Jamie And Cindy - Naked In SchoolChapter 3B free porn video

Outside, there was already a crowd gathered and several requests were called out almost as soon as we left the building. We moved out of the way of the doors and a boy came up to me and asked if he could feel my titties. I bent over, put my bookbag on the ground beside me, and stood with arms behind my head. I noticed that Cindy did the same. As she turned back to face the boy in front of her, he stopped her and turned her to see her back. I didn't hear what he said, but she blushed prettily.
Soon I had two guys fondling me, one between my spread legs, the other fondling my titties. I looked over at Cindy and was surprised to see a girl; she looked to be either a Junior or Senior and was dressed in a punk leather outfit. The girl had one hand on Cindy's breast and the other rubbing between Cindy's legs. Cindy did not look upset at her attentions. In fact she looked rather blissful, much more relaxed than when guys were feeling her up.
The section bell rang a second time just as I went off for the third time today. Just as I was straightening back up, I heard a noise to my left and watched as a girl, not the same one as before, brought Cindy off as well. In fact, now that I was looking I noticed that there were four girls grouped around Cindy. And they were standing much closer than the waiting boys did around me. One appeared to be looking at and running her hand on Cindy's back as Cindy leaned against the girl who had just helped her finish. All four girls were dressed in punk-style, baggy dark pants that had lots of zippers and chains, with oversized black t-shirts as tops. The punk style hid their body shapes quite well.
I also saw that James had stepped closer to me as the other boy pulled his hand from my crotch. After the guy thanked me and walked away, James stepped in front of me, but he was facing away towards the crowd. He was trying to shield me a bit, to give me time to collect myself. I really appreciated it. I wondered why he didn't ask for a look or feel. I really wished he would. Were my titties too small?
I glanced again at Cindy and the punk girls, who were laughing among themselves. Cindy had an uncertain look on her face, as if she wasn't sure what the joke was. Concerned that they might be trying to intimidate Cindy into doing something she didn't want to do, I grabbed my book bag and staggered the two steps to Cindy. I put my hand on her shoulder to help steady myself, and her. She turned her head and looked at me. "Are you all right?" I asked. She frowned slightly, as if she didn't quite understand the question, and then she gave me a wan, tired smile. "I'm fine."
I searched her face carefully. Her eyes were clear and steady, and even looked as if maybe her pupils were ever so slightly dilated; in fact they got bigger as I watched. She was also relaxed; I couldn't feel any tension in her shoulder muscles under my hand. In truth, she looked almost as comfortable as she had been this morning just after I had... well just thinking about what I had done this morning with her was making my face grow warm again. My vagina couldn't get any wetter than it was.
The punk girls had fallen silent when I touched Cindy, and were now giving me faintly hostile looks. I studied them. The girl on the other side of Cindy had dark hair streaked with orange, was about as tall as Cindy (five-foot-seven?), and was average looking, but had heavy dark mascara, it detracted from her looks. She was wearing a black t-shirt with a cat-like creature in punk clothing; not a cute cat either. This cat featured a mouthful of sharp wedge-shaped teeth that cut across its face and large eyes that took up the rest of the face, a menacing little creature, unsettling in appearance. In its left hand it held an ax, the kind you use for chopping down trees. Underneath this bizarre creature was the caption, in red lettering, "Really, I'm a nice person. Come closer." The ax blade had a tinge of red on it.
The second girl was shorter than the first one, about as tall as me, and had black hair. Actually, they all had black hair, just with different tinges of color. Hers was green, lime green. She had a faintly Hispanic look about her, with dark brown eyes. Her t-shirt had the same cat creature, but this time it merely held a purse. The red caption underneath read "Please hold my purse while I beat up your boy friend."
The next girl was tall, much taller than the other five of us. Her hair was tinged blue, and color coordinated beautifully with her blue eyes. She had a Nordic look to her and I had the impression that her hair was normally blonde. Her t-shirt, while also black, had no graphic on it but did have a large four-inch by six-inch button with horizontal stripes in rainbow colors with text on it that said, "Come out, Come out, Wherever you are!"
The final girl was a beautiful black girl with wide lips. She was the only one of the group without dark mascara. Her t-shirt read, "Don't be afraid, I don't bite. Too Hard." She was only a little taller than I was, and her hair was streaked with both green and blue.
They had been studying me as well. The tall girl had been glancing back and forth between Cindy and I. She smirked. "Hello, Passion Flower," she said in a seductive tone.
Appalled, I stared at Cindy. She had been looking at me while I checked out the punks and now she returned my appalled look, "I didn't tell them who it was! They wanted to know who scratched me and all I said was 'Passion Flower.'" I felt my face grow hot, very hot. Before I could say anything, one of the girls said, "Holy shit, look at that, she's blushing all the way to her nipples!"
The tall girl laughed lightly, "Honey, you didn't have to say who, the way you two were looking at each other just now." She paused a moment to let that sink in, "If you don't want to come out yet, you're going to have be a bit more careful, or wear gloves in private and sunglasses in public."
"Uh, excuse me," a boy's voice sounded behind and to my right. The tall girl scowled at him, "She's busy, beat it."
"But... "
Somehow her face became harder, the planes flatter, the edges sharper, "I said, she's busy."
"Uh, okay." And he walked off. I watched as the edginess slipped from her face.
The not-blonde stepped between Cindy and me and draped her arms over both our shoulders. "Sorry kids, gotta keep up appearances so the vultures will remain at bay," she said in a tone low enough that only Cindy and I could hear her. She dropped her hands to our tits and let her finger dangle over our nipples. She didn't do anything, but to a casual observer it looked like she was. I looked at Cindy to see her reaction, and when she seemed unconcerned at the situation I relaxed a bit.
"I'm Arminda Bewley, Mindy to most people and Min to my friends." The tall girl said. "That's Karen Pendle, we call her Kay," she lifted her chin in the direction of the girl with orange tinge. "That's Dawn Galambos, we call her Dee," she indicated the Hispanic girl, "and that's Kelly Bergan, or Kell," she indicated the black girl.
"I'm Cindy Bradsky," my roommate told them, "And that's Jamie Tietan." She pointed at me.
The punk girls looked at me with a great deal of interest, all traces of hostility gone. Mindy nodded once, "I missed you flattening Sam Thoresen on Monday." She sighed and shook her head. "I woulda bought tickets to see that."
Kell laughed, "Shit girl, you woulda fucked a boy to get a chance to see a football jock get knocked on his ass by a girl."
"Naw," Mindy said, and then paused for a second, thinking about it. "Well, yeah, I guess I would've."
"Next time don't bolt from the cafeteria so fast."
"Well," Mindy continued, looking at Cindy, "I was gonna say that if you needed any help, just look us up, but if you're hooked up with Passion Flower here..."
"Don't call me that," I interrupted, shifting under her arm, "Or I'll have to hurt you." Oh. My. God. Had I just mouthed off to an upperclassman girl who probably could beat me to a pulp without even breaking a sweat? I suddenly wanted a hole to hide in. I saw James out of the corner of my eye and held my hand out to him. He was almost close enough for me to grab his shirt
Mindy was staring at me in astonishment, as were the other three girls. Cindy looked surprised. Before any of them could say anything though, James stepped toward me and took my hand.
The girls noticed the movement and shifted to look at him. I saw more than a bit of hostility appear. Mindy saw that I was holding his hand. She glared at me. "Is this your boyfriend?" Clearly she was not happy to see me holding his hand.
I frowned back at her, not even looking at James. "I don't know, I only met him on Monday. But he has proposed to me twice now." I wasn't gonna let this stranger know that he was just joking when he said that. He might not really be my boyfriend, but he was smart enough and nice enough to play along when I needed help. I hoped.
"Well," said Mindy to James, "Aren't you going to make a request?" She shifted her weight forward, "Or have you already seen everything there is to see," she continued nastily.
James merely looked at her. "Nope," he said, "haven't requested anything. Don't intend to either, unless," he looked at me, almost shyly, " unless she asks me to. Otherwise, I'll wait until we're married to do any inspecting. Although, I hope it will be a mutual affair."
The stunned looks on their faces were a joy to behold. I think he had just shattered a cherished belief of theirs. They looked at me. I nodded, "That's right, he hasn't made any requests at all, except that I marry him." Ha! Let them chew on that for a while, even if hearing him say that and knowing it was just a joke was tearing a hole in my heart.
Mindy was still staring at him hostilely, "Oh, sure, like you haven't got a hard-on and can't wait to fuck her! And then you'll drop her faster than a rotten tomato."
James stared back at her, his jaw clenched slightly. "Yeah, like you aren't so wet right now you wouldn't jump her bones if she tripped in front of you, and walk off bragging about it to your friends later."
I felt Mindy stiffen. Oh, that had hit home. I pulled slightly away from her, I didn't want to be in the middle of a fight, and one was surely brewing.
Kell put her hand over her mouth, unsuccessfully smothering a laugh. Mindy glared at her. Kell dropped her hand, smiling broadly, "Damn, Min, you know he's got you there!"
Mindy frowned fiercely, and opened her mouth to say something, but James spoke first. "I can be just as nasty as you," he paused a second, "or as nice. Your call."
I saw Cindy also edging out from under Mindy's arm. Her hands were no longer dangling over our tits but were now on our shoulders. I think it finally occurred to Mindy that we had moved because she suddenly and quickly looked at Cindy, then me, and then at my hand holding James'. I felt her arm tighten on my shoulder. She looked down, a myriad of expressions slid across her face all too fast to decipher. She sighed softly, shook her head, and looked back up at James, "Right. Truce?"
He shook his head, "Peace, not truce."
She frowned, "Truce until I know you're not a shithead manipulative bastard, and then maybe peace."
He nodded, "Okay, truce until I know you're not a self-centered egotistical man-hating bitch, and then maybe peace."
They glared at each other. Then, simultaneously, she said "Bastard!" as he said "Bitch!"
The rest of us started laughing. After a moment, so did they.
"Well," Mindy said to me, "since he's such a stuck-up moral bastard, aren't you going to ask him to start doing his part in keeping the vultures away?" I stared at her dumbly. She sighed again, and smiled softly. "Tell him to start playing with your tits, you twat!"
I turned and looked intently at James. His expression was now totally inscrutable. Did he want me to or didn't he? He had said he wouldn't if I didn't ask, but that didn't explain why. I wanted him to touch me, if only to pretend for a moment that he liked me and really was my boyfriend. I wondered what his hands would feel like. Would he be gentle, or, like most of the guys, would he maul my titties? Would he like touching my titties? Would he think they were way too small? He had played with Cindy's titties yesterday, which are much bigger than mine, but I hadn't thought to ask her if she liked his touch or if he had said anything to her about her breasts. He probably only liked girls with big titties.
I looked at Cindy, next. What would she think if I asked a guy to touch me, especially after last night and this morning? Did she like James? Would I screw up our friendship if I asked him? She merely looked curious, and when she saw me looking at her she smiled and tilted her head towards James in a quick nod. Oh. Okay, that's not a problem.
I took a deep breath. This was awful. What if he said no? No, wait, he said he would if I asked. Did he want me to? Asking a guy to touch me was different than responding to a request. I couldn't be passive and just let it flow on. I had to be involved. Only bad girls let boys touch their naked breasts. You weren't a bad girl if you were in the Program, though, because you couldn't say no. Asking a boy wasn't the same as being unable to say no to a request. James stood there impassively, just looking at me.
"Um, James, would you like to, ya know, um, I mean, um, would you, um..." I stammered into silence. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Mindy interrupted, "James, you know what's she's trying to ask, so just do it!"
James stared at me; I know I was blushing. I looked down and saw I was blushing. This was even more embarrassing than anything I had done so far. He asked, "Do you want me to?"
"Um." I blushed even more, my face felt hot enough to fry an egg. I nodded slightly, afraid to appear too eager, worried he would think I didn't want him to do it. I could feel tears gathering at the edges of my eyes. He was going to refuse; I just knew it. He didn't like me; he had just been saying those things because he was a nice guy helping someone who needed it. I wasn't important to him.
I closed my eyes; I didn't want to see his face when he refused. "Are you sure," he asked, so close I almost flinched back, but Mindy was still holding me and I couldn't move. I opened my eyes slowly. He was standing only a foot away, staring intently into my face. I swallowed, and managed to force out a hesitant "Yes, but only if you want to do it, too."
I watched, motionless, barely breathing as he raised his right hand and gently stroked his index finger down the side of my left tit. I shuddered as I took a ragged breath, but whether it was in fear or lust, I couldn't tell. It was such a soft touch. I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine while stroking me again. After a minute he ran his hand just as gently down the side of my tittie and underneath to cup it. That felt almost as good as it had last night with Cindy. I gave her a quick frightened look, was she upset? No, she still looked only curious. The other girls looked on with expressions varying from amusement to vague boredom.
I don't know when Mindy moved her hand, but the feather-light touch of his left hand on my other tittie was a shock. I looked down at his hands, which were pressing his palms over my very erect, very hard nipples. I realized I was getting really turned on. I had been merely wet before, now it felt so wet I knew I must have been dripping. It was so embarrassing, but I didn't want him to stop, oh no.
He stepped closer and I looked back into his eyes. Such lovely eyes, framed with lovely lashes. I took another ragged breath, pressing my titties into his hands. God, I wished he were my boyfriend. Well, at least I could pretend for a few minutes.
Oh. My. God. Who was this guy and why was I reacting so strongly? Was this love? I could feel my pussy getting hotter. If he kept this up, just stroking my titties, if he didn't stop, I would go off again. Oh, wow! I whimpered.
I closed my eyes and just basked in the feelings of his hands stroking me. I heard myself whimper, again, when he lightly squeezed my nipples and then rubbed his palms over them. I was so aware of myself I could feel the light breeze blowing around the edge of the building and the, oh, so sensuous sensation as it drifted between my legs. I certainly didn't remember this from yesterday! I truly don't know how long we stood there before I felt that blast of heat from between my legs surge up through my body and down my arms and legs. I heard someone screaming and at first I thought it was Cindy, but then I realized it was me. I think I would have collapsed if Mindy hadn't grabbed me under the arms - she was still standing beside me - at the same time that James grabbed me around the waist.
I leaned forward onto James and he held me up while I gasped like a fish out of water. Holy Hannah, what an experience! I've never heard of someone going off simply by having her titties stroked. I rested my head on his right shoulder and tried to regain my composure, or at least start breathing normally.
Last night, cuddling with Cindy in the afterglow of an orgasm, I had told her I loved her. I still did, but this was different. Leaning against James I realized that I loved him, too. Her I wanted and loved as a companion, as a sister to share experiences with and to make happy when I could. Him I wanted to do the same, only more so. Him I could imagine spending my life with, and having kids with. I wondered what they would look like, and if he wanted boys or girls. And how many? Two would nice nice, I thought, Being an only child was boring.
"Jesus," I think it might have been Mindy, or maybe Kell, I heard say, awed, "Passion Flower, indeed!"
I mumbled, "Don't call me that," between my gasps, but I think only James could hear me.
"Um, Cindy?" Ah, that was Mindy. "Would you mind sharing? Please?"
I heard James snort, and whisper, "But what if I don't want to share?" But only I heard him. Why would he care? Wait, there was a thought there. Someone would only say something like that if they liked the person they were talking about. Could he really like me?
"Mmmph," I managed to get out, "Don't I get a say?"
He laughed quietly, and whispered into my ear, "Whatever you want, love, whatever you want."
I am in love. How could I be in love? I've only known this guy for three days, what'll mom say? But, oh, boy, does he get my blood going! He's cute, he's smart, he makes me laugh, and, most important, he says he loves me.
Er, wait a minute, could he be joking again? But why would he say something like that when only I could hear him? Although many guys will lie like that to a girl to get her naked. But I was naked already.
On the other hand, there are plenty of other much prettier girls to choose from in The Program. Why would he be interested in small tittied, scrawny me? Oh, God, I really hope he loves me.
Well, at least I don't have to be afraid he won't like my body when he sees me naked, like in a normal relationship. Would he still like me when I was dressed, when he wouldn't be able to see my bare titties and pussy? Or when he wouldn't be able to stare at my open vagina whenever he got the notion. Not that he had yet, of course. Why hadn't he? Was it ugly? Oh, God, I was confused.
But it sure did feel good to have him hugging me. I wasn't gasping anymore, but I was humming. Humming?
Mindy was no longer holding me and I looked over at Cindy. She was half facing me and Mindy had her left arm close around Cindy's shoulders, her left hand fondling Cindy's left breast while her other hand fondled Cindy's other breast. And they were kissing! Kay was kneeling between them, her right hand between Cindy's legs and her left between Mindy's.
I just stared at them. Wow. I noticed there was quite a group of guys and gals around us watching them as well. I even saw a couple of the teachers watching with what can only be described as lust - eyes slightly glazed, mouth open a little, and the tongue held lightly between the lips. Oh, Wow.
I think Cindy might have been close when the passing bell interrupted. All of us jumped. It was really weird to see everyone in view give a startled jerk all at the same time; like a film had skipped a frame or two.

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