Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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As the European Lawn Tennis season thunders on, Wimbledon fortnight comes round yet again. This year, however, there appears to be something strange and mysterious happening. Is it Something In The Water?
As usual in an Axolotl story, some of the female characters tend to have very large breasts indeed, innocent girls use shamefully earthy language and there are copious quantities of bodily fluids sloshing around. Grow up and get a life before you read it.
"Ah, Dr Wallace, so glad you could make it so promptly. As my secretary rather cryptically explained, we seem to have a bit of a problem; but it's something right up your street. Take a seat. Smoke? Ah, no, of course..."
Professor Merridew put his cigarette case back in his inside pocket. Dr Wallace, whose hand had shot out to take one, or even two, leaned back in his chair.
"Tennis," said the professor. "You don't mind if I do?" He lit up with obvious relish and after about thirty seconds blew a stream of smoke at the ceiling like a contented steam engine. "First today," he admitted. "Now, where was I?"
"Tennis. Tennis elbow? Not really a speciality of mine," said Dr Wallace. "My expertise lies more in the field of..."
"Yes, indeed. Indeed, yes. Saw your paper in the Journal. Fascinating work. That, in fact, was why we wasted no time in contacting you. There's something we'd rather like you to look at."
"Something in my field?" The doctor stared longingly at the cigarette as it lay on the edge of the ashtray. He gnawed at his fingers.
"Very much so, we think. Wimbledon fortnight started a few days ago. Ever been?"
"Never found the time, old chap. Strawberries and cream. The smell of the fresh-cut grass. The girls in their full, bouncing T-shirts; their short, short skirts and tight little lacy knickers, drenched in honest sweat..."
"You sure you haven't been?"
"I'd have remembered if I had, believe me."
Funny you should mention the girls. The women, we have to call them these days. Not even ladies any more. Some of them are a bit strange, if you know what I mean. Queer, what?"
"I gather they are, yes. One can understand it, living in each other's pockets month after month. Some of the younger ones are pure and innocent and extremely desirable. Hardly to be wondered at if they tend to stray from the old straight and narrow. But what's all this to do with me?"
Merridew took a long drag on his cigarette, regarding the doctor through the smoke with narrowed eyes. He ruined the effect at the end by having a coughing fit. "Shit," he said at last, as his secretary came in with a jug of water and a glass. He drained a full glass at a single gulp, and poured himself another. "They've grown big breasts," he announced suddenly.
"The female tennis players. Not all of them. Just half a dozen or so. And one of the ball girls, too. The development has been swift, sudden and somewhat staggering. I've got some pictures somewhere here..."
Dr Wallace leaned forward eagerly, his hands trembling as the professor dug into his desk drawer.
"These were taken on day one of the tournament. The usual press shots. Long lenses. They take dozens of each player, hoping for a flash of panties to please the editor. Now, look at these: same players, two days later." He slid a pile of prints across the desk.
Dr Wallace studied them, turning over the pile with almost desperate haste. "I see," he said hoarsely. "Any more?"
"Yes. These are yesterday's. I've asked for another set. We don't have all the players in this bunch of photos, some of them have had to withdraw."
"Too big, I'm afraid."
"My God!" Wallace began leafing through the prints again, more slowly. From time to time, he pulled out a picture and laid it on the desk, forming a separate pile. "You said there was a ball-girl, too?"
"Yes. But the press don't photograph ball-girls. They're not old enough to appeal to newspaper editors. They're only schoolgirls."
"Have you got any pictures of her, though?"
"A few." The professor looked shifty.
"May I?"
"I'd like these back," Merridew said quietly as he opened his drawer. "You can keep all the others, but I wouldn't want these to fall into the wrong hands."
"Of course." Dr Wallace looked at the top one. "Fuck me!" he said unprofessionally. He shuffled through the rest, then mopped his brow with a large silk handkerchief. Without asking permission, he poured a glass of water and took a long drink before picking up the pictures again. "The players have withdrawn, or some of them. Has the ball-girl withdrawn, too?"
"No news on her. The players are more important, of course."
"Oh, of course. Yes, indeed. Any theories on what's caused it?" Dr Wallace was sorting through the ball-girl pictures for the tenth time.
"Nothing really. That's why we called you. We'd like you to conduct an inquiry, as a matter of urgency. In fact, starting this afternoon, assuming you're free to come down to Wimbledon. You'll be able to examine the females concerned."
"Examine? You mean... ?"
"We've thought of that already. I've laid on a woman."
"A woman? You've lain on her?"
"No, I've laid her on. She's a doctor as well. Dr Lewis. Her field is angled more towards research into consumer products for chemical enhancement. Non-invasive breast enlargement. She's done a lot of work with something called Pubertophen."
"Really?" Dr Wallace raised an eyebrow. "I've seen some of her papers. Nice pictures."
"She'll be on her way to the All-England Club now. If we leave right away, we'll be there by three. Pity it's pissing with rain, but it will give you a chance to meet your colleague, have a look round, meet the patients, carry out your initial investigations. It's all hush-hush, of course. The public have been told it's a flu virus. But between you and me, it's only a matter of time before some bright Charlie compares these pictures with the ones taken on the first day and puts two and two together and makes four. Or forty-four. Well, if you're ready? I'll have to leave you to it once we're at Wimbledon, but..." The professor stood up and held out his hand. Dr Wallace looked at him quizzically. "The ball-girl pictures, please..."
"Oh, how silly of me! I seem to have got them mixed up with the others..."
"Dr Wallace? A pleasure. Fay Lewis." The woman in a well-filled white lab coat held out her hand. Dr Wallace's eyes opened wide.
"My pleasure entirely. The professor has briefed me. A rum do, what?"
"Certainly is. There's nothing wrong with big whoppers, in their place. But the Centre Court isn't really the place. I've had a bit of a word with the old Tournament pasha chappies. It appears two of our women have disappeared."
"Disappeared?" Dr Wallace looked concerned. "Where to? Which ones?"
"They've flown off home to mummy. The pressure must be pretty darned heavy. For some reason, the boys from the gutter press don't seem to have caught on yet, which seems to be a remarkable oversight on their part. You'd think one look at the pictures ought to have been enough. You've seen them, of course?"
"Prof Merridew showed me some. So which players are still here? We need to examine them."
"I've got a little list." She flourished a single sheet of paper. "The complete tournament entry for the little Ladies' competition. Lots of names there. When the information first sort of leaked out to the Wimbledon medical orificer, she bashed out a list of about fifteen girls with bigger gazongas than the others. It quickly narrowed itself down to nine, then six..."
"The first three were all-stacked, all-natural. Big for tennis players. But by the time the list had come down to six, there was absolutely no doubt about it. Those six were more than just big. A lot more."
Dr Wallace licked his lips and produced his handkerchief. "And this was yesterday?"
"Yesterday morning. By yesterday evening, things had... developed ... even further. Of course, none of the girlies in question had been seen on court since their bodily changes had taken place."
"So we're down to four."
"Five, actually. There's a ball-girl, too. She looks like a very interesting case, if you're into voluptuous schoolgirls."
"So the professor told me." Wallace mopped his brow.
"We'll come to her," said Dr Lewis with a little private smile. "Meanwhile, here's the short list of four players we have left. They are all standing by for an examination this afternoon. Probably all stripped off and waiting in the locker rooms."
There were four names highlighted in yellow.
"None from America?"
"There were two. They are the ones who flew home this morning. Probably to appear on a chat show. Wymyn Tennis Players Who Develop Hee-yuge Breasts Overnite."
"Is there such a show in the States? How very interesting."
Dr Lewis looked at him curiously. "These are happy-snaps of the four of them, before and after. As you can see, the changes have been remarkable. These were taken yesterday. I should warn you..."
Wallace was ahead of her. "They're bigger than this now?"
"Erm, yes." British understatement. "The ball-girlie is here at Wimbledon. You'll be seeing her, too. Later. Strangely, she seems keen to take her place on the jolly old court afterwards. Not, I should have thought, the most sensible decision, but she was saying something about having to uphold the honour of her school. Must be a bit of a rarity, a girls' school with some honour left to uphold."
"We'll get to examine her after the others? Then she'll be free to bounce right out there with the rest of them." Dr Wallace rubbed his hands. "Well, I'm ready. Show the girls in."
"Wait a mo. Don't we need a plan of campaign? Some rules of engagement? A modus operandi of some sort? Before we start the Spanish Inquisition on these babes, we need a list of standard questions. Something's got to be causing this strange growth, and the chances are it's the same damn thing that's affected all of them."
"You mean something in the water?"
"Not exactly, old bean. If it had been in the water, it would have tended to affect the whole entry, in some way. Even the blokes!"
"The men? Men don't grow tits."
"Some of them might. Or they might grow other things. Perhaps we need to examine all the guys. It would have to be all of them; they won't have symptoms as obvious as a pair of instant giant boobies."
Dr Wallace looked less than keen. Dr Lewis hid a smirk and sighed.
"Perhaps you're right. It's probably just a woman thing. Let's find a common link between ... or more correctly... among these four..."
"These five." Dr Lewis stretched her arms above her head, the movement thrusting out her more than generous bosom. Dr Wallace concentrated hard. "Actually, the ball-girl might be the key to it. It could have been caused by something the players had all eaten or drunk somewhere in London. But it doesn't seem likely that this bunch of globe-trotting sportswomen would have gone out on a conducted tour of the night spots of south London in the tender care of a student at a respected educational establishment. An attractive theory, but improbable. So if it's not that, it has to be something else. Okay, it's likely to be food, or drink, something like that. But whatever it is, it's something that this group of four players and the ball-girl have been exposed to. That must narrow it down." Dr Lewis had taken over completely. Dr Wallace was still trying not to stare too openly at her bust.
She began pacing around the room, then stopped and wheeled round. "I must confess, I'm strongly tempted by male semen."
Dr Wallace's eyes almost popped out. "I beg your pardon?"
"If all of these women had been seeing the same man..."
"Doesn't seem very likely, Doctor. Four female tennis players indulging in casual sex in the middle of a Grand Slam tournament? Aren't they all lesbians, anyway? And what about the ball-girl?"
"Ball-girls have urges, too! They need it just as much as the rest of us. The fact that they're not officially old enough is inconvenient, but it's certainly never been known to stop British teenage girls from having sex. They're not necessarily particularly good at it, but if there's one thing they don't lack, it's enthusiasm."
"It's unlikely, though..."
"What did Sherlock Holmes say? Once we've eliminated everything else, if all we're left with is male ejaculate, male ejaculate becomes the prime suspect."
"It just seems unlikely if they're all dykes."
"They won't all be dykes, doctor. The ball-girl certainly won't!"
Dr Wallace wondered how she knew that.
Dr Lewis was not inclined to explain. "When we bring them in, I'll ask them all certain questions while I'm physically examining them. You can observe."
"You just watch. It's what you do best."
"Look at their breasts, you mean?"
"Naturally. But try to watch their faces as well. Their reaction to my questions. You might see something significant that I will miss because I'm too preoccupied elsewhere."
It was elsewhere that Dr Wallace wished he could be. But at least he had a role. Watching the formidable Dr Lewis manhandling a bunch of sportswomen's tits.
"Ah, Miss Nakashita. Please take a seat. I'm Dr Lewis and this is Dr Wallace. We're going to carry out a quick examination to try and find out the cause of this unfortunate thing that's happened to you. Wow! It certainly has happened to you, as well!" This wasn't in the script. Clearly, the diminutive Japanese player had made a deep impression on Dr Lewis.
Dr Wallace had expected the patients to be dressed recognisably as tennis players. Miss Nakashita shattered that expectation at a stroke. She wore jeans and a T-shirt with the logo of a sports equipment manufacturer. If anyone had asked Dr Wallace the name of the manufacturer, he would have been unable to tell them, even five seconds later.
It was an extra large T-shirt. Most T-shirts are, after all. But this one was...
Start again, he thought. In his role as observer, he had to observe. He started at the top, forcing himself to make mental notes. Funny how all Japanese women look about twelve years old. The notes in front of him insisted she was twenty-four. Yet her silky black hair was tied up with two schoolgirlish yellow bows. A couple of strands of hair escaped from these, and she had to keep brushing them away from her eyes. It must have been most off-putting when waiting to receive a service at 115 miles per hour.
Dr Wallace's mind wandered off on its own, forming an image of Miss Nakashita in rear view; powerful parted thighs and calves, little feet bouncing on the grass, a trimly sexless rump...
All these features were now mercifully hidden beneath her jeans as she seated herself on the edge of the cloth-covered examination table which had been set up in the small office allotted to the special examination team. Her legs swung backwards and forwards, her tiny feet some way short of the floor.
Dr Wallace congratulated himself on his achievement to date. He had observed Miss Nakashita's face and hair. He had observed her lower regions from her tiny waist right down to the ground. He felt he had now earned the right to observe what lay between.
"Fuck me," he muttered, his hand automatically going to the top pocket of his white jacket where he always carried a tape measure.
He shook his head. Both women were staring at him: Dr Lewis with ill-disguised amusement, Miss Nakashita with almost inscrutable contempt. Had he spoken out loud?
"Did you say something, Doctor Wallace?"
He cleared his throat noisily two or three times, unhappily experiencing a need to spit somewhere private. He swallowed instead, screwing up his face with distaste.
"No, nothing!"
"I will now ask Miss Nakashita to remove her shirt and bra," Dr Lewis announced with relish.
"No bra!" The tennis player's accent was mostly American, perhaps with a hint of Australian thrown in. "My bra don't fit me no more."
"Your T-shirt, then."
Dr Wallace supposed that sports personalities were always dressing and undressing; if not exactly in public, at least in the presence of others. And he was a doctor, and therefore neutral. That would explain why Miss Nakashita stripped off her T-shirt without hesitation or embarrassment. 'Jeezus H Christ!' he thought blasphemously, as she tossed the T-shirt on to the back of a chair and sat there slightly round-shouldered on the examination table.
"Hmmm," Dr Lewis raised her eyebrows and stood up, her thumbs in her jacket pockets. This had the effect of stretching her jacket down across her own rack. She seemed to be carrying out a comparison. "Just lie on your back, please."
Dr Wallace remembered his role as observer. He sat and observed. It was as well he was sitting. Miss Nakashita projected upwards, he observed critically, by an amount almost twice the depth of her rib-cage. He forced himself to think in units of measurement. Her chest must be about twenty centimetres ... oh, sod it ... eight inches deep...
"Are you staying locally, Miss Nakashita?" Dr Lewis was asking, as she prowled round the table.
The dark eyes followed her like radar. "In a small place not too far. On the Common. It was recommended. Just me and my friend. We stay there every year for three, four weeks. For the Stella, then for Wimbledon."
And her total height above the table, including her breasts, would have to be ... get out of the damned way, Lewis ... about fifteen inches. Maybe sixteen...
"Your friend?"
"Girlfriend. Sally Doubleday." Miss Nakashita had obviously chosen her lover for the reason that her name ought to have been almost impossible for a Japanese person to say.
"You are gay, Miss Nakashita?" Dr Lewis's voice and manner were neutral, clinical. Her hands were cold, too. The Japanese woman gave an involuntary squeal as the doctor's fingers touched the side of her left breast.
"I'm bisexual," she replied as soon as she landed back on the table again.
"Cold hands, warm heart, old thing," Dr Lewis chirped. Miss Nakashita looked mystified. "So you eat out a lot, you and your friend?"
Miss Nakashita raised a worldly eyebrow. "Whenever we feel like it, I guess. But if it's food you're talking about, Ms Doubleday makes a mean chili."
Dr Wallace revised his estimate upwards to seventeen inches. A pair of remarkable nipples had just extended skywards. He was working on mind-bending calculations involving pi and the circumference of complex ovoids. How much easier it would be simply to wrap the tape round Miss Nakashita's chest.
"Have you been out socially with any of the other players this week at all? For a meal? A casual drink, perhaps?"
"A drink? With those lezzie bitches? You cannot be serious."
From her choice of expression, Dr Wallace wondered if she ever mingled socially with any male tennis players. God, she was enormous, though. Those things just stood straight up like twin lighthouses. On a petite girl of five feet one or so, they were immense! If only he could wrap his tape around them, just once. Life would have little more to offer after that...
"Thank you, you may sit up, please, Miss Nakashita. Everything seems perfectly normal."
"Normal? These you call normal?"
"There's nothing wrong with them. Perfectly healthy breast tissue. There's just an awful lot of it, that's all. If you'd like to stand up and get dressed..." Moving with some difficulty, Miss Nakashita returned to the vertical, tottering slightly. No doubt she'd get used to it in time. "Ah, before you put your T-shirt back on, Dr Wallace will just take a few measurements. It's all right, his hands are probably warmer than mine!"
"I ... meeee ... measure... ?"
"Your tape's in your top pocket, Doctor," Dr Lewis chided him. "You can stand up, can't you? Not lost the use of your legs or anything?" She peered at his anguished face. "Ah, perhaps you have, after all. Give me the tape, then! You just write the numbers down..."
With five thumbs on each hand, Dr Wallace fished the tape measure out of his pocket and tossed it to his colleague. The tennis player stood placidly, patient as a cow and probably almost as well-endowed. Her face was blank. Perhaps in Japan, women found themselves being measured all the time.
"Thirty-one inches. That's her hips, Doctor. Is that your normal measurement, Miss Nakashita?"
"And waist, twenty-two."
"Normal," the player sighed.
"Chest, below the breasts..."
"Hey, you measuring me for a bra, or something?"
"No, this is just for the records."
"Pity. I'm gonna need some bras, pretty quick. Even exotic dancers need bras."
"Twenty-eight. Exotic dancers?"
"My new career. I had an offer last night."
"That was quick."
"Sally's got contacts. How big's my bust, anyways?"
"Wow, that ain't normal. I told them forty-two. Three inches bigger since last night! You finished looking at them now, Doc?" She reached for her T-shirt and climbed inside. It was a tight squeeze. It might have helped if she could have left her nipples outside. She looked down and patted herself on the sides of her bosom. Everything wobbled noticeably. "This has sure saved me a shitload of dough, you know? Do you have any idea of the cost of implants?"
Both doctors shuddered at the word. Dr Lewis found her voice.
"When are you leaving England, Miss Nakashita?"
"We're trying for a flight tomorrow. Pity about the tournament appearance money, but I could be on the stage in San Francisco by Saturday night. Old Japanese saying: 'Never look a gift horse in the mouth'."
"That's Japanese?"
"It loses a little in the translation. See you guys!"
"What do you think, old bean?"
Dr Wallace consulted his notes. "The Japanese one, 45-22-31, and only five feet one tall? She'll do well in her chosen profession. Then the big Russian one. An awesome pair..." He stopped. Dr Lewis was staring at him.
"That wasn't quite what I meant, Doctor. What conclusions do you have about the cause of this growth? We've examined all four of the players. For your benefit, and no one else's, we've even measured them. We've questioned them about their lifestyle, where they are staying, their eating and drinking habits."
"No common thread at all. The Japanese shacks up with her lover. The Russki is staying in a five star hotel. The Brit lives with her mum and dad in Dorking and the Frog flies back home to her little hubby three nights a week."
"Check. And they haven't been out anywhere socially together. So what do they have in common apart from that?"
"Fucking great tits..."
"Forget those for a moment..."
"Forget them? Forget four of the finest sets you ever laid hands on? Each pair utterly different ... the French one even had hairs around her nipples..."
"It would have been a bit strange if she'd had bald tits, Matey, she was like a gorilla everywhere else."
Dr Wallace turned pale. "Yet all of them were so magnificently huge..."
"Doctor! We'll come to that later when we sum them up. Meanwhile, have they been eating here at the club? If so, what?"
"Don't they all eat bananas?"
"Mostly, although tennis players don't subsist entirely on bananas. They're not monkeys. They just eat them on court for instant energy. And in bed, too, I shouldn't wonder..."
"They're all keen on indoor sports, I must say. We don't know much about any nocturnal visitors the Russian has, but Miss Joan Hunter-Dunne has that regularly-well-fucked look about her as if she's getting it ten times a week."
"A typical English virgin, you mean?"
"More or less. And the Frog has only been married a month. They're not all pregnant, do you think?"
"Not according to my tests. And the Brit isn't getting it ten times a week ... Not this week, anyway."
Dr Wallace looked ill at ease. "Oh, really?"
"You're supposed to be a doctor, Doctor. You don't faint at a few little spots of blood."
"That depends."
"So, anyway. We'll check out the catering. Drink?"
"No thanks, it's a little early for me."
"No, I mean, how about the stuff they drink. Anything common there?"
"It's not Robinson's Barley Water any more."
"It's not Coke, either."
"Just water."
"Or energy drinks. We need to find out if they all use the same brand of isotonic energy replacement fluid. If so, who supplies them. Batch numbers, stuff like that. You can do most of the leg-work on the phone."
"I can?"
"A male voice carries so much more conviction, old chap. Still, all that's for tomorrow. Let's wheel in the ball-girl..."
"Hello! My name's Dr Fay Lewis and this dear old gentleman is Dr Wallace."
The girl cast an apprehensive glance at the older gentleman. Her parents had warned her about men like him, but until now she had never been fortunate enough to find one.
"Hi," she said in a husky little voice, like furry treacle. "I'm Melanie Cranston."
"Hello, Melanie."
"Hello, Doctor."
"Hello, Melanie."
"Hello, Doctor."
"Now, you know why you're here, don't you, Melanie?"
"Yes, Doctor. I'm a ball-girl. I was here last year as well, cleaning the players' toilets. That was good fun, too."
"I'm sure it was, Melanie. But we do know why you're at Wimbledon. What I meant was do you know why we've called you in here to see you."
"Not really. I haven't done anything wrong. Not really."
"No," explained Dr Lewis patiently. "You've done nothing wrong. It's just something that's happened to you since you've been here."
Daylight dawned. "Oh, you mean my boobies. They're really big now, aren't they?!"
"They certainly are! And you're not the only one, as you've certainly noticed. We've already seen the players who have been affected in the same way as you."
"So have I," the girl confided. "I'd already got their autographs. My boyfriend got them for me."
"Oh, that's nice."
"Are you ready, then?"
"Yes, Doctor." The girl sat there.
Dr Lewis took a deep breath. Melanie watched her, her eyes widening a little, but she remained slouched in her chair. "We'd like to examine you, Melanie."
"Not internally?"
"No, just externally. In fact, you needn't even take your skirt off. Just your raincoat, your jacket, your sweater, your shirt, your T-shirt, your vest, your slip, and your bra."
The girl's face lit up with delight. "I'm not wearing all that lot... !"
"It's a warm afternoon, Melanie. You'll be much more comfortable if you're not wearing quite so many clothes."
"I'd rather not, Miss Doctor..."
"But we need to examine you, don't we?"
"Why don't you just tell me which bits of me you want to look at, and I'll describe them to you?"
As far as Dr Wallace was concerned, that sounded like a most satisfactory plan. Obviously not to Dr Lewis, though.
"It would be much better if you took your clothes off, Melanie. You're not embarrassed about anything, are you?"
"No, Doctor."
"Well, then... ?"
Melanie slowly got up. "You promise you won't stare."
"We won't stare, Melanie." Dr Wallace was pleased to see that his colleague had her fingers crossed behind her back.
"And you won't laugh?"
"We certainly won't laugh, Melanie! What is there to laugh at about a very attractive and well-developed girl taking her clothes off?"
"Oooh, Doctor!" The girl was wearing a raincoat, reasonably enough during Wimbledon fortnight, although it wasn't really raining indoors. She took it off, although in an unconventional manner, loosening the belt then pulling the coat off over her head, like taking off a sweater. She eventually emerged, tousled, and dropped it on the floor. There she stood, drooping slightly, with her tennis-shoed feet apart and her knees together. Her face wore a shamed expression as if she had just performed a striptease in church.
"And your sweater, Melanie."
The sweater seemed to be all she was wearing, although it wasn't easy to say, as it came down to her knees. It was a huge chunky-knit white thing with alternate green, gold and green stripes round the vee-neck and just above the hem-line. There were similar bands near the ends of the sleeves, which had slipped down as she stood there until they covered her hands. Somewhere around the girl's tummy was an ornate embroidered badge with an elaborate heraldic design and the words 'Champions 1998'.
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Lisette is extremely enthousiatic about coming on camera in a real sex studio for the first timeI even wetted your mirror, I never knew I could come squirting so fast far and hard, dear PeterSuddenly I long to ride my boyfriend seeing myself pole-dancing his prick by my tongue and pussyEspecially banging my boy as a cowgirl must be very hot to see, how he handles my tight titties!Tasty titties indeed dear, but my studio is like my sex-shop downstairs only available to ladiesTears appear in the...
Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...
Bat girl Aka Barbra Gordon is searching for Catwoman hell bent on revenge after what she did to her. Bat Girl then thinks back to a week ago when Catwoman captured her stripped off her costume and left her in nothing but her underwear. Bat Girl tracks Catwoman to old where house. Bat Girl sneaks inside looking for Catwoman as she looking around suddenly she shocked. When Bat Girl wakes up she is tied to metal table with Catwoman looking down at her. Hi Batbrat Catwoman laughing so you didn’t...
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 14 *We need to talk.* Lena knew she had to lead up to the grand revelation carefully. And Rose's confusion about Missy gave her an opening. They decided to meet at Rose's house, and soon they were sitting in her room - drinks and snacks in hand - talking. "First, the question you were trying to figure out how to ask. It falls into one of those gray areas you are finding increasingly annoying. Yes, there are people that narrow...
Chapter I Tom pulled on the panties noticing that his penis was already erect. Damn he was horny! It had been almost two weeks since Jen had let him have an orgasm and he really wanted one tonight. His tease of a wife had been making his life hell since that last Sunday night when, to earn his orgasm, he'd agreed to wear panties to work the next day. That had earned him the five girlie points he needed. Girlie points were what he earned when he did things like wear a bra...
Author's note. This is a work of erotic fiction, so if this offends you, please stop reading. Also, most of what's described in this story wouldn't be ethical or legal, but again, I remind you that it's fiction! I hope it's good-and-kinky fiction, and while I wish something like this had happened to me, once again, it's only fiction. Some readers think that my stories are autobiographical. I wish! Also, a fan of my work suggested this story concept. Feel free to message me if you have...
Tom arched his back as he stretched the bra behind him. He was very aware of his erection poking stiffly out of the panties he'd put on just moments earlier. "You're getting quite good at that," Jen smiled; nodding approvingly as Tom managed, without too much fumbling, to get the bra hooked. "I think that deserves a girlie point." He grunted embarrassedly and reached for the sheer robe. It wouldn't hide his girl underwear but it was better than nothing. Damn Jen for making him play...
The following story was written by Little Miss Vicky Kay. Gosh, if you use it for personal gain, the big bad copyright wolf will do really scary stuff! So play nice. Warning: this story might be too cute for some tastes. When I was writing it, I thought it was getting too cutesy but, then I though what the heck, let the snuggle bug run wild! LG Story, Girly points. When I was 13, my parents went to a funeral for my Great uncle who I never met in Arizona....
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Colonel Greenaway. I am Ivan Crossley, Senior Magistrate and deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Welcome to Taunton.” He rose from his desk and held out his hand. I had no idea I would be shaking the hand of Sir Boris Crossley’s brother, and brother-in-law of John Stafford, when I had left Coleman Hawkins in charge of seeing the regiment into their billets while I made myself known to the ‘civil authorities’ in the great hall of Taunton...
Hier ist meine erste Geschichte. Orte, Handlung und Personen sind frei erfunden und ist reines Kopfkino, Anregungen und ernst gemeinte Kritiken sind erw?nscht. Ich mag kein DENGLISCH und habe, auch zum besseren Verst?ndnis, die einzelnen Dialoge der Jugendlichen in meiner Muttersprache Deutsch geschrieben. Es werden sexuelle Handlungen beschrieben, daher ist die Geschichte f?r Kinder und Jugendliche nicht geeignet! Diese Geschichte darf von jedem Interessierten unter Angabe von H...
Linda walked into her bedroom and brushed her teeth. She noticed the box with the dildos in it partially pushed under the bed. No one else was home and she took off her clothes and spread her legs down in her bed. She couldn’t help but rub her pussy and was aroused by it. She thought until a week ago she had never had any sex except with her husband. Now she aroused by her daughters and for the first time memory she finds herself masturbating. She puts two of her fingers into her vagina and...
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 8 David did not like what he was seeing. He was able to use the pin he had given Rose as a homing beacon, making it easier to shift his awareness to her vicinity whenever he wanted to and wherever she was. Unless she was in a suppression field. And she was about to be in a suppression field for a long time. While she was meeting with the other negotiators, and speaking to them in a language he didn't understand, David gave them...
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 15 *Company's coming!* Radar told the others. *And something is happening at the compound.* WHUMP! Yamai had underestimated his fellow villagers. And those of the other village. Hunting parties had spotted him on his way to the shrine, and correctly guessed his destination. They had no idea that they had been "helped" to reach that conclusion, or "encouraged" to send runners back to stir up reactions in the villages. Nor were...
The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer – a Story by SBarak1This is story #6 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’, ‘The Return of the Nymphs ‘The Nymphs and the Morning After’, ‘The Nymph’s Proposition’ and ‘The Nymphs and the Dentist’. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories provides the background. Please enjoy.My relationship with the Nymphs had been developing quickly. We got on well, enjoyed chatting and shared common interests. The main...
I was sitting on the couch watching my favorite day time program when I hear a tapping on my apartment door. I looked out the peep hole. I was always suspicious of day time knocks on the door, and all I could see was top of a young female’s head.I cracked the door open and she smiled. She immediately launched into a speech that she was an engineering student at a local college and was selling magazine subscriptions to help finance her way through school. She said that for each subscription she...
HardcoreIf the training course I was on had been boring the week before, it was ten times worse that second week with the loss of my two ladies. It also seemed to go ten times slower but eventually I was on my way to Dorset. I had talked on the phone regularly to both Natalie and Isla and my anticipation was high during the three hour drive. Not for the first time I found myself reliving the few intense days that we'd spent together. When I first joined them for breakfast I had little idea what was...
Author’s note: The noble ladies of medieval France loved tales of women who had to put up with old and jealous husbands. Sometimes the stories were comic, sometimes tragic, sometimes romantic – but always the bad husbands were outwitted, one way or another. Here’s my (slightly naughty) take on the bad husband tale. Rosette daughter of Galon was rounding the last corner between the village well and the cottage she shared with her mother and father when two of the Duke’s soldiers, magnificent in...
Introduction: Linda the new sexy woman Rosetta girls nightmare (no more) 4 When Mike got home on Monday he had the evening meal ready to eat and his daughters were doing homework for their classes. Norm Kelly had called to leave update to his last update on the investigation on who did this kidnapping, the FBI was seeking a new warrant to search yet another building for the kidnappers and the two million dollars they took in ransom. It was bedtime for Mike and Linda She got a new hair cut...
Introduction: Linda the new sexy woman The Rosetta girls part 6 Linda got up this Sunday morning feeling like she would throw up. She managed to drink some orange juice and forced herself to eat some of the breakfast she prepared for her family. She managed to keep it all down and told Mike of her problem. She called it morning sickness but it lasted most of the day. She had to force herself to eat and drink fluids to stay healthy. She went to the local gym with Mike and both of their...
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 2 It wasn't fair! Rose spent the late afternoon talking to the girl, learning about her family and her pets and her village. Sharing the quick friendship such little girls give so easily, and even older girls like Rose remembered how to accept and cherish. Watching her face light up when she had someone, anyone, who could talk to her in her own language. Laughing about the antics of the animals and the other children back home....
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 9 "Thank you very much for honoring me with your hospitality, Mrs. Tanaka." Rose noticed that her new friends flinched at the way she said that, but the woman seemed unperturbed. The woman responded that Rose honored them with her presence. Rose understood that the response was cloaked in ritual, but that Aoi's mother genuinely meant it. The woman went on to invite Rose to enjoy the snacks, including the other two guests in...
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 10 David was surprised... and impressed. While his observations of Rose's late night were pretty boring - she got to bed early, so he just saw her sleeping - her father was another matter entirely. That man could drink! And from the internals David could sense, it seemed like he was faking his seeming impairment as he played the bar games. And he wasn't using any anti drunk pill or anything. He thought people like that only existed in...
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 11 "This is going to be fun," Maki thought. The last time they took their new American friend shopping, it was a frantic effort to help her blend in with the crowds and disappear from those hunting her. This time, she was just another girl and they had all the time they needed. And Aoi's father was paying for it. One of the company cars picked them up from cram school, and she spent the ride to the office mapping out the stores she...
I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to flood the passage way. It only took twenty minutes in the cab but I knew that by the end of the night this was going to be the longest time I had sat down between Molly and her partner James and not spoken a word. It was always awkward in a cab with those two. Molly would have to at any given moment...
Introduction: Part 1. Black tutu, silk stockings, 6 inch heels and the skimpiest bra I could find. I couldnt be arsed with knickers they would only get ripped off and lost forever. I didnt want to loose any of my sexy clothes they werent designer but they were mine. Silk handbag with the essentials in it. I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to...
Introduction: WARNING: This is a very gay story. It includes sexual activities between two minors, both aged 14. If you have any problems with that please do not continue reading. Also, the character Ace in this story was inspired by Bax 026s sleepover series. I take no credit for the originality of that character. Enjoy. Ace was staring at the television set, bored out of his mind, as Seth was killing, destroying, and pillaging enemy territory on Halo Wars. Both boys were glued to the...
Ace was spending the night at Seth’s house, a common happening as the two were best friends and had been for the past three years. Both boys enjoyed each other’s company as they brought each other laughs and good times as only true friends could share. There was never any secrets between the two except for one. The secret belonged to Seth and it was one that could have altered the friendship permanently: Just a short year ago, Seth was exploring his new-found interest in boys. He...
Seth reclined in his litter, borne upon the shoulders of four servants as they elevated him above the crowded marketplace. He stared up at cloudless blue sky while they made their stuttering, stop-and-start way through the throng and toward the slave pens. He'd ventured out with a mission today. A particular need had overcome him, a rather... insatiable craving, and his usual methods of indulgence were proving wanting of late. The brothels and the infrequent liaisons with other lords barely...
Gay MaleCatwoman Next Door by: Shawna Summers [email protected] It's funny how a casual conversation can have a serious impact on your life. I still remember vividly one conversation that resulted in my first female dominant relationship. I was just about to finish high school, and had just turned eighteen. It was also the winter when Batman Returns had come out. As a fetishist and comic fan, with Michelle Pfeiffer in a vinyl catsuit as Catwoman had me very interested in seeing the...
'Just give me a better offer.' The man smiled as he lighted a cigar. He held all the cards and both knew it. Had this man been submissive, Seth would hav easily been able to persuade his client, but this was not the case and he could not use his dom tactics here. The compagnie was not doing well and only two branches were still active. Seth's was one of them. Paper was just not sold much anymore and there were too many suppliers for a small market. However this client would mean that his...
I was so happy when Seth called me and told me his divorce was final. He told me that it's been official for a month, but he needed time to just soak in that he is free to do what ever he wants and when he wants. His ex wife was a stickler on his comings and goings. Seth could be an underwear model, or a spokesman for a trash company and have every lady falling at his feet. I'm just lucky, that I work at the golf course that he plays at.I was at work, doing a short shift: 4 hours to be...
Bonus Points You are Daniel a typical average college student. Miss Collins one of your College professors has called you into her office and says "I am sorry Daniel but I can't let you pass my course. I know it is a required course for you, and therefore I am offering you a option to gain enough bonus points to let you pass. You see the usual extra work system won't get you enough bonus points. But don't worry I have pretty a unusual option that's requires you to be openminded but also offers...
FetishTrying to hurry, we about tripped over each other getting indoors from the hot tub. Both guys were hard and very horny, and I’d only come once and definitely needed more. Plus, having touched Seth’s cock, I really wanted to see it – and touch it again, and suck on it, of course! The fact that Richard was also hurrying I took as a good sign; he wouldn’t be in such a frantic rush if he wasn’t excited about continuing!As further proof of his enthusiasm for all of this, he was the first one out of...
ThreesomesThis all started when I got a promotion in the office. Now I was about to handle a team of some 10 people. It was a big responsibility. I had the responsibility of those 10 people and I was responsible for getting the project completed on time. In my team, there were 4 girls and 6 boys. Most of them were good at working. They were very much technical sound due to which my projects started to get easily completed. After getting one big project completed our client from the USA decided to sponsor...
Where She appoints "This place is amazing! Hard to believe the Romans used this place for curses" "Its true though. you've seen the little markers, and heard the translation of the curses." "That last one was wild. 'May the one who finds my gold coin and does not return it lose his manhood in temple where she appoints' Who is She, anyway?" "Just some local version of Juno, the Queen of the gods" "Hey! This looks like a gold coin!" Later ..... "I'm a girl!" That curse...
Someone knocked on his door and Seth looked through the window. One of his employees, a middle aged Cuban man named Juan stood in front of the door, waiting to be allowed in. Seth never liked the man. He smelled like cigarettes, and had an irritating cough. 'Come in.' Seth spoke, wondering was this man was bothering him with. The man opened the door and started groveling. 'Sir I am sorry to disturb you while you are very busy but I noticed that you have yet to find a new secretary.' That...
Our first time, the time that taught me some new things about the man I’d married and established the precedent for the things we still enjoy on occasion, involved my husband’s best friend Seth. They met in college and were frat brothers, members of the same fraternity for 2 years, rooming together, and he was ultimately the best man at our wedding.Our wedding in 2006 was also the first time I’d met him in person, since Richard and I didn’t meet ‘til a couple years after he’d graduated college....
ThreesomesFinally, the weekend is here and it’s time to get Seth's birthday party ready. My boyfriend Seth, is turning twenty-five and we talked last night about how many people we should invite to his party, he just wants his closest friends from work here, so that's who is coming to his party. Tomorrow night we will go out to dinner with his family to celebrate with them. As his family are very religious, they wouldn't approve of the alcohol that will be served here tonight, so we will just go out...
ReluctanceBob managed to have a good night's sleep but he woke with a major hard on. Last night's stroking had given only momentary relief. His frustration didn't ease when Mrs. Wilson served his breakfast while wearing a robe that made him aware of the shapeliness of her body. The lovely woman seemed totally unaware of the havoc she was causing his undernourished libido and the occasional display of naked tit-swell appeared to be quite innocent. He left early for the school, which was conveniently...
While Bob Best was suffering from the temptations surrounding him the Reverend Wilson had no such hang-ups. Although he had not founded the Church of the Leading Light he had furthered its development as a refuge for Christians who were uncomfortable with the permissiveness of modern society. As noted earlier, many Dorset girls married young, often because they needed a legal father for their soon-to-be born child. When Reverend Wilson became their minister the age for baptism, for formal...
"Won't you come with us to the Prayer Meeting, Mr. Best?" "Thanks Mrs. Wilson but I have to prepare lessons for tomorrow." Bob almost drooled at the sight of his landlady. She was dressed modestly enough in a loose-fitting, long skirt and a white blouse but her clothes could not disguise the fullness of her lovely body. He turned towards the stairs to his room. Lucinda picked up her bible as she added, "Leena is staying home too. She isn't feeling well. Maybe you're working her too...
Reverend Ebenezer Wilson read the official letter and looked at the pretty, young woman who was seated on the opposite side of his desk. Dear Reverend Wilson, The bearer of this letter, Elizabeth Safic, is a graduate of our Alma Mater with a teaching degree. She is scheduled to teach at your neighboring town, Middleville, next year. This year she is working on her Master of Arts degree and her thesis is "The Evangelical Church in Rural America". I am hoping that you will be able to...
Seth woke in a large, open field along the Darnestown Road just west of Rockville's court house. His hands were tied together, and for a moment he wondered where he was. He stretched carefully and felt pain knot his leg muscles and his backside. His knee hurt, too. He bit his lip to keep from crying out and massaged his calves and thighs, but he could not move freely because one of his ankles was tied to the leg of the snoring man lying next to him. The hazy sky grew slightly brighter, and...
Seth and I were approaching our third month anniversary and my ass was so sore from the poundings it was getting daily. In case you missed my last story, "Losing My Anal Virginity," I was sixteen and under a lot of pressure to have sex with my sexy boyfriend. After a month of dating, I compromised and finally let him fuck my ass. I wasn't a prude but was saving my pussy for love.Seth was tall, almost six-feet, half Asian and White, and so sexy. He was also a junior and I was a sophomore, so I...
First TimeSeth still helped Mark with the animal herds and building and repairing the corrals and fences with the help of the robots. He spent a lot of his time on the fishing boat. Most often he went with Mark but when Mark couldn't go he enjoyed the company of anyone who was willing to accompany him. One of the robots went with him at all times and helped. There was still a lot of physical work involved and Seth had the strong muscles to prove it. He also had a deep dark golden tan. Quite often he...
"Who was that you were talking to out there?" Seth's mother glanced at him as she put down her ladle and began slicing carrots into the soup pot. "That's what I was trying to tell you, Momma." Seth watched the orange rounds plop into the bubbling soup, the slices getting larger as the carrot got smaller. "He's a soldier. A cavalryman, a rebel soldier, Momma." Seth watched his mother for some reaction, but she kept chopping carrots without missing a beat. "And he cut the telegraph...
The rebel soldier led Seth's horse a few hundred yards along the all-weather road toward Washington, past the place where two wagons had overturned and burned the previous summer while the others tried to escape Jeb Stuart's whooping horse soldiers. At the top of a rise they crossed the dirt track beside the macadamized road and stopped in the shade of a small stand of locust trees. The boy sat on his horse, saying nothing but watching his captor carefully and considering his situation....
For what seemed like a long time there was no sound in the dining room of the Williams's farmhouse except for the ticking of the clock, the flutter of the curtains and the whirr of insects. "Yes, I recognize him," Mrs. Williams said to Seth, her face white but her voice steady, and then to the soldier, "How may we help you, sir?" The man stood in the doorway with his weapon held loosely in his right hand, pointed more or les at the floor. Seth noted with some pride that it was a Sharps...
February 4, 1992, Natick, Massachusetts It took me a moment to clear my head after that last comment Cèlia had made, because ‘a’, I HAD thought about that; and ‘b’, I WAS thinking about that. I quickly thought back to that first trip. I hadn’t noticed Cèlia looking at me ‘hungrily’. It had been Cindi who said that. And what Cindi said had set the stage for me to read something into the situation. My reaction had, at first, been the ‘rock star’ or ‘hero worship’ notion. And everything she had...