Feminism 101
- 3 years ago
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By nikki mounds and Mr. Z
"I'm not sure about this." Lynn McCarthy says, the busty blonde with the brightest blue eyes one ever seen frowns looking at professor Z. "I don't think he is the most qualified professor to teach this class!"
"Don't be prejudiced." Maria Palomino answers. The Latina is as busty as the blonde and her cute face turns the heads of all male students as well as her perfect and muscular large ass does. "Just because he is a man it doesn't mean he can't teach 'feminism and the modern woman' within our expectations."
"I've heard he is a sexist." Nicole Boketti says in her turn, still not sure why Mrs. Peterson couldn't teach the class this semester.
"I think this class is too important for our formation to be left for the next semester." Sakura Nakamura says in deep thought ... the slightly plump oriental girl readies her glasses with one hand as she combs her stylish short hair with the other hand. Like her friends she is a very buxom young coed, a rare thing for japanese women.
"I agree with Sakura." Isabelle Duchamp nods. She is a short blonde girl, around Nicole's small 5'2" tall frame, but with large boobs like all the others.
All of them are well known feminists; some guys call them the DD-Dikes. All of the male students think it is a waste that good looking girls with such huge tits are so stuck up and painfully prudish as well as activist feminists.
Professor Zaphtos watches the group of five busty young girls as they walk in together and sit in the back row. Like all other students they look like the type who tries to sleep through class rather than listen, but he is sure they will listen in this class. Life got so much easier after he convinced Mrs. Peterson to take that sabbatical to the Bahamas with her now very happy husband. Besides she probably needs to recuperate after her implant surgery.
A few guys file in, but with Zaphtos's techniques they will soon be dropping out. This will be a girl's only class and he intends to keep it that way. Professor Zaphtos smoothes out his tweed jacket and khakis and says "Welcome students! Please take your seats. We are about to begin."
The girls look at each other. As expected only a handful of guys show up. There are more than a few lesbian types, looking suspiciously at the professor and the five girls. The 'DD-dykes' feel happy to have applied together. Lynn leads the others to their seats and everyone shuts up, waiting for the old man to start his class. He waits until all students are seated to begin.
"Good morning, my name is Dr. John Zapthos and I am a licensed psychologist and a feminine studies specialist." He stops a moment to gauge the reaction, everyone is silent, Zaphtos is an impressive man, not for his appearance, but for his charisma and control of the crowd. "I am certain that some of you are wondering how a man can teach this class and you'll soon find that I am quite qualified even more than you may already realize. Over the course of this semester we will continue to understand each other better and better. I hope that through this interaction we will have a fruitful and mutually beneficial relationship."
He walks to the professor's desk and sits on it, looking at each student in turn. It looks like he is trying to read everyone's thoughts, some people get uncomfortable with his stare and some look to the floor, embarrassed.
"Now, let's get all of this out on the table. Who here has questions about my capabilities? Let's clear the air ... ask any questions you wish."
"Will Mrs. Peterson be back next semester?" Nicole asks.
"No ... Mrs. Peterson has taken a sabbatical for this year to spend time with her family and support her husband. She has made a dramatic and conscious choice fully in keeping with modern feminism. She made the difficult choice to leave her career for a time in order to support her family. We can all support her and her choice, right?"
Nicole nods, agreeing with him, but still not sure why an active woman and professor like Mrs. Peterson would stop her career for one year now that she was getting to the top.
"Good and it leads me to the importance of choice. Feminism is the right for every woman to make the choice that makes the most sense for her. That runs from her life, to her career, to the very clothes on her back. Now, you, the young lady who asked the question ... What is your name?"
"Nicole, Nicole Boketti." The busty brunette answers.
"Alright Nicole-Nicole Boketti..." The old professor says to a laugh from the group. "It was your choice today to say both of your names. Just as it was your choice to ask me that question. Your choice to wear what you wore today, even though some may think it makes you look like a librarian. Still, it was your choice. Let's have a round of applause for Nicole Nicole Boketti and her choices."
Lynn giggles and elbows her friend. Maria looks pissed off with his evil comment. Sakura frowns, thinking it to be unprofessional to treat a student like this. Isabelle smiles, she never like Nicole in the first place, feeling a little inferior to the brunette because the guys would not give her as much attention as they gave Nica, maybe because Nicole had the largest pair of tits, but also because she was smarter.
"Anything else? Any other questions about the direction of this class?"
"Will we have practical examples about this 'choice' theory and what it means in a society that is heavily sexist in its views?" Lynn McCarhty asks raising her hand; it also reveals how busty she is.
"Yes, specific examples of the choices presented for the modern woman will be delivered and discussed. For example, for women who choose breast implants because they are distressed about their own bodies ... why should they be discriminated against by other women? In addition, for women who enjoy their bodies and enjoy dressing to their best advantage ... why should they be treated with scorn? And one other thing, about this 'sexist' society ... we cannot ignore that women's choices are frequently more reviled by other women than they are even by men. For example, you are a lovely young lady; if you chose to wear your clothes or your hair to your best advantage does anyone have a right to stop you?"
"No, but I'd not like to be seen as some kind of 'male dream girl', I am more than a pair of breasts walking around and most men can't realize it if I dress to tease them." Lynn answers with anger. "Dressing 'to my advantage' would actually turn me into a male's idea of what a submissive woman should be and I can't accept that" She finishes and her friends nod in support of the blue eyed blonde student.
"That's right, you dress for yourself. And right now, you've chosen to dress very, very conservatively. All your friends look at you with pride for your choice. But was it a real choice, Lynn? Or perhaps are you just doing what you have always done. Perhaps you aren't strong enough in yourself to wear anything else. Have you ever thought of that?"
"It was a choice." Lynn answers biting her lower lip. The rest of the DD-dykes know she does it when she is nervous. She is a bold and out speaking girl, but all the class is looking at her now.
"Was it?" Zaphtos stares at Lynn sensing an opportunity. "Stand up and come down here in front of the class, young lady. You will be my example for the morning. Now, stand down here and talk the class through how you consciously made each choice of clothing to look as conservative and frumpy as possible. That's your position, not mine. Go ahead, tell all of us about your conscious choices."
"Wh-what?!" She asks uncertain. "Y-you want me t-to go to the front of the class and do what?" She just can't believe it. The rest of the class is laughing, even her friends are giggling, save for Sakura who looks enraged and Nicole who is open mouthed in surprise, pitying her best friend.
"Well, are you a feminist?"
"Yes." She answers frowning.
"Then get down here and stand up for your so-called conscious choices. It shouldn't be too hard if you really made choices this morning. Feminists believe in their choices. Do you really believe in yours?"
"Yes." She stands up faking determination and walks to the front of the class. Professor Zaphtos smiles as her large chest sways towards him.
"Very good. Now, talk them through each piece of clothing and how it helps you feel conservative, frumpy and safe ... that's what you said your clothes were for. Show and tell them."
"I have chosen a baggy jeans and sweater so I'll not draw too much attention to my body. I want people to pay attention to my ideas, not my breasts or my behind." She starts blushing. "I am wearing underwear, of course, since it is uncomfortable and not acceptable to go out without a bra, for instance." She looks defiantly at the professor. "As you can see, I don't like the idea of wearing high heels or combing my hair for hours for the benefit of men's sex fantasies, and the same goes about lipstick and make up."
"Very Good Miss McCarthy." Zaphtos grabs her arm as she starts to leave and whispers. "Stay right here ... you're not done yet." He turns to her friends in the back row. "Nicole Boketti, do you pay attention to Lynn's ideas?"
"Yes I do." Nicole answers looking around to see all eyes on her. The short brunette is quite a shy girl and it disturbs her to be in the spot light.
"Would you pay attention to her if she wore different clothes?"
"Yes, I think I would." She nods.
"Isabelle, have you ever seen Lynn in a skirt?"
"No, I don't think so." The short blonde answers startled, not wanting to be on display.
"Oh? Why? Doesn't she have the legs for it?"
"NO!" She blushes as people laughs. "Lynn has great legs!"
"Oh really Isabelle? So you would say your friend has hot legs?"
"Y-yes ... I would." She answers with a lower voice as the whole class giggles, some of the guys look to her face and then to her large chest. Isabelle wants to disappear, embarrassed to be forced to answer such weird questions.
"Good! And that is your right and your choice ... Maria! Should Lynn be as embarrassed of her chest as she is?"
"I don't think so. The men who stare at their chest should be embarrassed not her." The Latina answers with a smile. "The problem is not on her body, male's lewdness and society's sexist view on women is the real problem."
"Exactly right! Finally one of you begins to understand ... she should not feel constrained by society. Did you hear her? She said she avoids drawing attention to her body, why should she care about how society views her body? She said it's not acceptable to go without a bra, why should she concern herself with what's acceptable and what isn't to society? She said she doesn't like the idea of wearing high heels, combing her hair, wearing lipstick and makeup for the benefit of men's fantasies, why can't she do those things for herself rather than worry about how society will see them? Maria, I'm glad you can see that she CAN do all of those things and more ... and she should feel free to do so!"
"T-that was n-not what I meant!" Maria starts to stutter but her words are lost in the up roar of opinions emerging from the rest of the class, people actually forget about the busty girls on the back seats to express their own opinions in a turmoil.
"Now now..." The old professor holds his hands up. "I can tell that Maria's theory is controversial ... and that's why we are here. One at a time will tell me how Maria's theory makes you feel." Zaphtos immediately holds up his hand to Maria's protest. "Ah ah ... we already heard from you Maria. Please wait until the end. Um ... Nicole, you first."
"I am not ashamed of my body ... and I think that Maria meant that society is the responsible for the sexual characterization of the woman genre!" Nicole says with a red face.
"Is it society or evolution? All of you must admit that women are the much more attractive sex. I know that Isabelle agrees with that. Right, girls?" Isabelle blushes so deeply she looks like ready to faint. All the while the crowd laughs at her. "Come now, Isabelle ... tell me your view on Maria's theory about how society is to blame for Lynn's insecurities."
"Well, Lynn is quite busty..." She says and regrets to have said as the rest of the girls look at her with angry stares. But Isabelle is not the smartest of the lot and can't get her thinking right! "S-she is too busty and would draw too much attention to her boobs if she dressed to show off and ... guys tend to 'talk to our tits' and, we can't wear provocative stuff or they will not respect us!"
"Is that so? Isn't the female breast the symbol of feminity? From the amazons who removed them to be more male ... to their presence on fertility idols into antiquity ... right down to today. Feminism of the 70's and 80's sought to masculinize women and remove their feminity. Feminism in the modern day must support and recognize the very female-ness of women. You do a disservice to yourselves in hiding and avoiding your boobs as you put it. And your respect should arise from making strong difficult choices..."
"Are you suggesting we have to display our breasts to earn respect for the woman gender?" Sakura, who was silent to this point, finally explodes. "This is stupid!" She says in anger
"Ok ... ok ... I see you are angry ... your anger arises from your fear. Are you afraid of displaying your breasts, Sakura? Are you afraid that Isabelle will be attracted to you?"
"No I am NOT!" Sakura yells before she controls herself and shuts up
"Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. Why do you fear showing your body, Sakura?"
"I do NOT fear to show my body and I am not afraid that Isabelle will be attracted to my breasts!"
"Then prove it Sakura. Stand up now and make a statement. Make a choice!" I say my voice carefully rising to raise her emotion with it. "Show that you do not fear ... Show that you are free to make choices. Show all of us!"
"I am NOT afraid to show my body." Sakura stands up and says as loud as she can without yelling. "And I am NOT afraid that Isabelle will be attracted by my breasts!"
"Good, Sakura ... Now show your body and prove it! Show that you are a strong woman who makes her own choices!"
"What?!" She asks, not believing what she just heard. "H-how d-do you expect me to do it?"
"Take off your shirt and show your breasts of course! How else to stand behind the conviction of your words. Its time to be free of your constraints. Do it NOW. Quickly!"
"You are mad!" Sakura sits down again blushing to a deep red tone. People in the class actually let their mouths drop as they look to the professor, not sure if they heard it right or what they should do.
"Ahh ... I see that Sakura does not hold the courage of her convictions ... Are any of you ready? Are all of you ready to shrug off the constraints of society? Stand up now and show your breasts to show your freedom! Surely some of you are now ready. Lynn? Nicole? Perhaps one of you others?"
No girl answers his call; in fact most of them slide down their chairs blushing, not even considering it. Zaphtos looks around with a smile, as if he was expecting it and also having fun at their discomfort.
"Ahhh ... a shame ... I see you are all still trapped by Maria's theory on society. You must all see now how true it is. Even as you railed against it, now you see that you are not truly free yet. That is what you are here to learn. How to be truly free."
The class is silent and people look at each other in doubt and embarrassment. This is all too new an experience for the young college kids.
"Miss McCarthy." Zaphtos whispers to Lynn... "All they really need is a leader. Surely you see now the error of your ways ... now show them the path to freedom. Show them, Lynn."
The blonde coed walks back to her sit looking to professor Zaphtos in anger and disbelief, his ideas are absurd and his last words just make no sense, he is too weird! The busty blonde can't help but start to mentally plan her complain letter to be sent to the dean as soon as the class is over
She is blushing as she sits, her friends looking at her and feeling her shame to have been exposed to such a strange situation, at the same time the rest of the class look at her and she hears chuckles and giggles.
"Not even you, yet ... Now ladies we will watch a short film to finish the class and I'm certain that many of you will begin to feel differently." The professor dims the lights and turns it on. As it flickers into life on the big projection screen he watches the light from the video flash on the students' faces and slowly he begins to smile wider.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sakura asks her friends. "I can't help but think that maybe we should report that horrible man to the dean a month ago, after his first class!"
"Don't be silly Sakura!" Lynn answers as she sips of her tea. "We all agreed that he was testing us and observing our reactions ... I think professor Zaphtos has more in his mind than meets the eyes."
"Yes, but he did nearly call me a Lesbian!" Isabelle complains.
"Please!" Maria taps on the table and the rest of the 'DD dikes' look at her. "I can't actually put my finger on it, but I feel that it was more than just a bunch of sexist nonsense. After the video at the end of the last three classes I actually noticed a method to his ramblings, I think he wants to gauge our reaction to his obviously prejudiced ideas and then show us some new thesis he is working on or something."
"Ok, we'll give him another chance..." Lynn concedes. "But I don't want another session of bullshit like the first class!"
"I think we should have reported him in the first place." Nicole says blushing. "He looks at our boobs in that strange way! And see what happened with the class! All the guys dropped out and some girls like Peggy had also given up his nonsense."
"We are better without that ugly fat bitch!" Isabelle says making a face. "Her hideous face makes me sick!"
They all laugh and finish dressing. The five friends actually want to wear more daring clothes, but none of them wants to be the first. Professor Zaphtos's words and his educational videos have the girls thinking about the way they hide their bodies.
All of them are starting to feel that dressing conservatively is a cowardly act. It is a way to submit to men's sexist view and agree that it is a woman's fault that men are so lewd, as if the woman is guilty to have a hot body when the problem is inside the male's perverted brain.
"Well ... another day of weird logic and nonsense explanations with long boring videos at the end of it!" Isabelle giggles as they head to the class.
"You know, I can't actually remember much of those videos, I always get so drowsy when they start playing!" Nicole giggles too.
"Yeah!" Sakura nods. "So do I. Weird isn't it?"
But somehow this do not seen important and they all shrug, forgetting about it in the same moment.
A short walk later and they enter the class room, more excited about it than any of them wants to confess. These classes have been their major source of chat and discussion in the last two weeks since they started.
Professor Zaphtos has been a constant subject of their thoughts and considerations. The hatred at the first class has turned into curiosity. His eccentric ways and strange ideas feel amusing now, not offensive. In fact all of the busty girls of the 'DD-dykes' were looking forward to Zaphtos's classes, it was the high point of their weeks.
They look at each other with a smile and sit down. The students present have been reduced to half the original number, but it looks like only the cute girls have endured his teachings and a dozen beautiful coeds now sat waiting for the old man, each one obviously eager for the class to begin, if they always denied it.
"Good morning, ladies and welcome back to your favorite class." Professor Zaphtos smiles as a wave of laughter filters down to him. "Now, as we discussed in our last classes, it is your anticipated male response that is holding you all back from showing your true selves. Now, you have already learned how important confidence is in a woman and how you can show your confidence on a daily basis. Who here has done something to prove that their confidence has grown through this course?"
Gwen Doupplen raises her hand. She is a beautiful short haired redhead with a cute slim body and nice, if somewhat small, perky tits.
"Yes Gwen? Please tell us all what you have done."
"I have started to wear tank tops, I-I feel more comfortable in them." She stops, bites her lower lip and then completes, blushing slightly. " ... and I stopped wearing bras at all."
"Excellent!" Zaphtos raises his fist in triumph. "Class let's give a round of applause for Gwen. Now, to help encourage her confidence I want to start a new plan. Every time a classmate does something appropriate all of you should support her by saying in unison 'You are lucky, you are good, I wish I were as good as you', Go ahead."
"You are lucky Gwen!" all the girls says, the five friends actually feel embarrassed that Gwen did something they didn't have the guts to try! "You are good, I wish I was as good as you!"
Sakura looks at the rest of her friends and blushes. She actually meant it! and the busty oriental girl can see by each other's face they all would like to be as daring as Gwen. She is the center of attention and praised by her peers. The old man notes the big smile on Gwen's face at that positive feedback.
"How does that feel Gwen? Doesn't it feel wonderful to have been good?"
"Oh YES!" She answers in a glee that looks almost sexual. All the other girls feel envious of her pleasure, wishing to feel that good ... to be that good.
"Excellent Gwen. Now let me ask you, are you brave enough? Are you good enough? Are you confident enough to stand up ... and jump up and down in front of your classmates to show them your lack of a bra?" He smiles a very predatory smile.
"I-I am not sure sir." She answers with scared wide yes. "I-I have never been one to expose myself..."
This is the understatement of the year! Gwen has always been a good girl, the shy type. None of the girls in this class ever saw her dating and every time a boy, attracted by her good looks, tried to hit on her she blushed and stuttered her way out. Everyone thinks she is a virgin!
"Gwen ... Gwen. Don't allow your old fears to stifle you. Class, whenever you feel those old fears stifling you, you can say 'I'm confident, I'm ready, I can do anything'..." Some of the girls nod, including Maria and Isabelle, Lynn looks to the floor in embarrassment, she is actually agreeing with the man! "Class, help Gwen now ... Repeat for her 'You're confident, you're ready, you can do anything'."
"You're confident..." Most of the girls said it, Nicole, Lynn and Sakura look astonished as their friends repeat the words. " ... you're ready..." This time Nicole also says it. " ... You can do anything!!" the whole class yells the last words.
"Very good, girls! Now say it again. Make it a part of you ... make it a part of Gwen."
"You're confident, you're ready..." Now even Sakura was yelling it with her heart." ... you can do anything!"
"Very good girls. Look, I can see Gwen's mind changing already. As all of your minds are changing right now. Becoming more open ... more ready ... more confident in yourselves and your bodies. These fears constrain and hold back your potential. Release them now ... Be totally free..."
Nicole nods and she notices Sakura doing the same. Even the most hardcore of the five girls is agreeing with Professor Z. She also notices the rest of the class relaxing and accepting the strange theory. Adriana Satriani, a nice looking brunette with heavy glasses and dressed almost like a num, is actually giggling, something she never did!
"Good good ... who else here wishes they were as brave as Gwen and had come without a bra today?"
Adriana slowly raises her hand, followed by a tall pale brunette named Vivian Grant, then a couple more girls do it and the five busty friends see Isabelle raising her hand. They all stare at the short blond girl in surprise and embarrassment.
Maria is the next to raise her hand, and then Nicole mutters 'what the hell' and does it too. Lynn closes her eyes, blushes to a deep red tone and then her hand is on the air. Only Sakura is resisting, the whole class admitted their desire to do it. In the end she gives everyone a weak smile and raises the hand in a shy way.
"Good girls! Excellent! So, all of you envy Gwen. Then be even braver than Gwen now and come down here, take off your bra and put it on the desk. You can all do it together ... in sisterhood. Come now. Be brave, break free, let go. Who among you will be first? No ... who among you will be last ... Hurry now. Remember your goals."
They all look at each other and then, surprisingly, Isabelle walks down the class and stands in the front of her class mates.
"Isabelle! Good girl! Class, what do we say for Isabelle?"
"You're confident, you're ready, you can do anything!!" Even her friends say it.
"That's it!" Zaphtos whispers to Isabelle. "Good girl. Go ahead. Be free. Show them all how its done."
"Ok ... I can do anything..." She says raising the t-shirt and unclasping the bra. "ANYTHING!" she repeats louder before she manages to remove the large 34 DD piece.
"Now shake them if you want to ... show everyone how free and confident you are." Professor Zaphtos whispers again.
Isabelle blushes and giggles nervously, slowly starting to move her shoulders to rock her large udders. Gwen looks at her with a shy smile, feeling that she had been outdone! Her other four friends are staring in disbelief, open mouthed and stunned. Yet they all are envying her friends resolve and ability to be free at last.
"Good girl, Isabelle!" The old man smiles wide as her boobs rock and bounce just inches from him. "Girls, how do you show your approval? You're lucky..."
"You're confident, you're ready..." the class starts, Nicole and Maria yelling louder than the rest and Sakura still too stunned to react. " ... you can do anything!!"
"Now that's the right message for the rest of you who haven't yet caught up to Isabelle ... and let's now support Isabelle by saying, You're lucky, you're good, I wish I were as good as you!"
"You're lucky, you're good, I wish I were as good as you!" They repeat as if in trance, even Sakura takes part this time.
"You can be ... all of you can ... each of you can be as good and as confident as your topless friend here. Show her a classroom that supports her choices. Show her a classroom of topless women. Show your confidence ... show your joy ... show her now!!"
"Yes!" Adriana says and stands up, removing her bra without removing completely her blouse. The bashful brunette walks to the front of the class, places her bra on the top of the professor's table and return to her seat.
Surprisingly Maria follows her and then the whole class does it until only Lynn and Sakura are left. Nicole turns to her friends and blushes.
"This is part of the experiment he is doing in this class, I feel it!" Nicole rationalizes.
"I-I also feel it b-but..." Lynn stutters and Sakura rises from her chair.
"Good girls! Good. Look even Sakura is standing and ready to join you. Nicole, Maria and Isabelle encourage your friends to join you. All of you help them! You're confident, you're ready, you can do anything!!"
The class keep chanting it and Sakura is now breathing hard.
"Come on Sakura!" Maria says on her cute accent. "We all did it, it is just part of the class method, no big deal!"
"Yes. I actually feel much better now, I can't understand why I wore this heavy and tight thing for so long!" Nicole giggles playfully.
"Come on Miss Nakamura." Professor Zaphtos urges her onward. "Come on, Sakura ... You can do it." The old man notices the Japanese is almost giving in. It is obvious that her friends' words have affected her. Sakura is the kind of girl that needs the approval of her friends and she is almost breaking now.
Lynn and Sakura look at each other and then the blonde closes her eyes, almost mouthing 'excuse me' as she removes the bra. The busty oriental girl sees her friend walking over to Zaphtos and handing him her impressive 36 E cup bra.
"Yes!!! A big applause for Lynn ... our example on day one and now an example of confidence!" Professor Zaphtos cheers.
"Come on Sakura, you are the only one left, this is just a simple part of the class, no big deal, I feel better braless!" Isabelle says.
"Join her Sakura! Join all of your classmates!" Zaphtos urges her, playing with her weakness.
"Yes ... all of my friends..." Sakura repeats betraying her need to belong. She can't help but do as her friends did and she finally removes the brasserie under the t-shirt she wore.
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Premium Vintage Porn SitesEvery time he looked online, Drew found himself drawn to it. He wasn't sure why. Maybe because it suggested submission in such a strong way. Maybe because it emphasized the vulnerability he felt about his genitals. Not being big enough, masculine enough. Whatever it was, he couldn't deny he wanted it. But he couldn't order it online because he had no private place for it to be sent. He shared a room with someone and so a package like that was too risky. He'd driven to the only adult store...
Bad. So fucking bad. She wasn't an adulterer, not technically, because she and Charles weren't yet married, but she had acted exactly like a fallen woman, or even some stupid, out-of-control slut. And the fact that the sex had been so incredible was no excuse. Each astounding orgasm with William had been a betrayal, every sublime shudder a hard stab at the heart of her relationship with Charles. Why, then, did some part of her feel like a triumphal sex goddess? Why did she feel like...
This was a very recent experience of mine spawned from my life’s experience of always keeping an eye out for those mature women, found in the most mundane circumstances, who are willing to try some of the sexual experiences missed in earlier years. Elspeth was the perfect example of my theory that if you scratch a woman deep enough you’ll find a wanton slut hiding there.Chapter OneShe came across the crowded room making a bee-line for me as I stood alone at a somewhat boring financial...
Males in the Gene Pool - Classification 5 Dexter Morris is a young male from the town of Waco Texas. Dexter turned eighteen just one week ago and was enlisted to serve in the New America government in the reproduction gene pool. He is a handsome young male with excellent bone structure and muscle mass, which is precisely why he has been selected. Dexter grew up most of his formative years under the female domination of New America so has learned how to submit to the authority of women. Texas...
Patti and Rick went up the stairs, Patti giggling about something she had failed to share, SO FAR. Rick figured, rightly, that she would tell him sooner or later. The main thing they all shared was that besides all being beautiful girls, they were all chatterboxes. They could hardly go a minute, unless their mouths were otherwise occupied, without saying something. They all, he noticed, loved sharing their most intimate stories of each other, regardless of whether it might be embarrassing to...
In 2001 or do I was fed-up with not getting any pussy –so I decided to advertise myself for casual Sex on the ol’ “INTERBOT”I posted some good-looking nudes of me with an erection, on Craigslist>Personals>Casual-Sex and didn’t think anything would come of it –but, well,…yeah…I got a bunch of spammers responding, Also a few gay men responding who wanted to “suck my gorgeous cock”.So I was near giving up hope, when I saw one from a woman named Wendy –she said she was up in the 45yr-50yrs...
Everyone knows that OnlyFans has taken the world by storm. These days, it seems that everyone has an OnlyFans account! Well, except for people with real jobs. Nonetheless, it appears that some of these girls are really having a hard time breaking through the endless onslaught of new OnlyFans accounts. How can chicks manage to stand out in this saturated market? Well, no matter how many girls there are who have an OnlyFans account, there are always dudes who are ready to start paying up to see...
Reddit NSFW List25 Marzo. Diario di Marzia Cabelletti.Finalmente riesco a scrivere nuovamente sul mio diario. L’ultimo mio aggiornamento risale al 12 Marzo, il giorno prima di… di… ancora oggi ho difficoltà solo a ricordarlo. Devo farmi forza. Lo psicologo da cui sono andata mi ha detto che per me è molto importante che io ricordi tutto e che lo scriva. “Per esorcizzare la vergogna” dice lui. E’ facile dare consigli, vorrei vedere lui se i suoi colleghi lo prendessero e… no, così non và bene, devo seguire un...
Hi this is Anuraag, Here is another story how I had sex with my classmate Pooja. Send your feedbacks at . She is an average figure and comparatively had black skin. But she is pretty and active girl. We were doing lots of activities together hence we used to roam around the college together. I don’t know when I got attracted to her. But I loved to her smell. It was arousing me always. I always had hard on when I get to smell her. So I always making ways to stay near to her and smell her. She...
I opened my eyes, stretched, and looked at my phone. I’d only dozed off in my compartment for half an hour or so, but even during that short time, the landscape had changed completely. I’d closed my eyes on endless rows of ramshackle, corrugated-iron-roofed, single-story shanties on the outskirts of Johannesburg, and opened them to equally wide vistas of flat uncultivated scrubland. There were now no signs of human habitation; just short, twisted trees dotting the landscape, along with random...
TabooI opened my eyes, stretched, and looked at my phone. I’d only dozed off in my compartment for half an hour or so, but even during that short time, the landscape had changed completely. I’d closed my eyes on endless rows of ramshackle, corrugated-iron-roofed, single-story shanties on the outskirts of Johannesburg, and opened them to equally wide vistas of flat uncultivated scrubland. There were now no signs of human habitation; just short, twisted trees dotting the landscape, along with random...
TabooWhen she had explained being too overwhelmed by stress to retain anything she was studying for an upcoming Calculus exam, her friend Emma's eyes had lit up, She had been so enthusiastic about telling her to be at Arthur Hall at eight that he had scampered away before Linn even had the chance to ask why. Why did she tell me to come here of all places Linn thought to herself as she carefully padded barefoot across the campus lawn. Arthur Hall rarely had classes during the day, let alone...
“Who was that Mom”, I ask. Mom smiled at me and said, “The principal, he wants to come over tomorrow, and give you some more tests”. Mr. Walker smiled saying, “more tests my ass, I think he wants you go over blowjob 101 again, we will be seeing a lot of him. Kalynn you need to be ready for all this, are you?” “Yes I think I am”, I replied. “Okay, then we all know tomorrow is Saturday, and school will not be in session, Kalynn I want you up early, and you need to wear the black panties, with...
Akane Two-Ranma 3: 101 By Ron Dow75 Akane Tendou dreamed. She dreamed of falling into her bathtub at home in Japan and coming up in a spring in the wilds of China. Only it wasn't HER body she'd come up in. It was a petit redhead with a size D bust! It was all part of her test to become a true warrior: If she could make a warrior out of that cute thing, she would prove herself worthy of greater challenges. Or was there another reason she had ended up in Juusenkyo? Had it all...
Blair Hutton wiped the sweat from her shaking hands and gingerly reached for the doorbell. She knew that what she was about to do was risky at best, and dangerous at the worst. Only yesterday morning she had been looking at the classifieds in the local under ground newspaper when her eye caught an intriguing ad, "Wanted, attractive woman to service me orally while my wife watches and maybe participates. All the oral sex you can handle. If interested, contact Eric at 555-3999." Immediately upon...
Backstory: In an alternate reality very similar to our own, an event colloquially known as "The Change" took place about 5 years ago. This Change caused random alterations in the human population, causing panic, riots, and widespread mayhem. Over time though, humanity did what humanity has always done after chaos: it fought its way back to order. People adapted to their circumstances. Society moved on, and people got back to the business of being alive and living their lives. But,...
Backstory: In an alternate reality very similar to our own, an event colloquially known as "The Change" took place about 5 years ago. This Change caused random alterations in the human population, some mental, some physical. This sudden unusual event caused panic, riots, and widespread mayhem when people began to change. Over time though, humanity did what humanity has always done after chaos: it fought its way back to order. People adapted to their circumstances. Society moved on, and...
Blair Hutton wiped the sweat from her shaking hands and gingerly reached for the doorbell. She knew that what she was about to do was risky at best, and dangerous at the worst. Only yesterday morning she had been looking at the classifieds in the local under ground newspaper when her eye caught an intriguing ad, "Wanted, attractive woman to service me orally while my wife watches and maybe participates. All the oral sex you can handle. If interested, contact Eric at 555-3999." Immediately upon...
EroticHer heels clicked on the sidewalk, almost in time with the rapid beating of her heart. A late winter wind thrust icy fingers up her bare legs, and even protected by her long coat she could feel the cold air licking at her bare abdomen and the small of her back. This was ridiculous — the wind-chill had to be in the teens, and she had worn her new shorts and sexy little crop top out of the store as though destined for a midsummer boat ride, not a blustery winter afternoon. Bad judgment, but...
Sono ormai al terzo anno di scienze umane, un indirizzo scelto quasi solo da ragazze, e sono rimasto l'unico maschio della mia classe. Tutto inizia bene e per i primi giorni nulla di strano accade, fino a che non...
BDSMThe library is a place of worship, of knowledge in the day and bodies at night. Divinities and obscenities run hand in hand. Although the doors close at 11, for some the gale of lust always manages to move past through the windows. On that day, it was she and me who jumped our way in. I helped my virgin classmate girl climb, first partly chivalry and partly ogling. As we moved in, we both knew what we wanted but these intense moments are like chess. The first to make a move is vulnerable to the...
Hello guys, I am back here after a very long time. I was busy for the past few months. I was in my final year and I was busy with project and other stuff. This incident took place during the final year of my college. Since it was the final year, everyone was busy doing their own chores and thus no one seemed to enjoy the last days of their college. It also includes me as my project was to be done all on its own as it had no references in any form. All my work was purely authentic and...
Catherine was the first to arrive at that afternoon's drawing class. Pierce stood high upon a folding ladder, adjusting the lights above the model stand. She watched, silently, as his strong hands made subtle adjustments in both the direction and intensity of each lamp. She was careful not to disturb his concentration, and wondered how he could know, without the model being present, how the light would fall down below, and to what effect. Mastery. You knew it when you saw it, that a person...
Samuel (Sam) Cooke is the former CEO of Axiom Energy Corporation. When all males in New America were forced out of leadership positions in business, Sam was forced out and had to relinquish all shares of stock and personal property. In a matter of weeks Sam went from being a wealthy business man to nothing more than an unpaid gofer in the company he once ran. Sam reports to and works under Rose Cowan who is the personal assistant to the current CEO, Cynthia McAdams. Cynthia keeps Sam there...
Under the laws of New America females do not perform work as laborers in industry nor as laborers in any other types of business. Supervisory and management positions are always held by females. Workers and laborers fall under the Classification 4 and clothing is only permitted to provide minimum levels of safety needed for that position. Male laborers are subjugated to all females within the organization and at the mercy of their direction and orders. Benjamin (Ben) Wright was a young man...
My black classmate fucked and impregnated my momI was at school attending the English class. My teacher selected me and my classmate Malek to prepare a PowerPoint project until the next week. I was like damn why Malek he s kinda dumb. He doesn’t really like school, I think the only reason he s still in this school is because he s our basketball team star. He s 16 just like me but he looks more mature and solid. We didn’t talk too much before but he was cocky with everyone.- So… How are you...
I was late one day for college. When I reached the class, the class had already started and my usual bench was full. So I sat with Ron. He was not my friend but he was a nice guy. As it was a very boring class, Ron asked my phone for playing games. I gave him my phone and sat there looking at the teacher. It was a very boring class, my eyes were trying to close. I held my hands on the desk supporting my head. Within seconds, I drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, I could feel someone’s hands on my...
Gay MaleI was at school attending the English class. My teacher selected me and my classmate Malek to prepare a PowerPoint project until the next week. I was like damn why Malek he s kinda dumb. He doesn’t really like school, I think the only reason he s still in this school is because he s our basketball team star. He s 16 just like me but he looks more mature and solid. We didn’t talk too much before but he was cocky with everyone.- So… How are you planning to do the project? I asked him.- I think...
Hey everyone, I am Diganth with the continuation of my previous part. For more details about me, please read the previous parts first (link on top). As I had promised all the readers, I will keep posting my real sex experiences. And this is one of them. This story is also a real one that took place a few years back. In this story, I had sex with my classmate and her name was Jahnavi. Please read the previous parts for the details of Jahnavi. (Recap) Jahnavi was wearing a cream color churidar...
Hello friends, I am Varun and I am from Hyderabad. I am currently pursuing my UG from a local college. I am in my final year so I made a good amount of friends who were really cool but unfortunately, I couldn’t make a girlfriend. But there were hot friends who were very close to me. This incident is the only sex experience in my life to date. It was also the first sexual interaction in her life too. So, let’s start. We were going on a trip to Vizag. We were a group of 5 and we were really...
Brother Samuel here. America’s favorite bisexual black male post-collegiate adventurer. Back from obscurity with my most realistic story ever. Why so realistic? Simply because it really happened. It concerns my attempts to find answers to an age-old question. Why are some people so dumb? I mean it, some folks are just stupid. And they are completely incapable of seeing this flaw in themselves. This is a problem which I must address seriously. Is there something in the water which makes people...
Oral 101 “Damn I wonder what it is like to eat pussy,” I woke up one morning in my dorm room with this random thought running through my mind. I had never thought about this before, so why is it crossing my mind now? “I would never do that. That shit is gross,” I brushed the thought away as I got dressed in my freshly pressed uniform and headed to work. As I walked through the door, my supervisor was the first person I saw. By the way she immediately charged towards me I could tell she had...
Gender 101A guide to the whole new world of gender.When it comes to gender, whatever you say you are, we agree with you. If you're new to the conversation, we get that it can be confusing. No shame there. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide.SexPeople use the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably, but the words have different meanings. Generally, ‘sex’ refers to biological indicators like genitalia, chromosomes, reproductive organs, etc. In general, people are designated as male, female, or...
Orgasms 101It is surprising that later in life, a man may still not be sure if and when a woman orgasms. Thus, the reason for this story. Men don't feel bad. Women aren't expected to know when or how a man orgasms. He just stops momentum and displays the obvious (excluding a cumless climax). Orgasms are about life and not just sex. Orgasms sure do keep a woman happy. As a woman loses her inhibitions about sex, the easier it is for a woman to orgasm. I'm going to explain to you when you are...
Feminisation 101 Having been a reader of Fictionmania for many years I have finally been driven to the need to write about the feminisation process, be it voluntary or forced. I am tired of the five or six line feminisations, so beloved of many authors. These are of the form: "I (she) covered my body with cream and a few minutes later in the shower all my body hair disappeared down the drain I put on filmy nylon panties and then a bra or being laced into a very tight corset...
SLAVERY 101By Jon SmithieCHAPTER ONE: THE COFFLEThe students emerged from the van, stiff from the last few hours of the drive. The air was hot and wet and still and clung to them as they stretched and looked around. In front of them were a few huts made of sticks and mud. ?Here we are,? Professor Wilkerson said. She was an attractive woman in her early thirties. She was dressed in a tank top and an ankle length summer skirt, and fashionable sunglasses, which she took off to reveal large...
Oral 101 “Damn I wonder what it is like to eat pussy,” I woke up one morning in my dorm room with this random thought running through my mind. I had never thought about this before, so why is it crossing my mind now? “I would never do that. That shit is gross,” I brushed the thought away as I got dressed in my freshly pressed uniform and headed to work. As I walked through the door, my supervisor was the first person I saw. By the way she immediately charged towards me I could tell she...
First TimeOne day a guy named Jim Baker, a local college quarter back for the local college got out of his car after a long summer vacation. He had not released in a real long time, since his parents insisted that he come and stay with them for a while. So, he gets out of his car and walks into his dorm room. He has a private dorm room. Now, the dorms are co-eds and so that there are boys on the top floor and girls on the bottom floor. There are no bathrooms in the dorm rooms so the boys have to go...
“All right, all right. Settle down and take your seats. Yes, that includes you with the green mini in the back row… “Thank you. “Now, welcome to Spanking 101. My name is Mr. Nathan and before we get started, I’d like to get a few things straight…“I will be speaking from my own perspective. In other words, I’ll say ‘he spanks her’ rather than vice versa. Forgive me this minor sin and make whatever necessary adjustments you need in order to fit your situation. I am not going to be making...
BDSM"All right, all right. Settle down and take your seats. Yes, that includes you with the green mini in the back row... "Thank you. "Now, welcome to Spanking 101. My name is Mr. Nathan and before we get started, I'd like to get a few things straight... "I will be speaking from my own perspective. In other words, I'll say 'he spanks her' rather than vice versa. Forgive me this minor sin and make whatever necessary adjustments you need in order to fit your situation. I am not going to...
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this first session of our training programme." It had fallen to me to kick off the first of the Slave Owners 101 as it had come to be called. We'd converted a wing of the Sales Centre to provide some lecture rooms and a couple of rooms for practical work as well of course as the cells to provide secure accommodation for our "training aids". We'd brought together a group of five for this first session. Freddie had canvassed some of our existing...
I saw Oliver standing alone at the serving table. He cut off a piece of steak and with it on the point of his knife, put it in his mouth - just as he looked my way. With him watching, I stood and waved, then walked around the tables to where he waited. “Mr. Oliver, that was a super-delicious steak you cooked, and so tender.” “Thank you, Josey. You can thank Helen and Jessica for the tenderness and for the superb taste. They came up with that recipe, and they love sharing it.” “Helen told...
Nikky was flying around the office wearing a cellphone headset and talking to someone while she arranged notes and papers on Dave’s desk. He waved at her and blew her a kiss. She held up a finger urging him to stand still for a moment as she ended the call. As Dave heard her end the call, she tore the headset from her head and came into his arms for her morning kiss and hug. “I love you.” “And I love you, Nikky Thomas. What are you going to do with me today?” “I’m going to have you meet...
Millie was truly a beautiful mature woman in every way. She had an aura of beauty around her that wasn’t just physical. She gave off vibes of being loving, friendly, gracious, and agreeable to work with. He knew that if he had the right visual sensitivity, he’d probably be able to see a halo over her head, as well as a beautiful aura. Those vibes carried a spiritual element to them that made him feel deeply connected to her in mind, body, and spirit. Millie was wearing Bermuda shorts and a...
The new co-eds couldn't believe their eyes when they glanced through the course directory and saw that a class called Sex 101 was being offered! By the hundreds they raced to sign up, convinced this would be the class of a lifetime…. When Andy and I walked into class on the first day, we were met with an overwhelmingly large audience - the room was absolutely overflowing its capacity – filled with hundreds of eager young minds just waiting to soak in all that we had to offer. We looked at each...
EroticI have to lean into you just to breathe, as I can no longer do so with my mouth closed. You lean over just enough so I can bury my face in your shoulder. I bite you as I can't handle how much I want to cum. I tell myself not to, as I just want to feel you for just another minute. I am dripping, my clit swells and I am unable to hold back Movie night 101 .... Usually I wear jeans to the movies on a date, you know the kind that hug a woman's ass in all the right places? My favorite ones have some...
SecretBy : Vijay_stud01 Hi Friends, I am back one more time to tell you yet another story. This is one very special story to me because the main idea and most situations are from my very good net friend Sweta. I do not care if it is true or not, but I do love her ideas, the way she thinks and the way she chats. If you are reading this Sweta, you are the best. I originally wanted to make the heroine’s name Sweta as well – but changed my mind to use the one girl’s name I dreamed/fantasised all through...
This is my first story in juicy!! And this is about an unexpected encounter with my classmate in the terrace of our flats!!! Hello everyone....I am Rohit from Chennai...I am 20 years and this is my first story in juicy. The story is about the losing of my virginity to one of my classmate when I was 16.I lived in a flats during schooling. I also like everybody of my age, masturbated atleast twice a week. I used to masturbate by watching porn and sometimes fantasise about actresses and some of my...
IndianFeminization Factory By Jennifer White I grew up in a small town in the middle of the country, where you either took up farming, worked in the one and only local factory, or you left. I had no desire to work as hard as a farmer does, for so little money, but I couldn't afford college. So I ended up working at the plant, which still employed a few hundred people. TriCounty was a small local company, which had made quality clothes for three quarters of a century. There had been...
Anita and her old classmateMy sweet wife Ana called me that afternoon when I was a little busy at the office.“Honey, you will never guess who I have found at the mall after so many years.”I really had no clue, but then she sounded excited when she told me she had found an old classmate; a black man, a handsome black man and… as I could recall according Ana’s declaration, he was also very well endowed.“Are you going to let him fuck you?” “Would you let me watch as he fucks you?”. I asked.She...
Hi guys, This is Yathin from Bangalore. Actually speaking, ISS is my favourite website for sex stories. So, I also decided to post my experience. This happened when I was 17 years old. I was studying 12th standard and was very much curious to have sex. Our class girls also were very fond of sex and were demanding Rs. 500 for each session, I didn’t want to spend money on it. So, I posted an ad in some website asking for free sex. Coincidentally, my classmate only saw it and she was blackmailing...