Umiliata Di Fronte Ai Miei Compagni Di Classe E No free porn video

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25 Marzo. Diario di Marzia Cabelletti.
Finalmente riesco a scrivere nuovamente sul mio diario. L’ultimo mio aggiornamento risale al 12 Marzo, il giorno prima di… di… ancora oggi ho difficoltà solo a ricordarlo. Devo farmi forza. Lo psicologo da cui sono andata mi ha detto che per me è molto importante che io ricordi tutto e che lo scriva. “Per esorcizzare la vergogna” dice lui. E’ facile dare consigli, vorrei vedere lui se i suoi colleghi lo prendessero e… no, così non và bene, devo seguire un ordine. Devo descrivere la brutta cosa che mi è successa dall’inizio. Come se fossi una giornalista e dovessi riportare un fatto non accaduto a me ma a terzi. “Sconosciuta”. Esatto, devo vedere me stessa come se fossi una sconosciuta a cui è successo quello che descriverò. (Ce la farò?).
Il 12 Marzo ero andata a scuola. Nonostante abbia 20 anni, a causa di problemi di salute che ho avuto da piccola, frequento ancora le superiori. 5° anno dell’istituto tecnico Girosoli di Pescara. Quel giorno era un giorno qualsiasi, almeno fino a quando non è suonata la campanella della seconda ora. Dovevamo avere “Storia” ma la professoressa Serena Bastionvergana non era venuta per chissà quale motivo. Eravamo tutti più sollevati perché è un tipetto abbastanza stronzo e con lei fioccano i “2” con estrema facilità. Stranamente passavano i minuti ma non arrivava nessun supplente o sostituto di sorta. Eravamo quindi ancora più contenti, perché potevamo sfruttare le due ore che avevamo con la signora Bastionvergana per ripassare altro o chiacchierare tra noi.
Il mio posto è all’ultimo banco. Non ho delle vere e proprie amiche. Anzi… diciamo che le mie compagne di scuola sono proprio delle stronze. Sempre a parlare male di quella o quell’altro e sempre pronte a litigare tra loro per un nonnulla. A me però non interessa il fatto di non avere spiriti affini in classe. Sono stata più fortunata in altro. Sì, non c’avevo un’amica del cuore ma in seconda fila avevo “lui”. Filippo Castrofloppoli, il più figo della scuola. Pensavo di piacergli. Diciamo che con il senno di poi ne sono sicura, ma andiamo con ordine.
Si girarono Laura e Patrizia verso di me e mi dissero “Marzia, tu e Filippo avete già scopato? Gli hai o no lavorato il cazzo con la bocca, la fregna e il culo? No-cioè-sai-perché piacerebbe pure a Letizia ma non s’è capito se ci stai assieme oppure no”. Queste due mi stavano proprio sulle palle sin dalla terza superiore. Sono grezze, pensano sempre a scopare e sono le più troie tra le ragazze che conosco. Mi domando come facciano a piacere ai ragazzi tipe così. Risposi “A dire la verità ci ho solo parlato alcune volte. Mi piace ma sto aspettando il momento per allacciare un dialogo con lui e…”, interrompendomi iniziarono a ridere in modo sguaiato. “Allora ciccia”, mi dissero “Letizia ha via libera e forse dopo ce lo scoperemo anche noi”. La rabbia avvampò in me all’istante e dissi “Troie”.
Mi stupì l’immediato mutare della loro espressione, passarono dall’ilarità a qualcosa di malefico. Si indignarono entrambe e mentre Patrizia iniziò ad insultarmi vidi Laura alzarsi e chiamare al telefono Letizia “Vieni subito… sì, stiamo in classe… non c’è la prof puoi venire senza problemi… sbrigati che qua ci hanno dato delle troie… sì, esatto… la tizia repressa… sì, la verginella sì… corri subito qua”.
Avevo intuito che la situazione bella non era, ma non pensavo che potesse precipitare al punto di… No, aspetta, devo andare per ordine.
Patrizia non smetteva di dirmi parole grosse e aveva iniziato anche ad alzare le mani. Aveva preso il mio astuccio e il mio quaderno e li aveva sbattuti per terra iniziando ad attirare l’attenzione del resto della classe. Laura era andata alla porta ad aspettare Letizia e quando arrivò confabularono tra loro prima di venire verso di me con un’aggressività tale che neanche lo squalo bianco potrà mai avere.
Iniziarono a gridarmi addosso in tre e presero a darmi schiaffi sulla testa. Ritenni più opportuno alzarmi per potermi difendere meglio, ma appena lo feci due di loro mi si misero dietro mentre la terza mi strattonava davanti. Mi vergognavo. Tutti i miei compagni di classe mi stavano guardando e vedevano come le prendevo da quelle tre cagne. Vidi Filippo venire verso di noi e in cuor mio mi risollevai. “Il mio principe viene a salvarmi”, quasi mi imbarazzava pensarlo…
Filippo però si fermò a metà strada, a circa 3 metri da noi e disse “Laura, perché tu e le tue amiche non le legate le braccia dietro alla schiena? Così non potrà mettere le mani davanti alla faccia mentre la schiaffeggiate”. Trauma. Non potevo credere a quello che avevo sentito. Il mio Filippo… Filippo era un lurido bastardo!!
Mentre Laura e Letizia mi legarono le braccia dietro alla schiena, piansi. Piangevo perché Filippo era caduto dall’altarino da principe su cui l’avevo messo. Piansi perché nessuno degli altri miei compagni veniva ad aiutarmi. Piansi perché vidi Filippo parlare con confidenza a Patrizia sussurrandole qualcosa nell’orecchio. “Giusto”, rispose quella “Doveva venirmi a me l’idea, bravo!! Ragazze, spogliamola!!”. Rabbrividì. “Stanno di sicuro scherzando”, pensai “lo dicono ma è un bluff, è solo per farmi paura”. I fatti però mi smentirono all’istante. Laura mi tirò su la maglia aderente che avevo messo quel giorno e poi ruppe il reggiseno usando un cutter. Stavo morendo di vergogna. Stavo quasi svenendo ma la cosa era lontana da terminare. Patrizia mi sbottonò i jeans e li calò completamente, poi facendosi prestare il cutter da Laura mi tagliò le mutandine. Mi fa troppo male ricordarlo… continuerò dopo.

12 Marzo. SMS inviato da Matteo Vercella a Gaetano Mugnozzi.
Gaetà, stò a scola, non crederai mai a quello che stò addirti: Hanno spogliato una femmina in classe. Le si vedeva la sorca. La sorca, capisci?

12 Marzo. Sul blog della “Comunità del SESSO” Casper90 scrive.
Gente, oggi nella mia classe delle ragazze hanno iniziato a litigare e hanno spogliato completamente una. Non ci credete? Guardate le foto che ho fatto con il cellulare allora (segue l’incollaggio di 5 foto sgranate).

12 Marzo. Tramite la chat della Playstation 3 TurboBluster scrive a tizi sconosciuti.
A scuola ci si diverte da matti. Da me hanno preso una, le hanno tolto i vestiti e poi la tenevano ferma mentre noi maschi le toccavamo le bocce e la figa.

15 Marzo. Diario di Emanuele Ferranti.
Ogni volta che ripenso al fatto accaduto in classe, non riesco a non masturbarmi. Io sono un tipo tranquillo ma come tutti gli altri non sono riuscito a resistere ed ho ficcato pure io le dita nella vagina di Marzia Cabelletti. Me ne vergogno e la punizione che ci hanno dato è più che giusta, ma è anche vero che in quel momento ero eccitato alla grande e mai mi capiterà più un’occasione come quella. L’occasione di toccare una bella ragazza a mio piacimento.

25 Marzo. (Continuazione) Diario di Marzia Cabelletti.
Ero nuda davanti alla classe e non potevo muovermi perché quelle troie mi tenevano ferma ed avevo le braccia legate dietro alla schiena. Mi vergognavo da morire, non mi ero neanche aggiustata i peli pubici come avevo intenzione di fare il weekend prima. Ce l’avevo pelosa e, assurdo a dirsi, pensavo anche a quello nella situazione disperata in cui mi trovavo. Vedevo che le altre mie compagne si dividevano tra quelle che ridevano indicandomi e quelle che si coprivano il viso per l’imbarazzo (come se si trovassero loro nella mia situazione). I maschi invece mi fissavano le tette e in mezzo alle gambe. Li vedevo eccitarsi ed ho pregato che nessuno mi violentasse. In parte la preghiera fu accolta, perché nessuno mi penetrò con il pene, ma iniziarono da prima ad accarezzarmi e poi a sditalinarmi ovunque. Sentivo le loro dita entrarmi dentro, sia nella vagina che nell’ano. Vedevo i loro volti, la faccia di Ernesto Iacco, il secchione della mia classe. Lo sentivo ansimare mentre cercava di inserire il suo indice dentro di me più in profondità possibile. Vedevo Marco Marciolli, con i suoi capelli ingellati, mentre mi diceva “cazzo che figa che sei, dopo la faccenda ci mettiamo assieme?”. Vedevo Andrea Carniolla, che ho sempre schernito chiamandolo “il lardoso”, mentre mi leccava i capezzoli ed ogni tanto mi sganciava un ceffone. La cosa andò per le lunghe. I maschi si alternavano ma io non ricordo oltre i particolari perché finalmente svenni e quando riaprì gli occhi ero a casa, sul mio letto.
Ormai era tutto passato. Non sapevo come fosse andata ma di sicuro qualcuno mi aveva salvata, forse il bidello o chissà. “La scuola avrà chiamato i miei genitori e loro mi hanno portata a casa pensando a denunciare il fatto alle autorità”, mi dissi. Infatti quello che pensai al mio risveglio mi fu confermato da mia madre. Nei giorni successivi mi mandarono da uno psicologo per cercare di farmi superare il trauma nel migliore dei modi possibili.
Per oggi basta diario.

28 Marzo. Diario di Marzia Cabelletti.
Anche la notte passata ho avuto un incubo, o meglio, il ricordo della vicenda, che è stata un incubo. Ricordarla è dolorosissimo e non credo assolutamente alla cazzata dello psicologo “Per esorcizzare la vergogna scrivi un diario”. Come se non bastasse il trauma subito, ieri è successo un altro fatto in linea con la vicenda. Sentivo ansimare dalla stanza di mio fratello e spiandolo dalla finestra del balcone mi sono accorta che si stava masturbando. Odio i maschi e ancor di più le femmine. Ho chiuso con il sesso ancora prima di incominciare. Mi fanno tutti schifo, anche mio fratello, tutti, TUTTI!!.

27 Marzo. Sul blog della “Comunità del SESSO”, nel topic “Foto di una troia stuprata in classe” _Fosforo_ scrive.
Cazzo… ma quella è mia sorella.

(Con la sensazione di essere spiato _Fosforo_ pianse per la scoperta appena fatta e con le lacrime agli occhi si masturbò).

Same as Umiliata di fronte ai miei compagni di classe e no Videos

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The Wrong Class

The Wrong Class Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When school started I was a fresh faced Sophomore, still fighting my insecurities, acne, and growing pains, freedom was in sight, but not attainable just yet. The school was huge, compared to what I was familiar with, yet like so many other kids, I managed to find my way around, getting lost only a few times. Because of the large number of students, and before we even left the middle school, we were issued a sign up sheet and...

2 years ago
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Teaching the Girls Part 2 The Morning Class

As I explained earlier, the school where I teach is an all girl school in south central Iowa. The class size is about 15-20 students per classroom, with each graduating class population being between 30 and 40. It's a good group of kids, with parents who are able to and willing to send their girls to an private school. We are actually fortunate to have enrollment numbers like this. We would be right at the point in our Physiology class where we were finishing up discussing the differences...

4 years ago
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Andee Poses For A College Art Class

There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...

Wife Lovers
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Exhibtionists Art Class

Not my Story - RepostSummer of sexual debauchery for exhibitionistDuring my job as a nude male model for an art class at the local college, I realized I loved being naked in front of women. After each class, I would race home and jack off. As I stroked my cock, I would think off the many eyes that had devoured my naked body during the two hours I posed nude. I'm sure some women, judging by the way they had looked at me, would go home, think of me, and masturbate, or fuck their boyfriend or...

3 years ago
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Used in class

“Alright Class!” our teacher Mr Batelli said in a commanding voice as he walked in. He was about 6 foot 4 with Dark hair that was parted, and the sides kept short. He had olive skin because I am pretty sure that he was Italian. His gray eyes were something that would catch me off guard whenever I was able to look into them. He was a fit man that always had clothes that accentuated his physique. Today was a gray collared shirt that was not tucked in but lay right at his belt line. He had a...

2 years ago
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Sex education the first girls class

Introduction: What it says on the tin The first Girls class Cassandra smiled as she watched her first class of the year troop in. There had been a good turnout after the exact nature of the lesson was explained and the students sworn to secrecy on pain of expulsion. As the year 11 girls took their seats she appraised them silently. They were a good looking group of young ladies for the most part, though that partly because the ugly girls had mostly declined out of embarrassment. The eldest was...

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Caught Cheating in Spanish Class

All the grandpa and granny aged men and women were sitting in the classroom waiting for Catalina and Alondra and were chatting quite happily and didn’t notice the two teenage teachers walk in. However, as soon as Catalina called out loud and with a sharp tone of voice, “Buenos noches”, everyone immediately stopped talking.Catalina went to the front of the class and sat at her desk whilst Alondra sat at the back at her usual desk near the door.Catalina had with her a bundle of papers which the...

2 years ago
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Sex education the first girls class

Cassandra smiled as she watched her first class of the year troop in. There had been a good turnout after the exact nature of the lesson was explained and the students sworn to secrecy on pain of expulsion. As the year 11 girls took their seats she appraised them silently. They were a good looking group of young ladies for the most part, though that partly because the ugly girls had mostly declined out of embarrassment. The eldest was almost 17, the youngest 15 (she had skipped a year and...

3 years ago
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Sex education the second girls class

Introduction: More in the class room The Second Girls Class Very good Amanda, very good technique. Cassandra praised the schoolgirl Now try to deep throat it. Behind her desk the young Asian teen took the dildo she had been sucking out of her mouth, holding it before her like a bridal bouquet But miss I… she began, Cassandra gave her a flinty smile, somehow reassuring and slightly menacing at the same time. Try, I know you have had trouble with it but the only way to improve is to practise....

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Teaching The Class

She had always wanted to be a teacher. Maybe it was all the great experiences she had with teachers as a kid. But Jessica Anderson had always wanted to be a teacher. People would always say she was too beautiful to be a teacher though, too sexy. They also thought she was too wild, and they were probably right. She became a teacher though, and she taught for almost a whole year until something happened. She taught two classes, math, and health. A little out of the ordinary, but she was a great...

2 years ago
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College Humiliation 8211 Part 2 Human Anatomy Class

Before continuing with the second part, let me give a brief background about this human anatomy class. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper. She is punished and humiliated by the Dean. She is stripped nude and punished. The main character of this story is Juhi, and she is narrating this. The Dean had asked all college students to go to their classes. He ordered me to go to my class as well. I was stunned...

4 years ago
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Sex education the second girls class

“Very good Amanda, very good technique.” Cassandra praised the schoolgirl “Now try to deep throat it.” Behind her desk the young Asian teen took the dildo she had been sucking out of her mouth, holding it before her like a bridal bouquet “But miss I...” she began, Cassandra gave her a flinty smile, somehow reassuring and slightly menacing at the same time. “Try, I know you have had trouble with it but the only way to improve is to practise. Have you been doing your prep?” “Well, no miss....

1 year ago
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Sex Ed in Miss Kinnys Class

I’m Adam, and I am 6’4, 180 lbs. and fairly muscular. I attend a catholic high school, and live in Canada. This is my story about a teacher giving “sex ed” classes. She walked in, the 24 year-old goddess, Miss Kinny, the LA teacher for my school. Her long red hair and D-cup breasts made every boy in the school want her, not to mention some of the girls. So when she walked into class that day, in a low cut top, mini-skirt and black leather boots that went up to her knees, most mouths in the...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 224 Advanced Aikido Class

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 (Continued) Leaving school was almost a feeling of déjà vu, as there was a crowd waiting for me in the parking lot, mostly of middle-school girls. We were spotted and mobbed by the hordette, asking, "Is it true?", "Are you really rich?", "Are you really a millionaire?" Etc. They let Julia and me through to the car and my sisters. Thank goodness my mobs have all been made of people smaller than me; hordes would be terrifying if I was Julia's size compared to...

3 years ago
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Speech Class

Nothing really noteworthy happened whilst riding down the street. I did nearly get hit by a black Buick, but then again, people suck at driving in my town, so it happens at least once a week. I arrived at the last crosswalk/ stoplight and saw a girl from my Speech class. She looked over her shoulder and gave me a warm greeting. “Hey Andrew! How’s it goin’?” I couldn’t hear her on account of my headphones blasting Metallica into head. I put my song on pause and took a headphone out of my ear....

5 years ago
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The Film Class

The Film Class*Please understand that the era of this story included true social experimentation, up to and including at the levels of graduate university studies. “Far out” events, like the following, really did occur. If they were not sanctioned by administrations, they were, at least, tolerated or ignored.By 1970, my wife, Janet, had a true athletic fitness and had changed her hair, from what had been light brown, to a true bright blonde color. It was an excellent combination with her Nordic...

5 years ago
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Sitting In Class

I grew up in a rather conservative household, but that was always fine because I was never one to go out and party and get involved in such things. I was fine staying home and living vicariously through my friends. Eventually I graduated high school and got to college. I was still a quiet kid, I got along with my roommate well enough, and I was usually able to find some people to have dinner with or walk to class with . So it was a pleasant time. But I did have a secret. Somewhere along the way...

First Time
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Writing Class

Writing Class F/M By [email protected] I finished high school, I went to college because I wanted to become a newspaper reporter. I liked working with people and I liked getting the facts correct on events that happened in the community. So I entered college and took a lot of journalism classes. Most of the classes I really enjoyed and I had a very high grade point average. I made the Dean’s list every semester and everything was going great.Then I had to take a class called “Writing...

1 year ago
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Sex ed The girls class

Helen Boyer surveyed glanced up at the clock on the classroom wall and with a couple of hard raps on her desk with the butt end of a ruler, quickly brought her fifth period Human Sexuality and Family Planning class to order!!! "Okay everyone," she ordered, "please open your books to chapter eleven, page two hundred fifty two, today we're going to be discussing condoms and when we should be using them!!!" "Now, how many of you use condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse, please raise your...

4 years ago
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The Sex Education Class

Dear Reader, This short story is my way of paying tribute to a British actress -Joyce Grenfell. A gifted musician, talented film actress, witty & entertaining writer and of course, Queen of the comic monologue – Joyce Grenfell was a woman of many talents. In the 50s and 60s she wrote and performed a number of comic monologues centred around a much harassed schoolteacher trying very hard to maintain control over a class of increasingly unruly children. Although this is not in any way, shape...

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Band Class

The next few periods blended together; English – another boring lesson about some dumb dead elite Literature author, Math – ahhh Pre – Cal! (what, I love numbers! And there’s always an answer with math!) Finally, the best part of the day. Lunch. Stopping at the vending machine, I grab a sub and an OJ jug. Vitamins, minerals, and a few calories mean everything to girl that doesn’t eat much food. I find our table with a few of my closest friends, Susie, Justine and Justin (the twins), Sammie,...

3 years ago
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Hillcrest Academy for Girls Part II Art Class

Cassie left the Head Mistress flustered and extremely aroused. She never expected that she would enjoy the spanking as much as she just did. Was it because it was a new experience or that Mr. Williams, the new male teacher spanked her, or that he touched her wet pussy or that she was able to momentarily brush her tongue against his pant’s bulge? She didn’t know what it was but she felt her body tingle all over. One more moment of Mr. Williams spreading lotion on her red ass and she would have...

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Ms Fitch teaches her class

Reaching her classroom she entered telling her students to take their seats she started class. The day seemed to go quickly but as it went by she began to feel strange and as the final bell rang she felt herself falling and she blacked out. Regaining consciousness Alyssa found she could not do anything as she lay tbere listening to her student talk. You sure she is okay one student asked. Yea another replied in fact she is probably listening to us now she is paralyzed. Perfect another chimed...

2 years ago
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Band Class

Written by Pars001 and Fantasyflirt As soon as the bell rang, I rushed out into the hall. I had to get out of that room! As always, Debate class had pissed me off. Great, just finished third period and I am already feeling the effects of a bad day. Then some wackjob smacked my arm; turning around I nearly clogged my bestie! Susie had been telling me about some little hottie. As if I cared about some new boy she had the hots for! Susie just shook her head and said, “just wait ‘till sixth...

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