Seth - A Civil War StoryChapter 8: Prisoner free porn video

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Seth woke in a large, open field along the Darnestown Road just west of Rockville's court house. His hands were tied together, and for a moment he wondered where he was. He stretched carefully and felt pain knot his leg muscles and his backside. His knee hurt, too. He bit his lip to keep from crying out and massaged his calves and thighs, but he could not move freely because one of his ankles was tied to the leg of the snoring man lying next to him.

The hazy sky grew slightly brighter, and he soon recognized the body sharing his blanket as his bearded captor, Corporal Wainder. Man-sized bundles of brown, gray and faded green lay scattered over the sparse pasture in groups of three or four. A few ragged tents squatted among them with their sides open to catch any passing breezes. Only yards away a hunched form bent over a few sticks and some dry grass trying to coax a fire to life. I've got to get home, thought the boy also feeling the immediate need to empty his bladder.

It had been another hot, still night, and many of the sleeping Confederate soldiers lay uncovered, looking like the dead on some grassy battlefield. Only a faint haze of morning dew dampened the long-burnt land. The brassy sun soon pushed through the treeline where the picketed horses stood and promised another searing day.

Seth lay back and looked up at the cloudless sky, watching the stars disappear and twisting at the rope tying his wrists together. Late yesterday as they rode north, he had seen little more than brown cornfields and gray farm ponds showing their bare sides. They had stopped at several dry wells and crossed a number of streams that barely trickled in their stony beds. Some mills seemed deserted, the wheels cracking for lack of water. The boy struggled out of his corner of the smelly blanket watched only by the distant horses, several crows and a few passive cows on the hillside. Color slowly returned to the black and white world.

Seth was hungry and his legs ached like a raw-nerved tooth. Except for a biscuit the frail Mrs. Bouve had given him, he had not eaten since the Sunday dinner Corporal Wainder had violently interrupted. The soldier snored softly beside him, and Seth carefully began working on the knot at his ankle. There is something I have to do, he thought shaking his head and trying to clear his puzzled mind. Something important is going to happen today. He wondered where his shoes had gone and then saw them and his battered hat near Wainder's boots on the other side of the sleeping man.

The boy had been so tired when they reached this field that he had fallen into an exhausted sleep before the soldier had even finished tying him up. What was so important? It was something the cavalryman told Mr. Bouve. Jubal Early, that was it. He inhaled sharply as the thought bloomed. General Early's men would be in the capital tomorrow. The men had laughed together and clapped each other on the shoulder. Wait. That was today. He had to get away, to warn people. The knot at his ankle opened.

He ignored his shoes and crawled down toward the creek feeling his sore knee and the abused muscles of his legs complain and then seem to catch fire. He trembled and kept crawling and stumbling. At the small stream that barely meandered through the pasture, the boy pulled himself upright with the help of some tree roots and relieved himself. Then he sat on the dry creek bank looking at the black and white cows and trying to decide what to do next while he worked on the knot between his wrists with stretched thumb and fingernails.

I'm five or six miles from home, he thought. At least I know where I am. Guess I could hike it in a couple of hours, but my legs and rear end sure do hurt, knee hurts too. Barefoot doesn't matter if I stay to the side of the dirt road. He looked back where the cavalryman still slept by his shoes. I'd do a lot better on a horse. It hurt to think about climbing onto a saddle again, and he made a face as he plucked at the knot with his thumbnail. Maybe I could get Mr. Bouve's little riding horse back to him. He sure was unhappy when Corporal Wainder said it was confiscated, carried on something awful. Thought he would have been happy to help the Confederates. Shoot, I was at first. Hope he took that note to Momma. Guess it was his wife's horse.

Seth stuck his feet down into the little stream and enjoyed the coolness. Guess Mr. Bouve thought he had just loaned his horse to the Rebs. I always liked Mr. Bouve. Never heard anybody talk better down at the store, or anyplace else for that matter. When he explained about habeus corpus and Mr. Lincoln and what he was doing to the Constitution, it was enough to make most anybody run off and join Robert E. Lee to fight for his rights. Now he looked awful sad and his poor wife looked even worse. Guess things changed when their boy got killed at Chancellorsville.

Seth struggled to his feet and tried to ignore the pains in his knees, legs and rump. He moved as fast and as quietly as he could toward the trees where the horses were tied. He guessed it must be almost six o'clock. More soldiers were starting to rouse themselves, so Seth made his way uphill along the stream bed as far as he could. He glanced back where he had left Wainder sleeping, but he could not be sure if the man was still there. The lumps all looked pretty much alike, and the rising sun revealed scores of sleeping men.

Seth moved in a zig-zag way to avoid the small, scattered fires where knots of soldiers were starting to boil coffee and fry meat. He was almost to the first horses, looking for that fat, little bay, when he heard a voice somewhere behind him.

"Hey! Where the hell do you think yer going?"

Seth tried to run, but his legs would not obey him. He wobbled across the field.

"Stop that boy!" Wainder yelled as Seth stumbled, caught himself on his elbows and knees, rolled over and ran on toward the shade and the horses, who eyed him nervously and pawed the dirt behind a rope line.


Seth looked up, his bound hands held out before him. He had almost run into a soldier carrying a rifle taller than he was. He must have stepped out from the line of horses where he had been on guard duty. To Seth he seemed to spring from the ground like the warriors in the story of Jason that his mother had given him to read. The small soldier backed up a step and commanded in a squeaky voice, "Y'all stop now or I'll fahr, y'hear."

His legs quivering with pain, Seth stopped, panting, and over the sound of the blood racing in his ears, he heard Wainder cursing as he approached, crunching the dry grass, thumping the hard ground. With nowhere left to run, Seth stood quietly, exhaling and looking more closely at the soldier who had prevented his escape. He found himself gazing into the clear blue eyes of someone about his own age. Couldn't be sixteen, thought Seth, certainly never shaved. He started to ask the soldier how old he was as Wainder arrived, out of breath and patience, grabbed Seth by the collar of his shirt and spun him around. The trooper smacked him across the face twice, palm and knuckles, and called him several names, some of which Seth had never heard before.

Wainder hauled him back down the hill by the rope knotted between his wrists and pushed him to his knees near a smoky campfire. "Sarge," his captor said, "watch this here monkey for a minute or two, will yuh?" The trooper stomped off without waiting for an answer. Seth sat, crossed his legs and felt around the inside of his mouth with his tongue. The soldiers near the fire did not seem interested in him.

Seth looked back up the hill but could not see the young soldier who was guarding the horses. Guess Mr. Bouve has given a horse to the Cause. But I've still got to get home, he thought. They wouldn't have caught me if I had headed for the blackberry brambles. Durn horses anyway. His stomach growled. He thought about his home and his mother fixing breakfast, frying bacon, stirring batter.

Seth smelled food and turned his mind back to the small fire. The soldiers he sat with concentrated on their eating although to Seth's way of thinking they didn't have much to concentrate on. They had fried some fat meat in an iron skillet, the kind some folks called a spider, and then made corn mush in the grease. They ate with their fingers from the black pan that sat on its own three legs right in the smoldering fire beside a tall coffee pot. Seth watched curiously as a soldier broke a big hardtack cracker in two and then banged the halves against each other before dunking one in his tin of black coffee. He noticed the boy staring and told him, "Sometimes they got weevils or worse in 'em. Don' like meat in mah coffee." He smiled at Seth, and the boy grinned back.

All the men looked faded and tired, and Seth wondered where the cavalrymen with the clean uniforms and gleaming sabers were, the ones pictured in the illustrated weeklies. He did not see any fancy hats or flapping pennants, not even any flags.

The grizzled sergeant, Seth's temporary guardian, handed him a tin plate with a piece of greasy meat and some mush on it. All the food was the same color, gray, but Seth pushed it into his mouth and then licked his fingers. Sure was awkward eating with your hands tied together. Nobody seemed to notice that. He was glad his mother could not see him, but thinking of her made him say "thanks" when he handed back the empty plate.

He tried squatting on his haunches as the soldiers were, but his sore thighs complained too much, so he sat on the hard ground and listened to the men who, for the most part, ignored him. The troopers had ridden almost thirty miles, from near Frederick, yesterday while Seth and Wainder explored some of Washington's defenses. They had fought a brief, evidently bloodless battle with some cavalrymen, Massachusetts they thought, on the other side of town before riding back and settling in this field for the night.

They praised each other's good sense for joining a cavalry unit and heaped scornful pity on the poor infantrymen who had probably been on the road for an hour or so already. Old Jube would keep them moving, that was the general consensus. They would gobble up the miles just as they had for Stonewall; foot cavalry, they called them.

Stonewall. These men fought under Jackson. Seth's old feeling of Southern pride came flooding back like a tidal bore. He was camping with Stonewall Jackson's men, even eating with them. He was one of them. These might be the men who captured my brother. They were at Bull Run, First Manassas, three years ago. These were the men who were getting ready to invade the capital. That's what they said. They might raid my farm, harm my mother and sister, burn my house. It was right on the way, just down the road. What can Annie and Momma be thinking? I've got to get home, warn folks, get help, do something. Wait till Billy Marbury and old Caroline hear that I camped with Thomas Jonathan Jackson's men, the Second Corps.

"Shoot, them fellers can do twenty, thuty miles easy if they got a'mind to," one soldier said, pulling off his tattered boot. "Tain't that far."

"Hell," said the sergeant, "right after we beat them Yanks on the Monocacy Saturday, I knew we could do it. We'll be on Wash'ton streets today, right on Pennsylvania-by-gawd-Avenue. Oh them busy bars and fancy wimmen, all that cold beer. Just hope McCausland gits to lead the way like we done up north. Don' wanna eat dust all day." The man combed his bushy beard with his fingers. "Wanna look good when we gits to town." He chuckled and licked his lips.

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Seth II CarolineChapter 2 1865

Robert weighed barely a hundred pounds when he came home. His yellowish skin looked like old parchment, his joints seemed only tenuously connected and his cloudy eyes hid deep in dingy hollows. His lank body bore a multitude of sores, some of which had scabbed over but many remained open and running for a long time, seeping a greenish pus. Seth, along with his mother and young sister, made the morning-long trip into Washington City to retrieve him from the crowded hospital near the Capitol....

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The Second American Civil War

Nobody saw it coming. Everyone knew it had been a crazy election year, but nobody expected war. However, when Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, all hell broke loose. Donald Trump was the reason. He claimed the election had been rigged, that Michigan and Wisconsin, two key states which had both delayed releasing their votes, had cheated him out of the election. A surprising amount of people agreed with him. Then he suggested secession. It seemed to happen overnight. Most of the south and...

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Gone with the Skirts A Civil War Epic

(With apologies to Margaret Mitchell) Gone with the Skirts - A Civil War Epic A tricky dabble by RH Music Chapter 1: A Wedding --------------------- Earl kissed his new wife, Charlotte. "I do." Chapter 2: Clouds of war are gathering --------------------------------------- "I've been drafted!" "Become my sister... for the estate!" Chapter 3: Earl becomes Annabelle ---------------------------------- "Hoopskirts and Corsets??" Chapter 4: War breaks...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 19 Crisis

1873 After several days of iron-willed control, the young woman was exhausted. "But Daddy," Caroline wailed, a sour knot in her throat, "he was only thirty. It's so unfair. We were just getting started." She beat weakly on her father's chest with one fist, her confused baby trapped between them. Mr. French held his daughter as best he could as she cradled her youngest in her crooked arm and had her other two children hanging to her skirt and legs, impatient to be somewhere else,...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 17 More Decisions

1872 Two late snowstorms blanketed the area and gave Robert Williams plenty of time to read his borrowed law books as business all but disappeared. He found that he enjoyed it, completely lost track of time some days, and by March had struggled his way through most of the Maryland code, at least those parts he found interesting and relevant. In the back of one of his ledgers he had accumulated several pages of notes and, with lawyer Anderson's help, a list of Latin terms and their...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 21 Minefields

Federation Fleet The Washington led her fleet towards the captured Space Docks where they circled the Earth, at five hundred thousand miles. Ken stood on the flag bridge with his wives and watched the American ships maneuvering in front of them. "Admiral, the American fleet is joining up. They have fifteen destroyers and four light cruisers," Lieutenant Jinnah Chin reported. "Thank you lieutenant, we will stick with the plan," Admiral Tammy Thompson said. "Yes, Ma'am. I am sending...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 2 Civil War Part 2

Washington DC Twenty-four hours before the attack on the docks, several congressional representatives and senators were having a small poker party at one of the member's houses. Tony Garcia, a Representative from the State of New Mexico was just reaching for the next card when the front door was kicked in. Standing in the doorway was a man in a camouflage uniform that seemed to shimmer as he stood there. "What..." is all he got out when he was flipped out of the chair by the needler...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 4 Sunday Dinner

1865 Despite the late August heat, Sunday dinner at the French's large farmhouse, which lay less than a mile away "as the crow flies," turned out to be a pleasant affair. Mr. French insisted that Robert and Seth doff their coats and roll up their sleeves as soon as they arrived, and his sweating cook served a meal of cold fried chicken, German potato salad, pickled string beans and thin-sliced beets with onions along with tall glasses of cold milk, iced cider and fresh-baked bread. All...

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A Civil War Story of Taboo

Corporal John G Stephens, 25 years-old, 5th Regiment Infantry U.S. Colored Troops-Formerly 127th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Camp Delaware, Ohio. March 1865, General William Tecumseh Sherman's Carolinas Campaign, assault on Kinston and Goldsboro, North Carolina. March 6, 1865. We walk and walk, carrying our guns high on our shoulders, packs strapped tight against our neck, the sweat rolling down our brow. It was an early hot summer in the South, and being a black man, dressed in a full...

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Civil War Slut

The War Between the States had just begun and I was married on the day my new husband was to be shipped out to fight. I was only 17 but considered a woman at the time. My husband owned a small plantation in South Carolina. Though we were southerners and Jim, my husband, went to fight for the south we both believed in the northern cause. His platoon was in such a hurry we never had a proper wedding night. In fact, we didn’t get to properly consummate the marriage. I did, however, get to give him...

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Civil War Slut

The War Between the States had just begun and I was married on the day my new husband was to be shipped out to fight. I was only 17 but considered a woman at the time. My husband owned a small plantation in South Carolina. Though we were southerners and Jim, my husband, went to fight for the south we both believed in the northern cause. His platoon was in such a hurry we never had a proper wedding night. In fact, we didn’t get to properly consummate the marriage. I did, however, get to give him...

Wife Lovers
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 9 Battle for SOL Part one

Federation Fleet Ken stood on the flag bridge of the USS Washington and watched the gate open for his ship. Looking at his wife Jessica he said, "Okay, let's find out what is going on." "Yes, Sir. We are dropping out in three ... two ... one ... Now!" The Washington dropped out of fold. The two assault cruisers, Grizzly and Orca, and the seven destroyers were flanking her. The destroyers spread out in a half circle to protect the three ships. Sensors came online and flashed their...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 10 Battle for SOL Part two

American Fleet The Abraham Lincoln turned and started firing into the weakened shields of the Washington. Suddenly the shields failed and explosions detonated from the side of the massive ship. Admiral Callaghan grinned as he watched the ship heave as a dozen antimatter rounds slammed into the side of the battleship and half her weapons went down. "Keep hitting them. Blow those bastards away!" Mathew said with glee in his voice. "I am sir, do you want me to pull their teeth so we can...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 22 Insanity

DMZ, Korean Peninsula: 1-17-05, 05:19 A.M. Sojang (Major-General) Hyun Li raised his binoculars and looked across the DMZ at the American and South Korean forces, as the sun slowly rose over the landscape. Picking up the phone, he gave the order he had been waiting for thirty years, to give. "Fire." Up and down the DMZ, eight thousand artillery pieces and twenty-four hundred multiple missile launchers raised their barrels from hidden weapon emplacements while three thousand aircraft...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 29 Interfaces

The Federation battleship USS Washington: 1:50 P.M. Jessica handled the ship as though she was born to do it. The ship was shrugging off the enemy fire and her weapons were firing at the Washington D.C. shield trying to take it down. Turning her head she smiled at her husband and wife as the status reports came in from the fleet. "Enemy shield down to 36% power," reported Lieutenant Akiko Fujimoto. "Thanks, Akiko. Keep up the pressure," Tammy said just as Jessica screamed and the ship...

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War Prisoner

Her mind was pained and on the edge of consciousness as she vainly tried to order her thought, coming slowly to. There had been a battle, she remembered, a brutal conflict between Elf and Orc, one that, she thought, they had been winning. She had been in the fray, in the thick of it, encouraging her lessers around her, a beacon of Elven beauty and ferocity, then one of her Sargents had let out a cry of fear, Shae had turned, and her world had gone black. Weakly she tried to lift her head,...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 14 More Business in Rockville

1871 Robert leaned on the small oak table in the sitting room of the farmhouse where he and his family had lived for more than two years. The clapboard home with its two frail-looking chimneys perched on a rounded hilltop near the road to Darnestown, barely a mile from the center of Rockville and the busy store where he worked ten or more hours a day, six days each week. He could hear his wife upstairs getting their children to bed, his son squalling as usual about wanting to stay up...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 11 Battle for SOL Part three

Court "Commander Amy Thompson, by a count of 7 to 0 we, the court, find you guilty of all charges. You are sentenced to death and the destruction of your capsule and your ship," Sandi said as she looked at the woman. Amy's knees buckled and she collapsed to the floor, and muttered quietly, "my baby. Don't kill my baby, oh God please don't let them kill my baby." "This court will reform inside the capsule room of the USS Washington's primary interface and initiate the destruction...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 15 Terra

POW CAMP 2 1-14-05 Thirty-nine year old Sergeant Sandra MacEwen looked out at the barbed wire as the five men digging the grave for Captain Vickie Tamping, the young Canadian woman who was taken on Space Dock Two leading a small unit of guerrillas against the American forces. She had been wounded when she was brought in and they never gave her any of the advanced medical they had captured. Sandra's eyes floated over the three thousand wooden crosses and cringed as she remembered the first...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 25 Repairs

"Fuck! The Admiral is going to be pissed," Captain Mike Bonnet of the USS Badger said. "I know, and I am going to have to tell him. It's my responsibility. As to your Mechs and Marines, the ship has been cleared of all Crytherians. Anyone left alive is outside and fair game. If you can get your Mechs to create a safe zone for us, I will get all my spiders initiating emergency repairs to get us back into space," turning he looked at Lisa and asked, "Lisa, how long until we get repairs...

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Civil Service

“Volunteers for the Defense Forces with CAP scores of certain published levels will be afforded the opportunity to select others to emigrate and maintain their residences on other worlds while they perform their duties in the Defense Forces in accordance with their aptitudes and capabilities; certain high-priority individuals may select up to ten people to emigrate with for this purpose. Obviously, fertility is a criterion -- we will be looking to ensure the continuity of the human race as it...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 8 The French and Indian Wars

1760 The Fall of Montreal The heated battles of the French and Indian Wars were primarily fought in the deep forests and isolated outposts of the exposed English settlers. However, the British eventually brought the fight directly into the heart of the French Colonial Homeland in Canada. The initial assaults on Quebec were fought off but it eventually fell to the English forces in 1759 with much loss of life and property. The key to this success was the prior taking of Fort Niagara by the...

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