Sybian IntroductionChapter 2 free porn video

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Beth woke up and rolled over expecting to find John lying next to her, only to find a cold pillow and mussed sheets. She rolled back and glanced at the clock, 10:15. A momentary panic as she leapt from the bed. "Shit! I can't believe I didn't make it to work!" She scurried over to her dresser ready to grab her essentials and rush into the bathroom for her morning shower.

The note attached to the mirror was from John.

"You called in sick this morning. I'll try to get home early. Love ya! John"

Her breathing slowly returning to normal she fell back onto the bed and started to think back onto the events that led up to her exhausted awakening this morning. She couldn't believe the intensity of her orgasms the previous evening. She really got a kick out of John watching and his control of that thing was just short of mastery. Wonder how he figured it out that fast.

As she lay there thinking about her experience and how exciting it was she could feel her nipples begin to grow taught and she could feel that gentle buzz as her clit became energized. Her hands slipped down to gently caress her hardening nipples, rolling them gently between her first finger and thumb, just enough pressure to distend them slightly. The tingles traced a direct path from her breasts to her clit as she felt her lubrication begin to wet her inner lips. Her hand slid slowly down her stomach, over the slight rise of her pubis down to her clit. Her finger slid down to separate her lips slightly feeling her lubrication moisten her finger tip she rolled it back up to coat her clit.

Almost as if they had a mind of their own her fingers began to roll a small compact circle that took her finger tip slightly off her clit then to pass over it again as the circle was completed. Her stomach began to tense with each pass of her finger over her clit, which created a thrusting motion from her hips, as if her pussy was trying to capture at least one finger to plunge deep inside.

"Shit! I can't do this now... that damned thing has turned me into a harlot." She slid off the bed and walked on shaky legs to the bathroom, slipping her only clothing, her shirt, over her head as she walked in, opened the door to the shower and turned the water on. She adjusted it absent mindedly as her thoughts returned to her masturbation and love making session of the previous night. "I can't believe I let John watch me, but god! I got sooo excited. The look in his eyes... just thinking about it makes me wet..." then she started to laugh at herself, "maybe you're wet because you just had your finger in your pussy" and she stepped under the flowing water.

It seemed as if all of her nerve endings were enflamed. Even the flow of the water down her body, the beating of the water on her breasts, the way the water traced down the valleys of her pelvis to drip from the pinnacle of her pubis gave her tingles that weakened her knees.

"Oh my god! What's happening to me? Will this ever go away? I can't even function, I feel like I have to cum or I'll never be able to concentrate on anything! GOD!" and her hand once again traced down between her legs to focus on her clit. Her finger tracing small circles her other hand sliding down next to it to slowly penetrate her opening...

"Oh, shit" she thought in frustration as she tried to caress her G spot in just the right way. She remembered the depth of the orgasmic delight from having that infernal machine vibrate her clit at the same time it passed over her spot. "I can't do it again. John will think I'm depraved, what's he going to think when I jump his bones like a bitch in heat when he gets home tonight?" but her legs walked her out of the shower dripping water on floor as she went to the spare bedroom and looked at the machine still sitting in the middle of the room where they left it last night.

She walked over and picked up the control. "Ok one orgasm, that's it and then I'll take it back today. I have to get that thing out of here, I'm fucking addicted" she thought as she settled down over it. She felt the penis shaped attachment slide through her wet lips, and she had to rise and settle a couple of times to get it fully wet and as deep as its small length would permit.

She reached down and hit the switch associated with the vibration mechanism.

"Oh! Way too high!" she thought and quickly decreased the level of vibration. She turned down the "volume" of the rotation before turning on the switch and felt the penis attachment begin its first slow swing. The spark of pleasure as it swept across her spot took her by surprise and she mashed her body down, feeling the vibration through her clit and quickly turned the volume up on both. She quickly grew frustrated as her desire grew, she wanted to caress her breasts but couldn't quite find the right balance between rotation and vibration.

Her orgasm took her completely by surprise. She could almost feel her body click in as the vibration and rotation reached that perfect blend. Her body settled down on the machine and she began a gentle thrusting of her hips, dragging her clit over the bumps of the vibration matt. As she reached up and again took her nipples between her forefinger and thumb her body tensed all at once, her eyes rolled back and she felt the waves of pleasure radiate out from her clit, intensified, magnified each time the attachment slid across her G spot. Her body began to vibrate and she heard a loud moan, almost a shriek as she lost touch with anything outside of her pleasure filled world. As each orgasm began to fade another one seemed to creep up on her, beginning with maddening slowness only to build in speed and intensity as she neared the point of no return to burst like July 4th fireworks with sparks flashing in her tightly closed eyes, legs quivering to suspend herself at just the perfect penetration, the controls slid across the floor as her leg twitched in orgasmic convulsions.

She looked at the controls in almost terror as she realized they were out of her reach. Her rising inability to withstand any additional pleasure only slightly overridden by her desire for one more orgasm. She rode the machine, knowing she had lost control as the last but definitely most intense pulse of tingles flashed through her body. The only sounds she could make were a series of grunts that accompanied each frenzied contraction of her abs.

Her body as tense as the quivering, overstressed steel of a collapsing bridge, she lost her balance and slowly toppled over onto her side, the machine falling over before finally disengaging from her drenched slit. She lay on her back unable to do anything but breathe. Her eyes closed, her head back, stomach and chest rising and falling as she struggled to control her racing heart beat.

"Oh my God! I have to get rid of that thing. Its going to kill me." And she resolved that as soon as she could get the energy to get up and get dressed she would take the thing back to Sharon.

John pulled in the driveway and walked up the walk. "Beth?" he called as he walked into the house. "Beth? Are you here?" It was only 1:30 in the afternoon but the house had such an empty feeling that he was actually frightened as he ran up the stairs. He looked in the bedroom and the bed was unmade. Beth was always so fastidious, he couldn't imagine her leaving the house in this condition before she left.

The bathroom had that slightly moist feel to it like the water had recently run but it was cold so he knew it had to be a while since the shower was on. "Beth?" he called again a little louder this time. He walked down the hall looking into each room and finally found Beth lying on her back next to the still buzzing, still rotating Sybian machine.

The machine was lying on its side, and Beth was lying with her arms over her head and her legs parted slightly. The thing John noticed the most, was the distended lips of her pussy, engorged, dripping with moisture and almost raw looking in their redness. She had a slight smile on her face but she didn't react at all to his appearance. He slowly leaned down and gently shook Beth's shoulder.


"Beth are you ok?" he whispered to her as he lay down on the floor next to her and took her in his arms.


John kissed Beth's cheek and smoothed her hair from her face. "Beth, baby, are you ok?"

Beth's eyes opened slightly and she turned her head to look at John, her eyes slowly came into focus. John felt a twitch then Beth's whole body tensed and her eyes widened farther than John had ever seen them. Her face flushed a deep shade of red.

"Oh my god!" and John watched the tears build up at the corners to slowly overflow and roll almost simultaneously down both of her cheeks.

"Let me up!" Beth almost shouted as she twisted in John's arms, trying to get her arms out of John's grasp. John knew it would take him days to get Beth to relax from this one and he knew his best chance was now so he held her firmly but gently as she struggled.

"Beth, Beth its ok, its ok baby" he said in as soothing a voice as he could muster. "Calm down sweets, it's ok it's ok"

"Oh god John, I'm so sorry" she was crying in sobs and John felt the fight leave her body. "I don't know... I don't know what happened..." her voice was confused as she fought through the embarrassment.

"Beth, its ok, I just want to make sure you're ok sweetheart, what happened?"

"When I woke up you were gone and... When I took a shower I started to think... about, you know, about last night, and, umm, well I started to think abort trying it one more time." The words had started slowly through gulps of air and sobs but picked up speed as she got into the explanation to end up almost a rush of words.

"And when I started it didn't feel as good but I kept sitting on it, and it felt good, god John it felt so good and I started to cum and I couldn't stop and I just kept cumming and cumming, Oh god John, I'm so sorry."

"Beth! Why do you keep apologizing? There's nothing to be sorry about, relax sweetheart, I was just worried that you were hurt. relax sweets, its ok really." John's caring tone of voice combined with gently brushing her hair from her eyes, wiping the tears from her flushed cheeks finally broke through her panic and guilt at getting caught.

"You don't mind that I came without you?"

"No babe! Its not like I've never masturbated before! I just never had such a great toy to do it with." John's grin was hard for Beth to interpret. It was a combination of guilt and amusement, with an undertone of sensuality that stopped Beth in her tracks. This guy was so much deeper than she ever gave him credit for. She pulled her arms out of Johns and wrapped them tightly around his neck.

"I love you so much John. Thanks for not being angry with me." Her head fell and buried itself into John's chest. "I'm returning that fucking thing today, right now!" and she slipped out of John's arms and rushed off to her bedroom. John lay there thinking about the previous night and what she must've experienced on her own today. He didn't want her to return it but was afraid to tell her. The fact that she had lost control on the thing had him hard enough to cut glass, or drive railroad spikes.

John sat up and leaned back against the wall. Beth came in and grabbed the attachment but her hand slipped off. John could see the juices on it still glinting in the fading afternoon light. "Fuck! John can you get this fucking thing off."

John almost laughed out loud, actually had to cough into his hand. Both at the unintended but brutally accurate pun and at the fact that Beth who so rarely cusses was so upset she used the 'f' word twice in one statement!

"Sure sweetheart. You sure you want to return this today? I mean is Sharon even going to be home?"

"She'll be there by the time I get there, if not I'll wait." John had heard this tone of voice before and knew that no argument would stop her from doing what she set her mind to doing at this point.

John disconnected the attachment and as Beth took it into the bathroom to wash it off John picked up the machine and carried it downstairs to the car. He sat down on the front porch, and as Beth drove away with a squeal of tires John saluted its departure with the crack of a beer.

"I'll never figure women out, Ya know? If I could cum that hard you'd never get me off that machine."

As Beth pulled up to Sharon's place some of her fire had gone out. She wondered how she could possibly explain to Sharon what had happened. She knocked on the door and said "Wait" to Sharon as she opened the door.

She ran to the car and pulled the heavy machine out and carried it to the door. "Here." She said as she thrust the machine into Sharon's arms. Sharon took a step back as she adjusted to the weight. She turned and set it down in the hallway.

"Did you try it?" she asked Beth

"yes" Beth said as she turned and walked down the sidewalk back to her car. "I can't talk about it now but yes I tried the damn thing." She slammed her door and left as quickly as she had arrived. Sharon stood there in shock wondering what the fuck had happened.

John was still sitting on the porch when Beth came back, his second beer in hand just opened. "Are you ok Beth?" John asked as Beth sat down next to him.

"I'm fine John, I'm just so embarrassed, mortified at you finding me like that. I don't want you to..." her head fell and she looked at the sidewalk between her feet. "I don't want you to think of me... as being, well... like that."

"Like what Beth?" John was playing to the hilt the painfully obtuse male that he was sure all women considered men. He had an idea but didn't want to take the chance that he'd be wrong.

"like a slut, I guess." And again John watched a tear slide from her eye to slowly trail down her cheek. The first thought that flashed through his head was what smooth skin she has. He felt another flush of the intense love warm the very depths of his soul. He slid his arm around Beth's shoulders and pulled her gently against him.

"Beth, nothing could be further from what I think. I think you're beautiful, warm intelligent, incredibly sensuous, and just plain sexy as hell. You never cease to amaze me and I love your sense of adventure. I'm glad you found some pleasure this afternoon sweety. There's absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Oh god John, it was scary, I completely lost control, just like last night but I didn't have you to control things, to keep me from going to far."

"Beth, that is the most erotic thing you've ever said to me babe. Was it awesome?"

"No it was scary! I couldn't help it. I just, lost it."

"I love you Beth" John looked deep into her eyes. As they stood up Beth pulled John to her. Her head lifted slightly as she put her lips to his her eyes closing slowly. As his midsection closed to hers her eyes popped open as she felt his erection against her belly. She opened her mouth and her tongue sought his as their kiss deepened. Beth rubbed her pelvis against him, she could feel the rawness as her clit rubbed across the lump that was John engorged cock.

"John," she whispered as she pulled slightly away. "John, will you cum for me? I mean like you said you did when we're not together? Please?"

"You mean you want me to jerk off for you?"


"Are you really serious Beth?" he said as his voice rose on the last syllable.

"Yes John. Its something I've always dreamed about, fantasized about. Oh god I feel like I've completely lost control. I can't believe I asked you that."

"you know you can tell me anything right? IF you're sure you really want to see it, umm yeah sure sweetheart, I'll do it for you."

John heart was in his throat as Beth took his hand and lead him back into the house. She lead him into the bedroom and pushed him back onto the bed. She smiled at him as she went to her dresser. John watched as she pulled something white and silky out of the drawer and slipped into the bathroom.

John did what any red blooded male would do. He stripped faster than the bark from a tree during the Mt St Helens explosion.

John slid his hand down over his cock, gently massaging it, squeezing it gently as he waited for Beth to come out. He stroked it slowly up and down once or twice and felt the precum roll down from the tip to pool where his hand met penis.

Beth came out of the bathroom. "No John, do it right baby."


She gently pushed his chest and he fell back on the bed. She slid his legs over on the bed so he was fully laid out on the bed, then she crawled between his legs and sat on her feet, looking intently at John. He felt self conscious as her gaze ran the full length of his body, stopping at his throbbing cock. John had never been more excited in his life.

"Come on John, do it for me." The most erotic sounding whisper John had ever heard come from Beth.

John's hand once again wrapped around his cock. The precum that had traveled down the length of his engorged staff lubricated his hand as it began to slide up and down his shaft. Beth's beautiful body was encased in white satin. Her hard nipples making peaks in the fabric highlighted by just a hint of the aurelia that surrounded them. Her focus was on his cock as his hand stroked in that familiar pattern. He could feel the tingles, could feel the cum rising from his balls with each stroke. He knew it wouldn't take long now.

His gaze traveled the full length of Beth's torso. The shape of her long neck, the curves of her collar bones showing through her skin, the soft lines of her shoulders broken only by the spaghetti strap of her lingerie. He couldn't imagine anything sexier than the visage he was so thoroughly enjoying. His attention was attracted to her nipples, hard, poking against the fabric, hiding the subtle curve of her firm breast.

Beth reached her hand down and John watched as her hand slid beneath her teddy. He watched as the muscles of her arm began to move rhythmically. John's hand slowed its stroke trying to stave off the inevitable.

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It was the typical, slow Friday evening at the gym. Brayden had just finished his cardio warm up and headed for the ab workout machines. What he didn't know was that today's workout would be entirely different than anything he had ever experienced. A workout that would include muscles he had not intended to workout.For a man in his late 30s, Brayden was in excellent health and fitness, and with a great job. Often he would hit the gym after work to relieve the stresses of the day and keep...

3 years ago
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The Man of My Dreams 2

As I follow Connor to his house I have time to think about everything that has happened thus far tonight. I cant believe some of what has happened already. I had never done anything like what I did at the restaurant. I almost wonder if it really happened. I gave Connor a blow job and the waiter watched. I know it happened though because I can still taste his cum in my mouth. Connor said he was going to punish me when we get back to his house. The thought terrifies me. It also turn me on so...

2 years ago
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Uncle Frank Has a VisitorChapter 3

Caitlin may have been thinking about getting fucked all day, but she couldn't have been more anxious to resume our activities of last night and this morning than I was. Carrying her sweet, young body pressed tightly against me made my cock swell and strain in the confines of my pants. To have such a cute, little sex toy begging me to fuck her was enough to make any man lose all control over any moral judgments. I wasn't thinking of her as my niece or even as a girl that should have been...

3 years ago
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The Lovers Holiday Episode 1

You meet her at the airport. The limo picked you up first, and the plan was to wait until the chauffeur brought her back...but you couldn't. You wait anxiously beside him, heart beating hard, wondering which of the beauties deplaning is the one you seek. From behind the crowd emerges a shape that is at once as familiar as it is foreign. A form you've seen, in pictures perhaps, but largely in your dreams. She walks, smiling, directly towards you. Her tight, short, black dress clings to her...

3 years ago
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Best Served Cold

It was far too hot to be sitting outside to wait. Early August is not the best time of year to be visiting Grand Cayman, but needs must when you're visiting on business rather than pleasure. Actually, that wasn't quite true either ... it was going to be a pure pleasure indeed when this long outstanding business matter was completed for good ... hopefully soon. David found himself a table indoors right against the street side window where he could wait, watch what was happening outside, and...

4 years ago
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The Mother in Law

She was staying with her mom and had taken over her old room. Her mother was sleeping in the master bedroom that she used to share with her husband until he had passed a few years back; there was another bedroom that she used for crafts but overall the house was kind of empty with just her in it, I think she appreciated having someone else there. Her mom was amenable to the idea of me coming by, we had always gotten along well and she knew that things change between people over time - that it...

2 years ago
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My Heart Has Seen the GloryChapter 4

They were in a field. Brenda kept walking, not wanting to block those coming in behind her. It was a nice field. Large, somewhere between a baseball and football field in size. It wasn't magical or anything, which is sort of what she had been expecting. After all, if God is sending you to a new home, you sort of expect more than this. Then again, this was just the front hall. She felt the door vanish behind them. Turning, all she saw was the congregation of nude girls and women. They were...

2 years ago
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A Princess of Ireland

This is my longest story to date, nearly 27,000 words. Some may complain that it is too long. For those that do, I have a number of shorter stories for you. Just look them up under the author, Want2BaGirl. I wanted a chance to really build the characters and tell a full story. This is my most ambitious story to date. I welcome any and all comments and criticisms. It is how I can ultimately become a better writer. I hope you enjoy the story. ---------- A Princess of Ireland You...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Waltz 1 9 Months 8 Days 5 Hours 11 Minutes

An Anniversary Waltz story She stopped him just as the hotel doors swooshed open in front of them. "You didn't tip him, honey," Paula said. Steve Oldham rolled his eyes. "We paid for the ride, didn't we?" But she opened her eyes wide as the full moon and he surrendered. He told her to go ahead and check in, but she was waiting for him just inside the doors; she hadn't even gotten in line. "I couldn't ask for Mr. and Mrs. Oldham's room," she said. "I can't believe I'm Mrs....

4 years ago
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Conveyor Belt

My shoulders hurt. And my back. This feels wrong. Uncomfortable and ..... wrong.... Why is it dark? Where am I? It's cold..... I think I'm suspended from something by my shoulders. No, wait, my feet are on the floor, so, just restrained then. ... "Just restrained"? What the fuck?! Something is seriously messed up here! Get me the hell out of here! Got to get help! "H----------" Huh? "H------------!!" I can't speak! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. .... ... OK,...

2 years ago
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Pictures of Mommy Part 4

On Saturday morning, I was mowing the lawn and mom was preparing lunch, we had not decided what to shoot that day, we had to do a hardcore movie and we were out of ideas. I mean I was clueless about sex and mom was hardly a wealth of knowledge either. Suddenly the kitchen window flew open and mom shouted, "I bet the guys would like to see me fuck a carrot!"I will let that sentence hang in the air a moment...... Savor it.... "I bet the guys would like to see me fuck a carrot!"...Truer words were...

1 year ago
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Babes Machine has plenty of stunning babes waiting for you and the best part is, it's absolutely free! The homepage loads with advertising on the left, and image thumbnails on the right. These thumbnails are really striking so you will be spoilt for choice as to which one to click on first. Click on any of these thumbnails and an external site will load with around 15 free photos from that scene. You can enlarge these and save them to your hard drive like most normal gallery sites. On the...

Porn Pictures Sites
2 years ago
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Help Part 2

*** Jake’s big blue eyes were glued to the floor. His heart raced like a steam train pounding out of a dark tunnel at full speed. His emotions were all over the place. He tried to look up at Daniel who was still stood in front of him in silence. Jake wondered what he was thinking as he tried desperately to make sense of the situation. The truth was Daniel was stunned at his own words. He had been trying to say that very sentence of months but he never could. He felt like a huge weight had...

1 year ago
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Christmas CheerChapter 8

"Mom, what the hell?" I'd run for my phone and snatched it up the moment it rang, hoping that with some distance and a pause to reflect, Jenny had had a change of heart. But instead of my daughter, the voice on the other end was my son, and he didn't sound the least bit full of Christmas cheer. "What the hell?" Jeff demanded again into the silence. I settled onto my bed and pulled my legs up to sit cross-legged atop the covers. "I take it your sister called you." "Yeah." He drew...

2 years ago
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A Month to a Changed WomanWeek 4

Thursday night I once again played the peeping tom (peeping jane?) and spied on Mr. and Mrs. White. While it was hot and steamy, it was not significantly different from what I'd seen before. Friday morning, however, was a different story. As usual, I went to the master bedroom to clean. However, though I thought that Mrs. White had gone out, she had apparently changed her schedule and decided to stay home. In her bedroom. Masturbating. With a large dildo. When I walked into her bedroom she...

2 years ago
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Geiler Samstag

Es war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....

2 years ago
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Padosan bhabhi ki jabardast chudai aur uski gaand chati

Hello ladies and guys… this is Kapil from Delhi. Maine aap logo ki kai kahaniya padhi hai aur usi kahaniyo se prerit hokar main aaj aap logo ko apni ek kahani sunane ja raha hu. Pehle main aapko mere bare main batana chahta hu. Meri umar 28 saal hai 5 ft 9 inch height hai aur rang sawlasa hai. Mere mom dad ki ek lauti aulaad hu. Main divorcee hu, meri shaadi aaj se 4 saal pehle hui thi aur patni ke saath anban hone ke karan 2 saal hi tiki. Abhi tak maine dusri shaadi nahi ki hai, main 30-32...

1 year ago
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Lucys Tale Part 1

Another Day of tears in the bathrooms. Another slammed bedroom door when I get home because my mother doesn’t care. Welcome to my world! My name is Lucy Lattimer, I’m 16 and I live in Surrey. The living in Surrey as what has become the problem! We used to live in a tiny village that nobody has heard of in Yorkshire, but Mum decided to both remarry and relocate, and guess who didn’t get a say in the matter? I was so happy for her when she started dating John and to be honest, I...

3 years ago
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Owned The Training and Taming of Kittenbritches p

I wanted to meet you after your first message on x hamster- I have an unwrapped diamond ? stud collar waiting for the likes of you! You had me at 'lady in the streets' part.... Icing on the cake was take home to momma!! Let's chat! It was such an intellectual/emotional turn-on that you watched my whole profile video, and my pussy gushed a little at Your mention of collar. Could I have met a kindred spirit? My soul mate, so to speak? I seldom respond to messages, there are so many given my...

1 year ago
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Carters Exploits Part One The One Night Stand

The all too familiar story seemed so close to Carter's life that he could've sworn that he wasn't alone. But even he knew that was, unfortunately, his existence. How he was meant to be. And he had come to like it that way. The Gothic Lounge was bustling with the spirits of those raving around it. Everyone was jumping, singing, dancing and having a good time. It was a nice sight, seeing so many people happy over his efforts. He was sure to make his money back from the renovations to this place:...

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BlacksOnBlondes Cherie Deville Abella Danger 08292017

Sometimes, there isn’t a storyline. Or a plot. Or dialogue. When you have three of the best performers in the game, all you need is a hard slap across the tit, another firm slap across the face, and some hot, girl-on-girl action, in order to get the scene rolling. From there, it’s non-stop action until the Bull unloads. Enter Abella Danger and Cherie DeVille. They love to fuck each other. On camera or off…it really doesn’t matter. These two slutty whores love rough sex:...

4 years ago
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"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...

3 years ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 14 Coach Bullrsquos Bull

All three students were academically and mostly otherwise qualified. Melba had graduated Salutatorian of her class, Bob had carried a 3.97 (one ‘B’ his freshman year) GPA through his sophomore year, and Susan completed her freshman year with a 4.0 - never letting her brother forget. As they walked up the stairs to the main door of their high school, Bob placed his cell phone on voice record and told Susan that she should do the same, “That way we won’t need to take any notes and won’t forget...

1 year ago
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 4

Another Space Battle. The enemy is hungry. One of their food sources is humans from planet earth. The newcomers had been around the moon. John had a bit of fun with the cookies. John could sense something not right. He looked at his phone for the time. “Admiral, head towards Venus at full speed.” “Brien announce to everyone to make sure their seat belts are on secure.” Admiral Mary advised. “Buckle up and make safe, Tito log in a direct path to Venus and advance at full speed,” Brien said...

1 year ago
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The Boys

The Boys The two men eyed each other with caution. Both were embarrassed by their near nudity and the displayed feminine items. Both men were in chastity both wore identical stainless steel chastity cages of the ball trap design. Their enclosed penis pointed down and the balls extended and were on display. Helen sat in a comfortable wicker chair and smiled at the boys. She crossed her legs and sipped her wine. Helen had on a pair of wide legged comfortable jeans, a white tunic top...

1 year ago
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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 3 Intelligentsiaan Interlude

“They were so gauche and pretentious,” Susan complained. “We were met outside the door and made to give up any weapons or cameras.” “I trust you only had a camera and no weapon. Did you get it back?” Angela Ritter asked her daughter. She hadn’t specifically waited up for her to get home, but when she heard her come in at midnight, she came out of her office to greet the somewhat disheveled teen. It was clear to see she’d had sex before coming home. She only hoped it wasn’t in the Cyning’s...

2 years ago
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Tale of Darth TremarChapter 8 Endgame

Cyprixxia Outer Rim Brigia Kaesar moved through the corridors of Cyprixxia, not hurrying. He could feel his prey up ahead, and so he hunted, seeking the paths that would lead him there. He emerged into what seemed to be a large holding pen. He saw three emitters, meaning the shields would be triple layered when active, and with a flash of insight he knew they were in the Terenatek holding pens. “Where are you pets, Darth Tremar,” Kaesar called into the gloom. “Sadly we were forced to leave...

3 years ago
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Watching Mom Dance

Shortly after I turned 16, I got my drivers license and dad bought me a car, was much but ran good and got me where I wanted go, mostly. School had let out early for a teacher's meeting of something, I had dropped Jerome and Travis off and headed home, turning onto my street, I saw Tyronns Escalde parked in front of house, so I parked down street and snuck in thru back garage door, was surprised dads car was there with good still warm. I could here dad and Ty talking in living room, was hard to...

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Born to Fight Ch 01

‘Sire, Vrallenrock has finally fallen under the onslaught of the Eveldraken armies, Predonia is now the last kingdom of the alliance, Predonia now stands alone.’ The travel weary soldier reported to the king of Predonia with despair and anguish in his eyes. The king looked down upon one of the few survivors of the Vrallenrock army with pity and sympathy. This soldier must have been traveling for weeks, his family and friends had been either enslaved or slaughtered and his home, which he had...

2 years ago
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Wife Touches Buddy 7

The Uber driver picked us up from the bar and drove the three of us home. Once we arrived at the house, my wife went into the living room and played some music while I made cocktails. I walked into the living room to find her dancing in the middle of the room. It was about that time when Anthony returned from the bathroom. He walked over and started dancing with her. I gave them their drinks, we toasted and I took a seat to watch them. They were really getting into it and began rubbing and...

1 year ago
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1 IN 200000000

1 IN 200,000,000! On my 55 birthday I thought I would go to my favorite shoe store and buy me a new pair of hush puppies. As I entered the mall there was a table set up where they were taking swab tests of people's DNA with a sign that read " $1000.00 for those who will qualify for the test". So I thought why not and I went and they swabbed my enter cheek and it turned red. At that point the attendant shouted we have our first red YAY!!!! I was told they would give me a 1000.00 for my...

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