphia sit on the sybian blindfolded, knowing her expecting a big orgasm. Every time her nipples swell up, I turned the sybian off. She was craving for an orgasm, and my goal was to have it when I decided. The...
Cynthia gasps as Robert’s cock slowly penetrates her from behind. She kneels on the couch. Her elbows resting on the armrest. Her big tits dangled down, her small tee had been pulled up so he could easily play with them. Her shorts lay on the floor where Rob had casually tossed them. Last night was the second time they had sex. Now this was the second time today. Just like the last two times, her need, her lust, controlled her body. Forcing her to submit to her roommate, regardless of the...
"A fine romance, my friend, this is, "A fine, romance, with no kisses..." -- Dorothy Fields By now, Cora had shifted from her seat and had wound up sitting near to Gene, although he was half turned away from her and was unaware of her presence. She acted as if she was unaware of his. There were ice buckets containing large bottles of Champagne on all the tables, and Gene had been indulging in the bubbly. He was tipsy, but not drunk, and was lost in his own thoughts. Thomas Crown had...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as s****rs, they remained close, it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both ‘married well’ and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic — Doris in Los Angeles, Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris’s marriage had ended in divorce...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...
Hello ISS readers. I have been a follower for quite a long time. have posted a few of my experiences and felt good to hear from you’ll. Keep writing to me at About me, am a 30 year old married man, 5.9ft, muscular with a macho looking personality. Born and raised all in Bombay, moved to Bangalore a couple of years ago. I have a pretty content life in general with the obvious routines and monotonous lifestyles. Regarding my interest in women, I had a lifestyle of dating during college and early...
From the author of “When Sex Doesn’t Involve Talking But Only Passion” , I am narrating a story of how I found a secret boy friend. I am 29 slim to built, smart, bi-sexual, mostly end up being a bottom while also getting the partner to do the same. Rakesh was my best friends husband, she was the common friend of me and my wife, she got married to him last year and were living in pune, they moved back recently to chennai. Me and my wife stayed nearby to them when they moved, so we always used to...
Gay MaleHi all this is Kittu I am from Hyd this is my first story hope you like and make it best actually this is a story how I introduced to the call service, ya it’s fun but involved pain and hard feel please feel free to write in your comments to Thanks for the ISS team for letting some true exp come out of lonely peoples heart. Though they might be a fantasy but they get relaxed I hope with when they share any way coming to the story I am from bang lore moved to hyd for the job purpose and...
Sailing – Quiet Romance This is a little tale about an experience I had a while ago. But first, let me introduce myself, and also mention that all characters herein are consenting adults. The names have been changed in an effort to circumvent unnecessary persecution. I’m an ‘older’ guy, recently retired, living on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, off the southwest Florida coast. I enjoy leading an active life, and try to stay fit by walking, bike riding, swimming and sailing on the...
MatureOffice Romance I don't know, maybe I should have said no and put my foot down when my wife wanted to feminize me. Of course, it would have been a foot wearing a leather three-inch-heeled slingback by then. We were an unusual couple from the beginning with me being younger and my wife being so much more dominant in our relationship. I was attracted to powerful women who liked to lead and Jane was everything and more. I worked as the information technologist in a large law firm in...
February 11, 1983 We had a show scheduled for this evening; we'd booked a Friday night slot at one of the campus pubs. It was to be my first gig with Lightning in a Bottle that wasn't specifically for friends and family. But it didn't happen. Oh, don't get the wrong idea. It wasn't because of any misdeeds on my part, or a resumption of intra-band discontent. Not this time. Rather, the blame fell squarely on Mother Nature. The snow started falling early that afternoon, and within a few...
I could hear them. Their moaning. It had been going on for about two hours now. How can people even bang for that long?I rub my forehead and shake my head at the painful ringing in my ears. Like studying wasn't hard enough anyway, now I had to put up with my roommate and his girlfriend banging."Oh, Nate!" Amy screams.Ugh.Nate is my roommate. We're pretty close, which is why I try and let these little moments slide... but recently it seems like they have been happening a lot more. He's your...
I was watching a hot, nasty porn tape, dick in hand, having a perfectly good solo time one Saturday night at my new place. I'd lived here just a month after answering an apartment-sharing ad Jimmy had placed. He had a nice, spacious two-bedroom spread in West Hollywood that he needed to share with someone, and the rent was good. I didn't feel like being stuck in one of those overpriced apartments near the beach, having to pay all the rent on my own, and had no problem sharing a place with a...
Jess let out her breath in a small grunt as she put down her box. Her boyfriend Kyle, coming in behind her, sc****d the door frame slightly as he side-stepped into the small dorm room carrying a box of his own. He put it down heavily on the tiny bed and turned to the love of his life. Jess smiled at him as he approached. "Thanks for helping me move in, honey," he said. Kyle put his arms around Jess's waist in a loose embrace and let his forehead rest against hers, a small smile on his face....
Every time my BF would come over to stay, he and my roommate would argue until one day she made him her bitch... Since I owed her for past 2 months of my rent, she asked me if she could do something and my rent would not be owed to her, so I accepted her challenge. My Name is Lisa, her name is Tina, and my BF name is Brad.All three of us are white, but Tina has been dating a Black man. she has always dated Black men since I became hew roommate, this was her 2nd in 3 years, but she said she had...
“Aaah!” Cynthia nearly screamed. Her body bucked as the hot wax strip was pulled away from her crotch. “Don’t worry. I’ll kiss it and make it better.” Estley assured her. Robert had mentioned that he liked a well shaved woman. Cynthia eagerly wanted to please him. So she had asked her older Asian friend for help. The burning sensation in her crotch was more than she had bargained for though. “I should have asked what Hannah does.” The redhead moaned. “Just a few more strips.” Estley said...
Ive always been curious about cross dressing and wanting to be a little sissy slut. I used to sneak off in my sister's room when no one was home and sniff her dirty panties and put them on. Getting fully dressed up in her slutty little outfits. Now I'm 30 living with 2 roommates a man and a woman and I still will sneak off Into my female roommates room and wear her panties and use her sex toys sucking on them wishing it was a real cock with a man making me his little cum slut. One day I was...
It was close to midnight as Callum Donald followed the tight butt of curvy Paula Olsen, his latest girlfriend, up the narrow stairs to her apartment. It was the third time they’d dated and he wondered would she’d get lucky tonight. She must want it as she’d made admiring comments about his physique. That surely indicated her level of interest. Paula was an assistant accountant at a construction company he’d visited when engaged as a consulting engineer. He arrived at her workplace whenever the...
When he left work that Friday, Matthew Davis had the firm intention to notleave home until Monday morning. It was one of those rare occasions wherehe would be himself in the apartment he shared with someone he had knownthrough a mutual friend, Patrick Mitchell.He had stopped by the gym and then the superPatricket before making his wayto their Brooklyn place. He was looking forward watching some movies afterdinner, the weekend had to be as lazy as possible and social interactionwere to be...
Max was with me today, being a good work colleague he sometimes shares his lunch hour with me rather than his new wife. He'd go on about her sometimes, which is fine and I'm happy for them both, but it simply serves to remind me just how single I really am. Today was my lucky day though. She showed up almost right after I did, and ordered a mint chocolate coffee and a muffin. Her name's Karen. I discerned that from her orders being called by the barista, but I knew very little...
CAUTION: This is a story of a romance that is still building. The people in it don’t know what will happen next, but they hope they have found something beautiful and lasting. Because they have been so unsure of themselves until now, there is no sex at all until late in the story, and even then there is nothing very explicit. * Nicole Evans found herself between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She was unemployed, eligible for only the minimum unemployment compensation, and with little...
Chapter One: Boy Meets Girl I noticed her on the bus ride to downtown in the morning. She was a very pretty young woman in her mid twenties with a nice shape but painfully shy. She had a faded purple streak in her brown hair but now she was sporting a new style, blond curls with highlights. She worked in an office and always wore sneakers even with her dresses. I was attracted to her and started saying ‘hello’, ‘good morning’, ‘have a great weekend’ and was granted a rare smile. One day I...
If you want raw, graphic sex, go to another story. This is romance, and also a sad story. ***** My wedding to Carla, my fair skinned, black haired beauty, was an event I will always remember. It was not just because I was publically committing to the woman I wanted to spent the rest of my life with. I hadn’t thought about it while single, but on my wedding night nearly every woman in the room wanted to spend time with me. All the men wanted to be close to my beautiful bride was well. We had...
**A/N** So this is something new.. I’m trying it out and will post the next chapter if this gets high reviews. Rate and Review please Kay City Romance Monday It had been a long day. My body was sore and I definitely needed a shower, I reeked of hard manual labor. My hair had sweated itself into a mass of tangles stuck flat to my forehead and face, I was the epitome of a hard worker. My clothes were caked with a layer of dust collected over the years in a filthy attic. What’s sad is that...
CHAPTER 1 A three-night stop in Chicago and then back on the train to Boston was Harvey Chadwick’s plan. He had been visiting his sister in LA after roaming the world for two years following his wife Sophia’s death in a car accident only three months after their marriage. The 30-year-old computer systems troubleshooter had long lost his grief and when reaching his parent’s home in Boston Harvey planned to find another lively lady and settle down again. His mom reckoned she had three lined-up...
A romance is a tale told by an idiot, full of flowery phrases and stolen kisses, and signifying nothing. To the fool, the teller of such tales, the fascination lies not with the sexual act: a messy business finishing with a shout and a grimace, but with the dance that brings them there. That eternal game of cat and mouse that brings two seemingly complex people into the hormone-induced dream world we call love. Love causes people to merge until they wed and propagate, or go their woeful ways. ...
This is a work of fiction. As this is in the Romance category, it takes time to build the entire story, including the sex. Be patient and enjoy. Your feedback is always appreciated. MEETING DR. STEIN In my capacity as the Regional Manager for a large pharmaceutical company, I was given the charge of developing a partnership with the Cardiology department at one of the major New York City Hospitals. Dr. Stein was part of the faculty at the hospital. She was the physician I was told to contact...