Jamie And Cindy - Naked In SchoolChapter 1B: Monday Afternoon, After School free porn video

I was almost at the bottom of the stairs when I heard his voice, "God, you're such a slut."
It was coming from the right, down the hall. I slowed and carefully peaked around the corner.
There was a big guy standing about twenty feet away and he had a naked girl pressed up against the lockers on the wall. From his size I guessed he had to be a Senior, and I was sure she was a Freshman - I kinda recognized her from the morning assembly - the top of her head barely reached his eyes. "Letting all those guys touch your tits and cunt all day long," he said, a bit of anger coming through in his voice, "and not saying no to any of them, just letting 'um feel you up. You're wet now and I betcha were wet all day, too. You are such a fucking slut."
She was one of the eighteen girls in this week's Program. From his tone and actions - he was mauling her breast with one hand while the other was down between her legs - I thought maybe they were boyfriend and girlfriend getting a little kinky sex in the hall after school. I didn't mind, in fact the idea of watching them as they got it on was kind of flitting at the back of my mind.
"But looking and feelin' is all their gonna get, cause your my cunt is mine," he continued, "and I'm gonna fuck you every chance I get at school this week. Next time some guy sticks his finger in your cunt it's gonna come out with my cum on it!"
"And maybe I'll even share you with a couple of my new buds after school. Whatta ya think of that you cock teasing little whore?" It didn't sound like much fun to me, but, hey, who am I to tell others how to get their kicks. The way he was twisting her breast with his hand must have hurt some, but I didn't hear her complainin'. Maybe they were into that S&M domination stuff.
"In fact, I think I'll fuck you right now. Spread 'um, bitch." He stepped back a bit and pushed his pants down, then his undershorts. I couldn't see much, but he was clearly erect. Ohmygod, they really were gonna fuck, right in front of me! She did as he ordered and spread her legs. Something was bothering me about this, and not just the language. She didn't act like this was something she wanted to do, but then neither did she protest nor did she try to run. It was if she were resigned to the inevitability of it all.
He crouched a little, pressed his cock into her crotch, and then shoved himself inside her, lifting her up off the floor. He grabbed her ass with both hands and held her against the lockers as he humped his erection in and out of her. She didn't do anything. Her arms hung limp at her sides, she made no attempt to respond to his actions. For all her reactions, she might have been one of those plastic inflatable fuck dolls I had read about. That was really weird. Her body shook and her tits jiggled every time he slammed into her, but she did nothing in reaction. I have read about passive fucks, but this was ridiculous. I must have made some noise, or perhaps his movements just moved her head around because suddenly I realized she was looking right at me.
I've heard the expression "the lights are on but nobody's home" and I thought I knew what it meant. Boy was I wrong. Her expression was completely blank, her eyes completely dead. I've seen more expressiveness in the plastic eyes and face of my Barbie dolls. I'm positive she didn't see me even though she looked right at me. The only thing I could see was a brief flash of what might have been pain when the guy let go of her butt with one hand and squeezed her tit, This was not the face of some making love. It took a second to register, and then I knew what was happening.
I turned and ran up the stairs, panicked. I wasn't exactly watching where I was going and tripped over the broom at the top of the stairs. I sprawled across the hall. Behind me I heard a deep voice saying, "Gads, girl, watch where you're goin'. Are you okay?" I looked back at the janitor; he had a push broom and had just been about to cross in front of the stairs when I had charged up. I just stared at him. In a more serious tone he asked, with a deep frown on his face, "What's wrong?" How weird, he wasn't staring at my titties or my exposed crotch.
For a moment I didn't know what to say, then I blurted out, "He's raping her..." and pointed at the stairs.
"Shit!" He grabbed the radio off his belt. "Code 5, Central Staircase, Basement," he said into it, repeating it twice. He looked at me again. "How many," he demanded. I stared at him blankly, thinking how many what? How many times? "Guys," he said. Oh, I nodded, "One."
He took the stairs down at a run. A moment later I followed. What else was I gonna do, sit on the floor all afternoon?
I reached the bottom in time to see him slam the kid against the opposite wall, with the kid's arm twisted behind his back so he couldn't move. "You sick fuck," the black man said.
The girl stood right where she had been earlier. I walked over to see if I could help. "Hello," I said. Yeah, real intelligent like, but I simply couldn't think of anything else to say. She stood there limply, leaning back against the wall, head down, her hair covering her face.
She was taller than me by several inches; my eyes came to her chin. I could see she had natural dark blonde hair as her crotch hair was the exact same color, although there were streaks of white mixed in it down there as well now. My hair was a plain mousy brown. Her breasts were bigger than mine, about a size C-cup I would guess, where mine were closer to an A-cup. Weight wise, she was slender. Hell, she wasn't slender she was skinny, almost painfully skinny. According to the doctor I'm about fifteen pounds over-weight for my height and bone structure, a bit on the chunky side of the Barbie figure all the guys adore. She would have to gain fifteen or twenty pounds to reach that Barbie figure.
"Hey," I said. There was still no response. I cautiously reached over and put my hand under her chin, then lifted it. Her head moved up like it was on a hinge, no resistance whatsoever. I stepped back, shocked. It was the spookiest thing I had ever seen. Her face was completely devoid of expression. Her eyes, a brilliant blue I would have died for to replace my plain brown cow-eyes, were similarly blank. I mean, no pupil. Well, actually, there were pupils, but they were tiny black dots so small I had to look hard to see them. And when I did look at them, it was like I was seeing two tiny windows into Hell.
Then she blinked. And blinked again. And it was like watching a wooden dummy come to life. And that was real scary, too. Her eyes dilated, and animation returned to her features. You could see there were muscles under the skin. When there was someone home she had a quite nice face: small nose, dimple in the chin, transparent almost invisible blonde eyebrows, a cute cupid mouth just begging for kisses, all in a round face framed by that gorgeous blonde hair. She stared at me. I mean, she had been looking at me all this time, but only now did it register to her that there was someone in front of her. Scarier and scarier. She looked up and down the hall, noticing for the first time that the janitor had her erstwhile assailant against the opposite wall.
She pushed past me, saying, "Hey, stop that. He's my brother. He wasn't hurting me." I stared at her. Like hell he wasn't hurting her, nobody goes away like that just for fun. And this was her brother? Oh. My. God. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.
The janitor, a big black man whom I would've been scared of in other circumstances, was my hero at this point. He glanced over his shoulder at the girl. "This pathetic piece of human excrement is your brother?" It wasn't what he said, but the tone that stopped the girl. The tone clearly conveyed the sentiment that whoever had told her this guy was her brother had lied to her.
She stared at them. Two seconds later we were surrounded by people. Two women teachers corralled us girls and dragged us away. The teacher who had me started asking if I was all right, was I hurt, and crap like that. I stopped her by simply saying, "She's the one he attacked, I just happened to see part of it."
The teacher glared at me, "Stick with me for a few minutes until we sort this out." At this point the principal showed up, and a couple of minutes later we were in the nurse's office. She was pulling a white box out of a cabinet, "We'll need the Rape Kit."
I couldn't keep quiet, "What, there's any doubt he was fucking her?" I pointed to the stream of cum that had dripped partway down her upper thigh, its source clearly her vagina. The nurse looked, and sighed, "We still need it to preserve evidence, just in case." No good deed goes unpunished and now that I had been noticed I was summarily dismissed to the principal's office.
I was just walking in when the janitor, I later discovered his name was Jim Brown, rushed out. The Principal, Professor Jackson, saw me and waved me to come in. "What happened?"
As I explained what had happened I noticed a quote framed on the wall behind him. It proclaimed, "The forest would be silent if only the most talented birds sang."
After I finished, he sighed. "What a way to start the Program."
"Uh, Professor Jackson," I hesitated, "I don't think this has anything to do with The Program." He looked at me, one eyebrow raised inquiringly. "I was the first to reach that girl..."

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