Jamie And I: Rise Of The Nympho free porn video

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Jamie and I: The Rise of a Nympho (1)

My name is Matt and growing up, I was the kid that got picked on and bullied. I was the typical geek; smart, I sucked up to my teachers, and was the worst baseball player ever. But I was fast, a daredevil, and a jumper (no not like the movie, I liked to jump off things and jump onto and climb tall objects). I used to be short and extremely thin, but when puberty hit I turned into a beast. I went from 5 foot, 120 to 6 foot, 200 of pretty much pure (and all natural) muscle, without having to lift much. My dick also grew quite a lot; I always thought I was average until everyone hit the showers after gym. I was the laughing stock of the kids gay enough to look. My dick is about 9 inches long and 2 and half inches thick (diameter not circumference). I guess they were just jealous.
My naturally dark brown hair began to lighten making my hair have natural blonde highlights, and my eyes turned from deep brown to hazel. My freshman year I was sought after by the football coach, the basketball, but I disliked both of those sports. The only position I would have wanted to play in football is safety or wide receiver, both positions where filled with all-state level seniors and basketball is just a sport I am flat out not good at. So for my freshmen year I was in no sports, no clubs, and buried myself in my school work.
At the beginning of sophomore year, I still did not have many friends if at all, and I liked to keep to myself. I was smart and in the top 5 of my class. One day I was chilling outside getting ready to run a couple miles on our track to help clear my mind for an upcoming test. That is when I saw two things that I grew to love. One was track as a sport, and the other was a girl. She was smoking hot at 5’ 6”, weighing about 125 pounds. The first thing I noticed was her body, a completely flat stomach with that hint of a 6 pack, an ass that you can only get from running long distance, and a pair of tits that were a perfect fit for her body at a 36 B cup. Her name was Jamie; I knew it already because we were in the same grade since elementary school. I decided to wait till their practice started and run along side of them. As it turns out, I started running circles around everyone on the track. The coach saw me and asked me if I wanted to compete for the team. I said yes, not because I found this sport fun but I really wanted to get to know Jamie.
We had practice Monday to Friday, and I had no idea want event I wanted to do. I picked high jumping because I was always into that kind of stuff since I was little, then 400 meter because I was pretty fast, and I stupidly picked a distance event just to get to practice with Jamie. At my school distance, sprints, and throwers all practice separately. It turns out that I cannot run distances at all. I tried to keep up with the other guys but my lungs and heart were on fire, so instead I ran the fastest pace I could and still be able to finish the run. Luckily this pace was the same as Jamie’s, except I was always shy around girls.
We must have run about 2 miles together before anything was said.
“Hey, I am Jamie. I don’t think we have met before,” she said.
“Yeah…My name is Matt, we have been going to the same school for like 16 years. But we never got to talk to each other,” I replied.
“Wait… are your Matt Connel, that kid that used to get made fun of? I thought you got expelled for jumping off the spiral slide and landing on some kid in Elementary school. I didn’t even recognize you, you look so different.”
“Well, he ran underneath mean and he just ended up with sprained wrist. As for looking different, I guess I have good genes.”
Running next to her I could not help but to admire her body. I absent mindedly stared at her tight round ass that slightly jiggled as she ran, I casually diverted my gaze to her face before she realized I was checking her out. My gaze drifted to her flat stomach up to her breasts, which were flattened by her sports bra, and finally back to her face. She didn’t seem to notice that I was examining her face as we talked about our past and got ot know each other pretty well. I could not help but to look at her facial features. She had very defined cheek bones and a subtle jaw line. Her eyes, blue with a slight hint of grey, and defined by perfectly groomed eyebrows. Finally I looked at her hair; even with it soaked by sweat it still was gorgeous. She has dirty blonde hair, with the tips of dyed blue (one of our school colors). I quickly had to hide the growing erection that was forming in my flimsy track shorts and hoped that she did not realize the effect she was having on me. I found out after 30 minutes of conversing that she was single (thank god), but I knew she had an innocent reputation.
During the conversation I told her that my parents were gone later in the month for a week and invited her over to party. I told her to invite the rest of the team because I didn’t really know them. I smiled from ear to ear when she said she would gladly see me there. With that I got a sudden burst of speed and caught up to the rest of the guys impressing my coach and the team with my determination.
A couple of weeks later at the end of practice the coach opened up the weight room and locker rooms, so that we could lift and then shower and get home. Everyone was busy lifting weights and I just sat and ate junk food. As soon as I finished my food the other kids decided to have a lifting contest where the winners get 50 bucks. The rest of the team set up a tournament style bracket for the girls and the boys.
I easily made my way to the finals where I finally got beat by the football captain. I didn’t really care I was more concerned with the female bracket and if Jamie (who also made it to the finals), would win it all.
Jamie was lifting far over her limit but somehow kept up with the girl next to her. What happened next scared us all. Jamie needed one more rep to win. She extended her slender arms, her face beet red, and moved her arms back to rack the weights. We all heard the clink of the bar landing in the rack. I was the quickest to move, noticing the rolling bar with 45 pounds on each side rolling slowly down, gaining speed, and then dropping towards Jamie. I grabbed the bar and stopped it 3 inches from Jamie’s neck. Everyone gasped, and Jamie’s eyes widening and she started to cry as she ran out the room.
I chased after her and immediately began searching for her. Luckily I heard her crying form within the girls’ locker room. Without even thinking I burst into the room eliciting a couple of screams as a couple of half dressed girls’ hid themselves and ran into a corner. I quickly spotted Jamie in one of the rows of lockers and ran over to her. When she saw that I was there she instantly cheered up and hugged me.
“I was crying because I was so scared. Thank you for saving my life,” She said through her tears. I was shocked at her reaction and I couldn’t get the feel of her face pressed into my chest, and her breasts into my abdomen.
“I will never let you down and always be there for you. I know we have not been close for a long time but…” I started to say before she put her hands behind my back, held me close and kissed me on the lips. No sooner had the kiss started when I heard a female coach yelling at me for being in the girl’s locker room.
As I ran out of the room I heard her say “I can not wait till Saturday, everyone is sure to come now because of your heroics.”
I live in a wealthy part of the town. My house is on the big side, with tons of amenities. It has a large swimming pool (one of those pools you see on Cribs with the rock waterfall) and hot tub, sauna, game room, a projection, a small rock climbing wall, a screen for movies but most importantly since my family and I are avid drinkers a bunch of alcohol. Each of us has a very large, expensive wine collection.
We know someone who owns a brewery and I can drive and buy kegs of the beer without having to be 21. My parents are extremely cool so I called them ahead to tell them I was having a party. They just told me to collect people’s keys who were drinking, put them in the safe, and have a good time. I made sure to lock my parents’ bedroom just so no one would go in there.
Slowly but surely everyone from the team started to show up, but there was no Jamie. I had her cell phone number and was just about to call when I heard the doorbell go off. Finally she made her appearance, and she brought a two of her friends Susie, and Cassi. She looking stunning, wearing a tank top that may have been a tad to small on her and a skirt that went about halfway down her thigh. All night I was trying to get Jamie alone, but her friends stuck right by her side. So I gave up, for a little bit, and decided to have a good time.
The party ended up being pretty normal high school party, lots of people about 50-60, lots of booze, and loud music. I contacted all our neighbors that lived directly around us to let them know we would be getting loud and to call my cell phone to tell me to lower the volume. Except, a cop must have been driving by and thought we were being too loud. Everyone scattered including Jamie’s friends, but Jamie stayed behind. Luckily in my studies I have learned the drinking laws as to get around things like this.
“Hello, officer,” I said.
“Can I see some ID?” he replied. I could tell that I might be in some serious trouble. I decided to go right for my trump card. We both showed him our ID’s. “You are both underage, and in possession of alcohol.”
“Officer, if you want you can give me and my friend a breathalyzer test, and I am sure that it will come back clean.”
“I don’t care if you didn’t drink at all; you were serving alcohol to minors.”
“I mean no disrespect but, I don’t see any minors here besides us two and we have not had a drink yet.” I looked at Jamie and she gave me a reassuring nod. Thank God she had nothing to drink either or I would have been in trouble.
“Well kid how did all these kegs get here and why are all of them empty?” I knew I had him on his toes because he caught no one else at the party except the two sober people. We occasionally heard cars starting and peeling out, each time the cop flinched. I guess he forgot to write down the license plates.
“Well a couple of days ago, my parents had a really big party (the cops know that my parents like having big parties because usually our neighbors call them when they refuse to turn down the music.)
He replied to my bullshit story with, “Well where are your parents now and why have they not returned the kegs yet.”
“They needed to go on vacation the next morning, and I have not had a chance to bring them back. In fact some friends were coming over to help me move them tonight.”
Just then someone from the track team called Jamie and she handed me the phone. I picked it up and it was one of the sober people. He wanted to know what was going on. I told him to come help me bring back the kegs from my parents’ party and he caught on right away. He came in a couple of minutes with another sober team member. They both caught onto my story quick and the cop left once all the empty kegs were loaded into my truck. I had just dodged a bullet; luckily the cop was pretty cool about it. When we got back, I asked “Do you need a ride home, or would you like to wait to see if your friends find their way back here?”
“I guess I will just wait here for a little bit, and if they do not come in like the next 45 minutes then I will take you up on that offer.”
We sat and relaxed outside just looking at the mess that was left for me to clean up. I looked at her realizing that she had a bathing suit on under her clothes, I asked if she wanted to go for a swim.
She said, “Sure I do, I was looking forward to it all night but that dumb cop came at the wrong time.”
“Why don’t we go swimming now, I wouldn’t want you to leave unhappy,” I replied. “I have to go get a bathing suit on but I will be right down”
She smiled ear to ear and started to take off her clothes and strip down to her bathing suit. She casually took off her tank top and skirt showing off the body which I had pretty much seen before. She was wearing a blue bikini that matched her eyes. It was not skimpy by any means, but it covered everything that was important but was nice and snug. Nothing is worse then a girl who buys a bathing suit that sags down and does not fit tightly. This one fit her like a second skin. As she ran down to my pool I got up and went to my room to change.
By the time that I got back down to my pool she was already doing laps and seemed to be very concentrated. I climbed up the waterfall and dove parallel to her and started doing laps with her. As soon as we touched the wall she decided to try and climb up the water fall. There is a bunch of sharp rocks that will cut your cut wide open, luckily she avoided all of them and jumped. I was watching in a stupor from the deep end as she came jumping towards me landing right on my lap. The air was pushed out of my lungs as I was pushed under the water but luckily my balls were spared.
I landed on the bottom of the pool and quickly pushed to gather my breath. Once I had taken a breath I searched for Jamie and saw her swimming rather quickly to the ladder to climb out of the pool. Luckily I was near her, swam and caught her shortly before she grabbed onto the ladder. I turned her around and saw that she had tears streaming down her face.
“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” She cried out, “Every time someone is nice to me and I get close to them I always hurt them.”
“Calm down Jamie, I am okay really. I don’t think I have ever had a beautiful girl that close to me before.” I said with a smile. That really seemed to cheer her up. She threw her arms around me and gave me a kiss lips, that lingered a bit longer then the kiss in the locker room. After this we just decided to unwind in the hot tub. I was so comfortable with Jamie that I had stopped worrying about how to act and was just myself.
“You know, Matt, you are not like most guys. Most guys would be throwing themselves at me. It really gets kind of annoying after a while. I am really surprised that no girls are chasing after you, your name never came up in the locker room until you joined the track team.”
“Well I really tried to keep my nose in the books. I never knew how to act around girls. But around you I know exactly how to act.”
“I know you have heard my reputation as a prude and I just want you to know…” I cut her off there, pulling her into my lap; gently I pull her towards me. My lips met hers and instantly we both succumbed to our emotions and hormones. It seemed like we were both on the same page. Instantly our tongues met and started to play cat and mouse. My hands traveled up her back and slowly they started to untie her top. Finally the knot came undone and our kiss broke for a split second as I took off the top and threw it too the side. I took that split second to admire her perfect tits.
They were perky; it was like gravity had no effect on them. They were round, full, and were capped with light pink nipples that were stood up hard and about the size of a pencil eraser. As soon as the top hit the floor we were back at it. My hands instantly shot up to her tits. Gingerly I played with them, hoping not to cause her main. I rolled her nipples between my thumb and forefinger softly, eliciting a soft sigh. I decided to pinch them harder and she threw back her head and moaned in ecstasy.
Her hands traveled down my chest and slipper under the waistband of my bathing suit stopping just short of my dick.
“We should not be doing this,” she said hesitantly. As she got out of the water I stood up grabbed her and kissed her again hard on the lips, with that kiss all her resistance faded. I led her out of the hot tub and she jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist and kisses me back. I place one of my hands on the small of her back, just above her ass and pressed her closer to me. This caused her pussy to press up against my dick. I started to walk at a pretty quick rate to the pool house. She grabbed her phone just incase someone called her. The walk was really hard not because I was carrying her, but because she kept grinding her pussy back into my crotch. It took every once of control I had not to bust my load right then and there.
By the grace of god I made it to the bedroom laid her on the bed and started to suck on her nipples. Gently biting them as my hand traveled to her bathing suit. I pulled it to the side and was surprised by the fact that she was completely void of hair.
“Do you like it? I keep it waxed. I just hate having body hair” She said.
I could only nod as I went back to rubbing her slit, getting my finger wet to slip into her virgin pussy. I slid my middle finger into her pussy and she was really tight. I started to kiss a trail down her stomach and just to the stop of her slit. She pushed her hips into the air in an attempt to stop the teasing; I quickly yanked off her bathing suit bottom leaving her completely naked. I waited for a few seconds then continued my trail of kisses to her inner thighs. Her hands grabbed the back of my head and tried to push me towards my intended goal. I reached up and pinned her hands down and proceeded to tease her. Until I looked up at her, slowly slipped my tongue out, and licked her from the edge of her asshole to clit. That was the finally straw for her, and as I proceeded to suck and nibble gently on her clit, she screamed out in pleasure. Her back arched and she wrapped her legs around my head pushing my face harder against her pussy.
When she finally came down from her orgasm, she just laid in bed breathing heavily. As I got up and went to kiss her I saw a different kind of Jamie, her eyes were filled with desire. For a second there I was a little bit nervous, what had I gotten myself into.
“Oh Wow Matt, that felt fucking amazing.” Hearing her swear just made the moment even better. I knew I needed to fuck her then and there. I stood up and walked to the side of the bed, not missing a beat she grabbed my cock and licked the entire length of the shaft before popping the head into her mouth and sucking on it.
Wow I thought, she is really good at this, there is no way this is her first time. Slowly she took more and more of my dick until there was nothing left. I grabbed the back of her head and started to fuck her face. She reached down and started to rub her clit with her left hand and massaged my balls with her right. Every time her she moaned the vibration traveled right to my cock bringing me close and close to the edge. She brought me to the brink and over when with a mouth full of cock she stuck her tongue out and started to lick my balls.
“Jamie I am going to cum you better get ready.”
She pulled her head off my cock slowly leaving just the tip inside of her mouth and sucked hard. I could not hold back and released my load into her mouth. I guess she was not ready for so much cum and a lot dripped out the side of her mouth.
I guess Jamie was surprised when I remained hard and erect. I pushed her back on the bed and got between her legs. She grabbed my cock and lined it up to her pussy. I was just about to enter her when her phone started to ring. Neither of us wanted to stop but she reached over and grabbed her phone to check who it was. Of course her friends called her wondering where she was. The phone was loud enough that I could hear her friend, Susie.
“Hey Jamie, where are you?” Susie said.
“I am at Matt’s we are in the Hot tub.”
“Ummm no you are not I am here looking for you. Your supposed to drive me back remember. When the Cops came I ran into the woods. I am looking at the Hot tub now and no one is in there….” She paused, “Oh my God Jamie, are you fucking Matt right now?”
“Well, no I am not you know I would not do that.” As she said that I pushed the head of my cock into her. She winced a little in pain but still had to hold a moan back.
“Well can you guys stop what you are doing, and come get me?”
I was pissed, I knew I was going to get a case of blue balls and Jamie knew it. She looked up at me and mouthed the words I am sorry, as she moved backwards and got out of bed.
“Oh Sure we will be right there.”
“Damn it, Jamie”, I said with a lot more anger than I really felt and I could tell that it hurt her a little. “I am sorry Jamie I didn’t mean to say it like that; I am just going to be in some pain now.”
“Ohhhh, sweetie I am so sorry. Listen I promise I will make it better before I leave.” I never realized up until this point that she was my girlfriend.
“Don’t worry about it baby, I will be okay.”
She slid on her bottoms and put on my shirt and we walked outside to meet Susie. Susie has a whole different body type. She is about 5’5” with 34 B sized breasts. She is a little on the heavier side probably around 155 pounds but it is all in her ass. Her stomach surprisingly is pretty flat but her ass is the real work of art.
You can tell something happened with Susie, her hair was all messed up and she missed a button on her shirt, and the button on her jeans broke off. She was still drunk and but had sobered up in the woods, and my guess is that she was not alone.
“It is really late you guys can just stay here and sleep over. If you guys need to shower I will show you the bathrooms.” I said.
“Thanks a lot, I really need to shower. Ummmm I feel weird asking this but can you do my laundry too my clothes got dirty I uhhh fell in the woods.” Susie stated. I could tell she was staring at my erection and she stuttered a little when she saw how big it was.
“I could really use a shower too.” said Jamie.
“Well follow me girls and I will show you the showers.” I said as I walked to Jamie and held her hand tight. I felt like a celebrity with her hand in mine. I showed Susie to a guest room and told her she would shower and sleep here; I ran to my room and got an extra large tee shirt for her to wear to bed. She yawned when I handed her the shirt and said she was just going to go to sleep and would see us in the morning. We waiting for her to shower and Jamie grabbed her clothes. We went to the laundry room and threw them in a washer.
“Wow, she must have had some fun,” Jamie said as she looked at Susie’s pair of purple silk panties, “There are fresh cum stains all over.”
“Well didn’t you see the way she was dressed when she got back.” I stated.
She threw the panties at me as exclaimed, “I didn’t think she had this much fun .”
She was right, there was cum stains all over the crotch and back of the panties. I just shrugged and threw them in the washer. I was pretty tired at this point and still suffering from the blue balls Susie had inadvertently caused earlier.
I walked Jamie all the way over to my room, which is the farthest room from where Susie was showering and sleeping. My shower was a lot bigger than needed; my parents pretty much made my room another master suite. Since I did not really have friends growing up they wanted my home life to be as good as they could make it.
“Matt we really need to talk and I don’t know if you are going to like what you are about to hear.”
“Jamie, I don’t care about your past, I really really like you and your past is not important to me. I know that was not your first time with a guy before at least giving someone a blowjob.”
“I know but I am scared because…when I get aroused that I lose it. I lost my last boyfriend because of that. I got turned on and did stuff with his best friend. We did not actually go all the way but things did get out of hand. That’s I why I have sworn off having sex of any kind…but you just got to me and I don’t want to lose you.”
“When did this happen?”
“Well it was in 7th grade and both the kids moved so no one found out about it.”
“Well Jamie, you already said I was different and I don’t think you could ever do that to me.” She started to cry and hugged me.
“Ohh Matt, I know that its pretty soon but I…I…love you.” Jamie stammered out saying it pretty quickly.
“I love you too Jamie. Now I’ll go turn the shower on for you”
I went into the shower and turn on all the shower heads. There are 7 so you get hit with water from all sides. It is incredibly relaxing. When the temperature was just right by her standards I turned around to get her and she was standing right behind me. I jumped no knowing that she was there. I saw that little glimmer in her eye that I saw before.
“Do not think that I have forgotten about your little problem.” She said as she reached down and grabbed my still hard cock, which I honestly had almost forgotten about. “I guess it actually is a pretty large problem.”
She pushed me into the shower; it can fit like 3 people, and followed me in. Instantly our clothes got soaked through and just as quickly they were off. I pushed her up against the wall my cock rubbing against her abs. She grabbed onto my shoulders and pushed herself up so that ground against her pussy. I was using all my will power not to shove my entire dick into her right then. I knew she never had sex before so I figured I would let her be the one to control the pace. She reached down and positioned my cock in front of her soaking wet pussy. She slowly eased herself onto my dick. Inch by inch I entered her. Luckily I had already jizzed once before or I would not have lasted through this. With 3 inches left of my dick for her to take she grabbed my ass and pulled me towards her, forcing the rest of my cock into her.
“God I feel so full. Give me a second to get used to this, and then I want you to fuck my brains out.” Jamie said in a whisper.
In all my dreams I never though sex would feel like this. Her pussy was incredibly tight, wet, and felt so soft. After getting her approval I slowly moved in and out of her. Very slowly at first so that she would get used to it. Gradually I picked up speed, she started to rock her hips into me and moaned pretty loudly. Even though Susie was across the house I hoped she would not hear what was going on. Jamie must have been a little nervous to because when she started to moan a little bit louder she sucked and nibbled on my neck, to keep them from getting too loud. That just turned me on more, making me fuck her harder. With each thrust the sound of my balls slapping against her ass got louder and louder.
Suddenly Jamie screamed, “Oh fuck, I am so close to cumming. Don’t stop Matt, fuck me harder.” I did not need any encouragement at all. I rammed into her as hard and as fast as I could.
“Holy shit I am cumming.” She said and I felt her cunt constrict on my cock trying to get as much cum out of me as it could.
I lost control and thrust into her hard and deep one last time as I emptied my seed into her. She sighed and went limp in my arm when she came down from her orgasm.
I carried her out of the shower, dried her off, and helped her into a pair of panties and one of tee-shirts for her to sleep in. I put her down on my bed (it’s a king sized), and tucked her in. She looked up at me and smiled. I cuddled next to her for a couple of minutes to let her fall asleep.
Once she fell asleep I kissed her forehead and said, “I am going to check to make sure Susie is okay, she seemed like she was still drunk. I don’t need someone to get hurt especially after the cop came.” I was genuinely concerned. There is no way I was going to get through all this just to get in trouble because someone slipped in the shower.
It had been sometime since we dropped Susie off at the guestroom, but the shower was still on. The door was open a crack and out of habit I pushed the door open without knocking. The room was empty so walked over to the bathroom. Just then the shower turned off. I did not know what to do and I panicked. I could not think of anything to do besides hide. Susie came out of the bathroom with just a towel around her hair. Now, I am a red-blooded male, even if I have a girlfriend I could not help but to look her over.
Her chest sagged a little bit but not too much. Her stomach was flat but you could tell her abs were still soft. She had a neatly trimmed bush, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her ass. It was huge, round, and most importantly smooth, none of the cottage cheese looking skin. She flopped on the bed and called one of her friends on the phone. To bad I could only hear one side of the conversation.
“Hey Cassi, what happened to you? Oh good im glad you got home safe. I am sleeping over Matt’s house it is too late to drive home. I am okay, actually better than okay. Me and some kid in the woods had a nice fuck. No he didn’t have a condom but he pulled out just in time and sprayed his load all in my bush, it was sooo hot. OH but I did let him cum in my ass. Yeah, I let him fuck my ass, but that’s only because he was not that well endowed. But thinking about it makes me soaking wet. You have no idea,” she said as her hand ran down over her stomach, through her pubes and finally touching her clit. “Listen, I uhhh, have to go. OH SHUT UP, like you aren’t touching yourself.” Cassi must have fallen silent. “Exactly, Ill talk to you tomorrow maybe you can stop by again, I need to tell you something.” She put down the phone and immediately began to rub her tits. She was wasting no time; I guess she was afraid that I or Jamie would see her. She sucked on 3 of her fingers and rammed them into her pussy. Using her thumb she massaged her clit, she threw her head back and moaned.
I was mesmerized, I had my chance to leave but I just could not take it. I have the hottest girl in school sleeping in my bed right now, and there I stood watching another girl. I was just about to leave when she opened her eyes, and looked right in my direction. Oh shit, I thought I was caught; instead she rolled over stuck her nice ass in my direction and kept on fucking herself. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small vibrator. This girl was really prepared. She pushed the dildo into her pussy pulled it out and then shoved it up her ass. Without even realizing it my hand moved to my dick and I started to stroke it. Together we neared orgasm my hand going at the same speed as hers. I knew I was not going to last much longer so I reached for the nearest thing to catch whatever cum I have left, it just so happened to be Susie’s clean panties. I wrapped them around my dick and the feeling of the silk made the pleasure even greater. She kept going faster and faster
“Hmmm fuck, I am going to come.” She said rather loudly, but I could tell she was trying to be quiet. Suddenly she stuck a 4th finger into her pussy and could not hold back her orgasm anymore. This time her efforts to stay quiet failed and she screamed out in pleasure, and I suppressed my moans as I came into the crotch of her panties. As she laid there catching her breath I snuck out. I took one quick look back and committed that sight to memory; her laying there out of breath with her ass in the air chest on the bed and a dildo still in her ass.
I slipped right next to Jamie and she cuddled up against me placing her head on my chest and her hand on drifted under my boxers and rested just above my soft dick. I slowly drifted off to sleep. I could not believe what had just happened between me and her. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would not only be going out with the hottest girl in school but would be banging her as well. I could say for the first time in my life I was truly happy.


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I grew up in the dessert, sand, rock, dust, tumble weeds. I was used to the dry heats that spiked to upwards of 120*F in the summer. But I loved the deep woods country of Tennessee. My parents used to drops us off here for a month during summer vacation to stay with our grandparents. I loved the smells and the fact that it was green.My sister now owned the ranch my grandparents once lived on and like I did when I was a k** I was here for the summer with jamie. It was hot and it was muggy,...

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I was a sexually frustrated man. With an ex-wife who had ripped my heart out and being naturally shy, I resorted to masturbation as a last resort. Unfortunately, my sexual drive seemed to increase and it got harder and harder to become excited over pictures, movies and even stories such as this one. After several years in the Army I ended up going to University in San Francisco. Tired of Rosie Palm and her five sisters, I ended up walking the streets after dark for inspiration. And that is how...

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Jamie Chapter One

Jamie walked into her small apartment and flicked on the light to the main room, her purse tucked under one arm. Kicking her black high heels off, she sighed with relief. She dropped her bag on a nearby console table, grabbing her cell phone out of it before making her way to the bedroom directly off the living area. She stood in front of the mirrored closet doors and examined her figure as she disrobed.   At five feet ten inches tall, Jamie was taller than many of her female friends, and...

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Jamie Chapter 1 Kelseys Sexual Awakening REPOSTED

Jamie walked into her small apartment and flicked on the light to the main room, her purse tucked under one arm. Kicking her black high heels off, she sighed with relief. She dropped her bag on a nearby console table, grabbing her cell phone out of it before making her way to the bedroom directly off the living area. She stood in front of the mirrored closet doors and examined her figure as she disrobed. At five feet ten inches tall, Jamie was taller than many of her female friends, and even...

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Jamie Chapter 1 Kelseys Sexual Awakening REPOSTED

  Jamie walked into her small apartment and flicked on the light to the main room, her purse tucked under one arm. Kicking her black high heels off, she sighed with relief. She dropped her bag on a nearby console table, grabbing her cell phone out of it before making her way to the bedroom directly off the living area. She stood in front of the mirrored closet doors and examined her figure as she disrobed.   At five feet ten inches tall, Jamie was taller than many of her female friends, and...

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They hadn't been married long. Still in the newlywed stage of things. They had, however, settled into a happy routine. Joe's only wish for Jamie - that she be a little more demanding in the bedroom. Jamie was shy, almost timid, not sure of herself when it came to asking for what she wanted. While making love, Joe would try to bring Jamie out of her shell, get her move vocal and involved. Did she like to be touched here? What position felt best? Jamie would try but it was still difficult for...

1 year ago
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Jamie Searching for Answers

Jamie in the rush of time, jogged the way that complimented his athletic abilities, arrived at James greeting by the University entrance. James had observed his steps were perfectly spread, his body near pedestrians would watch him jog in awe of Jamie’s athletic body, where his sexual attractiveness aura swiped the hearts of many. Jamie had arrived breaking no sweat and showed no signs of fatigue by face and body. James made the first move and gave Jamie a bear hug. “Hey, thought you was going...

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Jamie Chapter 2 A Squirt Adventure

***** several hours later ***** Jamie woke with a start. She blinked groggily and rubbed her fingers across her eyes as the events that had unfolded over the previous night came flooding back into her mind. She glanced down at Kelsey, who was still laying close to her side and smiled softly. ‘Who knew that this is how the evening would have gone?’ Jamie thought, watching her friend sleep peacefully beside her. She gently pushed Kelsey’s hair back behind her ear and admired her soft face,...

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Jamie Chapter 3 Workplace Discipline

He was sitting behind his large black desk, the fingers on one hand pressed to his temple as he leaned over the paperwork strewn across the work surface. The sleeves on his crisp white dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, the top two buttons undone, and his tie discarded on the chair across from him. He had been reviewing a contract all afternoon, and it must have been a tough one because his mood was even worse than normal and his normally well-kempt dark brown hair was slightly...

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Jamie and Jasmine Part IV My Sons Budding Breasts Part VI

Jamie and Jasmine, Part IV; My Son's Budding Breasts, Part VI By Sandy Brown Jamie was walking down the beach, alone with his thoughts. He was wearing a modest one piece swimsuit, cut high in the hip, to show off his best features, his legs. Ever since that first time when he decided to shave his legs in Jasmine's shower, he had kept his legs nice and smooth. He was wearing a white baseball cap, and gold hoop earrings. He was wearing 'beach' makeup - tinted sunscreen, waterproof...

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Jamie By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 2000 Being a four foot, ten inch tall boy at the age of thirteen isn't easy. I got teased a lot and I've never been able to put up with all of the short jokes. Worse yet, the doctor's told Mom that I couldn't be expected to grow more than two to three inches even with my upcoming growth surge. I was stuck as a midget forever. Tom Morris and George Harlon had just finished their daily round of abusing me, you know the routine; "Does your...

1 year ago
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Jamie Judgement Calls

“So, I come back to find you shoving your cock into some lad off the bend. Especially since I’ve come back from “Mass Debate Course” which was giving me a hard time, I was checking if my love bunny was going to have some with me when I got back, but looks like he has found someone else to shag.” Tom belted out to James on first appearance. “Look, just finish him off and get out, I’m going to jerk in the shower.” “Wait!” James cried out. “It’s Jamie, you know, the one you liked at the courts.”...

2 years ago
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Jamie and Jasmine

Jasmine and Jamie By Sandy brown Tragically, Jamie's mom died of cancer when he was very young. His father Bob was a good man, and tried his best to be both a father and a mother to Jamie, but he was a successful investment banker, always pre- occupied with business, and travelled a lot, and so, in spite of the absence of a mother, they were never very close. Also, Bob was something of a "man's man," an alpha male in a tough, competitive world, and even though he loved Jamie (a...

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Jamie Forever in the heart

There was a guy, who was young and was the age 18. He was brought into the world of sexual fantasies. This began then. On his 18th birthday, it was all a surprise. He appeared "hot" among his peers. His name was Jamie. He had cute and hot; his chest was flat and hug-dreamable and finally, within his boxers would be a humungous monster that spits out white mucus. Jamie woke up in his bed after a long, hard day the day before. Today was his 18th birthday. He recalled a weird yet erotic dream that...

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Jamie edited

I met Jamie at a track meet. I went to watch my friend Michelle compete and cheer her on. I ended up spending the whole day eyeballing the cute little blonde with the perfect ass. As it turns out, she was actually one of Michelle’s teammates, so I begged her to introduce me. Eventually Michelle gave in and introduced me to Jamie. I spent the rest of the meet with the both of them, cheering them both on for every event. Michelle told me I was making a fool of myself, but I didn’t care. I...

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Jamie makes a new friend part 1

When Jamie, left her New York City loft, she left in a gleeful mood, because she just had the roughest and hottest sex she ever had in a long while with her lover. The second she got out of her building, she tightened her coat up and pulled out her umbrella. “Today is supposed to be beautiful! Not a damn down pour.” though Jamie, as she recalled the weather predictions for the evening and into tomorrow, “73 they said, id say it is about 57 out right now!” she was screaming in her mind. None...

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I met Jamie at a track meet. I went to watch my friend Michelle compete and cheer her on. I ended up spending the whole day eyeballing the cute little blonde with the perfect ass. As it turns out, she was actually one of Michelle’s teammates, so I begged her to introduce me. Eventually, Michelle gave in and introduced me to Jamie. I spent the rest of the meet with the both of them, cheering them both on for every event. Michelle told me I was making a fool of myself, but I didn’t care. I...

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Jamie was a good kid Jamie was a good kid. She graduated from high school, the first in her family. Her older sister hadn?t been seen for about a year, and her father; he was gone since before she could remember. Her mom persevered, working long hours so her children could have a future. Then, one day, she decided not too. Jamie could remember the day a social worker stopped by to tell her that her mom died of an overdose. Jamie flipped out, mostly from panic, and started yelling at...

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Jamie and them

Introduction: A wife brings her two daughters into her house. I had married my wife even though she had a problem we only reluctantly talked about. When she was thirteen she was in a car accident and as a result couldnt have children. Jamie was 5 4 about a hundred twenty pounds with red hair and b-cup breasts. She kept in shape due to working out, since we had enough time for it. We had been married for about thirteen years. I knew that not having children of her own was starting weigh heavily...

2 years ago
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Jamie and them

We had been married for about thirteen years. I knew that not having children of her own was starting weigh heavily on her shoulders. After a heavy round of fucking Jamie lay smiling next to me in bed. “You seem happy,” I told her. “We have a solution to our problem at work,” she said. “What is it?” I asked Jamie. She worked at a biomedical company. They did various experiments with animals and such. “You’ll find out in a couple of days when you return from your trip this weekend,” said...

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Jamie Lynn Spears Irsquom a Big Girl Now

It was the middle of the night and Jamie Lynn Spears was lying in bed with the new teddy bear she had gotten for her thirteenth birthday. The bear had been a sort of gag gift as Jamie Lynn had spent the past few months telling everyone who would listen how she was a teenager and she was going to be a big girl now. The bear was a special order gift with a lot of different functions and was nearly as tall as Jamie Lynn. It had a large nose that would move around in slow circles like it was...

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JAMIE tragic teen sex irony

During one late spring afternoon while I was riding with Kmart Cowboy inside his dune buggy, speeding around the red-rocked hills of southern Utah, my hussy-hustling friend boasted to me about his recent sexual exploits. “You wouldn’t believe how much ass I’m getting these days,” Kmart Cowboy blatantly stated. “I have so many girls calling me, I can't keep up with screwing all of them. I should give some over to you so you can keep their pussies warm for me.” “Be my guest,” I...

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Jamie and Cindy Naked In SchoolChapter 4B

The punk girls were back and this time they were all wearing black t-shirts and short skirts with chains and zippers on them. Mindy's t-shirt said "my pussy can beat your pussy" below a drawing of that mean looking cat, who this time was wearing boxing gloves, and her skirt was hot pink. Kell's t-shirt said "I want you to know that even though I am talking to you, as soon as you leave I will be making fun of you" and her skirt was divided horizontally between black cloth above and a...

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Jamie and Cindy Naked In SchoolChapter 4A Thursday Morning Before School

It was a wonderful morning. I just lay in bed luxuriating in the knowledge that my brother wasn't here. And wouldn't be here. No pretending to be asleep, no cringing as the bed creaked when he climbed in, no laying in a wet spot of his dripped stuff waiting for him to leave so I could get cleaned up and dressed. The only one in bed with me was someone I chose to be in bed with, Jamie. She had her arm across my chest, one hand curled around my left breast, the thumb on my nipple. Wow. If I...

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Jamie and Lilys First Time

Lily was in 18 first year of highschool. Lily had golden hair with black highlights, nicely tanned body and was very fit. Lily was somewhat of a good student getting mostly A's and was very active in sports . Lily seemed to be perfect, perfect body, face,grades, and her voice was one of an angel. So anyway, Lily went to dance with her bestfriends, at the dance was a mix of schools all private. Lily went to an all girls school so she didn't meet many guys and chose this dance as a good way to...

First Time
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I met Jamie at a track meet. I went to watch my friend Michelle compete and cheer her on. I ended up spending the whole day eyeballing the cute little blonde with the perfect ass. As it turns out, she was actually one of Michelle’s teammates, so I begged her to introduce me. Eventually Michelle gave in and introduced me to Jamie. I spent the rest of the meet with the both of them, cheering them both on for every event. Michelle told me I was making a fool of myself, but I didn’t care. I...

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Jamie and Jenna Siblings in Love

Jamie I'm Jamie Jackson, 17 years old, a high school senior, son of Tom and Virginia Jackson. Dad is a successful architect, and Mom is an English professor at the local college. I have a beautiful sister, Jenna; Jenna is 15 years old, and a high school sophomore. Our folks are fairly well-to-do; we live in a large home, designed by my dad and me. Yes, I'm a budding architect as well. Our house has some oddities, designed in by Dad and me. For instance, Jenna and I share a bathroom, which...

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Jamies Descent Part 7

Chapter 7Vanessa smiled to herself as she viewed the edited version of the filmshe had made of Jamie getting fucked. Jamie obviously had no idea thatshe had been filmed but Vanessa was already very pleased with theresult. This film together with a similarly edited version of Jamie'sfirst session with Fiona would form the basis of the marketing plan forJamie. Vanessa knew that there would be a number of existing clients who wouldcream themselves at the prospect of a session with Jamie already...

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Jamie and Lilys First Time

Lily was in 18 first year of highschool. Lily had golden hair with black highlights, nicely tanned body and was very fit. Lily was somewhat of a good student getting mostly A's and was very active in sports . Lily seemed to be perfect, perfect body, face,grades, and her voice was one of an angel. So anyway, Lily went to dance with her bestfriends, at the dance was a mix of schools all private. Lily went to an all girls school so she didn't meet many guys and chose this dance as a good way to...

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Jamie loves to get raped

“Get home safe young lady” the bartender yelled as she left the bar the local dive bar. “I will thanks” Jamie yelled back as she pushed the door open and left. It was a cold night and Jamie was dressed appropriately for the weather, wearing a long coat over her turtleneck sweater and a long skirt that went past her calves. With not much skin showing she had expected to make the short walk back to her apartment without incident. It had been a slow few weeks for her and...

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Jamies Descent Part 2

Chapter 2 'That's it, baby,' Vanessa purred as she snaked her hips forwards andback, gently sliding the strapon in and out of my mouth. I could nolonger think rationally, as any self control I still had slipped away andtrance like, my eyes closed, I sucked the rubber phallus in and out of my lips. 'Baby, you love this don't you?' Vanessa's voice took on a hypnotictone, gently encouraging me to take more and more into my mouth. I was too far gone with lust and desire to even register the...

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Jamie makes a new friend part 2

(Relapse of last story) As Jamie, was busily licking all of Chelsea’s cum from her hands, face and tits, Chelsea was laying on the couch her semi-hard cock laying on her thigh and her big breasts rising and falling with each intake of breath she take…never before had she cum so much at once. While she was recollecting herself, she looked towards the door, only to find a beautiful red headed woman sitting there, hand down her pants and the other in her shirt, fondling her rock hard...

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Jamies Descent Part 1

Jamie's Descent Nikkie SilkChapter 1What did we do before social media? How did we manage to get through the day without that endless stream of dirty jokes, funny photographs, gossip and links to dodgy websites that now fill our lives? Yeah, yeah, I can hear you grumble. Get on with it, I can hear you say. Well, dear reader, it was one of those links that started me down the road to... oh, you'll find out soon enough. I was 18 and I had just come down to London from my hometown in Norfolk after...

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Jamie Gets Help

Jamie My legs ached from the wishbone he had created, pushing them apart with his knees as though to see which side broke off from the body. He pulled out of me with a grunt. His cum was leaking out of my pussy while the last few drops of it dripped slowly from the head of his cock onto my belly. We both stared at the tip, with its cream pooling and dripping; our minds were a million miles away or maybe just a few feet away. At one time, I would be licking those last drops with my educated...

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Neighborhood Nympho

                                     Neighborhood Nympho                                       by                                        Jethro Jodhpur                                                                         Chapter 1        Yes, I knew what I was getting when I married Charlie. On our honeymoon I turned a blind eye as she picked up guys out by the pool and let them take her to their rooms so they could bang her brains out. By the end of the first week she was taking on...

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Jamie Smiles and Sucks

When I was in blonde hair. Blue-eyed. And oh so eager to please. I remember my first date with Jamie. I met her at her dorm. She was wearing a tight white sweater and even tighter blue jeans. I had promised her a movie and then a bit of bar hopping. We got to the movie a bit late and she said she’d rather just go listen to music in the bars. So we did. The first bar we went to was too crowded, she said. The second bar was too dark. The third was too crowded again. “What really are you looking...

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Jamie was new in the apartment complex, but I’d seen his face in the papers, he was a politician. He was young, bright, energetic and seemingly too busy to ever date. I watched him for a few weeks, hoping to see some sign that he was gay, but the only person I ever saw him with was his campaign director, Sheila. One Sunday morning, I was doing laundry in the small facility allotted to the four apartments in the complex that included mine. I’d just thrown in some whites, and was folding a small...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

4 years ago
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Jamies Descent Part 5

Chapter 5Fiona loosened the ball gag from my mouth and I gulped in lungfuls ofair. My jaw hurt like hell and my arse felt like it was on fire and Islumped straight to the floor. Immediately, I felt tears spring from myeyes as I began to realise what had just happened to me. I am not sure Icould tell you what I felt at that moment; physical pain for sure, andburning humiliation. Mixed somewhere in there was also the memory thatat some point I had stated to enjoy what Fiona was doing to me. In...

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Jamie and Kenny Chapter 1

It was the death of our father that brought me and my sister closer together. From the day that our father died, we vowed to each other that we love each other and we won't disappoint each other ever, and I promised myself I would keep that vow. It wasn't until one night that our mother went out on a girls night out with her friends (even if she is pretty old she still does it). On that night, everything became a dream. Our mother left at about 6:30 pm, and left us with nothing...

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Jamie and Liz Have Fun in the ParkChapter 2

Liz was mortified. She had been caught about to lick this woman’s shit. She didnt know what to do. Well She guessed an apology would start. “I’m sorry.” She said. Taking a deep breath she continued, “ I was just so horny i don’t kno-” She was cut off abruptly. “ I dont care about that.” The red haired goddess said. “You shouldn’t put shit in your mouth it could make you sick.” She was stunned. it seem the young woman was concerned about her. She took a closer look and noticed the woman’s...

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Jamie gets stretched

Meet Jamie. A curious, 20 year old, man. By a cursory glance, nothing remarkable stood out. He wasn't very smart or incisive. In fact he was borderline dimwitted. Small of stature, he stands at only about 5'7” and not a hint of muscle definition on him. He did have one thing to his advantage, though. He just didn't know it. He was wide-hipped and carried a fat bottom, that every girl secretly envied him for. To him it was natural and never once thought of it as a sexual organ to entice a lover....

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Jamie and them 2

“Come on lets get you cleaned up,” I said. I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. I gently laid her in the bathtub and ran some warm water. I washed her little body, running my hands up and down it. I was getting aroused again. I stood up and finished undressing. She looked up at me scared. “I’m not going to hurt you like I did before.” I reached down and massaged her pussy. I cleaned the blood and semen off of it. Like Jamie she had a clit that was easy to find. I brushed against it...

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Jamie and Jackie go shopping

When Miss Robins and Mother had seen Jackie and I being passionate and they heard me ask Jackie where he'd purchased his lingerie, I think I'd put an idea in Miss Robins' head. I didn't know that she'd get sexually stimulated by taking Jackie and I to purchase some lingerie together. Miss Robins asked Mother if she might take Jackie and I to a lingerie store called Tammie's Intimates in a nearby town. Mother was not familiar with the store so she was only too happy to allow Miss Robins...

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Lydia The Nympho

Michael Boyd and his girlfriend Lydia met over a month ago.  Michael couldn’t believe how sexy she was.  The girl liked to have sex all the time and even got turned on when they were out.  Michael was always excited when she wanted to have sex in public which was most days.  Lydia was beautiful and got a lot of attention from men.  She was a looker and liked the attention.  Men whistled at her and made derogatory comments which made her smile.Sometimes, Michael felt she would put on a show for...

2 years ago
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Jamie was a great girlfriend in every way except that she wouldn8217t swallow

I started dating my high school sweetheart in October, right as the basketball season started. Jamie and I had good sex; for high schoolers. I was a senior, and she was a sophomore. I enjoyed every aspect of our sex life mainly because the things that I was doing with her, were all firsts. She was the first girl I fucked doggy style. She was the first girl I ever went down on. She eventually was the first girl I ever fucked in the ass. She was also the first girl to ever give me a...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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Jamie They say you always remember your first love, and I sure do. Jamie. We both lived in the same neighborhood, and became part of the group of kids who hung out together whenever the opportunity came up. I guess we were lucky, in a way. We were part of the last generation of kids who were sent outside to play on their own, no adults hovering over us. We were expected to handle everything short of drawing blood on our own, and we did. Now, I know you probably means...

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The Reluctant Nympho

In the second floor boys' room, just as I had been told, there it was in thick, black marker: "Liz Is a NYMPHO!!!!" is what it said. I knew who it referred to, Elizabeth Grant, one of the prettiest and snootiest girls in the whole damn school, a ball-breaker and ice queen who absolutely and positively never, ever put out, but there was a rumor she had. It was kind of funny thinking of her as sex mad. And my mind recalled what she looked like at the beach, a real killer. She wore a series of...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Shameless Nympho

I can't get enough. I can have multiple big tight orgasms, when I get really excited. I especially like having 3 or 4 men take turns fucking me, driving their cocks deep inside me and shotting their cum off. It thrills me to orgasm with a really long tight pussy squeeze, while they are rubbing their dickheads inside my vagina. My BF is bi, and he is very kinky. He will basically fuck anything. He likes to watch me take BB cocks up my ass. So we sometimes go out to a black jazz club to pick up...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Jamie and Julene 1 Humble Beginnings

Jamie and Julene: Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings By Luneth "I cannot believe the two of you! How is this possible?! I couldn't have been gone for more than forty-five minutes!" Pamela van Deffen screamed at her stepsons. Joe and James fidgeted shamefully, casting apprehensive glances at the ruined vase and soiled carpet. "You two are just too rambunctious! There will be a punishment, oh ho! Just you wait! I'm going to take my time and think of the grandest, most exquisite,...

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