Azure Rocks free porn video

A metallic blue sports car smoothly cruised through the road outside the small town of Azure Rocks, heading to the area known as Silver Lake, a beautiful lake surrounded by cabins belonging to the wealthiest families in the nearby town. Such was the case of the Ravers family, with Logan and Heather Ravers deciding to invite a bunch of their friends to spend the last week of summer before senior year at their family cabin. The cousins were both eighteen and so were their friends, so Heather thought it would be cool to spend a whole week at Ravers Cabin without supervision to start their last high school year with a bang.
Logan was a young man with short, messy dark brown hair and electric-blue eyes. A seriously smooth guy, he was a big hit with the girls and someone almost every guy wanted to befriend nowadays. His voluptuous cousin, Heather, had long, slightly wavy dark brown hair, which was flying back due to the roof being down and the same electric-blue eyes. She was a lock-on for the cheerleading captain spot at school in the upcoming year and the most popular girl; she enjoyed teasing boys at times, but everyone knew she only put out for college-aged older guys. In the backseat, one of their oldest friends leaned back and felt the breeze hitting her face. Sharon Miller was a slender, sexy girl with long red hair and dark-green eyes, she wanted to be the vice-captain of the cheerleading squad when Heather was elected captain. She was someone who loved sex, having had a longstanding friends-with-benefits kind of relationship with Logan that they liked to think Heather had no clue about, but both of them enjoyed sex with other people as well.
"Mmm, this is nice," Sharon piped in. "Can't believe it's been so long since you two brought us here last."
Heather smirked and nodded in the passenger seat as she craned her neck back to address her friend. "Yeah, last summer, as a matter of fact."
Logan grinned as he drove, his gaze briefly meeting Sharon's at the rearview mirror. That time they had shared a rather intense fuck session at Zaffre Falls in Silver Lake Park, beyond the lake. It was a memorable trip because not only he got to do Sharon multiple times, but Tanya Jones also found her way to his bed; not in a threesome, sadly, it had been on separate times. Heather couldn't know he had gotten to do three of her fellow cheerleaders, Sharon, Tanya, and Amber Evans, seeing as she asked him once to refrain from hitting on her closest friends. Still, he never was quite sure of how his cousin would react if she knew. Based on the amount of flirting Logan got from girls, one would think he got laid a lot, but that wasn’t true; while he had more experience than the average guy, he preferred to have sex with girls he already had a connection with, such was the case of Sharon, Heather’s other cheerleader friends, and a couple of others who had been in his bed in the past.
"There's the cabin," Heather said, smiling as her family's property came into view. Her elation suddenly turned into a frown once she saw the motorcycle parked in the driveway and the person who was leaning against it. "What the fuck is he doing here?" She demanded as Logan parked his car.
"I invited him," her cousin simply responded.
"But, how could you do that!?"
"I called him with my phone," Logan deadpanned, causing Heather to roll her eyes. "Seriously, Heather, if you're gonna invite the football team, then I get to invite Kurt," he elaborated. "Yes, you're not the only one who has eyes and ears everywhere at school."
Sharon laughed in the backseat as Heather pouted and Logan got out of the car to greet the 19-year-old boy, she had been the one who told Logan that Heather had acquiesced to Ashley's request of inviting Brandon and Trent. She definitely didn’t approve of Ashley dating Brandon, and she made sure to let her friend know of that every opportunity she got.
"What's up, Kurt!" Logan high-fived the older boy, he was tall, with short blonde hair and brown eyes.
"How's it hanging up, dude?" Kurt replied, exchanging an elaborate handshake with the younger boy before he turned to the car with a smirk. "C'mon, squirt, I don't bite!"
Kurt was Heather's cousin on her mother's side, who was Kurt's mother's younger sister. She barely tolerated him ever since her early teens because he was always bothering people with his over-the-top flirting and crude remarks. She got out of the car and immediately rounded out on her older cousin.
"Listen here, Kurt, 'cause I'm only gonna tell you once," she said, in as serious of a tone as she could muster. "The first complaint I get from any of the girls, just one, you're out, you hear me?"
Kurt held up his hands in surrender. "Alright," he said in an amused voice. "Don't worry about me, dear cousin."
Heather groaned, Logan's flirting with girls was often smooth and respectful, so she wasn't worried, but Kurt was invasive, he made girls uncomfortable, and the last thing she needed was for her friends' trip to be ruined.
"This is gonna be amazing, Bran, just you wait," the energetic blue-eyed blonde girl gushed. "Their cabin is the best I've ever seen!"
"I'm taking your word for now, Ash," Brandon Cole said, driving his black SUV toward the destination his girlfriend gave him.
Ashley Woodsen was a cute, slim girl who also was on the cheerleading squad and was Heather's best friend. She and the Ravers cousins had been friends ever since kindergarten and they've developed a close relationship over the years. Brandon Cole was a guy with short black hair and dark-brown eyes who had been her boyfriend for about seven months now, and he had played on the school's football team for the past three years, without much success in bringing the championship back to Azure Rocks High School. Their relationship was bumpy sometimes, with Brandon seemingly focusing a little too much on himself, but Ashley was happy and she loved him. Dating Brandon had rocked the boat a little bit in her friendship with Heather, Logan, and Sharon because Brandon had kind of bullied Logan for his wealth in elementary school, but she argued that Brandon had outgrown that; Logan and Heather eventually accepted, but Sharon was still bitter about it, which caused a bit of a strain in their friendship. At least Vicky never said anything, she thought about her best friend who had also been a part of the little group comprised of Logan, Heather, Sharon, and the two of them.
"Are we there yet?" A chuckling boy put his face between the front seats and glanced at the road ahead.
Trent Thornton was a black boy with dark hair trimmed in a buzzcut and dark-brown eyes. He was Brandon's funny best friend that played with him on the football team. There was an ulterior motive as to why Trent had been invited; a little more than a month ago, she and Brandon had been on a double date with Trent and her friend Victoria Walker. Ashley thought Victoria was still sad over the break-up with her ex-boyfriend who moved away a few months before the end of junior year, so she thought about asking Brandon to set his friend up with hers. During the date, she kinda got the impression that Victoria got interested in Trent, at least a bit, but Vicky denied once she interrogated her.
Ashley then had the idea of inviting Brandon and Trent to the cabin when Heather pitched the idea to her, hoping she could work on getting Victoria and Trent together. It made her a little guilty too because of the whole issue between Logan and Brandon, but she hoped he wouldn't be mad at her if she said it was for Vicky's sake. She could always make it up to him later.
"No," Brandon replied. "And this is the tenth time you asked."
Trent frowned. "You were keeping count?"
Ashley burst out laughing at the antics of her boyfriend and his friend. A groan was heard beside Trent in the backseat.
"Guys, please shut up, I'm getting a headache," a tall, fit brunette pleaded. Madison Cole closed her hazel eyes as the pain in her head increased, she never enjoyed traveling long distances in a car's backseat. She was Brandon's twin sister, and now that she befriended Ashley, the blonde was adamant about getting her on the cheerleading squad once the year started, something she wasn't exactly opposed to. The thing Madison wanted to change the most was her brother's protectiveness toward her, he was always watching her like a hawk and threatening boys that got near her; frankly, it suffocated her, especially if one took into account that she used to have a crush on a teammate of his, Elijah Ross, but that fizzled out after she realized it would never happen under her brother’s watch.
"We'll be getting there soon, Maddie," Brandon told her in a reassuring tone. "Just hang on a little bit more."
"Thanks, Bran," she muttered. She loved him and was grateful for how he treated her as a brother, she only wished he could cut her some slack when it came to other boys.
Simultaneously, a silver sedan also headed toward Ravers Cabin, transporting a duo of beautiful emerald-eyed blondes inside. Victoria Walker was Ashley's best friend and a good friend of Heather, Logan, and Sharon's. She had worked on the school newspaper, The Busy Bear, the previous year, and now she decided to gun for the chief editor position once the year started next week. Her second cousin was driving the car, her name was Grace Smith, her family being one of the most prominent on Azure Rocks, just like the Raverses, their hosts. Grace was the president of the Computer Club at school, secretly being a skilled hacker as well. To sum it up, both girls were incredibly smart, even if Grace was a bit socially awkward without her best friend around.
"Are you still mad at me?" Victoria asked after a relatively silent trip.
"What?" The other girl inquired, almost as if she was startled that her cousins had spoken. "No, I'm not!"
"It looks like you are," Vicky insisted. "You barely said a word since we left."
Grace sighed, Victoria knew she would say no at her invitation, none of her cousin's friends were hers too, so Vicky waited to ask her in front of her mother, who had been insisting for Grace to get out more and find a boyfriend for the past two years. Naturally, her mother loved the idea and forced her to come.
"I'm not mad, Victoria," Grace sighed again. "I just don't know what I will be doing there, that's all," she explained before mentally adding. Yes, I do, grave danger will befall anyone that gets between my laptop and me.
"Well, you could make some friends...," Victoria started.
"I have friends, they just won't be there. Not everyone has to be friends with Heather and Logan Ravers," Grace interrupted. She was great friends with Fletcher Wynwick, the Wynwicks being a family that nurtured a longtime feud with the Ravers family, so, as his best friend, she never got along well with either of the Ravers cousins as well. One thing was certain, she would miss Fletcher, Sienna, Rylee, and Wesley that break. Her mother even forbade her from taking refuge in their own cabin that was near the Ravers one. Fletcher did say he could come to spend a couple of days at the Wynwick Cabin, so Grace figured she could kill a few hours hanging out with him when he did.
Heather was still arguing with Kurt when Logan noticed the other cars arriving and pulling up on the driveway. Sharon had gotten out of his car and joined him, lazily resting her head on his shoulder.
"Well, looks like everyone's here," he said, nodding at their other friends.
Sharon grinned. "You better break up that fight," she waved at Heather and Kurt. "Maybe tell Heather she can pick the rooming situation whatever way she wants."
Logan laughed. "Excellent idea! C'mon!"

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