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Jamie was a good kid

Jamie was a good kid. She graduated from high school, the first in her family. Her older sister hadn?t been seen for about a year, and her father; he was gone since before she could remember. Her mom persevered, working long hours so her children could have a future. Then, one day, she decided not too. Jamie could remember the day a social worker stopped by to tell her that her mom died of an overdose. Jamie flipped out, mostly from panic, and started yelling at the social worker. He got angry, told her she was white trash, and left. The next month Jamie enrolled at a public university. They paid almost all of her tuition; she was expected to pay the rest through work study programs. Jamie was ready to start life over and forget the past.


She got the forgetting part down all right. Overwhelmed after only the first two weeks, she discovered the joy of, well, forgetting. By going to parties. First a couple on the weekends, just to chill, yknow? Then she got a little more serious and discovered the curious phenomenon that Wednesday really far from the weekend to come, and at the same time a really far away from the previous weekend. The answer? Well, it was a good idea at the time. She began using any substance she could get her hands on. She would wake up in strange places, not sure where she was, or more importantly, where her clothes were.


Needless to say, her grades stank. The days that she actually showed up to class she had such a big hangover she couldn?t see straight. She got kicked out of the extremely demanding job of sitting in the library for two hours a week, mostly because she didn?t come. Not that anyone really noticed; it was really her own fault she lost the job by coming in an hour late and getting fired 5 minutes later when they discovered she hadn?t been there before, ever.


It wasn?t a happy time for Jamie. She was having sex with people she never even saw, doing things she couldn?t remember. Not that she wanted to remember it, but still. Something had to change. And it did.


At the end of the semester she sat down opposite some dean or other. The dean politely informed her that she would be a probationary student the next semester, and if she didn?t achieve at least a B-, the university would have the pleasure of kicking her out. This wasn?t news to Jamie, but it was the only time she heard it sober and not hung over. It was winter break and most of the other party goers had either been hospitalized indefinitely, or went home. Jamie was shocked to discover she didn?t actually know anyone on campus, the only people she knew were the ones at all the parties, which, it later dawned on her, was a haven for all the ex-student rejects.


When the next semester started, Jamie was determined to give it one last shot. She would actually try her hardest. Make something of her life. It didn?t help that when she looked in the mirror she looked almost exactly like her sister.


Although she would have gotten an A and maybe even a gold star for effort, she was struggling. She wasn?t used to working, to actually applying herself. But it was more than that. She didn?t know the basics that you were supposed to absorb from high school. And she had no one to help her.


It was actually her pre-calc professor that saved her. Frustrated with the class, she decided that today they would experiment with a new form of learning that didn?t involve the teacher. They would all pair up and answer each other?s questions while the teacher ?observed?. Most people either knew everything and just spent the time socializing. The rest, well, there weren?t so many of those. Most of the girls had to somehow find a way to convert a nerds lecherous staring into a source of answers. The dumb studs didn?t even bother trying to figure it out.


Jamie had a different problem. The class had an odd number of students, and, since everyone naturally paired up with someone, she was left out. She had a problem talking to random people, and random people had a problem with her. She was ?too? hot. No guy would risk talking to her; they all figured she already had her boytoy. The more confident studs already had their blondes in tow, and Jamie was left somewhere in their wake. Luckily, the teacher had a brilliant solution. Why not let the TA discuss things with her? She didn?t much like him, and he looked like he noticed that she was trying her hardest not to teach. That should teach the kid.


Jamie was too embarrassed to ask any questions. The TA?s name was Gary, and she enjoyed discreetly staring at him during lecture. After the humiliation of answering ?who doesn?t have a partner??, she was just too startled when Gary sat down next to her and asked her if she had any problems. Hell yes she had problems. Only she just turned red, mumbled something, and shook her head.


Gary wasn?t convinced, and since the old hag was going to make him stay the hour anyway, he opened the book and decided to ask this skanky little kid some questions. She tried her best to do the problem, but to no one?s surprise, got it totally wrong and almost started crying. Gary was gentle; he pointed out what she had gotten wrong and discovered she didn?t have a clue. He started explaining some of the more basic concepts, and just as Jamie was starting to get it, everyone stampeded out of the room. He gave her a number and asked her to call him later, when she had more time. Just wanted to help the poor kid out, but when he handed her the number she almost had a heart attack.


Jamie practically ran out of the classroom. She couldn?t concentrate in her next class. Or the one after. It was really her loss; the professor discussed in painful detail exactly what was on the next exam, but her mind was elsewhere. Deep down she knew how lucky she was that he even cared.


Later that evening Jamie and Gary got together and had a very mature, exciting conversation on pre-calc; or more exactly, a discussion of everything you should have known before you took pre-calc. After the first hour Jamie was comfortable enough to ask him direct questions, and for the first time actually felt like she learned something. And on top of all that, no other skinny little blonde showed up and held hands with Gary while he apologized profusely about how he had to go, He was there for her, as long as she wanted.


They departed at a conservative 8pm with an agreement to meet up again the next day. As it turned out, Gary was quite good at all the subjects she was taking, and since she was the polar opposite, he offered to help.


They began to see each other every day. To study. Jamie needed that much help from a guy like Gary, and he evidently didn?t have much to do with his time. With his help, Jamie actually got a B+ on her exams. It was her first B in a very, very long time. And in the mid-semester probationary meeting, the dean unhappily informed her that, because of her grades, she would be reinstated as a ?full? student. It was the first in a long time, she told Jamie. ?Keep up the good work, and if I see you here again you get the boot.?


It was the best time of Jamie?s short life. She had no idea academic achievement could be so exciting, although to be fair her relationship with Gary quickly became less and less academic. Gary was her guardian angel sent from heaven to help her when she needed him most, as the saying goes. Like any true alcoholic, she became dependant on him far sooner than expected.


The semester ended, but not before her roommate was arrested. Jamie was in good academic standing, with higher grades than she ever dreamed possible. And a guy she loved more than anything in the world. She was high on life.


Since that was the spring semester, Gary decided they should go on a trip during the summer. He saved up enough money from his various TA jobs to afford a low budget romp of wherever they could afford to go, and, they went. Jamie had never traveled far outside the town she grew up in, and even the state school was in a moderately secluded area. She was overawed by everything she saw, which, most of the time, was Gary. They would be sitting in a train booth carefully selected because of wide and credible rumors that it was constantly overlooked by the little french guys in the hats that made you pay, and Gary would be staring out the window as the Alps rolled by. Jamie would be staring at Gary and smiling. Such was their trip in a nutshell. Nutshells crack very easily.


One morning, Jamie woke up in a motel. That?s not the point; the difference was that Gary was not there. Where could he be? Had some evil foreigner who spoke in a weird language all the preppy kids learned in high school abducted him? Maybe those preppy kids abducted him! Jamie quickly got up and peeked out the window. No preppy kids there. She was afraid to go out in case he came back and found her missing. She just sat on the bed, watching the door, willing it to open with Gary behind it.


He came back in 10 minutes laden with food, but to Jamie it seemed like 10 hours. She got up and hugged him as soon as he came in, holding him tightly as if it to make sure he never left again. She never said a word, but she knew Gary understood. Things went back to normal that day, and Gary spent the day sight seeing; Jamie spent the day watching Gary sight see.


The next day, Gary and Jamie strolled out of the motel they had been in for a week or so. It was an unusually long time for them to stay in one place, but Jamie didn?t complain. And they didn?t stroll this time; it was more of a purposeful stride. Gary didn?t look at her as they walked, but Jamie could feel his hand holding her tightly. At least all was well in one department she figured.


They were walking away from the usual tourist haunts, but that in itself wasn?t too surprising. Gary didn?t like the cliched places you see tourists standing around open mouthed. They were walking into the slums. Jamie knew instantly; after all, it was where she grew up Why, she wondered?


They came up to a shabby looking building and Gary knocked on the door. No one answered, so he pushed the handle and let himself in. It was dark and a little smelly. The place looked strange with sunlight streaming in through the open door. This was more the place you would expect to be dark and filled with smoke. It was a seedy bar.


There was someone lying on the floor towards the other end of the bar. Gary silently walked around the bar and into a narrow hallway, leading Jamie by the wrist. Jamie was scared, mostly because they were in a place that reminded her strongly of her sister, but also because Gary was acting weird. He didn?t usually hold her by the wrist that way, and his hand wasn?t usually cold.


Gary opened at the end of the corridor and looked in with Jamie peeking in from behind him. He was still holding her by the wrist. There were two people sitting at a table, one of them staring back at Gary. No one spoke.


Gary then stepped to the side and shoved Jamie into the room, resuming his position at the front of the door. She turned around, shocked, and looked at Gary. He was staring at the Short Guy, who was standing up now.


Short Guy stepped forward, dangerously close to Jamie, so she stepped back. He was standing directly in front of Gary now. No one said anything yet. The other guy still sitting at the table, the Drunk Guy, started laughing suddenly and poured himself another drink.


?Deals a deal kid, now get the hell out of here,? the Short Guy said to Gary and handed him a roll of money. Gary?s face was unreadable as he took the money and counted it, right there. The Short Guy shifted himself slightly. Jamie was still standing off to the side, as far away as possible from the Drunk Guy.


Gary finished counting the money, pocketed it, and folded his hands. ?I can wait, buddy, got all the time in the world,? he told the Short Guy.


The Short Guy fidgeted and dug some more money out of his pocket, handing it to Gary.


Gary put it into his pocket without even looking, and resumed standing around.


?I gave you all you asked for,? the Short Guy said. No answer from Gary.


?You didn?t even friggin count it, asshole,? he said. Still no answer. Short Guy thought for a second, then punched Gary in the stomach, slamming the door after him. Jamie screamed. She could hear Gary hitting the wall and swearing.


He opened the door again and discovered he was staring right into Short Guy?s hand gun.


?I?m giving you one last chance, kid. Take it or leave it,? he said. Jamie gave one look at the gun and lunged at Short Guy. She didn?t get far because meanwhile, Drunk Guy had stealthily gotten up behind her and grabbed her around the waist with both hands. She screamed again, flailing, and Drunk Guy staggered back, crashing into the wall behind them. By the time she untangled herself from the floor the door was shut and Short Guy was putting his piece back in his pocket.


?W-Where?s Gary?? asked Jamie. She was breathing hard, giving a look back to see if Drunk Guy had gotten up yet. He was still trying to stand up.


Short Guy turned to face her, stuck out a hand, and said ?my name?s Bill.?


Jamie shrunk back from his hand, breathing fast, until Bill elbowed her in the chest. At which point she sank to the floor unconscious and her breathing normalized.


Jamie was a good kid. She graduated from high school, the first in her family. Her older sister hadn?t been seen for about a year, and her father; he was gone since before she could remember. Her mom persevered, working long hours so her children could have a future. Then, one day, she decided not too. Jamie could remember the day a social worker stopped by to tell her that her mom died of an overdose. Jamie flipped out, mostly from panic, and started yelling at the social worker. He got angry, told her she was white trash, and left. The next month Jamie enrolled at a public university. They paid almost all of her tuition; she was expected to pay the rest through work study programs. Jamie was ready to start life over and forget the past.


She got the forgetting part down all right. Overwhelmed after only the first two weeks, she discovered the joy of, well, forgetting. By going to parties. First a couple on the weekends, just to chill, yknow? Then she got a little more serious and discovered the curious phenomenon that Wednesday really far from the weekend to come, and at the same time a really far away from the previous weekend. The answer? Well, it was a good idea at the time. She began using any substance she could get her hands on. She would wake up in strange places, not sure where she was, or more importantly, where her clothes were.


Needless to say, her grades stank. The days that she actually showed up to class she had such a big hangover she couldn?t see straight. She got kicked out of the extremely demanding job of sitting in the library for two hours a week, mostly because she didn?t come. Not that anyone really noticed; it was really her own fault she lost the job by coming in an hour late and getting fired 5 minutes later when they discovered she hadn?t been there before, ever.


It wasn?t a happy time for Jamie. She was having sex with people she never even saw, doing things she couldn?t remember. Not that she wanted to remember it, but still. Something had to change. And it did.


At the end of the semester she sat down opposite some dean or other. The dean politely informed her that she would be a probationary student the next semester, and if she didn?t achieve at least a B-, the university would have the pleasure of kicking her out. This wasn?t news to Jamie, but it was the only time she heard it sober and not hung over. It was winter break and most of the other party goers had either been hospitalized indefinitely, or went home. Jamie was shocked to discover she didn?t actually know anyone on campus, the only people she knew were the ones at all the parties, which, it later dawned on her, was a haven for all the ex-student rejects.


When the next semester started, Jamie was determined to give it one last shot. She would actually try her hardest. Make something of her life. It didn?t help that when she looked in the mirror she looked almost exactly like her sister.


Although she would have gotten an A and maybe even a gold star for effort, she was struggling. She wasn?t used to working, to actually applying herself. But it was more than that. She didn?t know the basics that you were supposed to absorb from high school. And she had no one to help her.


It was actually her pre-calc professor that saved her. Frustrated with the class, she decided that today they would experiment with a new form of learning that didn?t involve the teacher. They would all pair up and answer each other?s questions while the teacher ?observed?. Most people either knew everything and just spent the time socializing. The rest, well, there weren?t so many of those. Most of the girls had to somehow find a way to convert a nerds lecherous staring into a source of answers. The dumb studs didn?t even bother trying to figure it out.


Jamie had a different problem. The class had an odd number of students, and, since everyone naturally paired up with someone, she was left out. She had a problem talking to random people, and random people had a problem with her. She was ?too? hot. No guy would risk talking to her; they all figured she already had her boytoy. The more confident studs already had their blondes in tow, and Jamie was left somewhere in their wake. Luckily, the teacher had a brilliant solution. Why not let the TA discuss things with her? She didn?t much like him, and he looked like he noticed that she was trying her hardest not to teach. That should teach the kid.


Jamie was too embarrassed to ask any questions. The TA?s name was Gary, and she enjoyed discreetly staring at him during lecture. After the humiliation of answering ?who doesn?t have a partner??, she was just too startled when Gary sat down next to her and asked her if she had any problems. Hell yes she had problems. Only she just turned red, mumbled something, and shook her head.


Gary wasn?t convinced, and since the old hag was going to make him stay the hour anyway, he opened the book and decided to ask this skanky little kid some questions. She tried her best to do the problem, but to no one?s surprise, got it totally wrong and almost started crying. Gary was gentle; he pointed out what she had gotten wrong and discovered she didn?t have a clue. He started explaining some of the more basic concepts, and just as Jamie was starting to get it, everyone stampeded out of the room. He gave her a number and asked her to call him later, when she had more time. Just wanted to help the poor kid out, but when he handed her the number she almost had a heart attack.


Jamie practically ran out of the classroom. She couldn?t concentrate in her next class. Or the one after. It was really her loss; the professor discussed in painful detail exactly what was on the next exam, but her mind was elsewhere. Deep down she knew how lucky she was that he even cared.


Later that evening Jamie and Gary got together and had a very mature, exciting conversation on pre-calc; or more exactly, a discussion of everything you should have known before you took pre-calc. After the first hour Jamie was comfortable enough to ask him direct questions, and for the first time actually felt like she learned something. And on top of all that, no other skinny little blonde showed up and held hands with Gary while he apologized profusely about how he had to go, He was there for her, as long as she wanted.


They departed at a conservative 8pm with an agreement to meet up again the next day. As it turned out, Gary was quite good at all the subjects she was taking, and since she was the polar opposite, he offered to help.


They began to see each other every day. To study. Jamie needed that much help from a guy like Gary, and he evidently didn?t have much to do with his time. With his help, Jamie actually got a B+ on her exams. It was her first B in a very, very long time. And in the mid-semester probationary meeting, the dean unhappily informed her that, because of her grades, she would be reinstated as a ?full? student. It was the first in a long time, she told Jamie. ?Keep up the good work, and if I see you here again you get the boot.?


It was the best time of Jamie?s short life. She had no idea academic achievement could be so exciting, although to be fair her relationship with Gary quickly became less and less academic. Gary was her guardian angel sent from heaven to help her when she needed him most, as the saying goes. Like any true alcoholic, she became dependant on him far sooner than expected.


The semester ended, but not before her roommate was arrested. Jamie was in good academic standing, with higher grades than she ever dreamed possible. And a guy she loved more than anything in the world. She was high on life.


Since that was the spring semester, Gary decided they should go on a trip during the summer. He saved up enough money from his various TA jobs to afford a low budget romp of wherever they could afford to go, and, they went. Jamie had never traveled far outside the town she grew up in, and even the state school was in a moderately secluded area. She was overawed by everything she saw, which, most of the time, was Gary. They would be sitting in a train booth carefully selected because of wide and credible rumors that it was constantly overlooked by the little french guys in the hats that made you pay, and Gary would be staring out the window as the Alps rolled by. Jamie would be staring at Gary and smiling. Such was their trip in a nutshell. Nutshells crack very easily.


One morning, Jamie woke up in a motel. That?s not the point; the difference was that Gary was not there. Where could he be? Had some evil foreigner who spoke in a weird language all the preppy kids learned in high school abducted him? Maybe those preppy kids abducted him! Jamie quickly got up and peeked out the window. No preppy kids there. She was afraid to go out in case he came back and found her missing. She just sat on the bed, watching the door, willing it to open with Gary behind it.


He came back in 10 minutes laden with food, but to Jamie it seemed like 10 hours. She got up and hugged him as soon as he came in, holding him tightly as if it to make sure he never left again. She never said a word, but she knew Gary understood. Things went back to normal that day, and Gary spent the day sight seeing; Jamie spent the day watching Gary sight see.


The next day, Gary and Jamie strolled out of the motel they had been in for a week or so. It was an unusually long time for them to stay in one place, but Jamie didn?t complain. And they didn?t stroll this time; it was more of a purposeful stride. Gary didn?t look at her as they walked, but Jamie could feel his hand holding her tightly. At least all was well in one department she figured.


They were walking away from the usual tourist haunts, but that in itself wasn?t too surprising. Gary didn?t like the cliched places you see tourists standing around open mouthed. They were walking into the slums. Jamie knew instantly; after all, it was where she grew up Why, she wondered?


They came up to a shabby looking building and Gary knocked on the door. No one answered, so he pushed the handle and let himself in. It was dark and a little smelly. The place looked strange with sunlight streaming in through the open door. This was more the place you would expect to be dark and filled with smoke. It was a seedy bar.


There was someone lying on the floor towards the other end of the bar. Gary silently walked around the bar and into a narrow hallway, leading Jamie by the wrist. Jamie was scared, mostly because they were in a place that reminded her strongly of her sister, but also because Gary was acting weird. He didn?t usually hold her by the wrist that way, and his hand wasn?t usually cold.


Gary opened at the end of the corridor and looked in with Jamie peeking in from behind him. He was still holding her by the wrist. There were two people sitting at a table, one of them staring back at Gary. No one spoke.


Gary then stepped to the side and shoved Jamie into the room, resuming his position at the front of the door. She turned around, shocked, and looked at Gary. He was staring at the Short Guy, who was standing up now.


Short Guy stepped forward, dangerously close to Jamie, so she stepped back. He was standing directly in front of Gary now. No one said anything yet. The other guy still sitting at the table, the Drunk Guy, started laughing suddenly and poured himself another drink.


?Deals a deal kid, now get the hell out of here,? the Short Guy said to Gary and handed him a roll of money. Gary?s face was unreadable as he took the money and counted it, right there. The Short Guy shifted himself slightly. Jamie was still standing off to the side, as far away as possible from the Drunk Guy.


Gary finished counting the money, pocketed it, and folded his hands. ?I can wait, buddy, got all the time in the world,? he told the Short Guy.


The Short Guy fidgeted and dug some more money out of his pocket, handing it to Gary.


Gary put it into his pocket without even looking, and resumed standing around.


?I gave you all you asked for,? the Short Guy said. No answer from Gary.


?You didn?t even friggin count it, asshole,? he said. Still no answer. Short Guy thought for a second, then punched Gary in the stomach, slamming the door after him. Jamie screamed. She could hear Gary hitting the wall and swearing.


He opened the door again and discovered he was staring right into Short Guy?s hand gun.


?I?m giving you one last chance, kid. Take it or leave it,? he said. Jamie gave one look at the gun and lunged at Short Guy. She didn?t get far because meanwhile, Drunk Guy had stealthily gotten up behind her and grabbed her around the waist with both hands. She screamed again, flailing, and Drunk Guy staggered back, crashing into the wall behind them. By the time she untangled herself from the floor the door was shut and Short Guy was putting his piece back in his pocket.


?W-Where?s Gary?? asked Jamie. She was breathing hard, giving a look back to see if Drunk Guy had gotten up yet. He was still trying to stand up.


Short Guy turned to face her, stuck out a hand, and said ?my name?s Bill.?


Jamie shrunk back from his hand, breathing fast, until Bill elbowed her in the chest. At which point she sank to the floor unconscious and her breathing normalized.



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London River appears like an elegant slut. She poses before a window, showing off her MILF body: perfect big tits and a round ass, sculpted by black lingerie. Slowly, she removes her bra and panties and sways for the camera, allowing each inch of skin to be admired. All the while, she holds a slight grin on her face – the kind any true whore whisperer can tell is the sign of a dirty mind. James Deen shows up, ready to strip London of her poise and posture. She falls into a state of heat,...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 47 summer 1781

A week later after seeing what the roaming bands of Tories had done along Stony Creek and meeting with the Reverend Mr. Craig at what was left of his mill on Flat Rock Creek, I turned back toward Richmond, disgusted with myself and with human nature. Tarleton and his men had trampled crops, burned homes and barns, dumped animal bodies into wells, left young men's rotting corpses dangling from trees and young women lying violated and distraught. James Craig seemed more angry about being...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alexis Tae 1st DP

Pretty-faced, slender beauty Alexis Tae shows off her natural tits, hot legs and fine ass in a bright red bra, gloves and heels. The dirty-talking girl impales herself upon a huge, conical anal toy and masturbates, stuffing gloved fingers into her shaved snatch. She turns herself over to naked, imposingly hung studs Rob Piper and Jax Slayher. They oil her up, and her gloved fingers dig in her butthole. Alexis rides Jax’s joint, and Rob takes her asshole for an immediate double penetration...

4 years ago
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My 43yearold wife really let herself go sexuality

It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...

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The Irresistible Dress

The Irresistible Dress I just wanted some new jeans but I couldn't resist the dress. I entered the store as soon as it opened. In fact I had been waiting in the parking lot and watching for the woman to unlock the door and open the store. I knew entering this early helped to ensure I would be the only customer so I could try on the boot cut jeans I wanted to buy. I said hello to the saleswoman and quickly wandered over to the jeans section but as I did I noticed a rack of new...

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Coconut Island

"Are you awake?" I slowly opened my eyes. Cindy was crouched over me, her face framed by the waving fronds of a palm tree, the glossy sheaf of her hair brushing softly against my cheek. There are much, much worse sights to wake up to. I was napping, or had been napping, on the warm sands of a remote tropical island. Cindy and I were stranded in paradise, you see. "What is it, babe? Headhunters? A tiger?" "I want a coconut." "So have a coconut." "I can't find a nice one on the ground. Can you...

2 years ago
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Brian Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 I woke up early, around 6:00 am. I went ahead and took a shower. While I was in there, I decided to 'take care' of myself. I hadn't gotten off since this whole thing started. I tried to fantasize about a girl, but eventually my mind just kept coming back to Larry Oquendo. I imagined us back in biology class, only this time he was naked too, and he was running his hands all along my body, over my chest, my ass, and finally my dick. At this point, the image was...

1 year ago
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Its worth cheating your wife if it is with Angela Cheating Sex Stories

Happily married for 15 years now, cheating is a thought that never crossed my mind. My wife Wendy and my lovely kids are my world. I never felt anything amiss in my life when with them. Little did I think, someday, there will be a situation where I would willingly risk it all. But at times the risk of cheating your wife was worth it. Let me start from the beginning. I am Henry. I am 45years old and quite a successful businessman. My friends know me mostly as the perfect family man. But there is...

2 years ago
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Holiday teacher

The holiday was extremely relaxing with plenty of sunny hot weather. After a couple of days Kate was very relaxed, spending days sunning herself around the pool in very skimpy bikinis. Kate has a long brown hair which falls half way down her back and a fuller figure, with larger hips and full 36D breasts which were barely concealed by her the virtually non-existent bikini top. One afternoon the pool was unusually quite, most people having gone on an excursion. Kate and I found...

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Hum do aur hamare sath do

I and my wife were very happy with our married life. we were enjoying the sex very much. but after 7 year our sex life become boring. we started doing sex as our duty to keep our partner happy. nothing excitement was there. then one day my wife closest friend came to our house.she was very beautiful at the same time her husband was very handsome with blue eyes and good physiques.my wife was very excited meeting her friend and her husband.i saw special look at pinki face when she talks to...

3 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 19

FRIDAY, May 13, 2016 Classes at school were interesting for Rachael. Most of the boys from movie night were making bad Humphrey Bogart impressions, and when Larissa got on the bus in the morning the girls had serenaded her with another chorus of A Kiss is Still a Kiss. She got that at lunch too. The big surprise at lunch was that Leon, Carly, Mark, Becca and several others from the A-list table moved over and there was now a third table in the former Nerd group. Mikki looked at her,...

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Mr Brown

Sandy“I left some money in the drawer and don’t forget to take your medicine,” said my mother before getting into the car.“I promise. You guys have fun,” I said ending in a yet another fake cough.My father looked at me and said, “Are you sure you will be okay? We can stay if you want us to?”“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Get going you two and say hi to Richard and Emma.”I watched the car drive down the street and as it turned the corner I ran back into the house. “Yes!” I shouted to no one as the door...

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How we want a BBC Chapter 4

After we had our first meeting with D, my wife was glowing and horny all the time. We fucked more than we usually did. She would set my alarm 30 mins ahead in the morning just so she could wake up and crawl on for a ride before work. She would surprise me at lunch and show up to take me out to lunch – just so she could suck me off. She would wait for me to get home from work and would be lying on the bed with her big fat dildo just pounding away at her swollen pussy. We would spend most of the...

4 years ago
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getting off at work part 3

What can I say, I'm a sucker for alliteration.... As soon as she heard the door click shut behind her, Rachel turned to David and pressed him against the wall with the length of her body, feeling his cock harden in response as she kissed him deeply, exploring his mouth with her tongue.  The possibility of getting caught was making her wetter than before.  She reached between them to unzip his pants, reaching to grasp the base of his cock in her hands and giving it a squeeze, eliciting a moan...

4 years ago
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Miss Crystal part 1

I loved the mall.  I didn’t like shopping and the food reminded me of high school, but I loved the mall.  In particular the cheaper malls that sat a little further away and attracted crowds of inner city youth.  I didn’t really love the mall, I guess.  I loved these beautiful, hard girls.  I would go and eat and fantasize about them using me.  Exploiting me. It makes me a little uncomfortable because I knew to an extent the reason they turned me on was because they were disadvantaged and...

1 year ago
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End of season party continued

He lay on his back, lifted his legs in the air to expose his glistening saliva moistened hole, I knelt before his beautiful upturned arse trembling with anticipation. As I entered him he gave a little whimper, "is that OK" I asked, he just smiled and proceeded to masturbate, emitting little groans with every thrust of my eager cock.I'd like to say that I fucked him for hours, but with the sight of him pumping his manhood, the sound of his little moans and the way he expertly squeezed my cock...

2 years ago
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Sissy rules

SISSIFICATION RULES OF OUR HOUSEYou will NEVER NEVER use the word NO.You will be trained to dress properly in a french maid’s outfit, dressed, latex or Lingerie and monitored by phone and email, if not in our presence.You will be forced to wear make up at all times: foundation, blush, lipstick, lipliner, mascara, eyeliner, loose face powder, and body and face glitter.You will be taught to stand correctly at attention, bosom thrust out, belly in, …You will be trained in walking on high heels.You...

3 years ago
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The SmithChapter 30 XL Project

“Ha, I bet you never thought I could do it this fast did you?” GB8 was floating... “Air cushioned. Is its skirt made from a shower curtain?” “Yup, works pretty well. I just have to keep it around nineteen centimeters.” “How is the energy consumption?” “Better than I thought it would be. The louvered fans aren’t exactly fast, but works okay.” She was still grinning over her prank, but a tinge of disappointment shadowed my student’s eyes. Rachel didn’t come this weekend with the excuse of...

4 years ago
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Chad adored watching the 17yr old girls going to and fro across the quadrangle. He loved the swoosh of their bottle green pleated shirts, their crisp white blouses, the green ribbed tights and the black shoes crunching in the gravel.He fantasised about these girls, what he would do to them given half a chance, he dreamt of the feel of the rough green fabric against his skin, of running his hands up the ribbing on the tights seeking the pleasures within.He loved the look of their breasts...

1 year ago
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Manan8217s Adventure 8211 Part II

Babita was a 29 years old bombshell nurse working in Jj hospital. She was 5 feet 7inch slim woman with really huge and firm tits. Whenever she entered the hospital everyone would stop working and see how hot is she looking this day all the girls would envy her while the boys no matter what their age is would fantasize her. Well but babita was not that lucky as she had recently divorced her husband for he was not able to satisfy her. Babita even had sex with few of the patients that she nursed...

4 years ago
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Step Daughter 2 Part 1

I have a wife with a step daughter who is currently an addict on the street. It was my task to fly to Montreal and meet with her to see how we could help. It has been years since I have seen her and not sure what I was to expect. She was a brunette, perfect body, with a taller stature, so I just didn’t know what to expect. I arranged for her to meet me in the lobby of my hotel and I waited in the lounge. We were supposed to meet at 8PM and it was already 9PM. She arrived, in a red mini skirt,...

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Hotel Encounter

This is a work of fiction by the author, although it was based on an email exchange between myself and my new lover. We were due to meet at a hotel and he asked me to write up what I wanted to happen when we met. Hence the story. Unfortunately, we never met, because my reason for being in that hotel at that time was removed and he wasn't prepared to come and travel to meet with me... ho hum! Maybe it was for the best as I don't know if he could have lived up to the fantasy I have...

4 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 14

"Melinda, come down here, please." Melinda's head popped up from the side of the bed, one arm still thrust under it looking for the last of her notebooks. She peered over a pile of its sisters, their pink covers dulled by dust and partially torn from their spiral bindings. She was not sure why she wanted those old notebooks, filled with the rather naive if imaginable fan-fiction ramblings of a then eleven year old girl. They held sentimental value, she supposed, besides being the one...

3 years ago
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Celestial Nirvana Part 3

“So how have you been? You haven’t really talked to me in three days.” Jack asked, facing Kelly in the black-drop dreamscape in her mind. “What are you talking about? It’s kind of hard to carry on a conversation with someone when the first half of the conversation occurs in your mind.” she sighed, sitting on the invisible ground. “Ah, of course.” Kelly took a deep breath, shaking from head to toe. Even when asleep, she couldn’t get away from her withdrawal symptoms, and it was...

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Cousin Sister Ko Choda

This is my first story on indian sex stories. However, I have been a regular reader of Indian sex stories.   Before starting the story let me tell about myself. M a guy aged 23, 5’11” tall, dick size 7″.   Any girls or aunties for meeting in Jammu or sex chat from anywhere can contact me at There will be full privacy of everything.   Now coming to the story   Ye baat tb ki hai jab hmare ghar me function tha to sb rishtedaar ghar aae hue the. Mere chachu ki beti jo mujse 2 saal bdi hai age me...

3 years ago
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Naked Girl Part 2

“Hey, Ball Girl,” she was greeted with her normal nickname when she approached the group. She waved to them shyly. Manuel, one of the shorter boys, snatched the ball from her and dropped it so they could all start kicking it. There was a part of the street the kids had designated as the goal posts a long time ago. Gabriella sighed with relief as a little of her apprehension melted away. Seeing Manuel act normally was reassuring. They all played together until the sun started to go down. One...

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Do Unto Others

‘Fuck ’em! Fuck ’em all!’ Jim Peel sat in the burger bar almost shaking with the frustrations and rage that had built up over the years. ‘Sick of everything! Sick of everything!’ He was a loner, never really had the ability to relate or empathize with others and had never really tried. ‘People are shit!’ was a phrase he used often. He was married, considering his deep aversion to female company and their alien thought patterns that was a miracle. He didn’t love his wife, he didn’t...

1 year ago
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The shitting Boys

Matt lie in his large comfortable bed,with his hands tucked behind his back in silence as he counted the ceiling tiles..1...2...37..."agh" He groaned and shook his head,He just couldnt keep his mind off of his best friend Mickey..They were both Bisexual,Both 18,Both Blonde and sexily built. Matts parents were leaving town for a whole week and Mickey had asked to stay over. Matt had 5 younger sisters,all but one named Adaya were leaving with their parents. Adaya was Bisexual.she was tall.around...

2 years ago
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How it started

Pure funThis is a story on how I first started sharing my wife. A long while ago before we had k**s, my wife and I were pretty heavy partiers. Drinks, shots and she dabbled in recreational stuff. One night we were out with a few friends and were pretty well wasted, she more then I cause she was doing liquid G. My buddy drove so I told him to crash at my house so he didn't have to go all the way to his house. So on the was she passed out and we had to carry her into the house. She finally was...

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Megs Second Business Pt 2

Introduction: Megs Second Business Trip, is all Pleasure – Pt 2 Background (This is a continuation of the story, thought Id lead off with a brief background, for those who havent read part 1 yet): Im Meg&hellip, Paul and I have been enjoying our Lifestyle for a couple of years now. Ed is a member of our group, with his help and support, I found employment and now work for Ed as an account executive, managing a customer thats very import to the firm. My new career is giving me the personal...

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The Best Of Friends Part 6

When Teri suddenly announced that she was horny, Jake and I both looked at her, then at each other. I couldn’t help it, I laughed, in part because of her surprise announcement and in part because of the bemused look on his face. It was all so utterly normal, as if we hadn’t been apart all those years!She turned toward me. “What’s funny about that?”“Nothing… no, you are, because you’re as dependable as the sunrise, still, after all this time. You, horny; what are the odds?”Jake nodded, grinning....

2 years ago
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Meri Pahli Chudai

Hi mera nam Rahul hai. Meri umar abhi sirf 20 sal hai lekin main Ab tak 10 aurato ko chod chuka hoon. Main jab 14 sal ka tha Tab maine pahli bar chudai ki thi tab main school main padhata tha. meri school main hostel main rahna compulsory tha. Meri school ka Pura staff bhi vahi staff quaters me rahte the. Mai land, chut, chudai Ye sab janta tha kyun ki main bhi dusre studants ke sath pas ke gaun Main bp dekhne jaya karta tha. Is liye muze bhi chodane ka man karta Tha. Is ichchha ko mere ek...

4 years ago
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Road TripChapter 35

Nine hundred miles from Columbia I flew the approach to Panama City Bay County Airport. The field is surrounded by the city on three sides and it’s close if the wind is wrong. Windshear could put an aircraft in among the houses. The wind was with us and we landed over the water. And there were people meeting us. But not like I was expecting. It was the VFW and they were having a party! The guest of honor was the former pilot of the SNB ... Lieutenant J.J. Foster ... and the crowd was...

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SelfTaught Sex Education

I am an only child, and my parents were married 18 years before I made an appearance.  I think they figured they would never have children.  Needless to say, I was a daddy’s girl, through and through.  My mother was a hard woman to love, and even harder to live with.  She had a vicious temper and tended to self-medicate with alcohol a bit too much.  My father, on the other hand, could do no wrong, in my eyes.    When I was five, my dad changed jobs for health reasons, and his new job...

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Gemmas supermarket gang bang part 4

When we returned home after our third visit to the supermarket where Gemma had given Josh a blow job we had the best sex ever and I could hardly keep up with her appetite. After a few glasses of wine she was getting even hornier and then she received a text message from Josh suggesting she should come back into the store and ‘put on a show’ for his workmates againWhat sort of show do you think he means she asked. More teasing in the aisle or do you think they will want me to go further. Let’s...

1 year ago
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Ecstasy and the Black Man

Twelve years ago, long before my wife, Laura, and I married, and when we were both still in college, we were little more than fuck buddies. Sure I would buy her drinks and we would flirt, but there was no way any thoughts of ‘long term’ had crossed either of our minds. The sex from the beginning had been great and a couple weeks later, it had gotten even better. I remember one night we got back to her place, and I don’t know who started it, but we both were slapping the shit out of each other....

3 years ago
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Sissy gang banged in bar

I was horny as hell and wanted someone to suck my cock. I found a website address4sex where guys advertise that they will suck you off. I came across an old guy named, Jeremy who told me he is a sissy who likes dressing in his wife’s clothes and he wanted to suck my cock so I said OK meet me in a bar I know and make sure you wear your girl's undies.This is all true and if you want to see his pics and his hot wife https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/jeremy-h-14848310I didn’t think he would turn...

1 year ago
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Whenever I find a Lewd Corner, I tend to settle in and make myself at home, which typically involves a well-lubed pocket pussy. There are arguably more lewd areas in the world than there was a decade ago, and certainly more than existed a hundred years before, but pervs like you and me still run into prudes who want us to avoid chatting about naked anime girls, playing X-rated video games, or ejaculating on the countertop at Starbucks. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been banned from...

Free Sex Games
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Blood of the Clans Ch 17

The three story-tellers stood at the prow, looking at the faces of the love-struck women, as they heard the story of Garreth and Therese. They couldn’t help but feel they were telling a love story, the way they all sighed and moaned, at all the romance of it. They had made it to the tip of the western coast and came to Neist Point Lighthouse, perched atop a jagged out-cropping of rock, the sheer bluffs surrounding it. The yacht plowed through the breaking waves, making the turn to head north...

3 years ago
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Sissy E

SISSY by Sissy Property of: __________________ (part 5) As soon as we had cleared customs, we were met by my new owner. She hugged Miss Susan and then She put Her arm around me and led us to Her limo. During the ride from Kennedy Airport, I sat between Miss Susan and my new Mistress. Mistress Beverly was an older lady who displayed a lot of class and style. If...

1 year ago
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Two Best Friends

It was a Friday afternoon, I, Justin, was just leaving school, walking with my , Cameron. We couldn't have been more than 17 at the time, both virgins. I asked Cameron if he wanted to come sleep the night and play some video games and what not. Cameron agreed and he went down his street and I went down mine. My mom had to go to work that night, so she left. I phoned Cameron. "When are you coming over?" I asked him. "Uhm, I'm not sure, I have to eat first." Cameron replied to me. "Nah, don't...

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One Lust Filled Night Part16

After the three of us collapsed onto the bed in a pile, David pulled free and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Becky and I decided to follow. We waited till we heard the water running, then we snuck into the bathroom. We both climbed into the shower with David. Grabbing a washcloth each and the soap, I washed his back from his neck to and including his balls while Becky washed his chest and his limp cock.When we were done, we turned the shower back on and turned David around as the...

Group Sex
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Benji and the Blonde Sorority Chick

The names in this story have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, but the characters are real people. This is the true story of how one of them, an old fraternity brother of mine, finally lost his virginity.My fraternity was made up of some real characters. Many were severe party animals bent on the mass destruction of property… then there was Benji. Benji was Vietnamese. He was born in the States and grew up with a very traditional Vietnamese family in a predominantly Vietnamese...

College Sex
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Ivan Hortons Choice Ch 02

Chapter 2 Ivan left for the upstate campus before the brothers arrived at the estate. It was late, night was falling. He had a long drive ahead of him and a chance to ponder his future. Many things had happened to him during the weekend visit. As he cruised up Route 17 he had plenty of time to play the weekend memory over. Of course the visitations by Mrs. Tutlock to his bedroom were disconcerting. He had enjoyed the sex, but now wondered why he didn’t regret his unfaithfulness to Robin more...

1 year ago
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A Genny Story Waiting for it

  Thank you all for the great response to my storys. I have met so many great women that have written and said they got something from my writing. It means a great deal to hear from them. As always I am Genny Story… Waiting For It I am Genny. The schedule Melly and I live is crazy. She is an ER nurse and I am a firefighter. Her shifts change and sometimes she is on a 12 hour starting at 4 in the afternoon or the regular day shift or once in a while midnights. I work a 24 hour shift. 24 hours...

4 years ago
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The Professors Assistant

Kaitlin was late to class again, coffee spilled down her wrinkled t-shirt that may or may not have been clean. As she closed the door behind her and took her seat in the back of her Science class, her professor gave her a glance over the dark frames of his glasses and shook his head, marking her tardy. She was embarrassed; this happened for too often, her being late. It wasn't her fault the bus never ran on schedule and the guy beside her managed to knock her hot mug of coffee out of her hands...

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