BlkStingray Came Calling! free porn video

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BlkStingray Wrote me the following, stimulating, lovely story...
I was recently divorced, an ironically although, she had cheated on me, she had ended up with pretty much everything! Luckily I was able to keep my camper/conversion van. I jus kind of drifted around the country, selling off my possessions for gas an food, until I finally ended up in Montana. With my funds running dangerously low, I figured I had better check the want ads. I checked Craig’s list for local temp jobs. As luck would have it, there was an ad for an inventory clerk in the next town over. The ad stated that there was about a weeks worth of work, an to apply in person. I took note of the address, an made plans to show up the next day. Being Sunday, I had time to get all cleaned up to make the best possible impression. I headed over to the local laundromat with what I thought were my best interview clothing. After, I went, an checked out where the office was, so I would not be late. I really needed to get something going quick! The next morning I headed over early, an waited for the office to open. I parked well away from the door, so as not to freak out anyone when they showed up to open up! Soon, a car pulled in, an a woman slowed to check out my van. I figured she was going to stop, an tell me to beat it, so I gave her a lil wave, an she pulled in to park. I watched her get out, she was tall, an looked to be very attractive! She was dressed for the Montana weather, and I couldn’t get a real good look at her figure. I did get a good look at her gorgeous hair! It was obvious she took her time to get it looking jus right, an didn’t want to mat it down with a hat, even though the weather certainly called for it. I gave it a few minutes so she could get settled, I didn’t want to barge right in! I gave it a few, an drove over to the door. I opened it up, an said “hello” in a loud enough voice to announce my presence. Getting no answer, I jus kinda hung out, assuming she was still getting settled. I called out again, but still no answer. Anxious to be first in line for an interview, I headed around the counter, an poked my head down the hall. I saw what appeared to be a small kitchenette, an headed that way. I entered, an saw the woman that had unlocked the office.
I paused before I entered the kitchenette. The lady that had opened up, had her back to me! She had a fantastic figure, she was tall with long golden hair, that shimmered in the morning sun. She had a perfect “coke bottle figure”! Her legs were long, an slender. They matched up to an absolutely perfect ass! Her jeans were tight, an showed off every perfect curve! I was immediately hard!!! Her waist was in perfect proportion to her tight ass! I could only imagine her chest, as her back was to me. I stared for as long as I dared, drinking in every detail! I wanted to memorize everything about her!! As she began to turn I started to say hello. I must have startled her greatly, as she dropped the full pot, an it shattered when it hit the floor! She yelled out “Jesus! Who the hell are you”??? All the previous work fantasy’s flew from my mind! I quickly tried to explain, an help clean up, an of course I jus made things worse! I finally jus blurted out, “I’m here about the job”! This seemed to calm down the situation. I bent down to help clean up, an we worked together wordlessly, as I tried to salvage the situation in my mind.
Trying to make the best of a bad situation, I said, “you can take the price of the pot, out of my pay”! “You have to get the job first”! She quipped! I thought it best to remain quiet. We finished cleaning up, an she, (I later found out her name was DeeAnna) took a spare pot out of a cabinet, an started up the coffeemaker. “No harm, no foul” she said, an I immediately liked her! We both smiled, and I followed her to her office. She introduced herself, and explained that her, and her husband Tommi (I was crestfallen when she said “her husband”)! owned the business. The job was strictly temporary. It would take about a week, she asked if I could work late? I immediately said “yes! Whatever it takes”! This seemed to please her. I did not fail to notice her looking me over during the interview. She wrote it off as a lot of lifting would be involved. I suspected otherwise, but kept my suspicions to myself. She said, “ I hope it won’t be a problem with your wife if you work late”? I said, “ no problem, no wife”! This seemed to please her! It pleased me as well! About that time her husband came in, an introduced himself. He seemed extremely fit, and my thoughts of a “frustrated wife” quickly disappeared. DeeAnna explained that I was a candidate for the inventory clerk. Tommi seemed quite pleased, and commented on how fit, and muscular I was. Once again I was confused, but was determined to go along with whatever came along. How little did I know!!!
Tommi said” well whatever you think, he seems up to the job”. With that, he turned, headed off to his office. I turned back to DeeAnna, and she motioned me to sit back down, I had stood up to greet Tommi. She had a few more questions, an explained the job. She explained that I would be working closely with her, until the job was complete. She asked if I was interested, and I couldn’t say YES quick enough!!! This seemed to please her as well, and she asked if I could begin that day? I replied,”yes, right away”!! The thought of spending a week with the glorious woman was almost more than I could bear. I couldn’t wait to get started. We went off to get more coffee, an headed off to the warehouse. She closed the warehouse doors, explaining that she wanted to keep the heat in the office. The warehouse was pleasant enough temperature, in fact, once I started working, I stripped down to my T shirt. I noticed DeeAnna staring when I flexed to pick up boxes that needed to be counted. She mentioned “that I was quite fit”! Quite a few times! I also noticed she would often work much closer than necessary to me! Often touching my muscles, an body as we worked together. I enjoyed the attention, as I had not been with a woman since my wife left me! Before long it was lunch time. She asked what I felt like? Of course all I could think about eating for lunch was her!! I demurred, but she insisted, an said it was on her! I certainly could not pass up the offer! I left it up to her, and after she placed the order, she said “we use them all the time, an they deliver too”! We made small talk, an I noticed once again she sat closer to me than necessary! When the receptionist announced that the food had arrived, she dashed off to get it. She quickly began to unpack the food, while she said,” I thought we would eat back here, that way we can get right back to work”! I suspected otherwise! I went to put my shirt back on, but she quickly grabbed a hand towel to wipe off my sweat. “You will catch your death of cold” she explained as she wiped down my muscles. I inadvertently flexed, an that seemed to excite her even more, taking far too much time to wipe me down! I said “what if your husband walked in”? “It’s ok” she said, “ I locked the door”! She was so involved in wiping me down, she didn't even realize what she said, but I didn’t miss it. Little by little the subtle clues added up. I wanted the job, but I wanted her more! I definitely relaxed, and became my more normal self. The more I acted like my more self assured dominant self, the more submissive DeeAnna became!
We settled down to eat, DeeAnna sat right next to me, often offering me a chip off her plate, or a bite from her pickle. I took her up on each offering, while we made small talk. I commented on her hair. This seemed to please her greatly! It was tremendously sexy, I could only imagine burying my face in it, drinking in her fabulous scent! When I came out of my fantasy, I realized she had asked me a question! She said “where were you”? I replied “I was thinking about how much I wanted to make love to you!! She coughed , an stuttered “what what did you say”? “Come on I said”, taking the lead now, I set her drink down an took her in my arms, an kissed her deeply! Her mouth responded, an she wrapped her arms around me! My cock immediately responded, an I knew she could feel him, as she pressed against me! This seemed to excite her even more, as she slipped her tongue down my throat. I pulled her sexy ass tight against me! I buried my face in her hair, an smelled deeply! I commented how fantastic she smelled. She buried her face in my neck, kissing me, biting my neck. “I never dreamed when I washed it this morning that someone would be smelling it today”! I reached in, an un clasped her bra. Her luscious breasts spilled into my warm soft hands. Mmmmm, she moaned as I rubbed them, and teased her nipples with twists an pinches. Kissing the entire time, her leg wrapped around me, pulling me into her. She rubbed against my massive hard on, as she whispered in my ear “I want you”!
I broke our embrace, an DeeAnna looked at me quizzically. As I turned to fashion a bed of sorts, from some large boxes. When she saw what I was up to, undid her pants, an slid her hand in. With her free hand, she reached in, & rubbed, twisted, an pinched her taunt nipples. I spied some soft moving blankets, an d****d them all over our makeshift bed. I turned, an picked her up. She was light as a feather, an I laid her in the “bed”, kissing her the whole time. Her hand furiously rubbing her pussy. I replaced her hand with mine, an licked her succulent juices off her fingers. As I replaced her fingers with her breast, she put her fingers in her mouth, an licked off what I missed. I kissed, an licked, an sucked, an nibbled, an twisted with with my teeth gently. As I replaced her hand, I could tell she was close. I pressed firmly, rubbing her clit, bringing her closer an closer I sucked her nipples harder bringing her closer an closer until she grabbed me! Pulling me closer, biting my neck with an intense fury as wave after wave of orgasms ripped thru her body!
Holding each other tightly kissing deeply. “That was wonderful “ she said. I kissed her again, I’ll say”, I replied. She pulled herself away, she pressed a nearby towel against her. As she dressed, as she pulled the towel away, my cum still poured out of her. “I can’t believe how much you came”! “It’s all your fault I said”! “How is it my fault “? “Well, if you weren’t so attractive I wouldn’t cum so much”! She gave a lil laugh, an bent over to kiss me. I grabbed her neck, an pulled her down onto me. “Stop”, she said. We have to get get all this cleaned up. I sighed in agreement, an proceeded to get dressed. I quickly cleaned up our “bed”, an covered up all our tracks. DeeAnna turned to check on my progress, an unlocked the door as I finished. Almost as soon as I finished, Tommi came through the door. DeeAnna kissed Tommi deeply, an I was certain he would taste my cock. I watched as they kissed deeply. I heard her whisper, “I have a treat for you tonight”, an I finally understood. Tommi asked “how is our new employee “, an DeeAnna replied “I think we are going to have to make him permanent!!!

I responded...

I turn and look at you, "Guess who won't be sleeping in their camper, tonight - Reg is coming home with ME! Wait until you see how hard he gets for me, Tom!" I walk back over to you, throw my arms around your neck and kiss you. I feel your hands slide down my back and caressing my ass. I love how bold you are in front of my husband, and I tell you so as I tremble in your arms!
"Let's go to your office, Tom. I don't see any reason to wait until tonight" I kiss you on the cheek and laugh. Turning, I take your hand and nearly drag you out of the shop, down the hall and into Tom's office. You turn me to kiss you, again, before he gets the door closed and our two accounting girls most certainly see you do it. Did you just see them look at each other and smile?!! "Sit in his chair" you tell me and I am quick to walk over and sit. As I turn to face you I see that you have already unbuckled your belt and are unbuttoning your pants. You slide the zipper down as you step closer to me and your cock springs out.
"Show me what you got, honey, I've been wondering how good it was going to feel when you wrapped your lips around my cock - I just didn't know..." You hold me by the head and place the thick head against my lips. " soon I was going to be..." I look up at you as you force the head past my lips and into my mouth. "...Feeling the warmth of your mouth, as I feed you this dick!" I have to open my mouth wide to accommodate your thick head and I just love the taste of my juices on you! I adjust my lips and tongue and realize that you are still growing in my mouth, and hard as a rock.
Tommi comments that I wasn't k**ding about how hard you get for me! You don't respond to that, you just tell him to come over and open my blouse... "I want to play with your wife's nipples while she sucks my dick! Damn this naughty bitch knows how to suck!"
I continue to work more of your cock into my mouth and feel Tom's hands on my blouse, trembling as he unbuttons it, then pulls my bra up, exposing my breasts to you.
You pinch and pull on my nipples, then take my breasts in your hands and feel the weight of them - kneading them in your palms.
I moan in pleasure and my left hand begins caressing your balls while my right hand strokes the rest of your cock that I can't fit into my mouth.
You flex your hips, making me take more in my mouth and pulling harder on my nipples.
"That's it, baby, show Tom how much you love this Dick! Suck harder, I'm about to cum in your mouth." You look at my husband, "Damn, it feels good to have my cock in your wife's mouth! Look how much she craves it! Look how she's taking me deep in her mouth and just can't keep her hands off of me!"
You let go of my breasts and put both of your hands on my head. I look up at you, knowing what's coming and you don't disappoint me! You start by pulling out of my mouth and tell me to lick all over the head and down the shaft to your balls. Without warning you plunge into my mouth and just start fucking my mouth! "Suck it, bitch!" You are loud enough that I know the girls in the office are hearing you! "I'm about to cum, baby!" you announce, and I feel your cum fill my mouth, and over flow my mouth...flowing down your cock and balls and dripping onto my chin and to my tits. I wrap my hands around your cock and love that you are rock hard for ME! You groaned and panted as your orgasm hit you and you felt me sucking you harder, trying to get all of your cum before it escaped my mouth.
You pull out of my mouth and I lick your cock up and down, getting every drop of your precious cum.
"I think your wife likes me, Tom! Hope you like seeing her suckin' my dick, because I think she's hooked!"
You have me stand up and you push my pants down over my hips, with my panties; and I step out of them. You whistle and have me turn around as you run your hands over my legs and ass. You complement me, as you explore, then you take me in your strong arms and lift me up and set me on top of the file cabinet. You take my ankles and spread my legs and pull me closer to the edge as you kiss your way down my inner thighs....

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My Best Friend CameronChapter 4

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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 5

By the end of the summer Cameron's first Starweb game had come to an end. The alliance led by Chandler swept the top four spots. The guide work had gone well and Cameron had a $5000 dollar cushion going into the school year. He persuaded the housing office at WWU to put him in rooms with other older students. A standing order at Flying Buffalo got him a start in a new Starweb game as an EMPIRE BUILDER. The day after Labor Day Cameron packed up his 8 year old Toyota 4-Runner for the trip to...

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My Best Friend CameronChapter 7

My relationship with Haley remained pretty much the same through out the holiday season. We never really talked on the phone like people who are dating, but we went out occasionally, and had sex as often as possible. On New Year's Eve, we went to a small party thrown by some of my friends from college, but we missed the actual count down because we were busy in the back of my car. On my last night home, I wanted to do something nice for Haley. I knew she was nervous about my impending date...

2 years ago
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Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen The Cameo Murder Part 2 of 2

Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 2: Finding Their Way Chapter 6 - "Crossing Arizona" Friday, June 7, 1872 Jessie slowly - regretfully - opened her eyes. "Uhh," she moaned, putting her hand to her head. "Why the...

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My Best Friend CameronChapter 3

During August of 1996, the only thing most Atlanta residents thought about was the Olympics. I didn't have that luxury. For me, almost every waking moment was spent with Cameron, my former best friend, and current lover. When I wasn't with her, I constantly thought of ways to get away from her, while leaving our friendship in tact. By the time the closing ceremonies had rolled around, it had been almost two months since that fateful night when I had stripped her down for the first time,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e19 Cameron Chambers 40 wheelchair freak

Series 9, Episode 19: Cameron Chambers (40), from Swindon An establishing shot of a large mechanical workshop, half a dozen mechanics in blue overalls working on a couple of commercial trucks... And then our host steps into frame ... This week it’s former webcam girl, Kimberly, whose good looks and great figure, are always a welcome sight – especially when, as today, she’s wearing her short-shorts and really showing her legs off. The mechanics in the background certainly approve of her –...

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My Best Friend CameronChapter 5

As soon as I heard the door open, I felt like I'd been hit by a bolt of lightning. I looked at the clock. It read 11:45. Cameron was supposed to meet me at 11:30. How could I have been so fucking stupid? I turned around to confirm my what I already knew. Cameron was closing the door behind her. I noticed once again how good she looked, and my mind was ravished with guilt. Cameron walked around the couch to greet me. "Sorry I'm late," she said apologetically. She glanced down and saw my...

2 years ago
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King Arthur in the Adventures of Cameltoe Part 1

Chapter1 Arthur’s Story Guinevere, my love, my soul mate... My absolute pain in the arse. They say behind every great man there is an even greater woman... Yup, whoever said that was obviously in his wife’s bad book. I mean, I’m never out of Guinevere’s bad book. She may as well be writing a fucking novel. It must have a contents page that reads like a parts manual for one of those fancy new trebuchets. You would think being King would mean that I had the power to do what you want, when I...

3 years ago
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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 4 Cameron Corner to Epsilon Station

I topped off my diesel before leaving the hotel. I didn’t want to be stranded short of Cameron Corner. [Before I go further, I ought to remark that there are five places where there are surveyed right-angle state border intersections. Cameron Corner, surveyed by John Cameron (NSW) and George Watson (Queensland) in 1879, where the east-west border hits South Australia; Haddon Corner, where South Australia ends in the Channel Country; Poeppel Corner, where South Australia, Queensland and the...

4 years ago
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Cameron Finds His GameChapter 2

Passing through the store, Cameron and Leia noticed the night clerk keeping an eye on half a dozen teeners milling around the selection of game machine disks. "Everything OK Jack?," asked Leia. "Under control Leia. All but one of your group are already in the game room. And here comes the last one." This said of a classically nerdy looking kid about 17 entering the store carrying a big canvas tote bag. Leia and Cameron followed him into the room where three others sat around a...

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My Best Friend CameronChapter 2

I hadn't bothered to notice what time sleep had fallen on the two of us. I knew it had been late when our fateful conversation was started, and it was even later by the time we had finished our second bout of love making. On top of that, the sex had been exhaustive, on both the physical and emotional level. For me, the emotion was something new. Cameron was the first sexual partner I had ever really cared about. The thought was kind of shocking to me. For someone who had just completed his...

1 year ago
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My Dream Cameron Edited

Introduction: 13 and 14 Y.O come out and have fun Its was a nice cold winter day. My friend Cameron and I were going to a retreat at with my church. We were pretty good friends. We started out as friends of friends but we grew closer. At the time, I knew I was gay, but I could never find anyone else. Cameron was my dream, he was so hot. He was 13 and I was 14 . We both had a Birthday in march so we were just slightly over a year apart. He was about 5 foot 2 and was very slender. He had...

1 year ago
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Cameraman Tom Daniel

Cameraman Tom & DanielNote: There is a “daughter” version titled “Cameraman Tom & Darlene”Several years ago I was trolling through some P2P files and found my friend!My friend, Stephen (Steve) lives right next door. He is divorced like me. He has a son, Daniel, who visits on some weekends. Steve is a big handsome guy who never seems to date. I always wondered why. Steve and Daniel appeared to be homebodies; I never saw them in the park or riding bikes, the normal family stuff.My...

3 years ago
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Cameraman Tom Darlene

Cameraman Tom & DarleneNote: There is a “son” version of this titled “Cameraman Tom & Daniel”Several years ago I was trolling through some P2P files and found my friend!My friend, Stephen (Steve) lives right next door. He is divorced like me. He has a daughter, Darlene, who visits on some weekends. Steve is a big handsome guy who never seems to date. I always wondered why. Steve and Darlene appeared to be homebodies; I never saw them in the park or riding bikes, the normal family...

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Just a cameltoe tease

Just a cameltoe teaseMy computer one day refused to start and I called Saverio for assistance, an old friend from college who was also a neighbor and some kind of computer genius. He came home and took the machine out with him, telling me that he could solve the matter in a couple of days. I always had a pretty vivid fantasy life and spend more time than I would like to admit masturbating or having sex with other men, especially well endowed black men. Sometimes I even write down my fantasies...

4 years ago
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Lights Cameral Action Take 01

It was a small ad in the local newspaper that generated much excitement. Women wanted for adult films. Talent is more important than looks. Auditions begin at 8am, Monday. Double Dare Films 101 Tremont Street, 7th floor. Boston, MA. 02115 Unfortunately, there was a typographical error in the advertisement. Instead of the ad reading that talent is more important than looks, the ad was supposed to have read that looks is more important than talent. When Dan Carter, the Executive Producer...

3 years ago
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A Camels Heart

It’s been 18 months now since I’ve seen my family and I have no hope yet of going home. The deserts are endless here. The winds blast the sand whenever desert storms rise, but I can see how people have survived here for so long. I don’t know where I am anymore I’ve been a wanderer for so long. My camel’s humps are depleted, and that means one thing to me: he’s dehydrating and will die soon if I don’t get us to an oasis. My skins are all empty, except one, which is only half full of water....

2 years ago
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C is for Camerawoman

"I didn't watch that particular video. I am pretty sure it was yours, though.""There are many available on the internet, Honey. Different days, different camera angles."As the tintinnabulation of coin jingles and slot machine jangles harmonized around us, I observed the woman eating lunch with me at our table in the sandwich market. She was clearly abashed about her online activities."Barb, I think it's cool."She blinked at me, her wavy, red tresses framing her beige cheeks. "You...

1 year ago
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Gangbang Women In Heat A Cameramans Perspective

I had left my apartment that morning and headed for the studio; I was an average looking 35-year-old man, alone after an early night of casual sex with two women from yesterday’s movie. I relished having no family to account to on a daily basis since my divorce. My parents were deceased and my younger half brother Greg didn’t approve of my occupation. Greg was an uptight professional on Wall Street and thought that what I did was sleazy. I, on the other hand, thought I had the best...

2 years ago
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My first digital camers and the man who gave it

When they first came into mainstream usage digital cameras were expensive, the one I refer to was retailing at £600.00. Of course that price put ownership out of my reach, not that I was thinking about buying one, no, this price was mentioned to me by its owner as he showed it to me, when I first met him. I was in Beijing, in China, with my job with BA and at the hotel where we stayed there was an oil convention in which the attendees were also staying. At night down in the basement there was a...

4 years ago
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Camerons Coming of Age Part I

Author’s Note: This is my first story and blah-blah-blah. Next Sunday should be when I do Part 2. Sorry if it’s a bit too long, but it’s sort of part of the style. Don’t worry, it does get to the juicy stuff, eventually. ,) Hope you like it! Cameron and Liz had been friends for about 5 months now. They had met in a Spanish class at the local community college. Liz had caught his eye from the moment she opened the door. She had long, brown hair and brown eyes, a sporty build, softball-sized...

3 years ago
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Decameron XXX

During the making of ‘Middlemarch’ Jane Pearce, the commissioning editor of the BBC, called me to talk about an exciting opportunity. “How do you feel about filming in Italy?” “Great, I love working there.” “Well I’ve had a rather interesting offer from RAI who have just shown ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and really liked the bawdy nature of the tale you told and see it as perfect for ‘The Decameron’. They are talking about a 2 or 3 season deal.” “I don’t know. All the work’s done for you with...

1 year ago
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How ibecame an perversion person

When i was at age of 22 i was already married,but my wife has no interest to sex. He was completely cold,but i catch her ones masturbating late night!when i slept she make herself horny and then she stroking her pussy used fingers but sometimes she use smal thing like hsng from toth brush or lipstick tube. She cumming an absolute silence but i heard ugly noise from her mouth, her tuth made this! Her body made a big curves because her kegs was involwed in some kinda stupor or whatever he staked...

3 years ago
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I Becamed His Sex Toycontinued

Bradley kissed me in the ear and whispered '...I want my bitch to take a good fucking and beg for more. When I come, you gonna beg for more...' I managed to whimper '...noooo...please stop...I can't....take...any....more...' Bradley grind deep into me and held me tight in his vise like grip as I felt his penis throb and explode deep in my bowels. Three, five, seven squirts of semen struck my anal walls as he emptied his load of baby making fluid deep inside of me. Eight ten, was he ever going...

2 years ago
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I Becamed His Sex Toy

Bradley and I was in the library trying to put together our term paper. Bradley stood and walked over to a rack of magazines and came back with a weight lifting mag. He sat down next to me and tossed the mag on the table between us and said '...I wonder what it would be like to feel those muscles ripple under me...' I looked at him and asked '...are you serious, do you really know what you just said...' Bradley looked me in the eye and slid his hand on to my upper thigh saying '...yeah, I know...

3 years ago
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How I Becamell

I got out of jail on a Friday night, got to town about 9pm, picked up a wench I new took her to my place and tried to knock the bottom out of her pussy, which we all know is impossible, but had fun trying. Everything was cool, all the equipment worked as it was supposed to which reaffirmed that I was straight, and not queer.Everybody at work made fun of my hair or lack there of, and after 2 weeks I got my promotion to assistant project manager.About 6 months later I was hanging at a bar/...

4 years ago
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Cameraslut Chapter 1

Camera Slut By Ache2Serve Mrrrpgh... ooohhh...I'm dreaming... good dream... mmmph. Calling. I hear... calling. Uh. Hard. Calling from under the bed... good dream. Good to follow the... Hard. Hrmmm... wet. Good... wet... hard... calling....Something under here. Box. Remember something... something inside. Smooth. Red. Oh. Shiny. Kiss. Lick... remember. Hard. Come.Come. Calling............ Illuminated dimly by the streetlights, the boy walked. Purposefully, straight and true, he...

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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

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A Punishment of Predicaments

"That's the third time you've failed me." His voice was low and filled with fury; as if I had purposefully disobeyed him. I wanted to tell him how hard I really tried, to beg or throw myself at his mercy; but I knew it wasn't done. So I stood silent and trembling, unable to look at him as I felt his presence tower over me. "You brought this on yourself so you can administer your punishment to yourself." Terrified, I braved a brief glance at his face and the look I saw made me wish I could...

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Mobile Camere Ne Chut Dilwayi

HI Dosto,main rohit hu aur 1 software engeeneer hu.mera collage fardiabad main tha.mene 2005 main hain.collage ke final year main hmara fest fest sham ko 4 baje shru hota tha aur raat ke 3 baje tak hota tha.aur jo bande usme participate karte the o 3 din collage ke hostel main rukte the.hmaari class main 1 ladki thi shivani anand.jada sunder nahi thi par class ki topper thi.ha par body figure achi thi uski bahut top class nahi ha par 34-28-32 hogi .uska 1 ladke sath affair chal...

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