Before the Civil War
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Tales From the Gender Civil War
Captured CIA Agent
The CIA Agent had become separated from her squad during the raid on the Columbia drug compound. The goons had grabbed her and dragged her deep into the jungle. Now she lived in the confines of the compound of the notoriously brutal Drug Lord Sancho Martinez . Sancho could not believe his luck, that he now possessed a beautiful, educated, blonde, American CIA agent as his personal sex slave. The woman who had lead the fighting to destroy him and his drug empire. The greatest thorn in the side of his criminal organization was now his helpless sextoy. Was this really the tough solider who had waged relentless war on him?
Kayla had hated the indignity of having to ask her piggish male captors for tampons and feminine hygiene products. But her heart had stopped, when she realized that she had stopped menstruating all together. Could she be pregnant with the child of her worst enemy? Would she be the Mother of the child of America’s Most Wanted? The criminal warlord who had massacred men women and children. ?She prayed against hope that somehow she was not pregnant, as her belly began to grow and her breasts swell.
Rationality told her it was hopeless to expect mercy from this monster after months of his sadistic abuse. And yet the pregnancy had caused emotions to re-circuit her mind. She got on her knees and tearfully begged the Druglord to allow her to get an abortion, promising anything in return, even her complete servitude and the betrayal of her country. The outraged kingpin, dragged her up by her long blonde hair and slapped her hard across the face. How DARE this degenerate American feminist puta propose to a ‘good Catholic’ like Sancho that he murder his own child.
Motherhood was supposed to be a beautiful process. But under these circumstances every stage of the normally magical process was torture, a dagger into her heart. She had tried to be a tough, assertive, macho, independent CIA agent. But her pregnancy reminded her of her biological role, that she was nothing but a fertile woman. Fertile soil for male seed to be planted in. A purely animal creature driven by her estrogen hormones. His sperm had invaded her body, broke through her defenses, fertilized and conquered her precious eggs.
Now there was life growing inside her. A fetus with both her DNA and the DNA of the druglord. Her entire feminine body was now devoted to serving her biological purpose and providing for this child. She hated her body for betraying her when she most needed its strength. She felt all the rationality and toughness that made her a CIA fighter melt away as she became pure woman. There was no gentle lover to guide her through her cramps, breast tenderness, cravings and morning sickness. Her whirlwind of feminine hormonal emotions, was just something for the macho guards to mock and laugh at.
The former CIA Agent felt as if she had truly been put in her place as a woman. That an umbilical cord was now inside her own body, connecting her nutrients with the child of her worst enemy, the mass murderer who had destroyed her life. She could feel the first kicks of her new child against her now bloated belly. Her fat breasts were preparing milk to feed it. She was nothing but a cow to be milked.
Poor Kayla could not imagine what the horrors of childbirth would be like under these horrific conditions. Sancho would occasionally visit his captive to abuse her and to check up on the status of the future mother of his child. The tough American CIA agent would have to learn to be a traditional Latina mother, and devote herself entirely to her young.
There was no going back now. She could not be rescued from this. He had changed her forever. No matter what happened in the future, she was now the mother of his child, a carrier of his genes into the next generation.
Degraded Scholar
The Feminist scholar had written several bestselling books on how the Princess craze damages girls’ self-esteem and prevent them from being assertive, ambitious, modern feminists.Her scholarship turned to action however when she learned that the Corporation was holding a national contest for American’s Next Little Princess. The outraged Feminist professor organized protests across the country.
She and her fellow Feminist activists decided to sneak into Corporate HQ and vandalize the Princess dolls. However she was caught by the CEO’s hired goons. But not before her comrades had burned all the contest entries. Now there would be no Little Princess.
Looks to me, like we have our Little Princess right here, the CEO laughed looking down at the furious glaring Feminist activist. The poor Feminist scholar was subjected to weeks of humiliating, abusive, degrading, Princess brainwashing torture. Still her spirit refused to break. But she couldn’t win even that small victory. They didn’t need her womanly mind or spirit. All they needed was her body. They could dress her body up in anything they wanted.
They had stripped her of professional savy pantsuit. She could either remain stark naked surrounded by corporate male chauvinist pigs, or at least have that silly pink dress cover up her body. She burned with painful humiliation.
The arrogant Feminist glared furiously into the camera. If looks could kill, they’d all be dead. Her proud arrogant eyes still glimmered with the flames of defiance. She tried to give her fiercest look, praying it would take away from the power of her debasement. And yet there she was all in Pink from the stupid bow on her head to the little panties on her ass. The little pink skirt didn’t even cover her ass, leaving the pink panties totally exposed. Even her face was pink, blushing with embarrassment.
When the College Dean had tried to fire her for her political activism he had claimed she was ?Pink right down to her underwear!? Now her pink underwear was exposed to the entire world!
The silver heels were especially painful to her, they were far too small to begin with, but in addition as a Feminist she had made a point of NEVER wearing heels her entire life. The indignity of a grown woman being dressed like a little pink princess could break the pride of any woman, but it was especially grating on the mortified feminist college professor, who had devoted her life to combating princess culture. She had given lecture seminars critiquing the misogyny of every garment she was now forced to wear, piece by piece.
She wished she could flap those ridiculous silly little fairy wings and just fly away from her shameful debasement.
tomorrow morning this picture would be on the breakfast table of every family in America. The Feminist Activist was now America’s Top Princess. This was only the beginning of her reign as the official Princess doll spokes-model.
The Oscar winning actress Jenna Kennington’s militant support for feminism earned her the wrath of the House on Un-American Activities HUAC. Her ‘feminism’ Senator McCarthy discovered was just a front for her Red treason. Only a Red could believe that men and women could be equal. She was to be put on trial for treason and executed.
But Sen. McCarthy had a better idea. Since she was just a dumb broad, she was the perfect dupe for the Red puppetmasters. You couldn’t hold a blonde responsible for her stupidity. But the feminism needed to be beaten out of her.
And so Jenna was sentence to serve out her sentence as a domestic slave in Sen. McCarthy’s mansion. She would cook, clean, feed, and serve him and his family. She would only be allowed to wear a bra and panties and apron. If after a ten year trial period, the feminism had been knocked out of her system, the Court would consider allowing parole.
She had been the most famous Hollywood actress in the world starring in classic blockbuster films. She had always played the part of strong, confident, sophisticated, powerfully intelligent women. She had hobnobbed with the cream of American society. She had been an outspoken champion of advancing the rights of women. But now she lived a much simpler life, cooking and cleaning in her underwear for the man she despised most, the man who had destroyed her career, reputation, life and taken away her freedom.
Her entire life now consisted of doing the domestic womanly chores of a common housewife. She had literally been put back in the kitchen. She learned that a slap on her panty-clad ass was the way women were greeted in America. When she gave the Senator any lip, he would throw her over his lap, pull her panties down and spank her like a spoiled, impudent, bratty little girl.
Poor Jenna was forced to accompany McCarthy in his campaign tour around the country. These were the only occasions she was allowed outside the kitchen. She would stand obediently neck to him in nothing but her underwear, while the vindictive crowd yelled crude insults and threats at her. ?Then the Senator would take out a pair of Jenna’s panties and wave them above the crowd. American can be saved from the Reds he shouted, I hold in my hand the unmentionables of a Red traitor! I have the Red’s panties soon became his official campaign slogan, to wild applause across the nation.
There was no feminist sisterhood solidarity in the McCarthy household. Mrs.Jean McCarthy had no mercy on the Hollywood Red Tramp and saw her as a homewrecker. Jean delighted in spilling filth all over the floor and forcing Jenna to lick it all up with her tongue. She would do the whole torturous process over again, if the floor was not perfectly spotless. Mrs.McCarty was assigned to be the actress’ overseer in learning her domestic housewife duties, and she was extremely hyper-critical and cruel sadistic toward her young sexy charge.
J. Edgar Hoover wanted to personally humiliate the Hollywood starlet who had been spying for the Reds for years. And yet she had always escaped his clutches. Now he finally had the treasonous cunt. He arranged for the most backwards, crude, unrefined misogynist FBI agents to be assigned for this raid. And he alerted every newspaper and photographer in town. He had been tailing her for months, and knew every second of her routine. He wanted her caught with her pants down- literally.
The sadistic FBI boss deliberately timed the raid so that the poor starlet would be lead out into the streets half-naked. The whole neighborhood would be tipped off to further disgrace her. The devious Hoover had even ensured that there would be ‘shortage supplies’ and that she would have to spend her time in the local jailhouse in nothing but her lingerie.
The former Hollywood starlet was lead out of her mansion in handcuffs wearing nothing but her undergarments. I wonder if shes Red under her panties, one of the reporters joked. Another laughed ‘if she believes in Equality so much- lets send her to a Men’s Prison!’ ?An angry crowd surrounded her mansion quickly becoming a dangerous mob. There were countless cruel, vulgar, whistles, hooting and catcalls as the most famous Hollywood actress in the world, made the humiliating walk of shame outside her own home. Some of the hoodlums were able to get passed the police line and make a swipe for her panties. Their rowdy chums encouraged them to reveal the Red’s Firecrotch to the public. Her captors were none too interested in protecting a Public Enemy, and allowed her tormentors to temporary expose her multiple times.
Meanwhile Lucky Joe Palacino, was the photographer who had the good luck to snap the photograph seen around the world, just as the G-Men burst into her private feminine quarters. ?In the famous photography you can see the lovely actress having just been rudely interrupted from her grooming, having set her brush on the table, looking in confusion at the commotion inside her room.
Arab Wars
Lauren of Arabia, had been a militant Suffragette, when the Great War broke out she lead a British corps into Arabia to inspire an uprising against their Ottoman masters, and to help liberate women. Instead she was betrayed as a Western Infidel by the very women she had come to save, and her and her entire detachment were captured.
The German Ambassador arrived in the Ottoman Sultan’s harem very concerned about rumors that the British had sent the dangerous and fearsome Lauren of Arabia to wage a deadly guerrilla war. His fears are dissuaded however when the Sultan has the lovely harem slave perform an erotic dance for the visitors. Clearly she is in no condition to be leading a War of Woman’s Liberation in the Desert.
A Militant Suffragette she had campaigned against the horrors of the White Slave Trade, petitioning the Crown to stamp out prostitution in the Kingdom. Her actions had angered the powerful White Slave Trader Guilds. They had her kidnapped. They photographed her as they had her cleaned, bathed and perfumed. Her photo would be spread throughout the Orient’s Sultanates, and she would be sold to the highest bidder.
The proud suffragette and rebel military leader is now nothing but a pleasure-toy for the pleasure of her enemies. This Western Feminist Tiger is much better suited as a soft, tamed, docile, pussy cat. She even purrs softly like a little kitten. She is simply another exotic trinket and decoration for the Sultan’s collection.
As an educated Suffragette she had read with horror about the harem slavery of the Circassian women, now they were her harem sisters. She was just one of them. This warrior who had once lead fierce armies into battle against the Sultan’s forces, now entertained him with her luxurious body.
Loretta had ?been a militant suffragette campaigning for women’s representation in Parliament. When the Great War broke out, Loretta saw it as an opportunity to ?inspire the oppressed women of Arabia to rise up against their cruel masters.
After her forces were defeated at the Battle of Al-Jawala, Loretta retreated into a small Arab town, where she was betrayed by the very women she had come to liberate.
She was sold to the Ottoman sultan to serve as his?Odalisque harem slavegirl. She came into much closer contact with the oppressed women of the Orient then she could have ever desired. When German officers arrived complaining about lack of Turk commitment to the Central Powers war effort, the Sultan would have the British commander dance seductively with her harem sisters, demonstrating his mastery over the Western Alliance. The famed Loretta of Arabia reduced to a naked concubine was proof enough.
Manchu Warlord
Lt. Emma Airhart ?had been the only woman Air Corps pilot during the Great War. She had been an amazing ace, defying male military ?prejudice in the army, ?and shooting down 27 German fighters. Her proposal for an All-Women’s Air Squadron was laughed out of the Allied General Staff however.
Furious at such sexist treatment, Emma returned to America a war hero and played a major part in helping pass Women’s Suffrage, going on a speaking tour across the country in her Air Uniform. She was punished for her political engagement by being discharged from the army.
But Emma just couldn’t stay still. She was a Flygirl and needed to soar. Then had come the offer from the Manchu Warlord. He needed an Air Corps that could help him put down a massive Peasant’s uprising, and also intimidate his rival Warlords. He was intrigued about her scheme for an All-Woman’s Air Corps, and was willing to generously fund it with his earnings from Opium and the White Slave Trade.
Emma was extremely enthusiastic about her chance to fly again. She put together a team of the best women pilots in the country, to travel with her to Manchuria.
On her arrival however, she learned that the Warlord had other plans for the Militant Suffragette and her friends. Instead of flying warplanes, they would serve the Manchu Warlord and his army as pleasure slaves, and would be rented and sold to raise funds.
The Warlord had been shocked to meet these modern, independent, American airwomen, with their hair bobbed in an assertive confident manner. They looked laughably ridiculous dressed as men in their pilot outfits. These silly little girls would need to be stripped back into their delicate feminine form as soon as possible.
This decorated Aircorps Ace who had went toe to toe with the best of the German Warplanes, soaring across the wild blue yonder, could not believe that her quest for adventure had lead to such a humiliating end.
Place on the velvet platform, as a mere trinket, a soft toy of the Warlord’s amusement, Emma hung her head in shame, and did her best to cover her privates. But the furious Warlord was determined to not allow this arrogant foreign devil to preserve even an iota of her dignity. ?All her life she had wanted to be judged by men as more than a woman. But totally disrobed and put on display, she was now nothing but a woman.
KGB Agent
This tough bloodthirsty KGB bitch had ruthlessly captured, tortured and executed countless CIA agents and their informants across the world. She operated a global ring of Red Terror. But she had slipped up, and now she was his. Her mission had been to smuggle arms to the Womyn’s Liberation Guerrilla Front in America. She had underestimated the cattyness of American women, and had been betrayed by one of her own contacts, who spouted radical feminist propaganda in the classroom, but enjoyed being fucked by male chauvinist frat bros in the bedroom.
Rather then just execute her on the spot, the CIA Field Agent decided it would be better to teach this Red bitch her place as a Pink Cunt. He would undo all her Communist ideas about equality, and teach her just how very unequal women were to men. Her brutal crimes he could forgive, it was just part of the power game of espionage, but he could not forgive her for being a woman. She was not a worth opponent to be accorded the rights of a POW, she was cuntmeat to be enjoyed.
He had her Soviet Red Army Officer’s hat dyed Pink, to remind her of her new place as a submissive American woman. Her proud Red Army Star placed on that silly pink hat, now made a mockery of her cold KGB toughness and resolve. Wasting such beauty on the KGB was a glaring example of Soviet bureaucratic misallocation of resources. No longer would she travel around the world, having adventures battling American imperialism. Now she would suck the dicks of capitalist billionaires. She would be a commodity to be bought and sold on Wall Street.
He hated the conservative, white, sex-less, military granny panties, Soviet women wore. He would americanize the cunt. He got her nice playful sorority panties, with Play With Me written in Pink.
There was only one elevator out of the doomed compound before it would be destroyed in a torrent of flames. He made clear to her in no uncertain terms, that the only way she was going to leave alive, would be if she managed to put aside her Proletarian morality, and serve her Male Chauvinist Pig Master as an obedient capitalist sex-slave. ?Slowly she lowered the flowery Russian skirt he had forced her to wear exposing the hateful panties. Totally nude save for the All-American black Panties, she was forced to perform the most important mission of her life, a stripdance sexy enough to keep herself alive.
Jungle Warlords
Comandante en Jefe Gabriella was the daughter of the last democratically elected Presidente of Columbia before the Junta Coup. She had fled into the jungles to lead a guerrilla movement to avenge her father’s murder and to restore his government against the brutal military dictatorship. She had scored several impressive victories in surprise hit and run ambushes. She made the mistake of wandering into Druglord territory, and was captured by paramilitary forces allied with the Junta. They didn’t like her inspiring the local peons to stand up to their Druglord masters. He had poor Gabriella paraded?nude?across ?the farms, to let the peasants know that their savior was just a Puta whore.
His greed overcame his lust and he decided to have Gabriella, the President’s daughter and Guerrilla Rebel auctioned off to the highest bidder. Her rich Latina body was surveyed by the Russian Mafia, Arab Oil Sheikhs, African Warlords and most degrading of all several Generals from the Junta. They delighted in humiliating the naked body of their most dangerous enemy. Ultimately she was purchased by thugs from the Japanese Yakuza and shipped on a cramped smelly crate across the Pacific to the Land of the Rising Sun.
Gabriella was relieved to learn on her arrival in Japan that she would be serving as a Zumba instructor to improve employee morale, health and well-being at the Yakuza-run Tokugawa Corporation. While a demotion from Rebel Leader, it sure beat being a prostitute for the Russians or Arabs. The xenophobic Japanese mobsters had a lot of preconceived notions about Latina women and were proud to have a genuine Columbian Zumba instructor available for their hardworking employees.
Gabriella was deeply embarrassed when she had her Guerrilla Military camouflaged fatigues stripped off and was forced to wear a mockery of a Zumba outfit. She told herself at least it was better than an Arab harem. She told herself that it was a recognition of her athleticism, that she would be used to train the Japanese workers in fitness. Deafening Latin Hip Hop music blared out of the loudspeakers.
Gabriella entered a packed room of Japanese businessmen and gangsters. She realized too late, they had no interest in doing the Zumba. She was to be their Colombian Geisha. In her new outfit she looked like a totally transformed woman, from the tough, dirty, Guerrilla Rebel of the jungles. The more informed Japanese could not believe that the fiery revolutionary they had seen in the news, now stood before them.
She would be boosting company morale as the Company Geisha. Although she would indeed be giving Zumba lessons to her fellow Geisha Slaves to teach them to do spicy Latina erotic dances. The Geishas were mostly Russian blonde Sex-slaves although there were a few from the West. They were all naked, and the leering Yakuza looked forward to seeing the Colombian teach them her sassy moves. Russians were too cold, they needed some Spanish fire in them.
At her first Zumba lesson, she was to act as an ambassador in Colombian culture. The Guerrilla leader began to dance to the Latin beat, shaking her bubbly Colombian ass. The fearful Russian Geishas copied her every move. The lustful Japanese businessmen now demanded more from their South American slave, they wanted to satiate all their curiosities about Hispanic women.
A Yakuza thug wanted to know if it was really true that all Colombian sluts wore G-strings underneath? ?She hated their racist assumptions about Spanish women, and was disgusted that the outfit she had been forced to wear would only confirm their worst stereotypes. Her slutty White G-String would mark her out as a cheap Colombian stripper. Despite its lewd distastefulness her Zumba outfit had at least left her the only clothed woman in the room. But clearly her Masters were not going to leave El Presidente’s daughter a single ounce of her dignity.
Poor Gabriella had no choice but to show off her white thong. She had begun to fulfill their demand by grabbing the waistband of her Zumba pants with both hands and slowly sliding them down, she decided instead to just lower a small corner of her pants. Rather than pulling her pants down, she just gave them a quick peak and made obvious her angry displeasure. The Yakuza all laughed and decided that the hotblooded Latina would need an icy cold shower to cool off her feisty intensity.
Meanwhile representatives of the Colombian Junta Embassy, were able to film Gabriella’s humiliating striptease, they would broadcast it across Columbia, thus destroying the reputation of the Late President and the would-be Rebel Movement.
Red Army
The fearsome Red Army Cavalry commander and her brutal Political Commissar are captured by the Czarist White Army of General Wrangel. Wrangel a man of tradition and Orthodoxy is outraged by these Revolutionaries, that have women commanding cavalry. There is no more outrageous example of these infidels turning the Natural Order upside down. They looked like men in their green Red Army uniforms. Their uniforms needed to be quickly stripped off so their womanliness could be exposed to all. Nothing will better refute the Red’s claims to equality than the public humiliation of these 2 women comrades.
The naked Red Army General is forced to kiss Wrangel’s horse and pledge loyalty to the Czar. Women should kneel before horses, not command cavalry. Angry superstitious Ukrainian ?peasants are called out to join in mocking and taunting the Red She-devils. Their pubic hair blazes with the Devil’s flaming red Firecrotch.These Proletarian heroes who had once commanded entire Cavalry Armies in the battlefield are now the slaves of Czarist aristocrats. Since these Reds wanted to liberate peasants, its only fair that the entire village fuck them equally.
When the Junkers and Kulaks were finished fucking the Red Amazons, they would be sold on the capitalist market as commodities to a Turkish harem. The earnings from these 2 Red Cunts would help fund the White cause. These tough Red Revolutionary Women would spend the rest of their lives as submissive Turkish harem slavegirls, pleasing the desires of rich, powerful, exploitative Men.?
Madame de Stael
During the French Revolution, Anne Louise Germaine de Sta?l-Holstein hosted the most popular Salon in Paris. Enlightenment Philosophes of all stripes would discuss metaphysics, politics, morality, science, philosophy, feminism and the meaning of life. Then that Corsican Ogre Buonaparte rose to power. He had it written in the Napoleonic Code that all women were the property of Men.
He had the audacity to say?We treat women too well, and in this way have spoiled everything. We have done every wrong by raising them to our level. Truly the Oriental nations have more mind and sense than we in declaring the wife to be the actual property of the husband. In fact nature has made woman our slave? . Woman is given to man that she may bear children ? consequently she is his property, just as a fruit tree is the property of the gardener.?Women ? should not be regarded as the equals of men; they are, in fact, mere machines to make children.
When the?Le Petit Caporal had the audacity to show up at her Salon, Madame de Stael, the most outspoken critic of the Tyrant, immediately confronted him.
Who was the greatest woman of all time? She posed to him, forcing him to confront the great Empresses of history
Napoleon answered without skipping a beat: ?The one who would bear the most children?
Napoleon being a Man of Action, did not merely debate philosophy in Paris Cafes but put his Ideas into practice immediately. The proud, arrogant, Woman Philosopher was forced to become his Slave Mistress.
Eight Months Later?
Paris is all abuzz. Madame de Stael who had mysteriously disappeared is to make her reappearance back from the dead. Almost as shocking, the French Consul has agreed to allow her to reopen her old Salon, which he had shutdown for being politically subversive. Allowing the subversive fire-tongued?Madame de Stael to speak freely, is this the beginning of a new liberalization?
The Enlightenment intellectual elite crowds into the Salon, determined to catch a peak at the world’s most famous Woman Philosopher. The woman who had stood up to Caesar himself. They are shocked by what they see.
Laying lazily on the Sofa, there is the great?Madame de Stael herself. The elegant and sophisticated aristocrat who had debated philosophy with France’s finest minds. Now she is a mere pet. She is completely naked before the chic crowd she had once discussed Feminist metaphysics with. Not only that, but she is with child. The Great Warrior has conquered her fertile ground, imposing his seed on her. Her delicate breasts are now swollen udders full of milk. She is flooded with feminine, maternal estrogen which now drives her womanly emotions. Her entire body has devoted all its nutrients and resources to serving the child of L’Empereur. Here we see the best use for the greatest Woman Genius.
The Greatest Conquest of Napoleon Bonaparte
Marie Antoinette is outraged to discover that her own Lady in Waiting, who she had trusted like a sister, was supplying lascivious gossip of Court Intrigue to the Jacobin press. Slandering the Queen with tales of lesbian palace orgies. The House of Orleans, ancient rivals to the Bourbons, had discovered a dangerous new weapon in the revolutionary winds sweeping the Paris mob.
Princess?Louise Marie Ad?la?de Eug?nie d’Orl?ans did not have any respect for the blonde Austrian whore or her impotent King Louis. Her Father Phillipe Egalite should be King for the People. This foreign Hapsburg traitor had no place in Versailles.
Marie Antoinette looked furiously into the insolent eyes of?Ad?la?de with Germanic arrogance,?Ad?la?de’s brunette chestnust hair revealed her Gallic stock. Her ancestors had yielded beneath the heals of the Blonde Germanic invaders. Such was the natural aristocracy. All her finery aside,?Ad?la?de was nothing more than a Gallic peasant girl, whatever foolish titles the Bourbons heaped on her.?Ad?la?de was not the least bit sorry and stared insolently back at her Queen.
I should have you thrown in the Bastille, sharing a cell with the Marquis de Sade, said the Queen. But first you need a lesson in inequality. On the duty of the lower to serve their betters. She began to lift up?Ad?la?de’s elaborate dress. The Jacobin Princess is forced to pay tribute to the royal nipple.
Now the daughter of Phillipe Egalite, the would be Citizen King, is forced to humble herself and show feudal submission to the Queen’s vessel of Royal fertility. The would be Revolutionary now uses the same tongue which gossiped a thousand slanders to show utter obedience to Monarchy.
Citizeness?Ad?la?de?made a much better royal cunt-licker than Princess.
The Feminist Security Agent had never expected to be pregnant before 30. Her 20s were supposed to be for action-adventure career, wild fun and saving the world. She went on exciting assignments around the world assassinating the enemies of Feminism. But since the New Order captured her on a Mission, she was reduced to serving her primal purpose.
Everything her Feminist Science classes had taught her was a lie. She remembered how she would militantly shoot down any biological attempts to explain woman’s behavior. Theories that reduced women to mere baby-making machines, conveyors for Male genes. And yet as her Master’s baby began to grow inside her, feed on her, she began to realize the extent to which she was Evolutionarily driven.
She had always hated the stereotype of pregnant women and their strange cravings for pickles and ice-cream. She had always chocked it up to a myth made by Misogynists to paint women as irrational creatures driven by hormone swings. And yet to her shame she began to feel an intense craving for pickles and icecream. She was lucky enough to have a kind Master who stocked the fridge with pickles at her request. For him the ideological victory over Feminist Science was more important than petty abuse.
He lectured the Feminist Ideologue like a little schoolgirl, on how her strange cravings were easily explained by Evolutionary Psychology. How Cavemen would slaughter entire tribes and take the women as booty. Women’s entire psychology was shaped to serve the children of their Master’s. Their taste buds were totally warped to protect their babies. Nothing that baby couldn’t handle. Her body was desperately searching for the salt and sugar that Master’s fetus needed. Her entire womanly being was devoted to Motherhood. All it took was a fuck to fundamentally transform the very being of a Woman. She no longer existed for herself but for his child. She was but a robot fulfilling the needs of the fetus.
She didn’t care about the ideology behind it. Maybe she was wrong about everything. Political debates were so far away from her maternal instincts now. All that occupied her was the physiological need to fulfill her cravings for pickles and icecream.
The American Patriarchy had made it a top priority to crush the Soviet Union and its subversive message of Equality. When its Ottoman Allies captured a Soviet Colonel, America was determined to milk her for her full propaganda worth.
Most Feminist organizations in the USA were believed to be funded, supplied, armed and organized by the KGB. Subversives spread propaganda about liberated Soviet ?Amazon warrior women mowing down waves of Ottoman charges.
Now Misogyny Magazine would expose that once stripped of their foolish manly uniforms, New Soviet Women were just as soft and feminine underneath as their American sisters.
The Comrade Colonel is forced to pose for a pornographic photoshoot for Misogyny Magazine. She is no different than the Feminists back home, once caught and broken. How appropriate that she wears Red Panties underneath. Red right down to her underwear.?The only?disappointment?is that her pubes have been shaved for military?hygiene? and they wont get to mock her Red Firecrotch.
The Soviet Colonel had lead her Red Women’s Corps with revolutionary zeal against the barbaric Ottoman Empire. Against the patriarchal Turks, she demonstrated the fierce warrior spirit of the New Soviet Woman.
The capture of the Woman Colonel was a major coup for Muslim forces. The proud Red Army leader would now be forced to serve in the Sultan’s harem. This strong, modern, intelligent, Revolutionary would now spend her days in a Medieval Muslim Harem. Her toughness melted away and she became another harem toy. To be bathed by her harem sisters. Any inspiration Ottoman women might have taken in liberated Soviet Women, melted away when they saw a New Proletarian Woman, broken down to their level.
The Sultan insisted the proud Soviet Colonel perform an erotic strip-dance before he enjoyed her Red fruits.
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The window air conditioner started squealing around 3am, and it woke me up. I went over and banged on it a few times and it seemed to stop. I crawled back into bed and my wife Tina snuggled up to me from behind and draped her arm over me. "We need to get that replaced," she mumbled sleepily. "Yeah," I said, "I'll probably head to Home Depot tomorrow and..." She interrupted me and said, "Don't worry about it hun. I'll take care of it." She gave me a kiss on my neck, just under my...
Brother Samuel here. Your favorite big and tall, forthrightly bisexual Black male fiction writer. Now a student in the Graduate program at the University of Massachusetts in the city of Boston. I want to get my Master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Maybe someday I’ll be a Judge. I might become the only male judge in history who’s sympathetic to men’s rights and men’s issues. I wouldn’t last long on the Feminist-controlled bench but my reign would be something to see. The Recession is in full...
By nikki mounds and Mr. Z "I'm not sure about this." Lynn McCarthy says, the busty blonde with the brightest blue eyes one ever seen frowns looking at professor Z. "I don't think he is the most qualified professor to teach this class!" "Don't be prejudiced." Maria Palomino answers. The Latina is as busty as the blonde and her cute face turns the heads of all male students as well as her perfect and muscular large ass does. "Just because he is a man it doesn't mean he can't teach...
Nobody saw it coming. Everyone knew it had been a crazy election year, but nobody expected war. However, when Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, all hell broke loose. Donald Trump was the reason. He claimed the election had been rigged, that Michigan and Wisconsin, two key states which had both delayed releasing their votes, had cheated him out of the election. A surprising amount of people agreed with him. Then he suggested secession. It seemed to happen overnight. Most of the south and...
Feminism 101 It started when I realized I was one credit short of graduation ..... ****** "I can't believe this!" "What happened, Alan?" my best friend Kate asked. "They're saying I'm missing a credit. I gotta pick up an extra course next term, or I wont graduate!" "That's not going to be easy." "No kidding. I better look and see what classes I could get into. Hey, here's one. Feminism 101. I could get into that one. My mom was a big feminist, I could do okay...
GUSTAV jumped to hyperspace, leaving the Death Star, Tarkin, Vader, and J'Una behind. We had embarked Admiral Haarkov and several members of his staff and were enroute to the Sepan system. The most difficult, and potentially frustrating, mission that any military organization can be assigned is one whose objective is not clear. The real purpose of any military, when you think about it, is twofold: 1)to kill people and break things when so directed, and 2)use the threat of force to keep...
Sometimes, the arrogance of some people simply astounds me. Seriously. I think some White people, especially certain White women, were born with a sense of entitlement. They feel as though the world is theirs. Not because they’ve earned it but simply because of their skin color. And many of them think Black men and Black women, and all other so-called minorities were put on this planet to serve them. That we’re somehow genetically inferior. That’s why they depicted President Barack Obama as a...
On a nice summer afternoon at a large university in Florida, Claire is heading to class. A woman in her thirties, Claire is a professor at her university and has been asked to teach a course in gender studies. Despite her age, Claire is an attractive woman who is in shape and looks better than majority of the girls at her university. Claire is of Scandinavian heritage and looks almost exactly like pornstar Kayden Kross which leads some of her students to think that it is her. On the way to...
InterracialNot really sure this is the place to have any kind of blog, but at the same time i like the idea of expressing myself on a site where no one really knows me.Huh...that's kind of cowardly isn't it? Either way, I wanted to talk about sexist people and actions that I've witnessed recently and why they came to be. This should go without saying but i don't think myself as sexist. Yea women and men are different, but does that mean that one of us is inferior to the other? Absolutely not. So why is...
“Volunteers for the Defense Forces with CAP scores of certain published levels will be afforded the opportunity to select others to emigrate and maintain their residences on other worlds while they perform their duties in the Defense Forces in accordance with their aptitudes and capabilities; certain high-priority individuals may select up to ten people to emigrate with for this purpose. Obviously, fertility is a criterion -- we will be looking to ensure the continuity of the human race as it...
May 28, 1993 The Senate was in disarray. They had been rounded up first thing in the morning and brought to the capitol building by a bunch of soldiers. Faced with armed men and women, they had no choice except to go. The disturbing thing was that these were the same people they had hired to end the civil war. The Head of the Senate looked at the treaty he had been handed. It didn’t take more than a single glance at it to know that he didn’t like what it said. It went against everything he...
May 31, 1993 Looking unhappy, President Rohrbach said, “It was a quiet weekend.” Cabinet Member Neyer said, “There wasn’t a single riot or protest anywhere.” “Jade Force said they’d end the civil war in five days. It looks like they did it,” Cabinet Member Goil said. President Rohrbach said, “They printed the treaty in the Saturday and Sunday morning papers. We’re stuck with it.” He knew that the introduction of term limits on Senators, and competitive elections, would have far reaching...
Gender 101A guide to the whole new world of gender.When it comes to gender, whatever you say you are, we agree with you. If you're new to the conversation, we get that it can be confusing. No shame there. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide.SexPeople use the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably, but the words have different meanings. Generally, ‘sex’ refers to biological indicators like genitalia, chromosomes, reproductive organs, etc. In general, people are designated as male, female, or...
Gender Choice Week Of the many things that set homo sapiens apart from the rest of animal kingdom, its ability to choose genders is one of the strangest. How it works is easy to describe: all other mammals have their sex predetermined at conception, and are born with either male or female genitals. Humans, however, are born with both male and female genitals. The male genitals are on the outside, so at a glance all children look male. (And by convention, all such children are...
This story contains material of a sexual nature. It has explicit descriptions of sex, bondage and non-consensual sex. If you are at all offended by this kind of story, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER! Any characters in this story are the property of Paul K. This story is written for the sole purpose of entertainment and is not written for profit and cannot be transmitted, reproduced or otherwise traded for profit. If you have any comments, want to get in touch, please contact me at...
Gender Choice Week: The Test This story is set in the same universe as "Gender Choice Week," the very first story I published on Fictionmania, in 2015. In this universe, all children are born with male and female organs, and they choose their gender (or it is chosen for them) at the start of puberty. I hope to write more stories in this universe, exploring how different societies handle Gender Choice. This story is set in a country where a person's gender is chosen in "The Test" - a...
When magic spells are cast, some are very specific, but others are vague on the details. If a wizard changes a man into a lovely maiden, he might decide what the new woman looks like and how she's dressed. But what happens if the change is triggered by a magical object, or an ambiguously worded wish? Who determines what standard of beauty to use? Who determines what clothes she's wearing after the transformation and makes sure that it's color-coordinated? Who decides on her hair...
Katherine felt attracted to him the very first time she saw him. He was different than the other men she knew, not that she knew that many, but there was something altogether safe and yet demanding about him. He looked her straight in the eyes, unlike boys her own age, and he showed his interest in her, in an open and pleasant manner. They met at a party of the better circles. She had come there with her two sisters, both older, and both married. The youngest in the family, she was used to...
“So, how was your date last Friday?” Steve asks Jonathan.“Man, she is so sexy, I could fuck her anytime after work, regardless of how tired I am,” Jonathan replies to Steve, clearly excited by his date.Steve whistles, impressed. “That much? I couldn’t, I’m so tired after work, I don’t even want to date.”“Maybe it’s because I’m close to the end of my civil duty. Anyway, she is gorgeous. Brunette, five-eleven, a hell of an ass and her breasts. Ah, her breasts! I would like to keep my face in her...
Straight Sex15 Months, 462 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance It's rather too early in the morning when my mobile chimes to say I have a text. I grunt and turn over in bed. Who is texting me at... 6.30am? I grope for the handset and try to focus on the screen. I open the text. It says, "Joseph. Can you do lunch on Friday? I suggest The Cranford Wine Bar in Warwick about 12.00? Regards, Andrew Edwards." Andrew Edwards? Just who exactly is Andrew Edwards? I don't know any Andrew Edwards, do I? Then...
Gender Express Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Aww ... C'mon, Mom!" My mom sighed, hit the right turn signal, waited for a gap to open in the cruising lane, then merged with the slower traffic and set all controls to autopilot. Once the local traffic control confirmed our destination, Mom let go of the steering wheel and turned to me. "Why in the world would you want to do something like that?" "All my friends are doing it." "If all your friends...
Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...
Gender Studies A story by Kayooger Note: The character of Dr. Neuman and his technology are from Morpheus' "Four Days." PART ONE: PROPOSAL "What makes a man a man? What makes a woman a woman? What defines our sex?" Dr. Miranda Meyer paced the front of her classroom, eyeing the students in her Advanced Theories in Gender Studies seminar. It was a small class, only 10 students, five male, five female. The gender balance had been ensured by Dr. Meyer when winnowing down the...
Gender Fluid - part 4 Walter Ego -1- Do you know me? I am a minor celebrity after all. I'm hostess of the number one cooking show on cable "Abigail Brings it Home." Not bad for a former Navy Cook's Mate disfigured in a galley explosion. Yes I know that does not show up in my network biography but that's because in those days I was still a man. That's right. For over twenty two years I was a member of the male sex. It wasn't until after my accident that I went to look up my former...
Gender Bending Investigations Part 1 By Farleven "You've got to be kidding me." I threw up my hands and fell back into my chair. Walt just stared at me stone faced. I glared back at him. It wasn't possible. Hell, it was crazy! What kind of madness was sweeping our agency that he'd even think to suggest such a thing? "No, Max, I'm not." He pulled open the file that was on his desk. He still liked to work with paper files, at least when possible. His computer wasn't gathering dust in...
“Elizabeth Ann, stop picking at your brother,” I yelled. I was doing a lot of yelling lately. I hated it. I hated who I was becoming. I wanted to be a good mother but I was so tired all the time. I looked at Hayden for help but he was talking to Ford and not paying any attention to the four children. Ellen, of course, was in the kitchen, so it looked like I was the parent on duty. I turned to yell at Betts again, automatically assuming she was still picking at the smaller children. Drew was...
The Gender Bias Virus By The Princess The world became a vastly different place in the year 2015. That was the year that the Gender Bias Virus was discovered. Like flicking a switch the proportion of boys born into the world became 95 percent. For every 100 births worldwide there were only five girls to ninety five boys. This sparked an international frenzy to try and discover the cause. Every nation supplied its best medical scientists and researchers to collate all the...
Civil War Reenactment When a friend at work tried to recruit me into his Civil War Reenactment Troop, I was intrigued but I wanted to check it out first. He told me to visit him that weekend at a reenactment that his group was putting on. My wife was not interested but her sister Doreen was, however her husband was not. So Doreen and I decided to go visit my friend together. That Friday Doreen was more excited than I was. As we drove to the town where the reenactment was taking...
May 27, 1993 Dr. Wilfred Tanguma did not look like a professor of history bundled up in heavy winter clothes. He was sitting on a folding chair that was half buried in the snow facing a half barrel in which a small fire burned. He was leaning forward with his hands over the flame trying to keep warm. It was bitterly cold. His childhood friend, Bertulfo ‘Bert’ Venzor, was seated next to him in much the same position. He had just delivered some very bad news. Bert said, “I don’t like it....
GENDER VIRUS by BobH (c) 2013 Locked away in a remote research station and storage facility deep in Siberia were all the nastiest products of Soviet-era bio-weapons research. The nuclear explosion that took out the station was supposed to destroy them all, but one of them survived.... *********************************** A WEDDING STORY by Carol Wolfe Amalgamated Press UK This is a tale of a bride and a groom, of Craig and Marnie, and of a mother and her child. It's...
Author's note: When I first published this story a few months ago, I had several requests for either a sequel or a longer version. I may still do the sequel at some point, but for now I've expanded the story, with a bunch of new scenes (including depicting the transformations for all five couples instead of just one), a more detailed epilogue, and smaller changes throughout. Also, as before, I have to credit Morpheus' "Four Days" for introducing the character of Dr. Neuman and his...
Gender Fluid - part 1 Walter Ego -1- I am standing in front of my boyhood home. I'm not sure exactly why I came. It's been six months since the accident. I had been serving as a Cook's Mate in the Navy when a fire erupted in the galley. I hustled everyone out and was almost free myself when my world exploded. The fire suppression crew and the medics pulled me out, gave me first aid and I was quickly on a helicopter to a nearby hospital. My life was saved but the toll was severe...
Gender Fluid - part 3 Walter Ego -1- "So do you have that memorized yet?" "So many changes in the last year. Tell me that you are happy." "Yes I am happy. A little scared, but very happy." I look back to stare again at the sonogram picture that my OB/GYN has just handed us. "I'm happy too Zach, but I can hardly believe it." I look up at my handsome husband, the father of my developing child, and play the last year over in my mind. Believe it or not it started when...
A SOLITARY BRASS BELL rang when we entered the shop. I had no idea where we were but it seemed like a city, so I assumed Omaha. I should have studied maps of that. “We gon’ have some good fun with you now that your Ma and Pap are gone,” a young man said to the woman at the counter. Theresa! “You just relax and let me get my hands into this tight little bosom of yours.” He was behind the counter with her and had a hand on her blouse, working to open it. “Let me go, you spurious cur!” Theresa...
“A Question of Gender” (circa-1980) If someone had told him that one day he would fuck a middle-aged woman with a broken leg, who would then persuade him to join a swingers club and participate in group sex in a room full of faceless strangers, he would have said they were on drugs or completely mad. But there he was leaving the Cavendish Club with a fifty-year old woman with a leg in a plaster cast, clutching his arm as if her life depended on it, her crutches echoing in the narrow alleyway...
BisexualGender Swap- Jenny Pink Donuts by Green Lace The meal area at the mall was packed today and that suited me just fine. I wasn't here to eat. I was going to perform a Harmonics experiment and the people eating lunch were my lab rats for the day. I walked up and down the aisles seemingly looking for a vacant seat, my heels clacking away. It was a sound which I was still struggling to get used to. My handbag was strung over my left shoulder and in my right hand I held a...
This is fan-fiction based on Heather Rose Brown's "Gender Express" She has kindly given me permission to post this story. A big thanks to Holly Marie for the topic sentence. This is fiction is not meant to represent any person alive or otherwise. Thanks for editing and proofing to Holly Happy Hart and Janet Nolan. Any mistakes are of course mine! Enjoy! Gender Express- Those Crazy Tourists by ...
Gender Diversity Day By Jane Steele It was truly amazing how quickly the aliens subdued the earth. Their technology allowed them to make all but the simplest weapons systems inoperable. This left the people of earth with only bows and arrows, spears and swords to repel the invaders. It was worse than hopeless. The governments of earth capitulated in two days. During the brief fighting we never saw an actual alien, only the outside of their various crafts. So you can imagine...
Gender Swap Aphrodisiac - Volume 1 Copyright 2013 Ben Schrodinger Note from the author ################################################## This was the first gender swap story I wrote back in 2012, previously titled Reverse Viagra. About a year later I started publishing my stories on Amazon including this one but fixed the errors that were in the original version and also removed all references to 'Viagra' (don't want to get sued!). This story will remain on Fictionmania for...
13 Genders: An Introduction In late 2012 humankind experienced what was eventually referred to as a "spontaneous evolution event" or more specifically what evolutionary scientists refer to as punctuated equilibrium. Since the 1970s scientists had theorized that evolution was not gradual as Darwin had stated, but rather it happened in quick bursts. The fossil record showed species appeared and disappeared without any "missing links" in between. The lines on an evolutionary chart are...
Today's date is 6/5/2011 - and I want to state, categorically, that reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated! I don't write any more - but enjoy sending stories to Fictionmania. I also have a blog - nothing for sale - just a meeting place tor transvestites, cross dressers - and like minded sissies. It's at You'd all be welcome. Hugs Bea GENDER BENDER By Bea It probably took a long time for Phylis to set everything up, make the necessary...
Gender Fluid - part 2 Walter Ego -1- For the first time in over six months I wake pain free. It is a boundless luxury that I cannot yet take for granted. My mind goes back to the time since the galley fire back when I was a Cook's Mate James Reynolds on a naval vessel. I earned a medal that day for saving my work crew but an explosion left me burned over half my body. My left arm was damaged and until yesterday I did not have its full use. The days that followed were an endless...
Gender role experiment 1 "It's gonna be so much fun! I would love to see you looking like a girl." "I don't know. They mentioned some medical procedures." "It will be safe and totally reversible." "I don't know, Linda. Spending the entire semester looking and acting like a girl? It's just not healthy, and I got a bad gut feeling about it." "I don't know, I don't kn-n-n-n-n-ow," Linda mocked me. "You can't be serious about studying sociology and not even try to seize...
This will hopefully be the first chapter in a long story of a you girls journey through the Kanto region. It's inspired by the games Fire Red/Leaf Green and will no doubt be full of references to them. Being the first chapter it has a somewhat slow start, though it ends with our heroine having her first sexual experience in a rather intense way. No doubt as this story progresses it will lean more toward pokephillia and ever escalating kinks and taboos. So read at your own discretion. N.B....
Thanks for the lot of response from my previous story. Frankly, I opened my emails after whole one year. So I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Saw and read all those thousands of emails which came to me till now. I was overwhelmed. I know that you had requested me to write more a long time ago. After seeing all those mails of appreciation I would be mad not to write more of my personal incidents. Please keep writing to me on my email id Your emails keep me going on for more...
The Superior Gender Part 1 – The Natural Order Nathasha was finally done with her hair. She took five seconds to look at herself in the mirror. Young and as beautiful as a Goddess. Green eyes, long black hair, 5"5 and athletic. She had a killer smile. She opened the closet door and picked up a red sleeveless t-shirt and her favorite black leather pants. She would have remained in bed this morning but she had to go to school. She was...
I Am Jake's Momby erotic authoress B.L. Quickgender transformation, gender swap, m2f transformation, gender bender, milf, tf tg--Brandon ended the call. “That was Jake. He can’t make it. Senior project issues.” “That sucks,” Chad said. He was sitting next to Brandon in the front seat of the car. “Can we still use the pool?”“Yeah, he said no problem there, so at least that’s good news.” “Plus it makes it easier for me to hit on his mom,” Mike said from the backseat. Brandon gritted his teeth and...
Note: This is the first tale I've released onto the Internet, so please please please leave feedback at Fictionmania, or email me at [email protected]. You've probably been through three or four disclaimers already to get here, so I won't bore with you another one, other than to say that this story can be archived at any non-profit website. Don't know why you would want to, but if you do, please email me and let me know. Enjoy! Alter Gender It's fairly common...
Gender Test: After 20 years of marriage things were getting mundane. Mylene and I were becoming frustrated and bored of the humdrum of daily existence. It was true that we had nearly paid off the mortgage but we had had to give up those stary eyed dreams of youth rather like we felt we had to give up on new labour. As young people we had honestly believed that "Things Can Only Get Better" but as we watched fiasco after fiasco on the news we had become cynical. We were growing old. We...
Surfing The Gender Waves Chapter One - Introduction Please forgive this rather rambling story as I'm a now, senior citizen and I did lead a rather rambling life surfing the gender waves. Yet, my life might be a tad interesting. My name is (was) Billy James Ryan. At almost ten years old (when this story really began), back then, I was a bit of a hellion hanging out with the wrong crowd of a peer group. My parents had divorced. My dad ran away with his secretary to find himself...
*Author's note: I'm sorry that it's taken a while to write this chapter. While I have been doing some more writing my main attention has been over at fiction branches - - Feel free to check those out if you wish. I plan on finishing this story soon maybe in one or two more chapters but after that I'm not sure what my next story will be. I do plan on continuing to add stories to Fictionmania with the goal of hopefully improving my writing and...
Wonder Woman has been challenged by Nubia for the title off strongest worrier as Wonder Woman is preparing to face Nubia she thinks back to when Nubia last challenged an Amazon and the humiliation that the Amazon went through. That Amazon was Artimas Wonder Woman rembers watching as Nubia defeated the blonde Amazon stripping her naked and spanking her till Artimas was a squealing crying mess then shaving Artimas blonde bush completely bare an act off complete humiliation for a Amazon as they...
This fantasy of mine will introduce to you with one of the sexiest woman (in true sense heavenly body) most artistry creation of god on the earth Mrs. Monica. The unfolding of her description about her feature and character will itself make you arouse for many a time. To introduce myself, I am an elegant, good-looking, talented youthful businessman, 5’ 9” ht, well maintained athletic body and a man with multiple faces, qualities, and fancies. For purpose of my Business I use to move countrywide...
A Story by B4i4q The Defeat of Scarlet Lass, Part the First. A Story by ?b4i4q? Lorelei Chase was an enigma. The well connected, and well endowed, heiress to the vast Chase fortune was and, at the same time, was not known for being a party girl. She would show up to some of the ?right? parties, but not others. No one knew why. And even when she did attend a party, she shied away from the attention, never doing drugs, or getting drunk, or having a ?wardrobe malfunction.? She...
The Nuclear Propulsion Boat U.S.S. John Paul Jones blasted ahead at a speed approaching 100 thousand miles per minute. It's nuclear pulse drive propelled it ahead at speeds faster than any human vessel in space had ever moved. Keeping pace with the John Paul Jones were the nuclear pulse ships of her new allies. The People's Republic of China had sent her best In the form of the People's Space Ship 'Revolutionary Guard' Her master and Commander, Air Marshall Deng Xiaoping Hailed the...
*** PROLOGUE This is a historical, but fictional story of the sea war that was fought between the Royal Navy and the U Boats during the period 1940 to 1942, the action is staged at the time when the U Boats were sinking British and allied shipping with little resistance. The story also refers to DEMS {Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships) which was the arming of merchant ships, usually with outdated guns from the first world war and manned by volunteer RN ratings which did a great job, at great...
Erotic Fiction