Gray Rock 2 free porn video

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“I just don’t understand what happened?” Jax spoke to Tyler as they rode in the front of the bus on their way back to gray rock. They continued the discussion as the boys complained about not getting to see the girls and such. The whole bus ride back was noisy. As the bus pulled into the parking lot and the cadets made their way back to the dorms Jax and Tyler made their way to the armory to check in their weapons. Jax spoke as they walked “I know you don’t agree with all the behind the scenes stuff” he motioned with his fingers as if quoting. “But I also have seen how you look and act around that cadet…what’s his name…max”. Tyler would shake his head “it’s not even like that Jax… he is just a good kid, you know I’m not like the rest of you animals” he would grin bumping into Jax. “Besides he kind of reminds me of myself when I was that age, you remember don’t you?” once again grinning. Jax would grin back “reminds you of a little you huh? Then maybe I should pay him a visit...” Tyler bit his lower lip but not say anything as they checked in the weapons.

James was just entering the dorm a few mins after Sam who was already fast asleep. Casey watched as he entered. Casey sighed as max pulled the remainder of the poker chips to his already massive, neatly stacked chips. Casey looked at him “you shouldn’t gamble...” max would smile back “you should learn a better poker face”. Casey announced lights out as Chris entered from his night off and Casey went back to the juniors. Jax entered the senior’s dorm to do the nightly check in as Tyler did the same for the juniors. Jax walked up and down a few of the isles inspecting, he stopped at max’s bed as he spoke to the cadets. “Alright everyone, have a good night’s sleep” he hand was resting on max's shoulder as max just looked at him funny, the hand sliding down max’s shoulders and stopped, resting on his lower back. “Busy day tomorrow” he turned a smiled at max before leaving the dorm.

The exercises for the morning were almost over and the juniors were getting ready to move into the academics portions of their day and the senior moved into the work yard. Tyler stepped out in front of the cadets. “Alright cadets, no work or exercise this afternoon” Tyler would say as all the cadet looked confused, happy but confused. He would turn to Casey and Chris “pick teams, soccer is the game of choice, winners get to accompany myself to a movie… an entire night out of the academy” he would nod and wish them luck and he took off his shirt. Tyler’s body was probably one of the fittest in the school, his skin a darker tan, his abs stretched down into a tight “V” shape just above those blue flannel boxers. He slides the black and white referee shirt over his tightly built chest.
Jax was pacing in the halls “where the fuck is he?” He would hear small steps behind him “you wanted to see me sir?” Jax would turn to see young Scott from the juniors behind him. The blue eyes, so light as if they were from the oceans of Hawaii. His spiked up blonde hair was stiff with gel. That boy smile with the pearly white was the definition of innocence. Jax just stared at him. “Um sir?” Scott would break the silence and pause. Jax would look at him with a grin “I was told you skipped showing before class today?” Scott looked nervous now “s-s-sir I um didn’t have…the was short”. Scott looked down “how long will I be spending in the work yard?” Jax grabbed his shoulder “your not in trouble Scott, but I want you to report to the showers now, a gentleman needs to learn the responsibility of keeping oneself clean.
Scott walked into the shower, a small, white, puffy towel around his thin waist. Scott’s body was slim and smooth. As he entered he realized Jax was sitting on one of the benches. Scott stood there for a moment before Jax spoke “well?” Scott would put his head down but tilt his eyes up toward Jax in a seductive manner, a non-intimidating look, and Jax would smirk back. Scott would slowly undo his towel and allow it to slide from his body, he stepped into the shower. Those blonde spikes becoming dark as it matted down to his face, slightly covering over them baby blue eyes, those blue eyes that never left Jax. “Good boy Scott… your very well trained” Jax would move up on the bench undoing his cargo and sliding them down to his thighs revealing just his cock and waist. Scott would finish sliding his hand from under his little ball sac, the white lotion laid on his butt and entire groin in thick layer as he moved to Jax. “Well I had a very good teacher sir” he climbed into Jax lap almost instantly lining his ass up with that thick hard cock, bringing himself down upon it. His faced grimaced slightly as he tried to fit it in. he was about half way in as he put his arms around Jax neck and placed his little lips against jax’s older rougher lips an pressed that tiny tongue into Jax mouth kissing him as he slowly and softly bounced up and down working more and more of that older boys cock into his ass.

There he was nude. Scott’s little, smooth, and tender body bouncing up and down on the clothed, except his lap, body of Jax. He would slide totally down onto jax's oversized rod and then begin squirm in a small circle motions. Jax would whisper “ride it slut”. Scott would begin bouncing again, bouncing like a wild boy as his own little dick rubbed on jax’s tight black tee shirt. Jax was holding his hips down onto his lap as he released load after load up into Scott, who moaned as he felt his ass fill up. Jax breathed out heavy as he continued to speak to him “I need you to do me a little favor ...”

Casey’s team was losing badly, the score was 5 goals to one and there was only a few mins left. Chris and max now moved the ball down the field passing to each other making great moves as they worked it down field. Chris passed it to max who shot and made the goal as the same time receiving a late slide tackle. Max would drop holding his knee. Tyler dismissed all to leave and shower with Casey and Chris leading them away as he attending to max helping him to a bench and kneeling in front of him.

Max sat on the bench gripping his knee and wincing in pain. Tyler would tell him to sit still and lean back. Max sat back , he wore only his black mesh shorts as he covered his face and leaned his head back and Tyler wrapped his hand onto max’s leg and slide his shorts up a bit higher on his thigh and then put his hands on the knee. Max’s hands instantly covered Tyler’s as he moaned slightly in pain. With his hands resting n max’s leg and covered by max’s hands Tyler looked up at max. Their eyes stayed locked for a min. Tyler would break the awkwardness “umm I don’t think ya pulled anything, probably just twisted it”. Max would nod and look down at Tyler’s hands in his as they both rested on his leg. Max would slowly pull his hands along with max’s farther up on his legs. About mid thigh Tyler would pull away “did you want t go get some ice?” Max and Tyler made their way to the infirmary, Tyler helping him walk along hand over his shoulder, occasionally looking over at each other.

“So you understand cadet?” Jax would ask and Scott would nod and watch Jax button up his pants. Jax would grin “come here Scott “he would make Scott stand up o the bench bringing Scotts belly at the same level as jax’s face. Jax began kissing on that smooth, young, flat tummy as he once again removed Scotts towel. That soft little dick hung downward as Jax slowly placed it into his mouth and began sucking on it. Scotts hands moved to run through jax’s hair. That little dick getting stiffer as the vocal scot moaned out, jax’s hands moving to that little bubble butt, his middle fingers both teasing as that still warm and gooey ass. Jax continued for a min or two as he felt Scotts body tighten up. He moved one hand to cups Scotts little balls with a few budding pubic hairs. His other hands moved to begin jacking off that throbbing little member, keeping the head resting on his tongue inside his opened mouth. Milking that little piece of meat, begging for the sweet nectar that only the youngest and cutest of boys could offer. It may have been only a few drops, but it was juice from the gods as Scotts hip bucked naturally offering a tiny spray onto jax’s tongue. Jax swallowed it down cleaning it up some as he heard the dorm doors open.

Jax stood up “maybe I’ll have some of the other boys come in and use you?” Scott looked up slightly worried. Jax grinned before leaving and a few of the other cadets enter looking at the naked and sticky wet body of Scott and almost all said in unison “ fun times at Gray Rock Academy!”

Chapter 5

Scott would simply smile as the boys all looked over his luscious body. “Alright shows over everyone, go get cleaned up for dinner.” Casey and Chris were clearing out the audience as they stepped into the shower room and noticed Scott. Casey looked to Chris and Chris back at him before they both turned to stare at Scott, whom was grinning that boyish grin at them seductively. “You’re such a slut Scott..What are ya like 13 and already a whore” Casey would say as he encircled Scott. “Yeah a real cock whore… thirteen and you love dick.” Chris would say encircling Scott from the opposite direction. Chris’s smile went serious as did Casey’s. Scott tried to keep up his grin, but he had a slight tension building. He’d move to stand “Um I guess I’ll go get dressed then for dinner guys”. Casey’s hand connected just under his throat and gripped on tight and pushed him backwards to sit back down. “FIRST OFF…cadet... you will refer to us as sir, we are officiers... we earned our roles, unlike you who wont even reach our goals no matter how many cocks you suck.” He started o walk around Scott again as Chris moved to kneel down in front of Scott. Chris spoke “and secondly…you’re not going anywhere”

Scott watched as the two encircled him, like lions hunting their prey. “Um my captain gave me orders sir...he wants me to do something, so I really need to go get ready for dinner, sirs.” They both nodded their heads. “We know you have a little mission, but Jax also sent us to remind you not to fuck it up... a test if you will.” Casey would smile. They would both grab Scott by the arms forcing him to stand up in front of the full length body mirror as Chris grabbed a bottle of lotion from the shelves. They both begin to smear lotion all over Scott young gorgeous body. He body was smooth, young, and tight. Those tan lines made Casey smile. Soon his whole body glistened as he looked at in in the mirror. Chris stood behind him without his short on and pressed his body into the small boys back, his hands running down Scott’s chest and over his abs before moving to rub his dick, all while Scott watched in the mirror. Chris kisses on the side of his neck as he continued to caress him from behind. Scott would notice Casey stripping down.

Chris’s hands would keep on handling Scotts dick and balls, but his right hand would glide back up and feel Scotts tight six pack abs. “I really shou..” he would be interrupted as Chris hand moved up his body quickly his forearms on Scott throat and tightening, choking him as he slammed Scott forward into the mirror, part of it shattering. “YOU WILL stop talking back cadet” Chris would say as he slowly released his grip on Scott small neck and letting him go completely as his body slid and feel to the ground, Scott was teary eyed. He started to get up but a large boot was delivered into his stomach as he was on all fours, he instantly dropped to the floor and rolled onto his back. He held his stomach as a small line of blood dripped down from the left side of his forehead from the mirror.

Meanwhile max had a small tear in his knee and would have to stay in the infirmary for a few days. tyler sat on the edge of his bed and put a hand on his stomach, looking down at him. max gave him a smile and opened his arms for a hug and tyler was leaning down and as he was he would hear his name called over the intercom. max frowned slightly and tyler gave him a quick hug and went to pull back but max locked his arms around tylers neck, they would stare at each other for a min before tyler was paged again. "I got to go..ill come back max". Tyler was just leaving the infirmary as he and Jax were paged to the office, max watched as the general approached both of them. He spoke very softly and max could barely hear but he would notice whatever he was saying mad Tyler look down slightly. There was a small pause and then Jax and Tyler departed and began walking together pas the infirmary window and max could hear them. Jax was speaking “Don’t worry…you’re a wont have any problems” tyler would look at him and speak “but its bear lake academy…you know who is there…that’s spikes territo” they were to far away and max couldn’t hear them anymore.

Chris laid his own now nude body on top of the whimper Scott. Chris’s lips next to Scotts ears as he whispered “sorry babe...But you got to learn to listen” he’d pause and kiss scott ear lobe gently before speaking again “we don’t want to hurt you...we never want to hurt anyone, but sometimes you got to do things to reach your accomplishments, one day..When or if you’re and officer you will understand, Jax is testing you... get done what he has asked and you will be on your way” Chris’s hand slide under Scott’s thigh and sliding upward and he spread Scotts ass. Scott could feel the lubed up head of Chris’s cock pressing up into him. Chris’s rock hard body began rocking and forcing his member up deep into Scotts tight, lotioned ass. Chris would kneel between Scotts spread legs, gripping his inner thighs for leverage as he began hammering into Scott’s beautiful boy body. Scotts head spun, between the pounding he was receiving and the head injury moments early he felt dizzy. He was in and out of it as he felt Chris climb off. His body felt warm inside and he knew Chris had finished.

It was dinner and the dorm was empty as Casey helped him to his feet and into a bed. He laid Scott face down and pillow under his belly, making his dazzling ass point considerably in the air as Casey mounted up behind and began smashing into him. Scott was moaning but soon was silent as he passed out. Casey continued to fuck Scotts limp body for a few more moments before pulling out and let loose load after load onto the small of his back.

Scotts head would move side to side as he was coming to. He would feel awake suddenly and full of excitement, he would look down to see Casey and Chris sharing his cock. They both were taking turns inserting Scott into their mouth, his medium sized cock throbbed as it was stroked, licked, sucked. He had a small light patch of pubes. Casey would slide down kissing on his balls. Chris would stroke and suck on the tip of his cadet cock. Scott body was bucking like crazy. Casey’s would let his tongue slide down over that warm ass, that tiny pink smooth hole of Scott’s ass. His ass was still slightly loose from the intense pounding, which made Casey’s tongue easy to slide up into Scott, tongue fucking that tiny ass. Scott was practically screaming out as they made every nerve in his body go crazy his young body was going insane. Casey would slide his tongue, lapping over that small ass one more time before moving up to join Chris who was now waiting as Scott’s dick jerked wildly and began erupting a few small strains of cum down and over the sides of his dick, both Chris and Casey licking violently to get as much as they could.
They would all hear a voice clear, it was Jax standing over them he looked angry. “A cadet being serviced by two officers…only in Gray rock academy”

Chapter 6

“Lieutenants’ report to dinner now!” Jax was furious. He looked over at Scott who looked down instantly. He went and sat on the bed next to Scott, he gritted his teeth tightly and spoke threw them “Scott… when I tell you to do something I expect it to be done…you can now consider it an order... not a favor like before.” He stood and left the dorm as Scott sat up and started to get dressed.

Max was out on his daily walk. He needed to work out the kinks of his knee; he was walking by the gym and would take notice to loud music playing. Inside of the gym there was a basket ball court, weight room, and a small room with mirrors used for indoor exercise. Max made his way to stand in the doorway of the little room, inside was Captain Morse. Captain Morse had on white mesh short and his body was covered in sweat. His hair was dark dripping wet, his shouldered were tense and you could see the muscles flexing under the skin of his back. He was lifting his right leg and kneeing a large pad stationed under wooden plank. He wore black wraps around his hands up to wrists, as well as around his feet up to his ankles. He was actually grunting with every delivered knee. Tyler would yell as the last knee actually caused the board to crack semi. He took two steps back and turned and grabbed a towel. He was wiping his hair and face of the sweat.

Tyler would look up and see he had a visitor. Max was shocked “umm …umm captain Morse I was um just um...” Tyler stopped him “your fine cadet...did you need something?” max shook his head and entered the room. Tyler tossed the towel around his neck and walked up toward max. Max watched as he walked toward him. He was watching that sweaty, smooth, and tan body of Captain Morse walk toward him. Every muscle flexed in his toned body, his abs mainly. Max never really noticed his chest and abs, but he certainly did now. “So why are you training so much?” Tyler would turn up at him sternly. And max would correct himself “I mean why are you training so much, sir, if you don’t mind me asking, sir.”
“Well if you must know, cadet, I always work out like this” he was a horrible liar. He turned and max followed him as he walked to the large mirror on one wall. There was a heavy bag hanging from the ceiling and Tyler began to throw punches as max watched. Tyler turned the music back up and went back to punching and kicking the bag violently. “Stupid bag” Tyler would say, the chains were to lose and the bag moved too much, max offered to hold it. They were a few mins into it when the bag was too far to the left and when Tyler kicked with his right foot it would drive deep into max’s side, dropping him instantly to the floor holding his chest. Tyler told him to move his hands and lifted max’s shirt up. He saw the red mark and the bruise beginning to form. Tyler slides his hands over the ribs of max. “I don’t think anything is broken” one hand slide down to max’s hip. “This kind of sucks…” Tyler would look at him “excuse me?” Max spoke again “I keep getting hurt” and he mumbled something and Tyler thought he heard him right. Tyler sat up next to max “Cadet, repeat what you just said.” Max looked at him “I said it sucks I keep getting hurt…but at least I get to spend time with you.” Max continued to speak “I like it when…” Tyler raised his hand for the cadet to stop and then stood up. He grasped and picked up max to his feet.

Tyler thought for a moment before speaking “Cadet, max, listen you’re my cadet, this kind of thing...I know it goes on here. I also know I’m not like the other officers.” He turned and looked down at max that was still starring at the floor and started to talk. “I know you’re not… and that kind of thing doesn’t happen to me here…but I really like you captain Morse…I think even more then like” Tyler shushed him and then Captain Morse tilted up max’s chin to look up at him.

Max’s eyes held a lazy seductive type look as he gazed up at Tyler, as Tyler gazed down at him. Tyler’s nude chest and max’s chests were pressed together but max was only eye level with Tyler’s neck. Tyler continued to hold max’s chin to face upward as Tyler very slowly leaned down into max’s face, only inches from each other’s face. Tyler went the rest of the way into him, their lips ever so gently touching. A second light kiss was delivered and then a third in which their lips stayed pressed together. Captain Morse’s hands moved one onto max's lower back and the other behind max’s head, he slide his tongue slowly into max’s mouth and began caressing his tongue with his own. Tyler pulled his tongue back out and closed his lips and teeth gently on Max's lower lip nibbling and pulling back on it slightly before returning into the passionate kiss. Both hands sliding down Max’s back and onto his ass and then farther onto the back of his thighs, pulling upward, lifting max who wrapped his legs around Tyler waist as Tyler moved to put max’s back against the wall.

Dinner was over and Jax was walking with Casey and Chris. They finished talking and Chris left the little group and made his way to the boating area. Cadet Santiago was waiting for Chris. He was in a white bathing suit. “A thirteen year old who doesn’t know how to swim” Chris would shake his head as he stripped off his shirt and took off his boots and such. The lake was filled with floating platforms and a dock which made a large half circle, which in turn made a small swimming crib area. Chris and cadet Santiago were practicing for close to an hour when Chris told him it was enough time for one day. “Alright let’s see a few dives and then ya can go for the night, big dance tonight right?” Santiago would climb out of the water facing away from Chris as that wet bathing suit clung to his body, it was slightly see threw and Chris couldn’t help but get excited. He heard Casey’s stories and now wanted a piece.

Tyler let max down and stopped the kiss. He pulled away but still held max in his arms. They would look at each other for a minute or two before Tyler let him go turned around and grabbed his shirt. He walked away and was shaking his head no looking at the ground, he ran a hand threw his damp hair in a bit of disbelief. He was storming out and slammed his fist into the doorway. Max sighed and licked his lips still tasting Tyler and the most astounding, unsurpassed, and superior that he has ever received.

Santiago was in the water and so was Chris when Santiago was suddenly pinned chest to chest with Chris who put his hands onto the dock keeping Santiago’s back to the dock. “Me and Casey spoke about you, how special it was” Chris would say grinding his groin into the cadet’s. “The only difference is Casey cares…I just want to pull down your shorts” and Chris gave him an angry look. Santiago did as he was told and below the shoulder deep water he slid down his shorts, an instantly felt Chris’s hands all over his groin and lower body. Chris would press his mouth onto Santiago’s neck and begin to suck roughly as his hand stroked that growing cock and his free hand fondled on the cadets ass. His middle and ring finger spread Santiago’s cheeks as his middle finger grinded up and down and in circles around the cadet’s tiny boy hole. After a minute or two Chris would forcefully begin kissing the cadet before insert his middle finger into his ass, finger fucking him under the water. Chris’s own cock was throbbing like mad as he used his free hand to pull down his own shorts.

He spun the cadet around in the water; Santiago put his hands on the side of the dock as well as his chest pressed into it. Chris would hold the base of his cock in one hand and the other resting on the cadet’s flat tummy. He began the violent entrance. He shoved himself upward, pressing off the muddy bottom of the lake. He finally worked enough of himself up into the cadet before putting his hands on Santiago’s hips. He held Santiago still as he gave a hard thrust up into him, the water splashed from the submerged actions, a few moments passed and Chris delivered another hard upward plunge. Two or three more drives and Chris felt himself buried deep in that sweet boy ass.

He held Santiago by his inner, upper thighs as he pulled himself slightly out and then slowly worked it back in. He continued this for a few moments before picking up the pace. Soon water was splashing and spraying every as Chris’s hips jack hammered in and out of that stiff ass. The cadet was taking heavy but short breaths. Chris bit his lower lip as he worked. His body flexed with muscle as he continued to pummel the boy. Sweat was pouring down both of their faces, but the water cooled their bodies.
Tyler put on his iPod and began jogging, and it was long before Jax would stop him. Max stood by but out of view as they spoke. “Your fight is tonight. The general said be ready by 9.” Jax would say. Tyler looked at him “and its spike?” he would look down. Jax put his hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “It’s not a big deal, things change ty.” Tyler looked up at him with stern eyes “I’m not worried Jax…you’ll be there, my towel guy right?” Jax would smirk “I wouldn’t have it any other way”. Jax turned and left as Tyler jogged a few steps before stopping and taking off his ear phones. “you really should easy drop cadet…” he went back to running as max made his way back to campus and was looking for Jax.

Chris was still fucking like a mad man when his hands slide up Santiago’s tight body and under his arms grasping his shoulders for leverage, he pushed with his legs and pulled with his arms, burying himself deep in the cadet as he released load after load into Santiago. He sighed heavy as his arms released their grip and slide down, caressing his chest and abs before moving to the boy’s dick, he was semi hard as Chris now stroked him like a mad man. Chris’s dick was starting to soften and slide from Santiago’s ass, but at the same time the cadet began spraying come into the water and his ass tighten on Chris dick, which was now being milked for every drop and they both moaned out in pleasure. Scott who was in the woods watching on his way to the captain’s quarters would think to himself “god I love this place…god I love Gray Rock Academy”.

Chapter 7

Scott walked into the captain quarters and went to captain Morse’s door and knocked. He could hear the shower shut off as the footsteps neared the door, unlocking it and suddenly Tyler appeared in a towel. “Can I help you cadet?” Morse would say. Scott was speechless for a min before Tyler cleared his throat and then Scott spoke “oh…umm Jax sent me here”. Tyler spoke sternly “I didn’t realize you two were on terms that allowed you to call him by his first name”. Scott stumbled at his next few words “I’m sorry sir” he would say as Tyler moved from the doorway allowing Scott into his apartment type dorm.

Sam and James from the seniors had just finished a long running session and everyone else went to the bunk, but Casey gave James and Sam permission to go to the lake to swim and work out there. Casey forgot Chris was there with Santiago. “Umm wait guys, why don’t you go to the pool. The juniors are there and besides I think there are currently lessons at the lake.” So the boys made their way jogging up the trails to the pool.

Captain Morse’s dorm was very nice and very modern; he made his way into his bedroom as he continued to talk to Scott. “So why did my fellow captain send you here anyway?” he spoke as he dried his hair and it was still wet and spiky when he tossed the extra towel into a hamper. Scott was suddenly behind him as he spoke “umm he said you going to be training and having a competition for something, so I was to come over and take care of your strained muscles and such , sir.” Tyler turned to face him “oh and how would you do that?” Scott spoke again “well sir, I want to study sport medicine and therapy if I go to college, so I know a little bit about massage, therapy, and relaxation. Sir” Tyler shrugged he thought perhaps it would be good, but at the same time her smirked wondering about how Jax may have found out about Scott’s gifts.

James and Sam trotted onto the sand of the lake front. Chris and Santiago were getting out of the water and drying off. “Gentleman?” Chris would say asking them basically what they were doing. Both Sam and James responded “sir, we have permission from the other lieutenant sir”. Chris would look at Santiago “well the juniors are all at the pool, but if ya wanted to stay here and practice I’m sure James and Sam would keep an eye on you. You don’t mind right boys?” Chris would now look at them and they would both shake their heads “not a problem sir.” Chris left and the two older boys and one younger boy made their way back into the waters of the calm lake.

Tyler told Scott there isn’t a chance they could do it in his bedroom, even if Scott kept suggesting it. So the living room of the dorm was set up. They used a long clothed bench type seat as the table in which Tyler would lie on and covered it with a blanket for extra cushioning. Tyler laid down on his stomach as his tighten his towel before he did. He jumped a little when he felt Scott’s greasy hands touch him, he was applying oil, and pressure between Tyler’s shoulder blades and he could instantly hear and feel the cracking of the tense back. This went on for close to a half hour and Tyler was practically melting; he was in-between heaven and a sleepy place, and it felt so damn good.

Scott would slide down and sit on the back of Tyler’s knees and begin to work his lower back, deep into the tissues he kneaded. Tyler would sigh, it felt great as Scott’s hands dragged down over his towel sliding it off as he rubbed Tyler smooth round bubble butt. Tyler felt his ass cheeks spreading as he felt Scott deliver a long, wet, warm lick up his entire ass. His body tensed “Scott…listen this cannot happ..” He was cut short as he felt Scotts tongue begin encircling his asshole. Tyler knew at once that Jax put him up to this but at the same time there was no way he was going to stop Scott now. Scott spread him farther and began poking at his ass as he flexed his tongue to make it hard straight.

The three boys were treading water in the deeper part of the lake. “So how are the lessons going Santiago?” James would ask. The young cadet would just nod his head up and down. Santiago was just trying to keep his head above water. Sam said something about a race and all three took off for the shore.

Tyler closed his eyes as he mellowed back into his sleepy state of mind, the pleasure was mind blowing as Scott ate out his ass. Tyler climbed up onto his knees, but remained on his chest and the pillow with his arms crossed under it. He simply lifted his ass up to give Scott more room. Scott took the hint and reached between Tyler’s legs as he licked and sucked on Tyler’s ass. He grasped onto Tyler’s colossal cock and almost froze. He stopped working on Tyler’s ass and moved to look at the hanging piece of meat. “Umm…uh….holy shit” was all Scott could say he never saw anyone so large. Captain Morse almost laughed. “Wow... everyone says Sam is the biggest…” “They will keep thinking that too, because no one will know about this cadet…ever!”

The three were drying off and Sam would give an unnoticed wink to James who smirked. “Hey junior cadet come in the boat house I want to show you something.” The two older boys lead the young cadet into the boat house which was really more of a storage shed. It didn’t take long before Santiago was on all fours being pounded from behind by James, as he was face fucked by the monster of Sam. “Oh god Sam… this kid is loose as hell, I bet Chris just got done banging the fuck out of him.” Santiago would try to nod but his face was being jammed into roughly by Sam who held the sides of his head.

Scott walked a few feet, before getting down and crawling toward Tyler on the couch. Scott got between his legs and then took hold of that monster, with both hands and still couldn’t really handle it. Scott began spitting on and lubing up that massive rod and as he jerked, pulled, and stroked with both hands and sucked on the enormous cock tip. Captain Morse sighed and moaned slightly, it’s been to long since he had this kind of attention “oh god yeah… that feels great max… keep going cadet”. Scott slowed for a second hearing captain Morse say the wrong name, but then shrugged it off, he wasn’t going to let Tyler little obsession ruin his chance with that beast of a cock.

Same was now laying on the floor on his back and Santiago was beginning to get used to that big dick in his little ass, he was definitely bigger then Chris, but that didn’t stop him from bouncing his tiny boy body up and down on it as he felt Sam pull him down so that they were chest to chest. Santiago realized that Sam stopped moving his hips and was resting with his thickness buried deep, but he also noticed that Sam now held him tightly. Those muscular arms held him tightly to Sam’s chest as he felt James kneel behind him and both of his hands rubbing gently on his ass; Santiago knew at once what they were planning and tried to struggle some.

Tyler’s cock went off like an erupting volcano as it sprayed into the air and ran down the side of his member into the waiting mouth of Scott, who licked and slurped at it. Tyler let out a huge sigh and watched as the young boy cleaned off his now softening cock. Scott licked his lips in a seductive manner and Tyler noticed he was looking off and turned to see what he was looking at. Max stood in the door way and then bit his lower lip, he nodded his head and turned walking away and out of the building.

Sam looked at Santiago and his nervous eyes “shhh baby it’ll be fine...” Santiago still struggled as he felt James dick begin to push alongside of Sam’s huge cock. James leaned down onto the little cadets back as he worked his cock roughly into him. The feel of the two cocks rubbing together as they both were buried deep in that tight boy ass was like nothing else. It was heaven as they glided on each other. Santiago was digging into Sam’s chest. The cadet was crying as the double fucking was taking place. This was a lot different than the times he asked for someone to stop but then began enjoying it, he wasn’t enjoying this. The pain was unbearable as he cried and the two only seemed to press deeper and become more forceful and more violent. James would grab him by his hair and press his face down as Sam took hold o the sides of the boys wet, tear soaked cheeks and began to aggressively kiss the boy. It’s a shame this had to be Santiago’s first kiss. But the boys tongue was caressed as he whimpered into Sam’s mouth. James came first; making the two gliding cocks feel even better as they rubbed together in that warm stickiness. James pulled out and gave Sam fucking room as he went t town now kissing and fucking the boy. James knelt down and began licking on Santiago’s ass and Sam’s cock as it entered and exited his now stretched hole. Sam’s began releasing a huge load into that worn ass.

Tyler just finished dressing and was making his way out the door and saw Jax. “Hey Jax can we talk”. Jax nodded his head and they walked and talked. “Umm first thanks for the present I guess…but listen max kind of interrupted and I think I should talk to him”. Jax totally ignored him and spoke “so are ya ready for your fight or what, its tonight… against spike… on his turf”. Tyler spoke “sir… I’m ready… but what about ma…” He was cut short as Jax stopped walking and held his shoulders, sighing as he spoke “listen Tyler… max was already in with the major… I tried to talk to him, but apparently some things changed…someone spoke on his behalf and along with the major they made a decision… Tyler…max is leaving GRAY ROCK ACADEMY…”

To Be Continued???


Same as Gray Rock 2 Videos

3 years ago
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Gray Rock 1

“Hello?” was spoken in a tired and annoyed voice. “Hello yes… is this cadet lieutenant Tyler Morse?” He’s sit up in his bed knocking most of the blankets off “its cadet captain Morse now, but yes this is him”. The soft woman’s voice spoke again “my name is Corporal Jenkins of the Whitesville police...we have um…your brother here sir he said he is a cadet at the academy?” he moved to sit on the edge of his bed “my brother?” “Yes sir your brother max?”He thought for a moment “oh yeah…my...

2 years ago
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Gray Jedi Ch 7

Malik struggled as best as he could, but the reflexes of the krykna spiders were too great. Every move he made to try and escape was stymied by the pinching beak of a nearby spider. Deeper and deeper they carried him into their lair, yet all the while Malik pondered the strange specificity of Bendu’s previous wording. He had called this a puzzle, one that they had to solve without the use of violence. Soon, they brought him to an expansive den, the cavernous size of which surprised Malik a...

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Gray Jedi Ch 1

Gray Jedi Ch. 1 “He seriously did that?!” “Saw it with my own eyes, Malik! I swear!” “Serra, come on. I know Yoda always says ‘do or do not, there is no try,’ but this seems to be firmly in the ‘do not’ category.” “Hey, check the security holograms if you don’t believe me. It’s all there.” “Wow… Anakin Skywalker actually landed the Invisible Hand and saved Chancellor Palpatine in the process. I always knew he was a great pilot, but that’s beyond anything I’ve ever heard of!...

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Gray Film

The sky was an ominous sheet of gray, stretching from one corner to the other of the bedroom window of the suburban New York apartment. Dusty old brick coated the walls of the infinitely small space. Cream colored sheets fell carelessly from the edges of a king sized bed nearly the width of the room, pillows lay propped against the wall, their backs covered in a gray chalk-like film. One lonely blade hung from the ceiling, spinning around two dim light bulbs that had been there for ages. In the...

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Sergeant Rockwell

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Gray Jedi Ch 10

“Serra, what’s our status?” Malik asked. “Just broke through the atmosphere, but Imperial fighters are hot on our tail.” “Rex, let’s man the guns,” Malik said. “Better idea: Rex and Laranth. I need you here, Malik,” Serra replied. “Good call, that girl’s a sure-shot.” “I’ll fetch her,” Rex said, jogging out of the cockpit. Down the hallway, he saw Jax consoling a very distraught Laranth Tarak. “It’ll be ok, Laranth…” “NO!!! I want to kill those bastards for what they...

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Gray Shades of Evil

Prologue: Three Months Before The road was desert dusty; any driver would have known the end of it was off the paved path. The truck contributing to the dust had seen better years, and had a few worse ones yet to go. The driver was paying more attention to the bottle of beer the passenger was swilling than the road. The driver and passenger's skin was darkened with the passage of days in the sun. Their happiness at a stolen hour with their patron's truck described life in simple pleasures:...

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Gray Jedi Ch 6

“That is my official designation. But as you well know, my friends call me Rex.” “Yes… Captain Rex of the 501st legion,” Malik replied. “The same, sir.” “Also the legion that slaughtered all our friends in the Jedi Temple,” Malik seethed, gripping his lightsaber tightly. “I had nothing to do with that,” Rex said calmly. “Is that so?! Then which Jedi did you turn on, huh?” Malik shot back, taking a step forward, the tip of his lightsaber precariously close to Rex’s face. “These...

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Gray Rock Academy pt 6

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Gray Rock Acamdey pt 5

Scott watched as the two encircled him, like lions hunting their prey. “Um my captain gave me orders sir...he wants me to do something, so I really need to go get ready for dinner, sirs.” They both nodded their heads. “We know you have a little mission, but Jax also sent us to remind you not to fuck it up... a test if you will.” Casey would smile. They would both grab Scott by the arms forcing him to stand up in front of the full length body mirror as Chris grabbed a bottle of lotion from...

1 year ago
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Gray Rock Academy

“Hello?” was spoken in a tired and annoyed voice. “Hello yes… is this cadet lieutenant Tyler Morse?” He’s sit up in his bed knocking most of the blankets off “its cadet captain Morse now, but yes this is him”. The soft woman’s voice spoke again “my name is Corporal Jenkins of the Whitesville police...we have um…your brother here sir he said he is a cadet at the academy?” he moved to sit on the edge of his bed “my brother?” “Yes sir your brother max?”He thought for a moment “oh yeah…my...

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Rockin at Rock concert in Rockefeller

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Coming of Age on Azure Rocks

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The Rock

There is no explicit sex in this story. I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. This story is totally fictitious, any resemblance the characters might have to any person living or deceased is purely coincidental. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © December 26, 2006 ********** He thought, ‘Funny how the current does that,’ as tiny whirlpools formed...

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Gray Jedi Ch 11

“Entering the Jedha system now,” Serra said. “Any sign we’ve been followed?” “Doesn’t appear so, but I’m gonna keep the cloaking systems up to be on the safe side,” Malik replied. “There’s NaJedha. Its largest moon is our destination.” “Did the holocron give any indication of the specific location of the kyber mines?” Malik asked. “No, it was pretty cryptic,” Serra shrugged. “All it said was ‘we are one with the Force, and the Force is with us’. Nothing specific.” “Sounds...

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Gray Jedi Ch 8

“There’s the hangar,” Malik said, peering through his electrobinoculars. “A couple of patrols, nothing too bad. The entrance is still sealed up, so I bet they think nobody can get in that way.” “Now we just gotta figure out how to get in unnoticed,” Serra muttered. “Sir, I’m back!” Rex said, walking up behind them. “What did you find, Rex?” “Nearby sewer line leading directly from the Jedi Temple. We should be able to get into the hangar that way.” “Perfect. Lead on.” The...

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Gray Jedi Ch 4

“There it is,” Malik said, pointing at the star map.  “I’ll program our route to the Dagobah system.” “Excellent,” Serra replied.  “Oh, incoming transmission from Alderaan, encoded.” “I’d bet that it’s Bail Organa.  Put it on screen.”  As his face appeared on the monitor, Malik said, “Senator, I apologize for our abrupt departure.” “Think nothing of it, Malik.  I had anticipated something like this might happen.  I’m just glad you two made it out without issue.” “Thank you for...

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Gray Jedi Ch 3

“Ok, here goes…” Malik concentrated on the stack of rubber mats in front of him, trying his best to imagine them as a person in need of help. As they were dealing with lightning, an inherently uncontrollable force, he had decided using rubber mats would be the safest practice. He placed his hands on top of them, channeling the Force through his body and… nothing. Nothing happened. He tried once more, but still with no success. “Huh… wonder what that means?” he asked. “I think it...

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Gray Jedi Ch 2

“Serra, they’re on our tail!” “I see them! Hang on!” Serra Keto and Malik Ran rocketed through the Coruscant system, the Republic navy chasing after them all the while. The Z-95 Starfighters were fast, but their antique Defender-class light corvette held up splendidly, able to evade most incoming attacks. Not to mention that it was also quite well armed. “Get the hyperspace coordinates programed, I’ll keep ‘em at bay,” Malik said. “On it!” Malik pulled up the targeting...

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Retiring to the Rockies

Flights of fantasy are our specialty. We try not to let reality pop our balloons. This vacation to Lander, Wyoming was turning out to be a bust. I was here to see what the Rockies were all about, as I'd never been here before. It was time to see the places I'd always wanted to see before I was too broke or screwed up to do so. I was in the bar of an up-scale hotel nursing a bourbon and coke. What was left of the local talent had too many wrinkles to count so it looked like another night...

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Maggie Part 5 The girls meet up with Rocky

Thirty minutes working in the garden, weeding and picking beans, and both Maggie and Molly were soaked. Today they were glad they were wearing their daddy’s favorite “work clothes”; baggy cutoff jeans and ratty old wife-beater tank-tops. Being dirt poor, undergarments were a luxury reserved for school. The hot, humid breeze blew easily through their clothes, and Maggie could feel it tickling her thick light-brown bush. Emmitt made sure the girls wore them every time he gave them chores....

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Virgin Rock

“Stay off the cliff, now,” Mrs. Campbell warned me as I left her inn. “Try to climb that cliff and you’ll wind up on Virgin Rock.” Well, I hadn’t come to Scotland for the rock climbing. That was a peculiarly British fad. I took myself to the pub. A young man served my beer. “Not busy,” I noted. I was his only customer. “They’ll come in at dinner time. ‘Lunchtime’ for a Yank. My parents couldn’t afford to pay someone to tend bar for the solitary visitor, but our universities are off now,...

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Encounter at Greens Rock

Every life has one magical event--one instant where everything changes forever. For some of us, the moment comes and goes invisibly, and we do not know its significance until years later, if ever. For others, the moment confronts us at its happening and we experience it with our full awareness. Whichever the case, the magical event always happens. I'll tell you about mine. There's a small island called Green's Rock in the middle of Maine's Penobscot Bay. It's mostly granite, like the...

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Ascent to Heart Rock

Chapter 1 One of the very first questions Ian asked himself the first night he was out there alone in the woods, in the dark, cold, afraid, and weak with hunger, was why had he even come on this journey? He asked the question because he honestly didn't even have an answer, and he thought that perhaps he should have had an answer before he even began, but he didn't. "The ascent to Heart Rock is no easy road," his grandmother had told him. "Many young men and women have died on their way...

1 year ago
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The Rock

He thought, 'Funny how the current does that, ' as tiny whirlpools formed behind a tree limb hanging in the water. Spinning out into the main stream, they quickly got smaller and smaller. A final swirl signaled their surrender as their brief existence was squeezed out by the surrounding pressure. 'Just like life, ' he reflected, 'different things flare up for a brief period of time, then get swallowed up and lost in the bigger flow.' Picking up a smooth flat stone, he skipped it across...

1 year ago
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Its a Rock

‘It’s a rock.’ James spat. ‘I bet none of my friends have a rock this big.’ Damian rolled his eyes and took a step forward into the crater. Thanks to the heat radiating off the rock the crater was more like a small pond with the steaming black rock dead center. ‘I bet none of your friends have a rock that traveled here from the edge of the galaxy. Some one might have a bigger rock.’ ‘Nope. None of my friends have a rock quite that big.’ James replied slipping into the thigh deep water and...

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A Rather Large Rock

It started as a sunny, beautiful day. We decide to head to one of my favorite places, a place I have been coming back to my entire life, usually solo. There’s only a handful of people I've ever been here with. And you are one of them. The sun started playing hide and seek behind the clouds on the long bumpy drive out here. We were hopeful of beating the weather and definitely not deterred by it.We park next to the river. A lot has changed here in the years that I have visited. They put in...

3 years ago
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The Black Rock

10,000 B.C.E. Tarog crouched in the brush, watching the great beasts moving slowly across the plain. Reaching out with their trunks, they picked tender leaves off the stunted trees and gathered what grass they could from the ground, then brought the meager food up to their gaping mouths. They were heading for better feeding in the trees at the base of the foothills in the direction where the sun rises. Raga Tubat flashed a hand signal and all six men moved forward, their flint-tipped spears...

1 year ago
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Cock on a Rock

Katie is a senior in high school and has never had the slightest sexual tingle in her life. She has been curious about masturbating and has tried it to no avail, she gets horny but as the song goes, ‘she cant get no satisfaction.’ She is very pretty but extremely shy and is a true nature lover. She is tall and graceful with D cup breasts, and large green eyes. For Spring break, Katie was planning to spend alone in the woods for 9 days, living off the land and being one with nature. Her parents...

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Twin Rocket

TWIN ROCKET By Roy Del Frink ANNOUNCER: After Ash and his pals thwarted Team Rocket's evil plans yet again, Mrs. Ketchum decided to celebrate by taking them to the local "clothing optional" beach. So we'll have to show you how poor James is taking his loss. (The interior of James's bedroom is seen. Not a very spiffy place; it looks like a typical suburban American child's home, with a poster bed, stuffed Pokemon creatures strewn about, and pink and lavender colored things...

1 year ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 2 Ragnarsson Rock

5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...

1 year ago
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On the Rocks

The tanks were full ... both gas and air. He putt-putted out the channel and past the excuse of a lighthouse. Somewhere south of the south pier there was a nice set of boulders. The ice on Lake Michigan can freeze solid all the way across. When it does, the ice close to shore gets real thick. 25 feet of thick ice is reasonable. Twenty five feet of ice makes short work of rocks close to shore, so a diver looking for big fish needs to be fairly far off shore. When the lake doesn't freeze all...

2 years ago
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Revenge Rock

Revenge Stone By: PYT Lloyd wiped the blood and mud from his face with a sleeve. As had been a recurring theme throughout his life, Melvin Turner had beaten the crap out him again. Melvin had been Lloyd's nemesis every since they were little boys, but it wasn't much of a rivalry. Melvin had always been bigger, stronger, more confident and not above giving Lloyd a wedgie, clipping him in the lunch line or tossing him into a dumpster. But that was the past or so Lloyd thought. ...

2 years ago
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Niece on a BoatChapter 6 On The Rocks

However he didn’t gain on her. Instead when she was about half-way she stopped and waited for him. “The little pervert’s having a good wank about that, I expect,” she grinned when he arrived, starting a slow breaststroke with her head up. Freddie did the same next to her, puffing, and thinking he wouldn’t have minded having a good wank himself, since he couldn’t fuck the gorgeous athletic girl next to him... “He’s always at it,” Lara continued, “it’s why he’s always tired if you ask...

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On my drive up to Vegas from San Diego I always drive up at night of course and stop at all of the rest areas and truck stops on I15. As I pull into the rest area or truck stop in my big 3500 Chevy van I make sure to notice which big rig has trucker in the cab. Then I pull up beside it and then open my door and swing my long silky-stockinged legs out.Then I sloooooooooooooowly slide off my seat making sure that my hot pink micro skirt rides all the way up to my waist to tease his cock. I take...

4 years ago
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Grays Week in Russia

Sometimes, no matter how satisfactory your life currently is, you just need to get away and experience something new. That, at least, was what Samson Grey told himself as he browsed cheap flights out of New York to various exotic locales. It wasn't that he was particularly stressed at work, or that his home life was bad. No, his job was good and his home life was rather nice. With a great deal of satisfaction, Samson looked over at the window sill where his girlfriend Mary was snuggled up with...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1103 Rock

"I've got the jeep packed with booze and we can be in California in two days. Let's go, RB." He said her initials like she was a fast food sandwich. Shit. I had to believe this was the boyfriend. Lester Hawkins was tough, but tall and stringy. William in Kokomo looked like a Greek god with sculpted abs and arms. The guy in front of us looked like his body was built by steroids. He was sweating and his pupils were dilated so far I couldn't tell the color of his eyes. And he had an...

3 years ago
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(Author’s Note: The song lyrics are from the Judds song, ‘Rocking With the Rhythm of the Rain’.) * * * * * Sitting on the porch swing, listening to the light, beating on the tin roof, Baby, just me and you Rocking with the rhythm of the rain. The rain is falling in a light mist over our cabin. The Judds are singing in the background. You are sitting in the swing, pushing us, back and forth, lazily in the warm summer night. I am laying with my head on your lap. My feet resting on the swing’s...

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My Pocket Rocket

My name is Penny, Penny Bloodworth. Please, no jokes, I've heard them all! I've always found the company of girls to be a lot more interesting than that of boys, but it wasn't until I was 13 or so that I realized that I was also sexually attracted to other girls. Whenever I could get a chance to "play doctor" with one of my friends, I'd get a special tingle whenever they'd let me touch their little pussies, or they'd touch mine. I even think they often came when I touched their little...

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Azure Rocks

THE AZURE LION - BOOK ONE: CLASHING LIONS A metallic blue sports car smoothly cruised through the road outside the small town of Azure Rocks, heading to the area known as Silver Lake, a beautiful lake surrounded by cabins belonging to the wealthiest families in the nearby town. Such was the case of the Ravers family, with Logan and Heather Ravers deciding to invite a bunch of their friends to spend the last week of summer before senior year at their family cabin. The cousins were both eighteen...

2 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 19 Wobbly Rocks

As Tom, Belinda and Jamie came out of the rec-room two children brushed passed them going in. These two children were clearly a brother and a sister and of course they were both naked and seemingly totally at ease with that fact. The girl who had brushed the three would have been about two or three years younger than what Jamie Williams was. This young girl also had two little, and very cute, budding breasts starting to make their presence known on the girl’s chest. There was also a very...

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