Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 2 Momma
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For what seemed like a long time there was no sound in the dining room of the Williams's farmhouse except for the ticking of the clock, the flutter of the curtains and the whirr of insects.
"Yes, I recognize him," Mrs. Williams said to Seth, her face white but her voice steady, and then to the soldier, "How may we help you, sir?"
The man stood in the doorway with his weapon held loosely in his right hand, pointed more or les at the floor. Seth noted with some pride that it was a Sharps carbine just as he had thought. "I need to talk with Seth there," he said, nodding at the boy.
"We are at dinner, as you can see," began Mrs. Williams.
"Yes'm, I surely can. Smells powerful fine, too."
Mrs. Williams looked around at her children, perplexed. Seth did not think he had ever seen his mother look so confused. Charity and good manners were high on her list of cardinal virtues. This was something of a dilemma. Here was an armed man in her house, on the Sabbath, very likely an enemy of her older son, assuming what he told Seth was so. Seth's mother smiled, satisfied that she had weighed the alternatives and their merits and made the proper choice.
"We just started, really, and there's a plenty. Won't you come in and join us? Nothing fancy, my daughter will set you a place, won't you, Annie?"
The girl jiggled back to life, "Oh, yes, yes," and scrambled out to fetch a fork, spoon and knife. Seth found another napkin in the sideboard as the man removed his hat and rolled its soft brim in his free hand.
"That's right kindly of you, ma'm. I surely won't say no. Been I-don't-know how-long since I et a good meal or even set at a table like a civilized human being. Mostly been cooking for myself lately." He looked down at his carbine as if he had just noticed it in his hand. "I, uh, need a place to put this here, an' I should wash up a bit, if you don't mind."
He stammers like I do sometimes, Seth thought. Wonder how old he is. About the same as Robert maybe. Hard to tell with the straggly beard.
"Yes, of course." Seth heard his mother's voice return to its quiet normal and saw the blotches fading from her face. She edged past the soldier and into her kitchen. "The basin's right in here. There's fresh water, if the children didn't use it all, and good soap. I'm sure you can see the towel there. You may put your weapon right in that corner. I assure you that neither Seth nor Annie will touch it." She glanced back into the dining room to make sure she had been heard and found her children crowding the doorway to watch the soldier wash his hands and splash water on his reddened face. He used the towel and then leaned his weapon carefully by the back door after flipping open the breech with a metallic click.
Mrs. Williams shooed her children away. "Goodness, you know that's not polite. Annie, finish laying that place, and Seth, fetch a chair." She brought the soldier a plate of stew and gestured for him to take his seat and not wait for her to resume hers. "I do hope you like dumplings." She served Annie another despite the pile of carrots in her bowl.
"I'm very partial to them, ma'm." The soldier raked his fingers through his long hair, ignored his napkin and dug in. He sat across from Annie, in what had been Seth's place before Robert went into the army. He ate hungrily, grinning at Annie between bites and dripping gravy from one corner of his mouth. Everyone concentrated on eating for a while.
"Seth," he said finally, cleaning his bowl with a piece of bread while the others were still less than half finished, "I really came back here to see you."
"Me? Why me?" The boy had been thinking about the last time he had seen a Sharps close up. The summer he was twelve, men from a New York company called Scott's 900 came to the farm and took away their workhorse, Nell, and their old mule, Charlie. Profane men who did a lot of cursing and spitting, men who had carried carbines and left his trembling mother holding a sheet of paper from the quartermaster.
"Well," the soldier was saying, "I need a little favor, and my ole daddy always tole me if'n you want a favor, ast the feller who already done you one." He smiled, showing that one of his teeth had gold in it.
Seth recognized that his manner of talking seemed to go back and forth between country and town, schooled and illiterate and wondered why it should. Maybe he's play acting.
"Help yourself to bread and butter," Seth's mother offered, as a deep line of worry developed between her eyebrows.
"Kind of you, ma'm, very kind. Men in my squad ain't much good as cooks, an' lately what we had to work with weren't nothin' to write home about neither. Fact is, I fear Marse Robert's boys ain't eating very high on the hog these days."
"Would you care for a cup of coffee? I made some for myself."
"Oh, yes'm. That would be fine. You wouldn't believe what we've been tryin' to make coffee out'a. An' could I have a spoon more of that good stew and perhaps another dumplin'?" He held up his empty plate.
Mrs. Williams brought the coffee, served the soldier's food and then offered more to Seth. Annie sat with her mouth open until her mother nudged her, and even though she started eating again, her eyes never left the cavalryman's bearded face. She even ate some carrots. Finally, looking ready to burst with curiosity, she asked, "Are you really a soldier, like my brother?"
"Be dogged, I didn't know ole Seth were a soldier." The man winked at Seth and spooned up half a dumpling.
"No," Annie squealed. "Not Seth. My big brother, Robert."
"Yep, I'm a soldier all right, God's truth."
"He was here this morning, Annie, but I reckon you were out by the chicken coop or someplace," Seth said in his patient, older-brother voice.
"Annie, is it? I've got a girl called Annie down around Danville way, but she's not as pretty as you. Mite older though. That kind'a makes up for it." He winked at Seth again and again reminded the boy of the New Yorkers who made jokes while stealing the Williams's livestock.
Annie looked away and then worked on her dumpling with the edge of her spoon.
"Sir," said Seth's mother into the silence that followed, "you have us at a disadvantage. You know us, but we do not know you." Seth noticed that his mother's hand shook a bit when she passed the jelly.
"Quite true, ma'am, quite true. Don't know what has become of my manners. It's the war what's done it, I'm sure. My sainted mother would surely be ashamed of me. Allow me, ma'm," he stood and bowed from the waist, and Seth thought, put on yet a third way of speaking, "allow me to introduce myself. I am Charles Mason Wainder of Tolliver, Commonwealth of Virginia, at your service and your humble servant, ma'm." His voice rose at the end of his small speech and he made a sweeping gesture with his hand as if he held a plumed hat and, with a smile, resumed his seat and his meal.
Disbelieving, shocked, frightened, Seth watched as his mother faced this angry soldier holding a gun. He felt frozen to his chair as if time had stopped. Unconnected images and sounds flashed in his memory: Mr. Willoughby, his skinny teacher yelling there was no school because a war had started; his Aunt Hope screaming in anguish when he told her that the soldiers had taken Uncle Luke away; the blue-clad men whistling as they smashed down his father's fence; his mother reading and rereading...
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The French's winding farm lane met the long-traveled Pike about a half mile north of Luke Williams' general store. At the open gate Jefferson pulled the faded, gray wagon into the shade of a weeping willow near a dried up brook. The three of them listened. Insects whirred and a faint breeze rustled the dry leaves. Seth walked out into the middle of the worn, hard-surfaced road on stiff legs. He could not see anything out of the ordinary. He had expected cavalry patrols racing back and...
After the first rush of confusion produced by the sound of the big guns to the east, the men of Fort Reno settled back into an afternoon of disciplined routines. Now only the occasional crack of a sharpshooter's rifle reminded General Hardin's men to keep their heads down as they went about their tasks. They fired off a few heavy rounds to harass the people on the old turnpike and then settled back to wait and watch. Jefferson and Seth found a safe place for flop-eared Ben and Mr....
In the French's dark, dry barn that smelled of hay and horses, Corporal Wainder swam back to consciousness after the repeated thud of distant cannon fire. He lay some six miles north of Fort Stevens, but he could clearly hear echoes of the guns' booming reports and even feel the ground beneath him shake. He looked around his horse-stall prison and saw nothing but piles of straw and worn, pine boards. "Water," sounded in his parched throat, but he was not sure whether or not he said the...
Seth woke in a large, open field along the Darnestown Road just west of Rockville's court house. His hands were tied together, and for a moment he wondered where he was. He stretched carefully and felt pain knot his leg muscles and his backside. His knee hurt, too. He bit his lip to keep from crying out and massaged his calves and thighs, but he could not move freely because one of his ankles was tied to the leg of the snoring man lying next to him. The hazy sky grew slightly brighter, and...
Seth licked his fingers, scooped up the last bits of his second piece of pie and gulped down his third cup of milk. Jefferson sat stiffly at the kitchen table with his frayed hat in his lap. Annie and Caroline watched the boy eat and listened to a disorganized story that seemed like the odd-shaped pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. Mrs. Williams busied herself at the stove, but Seth could tell that she was listening, too. Between bites and gulps the boy had told them, in disjointed fragments, where...
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In a few minutes Seth looked back again. The Confederates were nowhere to be seen in the dappled sunlight. The boy sighed and relaxed, feeling his heart thumping. "What was you so concerned 'bout back yonder?" Jefferson asked in his normal bass rumble. "I knew you could act crazy-like. I warn't worried none." "I think one of those soldiers, that sergeant, he recognized me. I'm pretty sure I ate breakfast with him out in Rockville early this morning." "Aw, come on now, Seth. How...
Seth sat quietly beside Jefferson rubbing his wrists and flexing his cramped fingers. The trooper lay sprawled on his back with his arms extended. He did not seem to be breathing. "Didn' mean to hit him so hard," whispered Jefferson, still holding an ax handle in his huge fist. "We jus' sort'a run together at the corner there. He turned an' I whacked him. I heered you comin' up the hill, Seth." The boy put his ear to the man's chest. "He's not dead, Jefferson. His heart's still...
The wobbly farm wagon and its happy outrider proceeded up the long hill to Tennallytown at Ben's steady pace and then, at what was called Gloria Point, turned a sharp left across the Georgetown-Rockville Pike by the old tavern. The sporadic firing had quieted again, and the only sounds Seth could hear were the familiar creak of the wagon and the clip clop of the mule and horse. Now I'm in the other army, he thought as they arrived at the huge fort's impressive back gate, Robert's army,...
In the barracks behind Fort Reno, a broad bar of golden sunlight slid across Seth's face while the boy dreamed of his mother's sewing circle. His tiny grandmother Axminister, red-faced Aunt Hester who always smelled of camphor, his maiden aunt who was called Miss Vidy, and his mother were knitting at his house. He could hear the needles clicking. Annie sat on a stool playing with her doll. Seth crouched back in a corner, watching and listening. All the women were saying nasty things to his...
They met very few travelers on the highway, passing only two mule-drawn farm wagons headed toward the city, one loaded with a jumble of furniture. That surprised Seth since there had been a lot of traffic heading south the previous couple of days. A half-dozen Union cavalrymen clattered past, Illinois boys, heading toward Rockville with hardly a glance at the two dusty riders going the other way. Seth noticed that many of the farms along the old road seemed abandoned. Some of the houses and...
As Mr. French's buggy topped the hill near the Bethesda Meeting House, Seth looked back, but Jefferson was not in sight. He probably took that shortcut that fords the creek, thought the boy. Mr. French had been full of questions, but Seth had been more interested in looking at the damage done along the Pike by the retreating troops. The fences were gone and so were the flocks of chickens. The blacksmith shop where Jefferson had sought information on the way into town was closed and the...
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At about half past ten that sultry night someone knocked at the seldom-used front door of the Williams' dark farmhouse. The air was still warm, stirred only by the slightest breeze. The night was full of the cicadas' song and the churr of crickets. Lightening bugs flickered in the fruit trees, and heat lightning flared quietly out toward the hills. Seth's mother, still dressed as she had been when her younger son had been taken from her, carried a small lamp to the door. "Who is there?"...
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"Fuck! The Admiral is going to be pissed," Captain Mike Bonnet of the USS Badger said. "I know, and I am going to have to tell him. It's my responsibility. As to your Mechs and Marines, the ship has been cleared of all Crytherians. Anyone left alive is outside and fair game. If you can get your Mechs to create a safe zone for us, I will get all my spiders initiating emergency repairs to get us back into space," turning he looked at Lisa and asked, "Lisa, how long until we get repairs...
“Volunteers for the Defense Forces with CAP scores of certain published levels will be afforded the opportunity to select others to emigrate and maintain their residences on other worlds while they perform their duties in the Defense Forces in accordance with their aptitudes and capabilities; certain high-priority individuals may select up to ten people to emigrate with for this purpose. Obviously, fertility is a criterion -- we will be looking to ensure the continuity of the human race as it...
1760 The Fall of Montreal The heated battles of the French and Indian Wars were primarily fought in the deep forests and isolated outposts of the exposed English settlers. However, the British eventually brought the fight directly into the heart of the French Colonial Homeland in Canada. The initial assaults on Quebec were fought off but it eventually fell to the English forces in 1759 with much loss of life and property. The key to this success was the prior taking of Fort Niagara by the...
Mars Base: Federation Side Thirteen-year-old Mitchell Young sat back from his computer screen, looked at the final design of the APES, and watched the simulation run. Within seconds, they had devastated a unit of T'Lari warriors. Reaching over to the keypad, he typed in a few commands and watched the T'Lari change to battle Mechs and it took a little bit longer but they were able to wipe out the twenty Mechs for the loss of only five of the APES. With a grin, he said, "It's going to...