Tanja the Boys
- 4 years ago
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So liebe Freunde. Neugierig geworden wie es mit Kristina weitergeht?Viel Spaß beim Lesen.Spielschulden Teil 2Kristina erwachte erst am frühen Nachmittag. Sofort war sie mit Ihren Gedanken wieder beim gestrigen Abend. Sie verstand immer noch nicht, wie ihre Vergewaltigung, denn etwas anderes war es ja eigentlich nicht, sie so geil machen konnte. Immer wieder musste sie an den Chef der Bande, Peter Wegner, denken. Von Beginn an hatte er eine fesselnde Einwirkung auf sie gehabt. Die Art, wie er...
Eine Weile schaute ich dem Boot noch nach, bis es mit meiner Starndschönheit hinter einer Landzunge verschwand. Die Aussicht auf ein Frühstück trieb mich zurück auf den Zeltplatz. Auf dem Heimweg mußte ich schmunzeln. All das, was ich bisher erlebt hatte, erlaubte es mir, mich viel gelassener auf dem FKK-Platz zu bewegen. Wenn ich noch vor Wochen, nach dem Zusammentreffen mit ein paar Mädels auf dem Zeltplatzweg, meine Erektion mit Handtuch und schnellem Laufen verbergen mußte, so konnte ich...
Der unerwartete Besuch entpuppte sich als Freunde aus den Niederlanden, die sie schon lange kannten, aber nicht erwartet hatten. Es gab ein großes Hallo mit vielen Küssen und Umarmungen. Dies gab mir die Gelegenheit die Gäste genauer zu betrachten. John, der Vater, war ein richtiger Hüne. Er überragte sogar Onkel Willi um eine Kopflänge. Sein Körper war von einem sanften Braunton und ließ einen ehemaligen Athleten erkennen. Das Lachen und seine einnehmende Art machten ihn sogleich sympathisch....
Ich bin der Phillip, bin 18 Jahre und gehe noch zur Schule. Wohne also noch bei meinen Eltern. Bislang hatte ich mit dem anderen Geschlecht noch keine Erfahrungen gemacht gehabt, bis sich folgendes letzten Herbst ereignete:Wie so oft war ich bei meinem Besten Kumpel bis spät abends um an der PS4 zu zocken. Irgendwann drückte aber doch die Blase und ging auf's Klo. Mein Kumpel war noch mitten drin am Zocken, während mein Char im Kugelhagel abgeknallt worden war. Während ich mich erleichterte...
Hallo ich heiße Kevin bin 28 und möchte euch das geilste was ich in dem letzten Jahr erlebt habe gern erzählen. Es ist nix erfunden oder so sondern eine wahre Geschichte.Es geht um meine Frau Natalie(27) die war zu dem Zeitpunkt im 6monat Schwanger. Und meine beste Freundin Nadine (26)die ich seit der Grundschule kenn.Dass ihr von den zwei ein Bild habt beschreib ich sie euch kurz. Also meine Frau ist 1.60m groß hatte zu dem Zeitpunkt wegen der Schwangerschaft 78kg.Aber davor und auch jetzt...
Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteielt.Es war schon Abend und Männe immer noch nicht zu Hause, ein kurzes Telefonat bestättigte meine Vermutung das er mal wieder in der Eckkneipe sahs und Karten spielte.Nur mit Turnschuhen, Leggins und T-Shirt bekleidet ging ich schnell rüber um Ihn zu holen.Er sahs mit 2 Typen am Ecktisch spielte 17+4 und auf dem Tisch lag eine ziemliche Menge Geld.Er fragte mich nur ob ich etwas Geld dabei hätte,da er den Einsatz nicht mehr bringen könnte, aber gerne weiterspielen...
Dies ist meine erste geschichte überhaupt. Ich hoffe sie gefällt euch. Ich heiße mike und meine freundin heißt lucy. Wir sind seit 10 Jahren zusammen und haben 2 kinder zusammen. Lucy ist eine sehr schöne frau 35 jahre wie ich Schwarze haare und ist klein. So ca 1,55. Sie ist sehr schlank 46 kg kleine Brüste kleiner arsch. Ich bin 1,78 und nomale statur. Mit meinem 17cm schwanz bin ich Mittelmaß und die Breite so um die 4,5 cm. Wir sind zwar mitte 30 aber sehen beide ziemlich Jung aus. Lucy ist...
VORSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCH der perversen ART! Teil02mit Samra - Babysitterin, 18J. jung.… mein Schwanz ist aber so was von hart, der muss weg —— ich rufe aus dem Fenster runter: „hi Samra, bin in 5min unten!“ Sie: „OK“ Ich entschliesse mich kurzer Hand mich um zu ziehen um meine Schwanz-Beule zu "zähmen". also ziehe ich statt der weiten Boxershort eine enge an,mit Schlitz und 2 Knöpfen vorne dran und wieder die Baggy darüber. Oh mann bin ich vielleicht aufgeregt und geil, dass ich es kaum aushalte …...
To The MaxCopyright by OctiliPersonen: (genauer in der Vorgeschichte)Ich selbst: 43, geschieden, sportliche Figur, Bi, freiberuflicher ProgrammiererMischa: 42, geschieden, androgyner Typ, Doktor der Medizin und Chemie, freiberuflich tätig.Jean-Paul: 35, homosexuell, Modedesigner und SchneiderHeike: 36, nicht gebunden, bi, Angestellte von J-PMischa hatte seine Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der hormonellen Geschlechtsangleichung in den letzten Monaten immer wieder verfeinert. Er war mittlerweile in...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Ich wachte spät am anderen Morgen auf. Der Himmel war regenverhangen und alles sah grauin grau aus als ich meine Augen öffnete und durch das Fenster hinaus schaute. Was war gesternalles geschehen? Ich musste erst mal meine Gedanken sammeln. Als erstes viel mir meinleicht schmerzendes Poloch auf. Trotzdem war der Abend wunderbar gewesen, zumal ja dochSachen passiert waren, an die ich im Traum vorher nicht gedacht hatte. Ich stand auf um mirzu erst mal ein gutes...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]In der Wohnung lehnte ich mich zuerst mal mit dem Rücken an die Tür, als hätte ich Angstjemand könnte mir gefolgt sein. Mir schossen tausend Gedanken durch den Kopf. Einerseitswar mir die Aktion total peinlich, andererseits fühlte ich mich hoch befriedigt. Aber wie würdees jetzt weiter gehen? Schließlich war offensichtlich, dass ich meinen Mann mit unseremSchwager betrogen hatte. Genauso offensichtlich war, dass Sven seine Frau betrogen hatte,die uns bei unserem...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Es war ein verregneter Montag im November und man hatte den Eindruck als würde es überhauptnicht hell werden. Ich war früh aufgestanden, bereits kurz nachdem mein Mann zurArbeit gegangen war. Ich hatte in der letzten Nacht nicht viel geschlafen, da mein Mann undich uns am Tag zuvor heftig gestritten hatten. So war ich aufgestanden und wischte mir dieletzten Tränen aus den Augen um mich in die Küche zu begeben und zu Frühstücken. Ich warenorm wütend auf Roland,...
Hiii friends mor naa butu. Mu issra regular reader. Aji mu mo nijara sata story apana manaka sa share karibaku jauchi. Ye story mu au mo piusi jhia bhauni mealy ra. Mealy mo tharu 3 yr sana. Ame sabu bhai bhauni bahut misu sanga pari. Mealy dekhibaku bahut sundar 5’5″ ht medium health sete mealy ra fig 30.28.30. Ebe kintu 34 32 34 heigalani. Yee kahani 18 yr burbara jetebele mealy matric exam dei ama gharaku bulibaku asithila. Mu b inter exam pare ghare rahuthae. Mo 2 bhauni hostelre rahi...
Leggy dirty blonde Vanessa Vega jiggles her fleshy butt cheeks for top pornographer Mick Blue. His POV camera captures their intimate private date. Mick primes her luscious rump with bright, shiny lube that Vanessa rubs into her delicious derriere. Clad only in a one-piece fishnet, she teases and tugs on her budding nipples, coating her skin with more glistening liquid. Vanessa fingers her hairy snatch, making Mick drool. He buries his face in her fur patch, handing the camera off so Vanessa...
xmoviesforyouSo we're lying in bed watching TV when out of the blue my wife Ellen says, "Honey, I've been a naughty girl..." Our car had been smashed up in an accident, so we had been relying on my company car to get around whilst it was in the repair shop. With me being away on the road a lot, this mean't Ellen had to ride public transport to get around. Her story was about her trip home from work a few days earlier. She said she was waiting for the train in the subway station when she needed to go to the...
Cheating WifesSix Months to Grow On Chapter 12 - Month 7 As they walked into the auditorium, Mindy turned to Kelly. "You do realize you blew your mom's mind last night." Kelly was smiling. "Yeah, she still was talking about it at breakfast. It seemed like she was pretty happy this morning. I'm glad there weren't any lectures or finger pointing. She did say that I need my own phone and credit card and she said I can't be borrowing Claire's clothes forever."? "Actually, you can. Last...
Leaving the two equipment buildings, the two women took me out to the fields behind those buildings. There was about five acres of fields on either side of the house. They were overgrown at present, but it wouldn't take a lot to plow them and get them ready for planting. The remainder of the area was the lawn in front of the house, the area behind it, which included the actual garden, plus there were trees and shrubs around the perimeter of the property. I could distinctly hear turkeys...
Day 6 Steph woke up in her bed like she normally did, in her birthday suit. Hell pajamas are over rated at this point. She got up and thought about putting on at least something. After a few minutes of thinking it over she decided to put on at least a thong and a t-shirt from Yale. As she put on her things that she decided to wear a few things nagged at her. She only knew Amanda for a year as roommates and in that year she got close. Amanda knew just about everything about her well at least...
I felt immediately at ease with Hope’s friends; the ‘blokes’ were much as I was, and the ‘girls’ were all very sweet and feminine, preoccupied with their nails and how their bra-straps looked etc. None of them asked too many prying questions, they seemed immediately at ease with me too and smirked at Hope as she sat close to me, eyeing me constantly and holding my hand tightly, lest I should suddenly disappear in a puff of smoke. When she did eventually accompany one of the girls to the...
Jack had been walking for quite some time and was beginning to wonder if he would ever find the girls. He had done a little searching near the house then began walking up the beach in the direction that Staci and Jill had taken Renee and John the day before. The beach was fairly empty for a Sunday afternoon, much to Jack's surprise, and he didn't anticipate having a hard time finding Denise with her bright red hair. However, after walking for close to thirty minutes in the hot sand, his...
I've always had fantasies about my stepdaddy, what's so wrong about that? I think it started when I was only about six, not that my sexual fantasies started then but that was the first time I saw daddy's penis. He and mom were just dating and one day she told me to take a bath but I didn't want to take a bath so I thought I'd just get wet in the shower and fool her. I slipped into her bedroom and took my clothes off and was going to get in the shower when I realized that Carl was in the...
(This is an original work of fiction. Nothing in this story is real, any resemblance to real life events is coincidence. If you re-post it somewhere, please give credit to me, the author. Although, I would prefer if you did not steal it. - JW)Melissa and I had known each other for about 10 years through work. While there was a mutual attraction, circumstances had not allowed us to act upon the feelings. Having been together with Lisa for over 20 years, we had reached the point where we were...
BABY SITTER By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 1 Anna looked at the address written on the note card. She hadn't worked in this neighborhood before, and was concerned that she was going to be late. She worked for a babysitting agency that provided special services, and the clients could be very demanding. But thankfully the job tonight looked like a regular baby-sitting job, and she could probably be a few minutes late before the client called to complain to the...
A young man is given a very special Little Black Book by a mysterious Gypsy Fortune Teller. He uses the magical book in an attempt to seduce the office bitch. How that turns out is very interesting.= = = = = I don’t usually pay any attention to the fortune tellers at the street fair that is set up each Sunday along the sidewalks near my apartment. I know they are all fakes. The only thing for sure about them is that everything they tell you is a lie. But this one was different. She was sitting...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSean’s Dad Meets Bab’s Mom – WOW!I’ve written about my dad before when Babs posed nude for him and then had sex with him – see Wife’s Nude Portrait and Wife’s Nude Portrait 2. Just to give you a brief update, my dad and I look very much alike, both standing 6’2” with athletic builds, only dad is starting to get a little grey at the edges. My mom had left him abruptly over 15 years ago and that had devastated him. He hadn’t dated or been with a woman until Babs posed for him and then seduced...
I was feeling angry. I knew that part of my anger was due to writing my life history. Reliving the bad things that had happened to me was opening old and serious scars. My emotions were running in chaotic spurts as I recalled the various wounds my psyche had taken. I wanted, or needed, I wasn't sure which James to spank me and then fuck me 'til I was pregnant. That last I was sure was a want. But being spanked? That was confusing me. Until I'd relived the memory of the first time Mr. Jacob...
Hi, all, I am Karthik and this is an incident that happened 6 years ago and how I started to ramp my aunt. This is my first sex story and all girls/aunties/grannies anyone is free to write to me at Let me first tell you about me, I am a 23-year-old software engineer now staying in Bangalore. I am 5ft 8” with an athletic physic with a 6.5” big but fat cock matching my skin color. The heroine of my life my pinni (my mom’s SIL ) as I call her was 41 when this first incident took place. She is...
IncestForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone call and...
Straight SexFrom the way Mila and Kenneth looked and the unmistakable sweetness of sex in the air at Kenneth's apartment, clearly Mila had enjoyed her date with Kenneth. In fact the lengthy shower they shared showed they were still enjoying it. Though not as comfortable an environment as the two new lovers had to share their lust, Dotty and I had a most enjoyable evening as well. It became both a celebration and a chance to spend our first, albeit short night together. After working with Eileen for...
My name is Kelly White. I'm in my room right now. My best friend and roommate, Rae Reddie, is sleeping in the same room as me. Rae had been obsessed with this spell book recently. I was so confused. Why did she like it so much? Did she still believe in magic? Honestly, I was confused that the spellbook wasn't black. I looked at the spell book, and snatched it as Rae slept.. I flipped to a random page, and saw 'Mind Control Spell?' Ooh, looked fun. I snuck out Rae's room, and made it to the...
Mind ControlI was wrong. Something else happened. It happened that Elizabeth came to see me late. Very late. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke to pounding on the door. I don't know how she got into the building. I thought I heard her voice calling in a dream, but she pulled me out of the dream and through the dark hall and the living room. The only light was the yellow gleam from the street lamp in the alley, streaming up through the windows to project drops of melted snow onto the walls and...
Life Begins to Revive (I suggest your read Apocalyptic Lovers before getting into this sequel.) Following the massive meteor strike near Kansas City, a strong earthquake had moved in a wave across the entire North American continent. Megatons of dust, rocks and dirt had been hurled into the atmosphere. The resulting dust and dirt cloud that enveloped the earth blocked out much of the sun's light. Massive worldwide crop failures soon followed. Slowly, the cloud of dust and dirt had...
I was 18 the first time I had sex and it was with a married man twice my age. He had been giving me lifts home from work where we both worked for a few weeks. There was a long leafy road we drove down every day and that's where my sex life started.I had a couple of boyfriends from leaving school and we had kissed and I had my tits touched over my bra but nothing more, maybe that's why they never lasted. I wasn't going to give my virginity away so easily.The guy from work used to joke and flirt...
Chapter 5 Show and Tell = = = = = = == = = = = = I was on my back, my legs spread in invitation, wearing only a faint sheen of sweat, waiting for Susan’s mouth. My husband’s thigh was beside my head, his freshly discharged cock draped over his leg. His big dick was soft now but still turgid, elongated, and glistening with saliva where Susan and I had licked him clean—I could still taste his semen. We’d made Bobby cum harder than he ever had before. And we were just getting started....
This will be the list of Characters given for this story. Every character show will represent a different set of people and a different lifestyle. Somethings I feel will be heart breaking while others will be triumphant. However, in this world it will be hard to be anything you want in the years of Feudalism. You are told to be what you are and nothing more. Anything else can result in an arrest of worse...So please be safe and try not to get caught.
GayIt was a Saturday night. For some reason, we were together, the three of us. Any way…I come along in a new pickup truck with a bench seat. I pick up the two of you at Di’s house. You are wearing a short wrap mini skirt with a mesh blouse, no bra. (I find out later that you are not wearing panties) Di is wearing a pareo with a triangle bikini top…the triangles are not very big. I also notice that Di has a navel ring. Seeing the navel ring I wonder if any thing else is pierced.
All little Jasmine Gomez does is take selfies. She is super tiny, so all of the likes and follows make her feel big and strong. Her stepdad felt that she was going overboard. He confronted her about how she might have a possible social media addiction, but she had quite the rebuttal for him. She wanted to prove that even though she may post a lot, that does not mean she cant multitask. She began to fuck her stepdad while she continued to rapidly post on all of her social accounts. Her tight...
xmoviesforyouAdrian Westbrooke decided he had to change his way of life because his present path was leading him to disaster. He was sick of the parties that turned rapidly into orgies, the booze and the drugs that were supposed to be part of the artist’s lifestyle, the hangers on, especially the young and not so young women who thought it was sophisticated to mingle with artists, he was sick of the one night stands. Above all he was sick of the mediocrity of his own work. Adrian decided on the change...
“Hi, Paige, it’s Terri. Can we talk?” Paige froze for a moment with the phone to her ear, too shocked to talk. It was the Sunday afternoon after the Tallman’s cocktail party, and Paige was still dealing with the aftereffects of the hot tub session afterwards. Specifically, she was still naked, wearing a pair of black stiletto heels that strapped around her ankles, and was simply lazing around the den of their house playing with Fuzzy the kitten. Only an hour before she had given her husband...
I watched closely until the men doing the clanking turned the corner. The little group I had hoped to see, would have been different people all together. They weren't who I wanted, but they were obviously press. The four men were all humping large packs, no doubt filled with TV shit. Two of them carried different versions of the AK47. There's were closer to the version a traditional Russian block soldier would have been issued. Nothing fancy just a deadly weapon in the hands of someone...
Her is a lil story for everyone during one of my early cross dressing experiences. Both my parents worked during the day and I didn’t feel like going to school so I stayed home but I stayed awake after everyone left and just roamed the house doing what ever and on my roaming I walked into my step sisters room and was just looking around, I looked at her clothes in her closet and all her drawers just touching and caressing her silkiest clothes. She had this really silky pair of panties that were...
Down the street lived a good friend and his mother. I walked over one cold and misty night to see him. He was gone so I pulled up a chair on his back patio and waited for him to get back. After awhile I saw his mother look at me through the window. She was a cute little redhead that was always a bit flirty and she never wore a bra or panties as I would come to find out.She came to the door and told me the her son would be home in a few minutes and offered to let me wait inside. As I said it was...
The third night with him is no less enjoyable than the previous. My instincts lead me, and he follows willingly and easily. I bring him to my secret glade, hours into the wilderness and we kiss. The summer is in its prime, and the moon shines strongly. The sun has just crept behind the horizon and leaves its golden sheen on the clouds at the far edge of the world. “I had a hard time escaping this time. They are beginning to ask why I sneak out every night. But I’m glad that I do. Nothing can...
SupernaturalI had lived in my apartment for a year, me and my sexy dog, when a new neighbor moved in. I went to “meet and greet” and when I saw her I thought how beautiful and sexy she was. She had these long legs, a lithe shape, full lips and a wonderful inviting smile. The way she tossed back her hair when she laughed made me want to get down on my knees and lick her off but I had another idea if she would only get down on her knees! We had our meet and our greet. She was busy moving in. “Nice...
After that night at home and of course after that weekend alone as well she came in to work all prepared to find Catherine and see what was going on as far as she was concerned but she didn’t. Seeing as it was Monday, she came in that morning and of course wondered if Catherine was already in however Sarah’s schedule dictated that she had way too much to do. Sarah didn’t even look around for her. She didn’t look for Catherine at all. She didn’t even know if Catherine was there yet. In truth,...
Chapter 1 The Girl Scouts were busily working on their summer camp project, making authentic Indian canoes. The work was difficult and exhausting and much less interesting than most of them had expected. Lea, a seventeen-year-old girl with strawberry blond hair and a petite body noticed a teenage boy watching them from a distance through the trees. She knew that there was an Eagle Scout camp a little over a mile away. She suspected he was a wandering Eagle Scout who had discovered their...
Mom forces Me To Take CockIf you don't already know, I'm a pathetic 31-year-old pussyboy son who is regularly dominated by his whore mother. Today she stood towering over me. I was on my knees in front of her, my nose pressed against hard against her skirt, in-line with her pussy. It is very prominent pussy with big, fleshy fat pussy lips and a large swollen clit and I love the fact that her pubic hair is now so sparse and thin that it looks like a shaved pussy. I am a slave to her magnificent...
Having been married for three years, we were discovering the zest and excitement is slowly fading out of our relationship. I am 26, quite athletic though medium built with a very high libido. Rita, my wife is 24, and very attractive. Both of us work for a software company.if u like it plz reply me in o The other day, we had been to a disco. As usual, rita was dressed to kill. She had an off-shoulder top, revealing the bulge of her tits, and possibly a strapless bra. But her nipples still poked...
Hi friends…I don’t remember when I started to fantasize incest. I started masturbating when I was in 11th Std and may be by 12th incest started fulfilling my masturbation sessions. Basically I am from an orthodox family, still I don’t know why the so called “dirty thoughts” like incest came to my mind and even dominated it. But this didn’t have any influence in my real life. It was limited to my masturbation sessions. I never even looked my mom with such a lust in my mind, though reading incest...
IncestThis is part 3, but also a story in itself!The weeks seemed to fly by and, before I knew it, the time had come for myself and my mother to leave for our holiday. I was still in the dark as to where we were actually going, as my mother placed her finger against my lips every time I tried to ask "Shhhh..." she would say "you'll have to wait and see like a good boy."I arrived at her house early on the Monday morning and was pleasently surprised to see her in a pair of butt-hugging pink shorts,...
It was a Monday and just past ten o’clock, I was in a very happy mood and was very excited for the two men whom I was going to share a sexual experience with to arrive. I was just about to turn 17, it was the day before my birthday and at this point in my life I was coming to an end of trying some new things. This was a last bit of fun and I was really looking forward to it. My name is Daniel but everyone just calls me Danny. I’m a rather nice 6ft 2 with a well toned body and I have a rather...
My wife Joy is a slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck all the time, anytime. She has been gang banged by clubs, fraternities, softball teams, bowling teams, the night shift at a 24-hour gas station. She has been videotaped and photographed entertaining groups of guys. Joy was once gang banged by a group of her teachers when she was seventeen in high school in the principal’s office during school hours. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or...
Hi. My name is Maggie. Well, Margaret. Margaret McGee. Or Margaret M. Silverstein, now, I guess. I was born in Brooklyn, to Catholic parents. My parents were of that new breed- the breed where both parents worked. But this was in the time before day care and other such things had really made it easy for parents of limited means to have a kid cared for while both parents worked. As a result, I was on my own a lot and I had to learn to fight for myself on the streets of New York. I was always...
I first met Jan about 17 years ago whilst dating a young woman,Rhonda who was a single mother ,2 k**s and was about 27, I late 40s so there was quite an age difference.It was a side affair, occasionally taking her out for a meal and sex after.We were more good friends than anything and I used to enjoy her company and there was no real anything in the relationship.On one occasion while visiting , she asked if I would take some things around to her friend Jan, who lived nearby.Jan explained she...
"Hi mum," I whisper hoarsely. "Hi dad. I- I'm Stephanie..." My legs shake harder and I almost collapse to the floor as, with a stoic expression on his face, dad slowly rises from his seat and walks toward me... "...It's nice to meet you, Stephanie," dad says, embracing me in a fatherly hug. "Umm," I say, shocked by the sudden turn of events. "Hello, daughter," mum says, standing up and joining in the hug. "Mum?" I ask in a small voice, confused by the unexpected outcome of...
When I was 18 years old my friends dad caught me playing with my self just as I came. He just stood there for around five minutes as my dick slowly shrivelled up and drained of cum then he walked out and thankfully never mentioned it! I’m now 25 and around a month ago while drying off after a shower in the gym, who should walk around the corner but my friends dad! He said hi then looked down and gasped and said “My my you’ve certainly grown!” I’d always kind of had a crush on him so I let my...
GayVasska's ship sailed into the Vigger port city of Vagena, Many similar ships were scattered around them at anchor. As the ship was made fast Vasska looked out from the deck above and saw a large crowd was gathered on the dock waiting. The four ACs that had followed his ship hovered above the port silently. Two men separated from the crowd and waited silently for Vasska to come ashore. "I must leave for a few minutes but I will return soon Yuri and provide further instructions," Vasska...
I drove up the track, worrying for the hundredth time about the state of it, the winter frosts had eroded great tracts of it, making the suspension work hard, I thought again of asking Da to arrange for a lorry load of tarmac and a couple of men to sort it. I was glad the skies had cleared. I could rescue part of my scheduled work at least, there were two sets of comparison shots I wanted to complete, half an hour shutter time each. I also had the next set of three to start. There, round the...