Jamie And Cindy - Naked In SchoolChapter 4B free porn video

The punk girls were back and this time they were all wearing black t-shirts and short skirts with chains and zippers on them. Mindy's t-shirt said "my pussy can beat your pussy" below a drawing of that mean looking cat, who this time was wearing boxing gloves, and her skirt was hot pink. Kell's t-shirt said "I want you to know that even though I am talking to you, as soon as you leave I will be making fun of you" and her skirt was divided horizontally between black cloth above and a pink tartan below. The dividing line was slightly skewed so there was more black than tartan on the left side. Kay's t-shirt said "I have nothing to say" and her skirt was solid black, and Dee's t-shirt said "you are the last person I would want to hurt, but you're still on the list" and her skirt was a green tartan with black trim. Did they coordinate their clothes the night before?
They were watching us with some amusement, although the moment Mindy saw me looking at her, she pouted, and mouthed, "when's my turn?" I think I'm going to have fun with her when it's her turn in the program. Hmm, why wait?
Jamie stood and stared into my eyes. Both of us had hard little nipples by then. I almost changed my mind about helping Jimmy, but then I heard someone clear their throat. Mindy, I noticed, looked most annoyed that someone spoke up before she did. It was Jimmy, of course.
I put my wrists on Jamie's shoulders and motioned to Jimmy with one hand knowing Jamie couldn't see me doing it. Then I turned Jamie to face him. This should be interesting, because I could feel Jamie's shoulder's tensing up under my hands.
He stepped close to her, "Um, Jamie, I'm sorry. I thought that with everyone making requests that my not making a request would be different, that you would think better of me because I wasn't trying to grope you using The Program as an excuse. I screwed up big time." He paused to try to gauge her reaction, I guessed. "If you don't mind, could I make a request? If you don't want me to, I'll understand." He stopped and stared at her, then looked at the ground. The boy was embarrassed! From his brash actions before I thought him beyond that. Maybe he did like her.
I leaned forward until my mouth was beside her ear, "Say yes," I whispered.
Startled, she asked, "Yes?" And tried to turn towards me. I still had my hands on her shoulders and so I held her steady as she twisted her neck to look at me.
"Oh, thank you!" Jimmy said and stepped closer. "I would like to touch your breasts again," he said, "if you don't mind."
She jerked her head back to face him and I knew she was about to tell him off. A bit more forcefully I said, right in her ear, "Shut up!"
She tried to face me again, but I held her straight. As I had hoped, Jimmy, clueless male Jimmy, was too relieved at what he saw as being forgiven to notice the little byplay of my manipulating Jamie into giving him that impression. He gently stroked her nipples, which I gleefully saw, immediately popped out into stiff little nubs. Jamie was trapped and knew it. She couldn't suddenly tell him stop without causing a major scene and attracting a teacher. Just not liking a specific someone touching her wouldn't be a good enough reason to deny a request.
"Come on," I whispered in her ear, "you know you want him to do that. And its certainly nicer having him do that instead of some loser who just wants to grope as many girls as he can. Besides, you have the rest of the year to get him to prove he means what he says, why not take advantage of him in the meantime? God knows, guys take advantage of girls all the time."
I stepped away from Jamie, then, and smiled at Mindy, arching my eyebrows in a query. She grinned and promptly stepped over. "Well," I said as she came closer, "does someone want to make a request?"
She stopped in front of me and smiled, "Bitch."
"Takes one to know one," I said lightly.
She tweaked my nipples, which were already hard. Oh, that felt good, and I half closed my eyes in appreciation of it.
She began running her palms over my breasts. "How did you meet Jamie, I mean, you're not related are you?"
"She saved my life. And we're not related."
"She saved your life?" Mindy was a little skeptical.
I opened my eyes and stared into hers. "Yes. And I don't want to talk about it." My nipples were flat again, and Mindy noticed. She pinched them lightly between her fingers trying to tweak them out again.
"Oh. Um, where do you live, which complex?"
"D-4, Apartment 12.
"Is it close to Jamie's place?"
"It is Jamie's place."
"You're living with Jamie?"
"Yes." I was starting to get annoyed at this questioning. "Look, I'll save you a little time here. I'm living at Jamie's place for the rest of this year." Or at least until they figure out I'm a slut and throw me out, but I wasn't going to volunteer that bit of information. "In fact, I'm sleeping in her room, in her bed, with her. No, we didn't know each other before this happened. Yes, her mother knows that we're doing things with each other. Yes, I have a family. No, this wasn't their idea. Yes, they're living here at Blue Water. No, I do not want to talk about them, nor why I'm staying with Jamie. No, this wasn't Jamie's mother's idea either.
"And I think you've had quite enough time and it's someone else's turn, unless you have any other questions you want to ask." I was staring daggers at her. Damn her for ruining a good mood.
"As a matter of fact I do," she said, her hands still on my breasts. "Would you go to the dance with me tomorrow night? If you don't have something else already planned, that is."
I was stunned. I stared at her a moment, my mind racing. Wow. Hmm, this could work out well. "Depends," I said, glancing over at Jimmy and Jamie, who were too occupied in each other to notice us. "If you'll tell that clueless numbskull Jimmy to ask Jamie out we can go doubles." She opened her mouth, but I cut her off, "I mean later, not where Jamie can hear. It has to look like his idea, and you have to clue him in on how a girl really wants to be treated." I gave her a hard look. "I'm serious. I want her to think he's the best thing since sliced bread." She glared at me, but I glared right back. "Otherwise, this is the closest you'll ever get to either of us in bed." I smiled, a real sly smile. "Play your cards right and you could get us both at a sleepover." I could see the light dawning in her eyes as the possibilities began to stack up.
"Okay," she said cautiously, "but if you're yanking my chain..."
I laughed lightly, "Honey, the only time I yank someone's chain is after I've wrapped it around their neck. You get clueless Jimmy up to speed and I'll make you think you've died and gone to heaven."
"I'm not screwing him," she said, her tone flat.
"I don't want you to, and neither does he. I just want him educated on how a girl expects to be treated. I figure you four can certainly give him the low down on how a girl wants to be treated as opposed to how he thinks a girl wants to be treated." I paused. "Look at them." I inclined my head towards the two in question. "You can see she's crazy about him and desperately wants him to like her just as much. Right now she's mad at him," Mindy snorted at that. And watching how Jamie was leaning into Jimmy, eyes half-closed in pleasure, I had to agree it didn't look like she was mad at him.
"Yeah, I know," I said, "But as soon as he gets out of sight she'll be mad he's been ignoring her for three days." Mindy slowly nodded.
It was almost pitiful the way she caved in at the end. It must be almost as lonely for her to be a lesbian as it was for me to be a slut. I think that while the punk girls might be occasional lovers, only Mindy was a committed lesbian. And there couldn't be too many of those in this school. But at least she was in charge of deciding who she screwed and when. And now, so was I. And I was going to screw her.
"Now, Bitch," I said, "lick me." And to my everlasting astonishment, she dropped to her knees and did.
The crowd around us, about a dozen guys or so, gasped as Mindy knelt. I gasped a moment later as her tongue hit my clit. The three punk girls moved closer. I wasn't sure if it was to get a better look or to shield us from the vultures. A moment later when I staggered a bit under Mindy's ministrations, Kay grabbed my left arm and draped it over her shoulder, inviting me to let her hold me up. Then she started caressing my left breast. She held my arm with her right hand so I didn't slip off her shoulders.
Mindy certainly knew her way around down there and she treated me to a demonstration of her skills. Maybe she was trying to convince me to move the date for that sleepover to real-soon-now. "Slow down," I whispered, "let's not make this too quick." I don't know if she heard me, but Kay did and made sure Mindy knew without telling the whole crowd in the process. Mindy did slow down a bit, but with Kay teasing my nipples and Mindy's tongue-work it still felt like only seconds had passed until I came. And then I came again. And again.
My brother had taught me to be quiet during sex, but I think I broke the silence during the second one. It was a good thing Kay was holding me, or I surely would have fallen during the third one. Mindy stood up and grinned at me cockily as I leaned against Kay, gasping. "So," she said, "do you want to go to the dance Friday?"
I looked at her through half-closed eyelids. I shook my head, "Only if we're a double-date with Jimmy and Jamie. And he has to ask her after school today."
She didn't like my stubbornness, "Damn, you're a hard case."
I straightened and took my arm off Kay. I was unsteady, but upright. "You don't know the half of it."
She nodded slowly.
Unexpectedly, Jamie yelled, "AHHHHH." Scared me half out of my wits, but a quick glance showed she was leaning on Jimmy and he had once again managed to get her to climax just by playing with her breasts. God, I can't imagine what would happen if those two ever got into bed together, although if I planned things right, I could be there with them. God, I'm such a slut. I'd have to remember to wear earplugs to save my hearing.
"Mindy... "
"Call me Min," she said absentmindedly,
"Min, you have the rest of lunch to get him to ask her to the dance and to pound some sense into him. Don't you think you better get started?" She looked at me and then walked over to the two lovers. Dee stepped over to me. "My turn."
I watched as Jamie slowly recovered. She leaned back against the cafeteria wall, her hands on her knees. A boy hesitantly stepped past Jimmy and asked a question. I didn't hear what she said, but he started stroking her back.
Kay, Kell, and Mindy surrounded Jimmy and after a short conversation headed away. I hoped they would be able to talk some sense into the boy. If he was serious about marrying Jamie he needed to learn some lessons, pronto.
"Aren't you going to help?" I asked Dee.
"Naw, they can handle it. Besides, I want to play with these beautiful nipples of yours."
When the third session bell rang a few minutes later, Dee had a suggestion. "Come on, let's go to the library. You have homework to catch up on don't you?"
Now why hadn't I thought of that?
We grabbed Jamie and headed for the library. Having a destination meant we weren't just standing there as targets for the vultures. And while we had a few requests on the way, we kept them short by saying we needed to study.
By the time our World History class started after lunch we had both managed to mellow down. Our sitting towels were actually almost dry when we picked them up off the library chairs. And Dee, it turned out was quite a studious person. She gave us a couple of pointers on how to prepare for homework and to organize it for the best use of time. Dee was no dummy.
We made it to history class without too much interference from vultures, but they still managed to get us a little wet before we got to the class. The guy seated in front of me asked if he could fondle my breasts while we waited for class to start. It seemed harmless, so I agreed. Jamie, I noticed, also had an admirer. The class bell stopped all that and we began studying the Russian-Japanese war in 1904-05.
The class dragged on and I thought the passing bell would never ring. History is not my favorite subject but I knew I had to slog through it in order to graduate. By the end of class I had decided that nations were just like great big idiotic guys with far too much testosterone. They argued and fought over the dumbest things, and usually fought for all the wrong reasons. And, as usual, the women and children suffered the most.
The boys resumed their fondling almost immediately, and we let them in order to kill a little time to avoid the vultures in the halls. Finally, Jamie called it quits and we headed to the admin office. I was so not looking forward to this. I left Jamie in the main office while the counselor followed me into the interview room.
Thursday Afternoon, After SchoolThe interview room was small, almost a square in shape, barely deep enough for the couch that ran along one wall, and not much wider. The foot of the couch was at the wall that held the door, which had a window with blinds on it. The blinds were closed. The couch itself was odd. At the end by the door and for about three-quarter's of its length it looked like a normal couch with an armrest and back. At the three-quarters point, though, it began to sweep up at an angle until it reached the top edge of the back. If you turned sideways on the couch you could lie back like it was a recliner! Under the tilted part was a shelf with a carafe of water, cups, and several boxes of tissues.
Beside the couch at that end were a small wastebasket and a chair for the counselor. There was a window there as well to provide light. Like yesterday I leaned back against the reclined part and stared at the blank white wall beside the door.
"So, Cindy," the counselor said, "how are you and Jamie getting along?"
I didn't even have to think about that. "Oh, she's wonderful! She cares about me, and looks out for me, and... " I knew I was gushing, but I couldn't help it, Jamie was just so good. "... you know she saved me again today, that makes three times since I met her. And I've never met anyone like her ever. I really like her a lot, no I think I love her." I stopped, but I know I had a silly grin on my face and I couldn't help it. I felt the grin start to fade as I realized again it wouldn't last.
"Do you love her like family, like a brother or a sister?"
I shuddered, "No! I mean... I do things to her because I like her. It makes me feel good to do it, because I know she'll like it, not because I have to."
"Have to?"
"Yeah, you know what I mean. When it's your brother and he wants to do something, you have to do it because he's your brother. It doesn't matter if you want to or you don't feel like, you do it because he's your brother. And if you don't do it, you'll get into trouble. It's an obligation."
After a brief pause, "Do you love her like a lover?"
I had to think a moment. "No, I don't think so. When you're in love you only want to do things with the one you love. Others just don't interest you as much, at least that's what I've seen. And there's this girl I met at lunch, Mindy. I think I want to see what it's like to do it with her. So, no," more firmly now, "I'm sure I'm not in love with her like that." I paused, thinking. "I guess it's sort of a combination. She means a lot to me, now, and I want only the best for her, but I don't want her just for myself." A wave of sadness swept over me. "God, I'll miss her." I almost whispered.
"Ah." I could hear scribbling. "Do you think Jamie loves you like family?"
"Oh, god, I hope not. I would be so crushed if she were doing stuff only because she thought she had to do it. Although," I continued more slowly as I thought it through, "if she were doing it because she thought of me as family, then she wouldn't stop doing it when she finds out what a slut I am." And while that wouldn't make me happy, I could at least pretend otherwise. Plus, I wouldn't have to worry about being sent to somewhere new.
I thought a moment. "I think she's doing it because she's exploring. She's a virgin, you know, and with me she doesn't have to worry about getting carried away and losing that and maybe getting pregnant. And I'm safe, she knows I won't hurt her because I owe her so much. I'd hate myself if I did anything to hurt her."
"Do you think she loves you as a lover?"
I laughed. "Oh, no. She's got this thing going with a guy, Jimmy. When you see them it's real obvious she's got it real bad. She gets a sappy expression and grins all the time and she can hardly wait to see him. I think maybe he feels the same way, but I'm not sure." I could hear my voice getting a little edgy, "He'd better, or I'll make his life miserable."
"Because Jamie deserves to be happy, and I'm going to make her as happy as I can while I can. If she wants him, then she's going to get him. If I do this right they'll be a solid couple before I get sent away."
"Sent away, what do you mean sent away?"

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