Civil War in MiseraChapter 2 Negotiating
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One month later... Time: August 11, 8244 1:27 AM I walked back to my private quarters at the palace feeling very tired. One of the awful things about war, I thought, is that there's never an intermission. Still, it was a battle worth fighting, and over the past thirty days my cause has enjoyed an unbroken series of successes. Except for my tired mind, I had no reason to complain. The war began in the Caribbean shortly after dawn on July 15th, two days after a new holographic...
Civil War Reenactment When a friend at work tried to recruit me into his Civil War Reenactment Troop, I was intrigued but I wanted to check it out first. He told me to visit him that weekend at a reenactment that his group was putting on. My wife was not interested but her sister Doreen was, however her husband was not. So Doreen and I decided to go visit my friend together. That Friday Doreen was more excited than I was. As we drove to the town where the reenactment was taking...
May 31, 1993 Looking unhappy, President Rohrbach said, “It was a quiet weekend.” Cabinet Member Neyer said, “There wasn’t a single riot or protest anywhere.” “Jade Force said they’d end the civil war in five days. It looks like they did it,” Cabinet Member Goil said. President Rohrbach said, “They printed the treaty in the Saturday and Sunday morning papers. We’re stuck with it.” He knew that the introduction of term limits on Senators, and competitive elections, would have far reaching...
GUSTAV jumped to hyperspace, leaving the Death Star, Tarkin, Vader, and J'Una behind. We had embarked Admiral Haarkov and several members of his staff and were enroute to the Sepan system. The most difficult, and potentially frustrating, mission that any military organization can be assigned is one whose objective is not clear. The real purpose of any military, when you think about it, is twofold: 1)to kill people and break things when so directed, and 2)use the threat of force to keep...
Tales From the Gender Civil WarCaptured CIA AgentThe CIA Agent had become separated from her squad during the raid on the Columbia drug compound. The goons had grabbed her and dragged her deep into the jungle. Now she lived in the confines of the compound of the notoriously brutal Drug Lord Sancho Martinez . Sancho could not believe his luck, that he now possessed a beautiful, educated, blonde, American CIA agent as his personal sex slave. The woman who had lead the fighting to destroy him and...
Back in the 1800s a lot of young men married women of ill-repute, not only were they comfortable around men, they were uninhibited about sex unlike most women of the day. They enjoyed fucking in different positions and were more than willing to suck your cock. They enjoyed fucking and knew how to please a man. So this is the story of how I met Alma, a former St. Louis whore who turned out to be my wife of twenty years. I had always loved to ride horses; since age eight I rode them across the...
Nobody saw it coming. Everyone knew it had been a crazy election year, but nobody expected war. However, when Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, all hell broke loose. Donald Trump was the reason. He claimed the election had been rigged, that Michigan and Wisconsin, two key states which had both delayed releasing their votes, had cheated him out of the election. A surprising amount of people agreed with him. Then he suggested secession. It seemed to happen overnight. Most of the south and...
Federation Fleet The Washington led her fleet towards the captured Space Docks where they circled the Earth, at five hundred thousand miles. Ken stood on the flag bridge with his wives and watched the American ships maneuvering in front of them. "Admiral, the American fleet is joining up. They have fifteen destroyers and four light cruisers," Lieutenant Jinnah Chin reported. "Thank you lieutenant, we will stick with the plan," Admiral Tammy Thompson said. "Yes, Ma'am. I am sending...
Washington DC Twenty-four hours before the attack on the docks, several congressional representatives and senators were having a small poker party at one of the member's houses. Tony Garcia, a Representative from the State of New Mexico was just reaching for the next card when the front door was kicked in. Standing in the doorway was a man in a camouflage uniform that seemed to shimmer as he stood there. "What..." is all he got out when he was flipped out of the chair by the needler...
Corporal John G Stephens, 25 years-old, 5th Regiment Infantry U.S. Colored Troops-Formerly 127th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Camp Delaware, Ohio. March 1865, General William Tecumseh Sherman's Carolinas Campaign, assault on Kinston and Goldsboro, North Carolina. March 6, 1865. We walk and walk, carrying our guns high on our shoulders, packs strapped tight against our neck, the sweat rolling down our brow. It was an early hot summer in the South, and being a black man, dressed in a full...
InterracialDMZ, Korean Peninsula: 1-17-05, 05:19 A.M. Sojang (Major-General) Hyun Li raised his binoculars and looked across the DMZ at the American and South Korean forces, as the sun slowly rose over the landscape. Picking up the phone, he gave the order he had been waiting for thirty years, to give. "Fire." Up and down the DMZ, eight thousand artillery pieces and twenty-four hundred multiple missile launchers raised their barrels from hidden weapon emplacements while three thousand aircraft...
American Fleet The Abraham Lincoln turned and started firing into the weakened shields of the Washington. Suddenly the shields failed and explosions detonated from the side of the massive ship. Admiral Callaghan grinned as he watched the ship heave as a dozen antimatter rounds slammed into the side of the battleship and half her weapons went down. "Keep hitting them. Blow those bastards away!" Mathew said with glee in his voice. "I am sir, do you want me to pull their teeth so we can...
The Federation battleship USS Washington: 1:50 P.M. Jessica handled the ship as though she was born to do it. The ship was shrugging off the enemy fire and her weapons were firing at the Washington D.C. shield trying to take it down. Turning her head she smiled at her husband and wife as the status reports came in from the fleet. "Enemy shield down to 36% power," reported Lieutenant Akiko Fujimoto. "Thanks, Akiko. Keep up the pressure," Tammy said just as Jessica screamed and the ship...
Federation Fleet Ken stood on the flag bridge of the USS Washington and watched the gate open for his ship. Looking at his wife Jessica he said, "Okay, let's find out what is going on." "Yes, Sir. We are dropping out in three ... two ... one ... Now!" The Washington dropped out of fold. The two assault cruisers, Grizzly and Orca, and the seven destroyers were flanking her. The destroyers spread out in a half circle to protect the three ships. Sensors came online and flashed their...
The War Between the States had just begun and I was married on the day my new husband was to be shipped out to fight. I was only 17 but considered a woman at the time. My husband owned a small plantation in South Carolina. Though we were southerners and Jim, my husband, went to fight for the south we both believed in the northern cause. His platoon was in such a hurry we never had a proper wedding night. In fact, we didn’t get to properly consummate the marriage. I did, however, get to give him...
The War Between the States had just begun and I was married on the day my new husband was to be shipped out to fight. I was only 17 but considered a woman at the time. My husband owned a small plantation in South Carolina. Though we were southerners and Jim, my husband, went to fight for the south we both believed in the northern cause. His platoon was in such a hurry we never had a proper wedding night. In fact, we didn’t get to properly consummate the marriage. I did, however, get to give him...
Wife LoversPOW CAMP 2 1-14-05 Thirty-nine year old Sergeant Sandra MacEwen looked out at the barbed wire as the five men digging the grave for Captain Vickie Tamping, the young Canadian woman who was taken on Space Dock Two leading a small unit of guerrillas against the American forces. She had been wounded when she was brought in and they never gave her any of the advanced medical they had captured. Sandra's eyes floated over the three thousand wooden crosses and cringed as she remembered the first...
"Fuck! The Admiral is going to be pissed," Captain Mike Bonnet of the USS Badger said. "I know, and I am going to have to tell him. It's my responsibility. As to your Mechs and Marines, the ship has been cleared of all Crytherians. Anyone left alive is outside and fair game. If you can get your Mechs to create a safe zone for us, I will get all my spiders initiating emergency repairs to get us back into space," turning he looked at Lisa and asked, "Lisa, how long until we get repairs...
Court "Commander Amy Thompson, by a count of 7 to 0 we, the court, find you guilty of all charges. You are sentenced to death and the destruction of your capsule and your ship," Sandi said as she looked at the woman. Amy's knees buckled and she collapsed to the floor, and muttered quietly, "my baby. Don't kill my baby, oh God please don't let them kill my baby." "This court will reform inside the capsule room of the USS Washington's primary interface and initiate the destruction...
"Who was that you were talking to out there?" Seth's mother glanced at him as she put down her ladle and began slicing carrots into the soup pot. "That's what I was trying to tell you, Momma." Seth watched the orange rounds plop into the bubbling soup, the slices getting larger as the carrot got smaller. "He's a soldier. A cavalryman, a rebel soldier, Momma." Seth watched his mother for some reaction, but she kept chopping carrots without missing a beat. "And he cut the telegraph...
Disbelieving, shocked, frightened, Seth watched as his mother faced this angry soldier holding a gun. He felt frozen to his chair as if time had stopped. Unconnected images and sounds flashed in his memory: Mr. Willoughby, his skinny teacher yelling there was no school because a war had started; his Aunt Hope screaming in anguish when he told her that the soldiers had taken Uncle Luke away; the blue-clad men whistling as they smashed down his father's fence; his mother reading and rereading...
The rebel soldier led Seth's horse a few hundred yards along the all-weather road toward Washington, past the place where two wagons had overturned and burned the previous summer while the others tried to escape Jeb Stuart's whooping horse soldiers. At the top of a rise they crossed the dirt track beside the macadamized road and stopped in the shade of a small stand of locust trees. The boy sat on his horse, saying nothing but watching his captor carefully and considering his situation....
Sweating junior officers called squads of soldiers from the walls, trenches and firing pits of Fort Stevens, and at a sergeant's insistence, Seth and Jefferson joined a shuffling chow line. The busy cooks never looked up as they served everyone a piece of gristly meat, a hunk of dark bread, and a cup of thick bean soup. The soldiers stood or squatted in the shadiest areas eating and joking about the probable age and source of their meat. They could not decide whether it was mule or camel,...
For what seemed like a long time there was no sound in the dining room of the Williams's farmhouse except for the ticking of the clock, the flutter of the curtains and the whirr of insects. "Yes, I recognize him," Mrs. Williams said to Seth, her face white but her voice steady, and then to the soldier, "How may we help you, sir?" The man stood in the doorway with his weapon held loosely in his right hand, pointed more or les at the floor. Seth noted with some pride that it was a Sharps...
You know it’s ironic. I have spent almost a decade perfecting a singular chemical. It was the key to all that I wanted and more. I knew that, but I hadn’t quite figured out how to get it to work as intended. I lived for a singular purpose, to perfect my chemical. But we will get back to that. You see I was a nerd. Like a nerd to the extreme. I had been in high school, and I continued that legacy all the way through to the end of my doctorate. You see I wanted to make drugs. I wanted to make the...
Mind Control“Volunteers for the Defense Forces with CAP scores of certain published levels will be afforded the opportunity to select others to emigrate and maintain their residences on other worlds while they perform their duties in the Defense Forces in accordance with their aptitudes and capabilities; certain high-priority individuals may select up to ten people to emigrate with for this purpose. Obviously, fertility is a criterion -- we will be looking to ensure the continuity of the human race as it...
1760 The Fall of Montreal The heated battles of the French and Indian Wars were primarily fought in the deep forests and isolated outposts of the exposed English settlers. However, the British eventually brought the fight directly into the heart of the French Colonial Homeland in Canada. The initial assaults on Quebec were fought off but it eventually fell to the English forces in 1759 with much loss of life and property. The key to this success was the prior taking of Fort Niagara by the...
Mars Base: Brigadier General Mark Anthon was a beaten man. He stood with his men in the giant hanger. Guards stood around the nine hundred officers and men. As force fields kept them in the enclosure, he looked over at his second in command who was glaring daggers at him. "Colonel Wright, I had no choice but to surrender. They were wiping us out," Mark said as he sipped his coffee. "Sir, with all due respect, my infantry could have taken this base. You have failed..." "Colonel James...
Mars Base: Federation Side Thirteen-year-old Mitchell Young sat back from his computer screen, looked at the final design of the APES, and watched the simulation run. Within seconds, they had devastated a unit of T'Lari warriors. Reaching over to the keypad, he typed in a few commands and watched the T'Lari change to battle Mechs and it took a little bit longer but they were able to wipe out the twenty Mechs for the loss of only five of the APES. With a grin, he said, "It's going to...
"I was critically injured when I came to Ashley's rescue. A squad of American's was in the process of raping her. I killed them all, but they injured me badly. I woke up in a capsule. It seems Commander Sandi O'Donald heard Ashley crying and arrived in time. Her husband, Doctor Marcus Wild, was summoned. She had the replicators form a capsule for me. Doctor Marcus arrived just as the bed was finished, and got me up inside it. I have spent the last three weeks healing, inside, while my...
05:30 Pluto, Base Station Elysian, 1-14-05 Ken watched the fleet approach the huge dry dock. The ships were spreading out for the docking arms as he turned and looked at his wife Tammy who was giving her fleet orders. "Helm. All ahead, slow. Starboard thrusters, minimum fire, in three ... two ... one ... engage," Tammy said as she sat in the command chair. "Firing thrusters, Ma'am," replied Commander Stella Salaneo. The huge ship slowly slid down the length of the gantry until it was...
Captured Crytherian Space Dock Captain Sammy O'Rourke-Anderson watched as the twenty spider bots continued to build the small ship. It was now over eighty percent completed. Walking to the door, she looked out into the hall and saw it was still clear. "Come on Kevin, get your ass back here," Sammy snarled as she heard a clang behind her. Shutting the hatch, she walked back to the dock and watched the spiders lift a section of the black hull up to the side of the ship and fasten it to the...
Fold Space, the USS HOPE Sammy grunted as she landed on her back. Rolling over, she scrambled to her feet as Kevin came in low, the knife blade held along his right forearm. His arm came in, and her arm came up with her blade. They clanged together as the palm of her hand slammed into his chest, and Kevin flew back from her. "Got yeah!" Sammy said as she turned and kicked with her left foot. She felt her foot being grabbed, and she went flying as Kevin spun her around, and she hit the mat...
Confederate General Jubal Early and most of his staff spent Sunday evening near Gaithersburg, Maryland, a few miles north of Rockville, at the home of a very angry slave owner and Union sympathizer named John DeSellum. Mr. DeSellum was particularly unhappy because passing Rebels had pretty well cleaned him out of food and fodder before someone on the General's staff decided that his home would be a good place to locate the invading army's headquarters for the night. The few dark hours of...
The French's winding farm lane met the long-traveled Pike about a half mile north of Luke Williams' general store. At the open gate Jefferson pulled the faded, gray wagon into the shade of a weeping willow near a dried up brook. The three of them listened. Insects whirred and a faint breeze rustled the dry leaves. Seth walked out into the middle of the worn, hard-surfaced road on stiff legs. He could not see anything out of the ordinary. He had expected cavalry patrols racing back and...
The wobbly farm wagon and its happy outrider proceeded up the long hill to Tennallytown at Ben's steady pace and then, at what was called Gloria Point, turned a sharp left across the Georgetown-Rockville Pike by the old tavern. The sporadic firing had quieted again, and the only sounds Seth could hear were the familiar creak of the wagon and the clip clop of the mule and horse. Now I'm in the other army, he thought as they arrived at the huge fort's impressive back gate, Robert's army,...
After the first rush of confusion produced by the sound of the big guns to the east, the men of Fort Reno settled back into an afternoon of disciplined routines. Now only the occasional crack of a sharpshooter's rifle reminded General Hardin's men to keep their heads down as they went about their tasks. They fired off a few heavy rounds to harass the people on the old turnpike and then settled back to wait and watch. Jefferson and Seth found a safe place for flop-eared Ben and Mr....
In the French's dark, dry barn that smelled of hay and horses, Corporal Wainder swam back to consciousness after the repeated thud of distant cannon fire. He lay some six miles north of Fort Stevens, but he could clearly hear echoes of the guns' booming reports and even feel the ground beneath him shake. He looked around his horse-stall prison and saw nothing but piles of straw and worn, pine boards. "Water," sounded in his parched throat, but he was not sure whether or not he said the...
Chaos and Order: The War Eternal "Small Wars" An Urban Fantasy Tale (Set in the Consultant Universe) Magic has always existed and is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% has the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. ...
Katherine felt attracted to him the very first time she saw him. He was different than the other men she knew, not that she knew that many, but there was something altogether safe and yet demanding about him. He looked her straight in the eyes, unlike boys her own age, and he showed his interest in her, in an open and pleasant manner. They met at a party of the better circles. She had come there with her two sisters, both older, and both married. The youngest in the family, she was used to...
“So, how was your date last Friday?” Steve asks Jonathan.“Man, she is so sexy, I could fuck her anytime after work, regardless of how tired I am,” Jonathan replies to Steve, clearly excited by his date.Steve whistles, impressed. “That much? I couldn’t, I’m so tired after work, I don’t even want to date.”“Maybe it’s because I’m close to the end of my civil duty. Anyway, she is gorgeous. Brunette, five-eleven, a hell of an ass and her breasts. Ah, her breasts! I would like to keep my face in her...
Straight Sex15 Months, 462 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance It's rather too early in the morning when my mobile chimes to say I have a text. I grunt and turn over in bed. Who is texting me at... 6.30am? I grope for the handset and try to focus on the screen. I open the text. It says, "Joseph. Can you do lunch on Friday? I suggest The Cranford Wine Bar in Warwick about 12.00? Regards, Andrew Edwards." Andrew Edwards? Just who exactly is Andrew Edwards? I don't know any Andrew Edwards, do I? Then...
Sammy heard the girl cry out, and her eyes locked on the falling container. Her eyes followed the rope up over the beam, and down to the floor. She saw the man being jerked up. Whipping her battle-axe up and over her shoulder, she hurled the flaming blade, and watched it spin as the man began to fly up into the air. The blade spun through the air, twirling over and over. It hit the rope, and the titanium blade sliced through its weaves like butter. The battle-axe then slammed into the wall,...
“Elizabeth Ann, stop picking at your brother,” I yelled. I was doing a lot of yelling lately. I hated it. I hated who I was becoming. I wanted to be a good mother but I was so tired all the time. I looked at Hayden for help but he was talking to Ford and not paying any attention to the four children. Ellen, of course, was in the kitchen, so it looked like I was the parent on duty. I turned to yell at Betts again, automatically assuming she was still picking at the smaller children. Drew was...
Taiwan Straits 1-16-05 21:30 PM Admiral Fu Kwan raised his glasses, looked out into the darkness, and waited. Zhoushan was several hours behind them. He took a quick look around his ship; the invasion fleet of over one hundred warships of the Peoples Liberation Navy was heading for the main Port of Taichung. They were carrying over thirty thousand troops to invade the island of Taiwan and settle this foolishness of joining this so called Federation. The missile destroyer Guangzhou turned a...
USS Oregon Ted ran onto the bridge and dropped into his command chair as he was shouting his orders, "Full power to weapons. Cut speed by twenty percent. Bring shields to full power, double the energy to the stern shields." "Yes, Sir, cutting speed and raising shields to full power," Lieutenant Joan Greenville at the helm station said as her fingers flew over the console in front of her. Lieutenant Betty Jenson over at the port weapons station shouted, "Portside weapons online and...
Federation Fleet Day 5 of conflict The Federation cruiser USS Atlanta LCAM 2 followed behind her sister ship the San Juan as they curled inward towards the Earth and the space docks. Three destroyers led the column with three destroyers behind them. They were nine million three hundred thousand miles from the captured space docks, and closing. Captain Joan Whitman sat in her command chair, taking a sip of her coffee. On the view screen, she could make out the landing bay of the San Juan as...
Federation side Lisa started hurling Crytherian warriors around the ship as she directed the Marines to their positions. Several had broken into one of the dormitories she had set up for the evacuees from Tau Ceti and were now holding ninety hostages. Ted's body still lay under the huge Crytherian warrior as the ships Marines having seen Ted go down, had gone ballistic, sacrificing their own lives to stem the flow of the invaders as more tried to get in. At last count, three hundred of them...
Captured Space Docks Admiral Farragut froze when the round blew the com unit apart, which was built into his desk. He looked at his assailant. Before he could say anything or move, a dart slammed into his chest, and he flew out of his chair and crashed to the floor. Walking over to the man, the figure knelt beside him, and bound his hands and feet. Pulling out a scanner, the person scanned the man and found his locator beacon. With a quick tapping of keys, the scanner shut the beacon down....
American Space Navy Near Space Dock One: 1-17-05, 11:29 A.M. American battle cruiser America Captain Richard Potter watched the Federation cruiser he was firing on, her shields had collapsed and now internal explosions were ripping through her hull. He knew that inside it was becoming a death trap and with the ship crippled he made his decision. "Ensign Wilcox, break lock, and target the next ship," he said as he watched two heavy cruisers coming to the Federation ship's rescue. Ensign...
The Battle for the Space Docks Federation Fleet Captain John Wilkes walked onto the bridge of the USS America and looked at the main screen. The news he had just received about the takeover had him nervous about possible saboteurs or traitors on board his command. Pressing the intercom, he started to address the crew, "This is the Captain speaking. All hands man your battlestations. This is not a drill. Units of the United States Military have engaged our bases on the moon and the Arizona...
Philadelphia: 11:50 A.M. Tim let Amy cry in his arms as he held the woman who brought hope to a lot of people of this world. So she went overboard and took justice in her hands. He thought it was worth it as far as he was concerned. He felt Amy gently push on him so he released her. "Feeling better?" he asked. "Yeah, I am. Thank you, Tim," Amy replied. "Good, what are your orders?" Tim asked. Amy laughed and replied, "Tim you out rank me. I'm only a commander while...
Presidential One 2:20 pm Tina looked at the scanners of the ship as American fighters came in from all angles and opened fired on her. With her com open she screamed, "FUCK! I'M UNDER ATTACK!" as she started banking the craft trying to avoid the enemy fighters. The shields sensors screamed out their warnings as they were plastered from thirty different points of attack. Tina reacted quickly and fired her main weapons and blew two Lightning class fighters to shreds. Doing a quick loop,...
10:20 Central LA, California, 1-14-05 Mark 'Hoover' Mathews looked up from his bunker behind two wrecked tractor-trailers. In the distance, the AH-1 Cobra still burned from where his stinger had taken the Marine helicopter down. Around him were the rest of his brothers from the local Blood gang. "Hey Hoover, did you hear what the man in power did to those cities up the state?" asked Vince 'Snakeman' Anderson. "Ya, I heard Snakeman, but we shall kick whities ass out of LA and then we...
Richard snarled in anger as he stood up, shaking his hand he looked at the woman. "I'm going to rip your head off," he said as he charged the woman. Jerri dodged the man's clumsy attack and grasped his wounded hand. Turning she slammed him into the wall where he bounced off. Moving quickly, Richard jumped on the woman and grasped her in a bear hug. "Got you now bitch," he growled out. Laughing, Jerri replied, "You think so? Do your worst." Suddenly she screamed out in agony and...
Onboard the Ex-Crytherian mining freighter Hathor, William Odessa led his party of former escapees down the narrow hallway he had found. The air smelled of stale sweat and death, water dripped from one of the overhead pipes in at least a dozen places. One of the electrical panels buzzed as if it had a short and they stayed away from it. Looking at the map he had made, he knew they were getting close as they turned the corner. Up ahead, he could see the bulkhead door. Going up to it, he...
Flag Bridge, USS Washington 15:10 hours, 2-05-05 Ken felt the grief building up in his body when a hand gently gripped his shoulder. Looking up into the eyes of Kalaria he smiled sadly as he thought of his best friend. They had grown up together, did everything together; they even dated and married each other's sister. "Commander Chu, please send us your mission logs for review, and welcome home. At this time, I want you to assume command of the Oregon as her captain," Tammy said as she...
Molly dropped to her knees beside Ken as the rest of her medical staff arrived, checking the wound she saw the blade had cut deeply in to the stomach between the esophagus and the duodenum. "Crap, this wound is bad, Nancy how about the side." Nancy Ortiz was examining the stab wound in Ken's side; it was a clean in and out. Grabbing her medical pad, she started scanning him. "I think his lung has been nicked, but I am not sure. Yet!" Nancy waited for the scanner to finish the scan,...